Kya WHAHAHA? Teri Bindiya, Uski Neendiya- Na Udade Toh Kehna! Bade mazaaki ho, Tusi bade mazaaki ho- aur cute bhi!
Hey guys, how r u!! hey aliea…what up
khushiji – i saw this in kabhi khushi kabhi gham- i was just wondering what does it mean?
Scar face:
yup, listen to me and you will have less headache and minimal heartache. have laughter as your appetizer, sarcasm as your main course and humour as dessert. and to top it off, i'll throw in a free cup of wit and charm, shaken but not stirred.okay whatever u say DADDYji….
I also want a free cup of witz and tonza charmz, stirred NOT shaken plz, thank u
kavz, on a serious note, cosmics r8, we women tend to advise with our emotions on the sleeve ( mizz boo not included )
whereas men tend to look at things logically….at least at certain times
lol ali.. sniffs..well maybe i' got caught up with these emotional what do i do now to feel cold????!!
yup, listen to me and you will have less headache and minimal heartache. have laughter as your appetizer, sarcasm as your main course and humour as dessert. and to top it off, i'll throw in a free cup of wit and charm, shaken but not stirred.
oreo you actually care about me — sniffs –*bawling*[:'(]
thank you
Scar face:
aaargh pleez, no need to feel ………… kavs
to be honest, I bought myself a copy of one of the harry potter books, cant remember the name coz I havent read it yet…hahaha
I loved the movies, and if I was like 15, I wud be drooling over the dude
plus he can fly yeah….lol
Well me dont know if cosmic or nitz are warm inside, but will try to take a peek soon and confirm this okies…lol
Hahahhaaa trueeee nah but they are real good books n movies
Hey … yeah i was surprised oreo actually gave warm advice……
i know i know …… it is a good advice but…the thing is.. i mean wouldnt you feel bad i mean if you dont even get to see him on a regular basis and then when he comes by you how would you feel for him to say he has to leave now to go by his friends ( why cant he go by them, it so easy to go by THEM on regular basis bc they dont even have parents around to have to beg and ask for permission )
anyway…. we arent talking now ;… i feel very sick …. and that is really upsetting me bc i have so much homework to do soo gotta go gather the strength and do it … i just dont know what to say… im not like them who ever said that i was special for pple to wnt to stay with me … but anyway … more talk about this topic..
lol @ scarry hehehe.. i know they now they're warm in side but they always bustin up with this bad boy attitude lol
oooooooooo alright i know it sounds…………………… but harry potter books are awesoem
he's schizooo I tell u…!!!
Scar face:
i feel seriously confused and irritated, really irritated, am breaking the fones and screaming at people, screaming at my poor
mom *****wiping away tears for being sooooo nasty********
all of this is making the guys I work with roll over with laughter which made me laugh after screaming at them
i feel blessed to have the strength to smile when all i wanna do is CRY ..I knw Mara hates us bollywood crying heroins hahahaha
but I feel this way now… ..
laughing, crying, screaming, what else????????? wat next???????? Mom is going bak tonite
An aunt of mine had passed away, I repeat …..wat next?????………..was good to see her after 2 whole months
off coz I am writing/typing with a bleary eye, lotza emotion today, pent up anger….
so wat I say may not make much sense at all, PLEASE IGNORE…
ps: Am losing a friend I called sister, a friend i shared soooo much with, a bond I thought would neva wither…
Oh sweetheart, I don tever want to hear about you crying – ever! aww honey… try to make it up to your sweet mom before she goes back…oh honey you must miss her alot when she was gone and now she is here and bc you are having a hard time … you just let your anger out
Dont feel too bad, instead, just explain toherwhats going on and it will make her understand even more why you acted the way you did
dont keep your anger pent up sis… it doesnt do you any good….take it out here… if its so hazardous to take out in real life, take it out here type it out … pent up anger does not do you any good hon… get it out your mind lift the weight off of it..type type type
dont worry although you have been feeling confused and irritated everyone around still loves you very very much
and..about this dre he hurt you? i dont know wht he did..but how dare he!
Hey my loves, how are you all? Rani marine ..scarry (yeah m gonna start caslling you this since thats what every1 calls you!) booji
nice to see you all still replying…and just wanted to say thank you all so much n i know i didnt explain 100% what was happening so that sorta had
ya'll a lil confused … but thanks a million you have no idea how better it all made me feel …….so thanks alot guysu're all so sweet! … by the way did i tell you…. you know right now me and him are not talking…bc of this whole stupid thing..i am such a stupid girl oreo you are so right i need to stop being so possessive ! i feel kinda bad now coz i know i brought him off as like the 'mean' one buit when it really boils down to the end its me im the mean one huh…i mean…. how can i be so possessive of him
as for oreoji!! omg..oreo actually being nice to me give me brotherly advice – i feel special now lol thanks for the advice oreo sniffs….. but where did u go for all this time
aliea sweetheart now you are confusing me you are in a time of need and never say sorry …or NEVER tell us to ignore you bc we will never do that …JUST tell us your feelings and what ever you wrote was so deep but not sure what is happening…there with you – what did this guy do to you? bc it seem like he has upset my sweet little scarry and that doesnt maake me feel good at all …about your mom…aww hugs* oh honey..make things right..and keep your head up and dont let anyone upset your heart ….and about htis friend you are losing…… sniffs… i feel sorry to hear about all these thing but tell us more and let your feeling out and the more you tell the more we will udnerstand the situation and be able to advise you or tell you right things … about the passing away…oh honey*hug* have my sympathy i am so sorry to hear about it – tell us your heart
love ya'll
Thank you
For all the tears
All the tears, all the stress
You're the best
I feel blessed
Im a better woman now
Look how I smile
All you did was help the next man
This experience made
Me who I am
wow..unique_princess… deep
Booji – Hi…I must say…. a… wow wow wow..dont worry, Raniji wont be upset with you is just your opinon on something like raniji had on the same thing …alright..ok im still wowing… you're right in a lot of ways..i mean it is my heart …ad you know what for a very long tim I have been fighting this heart..bc i didnt think it was moral to …fall into… you know what…. but… i gues now it seems like its winning and the only thing is just accept…but the thing is…loving someone makes it so much more easier for you toget hurt..and i swear i am considered a cold person ..well..was…well…… imean 'cold' in the sense that u know sometimes we hear feel see understand things but… you put this barrier around you so that nothing would hurt you bc you know if it hurts it will hurt real darn bad .. and im not meaning love only..just..other stuff.. Really i want to say thanks…bc .. thanks alottt!! i mean… u r right… a lot depends on myself… and… i have to figure stuff out..but i guess that where i get all confused..the figuring out part… but thanks alot… i mena..i tried to always do was was 'right' and 'moral' ( and u know this doesnt include 'loving' – well..for me! ) … .but it seems like i have…and now im actually seeing how… its not all of that immoral… i mean.. to leave the heart and not fight it bc i fought it so much… u r so right…. my viewpoint …bc it is me… and the part where u said i have to carry this heart… omg..that is so true! thx alot *hugs* for u… n yea im cool too don worry abt it haha
nessaji thanks alot for the chin up
thanks alot u guys!! ok every1 of u said somthing like..'im not being responsilble for this but ….. ” just want to tell you guys that dont be feeling 'guilty ' or scared to tell me something of what ur advice is bc … i wont run off and do anything but ur advice is aiding me … from the point of cheering me up … supporting me…to the point of guiding me
okay guys…i feel weird talking about this..i mean what if this guy came here and saw all this!! .. i mean..i dont mean to make him sound 'mean' or anything bc he is Not he eally is not …..gosh…okay maybe i shud stop now about this … hehe..thank u all..i know I MADE ALOT OF POSTS..sooorrrrryyyyyyy its just..had soooo much to say
love you all … hugs kisses hugs kisses
alieaaa love…thank you so much for the response … as thanks go out to all of you all
gosh i actually laughed alot after reading your'r supportive and funny ..good thing… yes i knowwww we're separated by the ocean and a zillion km ha.. but i'll be here for you too if you need any time to talk
and what is this thing about you ..and this..alien species!! if i remembered correctly it was oreo who started some kind of thing that u're from out of space
i know you were trying tomake me smile with that..
Yes..guys I know..I respect my parents alot and treat them and think about them before every decision i make bc they are the ones who are supporting me and keeping me and ..enduring me…
oh when i said im not supposed to be doing this..i sort of meant 'loving' i guess… i dont know… i thought it was wrong and stuff … but lately i've beging to figure out its not 100% wrong and immoral to love someone and at least i should not feel 100% guilty just to -love- someone ( have the feeling ) especially when my parents know who the person is and everything…. but i dont knw..i guess im getting 'used' to this whole ..thinking… well u're right about ..being who i am …and if i have feelings then it is what it is despite of 'norms' or what society thinks..but im just saying…shud i feel like this…..i mean u r totally right i feel HORRIBLE to feel upset bc he has dealings with his friends… bc i know he's sort of having negative emotions also ( he feels happy w hen he goes by his friends of course – so when i say not to gothere i guess he feels … unhappy? – so thast what make me feel unhappy too ) .. but why is he feeling that unhappy if he doesnt go there… with them and all… taking into consideration everything with parents with studies is NOT like i can see him on a basis or timely regular basis so when ever i do see him why should he even think of going somewhere he can go
agian..dont think he is a bad person he is a wonderful person and he is very kind and wonderufl and has a good heart..but maybe im the … @%^#@ one for being like that… i dont know ..but like i said..its not like I WANT TO DO THIS..OR I HAVE A DESIRE TO MAKE HIM UPSET..I DONT!!! its just that sometiems i get these feelings that i cant control
Kavs Rani si right And calling yourself Abnormal get that out of your mind.
And you do have friends you have us even thought we are far. And also i agree with Rani about your parent no matter how many people come and go in and out of your life you willa lwyas have your parent and you will always need them so think about every little that you plan on taking
Love you guys
Hey Marine.. love …thanks..i guess i should take this 'abnormal' term out of my mind huh….
Aww guys i know you all are my friends that why i love you all so much i really do …even though i know we are far apart.. somthing i got from another thread was – we are all around the globe yet support each other and i think that is so amazing
Hugs to all of my sweet sister i love you all so much … you all are just here at my emotional rescue i cant imagine what i would have done otherwise
Rani my love , How are you? Thank you so much for giving me these words you're so sweet… I guess I shouldnt use the word 'abnormal' then..its just..that I sort of see my self 'singled' out , if you know what I mean …. and when I saw my self singled out thats when i felt it was okay to maybe associate the situation with something that wasnt normal or what everyone does
Well its something that you guys dont know about me becuase I havent told anyone but no I dont really have friends I guess maybe bc i dont really talk alot or something… I dont know. And before i didnt think it mattered bc I just wanted to be loyal in every way for my parents and studies and everything..
And it still doesnt matter … bc maybe that is who I am you know? … but since this whole situation with this guy has come up…it just sort of prompted me to ask myself you know… why should i feel this way ; bc if i told this thing to any one they would probably laugh and say i shouldnt be that way ( well not you guys bc u guys r my friends ) but i guess pple looking in a judgemental way.
About going behind my parents back – well i've had a hard time with that and ended up corrupting my own body and self bc of it but no no I would not do that; my parents know who this guy is and he has come over to our home a few times… I know parents will give up anything for us
And Rani honey dont say 'break up ' with this guy bc … i cant accept he fact that im 'in' some..thing bc maybe not..i guess i just dont like to have this idea stereotypical name of 'boyfriend' or girlfriend or relationship or 'break up' im not use to it and it isnt routine for me so if i do 'break' it will be only once
Guys…dont think this guy is a bad person..dont get me wrong.. he is a very wonderful, kind person
i just dont know why ifelt the way i feel… which again promted the thought about the whole friend thing…if i had many firneds and stuff… then i would find what he is doing …is absolutely GREAT…hey even maybe i would have asked him to go out with him and his friendS..who knows…
but i dont have and mayb ethats why i see it different and maybe take it in a different way…….. oh god..this is too long sorry guys but i have to get this out… and im sure u guys want to hear to ge a better understanding of what is happening …… anyway thank you all
love you all always
or an oreo nitzah wannabe?
lol…at marine…hehehee…. with the ..he's not really that bad he's totally evil hahhaa
aww we need to stop hatin' on baqz for real lol
Scar face:
Oye Sweety, watz with all the crying????
stop it immediately lol…aaaannnnnd heres sum pink scented tissues
Hey love…. ooooo i was just sniffing bc of the prior post..with us being from around the globe but we're here for one another ..supporting each other!!
how true it is!!!!!!!!!
thanks for the tissues you're so sweeet *hug* *hug*
Hey every111
howdy right back at ya boooooo whats up hun *hugs* havent seen you in a long time
yeah…….. thats totally ignorant aliea..but dont mind them…… do not let others upset you
These lonely nights are hard to get through. I will keep you in my eyes by making you a dream.”
Ohhh Nessaji , how sweeeet
quote: scarface: Lekker Kavs…..but am a lil confused…
how about loving even the lil imperfections of that person??? instead of turning it into perfection..
why wud anyone want a perfect someone as a partner anyways, theres gotta be sum drama
in the relationship lol
okies ignore me………….am sooooooo anti love, anti relationships, anti MEN right now
quote: scarface
Heyyyyyyy! H r U! Oh I just saw this quote and sort of wrote it down here ; well the thing I was meaning is that… some people have so many imperfections
and so many complaining about how negative it is … and sometimes it is other people who can be able to Persuade the person with these imperfections
that these imperfections do NOT define personality ( and the person themself ) ………. I know its kinda confusing how its written..but by 'turning to perfection' – it meant mentally … i didnt mean like grabbing aperson seeing all the negative stuff on them and taking them places or spending money just to 'fix' it … i guess it meant that if ur mind Accepts it – then its really 'fixed'
Okay im not ignoring..bc who isnt anti-relationship!!! hahaa… …….
lol..u like drama huh … ach…stability is good toooo ooooooooo!
Hey Rani..
Well its not much that..with 'relationship' … I just…. its just…. Im not supposed to be doing any of this you know
and any time I can get to talk to him or whatever I put that time for him only bc I know its not really right to go ahead and do
all these stuff … taking into consideration my upbringing and my parents and everything …
but I dont know why i feel so bad if he tells me he is going with his friends … i just feel sort of like really bad.. i mean..i know i have no other
in the world to be wtih and stuff…and i sort of realized..something..maybe if I HAD friends and if I HAD people to hang with..then maybe it would be like this
and I wouldnt feel liek this when he does it … but then agian i cant explain what i feel… i just know that alot of pple would think this this is abnormal
but maybe its abnormal bc i am abnormal or something
thanks alot honey