Seriously comic…….come on u cant blame us for havin hugs n love
we're together nnnnnnnn some a this love is going straight ur way too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nahhhhhhhhhh yemen..thaz hot …lol..every1 be talkin it where ilive..
well..alotta pple
Booji – omg – honey you areeeeee here with us!!! sniffs…i really wish though if one of these days we can all meet up …i treasure you guys so much you have no idea!
l******** holding khushi up *********** slow down hun… ya feel less dizzy now? come on = im gonna dance with ya……..*swirls n swirls* khushi..r ya dancin?
aliea..ooooh wow me never went to clubs before … but i guess its nice? i mean what kind of music do u dance to? nahhhhhhhhh oreo better not comment otherwise on ur writing compliments coz then we'd just have to prove to him how wrong his judgements are at times!
lets all swirl around with khushi **************swirls **************** im feelin the love in here …sniffs
yeahh boojii me love our oreoji dearly too
lol @ yemen … i gots to learn that gangsta talk you be usin …peace (ehehhe)
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww she gats love coz she's lovable not coz she's crazy..booji! hehehe
but if its so = she's crazy in the most lovable way ever – aww hugs shweetooo
Alright booji u r totally making me crack up
aww poor oreo why all a ya'll hatin on him
p.s – hey i jus checked my mailthing n replied to you!! sry didnt kow it was there
LOL heheheheheheeee geezh………… well…..maybe tons of mental pple go to those clubs
hehe …u was outta there in a flash huh …….rotfl
lol – u r cracking up by imagining marnie going 'oreo go sit on a stick'
lol – what abt oreo actually caught red handed in the action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Ali! Whats up love
ooooooo Gossamer is that person that u weer talkin abt y'day – i got confused lol
awwwwwww why art thou blushin – you know you're an intelligent one!
oooooooooooooooooo you go to clubs??? ooooooo she was in a club lol – aww..but how u klnow she thinks u r a ***? nnnnnnnn nah dont take it back
BOW when someone thinks ur hot lol coz u're lucky
me don hae pple telling me that often no guyz
-er nor girl – lol
love yah huggies for u
Right back at ya khushi
n everyone
Right back at ye
lol u seem to really be in a good mood today booji… n u're online right now yay!
lol..r u seriuos..wud u really put GO SIT ON A STUFF on ur msn name??? lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
me cracking up
i know…! she totally does! her words just sorta go with the flow of everything…
Hey booji whats up…oooo i think that s just in there to go with the whole flow of the poem hehe..but it fits in like it alot
but i REALLY really really REALLY like that poem/song on ur pic right now it makes yeh feel soooooooo happy when reading it lol – try imagine it
Oreo – PLEASE!!!
lol marine you crack me uppppppppppp lol…. well just thought baqz might a had the 'lil' attitude bad boy attitude coz of oreo n nitzah lol… lol..faltoo children? heheheh im so cracking up……
nah i believe oreo n nitzah + baqz r all warm hearted … we girls here already saw WAY UNDER their posts..if u kno wwhat i mean~!
ali are you like online right now?! lol
Hey guys
Ali…. ooh ilike that one!
Scar face:
Ek voel baie baie moeg….
sad coz my fwend just resigned from work…
happy coz its wat she wanted to do for a while now
tired coz I partied the n8 away and am reallllly sleepy
elated coz my sis got an A level pass…she was really ill during her exams
Irritated coz this lady at this joint thought i was a ***,oh my gawd, I almost fainted.
impatient, coz I want this day at work to go by faster, need to go hommmmmmmmee..
blessed to have good friends and family….
grateful for being able to have another stressful day on this maddening earth
okies will stop now….hahahahaha
Aww Hugs to all of my sweet sisters… Ali…have i ever told you that your speaking is like POETRY!!! I must learn from you
so intelligent! you write poetry? whenever you write (even somethig normal) like up there , it is so deeeep
awww….who thought you were a les…? maybe SHE WAS!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
I'm sad.
I'm having a horrible day and the worst isn't even over yet…this is gonna be a really long day. Ya Allah, please help me.
For My sweet Raniji.
My love, do not worry about the day. Sometimes we have bad days but think of it as – “it will blow away soon” fashion – and remember
we are all here for you and here with you so come and let your feelings out and off of your chest
for feelings locked in never do u good
Hugs to you my darling – Cheer up – Here is a big HUG
Cheer up little angel – you will be fine – dont worry to much – cheer up – smIle – promise that you will smile after reading this!
love -kavi
oreo you actually care about me — sniffs –*bawling*[:'(]
thank you
*send shiverssssss down me spine*
im allergic to hugz so u can take that back.
hugs for oreo for being so nice
Am Rani:
OH MY GOD!!!! I was sitting in the train this morning, and on the other side of the train, there was such a wonderfull, handsome, OMG, Saif Ali Khan look-a-like!!!!
I'm not such a big Saif fan, but this guy was… yummy!!! I just couldn't help myself, I've kept staring at him untill I had to get out… Aaaaaahhhh, sometimes delays are SOOOOOO nice
(ok, that was random, but hey! This IS the totally random thread
Oh wowwwwwwwwwwwwww lol … well that was a nice treat for you huh… Amraniji!!! How are you? And Shakz!!!! Omg… you guys are back where did you guys go? I wasnt here for al ogn time until ike 1 week ago when i came back also…… wow..hey if i rememebred correctly before i left for that while – one of u guys said u got engaged – i believe it was shakz? coz then an engaged person who is sooooooo overly happy with her new guy probably wont be admiring a saif ali khan look alike and call him yummy lol
aliea – right back at you girl – gots to send more hugs back to oreo to warm him up lol – he's being so nice! — dont worry oreo – u cant be allergic to something as loving as hugs n plus alie will throw a bundle of hugs for u so u wud get used to them