rose why did you leave me here you disappeared and never came back i miss you lots honey i fyou are reading this for heaven's sake please send me an email or something im so worried about you
true that
this is like 2 yrs ago n serio n nitzah are like..still the same ole same ole
why kareena is good but over acts sometimes but she's like the only kapoor whom i watched most movies with
i'd go with
karishma kapoor
kareena kapoor
anil kapoor
tushar kapoor
oh mah god – i love johny depp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you serious about amitabh working with depp???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay srk is HOT !
hey ? Whats up hun ………. ooooooo yeah totally good point hehe…who's haylie? ooooo she's in love with hp huh …well not sure if im 'in love' with him but… i am kinda…all into the movies n stuff hehe coz they're awesome soooooooooooooooooooo awesome! YEAH! GO Harry potter go!!!!
oh come on im sure there has to be hp lovers..or likers for that this forum! speak up!
naww thought u knew what it meant coz i think u just replied..or were u juz 'goin with the flow' of the convo?
no coz i was about to sayyy 'blue pill' sound kinda dangerouS! hehe – hope it aint the BIG stuff ya'll talkin abt
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Kav! theree you go
heyyyy yumin what up ? how's life?
alright – ima start studyin for my 2nd subject test right now… k better speed thingz up n cram stuffz properly ..gotta get through this week!!!!!! gotta! lol
sighs…what the heck? image thief detected..huh?!!!! i found this pic in my comp i guess my sis saved it from online — just thought i'd put it to reflect my feelings since i didnt wanna called…TALK about all my anger and stuff at the moment — thanks ness – well sure hope that 'buttercup' is referrin to both her and me … hehe muahz to u
shakzzzz what up?!! awwwww love don worry abt yr boss too know how sometimes pple can be big butt heads ..but then again he/she's ur boss ..sooooo gatta be careful
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ah ha! it was you who said u' got engaged………awwww sweetumsssssss good luck nnnnn thaz sooooo schweeetttt dining at the same place he proposed to you…….schweet! he betta treat you good
hey where's my 'hi' ali
luv u
heck yeah booji ur choco cake looks delicioso~~!!! c'mon guys lets share it hehe
nawww harry potter books ARE SO SUSPENSFUL !! they're awesome me love em lots…well n the movies are hot too
but yeah then again if u wanna stick to REALITY..then hp is a bad choice lol
nooooo no sweetums im jus saying…from what i heard from like religious pple ..its like……. u know if u're a good person then..u're just saved..i mean… (interms of religion)
coz come on now – ther are pple who say they believe in god but they are right down plain evil – so wots to say about t hat?!! n i agree with that whole idea..coz as long as u're a good soul n have a good heart like u n every1 else whether believe in god or not – then that's just… a good thing.. i mean.i m just sayin..
coz whats the diff b/w a person who says they blieve in god n then be evil and an athiest who is evil – prob no diference……… n whats the diff bw a nonbeliever who is such a good soul! and a bliever who is such a good soul! – prob no diff either there too..
core difference i mean
love u
wot u guys mean by the BLUE PILL
true that pple…true that..
sniffs..poor oreo we makin fun outta the ole lil cosmic kiddo
hey dudes … wots rockin yr boats today?!
n ali i sent you private msg with all my feelings oh god now if i read excuse my lang!!!
Hello chenna – sorry I dont know which song that is
Hey every1 what up! Oooooooooo marine – lol … u ignored sul – r u for realz?! omg yeah heck yeah let HIM say hi to u
oo ali abt the whole club things oooo u don recommend me go unless u're there to guard me huh lolz..dude is it that bad tho?
i mean…. whooo rent u scared .. i mean with druggers n hookers..n stuff?!
yeah sry about the bad UNlady like lang – but i HAD TO GET MY FEELINGS OUT Sniffs….. n culdnt write so much in here so just put a sad pic
oh yes booji – irememember in a past thread it was talking about believing in a creator and after life or something
and i remember you saying that you are a non-believer
n i was wondering what do you think will happen to pple after they die?
then i sorta remember u sayin that … u guys think that when u die..u just die..ur body just goes in the earth and..decays n thats it
but you know what, you are a good person
and for the believers in this forum … as long as you are good the lord wont punish you right? as long as you are a good soul you'll just be reborned until you go in a life in which you believe in him
okay i am so f***ing pissed off