Hey guys, just wanted to reopen this thread b/c I am in need of some of the advice
plz help
luv ya'll
Hey honeyS , what up? Boooooo Im in love with em tooo!!! Had to put 'em here in the threads b/c they look sooo beautiful they really do..and they match with your sig pic
Tayaba honey sometimes life just happens to give us the worse..n then we become all confused n sad n then we're hurtin n dont really know what 2 do but u know what – look inside urself – and do some positive SElf talk n u shall get through the moment b/c u r strong n i have confidence n u n i know that u can do n i know that u can get through b/c we're all here hopin for u… but u just have to have hope in urself and be strong and be positive and try to fight off negative talks n thoughtz…n i know all this cud sound easy but itz soo hard to do but at least try and let this be in ur consciousness
Rani my shweetooo how are you? Yepp tnx nessa for the corrections (mine) hehe well I think I remember only a little spanish..un poco espanol (ha!) ; Awww Rani your teacher sounds like a #$^%&
n Im gettin smoky offa mah chair coz she bein all mean 2 u coz its not funny n u don deserve it coz u're a good student n u're hard workin n i know u hold respect for u so at least she cud have given u back a response like the other pple…but do ya think she iddnt give yah a response coz it was 100% perfect..? coz then if thas why that'll be perfect!! if not..then …. i dont like teachers ilke that..who make fun out of people …i just never like when teachers do that..n some of them r like that ..n im smokin outta mah ears now coz i heard what yeh had to go through but dun worry hun … leave the past in the past..n work on tomorrow n show her that u r u.. n that u can do it n make it in her class n nothin getz to u
Love you guys, take care… Hey~ Rani you mentioned about msn ids /screen names..you guys wanna share em? I'ld love to talk to you guys any time if Im online … the only person i have pm is Marine..oh gosh wish she was here she has not replied in such long time!
yesh they are really good
Ohh thanks for the correction Ness!!!
Wait 1st of all what is an Ice Queen? Do tell me you guys
Shakz hun listen : U're a strong independent woman too n you gat so many pple that love you includin us n
n that fine finace of yours . I dont know if you told your fiance as yet but I suggest you tell him and have him help you how to deal with what that jerk of a boss is doing 2 you > n yeah we all know that you're a hottie but that doesnt give your boss especially ! the right to harrass you sexually
Being assertive is a good step to take to shun him of his stupidity n disrespect — > Hun —> You gatta make it clear to him that you dont appreciate the crap what he's doin to you coz it makes you feel very uncomfortable and he shud know that HE IS the wrong one coz you 're not supposed to be doing that in a professional place like that. So try being more assertive yes, and be Strong in your words, dont be all jokey coz they he's gonna take it all for a joke you gatta show him n be serious when u tellin him that its not aight for him 2 be pickin on u sexually n also tell ur fiance and ask him for advice coz after all he's the closest 1 u can trust n he loves u with all his heart so he'll kno whatz best for u… n dont blame me if after u tell ur fiance ( unless he knows already ) ur boss ends up run over with a van down the street or something..oopss sorry thats … cold..hehe…
So let him know juz let ur boss know that u aint gonna take it n it is really bothering u – or TEll a Co-worker how you feel and maybe they can tell ur boss about the problem if you cant tell him yourself — all the best — kav
thnx ali! for explaining it betta lol coz i did a bad job obviously
yesh boo …. you being you dont mean anything just bc you dont believe in god!
you're a wonderful person and thats what goes!
Raniiiiiiiii! Sweetheart are you alright? dont stress ya self missy
just do what yeh can do and always remember that you are smart girl en your gonna ace those tests or studying esp
if they're in a different language
buene suerte mi amor!
i think thts right ..i learned some espanol en high school pero no se si im talking it correctly!
love u hun – do not LOOSE IT! plz!
Rani Mukherjee!!
Kareena Kapoor
Preity Zinta
Madhuri Dixit
thts my top 5
Kajol is definitely a NATURAL!!!!!
rani is sooooo sweet
aww nawww that sucks i hope she gets on here soon n see how much love n appreciation is waiting here for her!!!!!!!!!
btw…how did you talk to her unique? u guyz kno eqch other in real life?
woo gues i've missed alot since i cudnt talk here …oo the exams were hard as heck but thanks for the magic dust scaryy i still gat some on me ehehehehehe very useful in everyday life hehhehee
soo i hope u guyz r doin alright
but ppssst!!!!!!! i've been chillin with srk — he's so awesome
ahhhhhh – dreamy just dreamyyyyyyyyy
>No I seriously don tknow what you guys mean by blue pills and green pills the only pills i remember taking…are..emm..white? but they're normal
i dunno if u guys r talkin about….. the DANGEROUS pills…. when yeh say BLUE and GREEN
> Oh MY god!!!!! ali sweetheart are you ALRIGHT?!! WHATS wrong honey , how come this thing with the hair falling : I'll try to see if i can find some solutions with that the bet thin gto do is find something tht is NATURAL u know instead of puttin all those chemical on ur hair n then
it ends up doin the opposite or sumthing
okay honey you have to be LESS STRESSFUL and do not work yourself out too much b/c stress does cause HAIR LOSS and you must relax
YOGA and mediation always works if you ahve to just stretch for a few minutes and after the stretching just sit there quietly for a few minutes by yourself …reaching in your own mind and relaxing it … it will help relieve some of the stress you have to do that
There are some oils that can be used to help hair growth and ease hair drop i will see if i can find out about some of them and tell you okay honey but do not lose yourself in this thing… we're here for u…n i want to tell u sumething BE HAPPY that ur hair is bouncy wit hcurls bc that is so CUTE! as fo rme my hair is like always frizzy maybe bc i hve really think hair n they cant bounc when i move around
take care you lovely girl
and do not worruy about things that are not worth it
love — kav
— thanks ness – well sure hope that 'buttercup' is referrin to both her and me … hehe muahz to u
Yes it was Kavi!
And *muaaaahhhzzz* back at ya!
BTW, was that you in the desktop photo w/ Harry Potter?!?!?!?! You're gorgeous!
whoooooooo I wish nessa!
n shakz i agree with nessa and the karma thing lol
guyz the tests were hard but i nkow i got an A in 1 of em yippeeeeeeee as for th other 1 well its not n A but i hope tis at least a B – or somethin
— thanks ness – well sure hope that 'buttercup' is referrin to both her and me … hehe muahz to u
Yes it was Kavi!
And *muaaaahhhzzz* back at ya!
BTW, was that you in the desktop photo w/ Harry Potter?!?!?!?! You're gorgeous!
whoooooooo I wish nessa!
n shakz i agree with nessa and the karma thing lol
guyz the tests were hard but i nkow i got an A in 1 of em yippeeeeeeee as for th other 1 well its not n A but i hope tis at least a B – or somethin
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww schweeeeeeet!!!!!! ali
Hello – unique, nosiyra, ali! etc etc Whats up?
Hope ya'll doing good oooo im sooo relieved that these 2 hards tests are over – but got 1 cmoin up soon [hehe] well at least these 2 r over!
well they were both hard but im sure i did good on 1 of t hem, as for the other one hmmmm iknow it aint no A but im prayin that its not as low as a C
oh hhhh again im asking who's gossamer? tell meeeeeeee your very good friend but
props 2 them for like H/P
coz H/P is totally awesome lol
he is the headmaster of hogwarts (their school ) !!!!!!!!!!
k i m gonna rub tha magic dust all ova me ima swallow it ima ingest it im rub it in mah hair
i need it
n thankx fot he prayers
i am so screwed
ahhaahahhaaa… oooooooooooooooooo bt why u not in a nice mood..everything ok with u?
im in a crappy mood coz my test isl ike in 1 hour and i have to study ab unch of stuff and cram in 1 hour