Can someone tell : What are ways that one can relieve PAIN from within themselves
ElephantS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( definitely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
Roti or rice ?
Person above me lives in the NETHERLANDs ( not NEVERLAND where peter pan lives )
sweet tamarind ball
Hey there h r u
Well, srk acted well in like all his movies haha
kuch kuch hota hai and ddlj & k3G of course were like…classics
veer zaara was awesome
Will send you an email on this a little later
love you alot hon
take care and please dont hurt yourself worrying too much
and just remember to keep hope and have faith
Ali! Whats wrong you are not alright!!
Love Marriage
I dont really understand the whole custom of arranged marriage…..
I just see it in movies and stuff… I mean
I can understand ARRANGED MARRIAGE if a girl and Guy can not find any other pereson and their parents or whoever set them up .. thats fine
But if a girl LOVES someone and she is set up to have an ARRANGED MARRIAGE with some guy… ( who even probably fell in love with a girl )
well then arranged marriage does not make any sense
1 Q –
Who is King Fish?
Scar face:
OMG, my sister just called me to let me know that theres a huge storm back in Durbs
Theres sum sort of alignment with the sun, moon or wateva
Which is causing a major catastrophe
Half my town is being evacuated as I speak/type for fear of perhaps another tsunami ..
Daaaaaaamn and my mom didn’t tell me a thing about it when she called last night
Kindly keep my people in your prayer , it is sincerely appreciated
God's hands are the sheath of safety
Scar face:
OMG, my sister just called me to let me know that theres a huge storm back in Durbs
Theres sum sort of alignment with the sun, moon or wateva
Which is causing a major catastrophe
Half my town is being evacuated as I speak/type for fear of perhaps another tsunami ..
Daaaaaaamn and my mom didn’t tell me a thing about it when she called last night
Kindly keep my people in your prayer , it is sincerely appreciated
Ali – sorry to hear what is going on at your homeplace – just keep praying and keep hoping
Dear Lord God, heavenly Father, Sweet and humble Lord, wash sins away and spare us from catastrophies That everything will be alright and you will keep them safe Away from negative and dangerous associations Sweet and humble Lord, help all of those people who sit in fear Because you will forever make them SAFE |
awww…. ali
never really heard a love quote like that but
cant definitely ponder on that one crashing biz?! lol
marine…h r u hun………. what up ………..
n u r so rright
ali get yahoo for god's sake!!!!!!
allow me to take this whole marriage thing and stuff it way down into my unconsciousness
heyyy what up
shakz…how's ur perverted boss situation coming along?
ali…what up? how was the party?
aww *pats Rani on the back
its alright
im here now
haha whats this thing with u n rani running around wetting each other up
holi passed already
pchhh Rani whatchu know about ghettoness
Ness hey – just trying to do my reports for next class n i have a quizx too soo studying
ali..oh wow hey..u got a major point there
yes she must always be around the ones who loved her very much
gotta study!
hey all
oreo … sheesh..thats deep where'd ya get that one from/
aliii ooo well i cant really picture the 'french' guy look.. kinda hard for me lol except for the hat part but then..ne1 cudda worn a hat like dat
oooooooooooo yah meet a french guy ali? whooooooooo lolz
n he's cute eh woooooooo gettin alotta attention there i see hehehe
word up for that lol