Scar face:
wat da hell….
u guyz keepin secretz frm yr didi?? hmmmmmph
dnt even think of mentioning messenger this or dat to me
go flex yr fingers an type ….
now watevas going on …I want in on the BIG secret coz u guys have been fightin and am bludy damn curious and inquisitive hhehehehehehehe
love u guys and Kavs
CONGRATS on the great grades mmmmwaaaaah
my magic dust did the trick nah lol??
Ali! My love you are back! Overjoyed to hear that your family is doing well but my sympathy to those
who lost their lives or are still missing in the Lord name let us pray for their souls here today to be saved
I am sorry to hear about your country side where this crisis took place but dont worry – the place can be replaced & fixed ; I am overjoyed that your family is fine the lord is good
no oh my gosh me and marine want you to get yahoo mesenger b/c i am SO dying to chat with you any time and i know she is tooo
but i know how it is …sometimes we all get sooo busy! thats okay at leat you come in BWL and on email
love you no there is no secret my love – & what ever you think is a secret is all there for you & even marine to hear
btw, yes the magic dust DID HELP! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooff u betta stock up on dat coz i gat like alot of exams comin up soon hehehehe ima need extra this time lol
love you so much hun missed u like crazy!
marine — hi my love — tell ali that she needs YM again! lol will talk to you later & email
love you lots guys
love your enemies, they'll hate it!
whoa – this is quite interesting oreo
but yr enemies too..b/c its godly
Yeah..we definitely Rock! hehe
u're the best
srk you rock too haha
You are crazy yah i'm still on the topic just wanted to know how it was going for him was it enjoyable or not lol.
How are you jaanu? I sent you a reply hope you got it.
Hi mi love , how are you >? and oreo…dude how are you doing hehe
Marine – hun – Guess what I am better now … as in .. I am not lying or being sarcastic
Will talk to you on YM alright
omg ..rotfl … to you asking oreo if it was enjoyable or not could that be enjoyable! ha
No Kavs i'm glad you told me. I love you and I'm here for you as well as others but like i said i shouldn't have told you anything here I should've talk to you in YM i will so i'm here ok love.
And yah we all are human we all do one thing or another its just takes time to heal the pain that deep within you.
Hey marin *hug* you're the best ( totally !
No its okay, dont regret what you said here ( it was all indirect )
We will talk in YM
And thanks for being there and thanks fr the inspiration
And you are right
Time can be everything when you need it to heal you
Hey marine – no no no
Its alright that you talked here … I mean yes it is indirect so thats fine.. but yes i Will talk to you in YM sometime later & send you some offlines soon
Yes i never make promises… i just never do … anyway
Take care
talk t oyou soooon
lol you rock too mi love!
Right onnn!!!!!!!!
abducted by aliens? that would be extremely cool tho. beats being surrounded by u gals anytime!!
oof! you are not STUCK with us girls
you have ur free will and it is YOU WHO COME HERE to be surrounded by us
n awwww aint it sweet marine – he does all that for us snifferz we shud give him a haystack of hugs just to show his soft side from that comment
haha marine… aack … i think oreo wud definitely jump for joy to go to aliens lol but yesh we will miss the lil critter if he goes
Oreo – u better be careful what u wish for coz if it happens i will totally come back for you
marine ! Ack – forget about me please, dont worry about what I said I shouldnt have told it to you in the first place and now you are worry about me but just leave it alright..?
i am…………….. FINE okay
yes FINE
and you're right – i am human……………………………………. and thats exactly why we feel this much pain
Anyway hope you are alright
i love you di
what cost is that oreo? you'll coach if only i jump off of that cliff right
haha marine…. the stick thing is still around!~!~ that made everyone totally crack up
Naww dont really dying for help – just thought i'd re open the thread?? but since no one is replying then ack what the heck?
love u di
Okay I dont make promises but
you know what why Did I tell you this in the first god darn place hmmp? See no one was supposed to know and no ones does but I told you
Now youare going about this I know im not a 5 yr old kind and I DO understand but Its going to BE FINE alright?
No worries about me. I AM JUST FINE THANK YOU. And please dont say such thing about yourself b/c you know what marine my love – I AM FINE.
Well I dont know if God sins me for it but I think he forgives me for it
hey iknow you love me and you are a wonderful wonderful person and you are a gem to be thinking of me like this and i've held youlike my sister and i love u to death but dont stress over me now b/c I AM FINE alright. FINE FINE FINE. COULD NEVER BE BETTER . alright?
take care – please – love you always
Crazy? Once I was crazy. They locked me in a room to die. Die? I don't want to die. All the mice will get me. Mice? I hate mice. They drive me crazy. Crazy? Once I was crazy. They locked….
Hi Khushi Rani Marine – Thanks.
Yes Marine i know what khushi is saying has alot of meaning…I ..understand it.. I mean in the first place hurting comes from soem deep love hidden some where…………………………………………………………………………………
Thanks anyway….
Love ,
Marine – mi love how art thou? Yes yes – AMEN – In the Lord's good name
See I am so happy ali's family are okay and safe – see the Lord listens. Keep the people and geographic area in prayers everyone – Please!
Marine I know God cares for everyone…. He does love everyone too and I feel bad sometimes to do the things butI am not doing it to someone else, just me, so I dont think God will sin me? And plus I need it to … keep my sanity ( if i may say ) and I m sure God would want that.
I do remember my promise. And my promise was that I will TRY to not …
Look right now, I need to do this okay. I stopped remember? At least that was a good thing. But right now, tehre is no space for stopping at the moment. So let me live and let me do it. I need it
Thanks alot for caring you are the most wonderful
Hi marine love, *hug*
True dat ~~~~~~~~~~~
oreo we've been mising you alot..i was begginig to get worried that something really terrible like marine mentioned…had happened to you? *hug for u too 2 see u here
Amli_Jatt – welcome! love to hear that you have left posts here, I am soo sorry though I dont even know the other language so i can not help in the translation
Nessa – whats up dude?! h r u! h r things going! say say say!
~ Confused~
Hello my lovely love! How art thou! Wow I never thought of marriage the way you describe it
I mean yeah – its fine if you love after you get married and all of that – but at least you must know somethings about the person before you marry them so at least you can be familliar with their habbits and stuff [ if it is Not arranged marraige of course ]
As for the whole green light thing – wow marine – wow! if they know youl ove them, they will do anything b/c they know that u love them and devoted to them and stuff
But marine – dont you want someone who you love too? and someone who loves you alot – wont they agree to marry you when you tell them that you LOVE them also?
Or are you just going to say it… with hopes that love will come after marraige b/c the preson will be devoted to you anyway?
Marriage is so weird..and it is totally not in my consciousness as yet
Hope when the time come for me to undersatnd all of this I wont freak out.
Ali – how are you love!
Please get YAHOO messenger so we can chat! I chat wtih marine and it is really awesome to chat wtih her *hug @ marine
here's ur hug ali *hug
love ya'll —- kav
sHAHrukh & Kajol — forever!
shahrukh & Rani — schweet!
whats the Q