Water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more healthy foryour body & i hear its effective in weight control!!!!
& plus its good for your skin & like everything else hehe
sunshine or cloudy day
I've been trying to paste a pic but its not workiing i dont nkow why/?
its just coming blank iwth an x on it
erm glasses i suppose
srk kajol or srk rani
1st Grade!
shazee – thanks for the applaus and yes i now know peter pan lives in NEVERLAND lol
person above me is leaving for paris & cant wait to have coffee under the eifel tower whooooo! have fun hon
Am Rani:
Scar face:
Next: cocktails, no specifics, any of yr choice…
Yum, hahaha
Mojito for me!
Next: tomatoes
i have a q – is cocktails alcoholic??? scarryyyy we need to keep you sane!
ooh sorry guys – tamarind ball —ermm..its just.. rolled up tamarind & its kinda sweet/sour taste good ( to me )
tomatoes – YUM!!!
next : French fries
Am Rani ji – sniffs… as for the quote of mine that you quoted i was being so sarcastic when talking to marine ( well now she knows )
But thank you for the support you are so sweet … its not that I dont want to tell its just that… some things are so confuisng even I dont know how to explain them & also it hurts so much to even think & talk about them right now
Anyway – safe journey tp paris! my oh my i wish that i cud come with u n have some of that coffee under the eifel tower but sigh..gatta stick it out right where i am
have fun love take care love uuu — kav
why do life have to be so screwed up some times, so confusing that you just have no idea as to what ideas to even have
why can guys lie so much & feel that it might be okay b/c that is what GUYS do & that girls are the ones that “have to be the decent ones”
& why do girls always wrap around their emotions too extreme
i just dont know but its not wrong for someone to be wrapped around their emotions but its wrong for someone to play with them or hurt them on purpose
i just dont know what to say anymore or whatever
n im so scared of the world its unbelievable im invisible to the world however i wish if god can send me some magic to change all that n that i can become someone and show those who like to hurt me or show me that i am not the only thing that makes them happy
Hey Jasmine! How are you?
Ali – my oh my! sry to hear abt the accident – i hope that yr brother in law will be okay
Yes keep praying
Let me just say that any guy who doesnt fall for you must be a total a$$ like you said bcoz u r so unbelievably wonderful i swear to god in heaven
i dont know what is wrong with pple they just dont see the wonders infront of their eyes but u know what if that is what he want n u want him to be happy n he's a jerk idiot to do it let me tell u that he is not worth your good tears dear he jsut isnt
and im sure god is leaving behind the BEST prince of princes for u yesh he's gonna come ridin on a white horse down by the river side n he'll come see u n then ur dupatta is gonnna start flyin everywhere n there'll be magic in the air n the eye contact 'll be unimaginable then he's gonna take ur hand n pull u unto that white horsey n yal'l gonna ride off into the wonders of the setting sun
if only real life could be like that
u r like such an amazing person i am saying this from deep within my heart n i know lots of pple love u n r bedazzled by ur charm n jsut know that the world loves u n u r accepted
as for the arraned marriage thing – like i said – if 2 pple wanna get married n they cant find a person n they just hook up – who cares – thats fine yay yay happy happy
but if 2 pple r set for arranged marriage n they are both in LOVE with other pple why t he heck in heaven's name wud u do such a god damn evil thing as to force them to marry? what the hell it is their life why wud u as a parent or friend or whatever want to screw their heart up n if u were a good parent u wud never do that
Ali this is a reply to the long msg you left for me up there :
Well yesh – kajol is nice Rani is my favorite though she is soooo schweet
trust me i am so freaking DULL u have no idea NO CLUE as to how dull i am but i'll tell u that i am so dull that i am Invisible -literally- to the world n no one sees me n no one notices me
u r sooo spicy lolz – well thanks for totally modifiying my 'idea of a party' lol
THAT WHOLE THING i just said it so u guys can totally see that i am not the party type haha yes its true i've never been to one
but i will surely come to marines own and boo's if she is keeping one n u'rs if u uhave
oh god plz never leave a party in my hand – u guys will die if u come under my responsibily
but damn yo – BOOOOOOOOOO ji we def gotta keep this part dont kow which day but i wanna hang with u guys sooooooooooooo badly its not even funny! n i wish it cud be reality coz then i wud totally break into happiness i swear to the good god in godly heaven!
oye – nitza's vodka? whooof r u guys gonna make me go under THE INFLUENCE?!
n btw, wot u mean dont diss prostitution well IM SORRY IF I OFFENDED U but that is freaking ewww i mean… doing stuff like that n taking away ur virtue n dignity for money n pleasure is
eww and not moral
love u tons
boo – whatya u say? U START DANCIN' and im gonnaf ollow ur steps
sorry guys i suck at dancing pardon me if i step on yr feet n accidently break yr cute lil toes lol
DIDI what wrong with my plan. I mean there are no fealing attahed they if your done with your job get the hell out of my place. then the next day you go to work you come home and rest. then go out on the wekkednd have fun meet people then come home then the same routeen do i really have to explain lol.
Boo the party is in my pad everyday love you are welcome any time you want.
If you can bring your own guy your welcome if you can't one will be provided for you. It wont cost anything for my bollY family its free lol. But i don't help you make money i do that so you can rent your guy to the other women and make money.
Kavs I know she is gonna kill me one day I'm sure of it. And who says i don't. So what if i tell you I don't what if i do lol J/K
Di my coming to South Africa is canceled lol don't want to dye early lmao. and how dare you call you chotti behen a hen
arf? okay marine me lil confused here! what do you mean make money from guys
hmmp! oof what are you saying here i got lil confused but geesh do u do that??????
oh my gawd – u were going to south africa — omg TAKE ME i wanna see ali too!
hey what u mean u dont wanna die early missy?!
lol no offense marine hun but the hen thing was hilaroius but dun worry ali hunny is joking..im SURE
My Sweet little booji – my love – you are a wonderful person n i just had 2 let u know that n i dont know wahts upsetting u righ tnow but let me just tell u that u got to be strong n you got to hold on ; and dont let what oreo is saying get to ur heart u know he is always behaving like a silly child fighting with everyone and playing with them like they are lolipops
Everyone in this forum knows how sweet u r n we all think of u n we all love u so much so just always remember that n never get urself down I know in a way – it can be weird to listen to me [ esp for those of you who know that I totally freak out when im in problems or worries or whatever ] but at least I can give some advice to others [ has nothing to do with if i take it myself ] but i also know what is best for others
So please cheer up today – if you can laugh & smile right now just coz of this msg my heart will feel content
but it will fade b/c u know that u have to keep that schweet lil pretty smile on ur face for a long time!!! not only a few seconds!
love u hun
keep hope me love u
lol didi i know ones she sees his teeth she will faint and that willbe the end of Kavs.
There is nothing that we are hiding from you just couple of picture that i had shown her and we were just joking about it. and the other thing we were just discusing life. and if you get YM you will know what i'm talking about. Iwish i can send you that internet thing but i can't afford it.
Maby oreo can sell part of his land give you the money lol.
Kavs whats up hunn how are you doing? Yes i get what you are syaing i wouldn't reveal anything direct. But glad your fine and i will order her to get one.
please save me! why ya'll pickin on poor lil oreo though ha
oh yes marine showed me some pics inYM with her and some friends haha wont say wot their doin u ask her lol she'll tell u up front n omg marine is like SO GORGEOUS gawd those luscious lips damn girl u fine … n ooo the eyes!!! love the eye do!
hey wot thing r u talking to send on internet marine?
wuv u hun
ali – hi how r u hun.. its okay abt the email thing i knoooo sometimes its so hard to reply n stuff when u're like totally loaded with all these crazy things to do its totally fine
n plus don worry abt tryin to reply to mah email gawd… sum1 reading them must be get so confused have no idea how to reply in the 1st place
yesh i m going to need some of that magic dust for my exams
n i wish u cud give me some so i cud sprinke sprinkle sprinkle all over my body so i cud become REFINED and beautiful as the wide open sky and wonderful as the deep blue sea and and and everything that is nice and so that i wont be invisible to the world any longer because at least some person would be forced to SEE me through their lens
why did u cut ur hair hun?! or was it juz a shape up or sumthin? well i really wish we cud get together n with marine too n u guyz cud teach me all the tricks of the trade yesh yesh that wud be so magical ..being with u guys! oh gawd my heart wud melt n splatter all ova the place
abt the oreo thing — nooooo idont wanna dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
right now…im so upset n maddened by gnawing feelings that wont stop biting into my flesh that is already bleeding ; dont know what to do now all out of hope but will sit here in this little corner i call my world and b e eaten away
Hey boo! hr u!?
Hey ali & marine what up!!!
no no NO SECRETS ALI ! – marine had to see a client but i guess..they never showed up
hope everything is okay with u guys
ali wahts wrong with ur back! you must get some rest!!!! or a nice massage wud do u superb
luv ya'll n miss ya'll
Boo – LOL
Party's at my joint – every1 invited
lol yeah right..i am SUCH A DULL person to have a party…u guys'll be SOOOOOOO bored i'll have ye'll drinkin orange flavored cool-aid n whatdy'a say we play musical chairs n chomp on some animal cookies? n yesh later we'll kick back n watch a good series of emm clifford the big read duputty dog! arf!
I THOUGHT SO!!!!!! well dont look at me funny..what dou expect i've never been to a party!
marine hehehehhee ali is getting on your head lolzzzzzzzzzz hey aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
damn yo you made me crack up SO FREAKING MUCH getting laid like a damn hen lolzzzzzzzz
nawwwwwwwwwwww it may be marine's motto but she doesnt get ……. u know what lolz she doesnt
n of course… no prostitution..that is SO EWWWWWWWWWWW.
of course you're perfect boooooooooooooo
c'mon now u're an awesome chick
n i dont see ne faults in u!
mi love! you are back! yay! sooooooooooooooo overjoyed to hear yr family is okay
the lord is great
ack… i know how it feels to come here when there is no one! & when no one replied to yr post sniffers..i guess we are just busy sometimes..hmm…
will chat with you later
lol at your comment on oreo
love u lots
ooooooo marine hun hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! me miss u too
hope that the meetin with the client went good talk to you later love u lots