you're welcome!! can u save me a piece?
Happy birthday, HAYLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rani made me put the comma in cuz shes retarded like dat. WELL, hope u had the greatest besterester birthday
<– heres the cake i made for u! lol. freshly baked. Hope you enjoy it!
Rani: awww. You're so sweet. I remember the birthday message you left for me on myspace, I loved it. Rani is so nice, always thinking of people.
Scar face:
i love u chicky….Jeeeeeezzzzzz THANKS
wat damn morning,
jus found our my brother in law had an accident
bleeding reallt badly, rushed to hospital ….
soooo all prayers, once more is welkom an appreciated…
take care
hope he gets better soon.
kavita: thanks…im doing fine, how r u?
i miss u guys. =[
rani dont be a gangster. well, if ur a gangster, me too… u cant be a gangster w/o me.
Rani said “she can't be gangster.” lol
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
oye! u kadu! I called yo thursday night, where in tarnation (hehe) have you been? (ha. ironic)…..
yes, I have a life, but I want an exchange. lol.
job? with you? fo shigitty! dude, we have been talkign about getting a job together ever since I was 16! But u weren't 16, so we couldn't get a job together.
but now, we are both the right age, so this summer, Inshallah, we'll get a job.
I seriously need some monay! My best friends b-day is coming upperz!
the new ipod shuffle is soooo teeny. i told u i dont pick up my home phone anymore, i sit there and allow it to ring by itself. =]. who cares if u dont kno how to use the cell phone…as long as u know how to dial and press call. lol. i dont know when i want a job, i might start during the school year, but i dont know yet. I was gonna take some classes during the summer, so when senior year starts i dont have to take as many classes. my sister's bday is coming up too, and she has big plans… she wants so much on her bday. i made ur quote shorter…BWAHAHA.
p.s. dont exchange ur life.
Rani is the bes:
yo, Oreo ji, take my advice and don't mess with mah You ain't got nothin on her.
u sound so ghetto. lol. wow…. i REALLY cant imaging u say dat ?blah? ?blah? ?blah?
is that so stinky?? we'll see…
try me. =] p.s. is stinky the best word u can come up with?
i like how everyone is so friendly to each other.
reaaallyyy??? what say i pick on you from now on just to break the cycle?
yes really. u can try picking on me, but i dont think u can. but it doesn't hurt to try. good LUCK!!! =]
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
i like how everyone is so friendly to each other.
My beautiful Jasmine!!! I miss you oh so much! and I know! this forum is hexa cheezy, but I love it! yadadamean?
Gosh. I need to talk to you. I have to tell you so much, where have you been? I hate phones, I want one. lol. I seriously feel like a eff O bee! Everyone has a cell phone, ipod, cameras and blah blah what else is there? and I have none of them! hahahah. I want an ipod!
awww… i miss u too. u hate phones but u want one? haha. ive been around…. not getting enough sleep. i should though. wats a eff o bee?… o i get it fob. but y? i have 2/3 of those electronics, but i dont want an ipod, everyone has one so why should i. lol. everyone has a life and u do too. haha <- dat was lame. but o well. get a job with me…. =] i need one. anyways, electronics aren't important, what is important are your friends and family, and that's all you really need to have a good life. O and some money. yep. ♥♥♥♥ bye… my w/e buddy!
i like how everyone is so friendly to each other.
i think this is a great topic first of all. =]
honestly, I dont think u made the right decision, but I'm not religious so that's why.
awww…. im sry about ur brother. =[
hey, coming here to get ur mind off stuff is a good idea. were always here to help =]. we got ur back 24/7. yessiry. XD
im fine too…thanks for asking
hey, u got monday off. =] haha. i love the schedule, i really need the break.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Rani: pimpster? since when i a pimpster…haha. when i started to “pimp” my myspace…? jk. how r u?lol!
Ms.Pimpster! Guess what? Last weekend, I saw our 7th grade English teacher at the Library! Isn't that crazy! I even remember his name! Mr.Sosensky! haha! Isn't that crazy? Do you remember him? And remember how he used to blink all the time? wahaha! Poor guy, we used to make fun of him! hehe.
eighth grade. dat was urs too. he reminds me of my current english teacher even though she's a she. But dere room smells so bad becuz of those stinky seniors. haha. Does Mr. Blinky remember u? im so happy, one week free of school!!! YAY!!!
marine: i think dere trying to get iu bak. ;] jk. how r u? i havent talk 2 u in ages. lol
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Rani: pimpster? since when i a pimpster…haha. when i started to “pimp” my myspace…? jk. how r u?lol!
Ms.Pimpster! Guess what? Last weekend, I saw our 7th grade English teacher at the Library! Isn't that crazy! I even remember his name! Mr.Sosensky! haha! Isn't that crazy? Do you remember him? And remember how he used to blink all the time? wahaha! Poor guy, we used to make fun of him! hehe.
eighth grade. dat was urs too. he reminds me of my current english teacher even though she's a she. But dere room smells so bad becuz of those stinky seniors. haha. Does Mr. Blinky remember u? im so happy, one week free of school!!! YAY!!!
marine: i think dere trying to get iu bak. ;] jk. how r u? i havent talk 2 u in ages. lol
Rani: pimpster? since when i a pimpster…haha. when i started to “pimp” my myspace…? jk. how r u?
marine: eh, 2 guys are talking about u. dont u feel special ? lol.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
OhmyAllah! You'e back!!! HI! lol.
Gosh. How I missed you!
SPECIAL THANKS TO RANI IS THE BES! if it werent for her constant bickering i wouldnt be on jk… haha i love her. she really is the BESTEREST.awww! I love you too! You don't know how much that means to me, considering “I love you” doesn't come so easily from you. You always stick to “same” or “<3"!!! I think this is the first time you actually said that to me! lol.
(do i sound gayish? lol)
and ur my besterest loserifically buddy…err? how did it go? lol! I forgot!
this is ur “SPECIAL” post for special people. it's okay to be gay cuz u should like guys. =] ur my pesterest unwinnerifically homie. and pimpster for ur sake. i dont kno how the besterest loserifically buddy goes, but i like my way better. u didnt gayish until u mentioned it. but i still <3 u. i heard ur mom say something about homework…so imma go.
yea…. ur never on when im on animore…but dat wun day =[
and why are u back? please…just go back to where ever you came from and stay there…forever!
actually i am back where i came from and im staying here forever. i jus got home. thanx for caring. <3
rani: dats a whole lotta