My example was for like “Sabse Bada Khiladi” is the top most rank, which is Platinum Member currently. In that same sense, we can have movie names for each rank.
Originally posted by boo
Originally posted by Admin
I don’t think I understand what you mean by editing our own?? Do you mean editing the Rank each member gets after they are posted a certain number of times? Or do you mean that along with Username, there should be another “Alias” name that will be displayed instead of the Username?
If you mean editing the “Rank” itself by each member, then that doesn’t really mean a “Rank”. If all movies out their can rank themselves, we would never have bad movies. Ranking is done based on your performance in prespective of some rules or guidelines. Therefore the ranks shouldn’t be editable by members, but I do like the suggestion of changing the names and further deepening the ranks (exceed the Platinum ranking). If anyone can start suggesting names, in terms of like Movie Names for ranks like “Subse Bada Khiladi” for example.
I agree with Mukesh…nitzah please can you get ur message across more clearly?
and i agree that the rankings and even the nick (eg mine: boo) should not be changed…after all a forum is different from MSN Messenger…!
but yeah filmi names like the one that Mukesh suggested sound good!
One question though…what does “Subse Bada Khiladi” mean[?]
how about rankings in terms of bollywood films, e.g. in terms of authority, like the spot boys/girl to the backing dancers to the sidekick role to the actor to the producer to the director, etc etc???
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Ok, I think now I understand what the idea is. Thanks for the clarification. But I don’t want to speed hours coding and reinvent the wheel. You can simply use the “signatures” feature and write things like your mood for today. There is no limitation on how many times you can change your signature. Actually many members in the Forum use the signature for that purpose. One thing I can say is that in MSN Messenger you don’t have such a thing called Signature so I guess it offsets. Basically, I probably won’t put that feature in, you can just use the signatures to write little “word of the day” stuff.
Originally posted by Nazi
Eww dis is getting complicated!
I think what Nitz was tryin to say way.. if we could have like for example in MSN we are abel to have different screen names, but in here we must still have our nicknames to identify who we are, and we could have an extra tab to write extra things e.g. My mood today=.. or you know thing we do in Msn..
and having another thing exceeding Platinum will be good.. how about avin five gold stars lol.. cnt think of a name tho!
Upon the skies this is written
Only your name is bound with me
I don’t think I understand what you mean by editing our own?? Do you mean editing the Rank each member gets after they are posted a certain number of times? Or do you mean that along with Username, there should be another “Alias” name that will be displayed instead of the Username?
If you mean editing the “Rank” itself by each member, then that doesn’t really mean a “Rank”. If all movies out their can rank themselves, we would never have bad movies. Ranking is done based on your performance in prespective of some rules or guidelines. Therefore the ranks shouldn’t be editable by members, but I do like the suggestion of changing the names and further deepening the ranks (exceed the Platinum ranking). If anyone can start suggesting names, in terms of like Movie Names for ranks like “Subse Bada Khiladi” for example.
I’ll try to find that email. I should have it since I hardly delete email. I’ll post it on this topic once I find it.
I’m not sure about having downloads on the site, since the main purpose of this site was to share and enjoy Hindi lyrics from Bollywood films. I would be sort of getting away from that original idea. Also downloading means a lot more maintenance and hosting problems! We could start a topic that its only purpose is to have links to other websites/download sites that people come here asking about. I guess I’ll have to think about this more.
Thanks for your suggestions.
Originally posted by boo
hey…these are all good ideas…
and it would be nice to have some top ten downloads as well, as many people tht come here tend to ask for places where they can download songs from.
I was wondering if, by any chance, you might still have that mail with you (the one I sent to you about suggestions for this forum), as it had a lot of ideas in it, and I seem to have forgotten most of them as I haven’t had a chance to come on this fourm since ages! Sadly, I have also deleted the message that you sent me in reply, so I also do not have a copy of what I wrote in your reply. It would be good if you could either post it in this thread, or simply forward it to me, please.
Another suggestion that I have is that you could perhaps have a page where people can check out other sites that have song lyrics, as sometimes they are very easy to find either in Google or on other websites. The people who ask for lyrics sometimes do not bother checking other possible sites, and so that the number of lyric requests (and web space) can be cut down, it might be worth a try.
Thank you,
u dont like the green colour…..i love it…i think that it is very unique….other forums all go for same old blue, etc. but i love the greennes of this site…but hey i dont think the majority will go with this so we shall c
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Everyone, the Forum upgrade is complete and we’ve added the feature to have Avatars. Please update your profiles and select the Avatar you want.
Currently the feature does not let you upload your own avatar, but if you have one that you would like, just email me with the avatar and I’ll a*s*sign it to you. If you have general avatars that you would like to see, then please email me.
Thanks and Enjoy,
Yes, I’m in the process of upgrading the Forum that will allow members to have their own icons/avatars. So please bear a little more time!
Also, I like the idea of changing the colors. Why don’t you guys give color suggestions and color combinations for us to have on the forum.
Originally posted by Nazi
Hey Admin, can we Please change the green background, unless you like the colour, then that’s a complete different case!
And could we have little thumbnails underneath our nicknames so we could add little pictures corresponding to our message or maybe the nickname it self at all times?
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Anjali, we locked the Lyrics forum because very few people actually submitted lyrics, instead used it for off-topic posting. If you want to put your own lyrics, please use the “Song Request Here” forum and post your lyrics. Most of the visitors will search in that forum and will find your lyrics as well. Also I plan on putting a Category for visitors own lyrics in the main section of the website, where you can send me your lyrics and I will post it.
Originally posted by musqan_09
hey admin, i need help…how come the place where i put my lyrics is locked? i want to add some of my own lyrics on here..can u please help me..thanx
I’m glad you would like to contribute. Although I usually don’t recommend finding lyrics from other websites and sending them to me because then it wouldn’t be fair to the website that posted it originally. Instead I have my contributor’s write the lyrics listening to the song and put the appropriate voice (male/female) which makes it a little unique for our site.
Originally posted by boo
i would like to be a contributor to this site, if at all possible. please let me know if there is anything i can do, such as find lyrics etc.
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Please send us your comments / suggesstions through this forum. Also if you want to ask questions, or would like to be a contributor for the site, please drop me a line here.