Sorry, we don’t have such a section becuase it isn’t really in context of Bollywood Or Bollywood Music. There are sites that are dedicated towards those topics and if you search on Google, you’ll find them.
However, you can post a question/topic in the Say Something section but topics from that section get purged every 14 days.
Originally posted by Gauri
can we have a religions/faith section???
Yes Boo, that is the information that we’ll need. Next couple of weeks I am finishing up some forms that allow us to enter lyrics in our database, maybe you can help “copy-n-pasting” them.
Originally posted by boo
do you mean the name of the film, the actors, the singers, the music director etc? that should be fairly easy (as long as they are film songs…)… i will try and help out with that, if that is what you mean… :S
As Boo mentioned, try to re-***ign the avatar from your Profile. If you had sent me your own avatar and it doesn’t show up in the list, then email the avatar again.
If you had selected your avatar on Jan 16th or 17th then it may have been lost due to the data crash we had.
Let me know how that goes.
Originally posted by desi kudi
Mukesh my Avatar has vanished? why?
Can you help get it back??
The feature for seeing ‘who is on’ is not available in this Forum version. However, the forum that I am looking at upgrading to does have that feature and you will be able to private message users also.
The lyrics/translations on the forum are not transferred to the website database, but that can be done. We just haven’t done it since it does require lots of time. The only concern I would have is not all requestors put all the information we require in the main website.
Originally posted by ramz89
I very much agree with loverofmusic there, as well as boo! Some of the newbies (mentioning no names) seem to have perceived the nature of the forum in the wrong way.
Admin ji, would it be possible for you to produce some sort of ‘Guide to the forum’ email or sticky topic which states the rules and guidelines that members should keep in mind when posting? Alternatively, I would, along with other older forum members who i’m sure would be more than happy, initially come up with something together.
..:If you ain’t livin’ life to the edge….your takin’ up too much space
First off, thanks for your suggestions. Members on this forum and similar forums on the net are allowed to speak their opinion. We can’t stop people from expressing themselves. That being said, if you find new members, or any members for that matter, are creating inappropriate topics or posts that do not belong here, then you can definately notify myself or Madhu. One of us will take care of it immediately.
We can block, or “lock”, members from the Forum. It doesn’t mean we can completely stop them, as they can register with another email address. I would have to validate the complaint so we don’t start blocking people just because someone doesn’t like them.
I wanted to stay away from having “rules” since this is an open forum for fans of Bollywood songs but, I agree that we should have a “Forum Rules and Policies” section now. If you guys can start a DRAFT version and send it to myself and Madhu we can then add our own items and post it on the home page and also show it as part of the registration process.
This post is now drifting off-topic. Please continue your discussions in the appropriate forum.
Please see thread
and please use the search feature as Madhu points out to the user in this topic.
I mean websites that offer chat boards instead of forum boards. Like or I am doing some research on new forumboard software that we might upgrade to, so I’ll see if they have this feature built-in.
Originally posted by boo
i’m sorry…i dont understand what you mean by “chatting type websites”?
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Please send me the avatar via email and I will upload it. I’ll try to create an avatar out of your e-card. If I can’t then you will have to get an avatar and then send it to me.
email me via the forum email and I will respond to you so that you can attach your avatar.
Originally posted by mrida
Excuse me admin but you said we could have a avatar which ever we want does that mean we can have a english avatar?. and do we have to e-mail you.i don’t know how you can e-mail you a pic that’s hard!i only have e card is that okay can you shorter it.Thanks!
I don’t know if we’ll be able to do this. It is possible technically but I wonder if the pages start loading slowly because every post/reply has images it has to load.
We may consider this when we move to another forum software.
Originally posted by savita_05
Hello Mukesh..I just want to know if there is a way to show pictures in this forum..i dont think so but i just want to make sure?
Like small pictures – because in my beauty tips forum we thought it a good idea if there was a way to show eye images with different make up types , etc.
Private messaging I guess really is more appropriate for chatting type websites in my opinion. If you really want to PM someone though, I guess you could use the email link and send an email with your message.
Also regarding the earlier post about Polls. I’ve found a decent one that might work for us, but haven’t had the time of adding it. I’m also looking into changing Forum software from Snitz to another one that has it included so I’m still debating on whether to take the time of installing it on this version.
Private messaging I guess really is more appropriate for chatting type websites in my opinion. If you really want to PM someone though, I guess you could use the email link and send an email with your message.
Also regarding the earlier post about Polls. I’ve found a decent one that might work for us, but haven’t had the time of adding it. I’m also looking into changing Forum software from Snitz to another one that has it included so I’m still debating on whether to take the time of installing it on this version.
I hope you don’t think that without putting a “MEANINGFUL” subject on your request, you can still get a fast response? If you do think that…still… then read this
It should only benefit the visitor, including you, if you follow the suggestions.
Instead of posting duplicate request, you can first “Search” for the song request using our search feature and probably find it faster. Of course as a result, we won’t have flooded duplicate posts that other users won’t have to go through.
If your search doesn’t bring back results, then you may post the request .
Hope this helps.
The translation has already been requested. Please SEARCH for your requests before posting here. Spending a couple of mins to search for your requested song will only get you the response faster!
Here is the link to the original request:
You can email the avatars to via your email program. Please keep in mind that the avatar has to be in a web viewable format (JPG or GIF) and its dimension should be 100×100. Basicaly it should look like the avatars you see here. Also we can decide not to upload your avatar based on its content.
Originally posted by desi kudi
U mentioned in the Avatar threads that we can have a custom avatar image if we send u the attachment via e-mail.
What is the Admin e-mail?
I tried sending u an e-mail Mukesh from your profile page but i cannot send an attachment?
If you are logged in, then you probably know your p***word. However, you can find your p***word / or reset it using the Forgot P***word link.
If you are logged in (you should be as you are posting here), then you can simply update the p***word through your profile.
BWL Admin
Originally posted by Senali
I got a other prob now I forgette my p***word what will i do 2 find it?
*~*~Discover the magic, feel the rhythm, and fall in love.~*~*
If you are logged in, then you probably know your p***word. However, you can find your p***word / or reset it using the Forgot P***word link.
If you are logged in (you should be as you are posting here), then you can simply update the p***word through your profile.
BWL Admin
Originally posted by Senali
I got a other prob now I forgette my p***word what will i do 2 find it?
*~*~Discover the magic, feel the rhythm, and fall in love.~*~*
I’m not sure how long you guys have known BWL, but before “bollywoodlyrics”, this site used to be called “”. That was about 5 years ago though. (Don’t ask about how I got the name “hindimovietalk”). Anyways, I used have a poll there similar to what you are talking about. Yes there were those that abused it but it was merely for fun. At that time, I got suggestions to make it into a poll where people can add comments. I think that is one of the reasons how this forum got started. So looks like we have come full cycle 🙂
The suggestion of adding Poll here is good, and I don’t think it’ll be difficult adding that to the Forum but can’t promise a date.
Thanks for the suggestions. Here are my comments.
1) Member Evaluation: I’ve seen posts all over this forum and needless to say, a lot of you already do that. Bashing each other or complimenting each other. Almost every Forum here has a little of that. Infact, some of that started in this very Topic! So I don’t think we need that feature. This forum was about sharing lyrics and music thoughts and playing games. If I put that feature, it will be nothing but a “bashfest” forum and the only thing you will be doing is trying to either increase or decrease points. I think I’ll leave that upto other forums on the internet you can use.
2) Photo Upload: I think I solved that by adding member avatars. The only piece missing is allowing members to upload. For that, I’ve put a reason in one of these topics. Basically, I don’t want an overflow of people uploading large pictures, bad pictures, nasty pictures that will slow the website down and make is a bad place. Also I don’t want to get into the business of having to progressively review all the images that are being uploaded. If you want your photo as your avatar, simply send it to me and I’ll upload it for you.
Nitzah: if you oppose to the movie name suggestion, lets hear some of yours’. You started the idea, I’d like to see some examples.
Originally posted by Dulh@n
Hi Admin ..
I have couple of suggestion, that u might like otherwise u just can simply ignore (but don’t dare u do it ..LoLz.. j/k)
Anywayz, I wont waste ur time with my lovely words .. hehe are the suggestions
1-Members Evaluation
It’s a feature that allows other members to evaluate other members they like or hate, so it can be a positive comment or a negative one. However, this evaluation will be through points. Whereas, every member starts with 5o points and every positive comment will increase there points and any negative point will decrease it. Moreover, these evaluations will be anonymous unless the members identify themselves.
2-Uploading Picture
This is another feature, which enable members to have some picture in there signatures or posts.
That’s wat all I have rite, hopefully I will be back with more ideas (Inshalla)
Mehndi Mehndi Na Mujhko Lagana.. Mujhe Saajan Ke Ghar Nahin Jaana