I just finished reading a book called “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom. it was recommended by a friend of mine. It's an easy read but has a great moral to it. I recommend that u read it as well.
Has anybody read Five People You Meet In Heaven or any other books by Mitch Albom? Would you recommend this author?
I have the book five people you meet in heave, just got a week or so ago, havent read it yet.
But I read tuesdays with morrie- thought it was. . .real, sad kinda, nice.
I would recommend it for a short good read I guess.
I want a girl with lips like morphine
Knock me out every time they touch me
I want to feel that kiss just crush me
And break me down
Knock me out
Knock me out
Cause I've waited for all my life
To be here with you tonight
I want a girl with lips like morphine
Blow a kiss that leaves me gasping
And I want to feel that lightning strike me
And burn me down
Knock me out
Knock me out
Cause I've waited for all my life
To be here with you tonight
Just put me on my path
Knock me out again
I want a girl with lips like morphine
Knock me out every time they touch
I want a girl with lips like morphine
To knock me out
See I've waited for all my life
To be here with you tonight
Just put me on my path
Knock me out again
have fun with that my dear.
anything by Chuck Palahnuik
Invisible Monsters and Survivior are probably my favorites.
( i wanted to say something else but i forgot oh well)
I read some of you guys' thoughts and opinions and beliefs, and I'll feel
pretty weird if I didnt put my two cents in.
here's my thoughts on religion- I was born Muslim and my whole life i was
born to believe all that my parents told me. Rewind to a few years ago in
my life and ask me about my religion, I'd tell you everything that was poured
into me.
But now, after I experienced a hell of a lot to question what I'm doing with
my life, and life itself. I started getting more involved in Islam, and I
started going to Islamic school and what not, and man does it make sense now.
to me, Islam isnt just a religion that billions of people follow like any
other religion- its the truth.
Like it or not, its the truth with all its sacrifices and losses.
there are many people who wish to change that truth to fit their wishes.
and to whoever said it- maybe you do give up a lot with believing, if you
REALLY think of what the reward is in the end, you'll wish you could do more.
and to whoever- being atheist shouldnt be decided after (complete) devotion
to only 2 religions. But if being atheist is right for you, I pity
you with all my heart.
a lot of people think that beleiving in a religion means to go all extreme and
join a convent or something. Or be all strict and whatnot, which turns them against it altogether. but its not, really.
I think religion is based on curiosity. if you're curious
about this world and life, then the true religion should be seeked, and if
you're compeletly devoted in finding that truth and if you really open your heart and mind, its there.
but hey, i get how it can be extremely complicated with all the religions out there nowadays.
well thats what i have to say about religion.
: )
ha thanks
lmao its ok its the coffee
(something kinda mean was here, Ninja made me change it)
man do i love the secrective names, running incognito
put a smile on your face and make the world a better place
eh salman's DEAD I shot him in the chest then in the head.
fat pretty girls or skinny ugly girls?
I dont know whats going on but my feelings? why thanks for asking.
I'm feeeling grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat
I dont know why, I have tons of homework that should be completed by sometime. . .soon, and my back hurts from this damn chair, and I'm awfully bored. But still I'm feeling pretty damn good.
you guys want to play
who killed mah baby daddy
try not to cry little one
you're not alone
I'll stand by you
and oh, Ninja and Rani who do you guys want to be?
I'll be curly,
moe or larry??
IM MOE! bahaha
of course, 'cause everyone likes you!!!
and oh, Ninja and Rani who do you guys want to be?
I'll be curly,
moe or larry??
hello people
my name is Haylie, but i would like to have some cool name for you guys to call me like Proffesor BobbleHead or Headmaster Terdy, or Doctor McKlain, but Rani refused to call me doc. . .
well well well…looks like the 3 stooges is now complete. we have rani is never the bes, yuuumenilicious and now professor thick head. btw, have u read the rules of this forum of death? if u havent, i suggest u go read it first before u start posting.
ha yea right?
and no i didnt, and to tell you the truth, im too damn lazy to read them so if you would like to link it to me or just simply tell me the rules I would highly appreciate it. thanks. : D
and only becuase Rani doesnt want me to be mean to you (thank her) I'll leave it at that.
hello people
my name is Haylie, but i would like to have some cool name for you guys to call me like Proffesor BobbleHead or Headmaster Terdy, or Doctor McKlain, but Rani refused to call me doc. . .
well anywho how are you all doing?
Hi Rani!
Hi Ninja!