You really posted something amazing wonderful work my compliments to you on your work and to your parents for having a doughter like you.
Its german….I hope lol
and aww wow…I'm missed. ha
nothing really, my computer was being all screwy and wouldnt let me sign on for a while (firewall rani)
and uhm….I would reply to whatever you're talking about but I'm too lazy to read the posts above ha.
Oh and Rani…you know theres a picture of moon split.
you should have put that in there too..
… gerade scherzend
Auf Wiedersehen
Why should we follow either religion OR culture when it comes to weddings?
Why not do things OUR way, whatever works for us and our partner?
you could do that…
but when I read about an Islamic marriage- its the perfect way. Or to me at least.
Scar face:
Its sad that we cannot distinguish wat exactly our culture/religion truly is…do we truly practise the way we were meant to???
A few months ago I thought what my family practices was Islam, and found out that most of it was culture and not Islam.
I don't really like the culture- my family's culture- the Yemeni culture. I guess there are some things I consider to be ok, but overall its stupid. I kinda like the American culture more actually, well some parts of it.
Above all, I'd rather live my life according to Islam than any culture.
this thread would be so much cooler if there was a little player where you can play the song instead…
whatever you mean…yes.
blah, she took it and used it for like an hour and now my mom is on it.
ejbfsdjbfsd I'll just see you tomm InshAllah
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Hayati…you hekka make me smile.
I love you hekka much.
hey rani buddy…I wouldn't come looking for you if you wanted to run away 'cause they're won't be a reason to if you dont want to stay here (wherever here is) actually I might if you just left out of the blue, then I'd find you to ask you why you left, idk if I'll pursuade you to come back though if you really dont want to.of course I want to stay here, right by your side.
.. if you got kidnapped or something that'd be a different thing,I'd join the search crew and search day and night for ya.
(thats not a good reason to run away though)
what's not a good reason to run away?
My siggy isn't really about running away…it's just that sometimes I feel so invisible and unwanted that I wonder if I left, just left, would anyone even care? forget care, would they even notice? But i get that feeling just sometimes, because with friends like you, I feel so loved that I can't even think about leaving you.
ur the best, hayati.
yea I know what you mean…
im going to call you right now.
go bears?
person above me
you have a booger in your nose.
hey rani buddy…I wouldn't come looking for you if you wanted to run away 'cause they're won't be a reason to if you dont want to stay here (wherever here is)
actually I might if you just left out of the blue, then I'd find you to ask you why you left, idk if I'll pursuade you to come back though if you really dont want to.
.. if you got kidnapped or something that'd be a different thing,
I'd join the search crew and search day and night for ya.
(thats not a good reason to run away though)
hey hey hey now…
doing homework/studying isn't considered low.
There's nothing wrong with working hard to reach a goal and becoming rich and famous and smart in this world. : P
if you were just hangin' around smoking pot..alone = low life.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
gosh. I can't wait for…something? I don't know what…I can't wait till everything falls into place. lol.
whatever that means…
It's ok. Overcast with a chance of precipitation (emotionally speaking).
How r Da Bestest & Da Bobblehead (haylie)? 😀
(sorry im messing up the game. continue)
love the quotes unique..
I've become a sucker for love sayings
awww Rani…
I didnt knwo you guys were talking about me 'til i saw my name and i was like 'eh?' then I read back and aww…
that was hella funny! (hehe hella) ..when we went to the amusement park together. and remember the next day we called and was like ' it wasnt as scary as i thought it would be'…or something along those lines.
Its funny how you guys say ' if it wasnt for haylie leaving for that month we wouldnt have met'
ha I wanted to keep you for myself.. ha appa woould be like 'haylie's as quiet as a mouse before Rani comes…” ha
oh man, because there isnt a week without us seeing each other it feels like we've known each other for years and years.
we do have tons of fun together. yay us!
Not Afhgany or Pakistani, just straight up Yemeni.
Jihad (jihaz), Jembeeya, thats real Beladee
Ninja will be the only person to understand that (fully)..
My mommmmmmmmmmmmm
my besteest friend Tia 😀
(i thought this thread was about the show 'heroes')