lmao, what the heck? Rani, ur so on something, you wanna talk about it? it seems serious. lol.
and who cares where serio is and if he's a bore or not.
the talking is between me and u..and haylie…if she wants to join cuz she's the best at that, no?
yeah…i wish!
yea but thats what life's all about…. people come and go in your life…nothing's really eternal in this. we just take it as it comes, and keep going.
Haylie noooooo dont ruin it
Toby maguire is not dorky!! He is awesome and he's cute!
Omg…. he danced???? I mean when…venom took over..? OKAY OKAY DONT answer that i'll see for my self..
But erally….dancing/ ? hahahahahhaa wot..hip hop? Lol ..just joking..i know they wont let spidey do thaaaaat
I think i'll go watch it after mi much as i want to watch it i shall hve to wait..and btw … THere are huge crowds!
hahah not hip-hop dancing…that would have been hilarious. well, go watch it already.
and toby does look funny.
Scar face:
well shows were sold out yest sooo me gotta watch it this morning….
WOW, tobey…such a doooooffuss..but sooooo adorable as spiderman
aaand dat suit.. W O W …drooling…
I off coz love Harry…he is sooo cute …love his smile
it was more romantic than action this time…
I wont say much coz I will be slaughtered by a few who I know wont be watching the movie anytime sooon
I loved the scenes where Peters **negative//bad//vengeful** side takes on the stage and does the dance…
he luked soooo gay, yet cute and soooo huggable
I hated …the bridge scene…dat ws rather sad….
I still love Harry and the new photographer aint that bad luking either….
luved spider man, always did, still do…always will hahaha…
hah yea the dancing was pretty funny, yet it didnt really fit the movie.
and yea harry is a cutie. his smile is funny though…
i want to ruin it for someone haha jk….but if you know the comics you know whats going to happen.
and toby maguire looked….dorky. loved the cry though, looked so…ugly and lol realistic. lol
and the whole hair to the side and eyeliner stuff was pretty funny. looked emo lol
and for eric from that 70's show playing venom was a little surprising…idk didnt think he would have done a good job. but it was good i guess.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lol. no it isn't. *chokes boo*
grrrrr, I swear I hate school right now. uff. PLUS all the stupid testing…errrr….then the FINALS!
oof what if she sensed that you said that right now haha
Naw but how does she KNOW stuff
devil tells her.
black magic.
my mum just told me a funneh story, lishen:
there's currently an offer on mcdonalds that u get 3 meals per family for like 3 pounds, but u dont get more than three. so we needed six meals acha, so my dad comes up with this crajee idea. He says 2 my mum: u go in the restaurant and I go in the drive through, and they MUST NOT KNOW that we are husband and wife. LOL. So she goes gets the 3 famiy meals for 3 pounds inside and dad goes and gets it from the outside drive through, and then my dad waits on the far end of the car park, where she walks up2 five minutes later. All just so we get it cheaper, for £6. LMAOOOOOOOO. I love the little things desi people do to get anything cheaper LOL! *goes of cracking up*
sounds like something my family would do
oh btw, this chick on yr siggy…i've fallen in love with her.
*trips you*
*raises eyebrows*
oh no she di'nt
yo ninja!
what do we have to do for physics?
yumin hmmz gud to see u here…ermmmmmmm
naww lets hear the all and powerful witnessed psychic abilities !
by the def of the word- she says things before they happen and they come true.
its pretty awesome actually.
( i have a feeling she's going to kick my ass when she reads this thread ha)
I got the lefty curse. where everything that i do is flipped.
and awkwardly reversed.
Tsk Tsk Tsk haylie hmmmmmmm my stuff …The stuff…does it matter lol
ermmmmmm in any case… drugs are bad for you soo um…. yu shundt encourage it
lol i think i need prayers galore dayem so much darn stuff to freaking STUDY & CRAM!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I wasnt encouraging anything lol
what are you studying for exactly?
coke? as in the drug? the soda?
if the soda..its all about the pepsi
if the drug- thats your stuff right there baby girl.
*hugs to everyone*
haylie UM I WAS MEANING COKE AS IN THE SODA …ermm what were u meaning?
dont tell me u do drugs …enough to say …thats the stuff rite there!
haha no I dont..I said thats 'YOUR stuff..'
pray for you? sure thing.
haylie….wot does it mean ? lol
AHAHHAHA…wouldnt you like to know
arf? rani …psychic? would u know !
lol I've witnessed it.
Then go study for the S A to the T to the U. they need to add a U there. to stand some cool word like. Unique. THE USAT! YEAH! OR HECK, UNITED V STAND.
okay ill go finish hw =)
I don't know what you just said
lol eww…
then when I lick them, they'll taste…like…sour gross stuff.