oh yea Rani's was acting like my loveer
yea thats rights, she proposed to me yesterday. she got on one knee and everything
IT WAS SO ROMANTIC! *dies* And the ring is beautiful! ogmogmoggomgomgogmg *dies again*
lol okay I'm done..
thank you boo
but omg wow…
On the 24th..thursday…my BIRTHDAY…i didn't even get a 'Happy Birthday” from my family nor a cake or anything i was.. I was really shocked because normally I get two cakes and all this stuff for my birthday. and this year i got NOTHING…or almost to nothing….well, less. lol
well, anyways..in the end of the day i was like 'hm..this is weird. doesn't feel like my birthday' but i didnt care too much.. i was like eh…
then today when i come home from the masjid all my friends and sisters threw me a surprise party! and boy, was I surprised lol
I'm usually aware of these things…and they've been planning it for over a month…wow lol they did a prettty good job hiding it.
But seriously, I love it you guys. Rani, Ninja…I love you guy so friggin' much! it was awesome and tons of fun!
by far,the greatest birthday yet lol ( i say that every year) ALHAMDULLAH
ily guys sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg yay thank you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha yea I'll save you a piece….or two. lol
oh and thanks scarry and nessa!
Happy birthday, HAYLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<– heres the cake i made for u! lol. freshly baked. Hope you enjoy it!
why thank you.
yummy cake..didn't get one yesterday so its very much appreciated.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
I'm so glad you had a fun birthday! Alhamdulillah. Not everyone is that lucky, Hayati, make sure to thank Allah.
lmao, I was thinking about when you told me who made you happy, I was like I”M NOT INCLUDED?!?! lmao. *chokes hayati in a hug*
I can't wait till I see you!!!
you always make me happy = D (god i love this cheesiness : P)…I was just mentioning the ones there…last night lol…idk…sorry ily
and thanks yea….I am thankful for everything really. big and small. good and bad. ALHAMDULLAH!!!
Anyways…Ohemgee Last night was so much fun!! I REALIZED THAT TIME HECKA FLIESSSSSSSSS! VOWWW
you know ninja…I didn't sleep : / lol
I'm turning into you! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
but yea it was fun =D
ahhh yay…I'm glad this is finally working…
I'm not really good with this stuff. so I'll keep it short and sweet.
I love you both very very much. You're the best friends anyone could
ever ask for and I'm glad that I met you both.
Thank you guys sooooo much!!!
Ninja- I love you! thank you! thank you. and I feel the same way…we did grow close pretty fast but I'm more than happy we did. I loved the countdown last night. lol remember our business… keep it in mind haha.
Rani- wow, uhm….yea…its amazing how quickly i trusted you and how i just opened up to you right away. I don't do that too often, as you already know..
But you've been more than a friend to me; I can tell you a bunch of things that I wouldn't dare share with anyone else and I'm glad I have that bond with you. I love you guys so much.
I'm sorry I can't really think right now…I'm starving, actually, lol I'm waiting for the pizza to arrive…lol…but once again Thank you!
you guys mean the world and more to me.
…No, my leg doesn't hurt anymore Rani
I no longer have Oldenditis…but uh..it might come back, who knows
and yea I don't have the time to spend reading every little thing posted here…especially your crap.
just kidding…ily
But its okay, I read enough to get the gist of it all…
actually I don't 'cause I'm always confused…lol
oh well..
Haylie…youz psycho with your songs.
She's the one who posted the lyrics…just thought I'd let her know the rest of the lyrics and that it was a song..
hahahhahahah its ok Ninja…
and Rani…I don't have oldenditis anymore. you all spelled it wrong btw
17 isnt THAT old geezz…
and uh…yea, I don't have the patience or time to read EVERYTHING
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
idk…that guy?LMAO. I love the way you're always so lost on the forum!
OMG! You came to the Masjid! FINALLY! lol. whoooo hooooo. When you called me I was like, “Oh no, is it her b-day today?” LMAO! I thought I forgot…
UR B-DAY is coming up! YOU're GONNA BE OLD OLD OLD!
not that old…
and yea I am always lost…I don't most of the things people say in here…haha
idk…that guy?
why do you keep calling everyone Buddha?
Scar face:
say smtg random..let me see….
hayati aka stooge stinks!
ROFLMAO…omg..Haylie hun…He is calling u his Granny..hahaha.
in tamil ie..
idk lol what language thats in, but in Arabic it means life…
say smtg random..let me see….
hayati aka stooge stinks!
Hiya!!!! ooooooooooo see i didnt know it was A CURSE!!!!!!!!! i mean one wud mostly think that hekka wud be the curse but..hella?? hhmmp didnt kno
Aww man Take it easy child , and take yr rest, doNT OVERLOAD on the coffee which i knoo you u probably ARE
who's lavin? i bet its one of yr kids hehe
*revives yumin*
ahhhh Kavita.
Lavin is a stupid beezee lol =P
okay im gonna stop dying now
lmao she asks who lavin is
and you say she's a stupid beezee XD
she's her teacher lol
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lmao, what the heck? Rani, ur so on something, you wanna talk about it? it seems serious. lol.
and who cares where serio is and if he's a bore or not.
the talking is between me and u..and haylie…if she wants to join cuz she's the best at that, no?
She's saying ur the best at rubbish talk…I think. lol. got a problem with it? huh? huh? HUH? no? good.
oh ok, why are you saying rubbish
we say khara
ur mom
what about her?