wow I didn't think you'd remmeber every word I said and I actually forgot about it til now haha
It feels weird to be quoted, but awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I'm glad I was able to better your day to that extent.
I love the number of happy faces you put in the post, thats hilarious
11 super happy faces, and 2 squigly-cross-eyed faces. It was fun counting them
This is Rani speaking on behalf of Hayati, she says, “hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”
Hayati and I are in Ninjaz house right now. Them boring peeps are doing h.w. blah. lmao.
I'm borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreddddddddddddddddddddd!
*closes eyes* ooooook
i dont have pretty vacation pictures to show. we dont go on vacations lol. my vacation this year was my trip to walmart : D
hi ya'll
ninja i dont think our hug was rude.
hoover lol. remmeber rani and ninja when Appa S would say that. the hoova. lol I miss her.
blah to rani and another shut up. (to not accepting compliments) how about i start insulting you? eh? lol
awww I'm so sorry about your friends. I hope they will recover soon.
I lost my aunt to cancer and my father to multiple diseases…If I would give anyone advice as to how to cope with such a thing it is: hold on tightly to the good things in life- the fun, happy, memories you had with your friends, and continue to make more of those memories while you still can. Don't let the worst part of this drain everything thats in you, but focus on the positive things that come out of it. Like scarface said, stay strong.
Also, feel free to rant all you want. It's always better to let it all out.
Good luck to you and your friends.
Oh, it is love
From the first time I set my eyes up on yours
Thinking oh, is it love?
Oh dear
It's been hardly a moment
And you are already missed
There is still a bit of your skin
That I've yet to have kissed
Oh say please do not go
But you know, oh, you know that I must
Oh say I love you so
But you know, oh, you know you can trust
We'll be holding hands once again
All our broken plans I will mend
I will hold you tight so you know
It is love from the first
Time I pressed my hand into yours
Thinking oh is it love?
Oh, dear, it's been hardly three days
And I'm longing to feel your embrace.
There are several days years
Until I can see your sweet face.
Oh say, wouldn't you like to be older and married with me
Oh say, wouldn't it be nice to know right now that we'll be
Someday holding hands in the end
All our broken plans will have been
I will kiss you soft so you know
It is love from the first
Time I pressed my lips against yours
Thinking oh is it love?
Your heart may long for love that is more near
So when I'm gone these words will be here
To ease every fear
And dry up every tear
And make it very clear
I kiss you and I know
It is love from the first
Time I pressed my lips against yours
Thinking oh is it love?
haha hi Ninja…aw I miss you too, but yea we'll get to see each other at school.
hahaahahhahahaha I don't know why it took 3 posts to say aww. lol I didn't kknow it did that. (shut up Rani : P)
I'm at stupid lame boring work again with nothing to do. This is my last day at this place ( i think. I hope) then I'm off to another job. hm…I hope that won't be boring also.
lalallalalala time to read more posts.
you guys are so funnny…
I'm at work right now and I'm just so boredd errrr…I have nothing to do and this is the only site im allowed to get on cuz they blocked everything else.
well anywho…I just spent the last 30 minutes reading previous pages of this thread. you guys are sooo hilarious. I should reply more on here..buuuuuuuuuuuuttt I get busy and forget all about this forum.
okay…I'm going to go back to playing some free tetris. oh yea!
hey guuys!!
just to fit in the convo…
marriage- im all for it.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
errr…This week was oh so horrible. *dies*
lol sooo sorry to hear…
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummmy cakke!!!
thanks kavs!
Shakalaka Baby:
Hi Haylie,
I know I'm a few days late, but I still want to congratulate you on your birthday! I really hope you had a nice day the 24th!
Love, Shakz
aw thank you!