Hi Mukesh (and mods.. and members..),
Where are the rules and regulations for using this forum?
Is it possible to automatically ban any users who advertise for commercial purposes (i.e. not their own personal blogs/webpages/whatever) in their signatures? Some of the posts I look at seem really monotonous (yet relevant!) in style and they always have advertising in their signatures. I’m worried it is some form of intelligent spamming/advertising or something… what should I do?
Many thanks,
👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿
AND I CAN’T!!!!!!!!!! 👿 👿 👿 👿 😥 😐 👿 👿 🙁 👿
Life is so unfair. lol.
(Oh, and I am in PYAAR with this emoticon –> 👿 ……. )
Alie, you HAVE to listen to Hey Jude, it’s a very sweet song. Beatles has some real simple, tuneful gems. 🙂
@Unique_Princess wrote:
I feel so ill and I’m coughing like crazy. It’s not letting me sleep. So I’ve come downstairs to the living room… and I’ve been pulled here to the forum… like before. =)
ME TOO minus the coughing part. Ugh, yes please let’s HOLIDAY!!! To a nice BEACH!!! <3
I just Amazoned that book, it looks REALLY interesting! Will you be reading it on Kindle?
This made me think, what do you think are the ‘classic’ books of our times? The ones that people will go back to in a few decades’ time and think, ‘Ah, what a beautiful book!’? It’s really confusing me – as we don’t have Charles Dickens or Jane Austen in our times, but we still have absolutely brilliant writers. But somehow it just seems like there is no one ‘wow’ book in the market nowadays? Or is there?
I would *shudder* at the idea of Dan Brown becoming our times’ classic writing!! 😛 Although to be fair DVC did actually make a lot of people sit up and read…
So I guess I’m talking from both a commerical and a literature perspective, I guess. Any thoughts?
ETA: Holy smokes Aman!! Just had a bit of a read around the book, and got into the case that it was inspired from. It is horrifying and saddening and shocking all at once. Oh my word.
OMG ME TOO! Well, hopefully, if plans work out! 🙄 We’ll both have to come back on here and report our findings
I cannot believe Prinks (as I so fondly/not fondly call her) is getting GOOD reviews about her acting. I have not really found her in dazzling roles thus far. Partly her acting’s fault and to be fair to her, partly the movies she has been in. But still. Prinks is the one thing I am NOT looking forward to in this movie, but with an open mind I shall goooooooo
I did not know the exorcism of Emily Rose was based on a real story, wow. That puts a whole new – scarier – twist on things. *shudder*
And oooh I watched Patiala House too! I enjoyed it, but it was not the same as Kal Ho Na Ho (director Nikhil Advani’s previous). The characters were only half-baked and hmmm. But still an enjoyable movie and LMBO I CRIED!!!! 🙄 Some things never change… 🙄
Hhahahaahahahah… you are never going to let go of that are you 😯
Scarry – 🙂 *hug*
I HAVE GOT SO MUCH TIDYING TO DO I AM POSITIVELY GOING TO *SCREAM*!!!!!!!!!!!1 Maybe y’all across the world will be able to hear it too.
UGH. 👿 👿 👿 👿
So FRUSTRATED with life and NEED A HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!! 👿
Hey Aman sweety, good to see you back here, was wondering where you’d gone! I will have to check it out. I am STILL ploughing through Shantaram, can you believe? 😐
mmmmmmmmm cake, lucky you Alie 🙂 🙂
I had a dream that I gave birth to two gorgeous little girls, two years apart. I gave birth to the first one, fell asleep, then two days later, I woke up and found I had a littler one too, and that my parents were looking after them. I was so mad at them, I asked them why they did not wake me up, as I was so upset I missed out on vital bonding moments with my kids. They were both much older now. I cannot remember the name of my elder daughter (sucky mom I am, I know ), but my younger daughter was called Aishwarya I think, named after Aishwarya Rai. Don’t ask ME why
It was just a dream, and I woulc have picked a WAY better Bollywood actress if I had to pick one to name my kid after. 😉 🙄
I remember at the same time I was delivering my first child, my friend – who, incidentally, happened to be SOOKIE FROM GILMORE GIRLS!!! 🙄 😆 – was also having a baby. Only, she could NOT stop crying and I was wondering why and my other friend told me she got diagnosed with cancer. 🙁 It was awful. But I think my mind was oscillating between Sookie having had a miscarriage and a cancer, both of which are terribly morbid and awful I know. 😥
Then after I had woken up and my GORGEOUS – hey they are my spawn, could they BE anything but goshdarn PRETTY? 😉 – little girls were there walking along a garden (incidentally inspired by the garden that my OWN sister and I went walking down when we were little, in our matching dark purple velvet outfits… yes, don’t ask! 🙄 🙄 ), and I went up to them to try and build a bond with them, and let me tell you I had never been more scared or nervous in my entire life! 😐 I did not know what to say to them or how to approach them, what kind of language I should use, etc. I have always maintained – in real life, not dream life that is! – that one should speak to kids as normally as possible and not hide anything from them. But I had NO clue how I was going to approach them. I have also always thought that I would want to be the person to tell them about the birds and bees and how babies are both, just give it to them straight without any beating around the bush, when they were the right age… and I was wondering, “WHEN THE FREAK DO I KNOW WHETHER THEY’RE OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW OH MY GAAAAAAD I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT MY OWN BABIES!!!!!!!!1” 😥 LOL. I then started having doubts about whether I should tell them cos gosh what if they were not ready/mature enough for it or the elders in my family find out and they disapprove of my telling them? I mean, I found out when I was 7 years old and a part of me always wished I had that talk with my own mother first, I think it would have done that little bit more for our bond, and I always knew I wanted to “rectify” this with my own kids but I started to doubt myself and my own ideals…
Then the alarm woke up and I was kind of sad it was all a dream! 😛 I was enjoying meeting my kids. Also, I remember there being no father in the picture – does this show I don’t really like or love anyone enough right now that I would consider having them be the father of my babies? I dunno 😕 But what I DO know is my family all somehow came round to the fact that I was a single mother and they were hell supportive, which was very nice. 🙂
LOL MAAAAN I am MAJORLY jinxing myself by talking about my own kids on here 😥 What if I never have kids 😥 😥 lol touchwood touchwood…
But it was a really weird and awesome dream and I did not what to do or make of it but there you go… 🙄
Hi Mukesh,
There is really a LOT of spam coming to the site, is there any way to further tighten the entry points into the forum? I know some forums that make you e-mail the admin to say you want to be a member of the site, so that it blocks out spammers, etc. … is it possible to do any such thing for BWL?
Or perhaps just better word verification at the front?
Also, Ninjalicious (Or Yemenilicious, she keeps changing her name!) has tried contacting you re. her password for the forum, and she has had no response and no automated e-mail response either — could you please assist? I will forward to you the e-mail that she sent me, but it is from a different e-mail address so please check your junk mail and spam mail as well, etc.
Many thanks,
@RaNi iS ThE BeS wrote:
I can’t wait. Can’t wait till the day I’m able to drive hours away for a photo, something a lot of people I know will consider as a complete waste of gas – but I can’t wait to spend all my gas on drives that end up with a picture of pretty flowers or something. Not that I don’t love my life right now, I’ve actually never been happier – but just, I just wanna take photos along with the rest of the goodness my life is being right now. =(
OMG I feel you. 😐 Except, there *are* no pretty, inspirational places 5 minutes OR 5 hours away from where I live LOL. Lucky you. 🙁 (For at least having those places, I mean…)
LOL shush you 😛
I just want to say: I love eye candy. Especially when it’s at work. I love being straight.. think of all the HOT men in the world eeee I’m on an eye-candy high right now!
LOL u know Baqtiar saab you remind me eerily SO very much of a friend of mine.. it’s so strange 😐
@**scarface** wrote:
@boo wrote:
I am not that ugly that you will faint and go into a coma, OK 😛
I really, really, REALLY want to punch something. 👿
😐 well boo, I think u are beautiful..dnt worrie bout granpa Baqz..he is trying not to sound nice 🙄
LOL aww thanks sweety. I know better than to judge my beauty based on a Chaddi man who needs chasma anyway 😉
I am not that ugly that you will faint and go into a coma, OK 😛
I really, really, REALLY want to punch something. 👿
Can be true, can also not be true.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH guys I went to a restaurant yesterday with a girl friend and the waiter thought we were lesbians out on a date!!
And the best part was… I was totally oblivious despite my friend glaring at me and trying to give me hints.
.. takes one to know one 😉
anyway it’s V-day. what happened to your sweet soulless compliments Baqtair saab 😛