Haha I am free. TOday begin my vacation!
Don´t worry girls!! Anyone will ruin my holidays!! I will be relaxed! but…hahaha I am crazy!!
I was thinking about ..haha
you sound like a real nut case!
haaaahhahahahaha… I hate to agree with Oreo (really I do) but…
And on the topic of nutcases, my friend didn't know what the word “nutcase” means, so he goes to me, “Nutcase? As in… ehmm…. a place where you put your nuts?” LMAO! (If you're perverted like I am, this will sound a lot funnier… hahaha)
I LOVE the Doorie remix!!! Atif Aslam ROCKS!! I really, really REALLY want to take a course in DJ-ing now… :/
Let's see you come up with something better, then… As Hermione says to Ron in Harry Potter… “Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon…”
Hahahahahahahahahaha I absolutely LOVE that quote
I'm fine… I just have my melodramatic moments, is all
blinded by someone who utters sweet and comforting yet fake words…i feel sorry for you.
u dont need him to point out…u shud know yrself.
Hai hai…. *feels da lurveeeeeeeee* I do know myself I kick some major butt, but sometimes I need to hear it from someone else… and he came to mind for some reason.
ahahahhaha… seriously though… you think i didn't think of that? i dunno… what he said makes sense and on that, and just for that alone, i judge him… i don't care who he is or isn't or who he might be or might not be… one of the BEST, BEST (I am not even kidding here) pieces of advices I have ever received was from your loverboy Nitzah himself – in the BWL forum awards, when he gave me the Kiddie Award (I still remember to this day…), he told me, “Don't lose the kid in you”… so i'm never one to judge…
This is about Sam, in case you lot don't get it…
Little Girl Lost… Little Girl Found
It is a cliched phrase,
yes: “a little bit of kindness goes a long way”, but as with most (if not all)
cliched phrases, it is so goddamn true. I am still
trying to, and have been doing so for the past several years, work out if I am
being too innocent and naïve for… 'believing in people too quickly'. (It's in
inverted commas because I don't believe in people too quickly – I need
my reassurance – and yet, I do. But that's another topic in itself.) I
don't really know, still. I guess our definitions of “innocent” and “naive”
change with time and growth, and so there's never really just one answer for
Whatever it may be – holding on to hope, naïveté, or simply just taking things
as they are – the feeling of believing in people is so amazing, so timeless. The
feeling of being touched by kindess, knowing that there are truly beautiful
people in this world who can move the entire universe to make you feel just as
beautiful, and all this just with the simplest of acts – I have no words for it.
Forgetting the actual act itself for a second, I feel priviliged, so damn
special just knowing I have experienced one of those beautiful,
precious moments in life. It really is amazing what a little bit of kindness can
do – it has the power to evoke, change and kill a whole spectrum of emotions and
thoughts… can you think of anything more powerful than that?
Over the past couple of days, and especially so since this morning, I have been
feeling so small and useless and tiny and insignificant-in-a-bad-way and
worthless and pointless and lifeless. The twisted, tortured kind of pain that
can be felt in your abdomen has been festering within me so much, I almost
couldn't bear to unveil the wounds. And for some reason, there was only person I
could think of who could lift me up again, and lift me up in a real and
beautiful manner. I don't know why I thought of him, but I did. I guess on
hindsight, it's because of his ability to say things as they are, and see the
beauty in almost anything and anyone. It's his wisdom, I guess. His wisdom is
all the reassurance I need to believe in him. The way he says the words and the
way I can just feel the truth resonating in them. Very, very few people
make me feel this way, and out of all the gloriously random bunch, he is up
there quite near the top.
So, searching through the mire, I decided to read some old PMs, dating back
to well over a year ago. I cannot explain how reading his words made me feel. I
wish I could, but I actually physically cannot even get myself to start typing
(!)… being in the right place at the right time is sometimes so crucial, and I
could not have been in a more perfect place at the perfect time; his kind words
brought tears to my eyes.
“The Bible says 'though mourning may
last the night, joy comes in the morning.' I believe you were made for better
moments than these, and that your character is being refined in the momentary
crucible of pain.”
“The Bible is right – I have always loved sunrises for
that very reason… they always manage to somehow make life look better after a
long night, don't they? Maybe because I allow them to make my life better, that
they do. Maybe the magic of sunrises is in me itself. Who knows? I love
Life sometimes seems to m
I could really, really, REALLY, REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY use Senor Saab's comforting words right now… I feel so useless and worthless and pointless and lifeless… I could do with him pointing out what a wonderful girl I am… ha. Sigh.
Ha… he's a great guy. We had long discussions about all sorts of issues. Who knows, maybe I'm close to his age, anyway…
I'm watching Madhuri Dixit on Kaun Banega Crorepati on youtube (I LOVE IT!!!! <3), and Madhuri's…. something… aura, I guess… reminds me of Khushi. It really does. Her calmness, her composure, her laughing beautifully, both their maturies, obsession and passion for dance and classical, traditional Indian stuff (OH how I miss this about Khushi…), the way they keep India in their hearts even if they are abroad (… sigh.)…. or rather, that is what I imagine Khushi to be like, when she's Madhuri's age… I guess at this moment, she's still a bit young to have that… that… Mature Woman's Sensibility… or something. lol. She's still like Anjali in K3G for me… jumping around and thoughtful and perceptive and intelligent and childish and crazy and beautiful… but I just know she's going to mature into a Madhuri Dixit one day… when she has young kids of her own… I sincerely hope, for her sake more than anything else, that she never lets go of the crazy child in her. I'm soulmates with that crazy child in her, I'm a bit f***ed if she loses it…
Hahahahaha! <3
Ahahahahahahhahaa… Kavita – genuine question: when was the last time you watched a recent Bollywood film?
Your professor is right – my father always says that too.
But then again, a 76 (yes, really!!) year old Philosophy student (!! I know!! I have SO much respect for the guy…) I was talking to was saying to me how, if we didn't have extremes, we wouldn't have as strong a hold on our perspective of where we stand in the spectrum… he says he likes the extreme stuff some philosophers write because he can study their viewpoint and say “No, I don't agree, that is total nonsense.”… and it helps him to understand and appreciate HIS OWN perspective in the spectrum a lot more… am I making any sense here? lol..
And what's so el-oh-elly about the cup part?
Wait… I'm confuuuuused jaan! Serious or sarcasm?
Kavita – thanks hun Muchos appreciated, am touched that you actually went through all of that paragraph by paragraph…
How is the no-feelings thing treating you?
Kya phir milenge? Sigh. I've lost virtually all hope in the phir milenge. I truly love her, and I have truly set her free. I don't even care if she doesn't come back for me now; I've done my best and I genuinely could not care less either way… however much I want and need her, this 'physical' pining and need seems so… tiny and superfluous in comparison to the promises of eternal love (javeda zindagi) we had declared to each other, in the witness of the small things – the sunrises, the sunsets, the dewdrops, the raindrops, the little little things that speak a thousand words that that crazy girl refuses to speak to me… and I have faith in our love that it will survive even without that idiot's 'physical' contact. Sigh. But I'm still so mad at her. Hmmmmmmmmph.
OK… the only reason it seems like I'm having a freaking MONOLOGUE over here… is because SOMEONE is feeling too lazy to post this up on the forum, and has asked me to, and since I was going to write her a forum post with pretty much the same stuff, I thought I'd be lazy too and kill two birds with one stone… (or two posts with one… post?
MSN conversation between Tayba and myself…
Boo… is glad to know she
isn't the only girl ALREADY planning what songs to play at her wedding… lol.
Awww says:
just prayed?
How quick the sun can drop
away, and now my bitter hands cradle broken glass. says:
yes jaani!
how are you beautiful?
Boo… is glad to know she
isn't the only girl ALREADY planning what songs to play at her wedding… lol.
Awww says:
i've been thinking
i never got round to telling you this
but THANK YOU SO MUCH for believing in me
<span style="font-size:10pt;font-family:'Trebuchet MS','sans-serif';c
That's cos you're mine. Duh!!
You are lucky.
I have four scented candles next to me (two Vanilla and two Summer Breeze..), and I am listening to ghazals and working… this setting has Khushiness written all over it… I am so mad at her.
Ooooh we could do with a fight around here… *thinks back to those days of Nitz Serio and Bqz…*
My twin is right… Lyn is a beautiful nickname for you!