Originally posted by nitzah
its easy, search for either an old posting by serio or me and look for “The Rules Of The Forum OF Death”
you’ll find the complete guide there !
you can order a booklet of it, but we are currently out of stock !
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feelNever be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
this is exactly why i felt we needed moderators (wiht all due respect to you, of course nitz! [:P), im just using ur post as an example!)…if people kept switching topics, then we would never get any ‘proper discussion’ done….there is a thread which allows you to say something totally random, and yet people post posts that are non-related to the topic of the thread…it is not only a waste of thread space, but it also means that everyone will easily get sidetracked.
i am not saying that a Moderator’s job would be just to delete posts that annoy them, but to check that they are sticking to the rules, etc. etc. especially in threads that were designed to be serious from the word go. (*fixed glare at nitz*)
if you feel differently about this, please feel free to let me know!
(and nitz…please…if its to pick a fight with me, do it in the Say Something Totally Random thread…
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
something that helps you to express your thoughts…is it just me or does anyone else here feel like they can’t write properly without a pen that they are used to writing with? well, that is my thought on a pen. i can’t write with some pens as they are really anooying to hold. yep, am fussy!
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Originally posted by ramz89
nah every bit is copywrited if you right click it wont let you, however youcan use the edit button at the top of the screen and do it via that or the ctrl+C button
exactly….so what is the point in not allowing the right-click option??[?]
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
i have another question….why are we not allowed to copy and paste stuff from this website? i dont see any benefit in that?
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
aww man!! u people have ruined my dream of having moderators!!
well, if the majority thinks that moderators will create more ha s s le, that is fine by me, but i think it will make things less of a headache for him (think of it as being a King, but stil needing ministers )
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Madhu ji:
lol…i was just stating my opinion…
i dont think it will be a job on a daily basis, as few people nowadays put topics in the wrong threads (touchwood, of course )…but i was thinking along the lines of just someone who had the ‘power’, as such, to be able to move a thread that is not theirs if it is in the wrong place, etc. like a moderator?
we’ll see what Mukesh thinks of the idea…perhaps there could be several moderators who are in charge of a section to make sure that the content in there is appropriate? so that it won’t be too hard on one person?
Mukesh (and anyone else): let us know what you think!
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
no one is perfect until you fall in love with them
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
its a lovely song ….
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
im sure he’d also want our input naz…wihtout us this forum would not be ‘moving’ as such, would…the hierarchy system is BIT complicated sadly !
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Originally posted by Admin
Thanks for the suggestions. Here are my comments.
Nitzah: if you oppose to the movie name suggestion, lets hear some of yours’. You started the idea, I’d like to see some examples.
waah re wah Mukesh ji….welcome to the world of bollywoodlyrics.com!
now….re: names such as sabse bada khiladi…they sound good…but what do you think about my other suggestion? (in fact what does everyone else think about it[?]) of having movie ranks, eg director etc?
and i have another suggestion to make, regarding posting in the right section. While most people post stuff in the right section, being the lovable lot that we are, we tend to go off topic, or post lyrics requests in wrong section, and so i think it would be a good idea if you have some moderators, i.e. a couple of people who could move topics, etc. to the right section, etc. as i appreciate that it would be possible for you to keep checking the threads. perhaps we could vote on someone who could have that kind of authority, or maybe some of your lyrics helpers could do that? Since Madhu seems to be a very sensible person, she might like to do it….but i dont know that for sure….maybe someone else would like to do it too?
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
then why did you come here in the first place nitz?!
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
…and you know me sooo well you know what productive would mean for me wouldn’t you my friend?!
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Originally posted by Admin
I don’t think I understand what you mean by editing our own?? Do you mean editing the Rank each member gets after they are posted a certain number of times? Or do you mean that along with Username, there should be another “Alias” name that will be displayed instead of the Username?
If you mean editing the “Rank” itself by each member, then that doesn’t really mean a “Rank”. If all movies out their can rank themselves, we would never have bad movies. Ranking is done based on your performance in prespective of some rules or guidelines. Therefore the ranks shouldn’t be editable by members, but I do like the suggestion of changing the names and further deepening the ranks (exceed the Platinum ranking). If anyone can start suggesting names, in terms of like Movie Names for ranks like “Subse Bada Khiladi” for example.
I agree with Mukesh…nitzah please can you get ur message across more clearly?
and i agree that the rankings and even the nick (eg mine: boo) should not be changed…after all a forum is different from MSN Messenger…!
but yeah filmi names like the one that Mukesh suggested sound good!
One question though…what does “Subse Bada Khiladi” mean[?]
how about rankings in terms of bollywood films, e.g. in terms of authority, like the spot boys/girl to the backing dancers to the sidekick role to the actor to the producer to the director, etc etc???
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
depends on what your idea of productive is nitzah!
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
ok ok back to the topic you guys! else Mukesh will delete the posts!
as i was saying…i also think its a good idea to change the average member etc…it is kind of boring …so any suggestions? something to do with bollywood hopefully (ahem! nitzah and serio!
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
lolz….no way r we having black!
and i know u love the colour green (well at least on this forum) so why bother denying it!
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
no…but at least other people in the forum will be able to search for it, and post it if needed
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
…at least it might stop other people from asking for the same translation you doooofus!
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
nitzah ji u sound pretty desperate not to change the colours…me too yaar (for once!) and i also agree with Heera…the green is what makes this forum different from the others…i have so many memories connected with the green…it would be a pity to change it now…
wht say we take a poll? those in favour of green say “Shah Rukh Khan rulessss!!”
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
hey thats great…i was going to post it in…lol
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity