maar dala? from Devdas? my God Madhuri Dixit KICKED A.SS in that song… i swear she is sooo stunning!!
lol… aww that reminds me of Nessa Nostalgia… “aaand *snaps* just like THAT… ”
nach baliye… burn the dance floor o kudiye!!
paheli WAS India’s nomination for the Oscars… :S
SIDDHARTH is so hot! hotter than Amir i dont like amir lol. also like the piot guy… now what was his name again??!!
ace movie… interesting views… well directed. songs r not bad either!
thats a cool idea baqtiar… i hope it can be done! perhaps there should also be an option of hiding your online/offline status in case people dont want to show it?
tabz: i know… what a kick a$$ song… as usual, a friend sent it to me lol
she willllllllllll be loveddddddddddddddddddd
thanks guys for all the comments!
whatta man whatta man whatta man whatta mighty good man
oreo ji: such words coming from u = compliment. from other people = insult… u do the working out and see who’s got a weird sense of weird
Originally posted by serioComic
boo..u ARE weird. PERIOD!!
You need to stop playin’ ‘round
with all them clowns and the wangstas
Good girls gotta get down with the gangstas
Go ahead girl put some back and some neck up on it
While I stand up in the background and check up on it*~Savor the flavour, dont waste the taste~*
[:I] my! what a compliment!
If you want me to fall for you, you’ve got to give me something worth tripping over
its fast, its free, its fun!!! The Forum Awards 05 await ur vote… VOTE NOW!! And u may win an award…
omgg rani i was feeling the same way before… now im feeling:
u aint my man boy
im just tryinna dance boy
and move my humps
my humps, my humps my humps my humps
to reflect my: grrrrr i want everybody to leave me alone and let me do what i want!! [:(!] lol. am seriously feeling weird today.
i get what u mean about quoting… i try to delete to the bits that are needed, if i can be bothered… i will make a better effort from now on
the idea of not having so many diff threads for all the jokes and stuff?? i dont know what the admins will think… maybe its too much to ask, since a forum allows freedom of expression?? :S
i havent really checked this out, to be honest, but do all the translations that are done here (e.g. the bluffmaster – right here right now one by rani is the bes), by the members of this forum go on the main website? if they do, that means you can delete the thread that asks for those lyrics, freeing up more space… it is also easier to find stuff on the main site, as they are categorised into movie names, etc. i bet most people probably check the main site, and then ask for lyrics and translations on here… its not like many people are even using the search facility on the forum anyway, sadly enough…,jahan
use the search feature!!!
waah re wah! FINALLY someone who puts in an appropriate title… congrats!! lol!
you’re in luck… lol! click on the link and you’ll see what i mean! enjoy!
now look who’s the singer… lol!
wow… twin thing huh? lol!
lol!! no lover jiiii dont quit so easily with them!!
as word rules guidelines, here are a couple i had in mind:
1. stick to the sections – i think this is already on the forum though?
i dont know if this would be allowed, really, because it might be in violation of the freedom of speech but here goes…
2. please avoid clogging up the forum – many of the threads created can all be put into one thread with a common title, such as “Jokes” or “Problems”… no need to create lots of threads for what could’ve been posts.
i say this because it is annoying to find lots of topics on here that you have to scroll past… but i dont know. am i just being fussy? maybe it could be a polite request instead of a rule… as it is, most of these topics go into the archives with only 1 or 2 pages, or we tend to go off-topic anyway… i dont know… what say[?]
and as for blocking people, i didnt mean like block them from the site. i meant a facility where each member of the forum can choose to block the posts of a certain member from the threads they see. it is available in other forums, im sure… or would you say that is too drastic? maybe if enough people feel strongly about it, it could be something worth considering?
also, i wanted to thank you (yet again… lol) for creating this forum… it really does make my day to see such lovely posts in here, despite certain problems… you’re doing such a good job, so… THANK YOU VERY MUCH! and keep it up…
guide to the forum?? what do u have in mind ramz? Nitz and Oreo ji’s Death Forum style??