hey no problem…
at the moment, the old forum… but i rly like some of the new features on here, and once it is FULLY done, i will be able to give a fair answer… right now im just a lil green-BWL-sick! lol funny that… green can mean sick as in vomit (lol, sorry to be so graphic) and sick as in home-sickness. kinda ironic, na?
same question….
old BWL ya new BWL?
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Hi Khushi!!! I’m okay, how r u? everything okay?
hey Boo! boo! boo! boo!
btw… does anyone know if i can upload pictures on here? i.e. not for my avatar (anyone else find their avatar isnt showing up???), but as posts in threads…???
hey mukesh i have something to ask… what is meant by this in the ‘Say Something’ section? where there is a description of what the Say Something section is…
To keep the content fresh, topics in this forum WILL be deleted after two weeks.
are you going to delete the topics or delete the old ones or… ???
and also: you might already be doing this, but i was wondering if you were going to move all the lyrics and translations that there are on the main page in the old BWL website? because if you were, you could simply sort them in ascending order of name of film because (well, i think so anyway…) it would be easier to find the film that way than by searching through the different genres… in any case, the genres of the films are all mixed up any way, so it makes it a little harder to try and find the films…
well i think that’s enough questions for now… lol. i understand you must be very busy… but thank you.
heyy heera… just outta curiosity (lol), is ur MSN address rly that or are we meant to ask u if we want it?? lol
I’m not enjoying myself, but I can be some sort of relaxed.
**Be kind. For everyone you meet fighting is a harder battle**
Except when the plane makes strange noises or moves, hehe
But I have to compliment you, for someone who’s afraid to fly, you’ve behaved very well!! Good girl
..: Let love be your energy :..
Marine- ur sooo sweet! Thnx hun! Im glad I brought some *khushi* with me instead of sad talks!
Rani- I knowww i shudnt have told u! Gosh, i jus dug my own grave! Hehe! lolz… Cupid torture with Filhaal Song! lolz!
~* Manzil Se Begaane, Hum Rahi Chalpade Hai,
Dastak Jho Di Raaste Ne,
Khud Ka Thikaana Bholgaaye*~
I love the way in the beginning of ‘Mere Haath Mein’ in ‘Fanaa’, the chorus singer sings the alaap of ‘Yaa Maula’! (So random but yea! ) Im such a kid, its unbelieveable!
~* Manzil Se Begaane, Hum Rahi Chalpade Hai,
Dastak Jho Di Raaste Ne,
Khud Ka Thikaana Bholgaaye*~
hey yah i love the songs of the movie and i can’t waith till it comes out i’ll give you all the link to watch it online i promise once it airs in teathers.
Khushi how are you sweety?
Are we alive just for the sake of living, or is there a purpos to our live: zindagi to apni mehmaa.n
hey u guys have u noticed that some of the posts have been deleted i think the change to the new forum will hopefully be soon
Oopss sorry schat..mijn msn doet een beetje raar dus ik heb het maar opgegeven om vandaag online te komen.. in plaats daarvan ben ik bezig klikken op een GPT..
*I’m sorry hun..i cant come online coz my MSN is acting strange..so i’ve given up tryin 4 the day and instead i’m clickin on a GPT *
Oh n trouwens..ja K3G is best wel een goede vertaling voor GTST..ik zit Desperate Housewives te kijken ik volg GTST echt niet meer..Geef mij maar de Bold & de Beautiful hihi
*Oh n btw, K3G is a pretty good translation 4 GTST, i’m watchin Desperate Housewives..i dont quite understand GTST nemore.. I’d rather watch The Bold n The Beautiful.. hihi *
..:.:Dil Diyan Rahan Uttey:.:Pehrey Naiyon Lagdey:.:Muqaddaran Dey Likhey Hoye:.:Mitt Naiyon Sakdey:.:..
i already saved it anyway. but i was just wondering..but thnx lover ji and heera!
Am Rani ji- hehe. are u afraid of flying? I LOVE it! hehe.
I love sleep…my life has a tendency to fall apart when I’m awake.
Yea***ss, Rani flies alll the timmeee- with her wings and her arrow n bow! no wonder she loves it soo much!
~* Manzil Se Begaane, Hum Rahi Chalpade Hai,
Dastak Jho Di Raaste Ne,
Khud Ka Thikaana Bholgaaye*~
life is so unpredictable..
Work like you dont need the money, Love like you’ve never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching, drive it like you stole it
Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it!!
Tayba, Coz everything tht is predictable is not alive…. brace onnnn- gd times will come
~* Manzil Se Begaane, Hum Rahi Chalpade Hai,
Dastak Jho Di Raaste Ne,
Khud Ka Thikaana Bholgaaye*~
Tayba ji- u okay hunn? *hugs*
Khushi- grrrrr… ur saying i dont exist. cuz cupid isn’t for real..lol.
I love sleep…my life has a tendency to fall apart when I’m awake.
lover ji….ur scaring me! lol. but i cant help it… how can i stop my heart from caring? of course i dont worry like this for just anyone! i only worry for people who i really care about…but i’m not at all a depressing person(if ur getting that idea) of course i am really upset on the inside, but i dont show it. i show it only when i want to(lyk if i say something on the forum) but other than that i’m always smiling and laughing and having a good time. just enjoying life for the moment. but i couldn’t help but worry about khushi…
I love sleep…my life has a tendency to fall apart when I’m awake.
and ur not boring at all. ur advice is quite interesting.
I love sleep…my life has a tendency to fall apart when I’m awake.
Ok. If u dont let it affect u deeply, then it is ok.
As for my advise….well im always known for my advises. Im famously known as badi didi (even people older to me call that!).
~~~lover of music~~~
in the forum or in real life? badi didi!!! haha! they shud call u badi dadi!!! wahahaha!!! lol. but jokes apart, u really do give good advice.
I love sleep…my life has a tendency to fall apart when I’m awake.
In real life…they call me the word for ‘badi didi’ in my native tongue. Now dont ask me what my native lang is !
In forum? Well, yaha to mein ‘lover’ hu na .
“badi dadi!!!!”
~~~lover of music~~~
kiski lover? aur vaise bhi, i already know what ur native tongue is.
hmmm..u lyk it? maybe i shud start calling u badi dadi…*thinks about it*
I love sleep…my life has a tendency to fall apart when I’m awake.
hey where has Tayba ji(unique princess) gone? she hasn’t logged on for a while.. i hope she’s okay…</S
k.its cool.BYE.njoy dance prac.
teddy bear
Originally posted by sabiha
Well, RaniIsTheBes, u havent seen Boo and yet you are making such a wonderful picture of a person. I hope you have made the correct picture! And yes being mysterious is awsome! Im going to try that too….I mean, be mysterious!
Well i can only make a wonderful picture out of someone wonderful. and Boo is definately wonderful.
lol. ur gonna be mysterious? well good luck with that. and welcome to the forum! hope u have an awesome time here.
Shereena- ….maybe ur right..but i hope not..
I love sleep…my life has a tendency to fall apart when I’m awake.
quote: Originally posted by RaNi iS ThE BeS I really miss khushi didi… I dont even think she’s reading this cuz when i was upset i didn’t log on, it wouldn’t make sense. I dont know what to do! I’m worried about her.. I hope she’s okay….come back didi…i wish i could tell her this! But if she’s upset she’s probably locking herself up somewhere listening to Tu jahan…like she said…i wish i could find that one topic about depression cuz she wrote hekka stuff in there and i dont really remember much of it… I love sleep…my life has a tendency to fall apart when I’m awake.
I feel soo bad now shweetoo, im SO sorry! Im bck now- every thing will be ok. Dont worry about me- im managing stuff Love you xoxoxo How did u kno about Tu Jahan!? Wow! ~* Manzil Se Begaane, Hum Rahi Chalpade Hai, |
Edited by – ~Khushi~ on 04/23/2006 08:35:09 AM |
Ok guys I know ur going to call me faltoo, but I thought id post in the last few pages of this thread, so that we can have some familiar posts to look at… gah I feel green-BWL sick!! Lol. and ok ok so I was a LIL biased in selecting the starting point…
with rani’s view of me, which I will reply to sometime…
and im soo sos, the emoticons are gone… im not that faltoo to get them back up…
enjoy… and thank me. hehe!
okay..imma do my view of Boo ji…this is gonna be really difficult since she’s soooo mysterious!
okay imma start with your appearance: When you had the avatar of Preity Zinta, that was how i imagined you. cute. lol. I think ur about her height..how tall is she anyway? well i dont think ur too tall or too short…about average i guess…and i think u have about shoulder length hair(brown)(am i being too specific?) and i think ur thin. not really skinny – but not fat either. I also think that u have light skin. and i think ur very cute and pretty(maybe this has something to do with ur nick? cuz Boo(monstersinc) was really cute!)
I know ur a female. lol. thats one thing u couldn’t hide! I think ur between 20 and 25 yrs old…sometimes i think ur an English teacher! lol. maybe cuz ur English is awesome, i dunnoe. But then i think u still go to Uni or college. I don’t think ur finished with ur studies yet…but i may be wrong…But i definately think ur done with High School.
Sometimes i think u dont live with ur parents…i dunnoe why…but then other times i think u do live with them…i dunnoe…i know u dont have a twin and i dont think u have a brother,,i dunnoe why tho…but i do think u have a sister. I’m not sure how many but i remember when i was telling u about my sis u said we had a good relationship and dat u were jealous and that definately makes me think u do have an older sister. maybe younger..not sure..
I think you live in the U.K because of ur English. i spell color (<–like that) and you spell it like: colour. and u spell humor lyk this: humour. But i may be wrong cuz in other places they teach u English the Brit way..so yeah… i’m not sure if ur desi or not cuz of ur hindi…but something tells me that u are…i think…haha
I also think ur very smart and clever because of the way you are on this forum and the way u talk here. plus, u decided to be mysterious and thats smart! I wish i could be like that-but maybe i like talking about myself! lol. dunnoe. I think ur doing awesome in ur studies(if u have completed ur studies then i bet u did awesome!) But i dont think u have…i dont think u have a job right now…i may be wrong tho! I just think ur concentrating on ur studies. and i wish u the best with that.
I also know that you are an athiest. But u have also revealed that u had a religion before, but it was ur parents religion and that u decided to become athiest because u didn’t believe in what they believed in. I don’t know what religion u had before…
I think you are a sensitive person(like me. lol) and you cherish every precious moment of life. and u hold on to all the memories you can. You know exactly the things that are special to you and hold them close to ur h
awww no… dont go off… unless u have to, hehe! looks like u got ur avatar back… or at least a new one
if u need any more help with that, lemme no.
and yes im sure u can… u just need to type in the HTML code as u did for old bwl… try that?
and try out the forum, am rani ji… nobody likes sudden changes (hah, trust me, i should know – i have had my fair share of changes to lifestyle…) but hopefully it will be a good thing…
ok, i went a little OTT on the smileys, but who cares?
i prefer the old forum smileys… these are too ‘MSN’…
person above me loves its the time to disco and shes crajee!!
btw… being a Mystery Woman, i for am LOVING the PM feature!!!
i know what u mean… maybe we can get it back up… but not right now lol Mukesh must be realllly busy!
nahin tayba ji, i meant the POINTS system…
btw… does anyone understand the points system???
hey Mukesh ji!
thank you for all the work you’ve done to get this new forum… 🙂 hmmm filmi names? such as: director, guest appearance, big star, etc?
hello people!! good to see familiar faces in an unfamiliar forum… 🙂 but its all good – i like it!!
dola re – devdas…. aish AND madz… aaahhhh bliss!!
she looks beautiful in silsila yeh chahat ka (devdas) too
hey mukesh ji!
that’s great… i’ve checked it out… although it is a little difficult to find the list of features lol. i found it in the end. i hope the changes/transition goes well… i’m looking forward to seeing the new version!
too bad u dont know me well enough then…