lol… must've been one huuuge technical glitch. *touchwood* lol
Nerves are good Tayba, we like nerves.
And I'm SICK of men. And no Kavita, I can't. lol. Saddest story of my life.. haha!
I'm baaaaack!
haha glad im right bout something!!
Boo: Love in Time of Cholera, he does ramble a lot doesnt he?? and i found a few parts pretty disturbing =S. I want to read 100 years of solitude by Marquez though.. arghhh so many good books, and so little time to read them all!!
Ah Marquez babes does love to ramble, bless him.. Funny, I was just talking about this book the other day with someone.. and I log on to the forum to find a post about it… awesome.
I took my time with LITTC, but unlike other books I tend to take my time with, it was a pleasure doing so with this book… I think that's how Marquez meant for us to read it – slowly, steadily, lazily.. absorbing the events and taking long luxurious pauses in between to think about the story… it was only in a couple of the rambly parts I got annoyed with Marquez and wanted him to carry the he.ll on with the book!!
Just finished with A Thousand Splendid Suns… aaaahhhh!!! I have no words, loved that book… READ IT PEOPLE!!!
Think I'll move on to Austen's Persuasion next… Been meaning to read that in forever…
I'm acting hot and cold, hot and cold and I feel like a b.itch but it's all so BLAH!!!!!!!!!!! I hate men. I want my man back.
I'm acting hot and cold, hot and cold and I feel like a b.itch but
it's all so BLAH!!!!!!!!!!! I hate men. I want my man back.
Oh Tayba I really REALLY need to write a book of Tayba Quotes one day… hahahaha!! You donkey.
Ninja sweety!!! HOW ARE YOU? I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK… GET TAYBA OFF MY BACK PLEASE KTHANKS!! LMBO!! (We love her really… somewhere deep down… haha!
Tayba – *hughughughughug*
Oh, and wrinkles!
Ninja sweety!!! HOW ARE YOU? I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK… GET TAYBA OFF MY BACK PLEASE KTHANKS!! LMBO!! (We love her really… somewhere deep down… haha!
Tayba – *hughughughughug*
Oh, and wrinkles!
Tayba I LOVE you!!
(OK that's like the LEAST random thing on the planet as everyone – even people who don't know you who see my texts (and before you start worrying, it's the lovey dovey ones, nothing is revealed! )!! – seems to know I bum you a lot… hahahah.. but still, thought I'd post it on here!)
Whatta bootyphool songg!!!
Remember those walls i built
well baby they're tumbling down
they didnt even put up a fight
they didnt even make a sound
I found a way to let u in
but i never really had a doubt
standing in the light of ur halo
i got my angel now
its like ive been awakened
every rule i had u breaking
its the risk that im takin
i aint never gonna shut u o ut
every where i look now
im surrounded by ur embrance
baby i can see ur halo
u know ur my saving grace
ur everything i need and more
its written all over your face
pray it wont fade away
i can feel ur halo halo halo
i can see ur halo halo halo
i can feel ur halo halo halo
i can see ur halo halo halo
Amaaneyyy that really is a beautiful song. Who is it by? Is it Leona Lewis?
Hahahahahaha LMBO Tayba my pretty lady, the moment I saw the lyrics, I thought I should Google that song and let you know about it cos I *knew* you would love it….
Thunderstorms are evil? Cats are evil!
Uh uh – Kajol does NOT have an attitude!! I've heard from a friend who's MET Shah Rukh that he is incredibly rude and has an attitude.. lol.
Rani – twin moment huh… both of us looked to senor saab's words for comfort… lol.
I don't know much about your friendship, but from the little I remember and have seen, it's really beautiful. I've only dreamed of having such a friendship, but was never fortunate enough to be loved enough for the friendship I dreamed of ever since I was a little girl. May Allah make your friendship even more beautiful with time, ameen thumma ameen. <3 <3 <3
PS: I totally agree… come the BWL forum awards, I think Aman and Shereena should totally win the Laila Majnu Award
Nessa ji – do you remember Sam and brollys and Cheeni Kum and how we cracked up?
hahaahaha good times…
What about qawwalis and Sufi music – music that involves the praise of Allah and is seen as a 'Muslim thing', if I'm making sense?
Oh, by the way Rani – my friend sent me this Arabic song about the praise of the prophet Mohammed (he said I'd love it for the poetry of it… lol), which I think you'll like (from the translation, it looks beautiful) – remind me to send it to you.
I miss my friend… bloody idiot went off on holiday… Life SUCKS!!
My practising Muslim friend told me that music is forbidden in some 'sects' of Islam – could anyone explain/elaborate?
He said something about it disrupting the soul or something. I cannot remember very much, cos it confused me and I just glanced over what he'd written. lol
Thank you
thanks for that reply. that's a bit close to what I mean. if I can't be the person that he wnated me to be, then I guess, it would be better if give him a choice..a choice to let go, or just accept the way I am. if i can never be a perfect wife for him, then I guess, he'd better focused on my positive sides..and not on counting things that I can never be..although I'm trying to be..but I guess, I've done my best..
A beautiful thought.
I know you bum Led Zeppelin, you paagal.
<3 And I know the rhyming in this song would make you smile too… it's cute ain't it? =)
If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.
When mountains
crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.
Kind woman, I give
you my all, Kind woman, nothing more.
Little drops of rain whisper of
the pain, tears of loves lost in the days gone by.
My love is strong, with
you there is no wrong,
together we shall go until we die. My, my, my.
inspiration is what you are to me, inspiration, look… see.
And so
today, my world it smiles, your hand in mine, we walk the miles,
Thanks to
you it will be done, for you to me are the only one.
Happiness, no more be
sad, happiness….I'm glad.
If the sun refused to shine………..
I would still be
loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea……….
there will still be you and