person above me needs to spend more time on the forum so she can get up to date with all the happenings!!!
heera: LOVING ur sig btw!! do u look ike that in real life?? oh so pwetty!! if u gimme the definition of a REAL KADUMASTER, i’ll think about it and let u know!
errr… looks like im talking to myself here! doesn’t this thread need to be moved?
eating. lol. cant say much more than that.
any new feelings about this forum?
person above me… got ya PM. and i will reply to it. just thought id save ur sanity (lol) by letting you know.
heera and aman didi i agree with you guys! but hey, this forum is kinda green, na? (well i have the blue layout, but i think imma change it soon…)
BWL-wise? green. definitely!
generally, i think i’d prefer white. dunno. really depends.
shah rukh or amir? (and nooooooo of COURSE i wont kill u if u say amir… )
ace you got there!! whoo i love this… im starting a new trend huh? now we got a best of both worlds, the green-ness and nostalgia-ness of the old forum with the cool features of the new forum! lol. did u do it using the Powerpoint way or another way?
waise, pagal people talk to themselves… but not to worry, im sure it was just a one-off. right? hmmmmmmmmmm? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm??
ace you got there!! whoo i love this… im starting a new trend huh? now we got a best of both worlds, the green-ness and nostalgia-ness of the old forum with the cool features of the new forum! lol.
waise, pagal people talk to themselves… but not to worry, im sure it was just a one-off. right? hmmmmmmmmmm? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm??
the cheeek of it ramz!! copying my idea… *sniff* you ppl have no mercy on ur LOVELY lil boo. haha.
nah. just kidding!!
im glad ive started a trend… kya karoon, im just cool like that!
lol, ok enuf showing off, na?
am rani ji: well first of all, the signature is from DESIFIED DESIGNS. i did not make it, and i dont wanna take credit for it. however, i did manage to get the sig up and working, and i will write that in the announcements section cos that way more people can see it if they need to see it.
heera: ur siggy is too big?? noooooo. id LOVE to have seen it. *sniff* again, check the announcements section where imma post how i got it. it says it will automatically resize it if it is too big, so you could try that? hope u still got it saved and didnt delete it out of anger!
(euh…not that im suggesting u have a short temper or anything. haha. no way.. [K])
ok, if anyone wanted to know, this was how i got the ‘fanaa’ signature as my signature. hopefully it will help u out…
1. i saved the picture in a folder on my computer.
2. i then went onto (WARNING: pic , NOT picS… its adult stuff otherwise lol), and uploaded the image there.
heera: it says this, which i thought might help u with the size of ur siggy. Best of all, the url will always be tiny so give it a try! Images hosted larger than 250k are resized.
3. then i clicked on ‘Host Image’, and somewhere on the page (in the bottom half or somewhere? trust me, its easy enough to find… ) you will find three links. i used the [img]one. i copied and pasted the[img]one onto the signature here and saved the changes.
4. and, hopefully, it should work!
best thing is, you dont need registration! dont forget to credit the ppl u get it from. else, well, thats just mean. lol.
heyy tabzy… i dont know how ppl wud normally do it, but i did it in a kinda complicated way. lol. here goes…
1. i took a screenshot (print screen button) of one of the threads from the old forum, with the image i wanted in it.
2. i then pasted that screenshot onto Microsoft Powerpoint (yes, i told u it was a weird method… its just Paint makes it go messy for me, so i like using Ppt. i also dont have any of the complicated artsy programs, such as corel draw or w/e so i used ppt )
3. i then cropped the picture to get the image i wanted. and i then saved it (not sure which version of Ppt u have, but in mine, i can right-click and select the ‘Save as picture’ option… which i did).
4. then i uploaded that avatar the usual way by going on my profile, selecting the image from my folders and uploading it.
lol, i had to have FIVE tries before i could get the picture in such a way that it was somewhat read-able. but i think it looks OK now. i like it cos it reflects my nostalgia and the wonderful forum i first found. sorry to use the Holocaust as an example, but for me, its kinda like a ‘Lest We Forget’ thing. dont ever wanna forget the old forum… plus my lovely platinum membership!! if that made sense. lol.
ahhhhhhhh my avatar is so nostalgic…
but TOUCHWOOD everyone! lol! i am not entirely sure if it is working… sometimes it chooses to appear, sometimes it chooses to disappear… oh dear lol at my choice of colors…
chand sifarish jo karta hamari,
deta woh tumko bataa,
sharmo haya ke parde girake…
aaaand thats all i know! lol
aaargh noooo!! soo sorry guys but my fanaa sig is working again… I AM SO CONFUSED!!!! all i ever wanted was to publicise fanaa (lol, JOKE!!)
alrite guys… re: signature issue…
heera: as far as i can make out, you can use both ” and ‘[]’, because i have used ‘[]’ for the image for the fanaa signature, and ” for the text next to it…
as for the HTML code: yes it does work on the HTML code (using either ” or ‘[]’ as i mentioned above… lol ), but because i cant remember all of the HTML code from the old forum (and because i think it is slightly different…), this was what i did.
i went onto a topic, clicked on the REPLY button above someone’s post, and made my signature the way i wanted it, with the fonts and colours and the whole works. then i clicked on the ‘HTML’ icon which is underneath that window i was writing in, which made all the text into HyperTextMarkupLanguage (or at least, thats what i think it is… with all the ”s and stuff…). i simply copied and pasted that onto my signature, and it worked!
i think thats the easiet way so far, cos u dont have to remember any of the HTML code and u can get it how u want! hope that helps u and anyone else who’s having probs…
edited to add:
BTW, my fanaa image signature didn’t work, because its something to do with directly uploading it from their website or something… i think i need a photobucket ID to be able to upload pics… but i rly dont want to get an ID… does anyone know how i can upload pics for my sig using the ‘ [ i m g ] ‘ ‘ [ / i m g ] ‘ tool, but without using photobucket, etc?
this has nothing to do with the ‘[]’ because it definitely worked before! or so i think…
person above me is a really good friend… and a/c to heera, the REAL kadumaster…
BTW… can anyone see my fanaa signature?? by desified designs??
person above me’s a cool person… though i dont know her that well…