Boo- netime sweets. friends are wings of angels like you, we’ll always raise you up- u can trust us on tht one.
*sniff* thanks khushi ji! and i’ll be there for u too… friends, ji?
*stares at screen* eyes wide in wonder… NESSA JI!!!!! how are you beti (lol!!)??? boyyy its so good to see u here again… how have you been?? hope all is OK with you… looks like u got ur vchenoah up and running again! and yes this new forum takes a lilll getting used to… but you’ll get there!
love, boo ma xxx
LMAO!!!!!!!!! am rani ji… that thing abt u almost losing ur plane CRACKED ME UP!!!!!!!!
im in the top ten?? where did u get that??
LOL!!! yes you would have been… oh dear… i remember thinking u posted so much u really needed to be a platinum member! but ah well… at least ur ‘Anari’ now… which i think is muchas better than: RankNA. hmf! lol.
euhh Cuba i think. its so good to see someone online!!! and someone as cool as u hehe!!
so… how is ur work?? and life? lol.
Heyyyyyyyy khushi and lover ji!!! Awww its so nice to see that people care enough to ask me if im OK… I did put at the top “goodness knows why this song reflects my mood right now, but it does…” I am perfectly OK… I really don’t know why I felt like that. But it wasn’t in a ghum way. Well it was kind of, but I enjoyed feeling sad… just letting it all out… it was all good! But thank you… meant a lot to me to see those posts…
love you xxx
Tayba: *hugs* hope you are OK ji… hope u were just singing that song randomly, like me. If not, trust me… the sadness will pa.ss… like everything else in life, being sad is also a phase.
Rani: whats upppppp twin ji?? *hugs* don’t know that song u wrote out… but I hope everything is OK… *hugs some more*
shakB… even im bored. my life is really boring these days. busy, but boring. what i would dooo to be awaaaaaaaaay right now… come on khushi and rani and taybaaaaaaaaa!!!!! khushi i heard u were paying for my tickets…??? wanna come along ShakB? sure u do… i know uve just been on a holiday but ah! who cares??? lol.
yay!!!!!!!!! *feels da happiness oooozing outta loverji* i am glad i could almost help… im delighted for u… now i gotta see tons of posts from u ok??!! *hugs*
She Will Be Loved – Maroon 5… goodness knows why this song reflects my mood right now, but it does…
Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with her… self
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else
I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I’ve had you so many times but somehow
I want more
I don’t mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn’t matter anymore
It’s not always rainbows and butterflies
It’s compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door’s always open
You can come anytime you want
I don’t mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved…
I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I don’t mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will
whoa!! thank you!! BTW… im not in a hurry for any of the translations, not to worry!
sabiha: thank you.
Well of course i save the day, i alwaaayyss do..
i always have to save my fellow-Dutchies, where wud u 2 galz be without me huh
LMAO!!!!!!!! for some straaaange reason heera, that CRACKED me up!!!!!! totally cracked me up!! awww bless xxx
Am Rani:
Person bove me is the most loved member around her. I guess
awww am rani ji that is really nice of you… means a lot to me that u think that… wow… makes me all the more grateful for all the amajing ppl in my life… (something else happened before you said that and then i read this and i went all mushy… lol). if i am the most loved member around here (which, sorry to disappoint u, but i rly dont think i am…), its only cos i have ppl being so amajing to me, despite me not revealing anything about myself… gaaah i told u im in a mushy mood. so thank you ji. it means a lot to me.
love you lots!!
person above me is heeratje… and she is pagal!! if u think im pagal wait till u meet her lol!
hiding somethhing?? from uss???
no wayyyyyy…. come onn ji… tell us who ur ‘rajatje’ is!!
hey person above me ur welcome!
anyone willing to translate these???
chanda chamke…
chanda chamke cham cham chikhen chaukanna chor
chiti chaate chini chatori chinikhor
chanda chamke cham cham chikhen chaukanna chor
chiti chaati chini chatori chinikhor
kitna mushkil yeh gaana zara gaake dikhana
chanda chini chamke chaate chaukanna chikhe chor
chanda chamke cham cham chikhen chaukanna chor
chiti chaati chini chatori chinikhor
khadaksingh ke khadakne se khadakti hain khidkiyaan
khidkiyon ke khadakne se khadakta hain khadaksingh
khadaksingh ke khadakne se khadakti hain khidkiyaan
khidkiyon ke khadakne se khadakta hain khadaksingh
kitna mushkil yeh gaana zara gaake dikhana
khadak khadak ke khadake khidki khadaksingh ka khadke zor
chanda chamke cham cham chikhen chaukanna chor
chiti chaati chini chatori chinikhor
chanda chamke cham cham chikhen chaukanna chor
chiti chaati chini chatori chinikhor
pakke ped par paka papita paka ped ya paka papita
pake ped ko pakde pinku pinku pakde paka papita
pakke ped par paka papita pakda pinki paki ka kapda
kapda (everyone laughs)
pakke ped par paka papita paka ped ya paka papita
pake ped ko pakde pinku pinku pakde paka papita
kitna mushkil yeh gaana zara gaake dikhana
pakke ped par paka papita paka ped ya paka papita
pake ped ko pakde pinku pinku pakde paka papita
chanda chamke cham cham chikhen chaukanna chor
chiti chaati chini chatori chinikhor
chanda chamke cham cham chikhen chaukanna chor
chiti chaati chini chatori chinikhor
kitna mushkil yeh gaana zara gaake dikhana
chanda chini chamke chaate chaukanna chikhe chor
chanda chamke cham cham chikhen chaukanna chor
chiti chaati chini chatori chinikhor
dekho na…
yeh saajish hain boondon ki koi khwaahish hain chup chup si
yeh saajish hain boondon ki koi khwaahish hain chup chup si
dekho na dekho na
dekho na dekho na
hawa kuchh haule haule zubaan se kya kuchh bole
kyon duuri hain ab darmayaan
dekho na dekho na
dekho na dekho na
phir na hawayen hogi itani besharam
phir na dag mag dag mag honge yeh kadam
haa saawan yeh seedha nahi khufia bada
kuchh toh baraste hue keh raha
samjho na samjho na
samjho na samjho na
hawa kuchh haule haule zubaan se kya kuchh bole
kyon duuri hain ab darmayaan
dekho na dekho na
dekho na dekho na
jugnu jaise chahat dekho jale mujhe
meethi si mushkil hain koi kya kare
hmm hothon ki arzi aaise thukraaon na
saanson ki marzi ko jhuthlaaon na
chhuu lo na chhu lo na
chhuu lo na chhu lo
hawa kuchh haule haule zubaan se kya kuchh bole
na duuri hain ab darmayaan
dekho na dekho na….
dekho na hmm hmm hmm
hmm hmm hmm dekho
des rangila…
ho ho o o o o ….
yahaan har kadam kadam pe dharti badle rang
yahaan ki boli mein rangoli saat rang
yahaan har kadam kadam pe dharti badle rang
yahaan ki boli mein rangoli saat rang
dhaani pagdi pehne mausam hain
neeli chaadar taane ambar hain
nadi sunehri hara samundar hain re sajila
des rangila rangila des mera rangila
des rangila rangila des mera rangila
des rangila rangila des mera rangila
des rangila rangila des mera rangila
ho ho o o o o ….
sindoori gaalon wala suraj jo kare thitholi
sharmeelen kheton ko dhank de chunar peeli peeli
ghoonghat mein rang panghat mein rang cham cham chamkila
des rangila rangila des mera rangila
des rangila rangila des mera rangila
ho ho o o o o ….
?abil? gulaal se chehre hain yahaan mastaanon ki toli
rang haseen mein rang khushi mein rishten jaise holi
baaton mein rang yaadon mein rang rang rang rangila
des rangila rangila des mera rangila
des rangila rangila des mera rangila
hey dholaaa~
re mharo dhola re
ishq ka rang yahaan par gehraa chadh ke kabhi na utre
sachhe pyar ka thehra sa rang chhalke par na bikhre
rang adaa mein ran
Nitzah, I dint intend to reply to your post. I just wanted to make a post thanking the administrator. But i dint know how to go about doing it. So i clicked on the reply button above your post and this page came.
Well Mukeshji, this place is amazing
! Though Im still learning how to use it. And thanks to Boo, I too succeeded in uploading that picture along with signature. You are one genious Boo! Or is it that I am dumb
*blush* either i compliment myself (which i dont like doing… lol), or i diss you (which i wouldnt like to do either… lol). decisions, decisions! thank you… my pleasure to help!
haha… am rani ji… are u saying we r less interesting than SRK??!! the crime of it!!!
wow boogedy boo!! for once u were absolutely rite!!
for once?? R u telling me iwasnt right when i said u were a cool guy ?? [ :O] such low self-esteem… oh dear [ :P]
nah def. not orea… might be oreo ji though!