ahhhh here we go with the ma thing!! but awww thank you!
u aint been forgotten either!
what film is it from?
hey. found it on lyrics site of BWL. enjoy.
Movie Name: | Haan Maine Bhi Pyaar Kiya |
Lyric Name: | Mubaarak Mubaarak |
Translation: | |
Title: Mubaarak Mubaarak Film Name: Haan Maine Bhi Pyaar Kiya Music: Nadeem-Shravan Lyrics: Sameer Singers: Udit Narayan Category: Dance/Love/Marriage/Sad Words:
–MALE– |
Shakalaka Baby:
In Holland you go inside “the governmenthouse” of your hometown (s.hit, dunno how it’s called… euh “gemeentehuis” on Dutch)
town hall
Same Boo Ma, same line of questioning…
at least u remember me for something nessa!!!
Shakalaka Baby:
Boo, why would I jump into conclusions?!?! Oh that I think you’re getting married… Well, now you point it that way
No no Boo, I’m just joking!!
Well you can’t marry in a church or whatever, but you can still have a nice party around “signing the book”. In Holland you go inside “the governmenthouse” of your hometown (s.hit, dunno how it’s called… euh “gemeentehuis” on Dutch), they give you a speech, make jokes about things that happened and than you sign and kiss. Afterwards you give a party and if you’re a Christian, you go to church before the party, to ask God to bless your marriage. But if you’re an atheist, you still have that fun part in that house, which I dunno the name of in English, but you don’t go in church. So if you marry in Holland, it’s not much different and “less” than the ones of Christians. It’s not just “signing a book”.
But yeah… I dunno how things go in Mysteryland?!?!
hai hai I KNEWWW I shouldn’t have mentioned marriage, especially when ur in the ‘pyaar’ season…
of course I know there can be a party afterwards, etc. but I specifically put the words ‘marry’ in quotation marks… as in… how do u actually ‘marry’, not how you CELEBRATE marriage… because I can think of a thousand ways to celebrate marriage, but what actually officially ‘marries’ an atheist (or two… haha!)?? Like for Christians, its when the priest says his stuff and they say their vows and put the ring on, etc. but in the case of atheists, theres nothing that can actually be ‘done’ to ‘show’ a marriage??? I hope that made sense lol!
hey. welcome. found in the lyrics site of BWL. enjoy.
Movie Name: | Har Dil Jo Pyar Karega |
Lyric Name: | Har Dil Jo Pyar Karega |
Translation: | |
Bin Tere Sanam, Mar Mitenge Hum
Aaa Merii Zindagii
Bin Tere Sanam, Mar Mitenge Hum
Aaa Merii Zindagii
Aanaa Hii Padaa Sajanaaa
Zaalim Hai, Dil ki, Lagii.
Aanaa Hii Padaa Sajanaaa
Zaalim Hai, Dil ki, Lagii.
Tere Hii Dum Pe Hoongi
Dil Kii Muraadein Poori
Tere Bagaair Janam
Hai Zindagi, Adhooori
Ai Mere Haseen , Ab Na Jaa Kaheen
Aaa Merii Zindagii
Aanaa Hii Padaa Sajanaaa
Zaalim Hai, Dil ki, Lagii.
same q
Person above me is bilkool amajing, so amajing in fact that she herself doesnt eben know. She completely rox my world, and is the biggest pattest pathar arounda day just isnt the same unless ive talked to her a couple times and listened to the psychotic bakwaas that comes out. she’s my homie and i heart her lots, lil saddening that she doesnt see the truth as it is and is so losted in her world of make beleeb thinking i wanna be a mundo n wear a turban n want a voti n sab, but koi ni cuz i heart her neway. cuz shes a harsh tope, its okay that she does dope and doesnt use soap, she gives me hope and is gonna teach me how to jump rope =) and we find her a hot munde and he’s gonna eat only daal and roti and they gonna elope and hab a dozen bache that’ll nebber mope
LMAO!!! that is the funniest sweetest thing to say – ever!! and oye hoye loving the rhyming!! btw… jump rope???
hai hai nessa ji… whats soooo ROTFLMAO about that??!!
just out of curiosity ppl…. how on Earth do atheists ‘marry’? other than signing that book (cant remember for the LIFE of me what it is called…:S)??? lol no no shakB before u jump to conclusions…. it was just a question out of CURIOSITY!!! because you cant have a wedding in a church/temple/etc, cos ur not in those religions… and u cant really do any religious prayers… considering you are an atheist… is this the price us atheists have to pay for being atheists??? a dull wedding, just signing a dull book??? sheesh!!! lol.
btw sorry if i offended anyone there. its all cool!
yoo hooo rani… sent u ur PM. hope u get it. if not ask me for it again, k? think i mgith have done it wrong… but w/e!
not at all… in fact, i doubt people even go to heaven… their bodies either turn to ashes or get buried deep underground where they decay. and along with that, the brain also dies. therefore nothing actually goes to heaven. hey sorry if that offended anyone.
same q
person above me… what up with the person above you??
could anyone enlighten to me where on earth lover ji’s song is from?? (hah Google didnt work this time..!)
hey hey i shall travel light… in any case, we’re going to be out in the sun so just how much clothing do we need huh?? lol sorry.
heera hun… u reminded me of this time (i cant remember for the life of me WHEN…) when me and someone else were trying to close this suitcase and it just would NOT close… it was P I S S funny!!!
not sure what exactly was in it, but i remember mucking around…
shes a very busy lady i think… im sure she will pop in once in a while! calm dowwwwn loverji!
why dont u gals take a one way ticket to the zoo so that u can be with the rest of yr clans!
*runs after oreo with shoe in her hand* lee has been giving me some lessons haha lol