hey heera calm down hun… and best of luck!
khushi… glad u watched… i wanted to tell u this ages ago, and i forgot to, so here goes:
yooo hoooo khushiiiiiiiii!!!
go watch fanaa hun… you will LOVE it… there is shayari GALORE!! (well not sure if its the same type of shayari u like… but heh… i loved it! ) all that shayari reminded me of you… haha, i told u u were taking over my thoughts!!
Dhat pagli, rula diya….
Haan, technically I am a stranger, complete stranger to you and vice versa and I know I cannot actually physically be there for you. But Shweetoo, everything (mostly!) that matters in life cannot be seen. Love, Care, Respect, Loyalty etc u cant see them, u cant greet them (haha. Imagine saying hello to Love! lolz, random!) And my love is always there for you na. The fact that most of us here share things which we dont with real people in our real life says something about these emtions na? they are powerful, in one or another. You can always rely on seeing a line of sentences everyday saying “Rani, where are you? we miss you!” or “Shweetoo, Im always here for you.awww. i realized that the time i didn’t log on for a while. i was really surprised at what u guys said. i seriously didn’t think any of u would miss me. of course we would, you pagli. you’re so special, how could we not notice you and ur lil matchmaking self werent here huh? no seriously. we would. so so much. Even if you just need to sit and sing songs, we’ll do tht together”awww.and sometimes thats all i need. a song that’ll cheer me up. cuz sometimes “strangers”(i feel bad saying this, but i still haven’t met any of u. so u are stangers)can help u a lot more than friends can. and sometimes i can tell u things without worrying about what u would do, becuz u dont live where i live and u can keep it a secret much more easily then ppl here(they might be tempted to tell some1. haha)and like u said before, if i tell u something it wont really affect my life, cuz ur not here with me, u live miles and miles away. But say if i told my own sister, i would see her everyday and feel weird cuz she knows. know what i mean? my thoughts exactly! but its also nice to talk to strangers knowing they wont judge you so much, yet still give u responses from the heart, cos they love you. from lets say me or Boo, or so many of us here who love you. We are merely but names with posts with lines and messages. But the fact that you can read the woven emotions in them is important. That is wot matters. so true dii. Thats the most important thing. and reading ur posts always brings smile to my face, unless of course its a sad post. hehe. ditto missy. reading ur posts brings a smile to my face, too. “woven emotions in them”… what a beautiful way of expressing it… couldnt agree more khushi ji! Ne odd person can come and say “we love you” but in a way, because we’ve shared taking the fact that we dont know eachother for granted. Seriously, we have, havent we?yes dii, we definately have! i seriously dont understand what you two mean here… i feel like SOMETIMES you guys can understand me more than people in real life do… but i dunno. maybe im missing something here…
But the fact that we keep coming back here, give respect to what we’ve shared, and in a way have stayed loyal to whatever we’ve shared here= thats what makes the difference. Otherwise names such as Khushi or Rani or Anyone wouldnt have stayed here for long. In a way, this is our chosen family, hai na? definately.
and i love my family here a whole lot. i dont know what i would do without Boo and you sometimes.
i love my family too. and i dont know what i would do without you rani, you pagli. when u left the forum for a lil while… gosh that was a bad, bad, bad feeling. and khushi ji… yes i agree… a chosen family… reminds me
gah. the ONE time i can post, and no one decides to be online… seriously guys… u ask me to come back, yet where are you all??!! *rolls eyes*
hey rani ji. cant find that post anywhere, but i wanted to reply to it. u know, the one where u went something like:
hey boo! guess what? nothing… haha. lol, im weird like that na?
or something like that.
well my reply is:
hey rani! guess what? congrats on having learnt English… (it was in the question game) when u first came to the USA. u must be proud of urself. ok that was random, but it just popped into my head for the strangest reason the other day… and i though i must reply to that post.
lol, it was meant in a nice way… but if u find that rude or mean for whatever reason, im sorry twin ji.
ask and i’ll delete, ok?
who’s going to watch fanaa this wekeend? its releases worldwide on 26th…
*cracks up* lol.
i would love to feel happy, special and appreciated on my birthday today…..
hey… bit late, but… hope you had a happy, special and aprreciated birthday!
person above me… watch out! im gatecrashing ur party along with heera!
well well… if anyone actually is travelling around the world…
am rani ji that is ace! im happy for you…
where are you going?
*gives her puppy eyes… hoping she’ll bring me back a present* LOL… me and my presents!
tabzy jiiii: whats up?
hona hai tujh mein fanaaaaa
yooo hooo khushi ji… u ok?
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
I miss you twin ji!!!!!!!!!
awwwwwwwwwww! u r so SWEEEET!!! missed u too. as ive said about a million times now lol. dont cry… main hamesha hoon na, even if i dont post on here for a lil while….
and say hey back to jasmine!!! how is she? busy with schoolwork?
khushi: LOL!!!!!!!!!! that first line CRACKED ME UP… where were u friend… lol not that im saying im not ur friend or w/e… its just so funny… imagine saying that out loud… lol try it… its hilarious! where were u friend? im right here! awww good to know ive been missed!
and how are you?
to all the ppl ive PMed: i might not reply for a lil while… im sure youd rather i take my time over it and send u a long long long one, than a quick rushed one right? sorry! but u can still PM me if u want… just i might not reply, and its not because i hate you!!!
yes marine, we know u are freaky and pagal…a total nutcase waiting to explode
takes one to know one huh oreo ji??
Boo- Friendship needs consent? Na ji, I always thot u as a friend
, whether you thought that or not has nothing to do with my friendship for you! But to answer ur question: OFCOURSE friends yaar! yeh bhi koi poochne ki baat hai?
hehehe, Boo that was a very innocent gesture! lolz.
Maine Kaha Tumse Dosti Karoongi, Tum Bhi Kaho Mujhse Dosti Karogi!
dekhonge… sochonge… nah just kidding ji!
lol, my gesture was what shah rukh says to kajol is K3G… “friends, ji? c’mon just do it” at kajol’s house…. and then he kisses her and DJ is watching and fainting in the background!
and about ur idea of having a ‘songs suggestion’ thread… i already do that… i check out the songs that people dedicate to other peope (not just to me), and the songs in this thread and i d-load them if i like them…! great minds ji
just wanted to wish you the best of luck with your F-I-N-A-L-S. lol. i know you hate that word now, hehe! you will do great, have faith in urself and hang in there!
love, boo. xxx
nnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooottttttttthhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg much!! just totally hyper to see rani and u online!!!
shouldnt that pagli be sleeping??
i know!!!!! been weeks since we’ve been online together!!!! *waiting for a twin moment* haha!
oyeeeeeee!!! and meeeeeeee!!! check ur PM inbox hunnnnnnn!!!!!! hey heeeraaaaaaaaaaaa!!! and i didnt read it till now, but well done on finishing the draft of ur (8 page!!! whooo!!) mid-terms!! (shoulda put that in PM but …. )