u shud sing some haapy gaane too homie.. they toperiffic as well.. and ur happy gaane are the bestest..
un – noble concept, its accomplished some things and made some things better, but unfortunately, countires still look at whats best for them instead of others, and so if somethings doesnt work for them, eben tho itd make things lots better in other places, they choose to go against it, and some countries can hab a huge impact with their veto power.. its a lotta psycho stuff.
promises.. they gud because they give u hope n all.. but ppl break promises..
garam masala
nana patekar – talented actor, kinda scary, some gud movies
oye tu chuup kar, the onlee perv here is u! besharam! sharm ni aundi? gando muchi mundo =|
um donald!!
alka yagnik or kavita krishnmurthy?
shrek fruit snax
paresh rawal – comical, good movies, gud actor
programming it sounds like a toped out idea, ur a very smert puthar. Person above me is a jeenius, she has the most brilliantest whacked ideaz ebber. I like pb sandwiches.. we keep making..
lol sure u didnt mean 33 movies? =p
raveena tandon 12 movies
lolz no i didnt :p
um mickey..
goofy or donald?
depends on kind, usually yummy
mac n cheese
luckily its rush hour so they cars arent moving!! salman lands on a car, the owner of the car – preity zinta – gets out to see whats goin on..
yeah i want a freezer the size of my room, ju got a problem with that?! lolz nuh uh kadu, im notta preak like that, it is coz imma sick! stupid make it go away kadu, hurtin my head =(.. jesh ur not a bean.. ur a greenmeanbean! hehe =). gud gud stuff amaneeY! *pat on bak*
1. salaam namaste
2. tu jahan
3. whats goin on
4. hum tum
5. chak de
6. ole ole
7. aye sanam
8. mahi ve
9. its the time to disco
10. kuch to hua hai
Akshay Kumar 20 songs =)
jeah but ur not a jackish right kadudadu? =)
um nothin exciting. pretty bunk =|.
do thunderstorms scare ju?