You never implied that bombing buildings are right, I know you don't, and I didn't felt that way. But I do know there are certain people who think it's right.
The way the Arabs thinks about us, gives them the right to kill us, swear on us, rape us… They THINK! We are already, so we want to be raped. We are not muslim, so they have the right to “defend” themselves by beating, kicking, shooting, bombing and whatever, because the only thing we want is to end Islam. We don't respect them, so they can swear, and call us whatever they like… NOTE: I'm only talking about the real bad people..
And than the circle is round again. The Arabs feel they need do defend there religion, and we think they are terrorsist… And that's how the bad influence the image of the good. And as you said, that's the way the world is like. Unfortunately
yes AM RANI I know that. I know that both sides invovled in the war are victims. But the ppl in general..what do they say. They say that Arabs are terrorists just because some person came and bombed a building..
True, but what do the Arabs say about us? We pay no attention to God and religion, all woman are who.res, we don’t do anything but drinking alcohol, using drugs and having se.x.. Every country has good and bad people, and there will always be people who base their opinion on nothing.. on both sides.. And about bombing a building? That is never never never right. That was just murder. It had nothing to do with defense or spreading religion r whatever, that was just murder…
Look who's terrorising Palestine and Iraq. for years now…I love these lyrics because its so true. look at how we're living and how the Palestinians are living. or even the ppl in Iraq. Absolutely heart crushing. “All Due to your funds”– does not mean that everyone in this country or anywhere support the war Many ppl do tho..Starbucks, Coke and many other companies send half of their money to help support the war.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
I went to Afghanistan in the summer of 2004 and I remember when I saw the American troops there, it really pissed me off. I started arguing with everyone in the car. I said(not exactly these words, but something like that), “What the heck are they doing here? Somebody tell them to get lost, can I go tell them?” Of course no one gave me the permission and someone(I can't remember who) said that they are helping the people in Afghanistan. I said, “That's a whole bunch of BS! They don't want to help us, and anywayz, even if they do want to, we don't need their help. They can get lost, we can help ourselves. They can take their ignorant butts back to America and stay there.” lol. It was funny because everyone got mad at me for talking like that. Someone also told me that we can't do anything about it because there is a war going on here, and they can stay here if they want to.” But that's not fair at all. *sigh* I hate this stuff.
My sweet Rani Afghani, I understand where you are coming from when talking about Americans in Afghanistan. First they burned the place down, and now they are “helping”. I agree with that. But, on the other hand… if Americans are so bad, why do you live there than? No offense, just wondering..
But please don’t forget there are indeed people who are trying to help the people in Afghanistan. What about the Dutch?
You say the people there don’t need help.. Well, no offense, but I think they do. Afghanistan has seen so much war, what’s wrong with accapting some help (honest help, like from the european troops) to make things better in the end? Maybe they just NEED a little help to work things out, not only with the world, but also with eachother.
An Afghan guy once said to me (and that was SO true): the people in Afghanistan are like dogs. If there is an enemy, they will fight it together. If the enemy leaves, they will fight eachother. And again, that was an AFGHAN guy, it’s not something it came to MY mind
Maybe, if the people there get some help, they might “calm down” a bit…
You know what I hate the most? When parents say, “My son/daughter is in Afghanistan(Iraq or any other country) fighting the war.” Then they get all emotional and proud about it. What about the innocent people in those countries who have no choice but to fight the war? Your son or daughter had the choice, they didn't have to do it. And now that they are doing it, you can just shut up about it with all your tears and crap because they had a choice. No one told them to go and fight. I might be over-reacting, but whatever.
And what about the people who came to Afghanistan and Iraq from all over the world (not because they wanted to, but because they HAD to) to try to help the people there, and who get shot just like that, because the locals shoot on everybody who is white? Are you white? Than you must be American,
Hahahahaha, your 5th point!!! That irritates me as well!! I just don't see the fun nor the use…
Hmmm 5 things…
1) My sister
2) Dumb people who try to be smart
3) Public transport…
4) Pffff…. I'm not THAT annoyed… Ow yes! People who play load music in public transport (double annoyed!!)
5) Colleagues who are just hanging around and being lazy, when they should be working. They just let the phone ring for ten times while talking: And then he said.. and then I said.. and then he did.. And I was like… And then he said…. And it always ends with me picking up the phone
Same q
far far away…
swimming in sea or in a swimmingpool?
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
I'm not saying I'm dismissing your ideas on Islam, Am ji, it's just that so many people say they have studied Islam their whole life, but when you actually listen to them, it's so obvious that they don't understand Islam at all. I'm just saying that their is a difference between “Reading” and “understanding.”
And I only said I did the reading, never said I did the understanding as well, right?
I like person bove me's signature… Hi scar face! *waves*
Shakalaka Baby:
Am Rani:
Shakalaka Baby:
I'm saving money to buy a car (what's the problem with doing that before you have your driving license? If I started saving afterwards I wouldn't be able to buy a car when I've got my driving license
True, but than you can save money for everything. Then you can save money for buying a motorcycle, for a pool in your garden, for a horse… You don’t need it now, but you might need in in the future…
I'm not talking about saving money for things I MIGHT need, I'm talking about a car (and other purposes) I DO need…
Pretty strange definition of “need”…
because I think I'll really need one. I do work in my hometown, but the company I'm working for is a part of a huge company with accommodations all around Holland
It is??? You never told me!! And how many times will you have to go to another place?? Once a month?? Once in two months??? And if you have to go there, your company will pay you the extra cost you make when you travel by public transport. If you travel by car, they will pay you only just a little part… But it’s ok with me, it’s your money..
If you get married, you will also have kids… And if you have kids, you won’t go to India. Of course you won’t, neither would I, but that’s why I want to go before I’m married and have kids. And I don’t mind going there myself….
You can also be married without kids. Getting married doesn't mean you can't have a life (of your own) too…
Tell me about it… But, be honest, if you are married, would you go to India with me? Of course do you have a life of your own, but there just are certain things you don’t want to do anymore. If I was married, I would not just leave for
Japanese food is yuck…
hahaha….awww poor Amz!
Hey, it's in the yummy or yucky thread! lol
Owwwww…… Thanks for telling me, Ness, I ready thought I was going crazy!! I found it in the yummy/yucky thread indeed… But… I''ve been mixing up that game, by asking Turkey or Greece…. OOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Well, glad you found it for me, hahahahahaha
To continue the game:
Shakalaka Baby:
I know you've been saving some money for India for a while… I was just kidding yaar!
About the car… well some persons have other priorities too than only going to India.
So do I, but India is also a big priority for me. And I don't think there is anything wrong with that.
I'm saving money to buy a car (what's the problem with doing that before you have your driving license? If I started saving afterwards I wouldn't be able to buy a car when I've got my driving license
True, but than you can save money for everything. Then you can save money for buying a motorcycle, for a pool in your garden, for a horse… You don’t need it now, but you might need in in the future…
), because I think I'll really need one. I do work in my hometown, but the company I'm working for is a part of a huge company with accommodations all around Holland
It is??? You never told me!! And how many times will you have to go to another place?? Once a month?? Once in two months??? And if you have to go there, your company will pay you the extra cost you make when you travel by public transport. If you travel by car, they will pay you only just a little part… But it’s ok with me, it’s your money..
(and you know how much trouble the railway system is in Holland
). And my b/f does have a car, yes, but he needs his car all the time… when will I be able to use it?
I didn’t mean you have to use his, but that he can use it to come to you…
I do really really want to go to India with you, but I also want a car and getting married, so I'm saving for other purposes too…
And that very good, so am I. I just don’t see why you should save money now for things that might happen in the future…Why saving for a marriage when you are not even engaged yet? Or did I just missed the proposal?
I have saved a big amount of money, and I’m not going to spend the entire amount on India. I’ll just save it for when it comes in handy. But I’m not going to miss things, because I might need the money in the future… Yes, I also want to get married. But why save every penny and never do something nice untill the time to marry has come?
And about India… It such a big wish for me to go there this year… I have the money, I don’t have a family to take care of, I can arrange it with my boss… If I keep waiting, I might not have the money anymore. I might be mother, I might have a job which I don’t want to give up to travel… I might even be dead (I’m not planning on it, but you never know <img src="http
Hahaha, it definately is, Shakz…. You posted twice twice
with nuts!! And than especcialy light chocolate with nuts, hmmm…. To bad I'm on a diet…
diamonds or pearls?
And above above me is the most loved memeber of this forum… And she lives in Europe, I think. Hi Boo!!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
You have? What exactly have you read? and i'm not sure exactly what ur referring to when u say u would not say anything. and hunnz, just “reading” the Qur'aan does not mean you know Islam. Especially if you haven't read all of it. You need to understand, not only read, the entire Qur'aan to know enough to have an opinion about Islam*. Plus, there is so much more to know about Islam, like the Hadeeth of the prophet Muhammad(May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)…
In an ideal world, yes… in our world, it has never worked out like that has it… people have opinions on anything and everything, and the important thing to remember is that it is but an opinion, through the eyes of someone as they see it – however much or little of it they have seen… just because they don't know the full picture shouldn't, in my opinion, be reason enough to dismiss it, but at the same time shouldn't be used as the 'defining statement' of the subject either…
It's all a matter of degree, how much YOU feel is the right amount before you can form an opinion on it… and screw the world if they think you shouldn't have an opinion… as long as YOU can justify it to yourself (or your God, whatever you want), s'all that matters, IMHO…
OK end of speech lol…
That's exactely what I thought when I read Rani's post, Boo. You can never know all about any subject, there will always be things you don't know. And I didn't mean to say I'm an islamexpert, I know I'm not. But I think reading the Koran is a good start to learn about Islam. All I wanted to say was that I'm not like certain people who start an discussion about something they don't know anything about. I may not understand islam, but I'm sure I know pretty more about it than most people here in Holland. I've read some part of the Koran, I know pretty much muslims (both males and females) personally, it's not like I just start screaming without knowing what I'm talking about.
Look into my eyes
Tell me what you see
You don’t see a damn thing
’cause you can’t relate to me
You’re blinded by our differences
My life makes no sense to you
I’m the persecuted one
You’re the red, white and blue
Each day you wake in tranquility
No fears to cross your eyes
Each day I wake in gratitude
Thanking God He let me rise
You worry about your education
And the bills you have to pay
I worry about my vulnerable life
And if I’ll survive another day
Your biggest fear is getting a ticket
As you cruise your Cadillac
My fear is that the tank that has just left
Will turn around and come backYet, do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let your media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows
Has our world gone all blind?Do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let your media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows?
Someone tell me…Ooohh, let’s not cry tonight
I promise you one day it’s through
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters
Ooohh, shine a light for every soul that ain’t with us no more
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sistersSee I’ve known terror for quite some time
57 years so cruel
Terror breathes the air I breathe
It’s the checkpoint on my way to school
Terror is the robbery of my land
And the torture of my mother
The imprisonment of my innocent father
The bullet in my baby brother
The bulldozers and the tanks
The gases and the guns
The bombs that fall outside my door
All due to your funds
You blame me for defending myself
Against the ways of my enemies
I’m terrorized in my own land
But am I the terrorist?
Yemeni, governments decide to start a war, not the people of a country. In every war, innocent people die, and that's horrible. But it's all thanks to the leaders of countries, and not to all the millions of people who live in that country.