Hi Boo!
I think I'm doing a pretty good job, when it comes to telling my loved ones I love them, and how much they mean to me.
When it comes to myself, live every day like it's my last, I could do better. I decided for myself, when 2007 started, that I should listen to myself some more. I tend to loose myself in working, being irritated about this and that. If I do, I forget to enjoy the small things in life which are precious. I forget to take some rest, and just enjoy. But, as I said, I'm working on it, because I know it's important. And than it's good to see this text above
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Like I said, if the dutch are honestly, honestly helping Afghanistan, then great. I cannot say that they are not, because I don't know if they are or if they aren't.
But Am ji, how do you know they are in Afhanistan, trying to help them? How do you really know? Have you been to Afghanistan and seen them with your own eyes? Because, let me tell you, the media can be really decieving…they show you one thing on television, when another thing is happening in real life.
No, I have not been in Afghanistan to see the situation with my own eyes, that's true. But I spoke to some Dutch soldiers who have (Shakz has a friend who has been there, and I know some soldiers myself. My dad used to be in the army
). And I also spoke to Afghans who have been in Afghanistan lately. And I hear what the mother of my ex bf (she lives in Afghanistan) says. And I know the meda are not always objective, and that's why I try to talk to as much people as possible… And I guess my ex mother-in-law is a very honest woman, what would she winn if she lied to me about the situation in fghanistan.
But, how come you don't know? Don't you talk to your family over there? Can't they tell you about who does what, helping or not? You can trust them, I assume?
And let me tell you again, if the dutch are really honestly helping the Afghans, then great. It's just that I don't know if they really are. I'll agree with you the day I see with my own eyes that they really are giving the Afghans genuine help, or when someone tells me that they are, someone I can have 100% trust in their answer. You are dutch yourself, so I cannot trust you 100%, you just might be defending your country, and I'm glad that you are. I'm just telling you the truth, I can't just go with your answer.
But Am ji, how do you know they are in Afhanistan, trying to help them? How do you really know? Have you been to Afghanistan and seen them with your own eyes? Because, let me tell you, the media can be really decieving…they show you one thing on television, when another thing is happening in real life.
No, I have not been in Afghanistan to see the situation with my own eyes, that's true. But I spoke to some Dutch soldiers who have (Shakz has a friend who has been there, and I know some soldiers myself. My dad used to be in the army
). And I also spoke to Afghans who have been in Afghanistan lately. And I hear what the mother of my ex bf (she lives in Afghanistan) says. And I know the meda are not always objective, and that's why I try to talk to as much people as possible… And I guess my ex mother-in-law is a very honest woman, what would she winn if she lied to me about the situation in fghanistan.
Ow, I forgot to reply to your last sentence. No, I would not like it when you hated all the Dutch because of a few crazy ones you met. And of course I would try to defend myself and my people. But on the other hand would try to understand where you are coming from, and not to blame you for hating all of us us because of the bad ones. I would hope you would realise on day you should (have) give(n) the others a chance….
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Just because you have met crappy Afghans, does that give you the right to call them all dogs? No, it doesn't and I never did! That's why I said it again: I was only talking about the ones I've met..
It really sux that you have only met crappy Afghans. But the world is full of good and nice and sincere Afghans. You just have to meet them. You have to meet them all to judge them all. And about your Afghan friend who told you that all Afghans are dogs, what about him? Do you think he is a dog? If you do, then you better not trust a dog. I'm an Afghan, I know you haven't met me in person, but you can tell what kind of personality I have. Can you not? What do you think about me? What do you think about Rani Afghani? Aww, sweety! I only have good thoughts about you! You should know by now that I do not hate all Aghans, because I only met the bad ones. If I did, would I spend so much time around here, talking with/to you, replying to your post? If I thought you were bad, I would have “left” you long ago, as soon as I found out you are Afghan. If I thought you were bad, should I have called you Rani Afghani? I would have said Shetani Afghani instead
I can indeed tell (a bit) what kind of personality you have, and I like you. So please please never think I don't like you because I've only met crazy Afghans. I once refused to go out with a guy because he was Afghan (just after my ex bf married another girl), and it seemed rigth at that time. Afterwards, I realised I might have judged to early, and I should have given the guy a change. I made that mistake once, and I'm very carefull not to make it again.
So my sweety Rani Afghani, you are such a sweet girl, and I'm happy we still talk to eachother around here in the forum. I would not want to miss you! MWAH! (= big kiss
What If I tell you that every dutch that I have ever met is crappy and fake and jealous and they backbite, and I call them all dogs, how would you feel? Would you not say that I have to meet them all to judge them all?
Thank for sharing!
This is something we all know, but it's very good when we remember is sometimes. Like now, by reading this text…
And you are indeed right, Nessa!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
I don't mind honest help at all. But who gives “honest help” nowadays? I don't know about the Dutch, if they are giving honest help, then great. But…let me give you an example…suppose I don't know how to do a math problem, and I ask the person sitting next to me to help me…but she starts doing the whole thing for me! Instead of explaining it to me, she takes over…That is what I don't like. The people are not helping the people in Afghanistan, they are taking over.
Objection!! They Dutch ARE helping (and not only the Dutch, I’m sure there will be more troops who are), they are not taking over. The Dutch troops have been in Afghanistan for several years now, and they are actually teaching the Afghan people to do things themselves.. If not, how come that in three years, only one (ONE) Dutch soldier has died in Afghanistan? Because they are HELPING! They are not fighting, or telling people what to do. They are talking to the people, take the time to get used to eachother. If we were not there to help, to give some honest help, than why would be have taken the time to talk to the people and to get used to the country, and let the Afghans get used to us? Our troops don’t mean to take over Afghanistan, or to tell the people what to do. The are doing the best the can to build the country, so that the Afghans can help themselves when the ISAF is gone…
Objection!! They Dutch ARE helping (and not only the Dutch, I’m sure there will be more troops who are), they are not taking over. The Dutch troops have been in Afghanistan for several years now, and they are actually teaching the Afghan people to do things themselves.. If not, how come that in three years, only one (ONE) Dutch soldier has died in Afghanistan? Because they are HELPING! They are not fighting, or telling people what to do. They are talking to the people, take the time to get used to eachother. If we were not there to help, to give some honest help, than why would be have taken the time to talk to the people and to get used to the country, and let the Afghans get used to us? Our troops don’t mean to take over Afghanistan, or to tell the people what to do. The are doing the best the can to build the country, so that the Afghans can help themselves when the ISAF is gone…
*laughs* wow. If I had replied to this when I first read it, Mukesh would have probably sent me a warning e-mail…
First of all, this guy friend of yours is lucky he wasn't the one who posted this. I'm going to
To be honest with you guys, I'm getting pretty tired of this never ending discussion (or debate, or convo or whatever will call it). We will never agree with eachother, ok, fine, than let it be… Let's all have our own opinion, and let eachother be.
I used to like reading the convo's around here, but I only get frustrated by reading all the stuff in this thread. I will skip this trhead from now on, and it's not because I feel like I can't “winn” the debate, but just because I don't feel like reading everything anymore… It only makes me feel frustrated, and I spoils my mood.
[Islam allows Muslim men to consider marrying up to four wives at the same time, but there is a necessary condition for this permission. As I said before, the man must be just to them, and must treat them equally in all matters that are under his control; like provision, and the amount of time he spends with each one. If the man cannot provide for them with justice and equality, he must restrict himself to one, as the Qur'an states.
Allah said: And if you fear that you will not deal fairly by the orphans, marry of the women, who seem good to you, two or three or four; and if you fear that you cannot do justice (to so many) then one (only) or that your right hands possess. That is more likely that you will not do injustice. [Al-Qur'an: An-Nisa' (4:3)].
Islam restricted the number of wives a man may have to four; people before Islam used to marry many women. When Islam was revealed all Muslim men were ordered to divorce any wives above the limit. Only the Prophet (PBUH.) was allowed to exceed this limit; this was a special right given by Allah. Polygyny was organized and limited by Islam rather than left open in number and conditions. It should be noted that many prophets before Muhammad (PBUH), like Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), also had more than one wife.
In polygyny, each wife has the right to have a separate house of equal quality, or separate apartments in the same house. The husband has no right to force them to live in one house with separate bedrooms unless his wives agree.
Islam is a way of life for all people at all times that provides solutions for all problems that arise among those who follow it. Society benefits from polygyny in many ways, and I will mention them just to make it clear. Allah Ta'ala allows and prohibits everything for very good reasons.
1) A man who wants children may marry a woman who turns out to be barren. In this case, he does not need to divorce her to marry another wife and have children. In a non-Islamic society, the first wife would be divorced,
In non-Islamic society, the man and the woman will try to find a solution together. They might adopt a child, they might use another woman to carry their baby… Most man won’t leave their wifes. And why not? Because they love her, just the way she is. They love her, even if she’s not able to have children of her own. They love her for what she is, and she is not worth more or less when she can or can’t have children. She will not be
”replaced”, there will be no second woman to do “a proper job”…and nobody who wants children would marry her; this leaves her in a worse situation than the Muslim woman who would have the advantage of being able to stay married and be equal to the second wife.
She will not be equal. Her husband took a second wife, because she was limited. How can you speak of equallty, when the second wife came in, because the first one was not able to do what she supposed to (Having children)? The second wife is “better”, because she WILL have children… The husband will have a different relationship with his second wife, because she is the mother of his children.. That’s not equalty to me…
2) A woman with a permanent illness which prevents her from fulfilling her duties as a wife and a mother, would not be left. The man can remain her supporter and husband, and at the same time marry another wife.
3) In a non
Still “pfff”… Ok, than I'll give a proper comment, instead of saying “no comment” again…
Person bove me: She is a close friend, eventhought we don't always agree. I spent some time with her today, and it was nice, as usual I'm sorry I didn't have her battery with me, I promise I will bring them nex time.
Like this comment better??
Hahahaha! Oh Amz, you know he had it comin! The funniest song!
And don't you tell me that I was wrong!
What???? Never heard of….
And about the grapes, Shakz, I could have been me, but I don't remember. No special feelings on grapes, hahaha
Good for you you “lost” him in Utrecht
And?? Summerplans already?? I just can't wait to go to Greece and Turkey!! And I want to go to Morocco next year!!! This “Vakantiebeurs” really got me in a travelingmood
That made sense, and I think that's indeed what Shakz means. That first feeling, when you are falling in love, when everything is exiting and the whole world seems to be nice, and the feeling you have when you are in love for a while, when you know eachother better, and you have a steady situation gong on. When you are still on love, but already back on earth
I can't choose, there is something to say for both…
Same q
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Am ji, I read what you said, and I have to say, I'm not too excited about it. But I have no time to reply right now. Will do it as soon as I can Inshallah.
Please do! Sorry to hear you are not too excited about it (I assume you mean the post I wrote in pink, as a reply to one of your posts) but I was already wondering what you were thinking… Please don't take my post person, sweety, but you know you shouldn't, right? Huuuggggzzzz!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lol! That's crajeee!!! It sounds hilarious in English! haha!
You know what I do? Everytime we watch a movie, I turn on the subtitles just so that I can laugh at the stupid translations! haha! everyone gets sooo annoyed! And when we are watching a funny movie, I laugh like a pagal! Then, I rewind it again so I can laugh a second time! My twin hates it! He goes pagal! lol! Actually, everyone hates it! They say I don't let them watch the movie in peace. *pouts* arrrre! I make the funny even more funny! lol!
Hahahahahaha, Rani, that's SO annoying, but again SO funny It gave me a good laugh, thanks!!
There are some movies with Dutch subtitles, but I think it's done with a translations machine or something, because those translations are hilarious as well. Even “New York” is translated… (in Dutch we also say New York, but you can translate the “new” into Dutch. Which is pretty stupid, when the movie takes place in New York… I alwys watch the movies with English subtitles… I will remember you next time
What did your cousin got you, by the way??
Chicago (not the city, the musical… Cellblock tango, whoohoooot!! Love that song!)
Orange juice is yum!
I do??? I did?? When?? Really can't remember… Was it here on the forum?? I just asked about grapes, because of “your” raisins…
Person bove me is still Shakz (or should I say “again” ). Still no comment