Shakalaka Baby:
Am Rani:
Big mistake Amz?? I don't follow….I meant your “buying a dress” sentence…
I STILL don't get it.. I only mentioned your dress in my “things to do list', didn't I???
Aaarrrggghhh,I shouldn't have said that! Now the song is in my head!!
Yeh person bove me… hai Allah!!!!!
Wie dan?? Leuk!!
Ik zal je weer eens mailen, tis al veel te lang geleden. Ik hoop dat je het me niet kwalijk neemt, het is niets persoonlijks hoor!! Ik heb je korte mailtje gehad, en ik zal proberen om deze week ergens iets fatsoenlijks terug te sturen Alles goed met je verder??
This was no aswer to the question, so still same q
Lord (of the… )
Uhm… tomorrow, because it's yet to come.. You never know, tomorrow might change my life…
Saturday or Sunday?
Raja Hindustani
Shakalaka Baby:
Of course I haven't arranged all of things you mention yet (but a big deal of it, we have!), but I meant I'm ready for the commitment… I'm emotionally ready to spend the rest of my life with my best friend, my lover, the man I love with all my heart and whatever I forgot…
My unlce said he was ready, when he got married.. The man from the church who would “do” the wedding (don't know how you call such person in English) replied to him that one never knows if he or she is ready, simply because you don't know what marriage will be like. You can look forward to it, and you can be confident, but you will never know exactally if you are ready.
Big mistake Amz?? I don't follow….
uhm… don't mind..
A lion roaring the name of Allah??? I just can't imagine…
movies or soaps?
bananas (minus the milkshake )
Well, Dutch English, Spanish, French, German (but not that good) a tiny very little bit Italian, and learning Hindi..
Still same q
WHOOHOOOT!! Just got an invitation to come to an Indian Dance show tomorrow!! Ha, good for me, looking forward to it
Lions or tigers? (still thinking of lion chops, and I watched Kaal last weekend
Sound yum…
Shakalaka Baby:
I'd like to go to Madagascar, Bali, Maldives, Borneo, Malasya, India… pfff I want to go to too many places as long as they are pretty, far distant and sunny!! lol
It will probably be Bali I guess… (my b/f's all time favorite
I see India is the last option?? Naaaa, only kidding, yaar!!
Do you already have specific plans for the honeymoon?
Greek. And Hindi (but I'm working on that one )
Which languages do you speak?
Twister (the games with the colored dots, on which you have to put your hands and feet. Not sure if it's known outside Holland… )