I just logged in to say hi.
So.. HI to all of you who remember who I am. I hope you are all doing fine. I can't promiss that I will visit frequently, I just wanted to tell you I haven't forgotten you people, and well.. to say hi
Am Rani
This is a question for the people who have been a member fo this forum for ages, and who remember this “green forum” we used to have (those were the days, hahahahaha).
On that forum, you could create some sort of “bio” thing, with your age, the place where you live, hobbies, and al that sort of things. We could view eachothers “bio”, to find out more about eachother. Does this still exist on the forum we have now (I was wondering what Senor Jalapeno's age is, that's why it came in mind)? It mind, I have been gone for such a time, maybe I just don't know where to find it. And maybe it did disappear. Maybe you guys know?
*sigh* If everything is going in wrong in life, there still is BWl forum. Thanks guys!
1. The most frightening/depressing/disgusting/outrageous/heart breaking thing I think I've ever read! I marvel at how this is even possible in this day and age!!!
Culture my dear, culture. In some cultures I am the bad guy here, because I try to stop this marriage,and try to stop this guy from abusing his wife. For these people, I am bad, because I don't listen to the men who decided to get them married. I am bad, for figthing the culture. I am bad, for believing in a free will. I am bad, for believing in the fact that women are perfectly capable to decide if and who they want to marry. I am bad, for believing love has to be there before marriage. Believe me Ness, these things will happen always and everywhere.
I leave it here, otherwise we will again get an endless discussion about religion and culture, and I just don't feel like it today. Not because I can't win, but because people will never change. So what's the use for me to feel annoyed around here?
2. I know you will Amz. You are a beautiful soul, you know that?
Haha, I'm a depressed soul Na, thanks for the compliment. I just try to do my best, and to do best for the people around me.
hmmm I shudve been this really nice decent girl who married Mr Freak…Would slap him soo hard he will die on the damn spot…
Dnt u guys have social services there?? Someone who can assist abused women???
Yes, we definately have loads of them. But how will you reach them if you don't speak any European language, when you are not allowed to go out the house, when you are not allowed to use the phone, and when you don't have any family or friends in the entire country?
Do u have any suggestions on how we can help her, like find her and sorta make her family aware of this??
How should I find her? I only know here name, and that she lives in Iran. And if I find her, will her family believe me? They already gave her to a man who in much older than she is, and who is divorced. Will they believe this crazy, non-muslim, “European-so-she-must-be-bad-girl who starts screaming about the husband they picked for their daughter? Don't think so…
trying to get out of a pending abusive marriage by failing ones exam isnt the way to go amzeee
Education is extremely important and we should not abuse it…not in anyway or for any reason…
It is, and we shouldn't abuse it, that's true. But if I can choose between an abused girl or an abused eduacation, than I'd save the girl, and leave the education!
soooo dis is just my opinion…dnt mean to sound harsh but things like this..is a serious issue for me…
Tayba, she is safe …she will live a beautiful life with the man of her dreams when the time is destined…insha allah
I hope she does, and I hope all of you will!
That's truly disgusting. I agree with Ninja… men like that make me scared of marriage.
I appreciate and am grateful for your care and concern. You're a beautiful person. May your life be equally peaceful! love u! I pray that Allah makes that girl's life easier and shows guidance to the guy. Ameen.
That's the reason why I think people should get to know eachother first, before getting married. And if you don't have this opportunity, than at least beg you parents not to find you a husband who they don't know very well either. In cases like this, I am SO happy to be here in Holland, where it's not commen (well, at least for Dutch people) that's parents finf a husband/wife for their children.
Thank you for the compliment, but I feel it's my duty to help girls who are (will be) in this situation… It's not an effort. I haven't told anyone yet, because it's not sure at this moment, but I'm planning on going back to India for several months, to support a projectm that helps women in need. I know I can't change the world on my own, but I will at least do my part to change a tiny little bit of the world
OMG, Ness!! Only 4 of 5 hours, and sometimes even less!! Unbelievable!! Aren't you in a permanent state of tiredness (don't know if this is a word, but what the heck )?? I sleep about 7 hours avery night, and yet I'm tired in the evening…
Sheesh… Only 4 or 5 hours.. *shakes head*. I feel sorry for you, I love to sleep.
You're a sweetheart. Truly. Not to worry hunny. I am sitting on my butt in a dark room in London wrapped in warm blankets .
May your life always be as peacefull *sigh* Only now I feel how worried I was. It's good it's not you, MWAH!
No hun! I didn't marry any Afghan guy!
I am in London and I am 21 – I don't know a word of dutch!
What happened am rani?!?! are you okay?! xxx
AAAHH, girl, that made my day! I had the feeling you were in the UK, but still, I wanted to know for sure. And I'm very happy with your answers, thanks
I'm fine, but I spent the weekend with some Afghan people I know. One of the guys used to be married to a really nice Afghan girl, but they divorced (he used to hit her, and she ran away. I don't know where she is now, but she let me know she is safe, so I can only hope she will find her way). He went to Iran last month, and there he married another girl. He asked her family for a really nice, decent girl, who wasn't that smart, because if she was smart, she would leard Dutch, and he didn't want her to get out of the house, as soon as she got her. He kep saying things like that: “I won't let her out of the house” “I won't allow her to make some friends” “I won't allow her to work” It really made me sick, I feel so sorry for her. I asked for her age and her name, and he scarred the hell out of me when he told me her name is Tayba. I kept thinking of you, and what your future would be like if it really was you who married this guy.
People can only come to live with their partner in Holland, if they know a certain amount of Dutch words. That's why I asked you, and told you not to study. If this girl failes her exam, she can not live her with this ridiculous “husband”. That will definately will be better for her, I hope she stays in Iran, just for her sake….
So, I'm ok, but I feel so sorry for this girl I will do my best to help her, if she ever arrives her in Holland. But I would have never forgiven myself if it was you all the time, and I didn't warn you.
Than hurry up and go answer the mail, person above me, instead of hanging around here…
(Why is there an apostrophe after 'dad' woman? rofl…)
To be honest.. I really don't know. I didn't typed it, it just… appeared, all by itself… Arrggghh, these apostrophes these days *shakes head*
No really, don't makes jokes about this, I'm really very serious, and I hope with all my heart that the girl which this is about is not “our” Tayba.
* Makes paper balls, sneaks from below the table, and throuws balls to Yemeni*
Tayba, I hope your answer to all below questions is no :
* Did you recently married some Afghan guy who is twice your age, and lives here in Holland?
* Are you studying to learn Dutch, so you can come here?
* Do you live in Iran?
* Are you 22 years old?
If the answer to all of these questions is yes, than please stop studying, and NEVER come here! You won't be happy, believe me, I know.
If the answer to all these questions is no, than please ask God for all the support for a girl who shares your name
am raniii! girl! I agree with what Boo said! lol there is nothing to even apologise about, this made it all the more hillarious *gives a little smile, and shakes head*! lmao and very memorable! And like booness said, you weren't to know that the card didn't send yet. Lmao, me and her are just slow pokes . Don't be upset! lol I remember after your chat, rani went extra hyper and left me and ninja lots of offline msn messages. and ninja's like “UH-OH” rofl. Then rani calls me and she's like ohhh am rani said this and this LOL Grrrrhhhh. I'm like omg what should I do, I can't lie well on the phone – so I just said that it didn't work out and then she was still talking about it so I'm like “now what should I do?!” So I said, “gotta go dad's coming BYE!” Hahaha, how dad's can come in handy somtimes
and hung up. ROFLL aaaaah good times
Raniiiiiiii I lubbbb juuuuu! Hahaha, I know you mean choti Rani here, but I'm going to say it anyway: I love you 2
Morning Queen – << that was all I did as I was reading through what you wrote…
You are family (BWL-style..) madam… whether you like it or not (haha…!)… *gives Boo a little smile* whatever you did, doesn't matter… at least as far as I am concerned… families accept and move on and laugh about it… na? And as far as I'm concerned – there's nothing TO forgive ji! Thank!
Seriously… I am not just saying that because it sounds like the polite thing to say… I mean it. Mistakes happen – and people move on… if anything I should be the one asking to be forgiven… I sent the card out so late! I truly am sorry about that, people. And then Tayba had to receive it, and then she had to send it… sigh! It would not have been this memorable (or mad) otherwise, think of it that way! *gives Boo another little smile* Sigh, maybe you are right…
And you have every right to interfere (well interfere in a positive way, I mean… not like interfere in people's lives or something negative lol) – that's your right as a BWL family member (cue sentimental music… Bollywood style!
What a good idea… we should all avoid Rani as soon as October comes… Impossible to do though
I'd miss her! Ja, me 2, *sigh*
same q
Several things:
* Spending time with my friends
* Going to Hindi class. I LOVE to go there, every friday. There is just 6 of us, but these people give me so much energy and fun! I'm really gratefull I have the time to go there every week.
* Hanging around on sunday, watch Bollywoodmovies, cry about them and eat chocolate
* Reading all the funny posts on BWL
* Send and receive endless mails to/from Shakz
* Dreaming about India
* Shopping
* Sleeping
* Being me
* And all the things I forgot
It's the time to disco