mushroom omelette
Macaroni n Cheez
Nebber tasted it..but many people like it so i guess it can b yummy?
Roti with Achaar!!!!
mac n cheese is gudd =)
roti n achaar.. im not a big fan.
Shereeny lubz it though, she a harsh fob. Shes lookin for a voti who’d make her roti tho, so if u knw ne1 let her knw =).
omg ive nebber met a bigger jhooti in my life ur so full of bakwaas aman. damn. thats like a paap :S ur da kadu who talks to my mommy for like 45 mins on achaar askin how its made and all. ur like countin da dayz til she sends ju some! AND ur the biggest homo in the www(whole widest world) psssh ur just ghummed cuz u want me n iont swing that way. sry puthar ur gonna hafta find urself another rani im lookin for the raja!
next strawberry milk
omg ive nebber met a bigger jhooti in my life ur so full of bakwaas aman. damn. thats like a paap :S ur da kadu who talks to my mommy for like 45 mins on achaar askin how its made and all. ur like countin da dayz til she sends ju some! AND ur the biggest homo in the www(whole widest world) psssh ur just ghummed cuz u want me n iont swing that way. sry puthar ur gonna hafta find urself another rani im lookin for the raja!
next strawberry milk
k i kno i posted the same thing twice it said something about an error so i redid it and now it wont let me erase it. :S
coconut water
oyeee! tu rainde kadu! i didnt talk to ur mom bout achaar for 45 minz! and i onlee asked coz i thot it was tope she was makin n was curious.. unlike you i dont knw how its made k! u totally knw coz u eat it all the time, and ur momz always makin for jur fobbedddout a$s! hrmph! whatta kadu!
bbq chicken
Bothya kaduz are liarzz lol! u both lookin for a vota who will make u roti n achaar…i juuusst know ju do!!!
yummy sometimes curry pumkin is good but pumpkin pie is nasty
strawberry shortcake
its good as icecream =)
apple pie
Aman ur just a poophead
sugar cookies
YummY smtimes
shereenY ur a padh and a poopy =)!! hehehe
Wutya u 2 Kaduz talkin about? Oh sorry..u Padhz now ?
IOno if they yummy :S iont member
Nahi kadu i not a padh, Amaneey is. and she looks like a mendo and is a mundo and is gonna marry a rickshaw driver!
not even!! thas a lie! amaneeyz nothing like that, amanz jus a toped out kadued bhandar =). Its SHEREENY thas a mundo daku wid muchi that looks like its smiling because shes eeebil and doez eebil shizzy makin her muchi smile eebily!!! and shes a fobbed out kaduladulalu whose gonna wants a turban so she can join the fobberzz when they do some crajeedout bhangraing balle ballez!
yucky, most of the time.
Mc Donalds
YUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYY!! *Well, the chicken things n the french fries n the Fish Filet..the rest..I dont eat it..*
i like kfc
its yummy
depends on wut kind, but usually yummy
jelly beans?
depends which one it is.
sumtimes yummy
chicken sandwich
cheese doodles
Oreo COOKIEZ (to be clear..)
Can’t be tastfull, so yucky hehehe
Don’t need to ask, hahahaahha.
Salman Khan?
meh sometimes
red lollipop
yummy sumtimes
depends on wut kind, but yummy!! =)
bueberry pie?
cinnamon sticks bread
cinnamon toast crunch
Special K Vanilla Almond
rr never try it i think
great that mean yummy!!!
depends…but mostly yummy!
Is okay…
Uhm… peanuts
Whahahaha, the always remind me of Daisy (she´s friend of us, and she´s allergic to peanuts, haha)! Yummy, btw (sorry Dees…..)
As long as it is no Turkish Apple Tea, I’d say YUMMY!!
Am Rani:
Whahahaha, the always remind me of Daisy (she´s friend of us, and she´s allergic to peanuts, haha)! Yummy, btw (sorry Dees…..
Hahahahaha, that really made me laugh Am Rani!! Especially because you put Snickers beneath it hehehe
depends..but mostly yummy!
Chocolate muffins
Chocolate Chip Cookies…
Dont remind me of themm!!! Or i’ll go and rob the kitchen again…IT’S MIDNITE in 20mins..dun wanna eat…cant eat…is bad for health..wont eat…musnt eat…*closes eyes, doesnt want to see the word chocolate again..pretty difficult to type like that…*
Chocolate BROWNIEZZ!! (or isnt there another version of brownies except chocolate? iono..)
aw i want a brownie! thanks lots kaduji
browniez are yummy
fudgycicle…i want one of those too
umm they okay smtimes.. bad for you though, you dont want.
choco cheesecake
choco cheesecake is yummy
million dollar pie
Spring roll
its a dessert..has a golden graham crust, and then theres bananas and pineapple n whip cream andar.
spring rolls r teek kadi kadi depends wuts andar
Chocolate ice cream…
yummy, but only when I’m in a “bananasplit-mood” (whatever that might be, hahaha)
Peche melba
So so…
Uhm… Dame Blanche
yucky! It always makes me thirsty, and it´s a bit to much chocolate sauce for me
vanille icecream?
Mmmmm, yummy!!! Although I prefer chocolate ice cream hehe
Melon Ice Cream (I think this is the most untastefull sort of ice cream I have ever tasted… I’m curious what you think about it )
havent tasted it..tho if they had had it in Giolitti in Rome..i bet it would have been yummy..but in all the other stores..i guess Yucky..
yummy!!! To bad it has SOOO many calories.. Aaah, Heera, have you tasted the ice creams from the shops around the Trevi fountain in Rome??? Hmmmmm, I still taste them in my dreams sometimes, hahahaha. I spend such lovely evenings around the Trevi…. To bad the person I wanted to have with me wasn’t there….
Italian food
Yummy, to
Yummy, to bad
Yummy, to bad is
Yummy, to bad is has
Yummy, to bad is has SOOOO
Yummy, to bad is has SOOOO many
Hahahahahahaha, I really don’t know what happened with that post…
Whahahahahahahaha!! I thought like wow Am Rani made many posts yesterday, but now I know why
About the Italian food… I’m not very fond of it… Just the pizza’s from “Il pozzo” (a small restaurant in Utrecht, Holland) hehehehe
Italian guys…?
yucky!!!! I’ve been in Italy twice, worked for Alitalia, so I can can call myself a specialist. They are SO arrogant!! And not THAT handsome by the way. I prefer the Spanish guys…
Hahahaha, or Turkish men na?
Sleeping is yummy!!! Too bad I don’t sleep that much lately
Chocolate pancakes (my personal favourite )…
Whahahahahahahahahaha YUMMY!!!
I was at a really boring party last weekend. The guys were just fooling around, and we girls got really bored. On of them put on K3G, so we could amuse us a bit.
After some time, we found this song (forget the title, first line starts with “suraj hua matam” and it’s a song in which SRK and Kajol are in Egypt. Really romantic song…) in which Shah Rukh wears a wet shirt, hahahahahaha. We girls all kept quit for a few seconds, and than we all said at the same time: hmmmm…I like him best that way, hahahahahahaha.
At the same moment, the guys kept quit, and than one of them said: Can someone please turn of that movie?
Whahahahahaha, at the moment it was funny, now it isn’t, but I had to think about it when I sai yummy, hahahahahaha.
ow, sorry, next one:
Salman Khan
lol Depends…but mostly yucky
Lolll!! thas sooo cool hahahahah u girlz r telepathic and the guys got threatened when they saw SRK hihihi..very good!! And oh yeah.. the song IS called Suraj Hua Maddham
Am Rani:
Whahahahahahahahahaha YUMMY!!!
I was at a really boring party last weekend. The guys were just fooling around, and we girls got really bored. On of them put on K3G, so we could amuse us a bit.
After some time, we found this song (forget the title, first line starts with “suraj hua matam” and it’s a song in which SRK and Kajol are in Egypt. Really romantic song…) in which Shah Rukh wears a wet shirt, hahahahahaha. We girls all kept quit for a few seconds, and than we all said at the same time: hmmmm…I like him best that way, hahahahahahaha.
At the same moment, the guys kept quit, and than one of them said: Can someone please turn of that movie?
Whahahahahaha, at the moment it was funny, now it isn’t, but I had to think about it when I sai yummy, hahahahahaha.
Whahahahahahaha, this IS really funny!!!!!! The guys where jealous of SRK hahahaha!! Ooops sorry, I bet it wasn’t funny… Is this why Z is mad?????
Yummy… To drink it and to swim in it!!
Guys with a sixpack…
And oh yeah.. the song IS called Suraj Hua Maddham
Aaaawwww…. I knew that!!!! I was only wondering if you knew
Shakalaka Baby:
Whahahahahahaha, this IS really funny!!!!!!
The guys where jealous of SRK hahahaha!! Ooops sorry, I bet it wasn’t funny… Is this why Z is mad?????
Hlahahaha, no, he’s always mad, he doesn’t even know what he’s mad about, and neither do I he’s mad because of the clothes I wear, and he’s mad because I didn’t want to sleep in the house of a guy I have seen only once. And he’s mad because of blablablablablablablaa… and about this and that, and about so and so, and about this and that and so and so… I really don’t get it… But never mind, hahaha, I had a nice evening, hanging around in front of the tv…
And about guys with a six pack… depends on the other muscles… When they are like Rambo, than yucky. But when they have only a little bit of muscles, than yummy.
Good you enjoyed your evening in front of the telly hehe [:P} And euh.. just don’t mind Z.. okay??
Beer… mmm yucky I’d say…
Am Rani:
And oh yeah.. the song IS called Suraj Hua Maddham
Aaaawwww…. I knew that!!!! I was only wondering if you knew
Uhuh..and if you just keep on believing that, may be it’ll be true someday
Wine = depends on where it’s from and blablablaaaa..
Kellog’s Special K (cereal..eating it rite now!)
yummy! With yoghurt!!
Yoghurt, hahaha
Uhuh..and if you just keep on believing that, may be it’ll be true someday
Everybody needs something to believe in, right??
yoghurt – yummy.
BIG yummy! I love Italian food!
yucky. I prefer cappucino…
So so… some are nice, some aren’t…
French Fries…
um usually yummy
havent had in yrs used to be yummy tho
french onion chips
um the cheddar chipz, forgetted wut they called *-) u knw wut i talkin bout
harvest cheddar. its yummy betterz than ur french onion =)
yummy!! =)
gatorade lol
same as powerade, used to be a yummy havent hadded in awhile so dunno but probly samez.
honey nut corn flakes
yucky, don´t really like corn flakes…
choco muffins
Mexican food.. all kinds of food..depends on what dish Tho yummy for as far as I’ve tasted!!
hmm, depends on how they are prepared.. Yummy most of the time.
Hamburgers (I’m about to go to Mac Donalds…)
Whahahahaha, hoped you liked your Mac Donalds meal!! I thought you were going to eat in some kind of posh restaurant hehehe… Valt dat ff tegen
I like hamburgers so YUMMY!!
Kip nuggets…
Pringles! (Original)
Jaaaaa, yummy!!!
Pringles (no matter which taste)
Strawberries and mango with vanilla dip (from the “Appie”)…
Yummy, although I don’t like the dip that much…
I think the dip is yummy!!! Uhm.. cheesecake… Well I’ve never taste it, but it doesn’t seem very tastefull to me..
White chocolate bar..
MMMMMMM YUMMY!! I just love everything with chocolate (except for Butterscotch though…)
Butterscotch chocolate hehe…
I like most of them, but not all of time… So half yummy hehehe
Turkish Delight
yumcky, hahaha
vanilla icecream?
havent tasted it..
sumtmes yummy *-) hmm
baked potato
yummy yummy!!
yummy sumtimes
chocolate milk
very yummy! i wanted some earlier but i forgotted that i wanted and ended up getting cha =(, kadu! you shuda reminded me! cheezy! shame on you!
same q
how cud it evaaa not bee yummy??? it’s the most heavenliest drink on earth..hihi
YUCKY, for sure!!!
Bubble gum…
sumtimes yummy *-) havent had sinc ei was kid tho *-)
Brusselsprouts! lol
Iiiieeuuwwww Heera!!!! They’re so yucky!!!! (I’ve just a very few times tasted nice ones..)
yucky! You and your crazy babaybells…
Whahahaha that’s why you didn’t want one in IST? I love cheesse, but not all sorts…
yummy, but only when it’s really cold. The milk, I mean, not outside, hahaha.
Yucky, for sure!! I’ve never tasted a nice one…
the quicker picker upper? *-) probably mean the chocolate. its teek i want chocolate
cinnamon gum
not that yummy, but neither yucky…
umm.. yummy when it has stuff on it.. dont ususally like bread on its own.
mango shake
mango smoothie
sour cream with indian food
lol good
yogurt wid indian food? :p
kadu ju vernt sposed to answer that one
yog n dip is a good
um vitamins ((lol they sittin ithe in a bag they smelllyyy))
vut if i vanted to answer?!! cheezY
umm they a good. u shud eat em more often
vix cherry plabour
ucky :S
yummy sumtimes *-) usually depends how its cooked. um minus the plies tho hun
How can I be negative about kaduz when Heera is out Kadumaster?
chips? (or is it called crisp in english?)
um yummy, depends on flava tho
lucky charms cereal
Im not kadumaster!! Shereeny isss!!!
lol nuh uh ur the kadumaster! shes the psychomaster =)
strawberry ice cream
ummm… yumi,
but its a bit too cold here for some nice strawberry icecream how about
garam aloo ka paratha
depends on who’s made it and if i’m really hungry or not
oki fine… im kadumaster..shez psychomaster!
chocolate frog (from Harry Potter u kno)
Dunno… Should I know?
McFlurry M&M’s (Bonibon, right Am Rani? )
omg?? you havent seen them in the Jamin (candystore)??? When the first HP-movie came out they were soo popular..I dunno about them now, but they were back then..
OYE VEN DID I AGREE TO THAT?! laluz. i set ju straights dun vorry heera=biggest kadumaster. amaneey=biggest psychomaster, naale shereeny=biggest toped out crAjee
i likez that. lol u laluz dunno nethingz
pepsi is an okay
chawal? (rice)
OYE, it doznt matter vut ju shay kadu. ur a psycho, psychoz dont knw wuts a chek and vuts an x. ur an x =). u psychomaster!! hehe. see, me and heera argee that shes the kadumaster, and ur the psychomaster. 2 vs 1 hehe.
i like rice. yummy.
EXACTLY ju bewacouf psychos dont know wuts check n wuts x. u dunno u an X eben tho eberyone else does! uLoo! i no psycho nething ju pakku, go shave jur muchi dakuji cheezy! andshes a kadu nebay so u cant use her agreement as nething! ju dunno nethings hunji. its an okay though luckily God putted me in ur life to set u a str8 n make ju as brilliant as me
ur sucha luckee!
corns a yummy too
NoOOo! i seded that! stop being a chor and jacking whatebber brilliant thing i say! i know ur a little slow n a dummy and cant think of ur own stuff, but cmon kadu! stop choring from me!!! GROAR ur the X and thas it. no say nething k. be a chuup for a change! pagal gando muchi varo mundo!
lolz i am a luckee that God put ju in my life kadu =), hes a tope, doznt always fudge things up for me. Im glad he realized a sane person like me needs some psychoness too =).
shroom ok…need garlic tho!
mango + guava smoothie
umm havnt had but sounds yummy!
yummy to the nth power!
Yummylicious!! especically on a hot summer day!
green seedless – yummmm
red seedless – ok
yummy! lol
yum…altho I don’t know quite whut lettuce taste like!
uve never had lettuce??
um yummy..
had it…just think it tastes like water! lol
green peppers
yellow peppers
yucky. lol but I eat it sumtimes cuz its gud for you hehe
tomato ketchup
sumtimes yummy
tomato ketchup flavored potato chips/crisps?
chilli sauce
butter chicken
Not yummy at all!!
not yummy..
chick peas
caramel popcorn
the onlee kinda popcorn i like =)
cherry flav hallz
hash brownz?
fried eggs
okay sumtimes i guess iono
depends on kind, usually yummy
mac n cheese
kadi kadi yummy
mushroom soup
shrek fruit snax
strawberry kiwi juice
strawberry nana juish?
its a yummy
tomato ketchup
gummy worms
Foot massage…
uhh.. they cool.. =S cant eat em tho??
choco chip garnola barz
masala noodlez
garam singapore rice noodles wit chicken
never had…sounds okay though
crunchy pbutter
yucky, i hate it. beat it up if i could. send it far far far far far away for hamesha.
cough syrup
ginger cookies
pretty yummy
oatmeal raisin cookies?
Hey Bolly Wolly…not abusing the cough syrup r ya?
lol nahin im not.. i tryin to get over a cold.. almost there!!! =)
YummY! they tope =)
yummy too, not as tope as choco chip tho
cinny mintz
no wonder ur sucha smelly umin…shud try the mints!
ewwwwwwww!! yucccckkkkkkkkkkkkk… disgusting can u get bear??? jeezzzz
green curry mixed with chicken liver and sheep skin sprinkled with garlic and onion
lol lub the irony
now see if yuo had added some raw eggs and cocnut chutney with big chunks of bean sprouts it mighta been summin else, but since u didnt……YUCKY
Vanilla tea
never had *-) possilbly yummy =)
yumm yummm yummmmy!
strawberry milk
hmm… yumcky…
like on its own? its okay sumtimes
riceballs or rice cakes?
corn pops
depends kadi kadi yummy
Not a big fan of it but its still some type of chocie.wudnt say no to it if there was nothing else to hab =P passable for a yummy I suppose.
yucky! =S
sok sumtimes depends how its made
mocha almond fudge ice cream
reeses peanut butter cup ice cream!
i nebber had but i think itd be teek. *-)
reese cereal?
5-alive tropical juish
yucko Bolly Wolly
Sunny D?
verrrry yum
raspberry lemonade
nebber had, possibly yummy
french toast?
depends how its made, cud be yummy
dun really know it..but i guess…it sounds yummy?
M&M’s (without the peanuts or the crunch..just plain cioccolato )
yuck…I likes me peanuts!
kit kat
potato wedges
Twister Fries?
oooh yummmmm
hot fries?
mac and cheese? =(
yummy =)
dark chocolate
gol gappas (paani puris)
Don’t know cha, I only know chai…
spiced cider
definitely Yucky
hmmm hw about death by chocolate, CHOCOLATE CAKE?
yuck! Way, waaaay too rich!
Italian food?
Pap n Vleis
Awww come on Al…u knew sum1 was gonna ask what the heck that is! lmao
Amz: What on God’s green earth is yumcky? *snort & chuckle*
cudnt help it nessa
everything is jus sooo boring ..
btw its a south african dish
pap is hardened porridge and vleis is the Afrikaans word for Meat/sausages..
which I think s totally yucky
Well…it sounds pretty yucky!
Here's one: blood pudding?
yum yum yummmyy
didnt know they make these anymore…lol
Prawn Breyani
yum…even though I'm allergic to prawns!
chicken biryani with extra cayenne pepper?
usually I like peppers in stir frys and pizza's
never had it in breyani before, must tell mom to try this – after fasting off coz
sounds yummy
cheese and sweet corn samoosa's
I lace everything with cayenne! Spicy, spicy!
Never had that type of samosa …does ur mom FedEx?
U're fasting (d'oh)…let's think of awful things!
Hmmmm…toe jam! lmao
lol, hmmm sounds yummy
nope mom doesnt Fed ex but I can make a plan
jus let me knw wat u want and I will send it over
as for cheese an sweetcorn sammosa, really divine…
am not sure if u cook ??so if u interested, will send u the 'RECIPE'
Liver Kebabs….sowrie, dis da most disgustin thing I can think of for now
( yuck yuck yuck )
yes please!!! send me the recipe! I would love to attempt it! mmmmm…will let u know how they turn out!
ew! liver. yuck-isimo!
onion sandwich? (i have seent his eaten! yark!)
k will send to u soon
onions, yummy, but not on its own in a sandwich -(
Mashed Potatoes
love 'em wit extra butter!
fried potatoes?
uhhh i guess it can b yummy at time but yucky also depending on my mood..
Fruit Pizza
never tasted it and OHMIGOD SAPNOKIRANI HOW R U MISSUS ??????????????????
Its good to see u post! how is the beautiful bouncing baby & motherhood?
What a shock u've caused…my heart leapt at the sight of ur name! Its good to 'see' u!
aw ness, roshy every1z so glad 2 c u here!
fruit pizza? is that the thing adil made in class n showed me on his msn? it looked nice but dont tell him k lol. never tasted it tho! unless its what we call fruit flan..
Aww heyy Vchenoah!
Was soo sweet of u! I am very very gr8 r u? lol bouncing baby?the beautiful bouncing baby and motherhood is just amazing!im lovin it! Gives life such a big new turn. Very khush
lol yeah tayba fruit pizza's the pic u saw from adil. it tastes soo yummy dude. and btw hes bak in college!say hurray!lol dun def gonna tell!*evil smile*
jalapenos r awesome!soo spicy but awesome. Yummy
fruit pizza is somethin like Flan I think! u meanie dont tell him! he'll get more bigheaded! lol guyz n their egos thas soo kool hes bak in college ab!!! ima happy for him!
biryani is yummyy depends on how ppl make it tho. Im not a big fan of meat biryani unless its made the way I like. Chicken biryani is yummy..! still 2 n a half hours till iftar… lol
those are the bestest =) btr made our way n not the psycho aman ppl way =)
lol :p
Rosh: …I can imagine how much ur life has changed! Pretty awesome, right?!
UP: bahut shukriya, u know!
Spinach pizza?
crab curry or oysters
thats food?? more like nuclear waste!!
fried scar face dip with tomato chutney serve with onion rings
thats food?? more like nuclear waste!!
fried scar face dip with tomato chutney serve with onion rings
you friggin' cannibal…
thats food?? more like nuclear waste!!
fried scar face dip with tomato chutney serve with onion rings
you friggin' cannibal…
booooooooo, dnt worry yaar, am safe, dis just cosmics psychotic version of the way he wud like to digest me – am sure I taste good
Cosmo, not in a zillion years MR Ghoul, go get yrself some fried barbie curls an stop putting ideas into the minds of the sane folk here.
Scar face:
thats food?? more like nuclear waste!!
fried scar face dip with tomato chutney serve with onion rings
you friggin' cannibal…
booooooooo, dnt worry yaar, am safe, dis just cosmics psychotic version of the way he wud like to digest me
– am sure I taste good
Cosmo, not in a zillion years MR Ghoul, go get yrself some fried barbie curls an stop putting ideas into the minds of the sane folk here.
There are sane folk here??
of course there are, minus u of course!
what about carrot cake?
Yucky… as much yucky as the words Serio is throwing out
English breakfast in the morning..
yucckkyyyy if shaks prepares it!
grilled shaks served with raw salmon sprinkled with some lemon
I think that would be yummy… Anything with me in it will taste just delicious, 'cause I'm just really tasty
Maybe we should try raw Serio burgers too with pickles on it and loads of tomato ketchup to make the burger taste a little bit better… Does anyone want some? I'd love to share with you guys so we can finally eat Serio alive together
eat me alive??? good choice. u wont regret it.
Just the thot of it is totallly Yucky….eeeeeuuuuuuyuk, eating Csomic rare or well done is enuf to make me lose my apetite for life….
dats eternal indigestion for u my dear Shaks ( btw I used to call my ex shaks )
good luk an I dnt think many would want to join u in this venture….well except those who have come back from the assylum,
now they wud try just about anything….
soooooo goood luk
next: chocolate ice cream with bitz of choc brownies and hazelnutz
Scar face:
( btw I used to call my ex shaks )
Scarry… should I take this as a compliment?
eat me alive??? good choice. u wont regret it.
Allright, I'll tell the cook at my restaurant to prepare you for tonight Any suggestions for the best way to prepare you? We just love to eat something that does taste nice (and I dunno how you can EVER taste nice)…
Scar face:
next: chocolate ice cream with bitz of choc brownies and hazelnutz
Yummy to them both!!
Pink bubble gum?
tell yer cook theres no need to prepare. serve me raw, in its original form! whether i'll taste nice or not..its all in yer mind shakz…its all in yer mind.
Shakalaka Baby:
Scar face:
next: chocolate ice cream with bitz of choc brownies and hazelnutz
Yummy to them both!!
– yeah it is , ate an entire tub of it this week, irresistable
Pink bubble gum? depends on the flavour of coz ;-)…..
double tequilla served with a dose of bloody mary
tell yer cook theres no need to prepare. serve me raw, in its original form! whether i'll taste nice or not..its all in yer mind shakz…its all in yer mind.
Oooohhh you want me to fantasize about you? Difficult difficult…
Shakz, please… *shakes head and rolls eyes at the same time, although it looks weird*
Tequila Sunrise? (2 continue the game)
Haha, Am Rani Good to see you around again yaar!!
About the tequilla… Never heard of it, so never tasted it haha… I guess this was the nice cocktail you were so happy e-mailing me about.. lol
Pizza Margharita…
pizza margharita??? sounds like food for a drunkard! totally yucckyyyy!!!!
grilled shakz serve with stir fried chickens feet and mashed camels brain
Since I was the one who brought Shakz here (sorry Serio ) I don't have to answer this question…
caramel macchiato
I only know the cappucino macchiato, and that one's yummy!! So I guess the caramel version also is
Body Shop stuff (I assume you guys know the Body Shop…)
Beeeg thumbs for body shop *stuff*, lol
Water melons
strawberry lip gloss
semi yummy
blueberry muffins
peanut butter cup cookie?
What??? Sounds pretty yucky…
Peanut butter and marmelade on toast together?
grilled shakz serve with stir fried chickens feet and mashed camels brain
Sounds great!! But I prefer to be served with a nice salad if that's okay with you?
Am Rani:
Peanut butter and marmelade on toast together?
Yuck Am Rani!! How can you even think of that?!?! *shakes her head and rolls her eyes*
Pesto roll with old cheese… (I had that in the plane last night and just because of the smell, I already lost my appetite.. lol )
YUCK.. i had dat on ma way bak frm ma holiday aswell.. dat was sik..
cheese omellete
Fruit & walnuts salad?
Yucky… don't like much fruits and especially no walnuts
Tuna salad…
ceasar salad
the last thing in the menu that i'll order!
pistachio ice cream
deeevine, anything with nutz, an ice cream, double pleasure hehehehe yummy
Chicken meat…
yuck if u mean raw chicken meat hehehehe jj…
depends on which way it is prepared…then yummy
chicken bunny !!
whut da???? Ok…explain!
I'm saying yuck on general principal!
butter pecan ice cream?
whut da???? Ok…explain!
I'm saying yuck on general principal!
butter pecan ice cream?
flip Ness watz with u and ye other half an ice – creams???
jeeez u knw I luuuuurve ice cream !!!! need to luk goood this weekend, sod the crash diet, am gonna stop on my way now an get me sum
woolies roomys ( ice cream )
mwah !!
never heard of it! We have a brand called Skinny Cow! lmao
and since u wanna crack wise, i hope u eat so much ice cream ur pants pop and u have to be rolled around this weekend!
chocolate crepe?
Yummy! Everything with chocolate is just delicious When I was in Copenhagen I saw Schoko Land (chocolate land) and I ran very fast away from it, before I couldn't stop myself and buy everything that's in the shop, hahaha
Candy floss… (yeah… I had a really big one in Tivoli – Copenhagen… mmmm!!! )
lmao off coz u havent heard of it…lmao
woolies is the place I shop @….
they have deeeeevine goodies…roomys, is AFRIKAANS for Ice-cream!!!!
yuck, skinny cow, I dnt even have low fat milk…..YUCK beeeg time
unfortunately my sister ensured I didnt make it through the cashier with my tub of Ice-cream , did get a pair of kief heels though
an btw, am wearing a saree NUTHING is going to pop outa anywhere
Nessss datz sooooo cold, but wat a picture yaar…rolled around..hahahaha..omw lmao hehehehehehehehe
wouldnt mind am extreeeeemly xhausted !!!! hehehe
chocolate, yummy…another thing I cant have ;-(
candy flosss!!!!! er tooo sweet
kinda yummy I guess
strawberries an cream
Shakalaka Baby:
When I was in Copenhagen I saw Schoko Land (chocolate land)
*starry eyed* Sounds beautiful in ANY language doesn't it???
Shakalaka baby:
and I ran very fast away from it
lmao @ the picture in my head!
strawberries & cream…yum
blueberries & cream
Shakalaka Baby:
When I was in Copenhagen I saw Schoko Land (chocolate land)
*starry eyed* Sounds beautiful in ANY language doesn't it???
Yes it does!! Why wouldn't it?
Shakalaka baby:
and I ran very fast away from it
lmao @ the picture in my head!
Hahahaha, now you got me laughing too!!
blueberries & cream
Yucky… don't like blueberries…
Vanilla tea… (my favorite )
Hazelnut coffee?
veeeery yum
irish coffee?
I've never tried it
Coconut cookies?
peanut butter cookies?
spicy chicken wings?
yum yum yum…spicy anything!
cheese & crackers! lmao
Same here I love spicy foods.
Carrot or Cucumber?
def carrot!
carrot or celery?
carrot (yummy)
Carrot halwa?
never had
succotash or broccoli & cauliflower?
Coconut cookies?
I saw this one passing when I was scrolling down the page and I almost jumped out of ma seat… Where are they?!?! I just loovveee everything with coconut in it!! How can you don't like these Vchenoah?
succotash or broccoli & cauliflower?
Dunno what it is, so I can't answer this one…
Green tomato ketchup?
succotash (corn & lima beans) ugh!
Ok Shaks…green tomatoes made into ketchup or regular ketchup dyed green?
Kno whut? No matter how u slice it, it's pretty gross…lol
death by chocolate cake or strawberry shortcake
Hahahah Vchenoah, what kind of question is that?! I'd rather don't die because of both! But the chocolate cake is much yummier than the strawberry one haha…
Btw, I meant tomato ketchep made green with red tomatoes in it (get it? )…
Shaks, believe it or not, that's the name of the cake! Seriously! LMAO
Got it…still…uhmmm…kinda yuck…green…
Yes (YUM!!) to pineapple!
Shaks, believe it or not, that's the name of the cake! Seriously! LMAO —-> It is!?!?!
Hahahaha, LMAO!!!
Got it…still…uhmmm…kinda yuck…green…
Yes (YUM!!) to pineapple!
Mango…. mmm…. not yucky and not yummy either….
That's what they called it at the bakery! hmmmmm…aaaaannnnyyyyyyyway…
calamari salad?
yucky-yucky-YUCKY!!!! Don't like anything that looks like fish (or is fish, actualy )
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy am rani???
fish is brain food
luv calamari, not in salad though
errrr yum yum ..depends how its prepared…
mushroom sauce
never had, but love fungus, so it must be good! lol
hawaiian pizza (with pineapple)?
yum yum pineapple on pizza is a gurd combo!
raisins coated with chocolate
YUUUMMMYYY!!!! Especially the white ones
Peanuts coated with chocolate…
M&M's u mean? ok..yummy
melted choc spread over a piece of bread and topped with slices of banana
banana milkshakes…
u call that food? more like monkeys breakfast!
chocolate fondue
lmao…damn….better than eating rare seriocomic burgers….yuk..
choc fondue…..
chicken an mayo on toasted whole wheat bread
hold the mayo and I say yum!!
strawberries & honey?
Yucky! I hate honey.
Pineapple Delight?
M&M's u mean? ok..yummy
Haha, no I didn't mean M&M's otherwise I would have written (haha, remember Am Rani??? Has write, wrote, written a letter Don't ask, just some good .. euh… old memories of Am Rani and me when we were rushing into the theatre in London haha) M&M's… M&M's do also have some sugar coat… the ones I mean are really chocolate… But never mind, it's good to read you like M&M's
Scar face:
lmao…damn….better than eating rare seriocomic burgers….yuk..
Hahahaha, good one Scarry!! That's my girl!! Keep going sweety!!
u knw u want that burger shakz!
scar face eyeballs mixed with ox tail soup
wat the heck is ox tail ??
scar face eye balls, seeing as Serio is intent on consuming my eyes, gross!!!
guess its gotta be deeeelicious …. errr for a ghouls daily diet
choc doughnuts
Yucky! hate donuts.
Mango smoothie?
Mango's alwasys yummy!!
u knw u want that burger shakz!
Oh yeah, I do!!! I would die for… euh …. because of it!
Hi Harry, welcome!! Butter is okay…
spinach and feta pies, hmmm yummy
chicken curry and roti with salads
deelish! yum!
pasta w/ broccoli & garlic?
no broc…definitely Yum…
Italian kisses
what is this? sumthin new? or is it tiramisu?
its rich ice-cream covered in even richer chocolate with different shapes, depends were u buy em from
divine …..
roasted pecan nut & carrot Muffins
umm meat?
Depends on which meat…
cranberry juice
Mmmm… yumky I guess It's okay but not really yummy…
Banana Split…
uhmmm… No, yucky.. Not very fond of bananas…
Depends on the flavour… I really just luvvve (there goes Shakz again ) a coconut milkshake and a strawberry one, but I have traumas of the banana one… Vanilla is nice too
if prepared by u, extremely yucky!!
fried tomato serve with melted choc and dipped with cheese – its called tochochee,a delicacy from timbuktu
plain vanilla ice cream with sprinkled chocolate
Yummy yummy yummy!!!
Tomato soup…
if prepared by u, extremely yucky!!
fried tomato serve with melted choc and dipped with cheese – its called tochochee,a delicacy from timbuktu
LMBO! Ewwwwwww
Coffee… Yucky!!
Darjeeling tea…
Tea rocks, you should know that by now, Shakz..
Haha I know!! But I didn't know you were going to answer this question
Peppermint is yummy
Yummy. But not it tea…
wiped cream?
Jelly beans…
the smell of nailpolish?
The smell of coffee…
Yummy! (Douwe Egberts factory in Utrecht!!!
the smell of grass?
I like it, but it makes me sneeze a lot because of my hay fever…
The smell of red roses…
AM RANI! YAY you love coffee? or just the smell of it =p.
smell of grass? yuckyyyy
smell of chocolate??!
YUMMY!!! Don't get me started about chocolate
The smell of daisies…
AM RANI! YAY you love coffee? or just the smell of it =p.
smell of grass? yuckyyyy
smell of chocolate??!
Hahahaha, expeccialy the smell. I hardly drink any coffee, cappuccino sometimes.. How about you?
Do daisy's smell??? If so, than yucky…
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm coffeeee, I love coffeee!! keeps me alert =p
ewww yuckyyyeehhhh. peanutbutter..eww. loll
bryani? i bet i spelled it wrong too =p
prepared by you? its yuuuumenilicious!!!!
goats milk
Xmas pudding
plum pudding
chickennnnnnnnnn yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmehhh!
umm cakee?? Particularly ICE CREAM CAKE =p!
particularly yummy
mocha cheesecake?
strawberry cheesecake
prepared by you? yuuuumilicious of course!
daal? (lentils)
Made my mum.. yummmmyy
grapes? ha im blank
YUM! I love grapes!
grape n apple juice
Yucky… don't like the apple juice (and guess what Shakz got in her Christmas box from work… )
Pineapple juice…
what u get?? lol
Pineapple juice is yummmmyyy!
served by u? yuuuummiilicious!!
coke float (thats w ice-cream)
sometimes yummy
sometimes?? when is it not yummy?
bread pudding? ok..not too bad.
neslo (thats nescafe + milo)
it all depends on the mood *-) im not realy much of a coke fan, rootbeer or some other kinda pop float woulda been better =)
i was thinking chocolate putting :S who eats bread puddin
iono what that is :S nescafe's good though
chocolate pudding?
mood? u always in hibernating mood. what other moods do u have?
choco pudd…..mmmm……sounds ok. but again, i need a sample from the bear to confirm it.
choc banana cake
cho banana cake? sounds yuckyy
carrot cake?
Fudge ice cream
ewwwwww yucccckkkkkkkkk!!! did i say ewwwwwww???
guava juice mix w fudge ice cream (yes, that yuuucccckkkkkyyyyy stuff!!)
green tea? (Rani I love uuu!)
green tea? thats more for cows!!
ginger chai
Mint tea…
shakz do ye knw wat Mozart is??
never tasted mint tea, no idea
chicken tikka
green tea? (Rani I love uuu!) You meannie! It was alllll your fault! lmao!
bahaha ur nuttin but a teelafish!! lmbo! my fault??! Whaaa? whaaa?? How soo darling?
you know exactly how so! And it's Fashila! Get ur Arabic straight.
lmbo! Ur telling MEEEEH to get my Arabic straight? Jes Ma'am, I shall! how so?? NO I DONT KNOW!!!??
Yes, I'm telling YOU to get ur Arabic Straight!
U don't know?!?! Then u find out.
answer the question u Shafila!
baha, what question teelafish? maaaan that word sounds straight up pimp! I love u Rani!
can both of u pls stop spoiling the game?? jeezzzz!!!
LOL no we cannot..unless u ask us politely..otherwise it aint gonna happen
Scar face:
shakz do ye knw wat Mozart is??
A composer..?!
Hahahaha, that's what I thought, and it is in our world. But who knows what it might be in Arabic or something
Or maybe Scarface was just curious to know if yu know what Mozart was, because she does not know herself?
Am Rani:
Hahahaha, that's what I thought, and it is in our world. But who knows what it might be in Arabic or something
Or maybe Scarface was just curious to know if yu know what Mozart was, because she does not know herself?
No, its not Arabic..
I dont is haraam and yucky! even tho i never tasted it
chocolate milk?
man screww juuu! ur right but vateva, u can say i was blank
jeezzz!! mind yr language mam. and u might give nitz the wrong idea!!
sum more hehehe
popcorn is yummy!
again…i mean seriously….are u ACTING to be this daft or does it come naturally to you ??? noodles on its on is of course gonna be yucky thats why u add flavourings…and when u do…of course its gonna be yummy…..why dont u stop ruining the games and go into the bollywood actors thread and drool over the king khan kongs instead !
i like noodles, kinda tired of em atm, but still okayish
sour keys
wat the heck is sour keys?? Yucks anyways, nuthing sour for me
Mocha choca with Creme
So so…
yeah and u call me stupid dude!
you seriously have no funny bone in your body do you ??????????????? i told u ! GO HUG A DAMN TREE !!!!!
what u said was not funny! just plain ole stupid!
whats up with u and tree hugging? I guess uve encountered tree hugging b4? I can just imagine it. it goes something like this: “People stop getting insulted because of nitzahs lame insults, therefore he gives up. He decides to go insult a tree. He ends up hugging it. bahaha he closes his eyes and starts daydreaming about how wonderful it feels to do something for nature. Next thing he knows he is surounded by ppl, pointing at him saying “word, nitzah is hugging a tree, so not him” . Nitzah is thinking to himself “Ohhhh crap, my reputation is now ruined foreal!..*Nitzah goes in a coma*!
The End!
ROFL !!! u actually wrote a story for me ?? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !!! i am truly honoured !! baaaahhahahahah
um apple or cherry pie
ROFL !!! u actually wrote a story for me ?? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !!! i am truly honoured !! baaaahhahahahah
u shuddd feel honored when ur story is written by Yemenilicious! duhh. now all u gotta do is like act it out and ur all set..then we shall publish it..oooh boy! good stuff
um apple or cherry pie
cherry pie.
same q..
awwwww ….. my man is having a private moment with yuuuummeenilicious. how sweet of u dude.
cheery pie?? eeewwwwwww…yuuucccckkkkkk…bleeaaaarrrggghhhhhhhhh!!
nitz and yummenlicious on a date
Tawbah Astighforallah! nopee mang..
awwwww ….. my man is having a private moment with yuuuummeenilicious. how sweet of u dude.
cheery pie?? eeewwwwwww…yuuucccckkkkkk…bleeaaaarrrggghhhhhhhhh!!
nitz and yummenlicious on a date
awww dude !! do you have to come in and be all nice now ? she’ll definetly have the hotz for you dude !! just wait and watch…..ur her knight in shining armour !!
waahahahaha!! no dude…its not gona work this time. stop changing the subject
oh please…stop trying to hide your wings !!
macaroni and cheese??
yucky…Next: Apples
“one apple a day, keeps the doctor away” yummm! cherries?
earlier u gave us cherry pie, now cherries. what with u and cherry???
cherry juice mix with milk + coconut water, served hot
you really have yucky taste…..Next: Cola Candies
damnit dude did u have to squeeze in ur post :p
LOL yuckkk!
you really really are one sick yucky stupid freak….please…stop making me wanna puke !! Next: Bourbon
aha ! so u do know seriocomic’s nickname on the forum and find him “yummy”…..u sick yucky stupid freak !! (btw dude…i told ya…everyoneeeee lurrvessssss uuuuu)
wtheck dude..btw, i think oreos are yucky! u needa lyfe! juice?
LOL !! seriously something is wrong with YOU !! how can you hate “oreos” ????????? noone hates oreos !!
bahaha right…
Alrighty, to get back to the origin of the game…
Babi Ketjap
Brrr… yucky! Don't like Chinese/Idonesian/Thai food anyway…
Gluhwein (German for warm wine )
Gosh, u two! What is up with u and wine?
I don't drink wine, never have, never will. ameen. lol.
wondering the same..about the wine! lol
waffles…alone yucky.
with a topping YUMMMAY!
maple syrup?
um kaporas?? spelling doesnt count
lol! It's pakoras(err pakoda. lol)! and they are yummy!
lol, ur right nessa, waffles are good with toppings. hehe. my bad.
same, pakoras/pakodas.
bahaha i was totally off my bad..i meant what rani said!
the asylum is ready for u to check-in yuuummmenilicious
*sniff* NOO I DONT WANNA! im perfectly fine.
pakoras….dis k i guess
brownies with choc sauce and ice cream
MMMMM…. my dil goes mmm
White marsmellows…
I have tried the Halaal ones, and they're icky.
anyone ever tried Afghani food? Won't name a dish just in case no on has, but if u have – yummy or yucky?
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
I have tried the Halaal ones, and they're icky.
anyone ever tried Afghani food? Won't name a dish just in case no on has, but if u have – yummy or yucky?
oye oreo! try my Afghani food, it'll be all yummy! not yummyky. lol.
homous? never tried it.
chocolate chip cookies
now that is yummmmehhh!
humous..thats a ummm a thick spread made from mashed chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice and garlic; used especially as a dip for pita; originated in the Middle East.
its good Rani.
hmm Falafil..Arabic appetizer..if uve tasted it =/ hehe
yes its good rani…listen to her for this one!
falafil – yuuummmmmmenilicious!!
Falafil? Me wanna try! Gimme some Ninja!
corn on da cob
yes its good rani…listen to her for this one!
falafil – yuuummmmmmenilicious!!
kibab, mmmmm soo yummeh!
Rani-thats yummeh too.
Rani what was it that “the girl who eats in front of Appa” ate? peanut butter and mayonnaise would u like that bahaha? Rufus is soo crajee mang! haha
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Falafil? Me wanna try! Gimme some Ninja!
corn on da cob
I shall give u some..come overrr!
What the heck is corn on da cob?? Can I come too, Yemenilicious??
Sounds kind of funny to me… Dunno what it is too!! Tell us, tell us!! We want to know Yemen!! lol
heck, all of u come over! . I'll make u whatever u want. vait vait vait..excluding ppl from zi dark side..kicked me out earlier today..
corn on da cob is corn that is cooked and served on its cob
lol! corn on da cob is hekka YUMMY!
Oye Ninja, I want some of ur yummy steak! lol.
Yogurt, plain yogurt
for me? Yuck…need some fruit in there!
mirchi pakora. (had my first last week! tought I'd died & gone to hell!)
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lol! corn on da cob is hekka YUMMY!
Oye Ninja, I want some of ur yummy steak! lol.
Yogurt, plain yogurt
Ur mommy's yogurt is yummm Rani ji.
okay come, ill make for u my yummy steak. lmbo!
heeeey…stick wit da game Yemenilicious…come on!
say sumtin yummy! lol
alrighy Ness
hmm whats yummy?
pizza??! hehe im blank
nope…u did good kid! Pizza is always a yummy!
white pizza?
lmboo. kid?? i wish.
white pizza? someone else answer..
mhm..white pizza pplz?
wat the heck is white pizza??
am assuming lotza feta topping!!
thats why i didnt answer ji. lmbo
whats soji?
thats why i didnt answer ji. lmbo
whats soji?
its semolina, with lotza butter ( magarine for the posh ppl ) sugar, almonds, milk, and a lil desicated coconut
the hindi and tamil peeps use it as a sorta desert at weddings and prayers…
deeevine..except no one would make sum for me……;-(
sounds yummyehh!
awww hehehe i wanna learn how to make it
if we ever have the pleasure of meeting, I will show u how to okies..
I apparently make the most deeeevine soji around this place hehehe
but cant eat it myself …aaargh
for now, will Pm the recipe to u and give u detailed instructions okies
Insha'Allah, maybe it is decreed for us to meet. Ameen!!!
awwww yayy thanksss Scarz ji!
I love uuuu!
Insha'Allah, maybe it is decreed for us to meet. Ameen!!! – We'll make a plan okies
awwww yayy thanksss Scarz ji! – sowrie bout the delay, will send the recipe thru now
I love uuuu!
soooo cute yaar
mielies on braai / bbq…
not sure wat u guyz call it
corn on da cob is corn that is cooked and served on its cob
Thanks for your explanation Yemen ji It's definitely something I've never tasted, but I now kinda know what you were talking about
Wow, I keep learning around here!!! lol
Scar face:
mielies on braai / bbq…
not sure wat u guyz call it
We call it BBQ in Dutch, and I kind of like it!! It's not my favorite, but the things around BBQ are very nice!!
Next: Marmelade…
Grilled corn on da cob!
White pizza is pizza made without tomato(red) sauce. Olive oil, mozzarella & garlic serve as the foundation.
stuffed grape leaves?
hmmm… yucky…
pistachio ice cream
Amz: They (stuffed grape leaves) r disgusting!!!
Shakalaka Baby:
corn on da cob is corn that is cooked and served on its cob
Thanks for your explanation Yemen ji
It's definitely something I've never tasted, but I now kinda know what you were talking about
Wow, I keep learning around here!!! lol
My pleasure shakz ji.
Her Queenly-Ness:
pistachio ice cream
Amz: They (stuffed grape leaves) r disgusting!!!
strawberry ice cream??
Coconut ice cream with real white coconut thingies in it…
hot fudge parfait with just a teeny bit of caramel?
Give it to meeeeeeeee!!!!! Nooooooowwwwww!!!
Turkish pizza?
never tried turkish pizza..or have I?? i dunno
same q.
never had.
never had.
Dr. Pepper?
never had.
Dr. Pepper?
So so…
How about Pepsi?
Yuck!! Bring the Coca Cola in!!!
Turkey or Greece? (Planning on going there this summer )
turkey…had a horrible time in greece!
paris or rome?
Am Rani:
Yuck!! Bring the Coca Cola in!!!
Turkey or Greece? (Planning on going there this summer
coca cola! best drink everr
Her Queenly-Ness:
turkey…had a horrible time in greece!
paris or rome?
( damn am starving )
okies…..Chicken breyani
Yucky… don't like chicken
Chicken Madras…
Am Rani:
Turkey or Greece? (Planning on going there this summer
I thought you were going to India too this year? Wow, you must be rich Or is work offering you a great trip again? I should have gone into tourism too
I love chicken..yum
shish kebab
at the moment
anything will be yummy for me
ice cream ….lotza rich creamy deeevine tasting ice cream
lol. yummy of course!
Fruit Gushers!
chocolatechocolatechocolate???? hehe
aloos =]
never tried it..
same q…
on it's own…yuck!
with cheeeeze…yummay!
veggie pakora?
I like cucumber..
vegetable soup?
ninja, u have tried gobi! haha! it's cauliflower! hehe.
hot dogs
hot dogs are yuck…me no likie.
ooh ohhh, haha well, that word (gobi) wasnt familiar.
chocolate cakeeeeeeeeeeee?
tofu broccoli saute?
Sounds yucky…
turkey…had a horrible time in greece!
You have??? Where in Greece have you been? What happened???(if you don't mind me asking) I've been in Athens, and I LOVED it
Shakalaka Baby:
Am Rani:
Turkey or Greece? (Planning on going there this summer
I thought you were going to India too this year? Wow, you must be rich
Or is work offering you a great trip again? I should have gone into tourism too
I've been saving some money for India for a while…( I was wondering, why savong some money to buy a car when you don't have your driving licence yet? I know you will have it in 2 weeks, but still… What do you need a car for? You work in your homevillage (don't want to call it hometown ), your boyfriend lives in the same village, and he has a car… No offense, it's your money, I was just wondering. I prefer going to India first, I can buy a car whenever I like, but travelling the world will only get harder to realise)
I know you've been saving some money for India for a while… I was just kidding yaar!
About the car… well some persons have other priorities too than only going to India. I'm saving money to buy a car (what's the problem with doing that before you have your driving license? If I started saving afterwards I wouldn't be able to buy a car when I've got my driving license), because I think I'll really need one. I do work in my hometown, but the company I'm working for is a part of a huge company with accommodations all around Holland (and you know how much trouble the railway system is in Holland ). And my b/f does have a car, yes, but he needs his car all the time… when will I be able to use it?
I do really really want to go to India with you, but I also want a car and getting married, so I'm saving for other purposes too…
Am Rani:
Bread is okay…
Cold chocolate milk?
chicken soup?
Mushroom soup?
Mushroom soup?
chicken salad shakz ji ( I know u hate chicken)
Haha Yemen, well than you will know my answer to this one too I guess…
Haha Yemen, well than you will know my answer to this one too I guess…
Hahaha, I think it's infectious to post the same twice..
Hahaha, I think it's infectious to post the same twice..
Hahaha, it definately is, Shakz…. You posted twice twice
Shakalaka Baby:
I know you've been saving some money for India for a while… I was just kidding yaar!
About the car… well some persons have other priorities too than only going to India.
So do I, but India is also a big priority for me. And I don't think there is anything wrong with that.
I'm saving money to buy a car (what's the problem with doing that before you have your driving license? If I started saving afterwards I wouldn't be able to buy a car when I've got my driving license
True, but than you can save money for everything. Then you can save money for buying a motorcycle, for a pool in your garden, for a horse… You don’t need it now, but you might need in in the future…
), because I think I'll really need one. I do work in my hometown, but the company I'm working for is a part of a huge company with accommodations all around Holland
It is??? You never told me!! And how many times will you have to go to another place?? Once a month?? Once in two months??? And if you have to go there, your company will pay you the extra cost you make when you travel by public transport. If you travel by car, they will pay you only just a little part… But it’s ok with me, it’s your money..
(and you know how much trouble the railway system is in Holland
). And my b/f does have a car, yes, but he needs his car all the time… when will I be able to use it?
I didn’t mean you have to use his, but that he can use it to come to you…
I do really really want to go to India with you, but I also want a car and getting married, so I'm saving for other purposes too…
And that very good, so am I. I just don’t see why you should save money now for things that might happen in the future…Why saving for a marriage when you are not even engaged yet? Or did I just missed the proposal?
I have saved a big amount of money, and I’m not going to spend the entire amount on India. I’ll just save it for when it comes in handy. But I’m not going to miss things, because I might need the money in the future… Yes, I also want to get married. But why save every penny and never do something nice untill the time to marry has come?
And about India… It such a big wish for me to go there this year… I have the money, I don’t have a family to take care of, I can arrange it with my boss… If I keep waiting, I might not have the money anymore. I might be mother, I might have a job which I don’t want to give up to travel… I might even be dead (I’m not planning on it, but you never know <img src="http
To continue the game:
LOL just garlic? foods yum!
depends on my mood
roti with curry
double yummmmmmy
pasta with mushrooms and chicken
Yummy, except for the chicken
Japanese food…
Am Rani:
Shakalaka Baby:
I'm saving money to buy a car (what's the problem with doing that before you have your driving license? If I started saving afterwards I wouldn't be able to buy a car when I've got my driving license
True, but than you can save money for everything. Then you can save money for buying a motorcycle, for a pool in your garden, for a horse… You don’t need it now, but you might need in in the future…
I'm not talking about saving money for things I MIGHT need, I'm talking about a car (and other purposes) I DO need…
because I think I'll really need one. I do work in my hometown, but the company I'm working for is a part of a huge company with accommodations all around Holland
It is??? You never told me!! And how many times will you have to go to another place?? Once a month?? Once in two months??? And if you have to go there, your company will pay you the extra cost you make when you travel by public transport. If you travel by car, they will pay you only just a little part… But it’s ok with me, it’s your money..
If you get married, you will also have kids… And if you have kids, you won’t go to India. Of course you won’t, neither would I, but that’s why I want to go before I’m married and have kids. And I don’t mind going there myself….
You can also be married without kids. Getting married doesn't mean you can't have a life (of your own) too…
Japanese food is yuck…
Shakalaka Baby:
Am Rani:
Shakalaka Baby:
I'm saving money to buy a car (what's the problem with doing that before you have your driving license? If I started saving afterwards I wouldn't be able to buy a car when I've got my driving license
True, but than you can save money for everything. Then you can save money for buying a motorcycle, for a pool in your garden, for a horse… You don’t need it now, but you might need in in the future…
I'm not talking about saving money for things I MIGHT need, I'm talking about a car (and other purposes) I DO need…
Pretty strange definition of “need”…
because I think I'll really need one. I do work in my hometown, but the company I'm working for is a part of a huge company with accommodations all around Holland
It is??? You never told me!! And how many times will you have to go to another place?? Once a month?? Once in two months??? And if you have to go there, your company will pay you the extra cost you make when you travel by public transport. If you travel by car, they will pay you only just a little part… But it’s ok with me, it’s your money..
If you get married, you will also have kids… And if you have kids, you won’t go to India. Of course you won’t, neither would I, but that’s why I want to go before I’m married and have kids. And I don’t mind going there myself….
You can also be married without kids. Getting married doesn't mean you can't have a life (of your own) too…
Tell me about it… But, be honest, if you are married, would you go to India with me? Of course do you have a life of your own, but there just are certain things you don’t want to do anymore. If I was married, I would not just leave for
This is going too far now to talk about in public… I'll send you a PM…
Am Rani:
Ceasar salad…
umm yuck.
fruit salad?
peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich lmbo??
prepared by u?? yuuummmmenilicious!!
its okay…
chocolate cake!
hmmmm double yummmmy
yummy raw…yucky cooked!
carrot cake?
Just carrots…
Cooked±there yuck, raw they are yummy!
Ow, Shakz? I replied to your PM, hope you read it before saturday (and now don´t start to worry, I still want to go to the Vakantiebeurs with you)
I'll check it later on (to see if I still want to go with you –> Noooooo, of course I will, I'm just kidding!!)…
Am Rani:
Cooked±there yuck, raw they are yummy!
Yucky in every way
Am Rani… I've read your PM and I still want to go too So we're still on for Saturday…
I like raisins.
I'll check my PM later, Shakz, but it's good to know I'll see you saturday
They're okay…
Orange juice?
Btw, Amz… what do you have with grapes? You talk lots about them lately
I do??? I did?? When?? Really can't remember… Was it here on the forum?? I just asked about grapes, because of “your” raisins…
Orange juice is yum!
NEVA tasted it…isnt it raw fish eggs or sums yurk..oooh sounds yurky, maybe its nice…
anyone tasted this???
nywyz foood ?? – damn am feelin a lil faint, lack off hehehehe
Urrm Tasted it N A Fink Its Nt All Dat.. Yuck!!
Veg Pasta.. Urmm Not Pasty.. lool
okay, kewl …hmmm dnt think will eat sushi
veg pasta …errrr yurk for now, am feelin nauseaus again ;-(
Am Rani:
I do??? I did?? When?? Really can't remember…
Was it here on the forum?? I just asked about grapes, because of “your” raisins…
Well I thought you've said it a few times before in this thread.. Must have been someone else than, sowrry!
Scar face:
What kind of souffle? Most are okay…
What???? Never heard of….
And about the grapes, Shakz, I could have been me, but I don't remember. No special feelings on grapes, hahaha
ehh Halaal? yummehh!
oranges? hehe
They're okay…
Pineapple pancakes?
no pineapples on pancakes – yuk
sweetcorn an cheese samoosa's
oh damn…
we put different things in our somoosa's. never tried that. but it sounds okay.
potato salad..
U must try it, deeevine
hmmm dis ok, but I wanna eat MEAT hehehehe
no halaal places here , eish ;-(
aargh okies
ha, chocolate!! YUMMMEHHH!
( Ana Bahibil Lehme kiteer!!)
I won't answer this one (you know my answer, right?!)…
Peanut butter…
Yes Shaks…everyone knows ur answer…chicken-hater! hahahaha
hazelnut spread?
Jaaaaa, yum!! I don't eat it that much, but sometimes, I really feel like eating a LOT. Haha, doesn't make nay sence..
steak prego roll
YUCKY!!!! (with capitals )
Yes Shaks…everyone knows ur answer…chicken-hater! hahahaha Yup, that's me!
Eventhough I would do a murder for everything to eat right now… Hungry!! I'm supposed to go out to dinner, but that isn't before eight o'clock in the evening (and it's just ten past seven at the moment
)… Wheehh!! [:'(]
Never had lobster, but since I don't eat anything that used to swimm, I say yucky!
Yucky!! You know Nessa, I'm a fish-hater too
Hahaha Amz, I can still remember when we got that fishy thing in Istanbul on our Turkish night out!! We ate the lettuce and left the fish stuff that was in it… But to show the people we did touch our food, we messed it around to make it look like we ate from it haha
Next: Collyflower?
Shakalaka Baby:
Hahaha Amz, I can still remember when we got that fishy thing in Istanbul on our Turkish night out!! We ate the lettuce and left the fish stuff that was in it… But to show the people we did touch our food, we messed it around to make it look like we ate from it haha
Ow! NOW I know what lettuce means!! . Messing your food up is a trick anorectic people use, so it looks like they have eaten. But it also works when you have to eat fish…
Collyflower?? Uhm…. Yucky!
Depends on the kind of cake… Birthday cakes are usually YUMMY!!
Next: Birthday cakes?
Am Rani:
Ow! NOW I know what lettuce means!! . Messing your food up is a trick anorectic people use, so it looks like they have eaten. But it also works when you have to eat fish…
Hahaha, your post made me laugh Am Rani Good old (euh??) memories, na?!
always yummy, 'cause you can pick them yourself, most of the time…
choc coated…YUMMMMY
liquorice sweetz
Mhhmm, they're so so…
Jelly beans?
ehh theyre okay.
neva heard of it…wats dis??
Grilled Chops with lotza french fries
chops?? Never might, I say yummy, the french fries will make me forget the chops, whatever they might be..
lmao …oye Amz…
lion chops …deeevine ..if u ever in SA
visit aaan I will cook it for ye lmao…..okies
cherries…hmmm dis k
Lemon cheesecake
I definately will, can't wait!!
Lemon cheescake = so so
Scar face:
lmao …oye Amz…
lion chops …
What actually ARE they, anyway?
LMAo at Amz accepting an invite before she even knows what she's eating! hahaha
cheese? pretty good!
peanut butter cookies?
Scar face:
choc coated…YUMMMMY
chocolate coated nuts………………… oh dear Lord!
chocolate coated nuts………………… oh dear Lord!
oye boo, Now ?????
LMAo at Amz accepting an invite before she even knows what she's eating! hahaha
Hahahahaha, well, everybody around is here is chatting about free food? Than who am I to say no to Scar face's invitation I just love it she will make chops, whatever they are, especcially for me.
Am Rani:
LMAo at Amz accepting an invite before she even knows what she's eating! hahaha
Hahahahaha, well, everybody around is here is chatting about free food? Than who am I to say no to Scar face's invitation
I just love it she will make chops, whatever they are, especcially for me.
Amz hon, Free food Nah lmao..lemme quickly tell u wat lion chops is…
dit is die vleis van n Lion …
didye get dat??
its lion meat…
still want sum..coz i can cook a mean meal with it…
aaand yeah I will cook it especially for ye sweetz lol…
next: cherry mints?
Am Rani:
Hahahahaha, well, everybody around is here is chatting about free food? Than who am I to say no to Scar face's invitation
I just love it she will make chops, whatever they are, especcially for me.
Scar face:
next: cherry mints?
Peanut butter cookies?
Scar face:
Amz hon, Free food Nah lmao..lemme quickly tell u wat lion chops is…
dit is die vleis van n Lion … —> I got that!!
didye get dat??
its lion meat…
still want sum..coz i can cook a mean meal with it…
Do you eat lions in SA?!?! OMG!!!! Sure you still want to eat at Scarry's Amzy?
PS: No offense Scarry, I would dare to try it… It's just really unusual food for us (since we only have lions in the zoo )…
Peanut butter cookies?
Sounds yuk…
Spinach with eggs?
double yucky!
Scar face:
Amz hon, Free food Nah lmao..lemme quickly tell u wat lion chops is…
dit is die vleis van n Lion …
didye get dat??
its lion meat…
still want sum..coz i can cook a mean meal with it…
aaand yeah I will cook it especially for ye sweetz lol…
Lions meat?????? Whaaaaaatt???? Hmm…. I'm not sure if I still want to come to South Africa…
If I ever do, I will try it, it's just as Shakz said, it feels very weird to eat lion… But I'd take the dare!! Start cooking, Scar Face!!
shakzee & Amz…
ROFTLMAO, I cannot, just cannot believe the 2 of u ….. reallllllly lmao
Firstly Shakzee, Nope we don’t eat Lion Meat here in South Africa, well everyone I know …doesn’t hehehehehehe, besides I think its illegal to eat lion meat..euyyyyuk…
Aaand its Probably Haraam or sums hahahaha…I seeeeeriously cannot believe u wud fall for that …sowrie can’t help but lol…
Offence, Nah hon, plurleeez, U guyz got me laughing all day …
Com'on Now Amz, U said Ur coming over, sooo u better, aaand that invites extended to u as well Shakz…U know I dnt have to put it in writing to u J
However theres NO WAY I am having Lion meats anywhere near my kitchen or home for that matter sweethartz….
Btw, Lion Chops is actually Lamb chops; I just call it Lion chops hehehe
Am sure u know what lamb chops are r8, if not, its lamb meat…
Dis all safe to eat sooo no worries bout it….so u guys gotta kum on ova for a meal at my place…
While am at it, South Africa is a gorgeous country ppl, aaand NO theres no lions or elephants or cheetah’s roaming around freely …Theyre all at a safe distance…ie @ the National Kruger parks and Zoo’s ..nah Shakzeee lol..
In fact am going for a short holiday soon to one of those places where u live in these bungalows and are allowed to feed the lions …aaand Yeah they roam around freely…
Now am totally freaked out by this but Gossamer and my other fwends practically dared me to go along soooo yeah will send thru some pics to u galz….
Aw God almighty, u can dare me to do ANYTHING and I will do it…but eating Lion meat??? naaaaah … Lol Oye Amz, u have way too much bravado than I hon…..
Neeeeext: candy floss
Hahahaha Scarry!! You're really really pagal!!! I'm not sure if I dare to eat at your house after this… You're telling us you're serving something and in real it's something really different like the lion chops hahaha
I should have known you were joking!! You pagal pagal chick!! But I still love you sweets and I would love to eat a meal served by you!!
Candy Floss… mmmm!!!
Spaghetti con fungi???
Shakalaka Baby:
Hahahaha Scarry!! You're really really pagal!!!
LOL I am ????
I'm not sure if I dare to eat at your house after this…
You're telling us you're serving something and in real it's something really different like the lion chops hahaha
should have known you were joking!!
hahahahahaha EXACTLY u shud knw me by now Shakzee
You pagal pagal chick!! But I still love you sweets and I would love to eat a meal served by you!!
…. Aaaaand I luv ye tooo hon, mmwah
Candy Floss… mmmm!!!
Spaghetti con fungi???
wat da heck fungi??? mushrooms???
Monday n8's dinner lol
NEXT: bananas …lol
Scar face:
Shakalaka Baby:
Hahahaha Scarry!! You're really really pagal!!!
LOL I am ????
Yes you are!!!
I'm not sure if I dare to eat at your house after this…
Just kidding yaar!
You're telling us you're serving something and in real it's something really different like the lion chops hahaha
should have known you were joking!!
hahahahahaha EXACTLY u shud knw me by now Shakzee
Yeah I know… you big joker!! You keep fooling me
You pagal pagal chick!! But I still love you sweets and I would love to eat a meal served by you!!
…. Aaaaand I luv ye tooo hon, mmwah
Aahw that's sweet!!
Candy Floss… mmmm!!!
Spaghetti con fungi???
wat da heck fungi??? mushrooms??? Exactly… (like the cowboy man in Salaam Namaste says all the time…
Monday n8's dinner lol
NEXT: bananas …lol Mmmm… they are so so!! Depends on how they are… (green, yellow or brown
Next: Paella
pick out the shrimp and I'm all over it! yum!
Hahahaha Scarry!! You're really really pagal!!!
LOL I am ????
Yes you are!!!
madam Shakalakz , we will get into beeeg trouble for messing up this game lmao
I'm not sure if I dare to eat at your house after this… …wwwwwaaaaaaaat???
Just kidding yaar!
Iknow u are, so lemme know when u galz are coming ova so I can get my Gazebo's out and settled in the farm hahahahaha
should have known you were joking!! hahahahahaha EXACTLY u shud knw me by now Shakzee
Yeah I know… you big joker!! You keep fooling me
I dooooo lol….Oye hun sowrie….Itz just the way I am wud the people I luw….
wat da heck fungi??? mushrooms??? Exactly… (like the cowboy man in Salaam Namaste says all the time… )
OH noooooooooooo..Gosh watz his name Chunky sum1, Sooo damn annoying that guy…wanted to reach out an slap him everytime he said that lol….
NEXT: bananas …lol Mmmm… they are so so!! Depends on how they are… (green, yellow or brown )
Brown banana's, do u get brown bananas???? am curious???
Yellow bananas lol.. must remember to be more specific hehehehehehe
Ness didnt knw wat it was, soooo I GOOGLED lol
and found the recipe and a thousand others ,
hahahahahaha, looks interesting
sooo am going to attempt it when I get a chance, will letye know if its Yum or Yuk
Next: Hot fudge cake
Sound yum…
banana milk shake..
bananas (minus the milkshake )
Scar face:
Hahahaha Scarry!! You're really really pagal!!!
LOL I am ????
Yes you are!!!
madam Shakalakz , we will get into beeeg trouble for messing up this game lmao
I guess we will
But hey… I don't mind
I'm not sure if I dare to eat at your house after this…
Just kidding yaar!
Iknow u are, so lemme know when u galz are coming ova so I can get my Gazebo's out and settled in the farm hahahahaha
Hahahaha, I'll let you know
should have known you were joking!!
hahahahahaha EXACTLY u shud knw me by now Shakzee
Yeah I know… you big joker!! You keep fooling me
I dooooo lol….Oye hun
sowrie….Itz just the way I am wud the people I luw….
… It's okay… Next time I'll just think twice before I believe you
wat da heck fungi??? mushrooms??? Exactly… (like the cowboy man in Salaam Namaste says all the time…
OH noooooooooooo..Gosh watz his name Chunky sum1, Sooo damn annoying that guy…wanted to reach out an slap him everytime he said that lol…. Really annoying, I know!! You have every right to slap him
Please slap the blonde bimbo too!!
NEXT: bananas …lol Mmmm… they are so so!! Depends on how they are… (green, yellow or brown
Brown banana's, do u get brown bananas???? am curious???
Well if you don't eat your bananas, they'll decay… That's how you get brown bananas
Yellow bananas lol.. must remember to be more specific hehehehehehe
Am Rani:
bananas (minus the milkshake
Just check my reply a few posts before, and you'll know! Right Scarry
Green apples?
Yummy coz they're juicy and sour
Mango & Carrot Pickle?
havnt tasted it before iont think, mango part sounds yummy?
roti lolz
Never tasted Roti in my life so I dunno… Sounds good btw
Macaroni and cheese…
So so…
Fish and chips?
fish?? FISH?? aaaaaaahhhhhhhh, take it away!!! Remove the fish, aaaaaaaaahhhhhh
Banana Milkshake?
orange juice
Sparkled apple juice (like apple Tango in the UK)
so so…
coca cola?
Yummy when I'm reeaallly thirsty
Cherry gum?
Yummy, especcially when you can blow bubbles with it…
yummy…Pumpkin Pie
grilled HypnotikEyes blended with goats eye and mixed with mashed potato
…went right down seriocomic's throat.
…went right down seriocomic's throat.
and vomited out straight at haniirani's sorry face.
Yuk!!! You're disgusting Serio!!!
Yup and dat had to come out of Cosmics really disgusting thoughts nah lmao…
vomitting on sum1's face…gotta tell u ..disgust was damn funny
and shakzee u call me pagal …
pumpkin curry and roti
ultimate yucckkkyyness!!! go cook some good, nice, tasty food scary…jeez..girls these days!!
grilled chicken w barbeque sauce served with mashed potato and macaroni cheese (that is what i call a good food scary!!)
ultimate yucckkkyyness!!! go cook some good, nice, tasty food scary…jeez..girls these days!!
am fasting soooo only veg cravings for me hahaha,
It actually tastes divine dude…
Also it depends who cooks it I guess…and NOPE dis aint an invitation.
grilled chicken w barbeque sauce served with mashed potato and macaroni cheese (that is what i call a good food scary!!)
Yup for once u are r8, sounds divine but combining all ..hmmm not good…
Aaand omw, u sending me tips on Food now, Gosh, I have my mum for that Cosmic ….lmao
Berry Juice…
Tropical Lilt?
Yes, Lilt! Remember London?? I said you all should really taste Lilt because it's delicious (Lilt is a sparkled, sweet, non-alcoholic drink), but all of you didn't like it at all Does this ring any bells???
Hahahah, thousands of them I remember every horrible detail of our trip to London…
But I didn't know you also have “tropical” lilt…
Aha… well now you do
PS: I guess I also still remember every detail… How can we ever forget that?! (and all the people around here who have heard almost every detail of our trip
Hahaha, tropical lilt?? I say YUCKY!!
what are those?
peanu tbutter and jelly sandwich?
prepared by you??? yuuuuummmmenilicious!!
peanut jelly
what are those?
Those things with tobacco in it. You light them, and then you can smoke…
lmbo!!! ninja! Use ur imagination! Am ji means cigarettes! hehe. That was just too funny!
and cigarettes are beyond yucky! I have never tried one, but why would I want to? They are disgusting! I hate it when people smoke! Especially when they smoke in front of other people. If u wanna die, at least don't kill other people with u!
My uncle ji used to smoke. When we were in Pakistan, I got so mad at him for smoking in front of his son and pregnant wife. And I wouldn't let him come near me when he was smoking. I hated it. And he used to complain to my mom that I would run away from him when he was smoking. Well what the heck did u want me to do? of course I would run away! So later, my sis and I hid all of his cigarettes and he went crazy! lol. he was looking for them all over the house! And so my sis and I told him that we hid them cuz it can kill u so he was kinda like I'm gonna stop. So we got hekka excited and we threw away all the cigarettes in the house and went to his wife and got the ones he kept with her as well! lol. It was too much fun! So he promised us he would quit. And Alhumdulillah, he didn't smoke after that, at least not in front of us. He told us that he smoked on the day he had to leave and go back to London. Cuz he was stresed and all. *rolls eyes* And when we came back to America and talk on the phone with him I would always ask, “ur in London adn I can't see you, have u started smoking again?” He promised he didn't and he was tryin to quit. And when he came to visit us in America, he didn't smoke. He was with us for about 2 months and if ur addicted, u can't not smoke for that long, so I believe him.
and my twin bro told me he didn't smoke when he was with them in London.
Alhumdulillah! yipppeee!
wow. sorry for the long, pointless story. lol. actually, it's not pointless, the point is that u can quit if u really want to!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lmbo!!! ninja! Use ur imagination! Am ji means cigarettes! hehe. That was just too funny!
lol loser I knew what she was talking about = ]
Cigarettes are disgusting for sure.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lmbo!!! ninja! Use ur imagination! Am ji means cigarettes! hehe. That was just too funny!
Hahahahaha, sorry for the confusion, I meant cigarettes indeed, hahaha. We write it like sigaretten in Dutch, that's why I wrote it with an S instead of a C…
lol loser I knew what she was talking about = ]
Hahaha, are you REALLY very sure??
Samosas are yum…
ohmyAllah! Afghani rice is hekka yummy! Everyone loves the Kabuli kind, but I could do without the raisins and carrots. lol. But Mastawa(some kind of Afghani rice) is beyond yummy! Rice is the main dish in my culture, maybe that's why I can't live without rice. lol.
chai (that milk tea)
no offence Ranz,
am not into Rice even though with us its a main dish as well…
as for Tea, any type of it..yyyyyyuck
but I confess to having cravings for it on rare occassions …and only if its made by myself hahahaha
***u shud see my face trying to sip tea when am a guest at someones home, and cant really tell that person I dnt like the beverage coz my partner will be giving me that” u better drink that luk “” ****
Next: Chicken viennas on roll with mustard sauce
I'm so not gonna reply to this one
Shakalaka Baby:
I'm so not gonna reply to this one
lol shakz good idea.
eww that doesnt sound good
Apples anyone?
coming from u it has to be yuccckkkyyy this time!
coming from u it has to be yuccckkkyyy this time!
lol what is that?
that is a good, spicy, yuuumenilicous food!! u need some sample?
okay I see the word spicy. Therefore it should be good. No thanks, you give me the recipe i'll cook it myself
I don't trust your samples
pomegranates? I want fruit lol
who said anything about ME giving you those samples? I wanted to ask you to buy it from somewhere!
who said anything about ME giving you those samples? I wanted to ask you to buy it from somewhere!
lol oh right right. again, just give me the recipe pls
sugar, spice and everything nice. mix it together, stir it till the smell comes out. serve on a plate or eat it off the pot. taste better that way.
sugar, spice and everything nice. mix it together, stir it till the smell comes out. serve on a plate or eat it off the pot. taste better that way.
I'd like to thank you, but i know you don't receive kind words with a positive attitude.
yeah…go thank the guy next to you instead.
yeah…go thank the guy next to you instead.
ha vot toh hail?
error in syntax. please try again or hit to reboot.
error in syntax. please try again or hit to reboot.
*try again* Elaborate La-aw-samaht
try again [Read: attempt one more time at explaining; repeat in an easier manner to be understood]
ehh w/e *shuts down*
hmmmm in betweeen I guess
cheese straws
ha vot toh hail?
lol. what the heck is that?
*try again* Elaborate La-aw-samaht
and what's that?
second one is Arabic, i got that much, and the first one, are u trying to say something in Urdu? lol.
Next: cheese pizza
Eeeeuwww not today tnx but me lurves em otherwise
hmmm freshly baked choc chip cookies with bit of creme in em
Sounds yum!
chinese food?
it was yummy
chinese food? lol hmmm depends on what is on the menu coz u do knw these
ppl eat dogs and frogs and all of dat yucky stuff
but noodles ………….. with errrr veg is divine
pizza with yr choice of topping
pizza w/ anchovies?
Brussels sprouts…??
hahaha…i feel the same!
oh and yuck.
italian dressing?
hahaha…i feel the same!
oh and yuck.
I feel the same about this one too
italian dressing?
Spinach with eggs??
throw in some tomatoes & feta cheese and I'm all over it! haha
baba ganoush hummus?
It sounds yucky.. but I don't know for sure, hahaha
Yummy (in sauce)!! But not the smell afterwards…
luv em only when I am fasting lol
musk flavoured gum
Musk flavoured gum?? Never heared of.. good for me, I think
ice tea?
Tikkey? (vot is that anyways) red chicken lolol
Tikkey?? Tikka? Theek hai?? What do you mean??????????
roflmao…Oye Amzeee, dat waz funny
tikkey, tikka….lol
Next: burfee
Am Rani:
Tikkey?? Tikka? Theek hai?? What do you mean??????????
lolll i dont even know. wait i do its chicken…
Scar face:
roflmao…Oye Amzeee, dat waz funny
tikkey, tikka….lol
Next: burfee
Don't even kno what dat is! What is it Scar-gilla???
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups cookies?
Sounds yuck…
Rice crispies?
Scar face:
roflmao…Oye Amzeee, dat waz funny
tikkey, tikka….lol
Next: burfee
Don't even kno what dat is! What is it Scar-gilla???
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups cookies?
Neva tasted this, is it lekker Ness??
Burfee is an Indian sweet hmmm like Ladoo, but off coz a different type with different ingredients
damn I gotta lota cooking an bakin to do when u visit lol….u have to taste em..
to me dis tastes nice but only when am in the mood
Shakalaka Baby:
Sounds yuck…
Rice crispies?
only when am in the mood
right now its yuk
danish cookies??
hahahaha am feastin on em, esp the choc chip deeevine
Scar face:
Neva tasted this, is it lekker Ness??
Burfee is an Indian sweet hmmm like Ladoo, but off coz a different type with different ingredients
damn I gotta lota cooking an bakin to do when u visit lol….u have to taste em..
to me dis tastes nice but only when am in the mood
Yup Reeses PB Cookies are sort of chocolate cookie cake & peanut butter dipped in chocolate. Mmmmmmmm!
All this talk of chocolate is reminding me of DH!
Oh yeah, u need to get ur cauldron..oops, I mean cooking pots ready for me! lmao
Scar face:
danish cookies??hahahaha am feastin on em, esp the choc chip deeevine
never had
bean burrito?
Scar face:
Neva tasted this, is it lekker Ness??
Burfee is an Indian sweet hmmm like Ladoo, but off coz a different type with different ingredients
damn I gotta lota cooking an bakin to do when u visit lol….u have to taste em..
to me dis tastes nice but only when am in the mood
Yup Reeses PB Cookies are sort of chocolate cookie cake & peanut butter dipped in chocolate. Mmmmmmmm!
All this talk of chocolate is reminding me of DH!
Oh yeah, u need to get ur cauldron..oops, I mean cooking pots ready for me! lmao
I will b bak wud my comments on dis lol
Chicken Burrito?
Next: Masala Dosa
Yummy!!! but depend on which cereal I like the honey bunches of oats.
Chocolate Milk?
Next: Punjabi Lassi Malai maarke
Never had Atulji (welcome by the way ), how is it?
veggie pakora?
Thanks Nessa! Its simpley Yummy
Next: Wada Paav
no clue wat dis is Atul
and a veddy varm welkom….lol…pls tell me ur a guy coz all da guys seem to have
vanised from here ….lmao
next: FOOD
lol sowrie am starving so yr choice
Food in general: yummy. I like eating… But, of course, it depends on the sort of food… Really Scar Face:
“You should really be more specific”
Ow.. next:
turkish pizza?
Never had, but it could be okay…
Shoarma Pizza
hey scarface, ofcourse I am a guy. That Vada Paav is famous dish in Mumbai/Pune
Shakalaka Baby, I never had that pizza…can try…
Next: Hyderabadi Biryani
okies wat da HECK is dis now..
please explain and better idea… I wanna taste it
now breyanis…nope not all are made the same way…trust me on this
next: grape juice
Food in general: yummy. I like eating… But, of course, it depends on the sort of food… Really Scar Face: “You should really be more specific”
hmm will think about it okies
hey scarface, ofcourse I am a guy. That Vada Paav is famous dish in Mumbai/Pune
Shakalaka Baby, I never had that pizza…can try…
Next: Hyderabadi Biryani
Great..super, so am assuming u are from India…better…am going to be there early next year
will hook up so u can get your mom, wife or yourself to coook sum up for me ..wat say??????
neeeed sum goood indian food in my system…*****i misss HOME *****
ANYWAYS….u NEVA had pizza…omg ***faints*** lol
okies just had sum for lunch , if I read this earlier wudve sent sum through this screeen …lol
well u better have sum…lekkker ….hmmmm divine
BTW is dis yr name: Atul???? Me likes its…
oh welll ….
You are most welcome to be my guest at my place…
Yes 'Atul' is my real name….
Hi Atul!
Grape juice is YUM!!
Tomato juice
(Shakz, wat zijn kiwi's in het engels?? Ben te lui om een woordenboek te zoeken. Ik wilde eigen vragen naar sinaasappel-kiwi sap, hahahaha ))
Shakz, how do you call kiwi's in english? I''m to lazy to get my dictionary. I wanted to ask about orange-kiwi juice, hahaha
Tomato Juice – yuk
How about Non alcoholic Pinacolada?
Zilla, it's…hmmm…cauliflower bread…more or less.
And its delish!
How about Non alcoholic Pinacolada?
banana mango smoothie?
green tea?
With lemon… devine!!
Mango tea??
Am Rani:
(Shakz, wat zijn kiwi's in het engels?? Ben te lui om een woordenboek te zoeken. Ik wilde eigen vragen naar sinaasappel-kiwi sap, hahahaha
Shakz, how do you call kiwi's in english? I''m to lazy to get my dictionary. I wanted to ask about orange-kiwi juice, hahaha
Hahahaha, het zijn gewoon “kiwis” in het engels… Ik was niet te lui om het op te zoeken (dacht het al, maar wilde het toch ff zeker weten)
(Hahahaha, they're just “kiwis” in English… I wasn't too lazy to look it up in my dictionary (I thougt so already, but I just wanted to be sure) )
Shakalaka Baby:
With lemon… devine!!
Mango tea??
ive neva had it and it doesnt sound dat good
mashed potatoes
sweet tamarind ball
What's that Kav??
Hmm I think I knw wat dis is, its like a sweet/sourrrrry tamarind Indian sweet r8 Kavz???
Well dis depends entirely on my moods…
Sumtimes yuk sumtimes yum..
Right now…YUK…
Next: cocktails, no specifics, any of yr choice…
GOBHI KE PARANTHE..Zilla, it's…hmmm…cauliflower bread…more or less.
And its delish!
ooookkaaaaaaaaay, am not a cauliflower person an am thinking or imagining how a bread made of it wud taste..
hmmm now I wanna taste this ……thanks hun..:-)
How about Non alcoholic Pinacolada?WAT?? i want the alcoholic pina colada…hmmmm imagine Scarry Drunk …wow wat a sight
neva mind…btw neva heard of non-alcoholic pna colada's??????
banana mango smoothie?
eeeyuk…to this…prefer eating mangos than having the juice hahahaha
You are most welcome to be my guest at my place…
Yes 'Atul' is my real name….
oh my…am speechless, thanks dude, will def visit when am in India…
u better not have amnesia bout this invite coz I hve witnesses lol
oh an if u ever here In beautiful SA, u can visit my home in durban hahahaha
my mom will def make u feel at home…and if want sum of Scarrys cooking
then u can come up to my place in Jozis…
soo Atul, where about in India are u from?? if u dnt mind my asking??
Scar face:
Next: cocktails, no specifics, any of yr choice…
Yum, hahaha Mojito for me!
Next: tomatoes
ooh sorry guys – tamarind ball —ermm..its just.. rolled up tamarind & its kinda sweet/sour taste good ( to me )
tomatoes – YUM!!!
next : French fries
Am Rani:
Scar face:
Next: cocktails, no specifics, any of yr choice…
Yum, hahaha
Mojito for me!
Next: tomatoes
i have a q – is cocktails alcoholic??? scarryyyy we need to keep you sane!
ooh sorry guys – tamarind ball —ermm..its just.. rolled up tamarind & its kinda sweet/sour taste good ( to me )
tomatoes – YUM!!!
next : French fries
agree the tamarind thingy is lekker
Am Rani:
Scar face:
Next: cocktails, no specifics, any of yr choice…
Yum, hahaha
Mojito for me!
Next: tomatoes
i have a q – is cocktails alcoholic???
scarryyyy we need to keep you sane!
yr answer YEP cocktails ARE alcoholic beverages lmao
and u get em non-alcoholic darling, will make sum for ye, but will add some vodka for interest okies lol
and may I ask …WHY do u wanna keep me SANE, life is better this way ….lmao
so when they say they're going to a cocktail party it means they're going to
gt under the influence!!!!!!!! ?
hmmpphf – they're only tring to give it a good name
cocktail party
lol coz… well sane or not u're awesome lol
Next: Cheese union Lays??
so when they say they're going to a cocktail party it means they're going to
gt under the influence!!!!!!!! ?
hmmpphf – they're only tring to give it a good name
cocktail party
lol coz… well sane or not u're awesome lol
plz dnt look so shocked hun and theres sumthing called TRUST and sweety me thinks u need to start trusting more
I knw watye talking bout, dnt go getting more ideas coz not everyone who goes to cocktail parties drink
alcoholic drinks…like I said not every cocktail has alcohol…take it easy, losen up a bit my darling, yr di
is just teasing…
open minded ness hun….watch an learn
Shakalaka Baby:
Next: Cheese union Lays??
u mean onions… shakz darlin
yumz had a packet of it today
peanuts and raisans
And yes Scarry my dear… I meant onions… Was somewhere else with my mind while typing… will never do that again
Next: Risotto???
not sure what this is…sounds familiar
aaargh pleeez hun, me is neva really in the right frame of mind most of the time as well
so sweat..mwah…
next: waffles
YUCK!! And Risotto is Italian food…
omg! waffers are SO DANG ADDICTING!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh wait..did u say waffers scary? oh waffers the lego my ego thing ermm
i dont know what risotto is either but sounds interesting
steak i cant say if thats yummy or yucky some1 else plz say!
omg! waffers are SO DANG ADDICTING!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh wait..did u say waffers scary? oh waffers the lego my ego thing ermm
i dont know what risotto is either but sounds interesting
steak i cant say if thats yummy or yucky some1 else plz say!
nw me is confused kavi, lol..u talking bout wafers, am sure this is hw its spelt..or waffers?? which I have no clue off..
I was talking bout WAFFLES…u eat em as is or with ice-cream…creme, fruit, syrups ….yr choice…deeeevine
if u in da mood for sums sweeeeeet…
steak…hmmm am not supposed to eat it …but have…and its nice
next: LAYS… thai sweet chilli, flavor…
just normal potatoe chips?
Shakalaka Baby:
And yes Scarry my dear… I meant onions… Was somewhere else with my mind while typing… will never do that again
You better don't otherwise our dearest Boo won't get of you back
ooo scarry i meant waffers ..waffers and waffles are diff lol sry
im not a fan of regular potato chips so i guess im gonna go with yucky…
i dun really think they're yucky i just dont like them though
PRINGLES yumz lol
Pringles are yummmehh =)
divine.. I mean Yummy..
chocolate cake
ofcourse….Yummy!!!! splly when it rains you love to eat really hot pakoras and samosas
what about…. cabbage?
cabbage?? in wat..cabbage soup, cabbage breyani..??
cabbage steamed??
anyways its yuk…
strawberry smoothie
carrot cake?
never tasted tough….but i think it would definately be yummy!
and what u say about …. turnip soup?
carrot cake…yup yummy depends who bakes it off coz..u shud try it
turnip???? wats turnip hahaha…soup..
yuk anything in soup is yuk…
bran and banana muffins
okay =)
seems you are fast food junkie!
Barn or banana muffins… both yukk!!!!!!!!
pizza or sundae?
lol fast food is yuck. ITS ALL ABOUT DA JUNK FOOD =P. jaast keeding, lets stay healthy here.
Pizza yummmmmmmm
sundae yummmmmmm
chocolate chip cookies? =P
yummmmmmy..choc chip cookies
breyani..any *mom* cooked breyani lol
*mom* cooked anything is yummm
Breyani is yummmm
Aloos? =P
so so! … Dum Aloo is yummy … Zeera aloo is yummy … aloo parantha is MAHA yummy … but aloo bharta is not so yummy!
Butter Chiken?
never tasted it… but chicken is yum!!!!
not so yummy not so yukk!… ok ok types!
Milk shake?
Mostly yummy… depends on the flavour
I guess u mean Cauliflower.
Cauliflower or gobhi ka parantha….certainly yummy. otherwise ok ok.
what u think about Naan?
I like Naans, especially with Nihari.
Next>>>Coconut Water?
What is Nihari???
Yeah certainly yummy!
Blossom!!! Nihari is a Pakistani dish it's a delicious and spicy beef curry.
Next>>>Mixed Nuts?
Hmmm… so so
Spicy food??
Lemon Ice Tea?
nice Pic Missy Oceana…
ice cream with choc sauce
The smell of roses…
baha, good?
chocolate milk shake..
not today
lime milkshake
uhm neva had that.
Mostly yummy…
Vegetarian taco's?
That's a very certain answer Paki Princess, hahaha
Next: Chupa chups?
no idea what this is…
strawberries n creme
Yummy (I luv Strawberries)
Original Doritos?
Vanilla ice cream with a chocolate sauce?
Mama Mia Yummy…
Pani Puri?
wats pani puri???
sounds like water puri
next: Pro nutro
Pani Puri is an Indian appetizer aka Golgappas
Pro nutro- I have never tried them, but sounds like it's a cereal or an energy drink.
Next>>>bagel w/ cream cheese?
ok..err I still have no clue what dat is
Pronutro is a cereal
except am on a diet now
Pizzzzzzaaaa..with yr fav toppings!!
yum, of course my fave toppings are mushrooms & olives!
chicken baked with garlic, onions & feta cheese? (just made this 2 days ago)
damn, am on a DIET..
dats wat I want when i visit k
made by you…
greek salad, lotza greens and yellows and errr carrots??
Diet for what, may I ask?!
Yes, I will make it happily. I've been cooking a lot lately…LOVE IT!
That salad sound delish, just throw in some black olives! lol
homemade pizza with broccoli & tomatoes? (made this monday)
cant fit into my clothes
although I luk sexi enuf..must be the blindness settling in
just dont fit!!
for a date…
am not answering anymore..
just had PIZZA for supper…am going to faint
coz I cant be eating junk stuff when I am not well
anyways..YUMZZZ ..had to answer sounds divine
chocolate moussssssse ice cream ( made it up ) haha
yum yum and did i mention yum?
banana split?
banana split with wat exactly hahahaha
errr in between yum and not soo
mint ice cream with sprinkles of yr choice and lotza choc sauce
uhmmm…not so yum!
love nitz ooops I meant nutz
**am on a diet here k*
yummy, especially in salad.
cafe mocha
Soft Tacos? YES! Hard-shell Tacos? No.
Sorry, but what is kakavia?
sounds Jamaican
fudge and choc chip ice cream
Hot Fudge Sundae?
(Kakavia is fish soup. I think its Greek). Hot Fudge Sundae is Yum.
Mango Crepe?
neva tried it…
chocolate chip cookies?
Yum Yum!
Cotton Candy?
Waa! Waffles without Whipped Cream- Yum!
french fries
Well, excuse me, I think Biltong is awesome. Fries are Yum too.
Onion Rings?
Cranberry Juice?
hmmmm yummy ( coz I have to have it )
Samoosas are Yum!
Pop Tarts?
Yucky…I don't like pop tarts
Vanilla Ice Coffee?
Never tried Coffee with Vanilla in it. Sounds Yuck!
Pecan Pie?
Pecans Yummy….
Peanut Butter Crunch Icecream?
Yuck! Toblerone?
rice n dal
bludy heck
potato wedges
yummy sumtimes
hot chocolate mmmmmmm…
Grilled prawns
i don't eat sea food so yuckkkyyyy!!
Good heavens! I'd sell my friends for Grilled Prawns Lmao.
Chicken Fingers with Fries or Fish and Chips?
Oh my, must remember not to include u as a friend – u’d SELL me for sum prawns??
Fish and chips
Grilled Lobsters
its disgusting
hot n sour soup
Hot and Sour Soup? What's in it? If its Chicken, Yum.
Gummy Bears?
Love gummy bears ! The white one is the best ! haha
If its chana the sweet, then Yum
If its not, then what is it?
Grilled Lamb chops
Unbelievably Yum!
Filet Mignon, topped with Crab Meat and Whiskey Peppercorn Sauce with a touch of Tabasco on the side.
(Oh God, I am famished Lol)
leave out the whiskey and I wud say YUMMMMMMY
crab curry
( cooked by my mum )
yucky !!
its horrid
cookies n cream ice cream
(feel like eating)
except cant have too much of it…
choc chip cookies
black forest cake?
never tried it. cake is yummy :p
mmmmmmmmmmm delish!
honey cake?
great Ness, now im craving cake!
carrot cake?
my apologies…NOT!
banana pancakes?
awwww Yemizzle coooommeee oooonnnnnnn! You know my answer to that! rotflmao
lol hokay.
yum…sorry, but yum!
goat kebab?
Chicken Pot Pie?
delish on a winter's night!
fried green tomatoes
Corona Chicken Salsa Pizza with Mozzarella and Mediterranean Limes?
neva tried it.
well of course yum!
feta, tomato & spinach baked chicken
Yum! Throw in Pine-nuts and double Yum.
Perrier with Sea-salt and a Wedge of Lemon
never had, but will to try
homemade dandelion wine? or for Yemizzle (lol) mango smoothie?
lol! yum!
orange juice?
before I brush my teeth YUM
raspberry lemonade?
Ness the Moonshiner! Lol. Orange juice (with pulp) is Yum.
Hey…everyone does something well! lol
peanut butter, banana & fluff sandwich?
Peanut butter and Banana is Yum. Don't know fluff. Sounds suspect Lol.
Yum although very sour
Steamed spinach
Chocolate chip Icecream?
Cherry Vanilla ice cream
omg..thats soooo the best flavor of ice cream !
i dunno…i dont like cherry flavoured stuff…
pineapple juice.
uhh are brownies double choc chip cookies? cuz if so, then yummy! lol.
erm, pineapple juice is ickyyyyy! lol.
okay uhh, peanut butter.
EWWWWW i hate it =p
vitamin waturrrrrr?
:O Peanut butter is yummilicious!!!!!!! :O
……..Uuhhhh. what is vitamin water? lol.
stop uuuhinggg meee loser
i dont like peanut butter…dont bite my head off =p
ok next:
Dr. pepper
I will bite ur head off and then dip it in peanut buttter… LOL!
Dr. Pepper is yucky!
Sprite or Coke?
i quit coke…sprite =)
pepsi or coke?
LOL this isn't the “this or that” thread you fish!!!!
sprite is yumm then, lmBo.
lol I can't confuse u anymore than u already are =D
cookies are yummy
fish? loll
fish is yucky
what next? a fried tayba?
that would be so yummilicious. I taste good even without being fried lmao. I don't even get what I'm saying no more LOL its too late at night
a fried rani the best?
lol…hmmm dunno bout a fried Rani hahaha
as for u being yuminilicious hahaha am sure u are …
chicken pasta
Yummerzzzzzzz!! whoo weeeeee !
Hey fish is good you know… !! just have to cook it good !
Chicken and Brocoli with white rice
Unique_Princess: I will bite ur head off and then dip it in peanut buttter… LOL…this isn't the “this or that” thread you fish!!!!
Unique_Princess: That would be so yummilicious. I taste good even without being fried lmao…a fried rani the best?
Ninja: Lol…hmmm dunno bout a fried Rani hahaha…as for u being yuminilicious hahaha am sure u are …
What did I walk into? Mukesh ji, I think we may have a problem. People trying to eat each other with assorted condiments.
I love Chicken and Broccoli but the rice Lol…not that much.
Seafood Linguine?
depends on the seafood included in the cuisine
watercress ( yuk )
Yuck? Sheesh! Toasted Baguette, Sun-dried Tomatoes, Watercress, Smoked Salmon and Goat Cheese…you haven't tried Watercress the way I eat it.
never had, looks…different
Oh good lord yes…I mean…yum!
Should you open a restaurant, may I please apply as the 'Food Taster?' Calamari is Yum!
Chicken Fajitas?
yum yum!
roast duck w/ ginger & orange glaze?
Crabmeat-Corn Chowder with Celery?
Oh my God!!! You're killing me! (I think my stomach just growled at you!) rotflmao
turkey lasagna with 5 different cheeses (my mommy's specialty)
exclude the turkey and its Yummmm
whats kheer?
Its like United Nations. Its got Rice, Raisins, Almonds or Cashew, Milk and stuff like Cardamom in it and its usually orange-ish so Im thinking its got some Saffron in it too. I never did like it.
So then, that's a yuck?
pineapple upside down cake?
Cherries Jubilee?
honeydew? yum
water? yum
root beer float?
Root Beer Float from Wendy's Yuck….
Chocolate Milk Shake?
strawberry milk shake
coconut milk?
yum for now
kiwi fruit
falafel w/x-tra tahini?
Yuck. Cannot stand Tahini.
Idli Sambar?
well wat is it???
any food right now will do
I dont know what this is either
okies now dat my mind is a lil refreshed
idli?? sounds familiar
wat is it SJ??
how about Lamb chop curry, freshly made roti with salads??
made by Moi..well am going to cook it in a short while hahaha
Lamb Chops are Yum, though never had them as curry.
Lemon Sherbet?
Strawberry Smoothie?
hmm yum
yummmmm, i love apples
but i love oranges better…
Errrr its tooo eat oranges
In summer YUM
I dont really like apples, but oranges rock! Especially when they are really juicy!
Ohh ali, you cook lamb curry? oh whew.. how did it taste??? roti?? me wanttttttttttt !!
schmetarines yummmmmmmmmmmm
yup cooke dis weekend, not sure hw it taste, tasteless, cudnt eat …why whew?? u no like ??
u want roti??? hmmmm okies I shall make more for u …when ?? u tell
cabbage lol
oH NO I said whew b/c i dont know how to cook mom had cooked something like it..taste good but we havent cooked it back again
nawww me no want roti now you are sick you restttt
cabbage YUM !
yuk for tuna
hmmm okaaay…will cook watever u wish when u get here or me there…
reminds me off amzeee and the chops ..lmao
french feels hungry for a change hahahaha
French fries dipped in a sea of the red substance the food industry calls… Ketchup..
Oh yeah..its good that you are hungry!! Wish I could cook up some bare chicken soup for you need to get some have to eatttt
sig Kaveee
carrot soup
Spicy Chicken Soup?
Anything spicy is always yum.
Omelette with Wild Mushrooms and Mozzarella?
without egss…yummm
curry mushroom
Yuck…I hate mushroom
Goat Curry?
eeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuu yuk -sowrie OP
Always Yum.
What is this
Blended yogurt with sugar or salt and odd spices.
mahi mahi?
Baby Moses Perch?
nope…not yet anyway!
grilled shark?
Never had any.
chocolate covered strawberries?
Moderately yuck.
Frozen grapes?
i love grapes
Pizza? You speak the language of my people? Wow!
Had to do it! eerrmmm, YES!!!!!
Try Crawfish Etoufee (from the city beneath the sea) delish, I ga-ron-tee!
grizzly bear sausage?
corn dogs?
how can you say you don't like it if you haven't tried it?
and yuck!
candy floss?
haha Ness!! that must be yum 'course
watermelon flavored lipbalm hahhahahahhaaa
Question.. can someone tell me what Caviar is and how does it taste.. i think its suppose to be eaten by rich pple
Kavita ji, Caviar is fish roe (eggs) harvested from a variety of fish, usually Sturgeon, but also Whitefish and Paddlefish. However, there are all kinds of Caviar available in the market for reasonable prices. I personally prefer the Beluga Caviar when I am in the mood to eat away my life's savings. But, the North-Atlantic Salmon Caviar is not that bad either. Most people prefer to savor Caviar with a glass of Champagne. I like mine with a bottle of Perrier.
Never tried the watermelon flavored lip-balm. But love watermelons.
How about boiled peanuts?
My sister and I would love anything that is watermelon flavor.
Boiled peanuts are alright but they get soft and I think the reddish skin is harder to take off.
Thanks for telling me what caviar is like. I always see caviar served on the Food Channel … and I watch that alot. It looks like little dark lumps of..something. Thanks to you, now I know caviar = fish eggs. But how does it taste??? Does it taste like fish
Nessa ji, if you ever open a restaurant, I would sell my liver to try and buy a share so I would not have to search for a table! Pb&J is yum!
yum, especially on Portuguese rolls
sourdough bread with fresh butter?
Semi-ripe mangos with cottage cheese and orange zest?
Never tried that be4, but must be good coz of Mangoes yum..
Celery & Broccoli soup?
fried chicken?
sumwat yum
veg breyani
lobster ravioli
oye yuuuummmmm
trinchado( strips of beef, panfried in garlic,peri peri creme, served with chips and prego
roll )
sounds divine! yum
lobster & crab stew
dunno…neva had crab stew
what type of soup? lol
Soup is so yum, especially fish soup !
Ness, whats gazpacho
Kavita!!! Gazpacho is a cold, Potuguese and Spanish Soup. This soup is especially for summer.
Next>>>Low Fat Ranch in a Salad?
ranch?? hmm not sure wat dis is
crackers ( biscuits ) with ermm cheese
and tea
mmmm! low fat ranch on anything! french fries, carrots, as a sandwich spread…
tomato & mozzarella salad?
hmm not so yum
danish cookies
Egg & Cheese on a Bagel?
Aaaaaaaarghhhhh no eggs YU M without J Grilled steak with mayo and fresh roll
salads on the side
erm yum?
crepes, ur choice of topping and wet walnuts?
So yummm i feel like grabbing a fryin pan rite now to make them!! (Even tho i just ate dinner… )
Knäckebrod (= Swedish crackerish thingy…lol) with cream cheese on it?
Come on Ha Ha…i can't even pronounce that!!! I'll send you my addy, you send me da crackers, then we'll talk!
Shepherd's Pie?
I was eating it when I posted it.. hihi can't pronounce it either..but i saw how it was written on the wrapper [(A)]
Shepherd's Pie? Isn't that that scottish thing with the sheep's stomach in it? If it is.. IEEEEEEEEE!! If it's not.. I dont know..
Banana, Mango & Apple Smoothie?
Shepherd's Pie? Isn't that that scottish thing with the sheep's stomach in it? If it is.. IEEEEEEEEE!! If it's not.. I dont know..
Banana, Mango & Apple Smoothie?
Euuuyuck! NOOOO! But I'll remember that when fasting begins! Should be a biiig help!
Shepherd's Pie is delish!
Yours is yuuuum!
Banana pudding w/ Nilla Wafers?
Lolzz.. glad I could be such a good help If you need more yucky things to remember by the time fasting begins, I'll help you even more..
Banana pudding.. omg.. YUMMMYYY!!
A tunasalad-sandwich?
Yummilicious!!!! Tuna sandwiches of any kind are sooo good
White fudge
Hot cocoa with marshmallows?
yum for the cocoa & for the memories recalled!
coffeecake and a tall, cold glass of milk?
Chicken Wings W/ BBQ Sauce?
not a fan of bbq sauce, but I'll take the wings! lol
What is flan again? Is it like custard?
Yeah I'll take those wings too hehe
Flan — Yum Yum Yummy
Hot Chocolate W/ Whip Cream?
Anything that has to do with chocolate must be yum!
Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal (Peach Flavor) in milk of course
Peach flavor huh? Moderately yum.
New England Clam chowder?
Manhattan Clam chowder?
Cottage Cheese?
yummmm! Especially on a bed of lettuce, with tomatoes & olives!
chocolate covered raisins?
(Strange things on your bed eh?)
Yum (though they remind me of animal droppings, sorry).
Fresh Cherries?
1) (Strange things on your bed eh?)
2) Fresh Cherries?
1) We do what we must, eh! rotflmbo
2) yum
strawberries & cream?
yum, except for the black ones!
reeses peanut butter cups?
Chocolate chip Cookies?
oh yum!
babah ganoush? (not sure of spelling)
what's that!!! I've never heard of that before. Give me some description abt this dish plzzz
Ganoush is a very popular Middle Eastern
dish made primarily of eggplant and tahini,
a paste made from sesame seeds.
In the
Levant, baba ganoush is a sort of salad made
of grilled eggplant with finely diced
onions, tomatoes and other vegetables
blended in. It is normally served with a
dressing of oil and pomegranate concentrate.
Yucky…I don't like eggplants
Chicken Subway Sandwich
Take out the cucumbers and add plenty of mustard and Yum!
Spinach and artichoke formaggio with sun-dried tomatoes and mozzarella?
Throw in some 'scoop' tortilla chips and that's a yum!
Spanish rice w/ olives & chiles?
Get some Lentejas on the side with extra-virgin olive oil and balsamico, and you would need an army to fend me off. Yum!
Porcini mushroom ravioli with rustic bread?
Yucky….Don't like the Mushrooms
Boiled eggs?
Pasta tonno
Egg sandwich
Aloo ke paranthe with GHEE
not partial to ghee…yuck.
stuffed grape leaves?
Pickled Herring?
Grape leaves? How do grape leaves taste? Just want to know.
YUK , TO both I guess
next: apple juice
Grape juice
somewhat yum
pineapple juice lol
coconut milk
Hmm especially
when it is plucked from many efforts trying to climb a tree in a skirt, lol
YOGHURT, flavoured with fresh strawberries ,,hmm
Pear flavored yogurt
sumwat yum
ginger biscuits
Ginger mints
neva tasted it
banana bread
Crepes Samurai?
wats this??
sounds like eating a kungu fighter
Jam on toast
First you saute eight thin ripe mango slivers in a bit of butter and brown sugar till the edges caramelize. You wrap them in a fresh crepe, place it in the bottom of a small baking dish, smother it with a generous serving of fresh cream, bake it at 325F for seven minutes. Just before serving, you take a small kitchen blow-torch and caramelize the surface. Serve with shavings of frozen vanilla ice cream! Voila! Crepe Samurai!
Jam on toast is Yum!
Thin crust pizza with sun-dried tomatoes, grilled peppers, capers, olives, shitake mushroom and sweet basil, topped off with gorgonzola cheese?
First you saute eight thin ripe mango slivers in a bit of butter and brown sugar till the edges caramelize. You wrap them in a fresh crepe, place it in the bottom of a small baking dish, smother it with a generous serving of fresh cream, bake it at 325F for seven minutes. Just before serving, you take a small kitchen blow-torch and caramelize the surface. Serve with shavings of frozen vanilla ice cream! Voila! Crepe Samurai!
Well if one describes food in that way, then double YUM, except have never tasted it soo must remember to try this one.… triple yum for the added V-roomys Jam on toast is Yum!Thin crust pizza with sun-dried tomatoes, grilled peppers, capers, olives, shitake mushroom and sweet basil, topped off with gorgonzola cheese?Perfect for today..yummmmy.. MIXED BERRY MILKSHAKE
shrimp scampi over angel hair w/ broccoli?
anything with Shrimp is YUM
wats angel…? Ness
Next: Soji
never had. you makin sum?
angel hair pasta is very thin pasta.
tater tots (” …you gonna eat your tater tots?”) lol
lol..made Soji last coz I will …its apparently deevine
its an indian delight:
hmm okay..wats tater tots
sounds like jelly tots
Not a fan of Napeleon Dynamite
If jelly tots are what I think they are yuck! Bad on the teeth!
chocolate covered peanuts
You gonna eat your tater tots? lol……. Napolean Dynamite was soo crazy..its like they were doing nothing… and um… it had me there watching the whole movie right out lol
tater tots – yum!!!!!!!!
choco covered peanuts = yum
Cashew nuts
Ness: Sorry Jaan …am clueless, u know television isn’t my thing or maybe am mistaken here but whats Napeleon Dynamite??
Btw, did I not include choc covered peanuts in that package?? Must remember …
Jelly tots is lil Jelly like sweets diped in sugar… no like it too..
Kavs: WADDDUP my angel?
omg.. you're making me drooll…
peanuts with a crunchy layer..
Lmao, ooops sorry hun..well it’s the guys above with the mouth watering descriptions haha
Next: prawn spring roll
mei fun with curried chicken, chilies & veggies?
Sounds yum.. Next..My mums food
Erm…send us some first and then let's see. Lol!
peppermint and caramel tart
hot chocolate
Haagen Dazs' Marsala Fig Ice Cream?
I haven't tried it, but it sounds yummy! And I'm in love with Haagen Dazs!!! YUM!
Sumwat yum
raw eggs?
lol ..ur kidding r8??
anyways – for religious/custom purposes I was COMPELLED to have raw eggs for a week
when i was still a teen..once I got used to the feeling of this yuckky .it wasnt sooo bad…
but neva again..NEVA…wild horse will fly the day I decide to consume raw eggs again!!!
oh dats sumwat yuk/yum…lol
Next: moist choc cake??
am having that r8 now.
carrot juice?
yummy…….if its choco ones
yam ice-cream?
neva tasted this..
next: cheese
mango guava smoothie?
erhhmm Yum WITHOUT the mango
colombian blend coffee?
yummy all the way……
hot chocolate???
OKAYISH..but me wants sum reall coffee now and cake..
next: strawberry juice with crushed ice?
sprinkle on some brown sugar & cinnamon and throw in the oven for a little. Add some vanilla ice cream and I'm all over it!
I'm really starved!
grizzly bear sausage?
Aren't they endangered? Yuck anyways.
Eggs Sardou (Shrimp, artichokes, spring onions and capsicum on toasted foccacia, smothered in hollandaise sauce, served with two poached eggs, melted emmenthal cheese and roasted tomatoes on the side)?
yum! u had me at artichokes…
Hawaiian pizza?
Hmm only if I'm famished. I prefer Tribeca Mushroom from Yellow Cab Lol! Gimme!
Frozen Jello?
iced cinnamon swirls?
Pickled beets?
pickled eggs?
Never had any!
Pickled herring?
pickled cucumbers?
Depends on what kind of pancake…
Wedding cake?
Haven't been married. Can't remember eating one at a wedding.
Cranberry Soda? (1/4 Cup Cranberry Juice, 1 Tbsp Honey, Sparkling Water, Pinch of salt and Lemon Zest).
Yum yum yum Without the sparkle in the water hahaha..hmm wedding cake is divine..wait I haven’t eaten any as wellL ..damn!!! I want wedding cake now L
Choc chip muffins with fresh crème
pakoras (i said it right? no? i dont care )
I think so…
Sumwhat yum
Breyani…veg breyani
chocolates or ice-creams
yum to both!
grilled cheese & tomato on sourdough?
sounds yum
sounds like daffy ducks sista..gourment style
fish n chips
yucky i hate fish! although i know it's good for u.
yum yum yum
okies am goin to try an avoid this thread
eggs ( lol ) raw ..cooked..boiled..fried..grilled wateva ..
Eggs! I'd say yum (not raw though lol…..isn't that wot body builders do hehe…..Like Sylvester Stallone in Rocky!).
Rasmalai (my fav) dnt knw wat em body builders have ,,euuuyuk
wats rasmalai???
sounds nice and edible:)
popcorn smothered with butter salt & coffee…filtered ciro coffee with hot milk and a drop of creme??
Popcorn but without butter and Coffee without cream! Yum!
Ebi tempura?
unagi roll?
wats dis ness??
samoosa….cheese n sweetcorn
Rasmalai is this yummy sweeeeeeeeeet dish! you'll have to Google it!
welcome back desi kudi! looong time no see!
It is eel Zilla!
And yum to da samosa!
blackened swordfish?
Sounds delish! Pan-fried Chilean Sea-bass with Mango salsa?
so how does it become sweet then huh??
eish neva mind am outa here
welcome back desi kudi! looong time no see!
It is eel Zilla!
And yum to da samosa!
blackened swordfish?
Thanks Ness!!!! Suprised to be remembered! x
please come back bossy granny!!!! lmbo
Senor ji: I missed u da mostest in this thread! YUMMMM!
grilled Ahi?
welcome back desi kudi! looong time no see!
It is eel Zilla!
And yum to da samosa!
blackened swordfish?
Thanks Ness!!!! Suprised to be remembered! x
Don't be! lmao I remember da kudis!
How u been?
Me is fine thanx, all married n settled down……….no bache (kids) yet! lol
Goin to India this year in Nov! should be cool…..chill out n relax!
Sounds beautiful!!!! Best wishes & congrats on the hubby unit! Enjoy urselves for a while!
Take tons of fotos on ur trip please!
Hey, no one answered my choice!
grilled Ahi (tuna)?
Awww! That's sweet! Grilled Ahi is awesomely yum!
Tori teppanyaki?
Sounds beautiful!!!! Best wishes & congrats on the hubby unit! Enjoy urselves for a while!
Take tons of fotos on ur trip please!
Hey, no one answered my choice!
grilled Ahi (tuna)?
Thanx! So wot u been up 2? Wots new?
aaaw sounds sooo nice Desi
india huh….hmmm sighs
Awww! That's sweet! Grilled Ahi is awesomely yum!
Tori teppanyaki?
what is this please?
Being committed to an institution (marriage), next year! Other than that I'm the same.
blackened rainbow trout?
Being committed to an institution (marriage), next year! Other than that I'm the same.
Oh I c so studying hard hey!
Erm…sumthing like that!
Tori Teppanyaki is boneless, skinless chicken grilled with bits of sliced onion, peppers, zucchini. Tastes awesome with the dipping sauce made of Soy-sauce, rice-vinegar, with ginger-root and Japanese-radish. Yum!
Never had Rainbow trout. How about Green Tea Frappuccino at Starbucks (without the whipped cream and the Hazelnut syrup)?
Yum yum yum! Had it! It's much better w/o the whipped! ugh!
How about the Iced Green Tea Lemonade from Starbucks? I've learned how to make it at home, w/ fresh lemons!
Tori Teppanyanki sounds delish! FedEx me some please?
Yum yum yum! Had it! It's much better w/o the whipped! ugh!
How about the Iced Green Tea Lemonade from Starbucks? I've learned how to make it at home, w/ fresh lemons!
me neva had anything from starbucks*sulks*…Ness u promised to send me goodies from there
**sulks sum more*
I want to taste starbucks coffee….
Tori Teppanyanki sounds delish! FedEx me some please?
it does sound delish..but fed ex-ing it wont work..remember the burfee I sentye…spoilt yukity yuk…
u can however ask the man to expose his **cullinary skills** and make u dinner hahahahaha
just mah suggestion…
Being committed to an institution (marriage), next year! Other than that I'm the same.
hmmm… so wheres the invites then huh?? I want one..asap..well asa its printed…
salaami?? lol
I'm all for exposing myself Lmao! though I usually save that for the lake, I do not mind amending my personal philosophy for a few friends. However, I have to warn you…I ain't cooking anything that spatters. Lmao!
Salaami…..Ermm….don't mind it on Pizza I suppose.
Strawberry Yogurt (which I'm eatin right now)
have a tub waiting for me tonite….after ifthaar
lime milkshake
Lime Milkshake!!! ?? Sounds yuk, but then I ain't tried it!
Umm….Aloo Paraata
YUMMY! We had some the other night for iftaar. Actually, we have them a lot, it's like an Afghani thing. lol.
yum …miss durbs now…my head hurts….
choc cake..
Mmmm …Choc Cake is always YUM!!!!! (Minus the calories though)
I second D.K.'s yum!
When u figure this out, please cut me in! I thank you in advance for ur attention in this matter!
homemade strawberry shortcake?
me neva had anything from starbucks*sulks*…Ness u promised to send me goodies from there
**sulks sum more*
I want to taste starbucks coffee….
You will…soon! And biscuits, and chocolates and and and …
it does sound delish..but fed ex-ing it wont work..remember the burfee I sentye…spoilt yukity yuk…
Yeah, that was a bad scene in my kitchen! But the chocolate was deeevine!
u can however ask the man to expose his **cullinary skills** and make u dinner hahahahaha
just mah suggestion…
Will you lookit this!
rotflmbobo! Well, dear heart, I'd neva ask a man to 'expose' anything after snoggin my sister under the stars!
*hugzzz Alie, then runs away quickly* hahahahahaha!
Ji: So I guess fried chicken is out? lol
Uh huh.
Potato Wedges?
**shrugs** yum
You will…soon! And biscuits, and chocolates and and and …
nooooooooooooooooooo..pls tell me u havent posted anythign yet???? my family have moved house hun..did i not tell u guys??
Yeah, that was a bad scene in my kitchen! But the chocolate was deeevine!
okay me promise to bake and cook for u when u visit or whichever way it goes r8
Will you lookit this!
rotflmbobo! Well, dear heart, I'd neva ask a man to 'expose' anything after snoggin my sister under the stars!
wat snoggin..ness uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…lmao….dayem..have reallly rollled in the dough this time huh
lmao…oh my gosh..all this laffing is making me have anuther coughin fit now..sigh
*hugzzz Alie, then runs away quickly* hahahahahaha!
u better be running…run run run…lol…
Ji: So I guess fried chicken is out? lol isnt..u two shud soooooooooooooo have dat fried chicken..wateva dats suppose to mean…
nooooooooooooooooooo..pls tell me u havent posted anythign yet???? my family have moved house hun..did i not tell u guys??
Yes ma'am! Posted! Damn! Ermmm…no you didn't tell me! So what else is new!!!
wat snoggin..ness uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…lmao….dayem..have reallly rollled in the dough this time huh
lmao…oh my gosh..all this laffing is making me have anuther coughin fit now..sigh
I told you I pay attention! Unless it involves me, of course! lmao
u better be running…run run run…lol…
Oh I ma, I ammmmmmmmm! hahaha!
gummi worms?
Gummi Worms??? I dunno wot these r……I assume some jelly type sweets?
Okay…..Doritos Crisps!
lays crisps?
Lays Crisps! They don't have these in the UK, we have Walkers instead.
We were recently sent (work colleague sent them) a jambo pack of Bolognese flavour, they were so yummy!!!!
Cheese n Tomato sandwich.
def yum.toasted cheese an tomatoe sandwiches..oooh I miss durbzzz
mah fav veg restaurant…dayem!!
next: tuna bagels
I'm not much of a tuna fan… a no no…..soz.
Okay…..umm….Fresh Hot Doughnuts!
oh my word yes!
There is a company here named Krispy Kreme! They actually have drive-thru. They alert you as to when the fresh, hot doughnuts are exiting the oven! When that 'HOT' light goes on, people go crazy! lol Siiiiiggghhhhh…
Monster Enegy Drink?
Krispy Kreme! When they opened in the city where I am, people went doughnuts! The coffee isn't that bad either.
Monster is yuck!
Crazy Cappu! (Three shots espresso, three brown sugars, one shot chocolate) in a tall mug?
I saw Monster on display.. was wondering how it tastes.
Tastes ok, but the job it does on your head is baaaaad! Gave me a splitting one!
Never had, but sounds yummy. 3 shots espresso??? Sounds dangerous! No wonder you and Ninjitsu get along so well! lmao
Apple Pie ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery?! Oh mi word!
Never had it. Gimme!
One scoop Summerberries, One scoop Rum Raisin, served on a bed of chilled currants with honey drizzle, Pistachio slivers and Bergamot zest?
See??? Do you see Alie????? This man seduces with food, I swear! rotflmao
yes please ji!!
strawberry, kiwi, lemon zest and a scoop of vanilla bean w/ Godiva Orange chocolate shavings?
Oh God Yes! I think if we both die ahead of our times its because our brains got clogged from all those calories from reading each other's descriptions of too-rich food. Lmao! You kill me Ness. You hear? You freaking kill me. Lmao! I'm dying for some ice cream now.
Quail blanched in chicken broth, grilled near-golden over a bamboo flame, stuffed with spicy mughlai chicken, sowed shut with twine, smeared with a red ginger, garlic and pancetta reduction, baked to perfection, and served with generous slices of honey-roasted pumpkin, and saffron wild-rice.
(I made this twice in my life. Costs an arm and a leg and takes about five hours to make enough servings for four).
So then I get….2??!!!! Hoo hah!
Wait….you made this? R u serious???? You're making it hard not to flirt Senor ji!
I can't even top that! My brain just shorted out! I quit! lmao
Yes. Watch out whenever you set fire to bamboo. Dang things crackle and pop and make embers dance around like fire-flies with a vendetta. I was trying to impress my boss, her husband and her sister (she was so beautiful). Lol, seriously I was really trying to impress my boss.
No worries, I won't attempt it! Don't have the skills yet!
Ok now…name something that might restore my synapses to firing correctly, please. Thanx!
French Onion soup with egg whites and a canopy of mozzarella?
never tried. I don't really like soup.
OHMYALLAH! I LOVE Krispy Kreme! They once gave me FREE donuts for getting good grades! It was a donut for every A. I got 6 donuts! woot woot!
Next: Gulab Jaman?
(Sorry guys, I can't describe food, I can only eat it.)
divine..well depends on who makes it
Burfee is Yum! i luv indian sweets!
Gulab Jamun….
The only Indian sweet I like…
Pepperoni pizza and watching Friends?
I love mushroom pizza!
sauteed green beans w/ wasabe dip?
Steamed brocoli with a sprinkle of black pepper
apple pie
oh yes, thank you!
homemade Rice Krispy Treats?
Homemade? Well, make plenty, send me most, and then we shall see…
Why yes, thank you!
only if its fresh from the goose
Cheesecake is definitely yum!
Peeled, skinned, chilled mandarin oranges served in young coconut meat with honey drizzle?
ewwww, that sounds really disgustng. i hate coconut. but i love mandarin oranges and honey! the combo is just ewwww.
Burritos are yum!
Fava beans with Crème fraîche, green peppercorns and chives?
What are peppercorns?
Peppercorns are what eventually become powdered or ground black pepper. They have a more seductive flavor when they are added to meat, especially angus beef, wild game, or barracuda.
erhmm me dunno
sounds like jalapeno
squids?? lol
Yum! Especially Paella Negra with succulent pieces of small squid in it!
Chicken Fingers with Honey Mustard over at TGI Fridays?
Yum! Especially Paella Negra with succulent pieces of small squid in it!
Chicken Fingers with Honey Mustard over at TGI Fridays?
u just made that sound mouth watering deevine
wats tgi??
thank god its fridays??
sound yum
good ol fashion oven roast..with potatoes and creme and freshly baled rolls
an and and
TGIF is a restaurant.
dii that souds mad delicious!! im feeel like eating that nowww
and some of senor's chicken fingers with honey roast
well i cat eat it anyway
but it sounds yum
TGIF is a restaurant.
dii that souds mad delicious!! im feeel like eating that nowww
and some of senor's chicken fingers with honey roast
well i cat eat it anyway
but it sounds yum
oh is it..hmm okay..we usually use the acronym
thank god its friday
kavs u feelin ok, u want to eat Senor saabs fingers??? eeeuuuu yukkity yukssss
hmm but the squid sounds delish..havent eaten any in ages….
and cant until fasting is over…
brinjal dipped in masala based flour and fried…???
(((tastes ok, i made that coz well i was cravin sums of the sort…nice)))
Brinjal! Lol, haven't heard that word in a while. Here they call them egg plants. Have no idea why. Sounds yum.
Mandarin Chicken? (Boneless, skinless chicken breasts, green pepper, red cabbage, purple onions, garlic, sweet basil, mandarin oranges, olive oil and Zinfandel).
Chicken in a teriyaki & wasabe marinade!
Thrown into a wok w/ tricolored peppers, fresh garlic & vidalia onions! Add broccoli florets, snow peas & carrots and lay on a bed of brown rice?
Yum Yum! I like the 'tricolored' peppers! Bet it looks great when its served!
Chicken Tequila Fettuccine with Goat Cheese from California Pizza Kitchen?
I hear presentation is a huge part of a meal!
And yum!
Jack Daniel's Chicken at Friday's?
Angel hair pomodoro with grilled chicken, pine nuts, and mozzarella?
Gran Marnier Crepe w/ french Vanilla ice cream, pecan pralines and whipped cream?
Gran Marnier Crepe w/ french Vanilla ice cream, pecan pralines and whipped cream?
torture…hecks …am going on a food strike
from u …al…mum..everyone who has been nasty during this fast..
sounds damn deevine…unfortunately cant eat meat or ice cream or anything purely decadent
just plain ol toast..with butter and erhmmmm jam..yr choice of flava
Okay Im hungry and you guys are making me salivate moreeeeeeeeeeee
okay..i dont know about the jam part but… toast with lil butter yummmmmmmm
okay im sooo hungryyyyyyyyy
And dii I dont wanna eat senor's chicken fingers lol …… okay he doesnt have chicken as fingers ..if he did then that' wud be like really strange .. was just referring to his choice of food..i know u know that u're just pullin my leg ummmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
lol…neva fail to make me laff, yup ur eating Jalapeno fingers hahaha
sowrie my minds on baking for eid now hahaha
I wouldn't know …lol
wats funnel cake
burfee..aaaw will def make burfeee for u
moist choc cake
How will u do that, you refuse to visit!!!
oops…next: mushroom omelet?
Whats funnel cake and burfee?
I want moist choco cake!!
I've never had mushroom omelete Ness
cant believe u dnt know wat burfee is
its an indian sweet..
deeevine for sweet toothers
funnel cake sound like a cake made with a funnel
am i right ness??
next: ice cream..
How will u do that, you refuse to visit!!!
i will..
Hint: Once me have that invite, tickets will be booked and you will be graced with my presence…promise
good news, have been short listed for that Job in the uk..
am still not sure what to do
So you need an invitation now? You crack me up lady.
Alishia P. Pillay, I require your presence at my home sometime before 2009 the year of our lord.
heated GrapeNuts with strawberries & cream?
heated GrapeNuts with strawberries & cream?
sounds YUM
So you need an invitation now? You crack me up lady.
Alishia P. Pillay, I require your presence at my home sometime before 2009 the year of our lord.
u aint getting off dat easily, meant yr shaadi invite mah hunnie…
me dnt need an invite to yr home…y wud i even think dat??
but lmao..tnx for asking..
figs in pickle sauce..made by meeee hahaha
cant believe u dnt know wat burfee is No, I dont know what burfee is? Or maybe I do but we call it a different name. What is it made of?
its an indian sweet..
deeevine for sweet toothers
funnel cake sound like a cake made with a funnel
am i right ness??
next: ice cream.. Yummm!!!!!!!!!!!! Best flavor of ice cream is CHERRY VANILLA !!!
I've never had figs in pickle sauce but taking that you make it… i'll call it yummmm !!
How will u do that, you refuse to visit!!!
i will..
Hint: Once me have that invite, tickets will be booked and you will be graced with my presence…promise
good news, have been short listed for that Job in the uk..
am still not sure what to do
What what! If you're coming to USA … I hope you know Ness isnt that that far away from me you better come pay me a visit!!!! Oh the thought of ittttttttttt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What what! If you're coming to USA … I hope you know Ness isnt that that far away from me you better come pay me a visit!!!! Oh the thought of ittttttttttt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've never had figs in pickle sauce but taking that you make it… i'll call it yummmm !!
have a question, how does one cook lobster???
What what! If you're coming to USA … I hope you know Ness isnt that that far away from me you better come pay me a visit!!!! Oh the thought of ittttttttttt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh you know me a lil slow… walking through fire with the intention of feeling icy cold..thats impossible! which means… its impossibnle for you not to visit me if you come over here!! yipppeeeeeeeeeeee well wheenver the time comes …. i'll be so happyyyyyyy ooooooooooooo the though of itttttttttttttttttttt me miss u dii how u doing!!!!!
To the lobster question …. Its really SAD.
*WHISPERS (hoping to be wrong ..but know some evidence that its right)* I think they boil them alive
As for the figs…whooooo you sold them!!! Coool and got bucks!! lol..they must be awesome! i hope you know i have to get some for free though *giggles*
ok yuk forget the lobster thing..tnx kavs
i dnt sell em now kavs, im my penniless students days hahaha…
and yeah will make em for u when we meet
grilled steak with a fresh roll and salads and a glass of vodka lmao kidding
damn am hungry now!!!
I think I'll say yum to that!
Krispy Kreme doughnuts!
neva had this…sounds yum though…
next: belgian choc ice cream
cookie dough ice cream
certain ones are yummy
graham crackers/
Graham crackers are Yum!
Jalapeno and Cheddar Poppers?
one causes migraines the other heartburn
watermelons or pineapples
yum for both, but not together!
fruit salad is hungry
has a lemon tart yest an then I stole the other persons dessert..choc mousse ..omg deeevine lmao
my friend insisted I share the strawberry with her
the waitress wasnt impressed though
i want ….
bbq chops???
not a fan of bbq, unless it's to be had in the southern US!
grilled corn on the cob?
i luv cheesecake esp wid cherry topping
rice pudding?
dunno.neva had
choc cake
blueberry smoothie?
duble yum
strawberrrie smoothie
throw in some kiwi and pineapple juice and I'm game!
wheat toast w/ hazelnut spread, figs & apples?
never tasted this
describe please
next: pudding
pudding? erm…yum.
description: wheat toast with hazelnut spread. top that with sliced figs and apples (I like Granny Smith apples).
next: fresh baked brownies topped w/ vanilla ice cream?
dayem YUM
(mutated, ill tempered) grilled sea bass
Sorry, watched Austin Powers last night! lol
Next: tirameesuu
it was sea bass…
aaaanyyyyhoooo…tiramisu is my favorite dessert!
pineapple upside down cake?
Cheese cake
What is tiramisu?
A cake i guess….
anyway its kinda yummy…if its a cake…
fruits covered with chocolates layer???
Tiramisu is an Italian
dessert typically made from sponge finger biscuits, espresso coffee, mascarpone
cheese, eggs, cream, sugar, Marsala wine, cocoa, and rum. The Italian name tiramisù
means “pick-me-up” or “make me happy”, a reference to the two
caffeine-containing ingredients, espresso and cocoa.
Oreo Cakesters! rotflmbobo!
badami kulfi???
never had. but it sounds delish!
red velvet cake?
never even heard of that….
shld be yummy i guess
Choco Brownie??
butterscotch pudding?
Eaten off someone? Yum! Actually equally yum if eaten with a spoon. Spoon! Erm, well, some other time. Lmao!
Frozen caramelized Rose Petals with Lite Whip?
Never tried it b4….
well what abt egg tart???
fresh strawberries & cream, lightly dusted w/ confectioners sugar?
strawberries never…. but it does sound yummy.
it seem like mostly we post abt sweet stuffs only….
what obt other stuff?
lets c….hmmmmmm
Chinese fried rice?
YUM! You're making me think of that nowwww… I dont know why but from since last week I had wanted to eat chinese food ! Have you ever had General Tso chicken?
same q?
the more spice the better! lol
homemade crisps/chips?
yummy….accoring to ur taste…
cheese cake with a bottom layer of mashed conflakes?
Im not sure about the cornflakes but
Cheesecake -yum!
Fried Fish
steam fish?
Hey, never tried the cornflakes! Sounds different!
Swordfish steaks?
errrrrmmmmmmmmm dunno
next: keeeeeerrrrrrr
not like much so…..
kheer….rice one
Hmm sorta yum
mostly yummy…i guess
roasted chicken?
Garlic Bread
yummy till d last bite….
bombay toast…bread fried with a layer or egg + sugar.
kulfi – badami
sugarcane Juice..
straight from a sugar – DIVINE
next: porridge
i dnt like so…..
banana flamble
yucky….i like bananas only on its own.
salted fish?
yummy but grilled on coal specially pomfret
puri patha?
wats vadapav??is it dat dhall soaked and friend thing??
if it is then its yummmmmmmmmmmmmm
havent made that in ages
potato salad
you dnt knw vadapav??
its like fillin of alu paratha fried with besan coat n put it in pav(bread) with sweet n hot chutney
ans: yumm
next: Puff
Potato Salad – Yum!
What is 'puff?'
Hmmmmm i cant explain it properly
but its sort of thin layed biscuits with different fillin in it
next: Kaju Shake
Oops I dont know what Kaju Shake is either
u knw choclate shake…..its dry fruit….badam, kaju n all
shake of Cashew-nut
neva had this
sounds okayish
veg stir fry with chinese noodles in soy sauce and salad
made by meeee:)
sounds interesting m sure it v taste yummy
ice cream with soda
Gots me thinkin of a rootbeer float!
calamari salad?
alu chat ?????
Aloo .. yum..always
Whats the chat part of aloo chat?
chat is chutney, garlic, chatmasala etc etc
yyuukkkkkkk..sounds like bluddy dirty rotten weeds…eeeeuuuu,,,
sies man…
perfecto mocha coffee…….***dreams***
Then Aloo Chat must be the best!!!
To the mocha coffee .. although kinda dont drink coffee.. it sounds yum
Potato Ball (Im not sure if this is Aloo chat? Its … Smashed potato with lots of seasonings in it and..its made into a ball..and fried on the outside)
sounds yum
dried fruit?
smtimes yum
Always yum!
TWIX chocolate bar
choclates always yum
strawberries with cream????
Vegetable[veggies, cheese and onions] sandwich
plain cheese toast sandwitch ??????
Plain BUTTER toast sandwich
sandwitch with bread, butter, chutney & boiled potatoes, with bit of chat masala????????
Chilli chicken
chilli paneer
sorry…never had.
baked garlic chicken with a lemon honey glaze?
Ermmm this is where you come up with a treat or not. BTW, welcome.
I'll go…frozen Snickers bar.
chiken lolipop
never tried it…
same question?
huh? there's a chicken lollipop?
you girls are funny. I think we all had the same expression with that one. Sounds yuck to me, but I think they may mean kebab! lol
grilled steak, plantain maduro, tomato & straw onions on ciabatta! *drools*
omgosh..dat sounds yummmm…
had to share below…
Just out of the oven bagels..lightly spread on one side with butter and the other with cottage cheese
Filled with slices of cucumber, slivers of smoked chicken, lettuce, a slice of moz cheese, lightly spread mayo..( well a choice of yr dressing )
Absolutelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy divine…my new found mega lunch meal
a fresh, chilled peach?
not chilled…yum
Litchies with Ice Cream??
chocolate covered strawberries
choclate always yum
fongue wd choclate sauce
I agree Vaibhavi!!! Chocolate IS always yum…well…mayhaps, not that dark bitter chocolate!
blueberry pancakes?
not yet tested but hope vl b yum
banana pancakes?
i dnt lik dat so yuk
banana flamble??
Haven't tasted….. but hope it will be good…
Banana split??
Oh my! I just felt the earth move…hellz yeah! YUM!
fresh picked almonds?
same q??
mango pickles?
lemon pickle?????
Chocolate Ice Cream??
crispy duck?
erh never tasted..not sure!!
next: custard pie
next:would you like to be occupied…. or just laze around
ermmm…yum? lol Kidding!
be occupied.
fried rice?
Steamed corn?
as in corn flakes?
mixed fruit juice?
mixed fruit jam???
yummmmmmmmmm lemon grass tea?
yucky not a big fan of lemongrass in my tea, but it's good in thai soups!
mango cheesecake?
Plain cheeze tost sandwich
Yum.. in fact thats my regular breakfast….
Fruit sandwich?
not tasted
Fruit Salad??
lemon tart?
Lemon Pickle???
never had, but it sounds pretty yuck.
neopolitan cake
Is that the one with different flavour layers? Must be Yum…
Apple Crumble & Custard
sounds yummm.
plain ice cream or with fuits
plain ice cream with different sauces
frozen yogurt
dont particularly like it
plain yogurt?
plain yougurt is ok ….
but i have to say the mpost yummiest thing ever is CHEESY PIZZZAA YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY….
You are absolutely right
i thnk no one vl tell dat yuck…..
its always yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Chocolate eclairs
Chocolate Icecream?
strawberry shortcake?
Strawberry Mousse ?
yum…though prefer something with a bit more bite to it
green mangoes with hot chillies and salt
bananna with red chilli and lemon?
choclate pizza??
barbequed masala fish
Yucky… (Sorry coz I am a Veg)
Barbequed Panneer?
rice with raisins and carrots?
havent tried.. but i guess it will be good.
Curd rice with pickle?
dats always yummy….
paneer paratha??
Candle light dinner with your spouse or a quiet family dinner?
dear here u had asked an ques….neways
candle light dinner…….its vry romantic..
chineese noodels??
Apple Pie with custard?
banana dipped in chocolate?
must try still….
sounds yummy though..
same q
not tried
fongue ???
havent really heard of it….
yummmmmm esp if it is from Tirupati..
Green Salad with Lemon?
yuppp u r rite dear
curd salad??
Curd Vada?
plain cheeze toast sanwitch ??
yummmmmmmy same q
Amla Pickle?
Dried avla??
same q?
pakodas ???
Aloo Tikki?
dat is alyays yumm dear…….
yumm hot chocolate fudge??
kofta curry??
Mushroom Masala?
Paneer Paratha??
Masala Dosa??
hmmmmmmmm din lik much……..vl prefer sada dosa
Baby corn? yes but not gobi
Singapore Noodles?
corn pakoda??
hmmmm must be yumm
Badam Halva ?
its rich ofcourse yummm
Yumm only as a pizza topping
Banana shake ?
had not tried so cant say
choc shake??
Tender Coconut Water??
not sure..
dhall curry and pickle with roti?? ( am hungry )
Curd Rice with Mango Pickle?
Sounds good, but I haven't eaten it yet…
Chocolate muffins?
garlic bread??
Cheese Pizza?
Cheese cake??
Strawberry Mousse ?
Lemon sharbat??
Mango milk shake ?
Apple pie?
Curd Vada with Boondi
yummy wen is chilled
bread pakoda??
bread jamoon
kala jamun??
Bisi Bele Bath?
heard 1st time
cant say dear
can u plz explain wat is it??
it is a south indian dish made with dhal, rice, vegetables etc., something closer to kichdi but spicy
sounds yummm
yummmm only if it's calcutta pani puri…….. hot pakoras??
always yumm
Chole Batura?
Hey Vaibhavi where are you?
Did you leave the forum by any chance
hi dear
hw r u??
m so sorry was not gettin time….neways
chole bhature…..ita yummmmmm
Bread Omlette ?
See food??
Chocolate Fudge
(Lyn, carrots are good!)
Gum? (lol)
allways yummmmm
nimboo paani ?
yammy yummy, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
get more information |
no idea wat dat is??
strawberry smoothie?
Yummy …
but not as much as Mango Smoothie!
Mango Smoothie?
Diiii, its great to see you online here in BWL again ! I started back and.. i think im getting addicted again lol … hey, i think this place make us all smile … and we need that sometime or the other na?
love you
Mango Smoothie?
Never tasted mango smoothie, is it any good??
Diiii, its great to see you online here in BWL again !
Hmm except I dont feel right being here anymore… ( hormones going beserk again hehe)
I started back and.. i think im getting addicted again lol … hey, i think this place make us all smile …
It does sweety… it sooo does make me smile feel all fuzzzy inside hehehehe…
and we need that sometime or the other na?
love you
U knw me loves u too
Roti…and curry ( am hungrrryyy)
Di! Mango smoothies are really good. They have a nice soothing taste.
Roti and curry .. gosh YUM !!!! Reminds me of my mom's cooking … roti curry yummy ! She cooks roti once in a while … but when she does .. such a great meal!
All t his food making you hungry too huh ..hehe .. go go go … take something to eat ! Roti and curry will be great hehe… if you're having some..send some over!
I know how you kinda feel like it doesnt feel right being here; I stayed away from this place a while too you know … it was only lately that I started coming back (since I was home .. from school, didnt have much to I just figured I'd come) … its kinda addicting! It surely brings a smile to my face though … the fuzzy feeling is definitely there! Brings back some good old memories. Love you hugsss remember to fed ex me some roti and curry if you're having
Soy milk
Lmao …
not sure… bout Soy Milk…never tasted it???
nooooooo I was too lazy to make roti last night( was actually thinking I havent had my mums cooking in aloong time )… but had some curry.. am getting good at this housewife thing heheheh
Well I am back on the forum bcoz of u and W, and I wanted to wish Senor tooo but thats later hehe
If u want ROTI, made by meee and curry… no fed-exing ..u come down here and have some …
Next: Carrot cake??
Hey hehe … geeesh, is that the only way I'll get to taste something made by you? .
Yup well … you know .. the forum never fail to make us smile at times hehe … and it keeps our brain occupied … on posting! Hmm does that 'W' mean what I think it means … and about Senor … well, the dude hasnt been here for quite some time. And although they're talking about him and all … he still hasnt made it back here. I hope he's good. Maybe off somewhere … writing a genius book or something
Carrot Cake : Yummy
Next : Cheese Cake
Sprouts Salad with Chaat Masala & Lemon ?
Uhh.. never had.. but sounds interesting. yummish?
Yummy (at times, if its made up of the right vegetables)
Fried Potato (indian style) with rice
sound yummy……… should try it……
Navrathna pulao?
sounds yummy.. wat is it??
milk tart?
have no idea what that is.. some kinda tart im guessing??
Yummy, when you're thirsty
Next : Daal poorie ( i just ate this )
yet to taste…….. sounds yummy though!
how about Aloo Poorie ?
yum yum yummmm.. want sum poorie now
Bollylover me not sure wat bruschetta is?? sounds like brussels?? not sure
ice cream banana split ??
Banana Split Ice Cream is yummmmmmy for that matter any ice cream is yummy……
icecream cake???
French Fries ??
Daal and rice
yummmmmmmmmmmm esp with Pickle….
Dum Biryani ??
sabudana kichdi with curd?
gosh my sis was talkin about this the other day..apparently divine…I have no clue
the new vanilla choc coated magnum ice cream with flake inside??
didnt taste yet..heard its divine too
not tasted……..
sizzler or full course meal?
depends on my apetite hehehe
isnt this the yum yuk section
nooooooo. i will give it a pass……
i had here dis 1st time can u plz explain wat is dis actually
Its a chinese starter (steamed)
sounds like yummy
wat abt u dear???
Cup Noodles?
only if am really hungry its yumm
custard pie?
Strawberry mousse?
double yummm
ice cream and choc sauce?
yum yum…………
Cheese Pasta?
cheese pakoda???
Onion Pakoda
yuppp always yummm dear
bread & noodles pakoda???
havent tried this combination… sounds good
Cheesy Pasta o
Garlic Knots (usually sold in pizza restaurants)
havent heard of
wat is this??
Kavi, is it like Garlic bread?? if soo thennn yummmm
baked potatoes?
Dimsums are momos (chinese)
I dont really prefer potatoes…..
Indian cuisine or Chinese?
y der is too option dear…here is yummy n yucky na
ne ways chineese food yummm
Frozen Yogurt
sweet corn and cheese samoosa’s?
Never tired it, but it sounds yummylicious!
Yucky.. not a big fan, but haven’t given it fair shot either lol
Rice crispies?
Tandoori chicken pasta??
double yumm
roti and mince kebabs??
depends on my mood.. as of now, yucky
baked brie
soji roll?
Have no idea what a soji roll is :S
oh its fried semolina with crushed almonds and sesame seeds, desicated coconut, sugar, klim milk, creme all rolled into balls and baked for a few mins
very tasty
Ooo, sounds interesting. Not sure I would like it as it has coconut in it.