This game is about writing what u think about a certain thing. The person above u will state a thing, actor, actress, or basically anything..and u have to write ur thoughts about that particular thing and then write one for the next person
So i will start with…um…
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
Americans.. our neighbours.. think most of em are really cool. Whenebber we go there, they’re very nice, kind, chatty lol. Some are psycho tho, but every country has psychoz rite?
next: Winnie The Pooh
…humein intezaar kitna, yeh hum nahin jaante, magar jee nahin sakte tumhare bina…
quite cute..although i myself have never really been much of a fan….my little niece loves winnie the pooh and because of her i have a huge winnie the poo teddy in my room.
next: photos
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
lol awesome!! Winnie RoX!!
photos are awesome, they let you relive the past in a way..
…humein intezaar kitna, yeh hum nahin jaante, magar jee nahin sakte tumhare bina…
good, although the newest version keeps stuffing up on PC. Better than chat rooms coz u actually know the people, and there are better facilities.
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
curtains…are a waste of time. u have to hang em up, then open em, then close em, then wash em..and the cycle goes on and on.
*~The best thing to be cherished in the hearts is faith and conviction; doubt is infidelity~*
Don’t like em. Met one when I first discovered chatrooms. Gave him my hotmail, and then had him fess up to having ‘spyed’ on my convo’s. Thankfully they contained nothing riskay…but then he wanted to log me out of hotmail, all the way from India! I let him, only cause it was preferable to him giving me a virus.
lee oh lee…trust no one – mulder.
good to have cos you dont need to depend on public phones which 99/100 never works!!
time travel
*~The best thing to be cherished in the hearts is faith and conviction; doubt is infidelity~*
I don’t belive it’s possible or probable. Time travel in the sense that some portable machine can rewind or step back in time.
Certain cultures can ‘cross’ time. In a visionary, dream-like sense.
Mail-order brides
always wondered how the bride can fit into a mail
waaahahahah…i kill me!!
how desperate can one be??
david blaine
*~The best thing to be cherished in the hearts is faith and conviction; doubt is infidelity~*
The name rings a bell….was he a writer or a murderer? Yeah…I think he was. A murderer.
Hot Air Baloons
jeez lee…u shud get out more often! he’s a magician.
a cool way to have a date that is out of the norm and when u find yr date boring and not yr type, can just throw him/her out immediately
*~The best thing to be cherished in the hearts is faith and conviction; doubt is infidelity~*
I knew the name was familiar!
Rap….the bane of most parents existence. The profanity, the violence, the se.xually explicit vidio clips.
Also poetic and filled with real life themes. Some of the old school stuff was good.
Steel-capped boots
dont interest me at all…..very bland on the issue
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
ability to make one look ‘smarter’ than they are
those with one and who looks blur and naive always capture my attention
*~The best thing to be cherished in the hearts is faith and conviction; doubt is infidelity~*
the whole world under your thumb with a click of a mouse…..
opens up people, their mind as well as their inner-self….where kids can grow up…and grown up be kids….
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
something that helps you to express your thoughts…is it just me or does anyone else here feel like they can’t write properly without a pen that they are used to writing with? well, that is my thought on a pen. i can’t write with some pens as they are really anooying to hold. yep, am fussy!
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
why do we even let boo play ? she just kills the thread all the time ! immigration ?? outta all the million things you could ever talk about…you ask abt immigration ?? dont you have better things to do ? like comb Barbie’s hair or something ??
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
Barbies: Owned a few…had a Jem doll, two actually when she was all the rage. The only thing I really wanted though, was a Ken doll. A few chicks have tried to model themselves on the anatomical proportions of the 50+ Barbie doll. Stoopid women.
Grooming products for men.
pretty useful ofcourse if theyre gonna keep ur man well groomed!
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
Some can be totally awesome once you’ve stopped hating each other as kids. I have cousins spread across the world. It’s never easy staying in touch or even close, but they do come in handy when you want to reminesce, and they know your childhood fears.
Religious fanatics
depends to what extent…but u do say fanatics… thoughts on them are they must be good/right in their own way….i myself would never be a religious fanatic, life without sins is hard to live!
Kunal Ganjawala
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
rly can’t say much abt him….all i knw is he won a prestigious award 4 his achievements at tha filmfare awards..he he…
nxt: kishore kumar
also cant say too much about him coz i’m not that old…but he must be awesome to have claimed such a big name…oh also…was just listening to his ‘hum bewafa’…love that song!
Next: curly hair
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
curly hair… something I have always wished for. I think curly hair is more “glamourous” than straight hair and it always looks better. Another thought I have on curly hair, is a picture of my sister. She has really curly hair, but mine is as straight as can be.
Next: Christmas
***Dil ki Rani ***
a time in the winter in which all the shoppingmalls n everything become very..cosy.. i like this time of year, even if we dont celebrate it ourselves..
Santa Claus
I am all for religion, but everyone should respect each others opinions and shouldnt try and force a certain idea upon others.
Keep perspective people keep perspective..!!!!
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
hmm it can be good is countries are playing, such as the World Cup. i love Brazil…cute guys and good players,…what more could you ask for!! football does have its downsides though…people become obsessed with it, getting drunk violence etc., and they can also bore toher people to death sometime! another thought is David Beckham…dont ask me why i dont even know that much about him, but he is a world famous ‘football icon’.
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
well all i do is stress durin exams i waste my time complainin insetad of studyin and once theyre done itz all forgotten as if there were nuttin…one thingi hate is havin many exams in a span of 2 or 3 days it gets harder i wouldnt mind havin 1-2 exams A WEEK
summer jobs
“Dont under estimate the power of a girl with nails”- The Queen Tina
Dil ki dharkan tham jaye saas bhi chahe na aye phir bhi jiyu par jaane kyoon tum bin jiya nahin jaye!
good for those who go to school and wanna earn some money in the holidays…also a great opportunity for them to gain some experience.
long fingernails
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
i think those are gr8 lolz u can tap ur fingers on a table or whatever and annoy the hell outta the person sittin next to u plus long nails make it easier to peel things off of over things.
rain is nice when u stay at home and when its cold..coz u feel like snugling up..but when u wanna go out and u have other plans then rain is really not nice at all…also its good when u have water we do at the moment.
3 in one scanner, printer and photocopier
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
saves space and is very efficient. every small office should need it. doesnt come handy if you do major copying / scanning / printing coz the quality is too low and would konk out pretty soon
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
hmm i dunno…our 3in ones printing quality is better than our normal canon printer.
namecards are quite reasonable if u are in amongst a large crowd of unfamiliar ppl. Only really useful when ppl obviously dont know ur name, or dont exactly need to learn it, or will not be in contact with u a whole heap. Also often used to keep counts of ppls attendance in meetings, corporate functions etc.
tropical fish
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
Expensive and costly to maintain. Not into fish. In a tank nor on my plate. I’d rather feed em to my cat.
Day care centres
decent for those with parents who both work, a good way for children to mingle with other children, instead of always wanting their mama, children should be treated well, its an added bonus if its like a preschool and ur child actually learns something too.
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
delicious whether one is veg or non veg! My sister-in-law made it with tofu once and it was surprisingly tasty! It is expensive to make, if done correctly! And is Garfield’s favorite treat!
High heels
Hihg heels make me feel more female, and more se.xy. They look beautifull with a dress, but also with a normal jeans or something. The only ‘problem’ with high heels is that not everyone can walk on them. When I see a woman on high heels, and she’s not able to walk on them properly, I can only laugh at her (not nice, I know). But when you can, thye really give you a touch of elegance.
adopting children
***Dil ki Rani ***
adopting children is really great, i mean for those who werent blessed by God to have kids of their own, adopting gives them an opportunity to become parents. and its good for those kids who were abandoned, it gives them a promising home and future.
unplanned pregnancy
Abandon All Hope!
“We live once, die once, marry once, and love only once”-SRK (KKHH)
hmmm…well obviously its misfortunate for the couple but children are a gift from God so accept it as it comes. And i am TOTALLY against abortions, but lets not start that discussion as the topics sooo controversial!
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
The reason behing so many wars through out history and sense less killings. From the beginning of time, men have chosen to pervert the true nature of belief in a Higher Being, and have manipulated the ingnorant to their own ends. The Clergy cl*** or Religious Leaders, kept the faithful in ignorance on what certain Holy Books had to say. Religion is only an adherance to a certain belief system, which is given a name or denomination, to diffrentiate from one another.
bunch of corrupted, useless, lazy people who only knows how to talk and nothing else. promises the world during elections but after that they dont seem to be around at all
George W. Stinking Bush
*~The best thing to be cherished in the hearts is faith and conviction; doubt is infidelity~*
Honestly speaking, i think he’s just dumb. but he is a true political player. once he got the seat, he bombed out the middle east. he does what he feels best for “his country” only and not for the rest of the world. and now he’s trying to control the US$ currency by making the other major currencies weaker, such as the Euro, RMB & Yen.
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
The place has become an institution here. All the frappe, latte, mocha drinkers come out to play. It’s THE place to be seen, and has a competitive market. The statement to make is , holding a Strabucks coffee cup in your hand.
Amusement Parks
well we had wonderland and now its a business park, although the ones in Queensland are cool, dreamworld is the best of them with the tower of terror and giant drop.
brand clothing
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
well if itz real nice ill buy it but i rather go for style then brand…if i see a super nice shirt or anything and itz not brand named ill still buy it…and brand named clothing are always so expensive wherefor u can get the same thing without the brand somewhere else for cheaper..(the only brand named thing id buy are shoes and a cpl of track pants dats it)
bottled water
“Dont under estimate the power of a girl with nails”- The Queen Tina
Dil ki dharkan tham jaye saas bhi chahe na aye phir bhi jiyu par jaane kyoon tum bin jiya nahin jaye!
Well…if you are too lazy to boil water at your house…then u can get the bottled water from the nearest stores. Easy and fast.
Hollywood movies.
“Teri Soorat Na Hoon Jisme, Woh Sheesha Thod Denge Hum”
not into them too much…well not like Hindi films neway….but some are really good, i like the way their storylines can range plain jane to the most weirdest things.
*`·._.·Tere Dil Mein Rahenge, Tujhko Apna Ghar Bana lenge·._.·´*
aahh so soft against the skin but hot in the summer! nice and warm in the winter tho and what most of my suits are made of!
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
wonderful when u forget to put fizzy drink or water in the fridge. A great way to keep things cool in an esky aswell. Good to eat just like that too
smelly feet
*`·._.·Tere Dil Mein Rahenge, Tujhko Apna Ghar Bana lenge·._.·´*
ewwwwww really BAD! i feel like screaming odour eaters odour eaters!
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
Sweet, and very useful in the kitchen, for making cakes and stuff. I don’t like it in my tea,and I don’t like it in large amounts.
Making friends on the internet
***Dil ki Rani ***
well its never worth trusting…anyone can make up anything so its not very reliable…its okay just talking like on forums and stuff but never go too far! because u dont know where it could lead u.
sonu nigam
*`·._.·Tere Dil Mein Rahenge, Tujhko Apna Ghar Bana lenge·._.·´*
he needs to get his voicebox cracked coz he seriously sounds like a girl….he always needs a haircut….and a good workout….
Cigerrettes / Smoking ?
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
I think its disgusting how someone would want to mess up their lungs, increase the risk of cancer, have bad breath and nails just to look good infront of their mates or to give them a bit of a buzz. However, i dont have any lessened respect for people who smoke, in that sense, but it does make me wonder whether the person is insecure about their image.
mobile phones
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
(its interesting how non-smokers can never relate to the ‘addiction’ part of smoking)
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
Thats kinda implied- why do they start smoking? To look good etc, which leads to the addiction.
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
Mobile phone – A modern device which is very helpful to us. With mobile phone, we can call our family and friends at anytime, anywhere. And if we feel bored we can make missed calls or send SMS to the numbers that we don’t know belong to whom. Very worth to be owned.
Soundtrack CDs
“Teri Soorat Na Hoon Jisme, Woh Sheesha Thod Denge Hum”
(English movie) soundtracks can be good or bad….sometimes the soundtracks are in a theme, like all hip hop or rock songs…which is good…but some have such a variety you only end up listening and/or liking a couple of songs, so its really not worth it. nowadays all soundtracks are getting real mainstream and you hear the songs left right centre, here, there, everywhere….and you just get fed up of it. if i like an artist or a particular song, i d/l the track/album…if it is really good and i enjoy it in and out, then i go buy the cd.
hindi soundtracks – never listen, dont care. all the music sound the same to me. all the singers sing the same kinda music / songs over n over again. u hear em once, u’v heard them all.
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
A watch is a necessity. We all need to know what time it is since our lives revolve around time. What kind of watch one chooses is based on personal choice. I am not fussy so I just want some thing that looks nice, is functional and reliable. I have several watches but the one I wear mostly is a Seiko that I have worn for the past 10 years and hope to continue wearing it for some more time. I have grown accustomed to it and would hate to have to switch to a different one.
What do you think of awards such as the Academy Awards or the Filmfare Awards?
A good way to show someones acheivements and also commend them on their efforts. Not too sure how reliable they can be, not much of a fan of the ‘people choice’ such as the filmfare awards. Also a good source of entertainment as they dont just present awards, there is dancing, singing, drama items etc.
The sunset
*`·._.·Tere Dil Mein Rahenge, Tujhko Apna Ghar Bana lenge·._.·´*
My favourite time of day…I used to be a fanatic, I used to have to stop and watch every single one. The colours, though in part caused by pollution, are a beauty to watch. It also reminds me that the day has ‘set’ for me, but begun for my family or friends living elsewhere. Any picture or portrait with a sunset, would make me want to buy it.
Remote Controls
mans greatest achievment / creation !! the power at a flick of a button ! increases efficency, saves time !
bubble gum
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
A curse for parents, as their young child would inevitably sleep with the gum in their mouth, and later have chunks of hair removed, along with the gum. Great for blowing bubbles, and poping them. Also caused me to earn a few detentions from chewing it in clas.s. Cheap and inexpensive, shame the flavors dont last as long any more.
Four-wheel drive Vehicles
hmmm pretty convenient when you got loadsa family/people to take around but not too attractive generally and are mostly distastefully referred to as ‘people-carriers’ nowadays! Don’t prefer them myself, I’d go for the chic sports car if i was given the choice
ok, this is more like a question than a thing but go with it…..
Do you think christmas has lost it’s religious aspect and become too commercialised?
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
Xmas lost its Biblical appeal long ago. If one was to read the Biblical account of the events leading to and after, the birth of Jesus…it would be highly evident that certain religions mislead the m***es. Commercialism is good, only in the sense that it provides jobs for people who need the extra money to buy presents for those in theor families…who never like what they buy anyway, and promplty return the gifts, and get something else.
Place where Christian women live who have chosen to dedicate their life to the service of Christ in various ways. There are many convent schools started by these dedicated women where they teach young girls. I myself studied a few years in Mount Carmel Convent.
Hate it! Killed my Father and my best friends Mother. Kills thousands every year…and the only charity that I support. They have a great network here in NZ, and good care providers for those terminally ill.
Personalised License Plates
Sorry to hear about your father. Unfortunately it is once of those illnesses that all of us have been hit by in some form or the other. It was probably a bad topic to have picked but it was on my mind. The only good thing I can say is that these days there have been some break throughs in treatment. Diagnostic testing has helped in providing early detection which enables treatment to start before it advances too far.
Personalized License Plates:
Nice to have I guess for some people. Though I some times wonder when I see people advertise their birth date and other personal information on it. Personally I would not pay extra money to have personalized license plates because I would not want any of my private information broadcast to any one who can read my license plate.
Harrison Ford:
from cancer to Harrison Ford ?? what on EARTH runs thru your faltoo mind ?? couldnt you pick something easier like choclates ?? jeez !!
H. Ford – good actor in his days (80’s i would say ?). Plays good roles as a ‘patriotic’ action hero by Tom Clancy books, (Clear & Present Danger / patriot games), loved him as Indiana Jones (seen the flick over n over again and cant wait for Indie J 4 !!), and as HAN SOLO star wars !!,
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
yum chocolates are wonderful things! i luv toblerone and ferrero raches…cadbury chocolate yumm…
Evryone shouldhave a choclate a day!
And of course the cocoa farmers should get more money!
nxt.. songs
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
Songs are good…they cam be melodic and uplifting, melancholy and sad, pulsing and emotive, erotic and stimulating…They can be a soothing balm to the soul. Song writers make millions from catering to the emotions within…Songs, whether with lyrics or without, are a vital tool for causing calm, chaos or mayhem.
Plastic surgery
reminds me of ASH RAI..good if u are scarred or whatever, but to just change ur looks coz ur just not pretty enough is hopeless…shows how much u actually appreciate gods creation.
*`·._.·Tere Dil Mein Rahenge, Tujhko Apna Ghar Bana lenge·._.·´*
Looking forward to my best mates wedding next month. It’s a stressful time for the Bride-to-be, more so than for the Groom, I imagine. You have tiny details to think about, a dress to purchase, a cake to order, costs to worry about, cars, Inlaws, bridal party But the best thing about weddings? Is the enevitable Hens night. The true blue one with the stripper and everything. Hehe.
For the Traditional amongst us, whether the wedding is Hindu, Islamic, Punjabi or Western styles…the unifying of two people is awesome.
Hens/Stags/Bucks night
Haven’t been to one myself but i’d expect it’d be a lot of fun! Seen people out on a hen/stag night and they’re luvin it- suppose just a fun,final night out before you tie the knot
Pirate DVD’s
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
i can understand why film industrialists and film makers are against it..but they dont really seem to have hindered the process of film making so ..i guess im just indifferent towards it..Perhaps if i was apart of a film industry then id be concerned..However i do not purchase pirated dvds or music..i stick with original…
summer cl***es
* .-”’-.,.-“‘-. +
( ! PYAAR ! . *
+ “. ISHQ.” (
* . “‘-.,.-‘” + .
( ‘.’ )(“) ISH!!!!!
> ‘ </ /
(“‘) (“”)
educational yet ruins my holidays cuz i’ve to be working whilke evryone else is enjoying themselves on the beaches!!!
oh yaara rab rus jaane de,deevana jag chut jaane de…
ooo.. I would love to hack.. but I know that i’m not gonna cause any harm to anyone’s personal information.. but ofcourse i’ll view them!!lol.. but those who use it to cause harm, certainly isnt fair!
Love is the glue to any enduring relationship. Whether its love from a parent to a child, between a man and a woman or anything in between. Its vital to life. Without it you are nothing. It can also be the most harrowing experience of one’s life, and also the most poignant.
Play Station games
so fun. i have the new psp and it is so wonderful. i can put songs and play movies. anywayz back to play station games, they are real fun. when im bored i pop one in and play
ummm next: crushes
crushes are funny…when u look back and realise who the crush was actually on…kinda weird..but sweet for those teensters…who think its love.
*`·._.·Tere Dil Mein Rahenge, Tujhko Apna Ghar Bana lenge·._.·´*
Arghk! Revolting stuff. Especially the Ozzie stuff! Gross misrepresentation of liquid refreshment! Putrid! Yuk!
lol..i dunno about bed and breakfasts…they seem a little lonely to me.
Salwar Kameez
*`·._.·Tere Dil Mein Rahenge, Tujhko Apna Ghar Bana lenge·._.·´*
Traditional and I really luv to wear them. I dont wear them that often but I luv to have my dupatta (scarf) opened up and draped across my chest! I suppose it covers me up and I feel safe
The big bang theory
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
That life sponateneously arrived from some pirmordial soup? Don’t believe that. I believe that a creative force was behind life on earth. Things do not just appear, after thousands/millions of years of life. If you were to put the intricate parts of a watch into a washing machine, and spin it for a thousnad or more years, you would not have a fully formed watch. Chance did not beget life on earth. The big bang theory,is just that….a theory…something unproven…yet documented regardless…
Flavored Coca-Cola
the vanilla stuff is okay..but the other stuff sux..not a fan of coke neway…pepsi all the way!
hair straighteners
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
those are wikkid, my hair is naturally wavy and its nice to have a way to make it straight
the chemistry between two ppl or science style. Back in school i didnt mind it much…it was fun to experiment with acids and chemicals. But the signs and things were not nice.
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
Cool to hang out in with friends or family and a nice place to chill out, relax have picnics etc especially in the summer!
But some parks (in my area) have just become really rough…big gangsta guys just walk round mugging people and threatening lil kids..its pretty awful really. But these are just the minority of parks…others i love!
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
Don’t have that much experience with nightclubs, I have only been there once or twice. Don’t really like them.
***Dil ki Rani ***
They r half you, half the person you love and all promise! Alot of hard work, but truly a blessing!! I’m really looking forward to being a mom!!
Blackberries (PDAs)
A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart.
really cool. portable, and stylish
cell phones
my love for him will never end
Cool and convenient…easy to stay in touch with people and contacting is easy if ur on the go! And of course…its always ncie to get a text
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
lol ramz…u forgot to leave a word!
nessa ji: was that a random statement or *raises eyebrows* ?
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Originally posted by vchenoah
They r half you, half the person you love and all promise! Alot of hard work, but truly a blessing!! I’m really looking forward to being a mom!!
Blackberries (PDAs)
A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart.
Don’t do it! Don’t do it! Take it from Nitz and I…sleepless nights, *** feeding(doubt Nitz knows about that tho)vomiting, colic, nappies….loss of marital bliss and harmony! I repeat, don’t do it!
Snail mail(letter writing with a stamp)
lol ! ok i am confused lee u and nitz are closer than we all thought???
Snail mail, can be really meaningful more than an email when u send letters abroad or get a nice postcard or send one! But can be inconvinient i.e posting it and it taking a day or two gettin to the intended person.. sometimes u never does reach them! So emails r great for keeping in touch!
Speed bumps
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
*hehe bit out of myself der boo…whoops* anyhoooo….
speed bumps- pretty good to keep speed limit on roads and i’m sure it prevents speeding accidents so yeh, good idea. They’re hell for ur car tyres tho hehe
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
make up i dont wear it everyday.. sometimes i like to put eyeliner on or eyeshadow hardly ever feel bothered too. But when going somehwere nice i like to put some make up on. Its a total nightmare to find good lipstick colour!
Too much make up can look tarty. I dunno but i dont think ppl wear too much heavy makeup anymore.. i think most girls are going for the minimal simple look
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
hehe sparki…quite the opposite over at my end…girls put too much make-up on and end up looking like tarted old trolls!!ewwwwwww
airports…BRILLIANT lol obviously cos without airports where do you board the plane from? and without planes how can I see my lovely family in Pakistan hehe. I love flying too..and the plane food mmmmmm but then again there are plane accidents which kill hundreds of ppl so controversial……
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
I prefer games on the computer…never been hooked on a playstation and dont think i want to
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
like them, they’re very useful, not only for makin sure u dun have nethin stuck in ur teeth, but like in carz and stuff too (Y)
…humein intezaar kitna, yeh hum nahin jaante, magar jee nahin sakte tumhare bina…
very useful…puts alot of pressure of ur brain…good on ur phone as well..for working percentage discounts when shopping
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
I personally don’t like the taste, and it has like kajillion calories!
silly putty
…humein intezaar kitna, yeh hum nahin jaante, magar jee nahin sakte tumhare bina…
i have no idea what silly putty is…lol it sounds like some sort of Goo which is supposed to amuse little minds.
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
excellant! one of many things the human mind doesn’t appreciate having, but i suppose without them theres very little, if anything, you could do. Of course, they’re not nearly as fantastic as the incredible opposing thumbs that us humans are blessed with
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
lolz “some sort of Goo which is supposed to amuse little minds.”
Gym’s are awesomee, theres lotsa different kinds, and have lotsa different things you can do there. great for working out and getting into shape, as well as spending some time with ur friends. then there’s always the good ol’ gymnasium =) big place where u can play sum wikkid sports. i miss gym clas.s
post its or sticky tabs
post its are very useful. you write something on them and you can stick them anywhere.
my love for him will never end
oops forgot to post the next one
my love for him will never end
they are great !!! helpful reminders of appointments due dates for papers and other commonly forgetful things…
father’s day
* .-”’-.,.-“‘-. +
( ! PYAAR ! . *
+ “. ISHQ.” (
* . “‘-.,.-‘” + .
( ‘.’ )(“) ISH!!!!!
> ‘ </ /
(“‘) (“”)
the best day to show your father how much you love him. you should always show him you love him but on this day show him more love.
my love for him will never end
officially, Christmas is a day to celebrate the birth of Christ. Among the people I know, I only see people fighting during the Christmas days, because everybody has a few days off, and everybody is annoying eachother. An other thing people do with christmas is eating a lot of food. So for most people it has nothing to do with Christ…
Anyway, I do like Christmas. My best childhood memories are the christmasparties at my grandparents house…wonderfull
learning other languages
***Dil ki Rani ***
its cool….you feel a sense of experiencing another culture and it’s good to learn languages as it means you can communicate with more people in the world… creates bonds between a variety of people all over, different countries and cultures are bonded together…something that needs to exist in the world
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
With so many makes and variety of car manufacturers…there’s a vehicle for almost any price range. Since their inception, cars have contributed to the increase in technological advancement, and human endevors. People are able to travel great distances with them, and also their are the mas.s of accidents that drivers under the influence cause innocent bystanders.
Ballroom Dancing
ooh very hot! Nah pretty boring for me…the guys never look as good as they should.
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
I heard somewhere, the radio most probably…that the cocoa bean is fast running out! Which will mean that choclate, that sweet comodity that many cannot live without, will be in very big demand in another 10years…as the cocoa bean in Cote Ivoire is diminishing. Heaven forbid! Prefer Cadbury and Hershey’s…fruit and nut….
As for Ballroom dancing, we’ve just had ‘Dancing with the Stars’ here…and they all made the dance moves real hot! An ex All Black player took out the competition. Some damn fine moves, I must say. Even a few of the non-stars dance partners were spunky too!
we had dancing with the stars to..did u guys have the same one as us?…with Tom winning?
I love cricket in cricket season, especially the ODI’s when a good country comes over to play…i dont go for the Australian Team, love it when Pakistan come, and its also good to watch India.
Bushy Eyebrows
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
depends on teh person. some ppl look really good with the natural thing, but it doesnt go with others. i personally dun like super bushy ones, the unibrow shahid kapoor has goign is icky.
Mmmm….nice to munch on when it’s a hot day. The clours are so pretty too. My Dad used to do catering…so when he’d make a proper fruit salad, he would carve the watermellon out into balls…and then use the shell of the water mellon as the Fruit Salad bowl. I’ve tried the same thing as well…it can make an awesome table centrepiece when you get creative with it.
White Supremists
Cowardly wastes of flesh who hide behind laws and use the mentally inept to carry out their dirty work!
Boo:Just giving my thought on the word given. Besides, haven’t found Mr. Right yet…
Lee:When the heck is ur maternal instinct going to kick in!!! lol It can’t be that much of a nightmare! You can’t tell me that ‘ankle-biter’ of urs doesn’t tug at ur heart!!! And for the record, I’ve never heard ur nemesis complain about being a parent…
extended family
A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart.
hehe lol at nessa! crazeeee gal
extended family- now i want to get summat clear if i’m wrong…by extended family i take this as grandparents, aunties, uncles etc living with you….reconstituted family’s- i take these as divorcee’s with kids that live together. so extended familys…they’re pretty cool…it helps you form a strong family though many problems arise living in suh close proximity with people…even your own family and sometimes people may need that space that you don’t get when living in a household of a lot of people.
Drag races
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
a waste of time…for fools who have nothing better to do.
ice cubes
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
great for cooling warm drinks, even better on a hot day. not so great when put in your shirt [xx(]
nail polish
love the stuff…except i really hate it when u have to wash the dishes or do some sort of housework and it gets a little chipped..then it looks really gross..and i’m so lazy i hate to remove it so i just leave it. I hate pink nail polish though..not the silvery pinks, just the normal blunt pinks and pinky oranges…they make my hands look yuck. Purple and dark brown/maroon are my favs.
hair gel
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
Good stuff for taming the wild curls…or for giving you that slicked back look, and for keeping stray hairs in order. Though…it aint all that nice running your fingers thru a guys hair, that had piled it on.
Designer bottled water
a waste of money and a pathetic way to make quick $$
*~The best thing to be cherished in the hearts is faith and conviction; doubt is infidelity~*
Stars and planets.. the solar system etc. Humans to ants, birds to fish trees to seaweed… EVRYTHING… COOL!
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
cool. when you cant pronounce the person’s name or when its too long, it comes in handy.
my love for him will never end
the best…good for everything….cant live without a computer these days…hand written ***ignments are just not acceptable..and where would we be without the internet!
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
they’re really beautiful on people especially if they have long ones…..mascara brings they’re beauty out even more (even though i hate the stuff) and makes a different to your face.
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
bollywood sux in a way…well some of the time…like some films are really stoopid and unrealistic…but some are great…i like watching hindi films better then english actually..bollywood actors are hotter…like Akshay Kumar…i mean there is no one like him in hollywood..also i like the songs in bollywood films..well not all but nadeem shravan rocks!
fake nails
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
well they are nice but i prefer to have my own nails.
my love for him will never end
i dont really read books but lets say one day im bored and i do start readin it and i really liek it then i cant put it down..i just need an excuse to start readin it…theyre a kool pastime i guess…
“Dont under estimate the power of a girl with nails”- The Queen Tina
Dil ki dharkan tham jaye saas bhi chahe na aye phir bhi jiyu par jaane kyoon tum bin jiya nahin jaye!
ungfortunately I don’t have any experience with proms… [V] We don’t really have them here in Holland. All I know about it is what i’ve seen in all these teen movies…
***Dil ki Rani ***
The ultimate in unconditional love!!! They love you no matter who u r!! They keep ur secrets (unless a parrot)and comfort u when ur down. Need lots of care and attention!
A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart.
rain is good. it cools the place down on a hot day.
movies( bollywood and hollywood)
my love for him will never end
Hollywood- Cause I like the different scenery shots….you get to see famous places that you may never see in your own lifetime. The movies that portray a phycho are good also, cause it makes you start to question things you’ve always taken for granted…you get a chance to fantasise and escape from reality through the decadence of the actors and locations.
Bollywood-Mainly I like them for the story lines. And the fact that they’re not offensive and are good for a family to watch. You’re confronted with a few risque scenes-yeah-but not on the scale of H/wood. The dramatic and heart wrenching scenes with parents is also a drawcard for me. They have a way of showing a culture that I would other wise never understand. Alot of the movies have gotten more…visually oriented…by having hot looking, but not necessarily talented,actors and actresses. And to be honest…the hot bods were my fascination right up till my Hindi began to improve and I could then understand the dialogue too, instead of just body language.
Your O.E
OE ? Office Equipment ? Operating Environment ? Old English ? Outlook Express ?
Please specify…..
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
Fine. For the mentally inept on here….O.E=Over Sea’s experience
Oh ok
I first went over seas when i was 7 yrs old. I think i enjoyed the flight, its exciting over seas! Especially to places u havent been before. India is the furtherst i have been from england… theres loads of countries i would love to visit! barbados, china…
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
so next…umm
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
blaming us for her own stupidity…sheessh!
*~The tongue which is addicted to false expression is a bubbling spring of sins~*
hrithik30, am I blind or is that Salman Khan on your avatar? Don’t know why,but I expected a Hrithik avatar….:P
next for the game:
***Dil ki Rani ***
well i like the avatar so i chose it. i tried to get a really nice one of hrithik but it failed. but i like salman too.
cellphones are great. i am always on mine
Ok, that’s a good reason for picking an avatar
chairs are great to sit on (duh!) They are also great to climb on when you have to put things on the wall, or when you have to take things OF the wall….
public transport
***Dil ki Rani ***
public transport is okay, i personally don’t really like to take it, probably because it is not something ive really had to do. its a good way to get places though i suppose, and if everyone went where they had to go by bus, then it would be good for the environment too.
not good. it makes the place seem really dirty
litlle sisters
eeeek lol sis’s are a nightmare! People think they’re all sweet and nice and you come out the bad guy! They can also be good, however, for getting you stuff and ordering around
24hr shopping malls
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
Thats insane lol i actually didnt know they exsisted… all those big companies tryin to milk money out of us by staying open so late.. someone should start a protest!!
gypsy skirts
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
Originally posted by ramz89
eeeek lol sis’s are a nightmare! People think they’re all sweet and nice and you come out the bad guy! They can also be good, however, for getting you stuff and ordering around
24hr shopping malls
..:Chaand mera dil, Chaandni ho tum, Chaand se hai door, Chandni kaha
Laut ke aana, hai yahi tumko, Jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan:..
That’s so, so, so very true Ramz!! how many sisters do you have? Lucky for me I have only one…
***Dil ki Rani
i really dont like them too much. but they look ok
really very nice. In the first place, ’cause two people who love eachother can be together for the rest of their lives. It’s one of the best days opf their lives, and it’s great to join.
In the second place, it nice because of the wedding party… :D:D:D
***Dil ki Rani ***
really cool. i think is better to call people by their nickname then thier real names.
umm if u put swings a pool or something plant things itz kool..nice for bbqs…in the summer itz fun in the winter itz useless i guess
kishor kumar
“Dont under estimate the power of a girl with nails”- The Queen Tina
Dil ki dharkan tham jaye saas bhi chahe na aye phir bhi jiyu par jaane kyoon tum bin jiya nahin jaye!
2 gd… smooth, ***y melodies, such feeling in his songs and a really funny actor.. i know some ppl say he had no training and was a fraud but i think his work speaks for itself
amitabh ??
good actor. and talented
bunty aur babli
juss another chick flick….*yawn*
great for holding up your pants if they are too loose or even just to look nice. But if my pants arent too loose then i dont wear belts.
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
Great places to shop prior to departure, awesome talent hiding behind the scenes, foodcourts and the perfect opp to wave off a most loathed Aunt or annoying lil sibling, or dearly loved one. And about the only time you’ll vlountarily endure x-ray machines and sniffer dogs.
Company Policies on the sending of emails
if its directed to Lee, then mark it as ‘SPAM’
hybrid cars
*~The tongue which is addicted to false expression is a bubbling spring of sins~*
those are cool. =) theyre more efficient and dont add to the greenhouse effect.
very very good…especially if its online coz u can just type the word instead of having to flip through pages to look it up. obviously a useful tool for all!
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
weddings are great =) a way to unite two pplz lub for one another. and a ton of fun to be at, especially if ur close with the person. good food, great music and entertainment, and so much lub around.
friendship with the opposite gender
having a guy as a good friend is always better than having a girl…guys say they dont understand girls…but sometimes i think its better to talk to a guy about ur problems then a girl…girls argue and fight too much…mixed friendships…that is friendships seem to last longer i feel.
your local shopping centre
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
yeh local shopping centre, its the biggest one level shopping cntre in Aust.
Thode Din Zara Sa Intezaar Ki Jiye
I wear um, not all da time though cos i wear contacts.
But gl***es are the best things, cos if ya short or long sighted u need um and basically they r your eyes! So i am greatful for the invention of gl***es and contact lenses! Big up the inventors and scientist behind them !
U can get some lovely frames though and i think they look pretty cool if ya have the right ones!
smart cars
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
incredibly small !! its good only for those japanese / asian people who are like crazy about hello kitty and pokemon c.rap ! they probably take pictures of themselves wiht the “V”-hand sign all over the car !
Tippex / Whiteout
well we call it liquid paper…its pretty useful if u make mistakes..i dont like the already dry roll on stuff though coz that never comes out as well…although it may be good if u are in a rush and cant wait for it to dry…i actually dont use ne of them…i just scribble out.
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
A hose? urr i dont really use one cos we dont have any flowers or a garden. Sometimes the hose can be mistaken for a snake…. i am sure that happens more often then u would think. Moving on….
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
Personally not an attractive look for a guy, unless it’s well maintained and groomed daily. These long, ZZ Top looking beards are just NOT cool, nor are any other types of beards. It looks gross when you see food remnants in there are it’s itchy and scratchy to the touch. Nasty!
CT Scans
I’ve had members of family going for CT Scans, the process made them a bit nervous. Its obviously a great advantage to technology and can hopefully dectect illnesses before they get worse.
..X.. Aasuoo ki duaao mai.. apne sar ko jhuka kai maine toh tujhe maanga hai rab se.. mere sajdo ki.. duaao ki hai kasam tu na ja.. ..X..
(is it me….or does mukesh have ants in his pants and he’s playing with our minds by swapping topics around between threads ????)
Eyebrows ?????? jeez !! it doesnt really bother me !!
Long Distance Relationships
I think if you’re determined to make it something…and you dedicate the time and effort required…it’s possible to have a great one. I’ve had a few, and it was frustrating as hell, not to mention expensive, but worth all the grief.
Ex-partners(g/f’s or b/f’s)
i beleive whatever happens, happens to the best of us. I never hold grudges coz i honestly cant be bothered to ruin my life / happiness over someone else. Whatever happend in my past is history, i will always cherish the moments shared…and god bless their soles…
^^ Rubbish. Not needed. The internet would be much better without it because all people ever do anyways is either deleate it or report it to their email admins. Seriously, its a waste of time.
ipod(or any mp3 players)
oi!(¯`·._.¤*¯`·:·[…][·Dil Ki Rani·][…]·:·´¯*¤._.·´¯)oi!
. . .Tanhai. . .
I sing a song… for my lonely heart that will never part
with my lost love…
I have a blue Ipod, I luv it coz I can store sooo many songs in it and take it anywhere. The best place 2 use it in a boring lesson and where the teacher never notices lol.
Beauty contests
..X.. Aasuoo ki duaao mai.. apne sar ko jhuka kai maine toh tujhe maanga hai rab se.. mere sajdo ki.. duaao ki hai kasam tu na ja.. ..X..
ooohhh….se.xy mexy gals all at the same place, same time. but the smile and the pose and everything else is just soo fake. nothing natural about their beauty. beauty should be judged when the person is at her natural self, not when the cameras are focusing on her 24/7.
life after death
*~The tongue which is addicted to false expression is a bubbling spring of sins~*
As a Musiim I see life after death as our final abode. Where we are judged by Allah according to how we behaved on earth. Our destination lies either in Jannah and Jahanam (heaven and hell). When we reach our grave we are asked 3 questions by 2 angels asking us who our God is, what our religion is and what our Prophet (s.a.w)’S name is. We must answer the questions correctly in order to go to Jannah and save ourselves from the punishment of the grave. Life after death is also shaped by if we said the kalimah before dying.
..X.. Aasuoo ki duaao mai.. apne sar ko jhuka kai maine toh tujhe maanga hai rab se.. mere sajdo ki.. duaao ki hai kasam tu na ja.. ..X..
Unique that was actually insightful! i never knew about that.
Education education education. Definately a good thing, u can be doing everyday things and be learning its still called education, therefore learning does not stop after finishing school.
I know though some subjects can be so boring! But education is good.
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
Sleep….is something enjoyable. We can dream of whatever in our dreams. If you want to be Aish, just dream of it. And if you want to be someone else, you can also do it in your sleep. Hehehehe.
Unique, I guess that two angels are Munkar and Nakir. Please correct me if I am wrong. I also think that in Islam, the way we behave or run our life on earth play great roles in shaping our life after life. I remember reading a story about a prostitute who gave drink to a thirsty dog. And because of that, she was promised by Allah that her place in the life after life is in heaven.
Okay… next is
– Shopping Complex –
“Teri Soorat Na Hoon Jisme, Woh Sheesha Thod Denge Hum”
Originally posted by Unique_Princess
As a Musiim I see life after death as our final abode. Where we are judged by Allah according to how we behaved on earth. Our destination lies either in Jannah and Jahanam (heaven and hell). When we reach our grave we are asked 3 questions by 2 angels asking us who our God is, what our religion is and what our Prophet (s.a.w)’S name is. We must answer the questions correctly in order to go to Jannah and save ourselves from the punishment of the grave. Life after death is also shaped by if we said the kalimah before dying.
..X.. Aasuoo ki duaao mai.. apne sar ko jhuka kai maine toh tujhe maanga hai rab se.. mere sajdo ki.. duaao ki hai kasam tu na ja.. ..X..
Mashallah Mashallah!bohut acha boli!i taught u
oh n 2 add,i also heard that in de grave u see a pic or somethin n ur supposed to recognize who it is.not sure thoI loved you once,I love you still
I always have and I always will
you taught HER ?? noway…..
she must be a quick learner then
jeeez wats wid u!im a quick learner 2!n a quick teacher aswell
I loved you once,I love you still
I always have and I always will
no no…you can never be quick at anything
loll rosh! I already knew that! But its true rosh was my teacher for a whole different subject, but then she quit! hehe
..X.. Aasuoo ki duaao mai.. apne sar ko jhuka kai maine toh tujhe maanga hai rab se.. mere sajdo ki.. duaao ki hai kasam tu na ja.. ..X..
Waluscha: yeah the 2 angels r called Munkar and Nakir, and its true that the way we live our life shapes our destiny in the hereafter.
Rosh: Yeah Ive heard of the picture thing, but im not sure about it, il read up. I was told that in ur grave u see a picture of both heaven and hell. When u look at the hell one ur terrified and the heaven one is so beautiful that u can smell the scent of the gardens of paradise through the picture.
..X.. Aasuoo ki duaao mai.. apne sar ko jhuka kai maine toh tujhe maanga hai rab se.. mere sajdo ki.. duaao ki hai kasam tu na ja.. ..X..
wats next ok i give one
star plus serials
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
The picture? I don’t remember learning about it. But, I remember learning about the image of heaven and hell. You will be shown with both images. And if you are a good person during the lifetime, then ur grave will be very comfortable n convenient. And there will be paris (I don’t what they call it in Islam) to accompany. The wait of the judgement day arrival will be felt very short. But, if you do many sins during ur life and never return to the right path, ur grave will be a very awful and painful place. There will be big snake which will bite u. And the wait will be a long wait.
Correct me if I am wrong.
And now return to our game.
Some of the star plus serials are okay. I used to like Sanjivani and Des Mein Nikkla Hoga Chand but both serials turn weird nowadays. What is DMHHC’s director’s point of telling story about Pammi’s daughter, Heer and Mahi and Veer. Where is Sam? Dingy? etc. Weird story.
– Original soundtrack of Hindi movies –
“Teri Soorat Na Hoon Jisme, Woh Sheesha Thod Denge Hum”
Originally posted by serioComic
ooohhh….se.xy mexy gals all at the same place, same time. but the smile and the pose and everything else is just soo fake. nothing natural about their beauty. beauty should be judged when the person is at her natural self, not when the cameras are focusing on her 24/7.
life after death
*~The tongue which is addicted to false expression is a bubbling spring of sins~*
waah! you ought to be a poet oreo ji!
hmm original soundtracks of hindi movies, i like the ones with good music directors, right now my favourite is SEL and i am totally digging the BnB sountrack! i like some original soundtracks more than the remixes, because the remixes are just ruined with ‘rude’/vulgar lyrics…IMO.
-Shah Rukh Khan-
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Shah Rukh Khan, is my all time hero, he is not only an entertainer in my eyes but alot more, he helds a speciall place in my life, duw to alot of reasons. I admire his giving personality and defiantly the amount of effort he puts into his work, and the abssolute deserving success he gets.. I will allways pray that becomes even more successfull in his profesional life and certainly a happy personal life too!
and now lol! I LLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEE his eyeeeesss .. god their soo damn gorgeouss… hes body build is soo cute n hes neck!wohooo!lol.. his voice is soo cool to!lool
Madhuri Dixit…?
Madhuri Dixit is one c l a s s y actress. Beautiful face, smile, eyes, good figure, very good dancer and on top of all that a very good actress. I loved her in movies like Hum Aapke Hain Kaun and Saajan. I will not say that I loved all her movies but I thought she was a versatile actress and she played all sorts of roles from the light hearted roles such as in Dil to the serious role in Mrityudand to the avenging woman in Anjaam. I would love to see her back in movies but I guess right now her priority is her marriage, her two kids and then her career.
Shabana Azmi = ?
my fave is SEL too
..X.. Aasuoo ki duaao mai.. apne sar ko jhuka kai maine toh tujhe maanga hai rab se.. mere sajdo ki.. duaao ki hai kasam tu na ja.. ..X..
Shabana Azmi, Im not really a big fan of hers havnt seen that many films with her in them.
Jaya Bachan
..X.. Aasuoo ki duaao mai.. apne sar ko jhuka kai maine toh tujhe maanga hai rab se.. mere sajdo ki.. duaao ki hai kasam tu na ja.. ..X..
Of course of course Tayba!! lool
loool u ssshhh!
..X.. Aasuoo ki duaao mai.. apne sar ko jhuka kai maine toh tujhe maanga hai rab se.. mere sajdo ki.. duaao ki hai kasam tu na ja.. ..X..
wh-wh-what is going on in here??
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
hehe *getz all shy*
..X.. Aasuoo ki duaao mai.. apne sar ko jhuka kai maine toh tujhe maanga hai rab se.. mere sajdo ki.. duaao ki hai kasam tu na ja.. ..X..
uniiiique….tut tut tut…what have you been up to now??!!
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
loll me up2 sumthin! no no Boo u musta been mistaken! Im an angelll
..X.. Aasuoo ki duaao mai.. apne sar ko jhuka kai maine toh tujhe maanga hai rab se.. mere sajdo ki.. duaao ki hai kasam tu na ja.. ..X..
Jaya Bachan
I like her. My first film I saw her in was KKKG, and I liked that she appeared to be a devoted mother. She has a lovely face, and can be so convincing in her roles. She’s just so tiny compared to her hubby, it makes me chuckle.
Female infanticide
Originally posted by Unique_Princess
my fave is SEL too
..X.. Aasuoo ki duaao mai.. apne sar ko jhuka kai maine toh tujhe maanga hai rab se.. mere sajdo ki.. duaao ki hai kasam tu na ja.. ..X..
[:0] i cannot belive u tayba![:(!]..i am soo shocked n dissapointed!!!
I loved you once,I love you still
I always have and I always will
Female infanticide –
Sad but true, still happens in the world today. Places like in India (where there are a lotta farmers in the rural areas), they prefer boys so they can help out on the farm. I think in the Middle east they kill the female todds because of the high dowry thingy when they get married. China does it too because of their one child policy (basically only allowed one ‘free’ kid…the 2nd child you get taxed for). They prefer boys so they are the heir to their thrones….Everything can be stopped thru Education
Live-8 ?
Brilliant, i got to see the one at hyde park on tv! Madonna was rocking :)! Robbie was wicked! Saw most of it but not all of it! Its a really great thing that everyone got together for a great cause! Now hope it works out!
Old age pensioners?
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
Originally posted by sapnokirani17
Originally posted by Unique_Princess
my fave is SEL too
..X.. Aasuoo ki duaao mai.. apne sar ko jhuka kai maine toh tujhe maanga hai rab se.. mere sajdo ki.. duaao ki hai kasam tu na ja.. ..X..
[:0] i cannot belive u tayba![:(!]..i am soo shocked n dissapointed!!!
I loved you once,I love you still
I always have and I always will
lol whattt! I jus saw the word SEL and I reacted! Itz not my fault! [:(!] wht was I supposed 2 doooo?!!!! [|)] I was happy that day! [:I] jeeez!
..X.. Aise bhole bankar hai bete jaise kohi baat hi nahi.. sab kuch nazar aaraha hai..din hai yeh raat nahi ..X..
wuts SEL?????? am i missing summat here
..:Aisi nazar se dekha…us zaalim ne chowk par
Humne kaleija rak diya…chaaku ki nowk par:..
lol sel is my neighbourz dog hehee iz dat better roshh!?
..X.. Aise bhole bankar hai bete jaise kohi baat hi nahi.. sab kuch nazar aaraha hai..din hai yeh raat nahi ..X..
u fancy ur neighbours dog ???
aww im soo very happi tayba!how so very sweet of u!
n yeahh nitzy she thinx dogs r hott!:D.
I loved you once,I love you still
I always have and I always will
LOL no0o0oo I dont fancy dogzz im jus callin sum1 a dog.. long storyy!
Rosh!!! I do not think dogs r hott!
..X.. Aise bhole bankar hai bete jaise kohi baat hi nahi.. sab kuch nazar aaraha hai..din hai yeh raat nahi ..X..
uhuhhhh.. wut is happening people!.. Taybaaaa.. has that dog now moved to your neighbours? or have they brought them especially to chase you?
**dont call him a dog woman!lol
lol well derz no beta name 4 him ryte now!!! moved 2 my neighbourz? lol.. I wish
but my current neighbourz r pretty cool =)
..X.. Aise bhole bankar hai bete jaise kohi baat hi nahi.. sab kuch nazar aaraha hai..din hai yeh raat nahi ..X..
Old age pensioners?
I think it’s real sad when parents are shunted off to homes. I know in certain cases it can be a struggle to take care of a physically dependant parent, and the easiest solution is to dump them in some home for aged…but it is not something I would ever do. If I could, I would have a lil self-contained Unit built at the back of my property for my Inlaws to live. The can still have their independance and privacy, but are close for you to take care of them, if need be, and to be near your kids…
Some of those homes are nasty places…some are five star Hotels…some are pure rip offs…some don’t take good enough care of the tenants. So over all, I’m not a fan of the places. I understand they do allow the adult children to lead busy carrer lives, but…if I could remain sane having them so close, the folks would stay with me.
Speeding cameras
just watching the a current affairs last nite…and they are pretty shonky…they are good for those who speed to the extremes…but often the reader has been found to be ahead of the actual speed limit so it cheats you.
*`·.Yeh Raat Kabhi Bhi Katam Na Ho, Yeh Raat Mili Hai Mushkil Se.·´*
Good for keeping your digits warm during cold wintry months. Food gloves make it easier to keep hygenic when preparing meals. Gloves are also handy in certain types of sports. You sometimes have a better grip when you wear them.
Male grooming products
something that lee needs cos all the female ones are not suitable for her
candid camera
*~The tongue which is addicted to false expression is a bubbling spring of sins~*
the show?? i think its pathetic…all looks like a set up…its never funny
transitions lenses
*`·.Seene Mein Pyaar Machalta Hai…Aankhon Se Dard Chalakta Hai
Saahil Ki Tarah Kaante Mujhko…Chaahat Ki Har Leher.·´*
Originally posted by serioComic
something that lee needs cos all the female ones are not suitable for her
candid camera
*~The tongue which is addicted to false expression is a bubbling spring of sins~*
Clearly you need some, you dim witted ram. I suggest the cleansing scrub for your gob!
Originally posted by Afreekah
the show?? i think its pathetic…all looks like a set up…its never funny
transitions lenses
*`·.Seene Mein Pyaar Machalta Hai…Aankhon Se Dard Chalakta Hai
Saahil Ki Tarah Kaante Mujhko…Chaahat Ki Har Leher.·´*
Transitions lenses are good. It saves you time, as you don’t have to constantly take your sunnies on and off, replacing them with your reading gl***es. It’s good that they tint in direct sunlight, yet still allows you to see. Expensive if you buy them from an Optom..but it my case…really cheap. I used to work for a sungl*** manufacturer…so I got mine for 7o% less than what the average Joe would pay.
Hair removal creams
some are good…they dont last as long as they should but they are still okay…some can irritate your skin but i guess if u know which is right for u then hair removal cream is a cheap and quite efficient way of removing hair
arranged marriages
*`·.Seene Mein Pyaar Machalta Hai…Aankhon Se Dard Chalakta Hai
Saahil Ki Tarah Kaante Mujhko…Chaahat Ki Har Leher.·´*
Originally posted by Lee
Originally posted by serioComic
something that lee needs cos all the female ones are not suitable for her
candid camera
*~The tongue which is addicted to false expression is a bubbling spring of sins~*
Clearly you need some, you dim witted ram. I suggest the cleansing scrub for your gob!
typical lee’s reply….can NEVER think of a suitable comeback but instead just repeats the original insult…
– Common sense is instinct. Enough of it is genius –
Listen up ponce. You hardly are all that original yourself, oaky? You repeat the same processed cra.p to every newbie here, without even doctoring what you say.
So…you show me where I have to BE original, or even try to ‘please’ you, and I will grady obey the edict.
Arranged marriages:
Provided that both participants were willing to have their parents or memebers of their families dictate who they marry, then I think it’s acceptable. When you grow up on that tales of Happily Ever After…Cinderaella, Snow White and all that…you’re conditioned to oppose the thought of having your marriage arranged. You want to find or have Prince Charming come and find you…without parental interference. Overall, I think they work.
Next thought: Family Traditions
family traditions are often a pain…because as time changes, so do ppl, so does everything in the world…and to be following on with family tradtions may seem to be a disadvantage as each generation goes by. We dont exactly have any STRONG family traditions to follow it doesnt apply to me much…however family culture and religion is something which i have always and will always follow
indian culture
*`·.Seene Mein Pyaar Machalta Hai…Aankhon Se Dard Chalakta Hai
Saahil Ki Tarah Kaante Mujhko…Chaahat Ki Har Leher.·´*
Originally posted by Lee
Listen up ponce. You hardly are all that original yourself, oaky? You repeat the same processed cra.p to every newbie here, without even doctoring what you say.
So…you show me where I have to BE original, or even try to ‘please’ you, and I will grady obey the edict.
ok, so i am the fool witht he same processed c.rap to every newbie here….then you must be a bigger fool to actually follow my footsteps
– Common sense is instinct. Enough of it is genius –
Am I? That’s not you’ve said before,Mister. You declared your affection for me…as I distinctly recall…:)
nice to see ur back…LEE
Ishq Karta Hai Sabhi…Fark Sirf Kitna Hai
Hey there Afreekah!!! How goes it? I feel that this forum has been over run with Newbies. They’re every where!!!
yup it has…i barely come hia anymore…where’s Nitz n serio gone too?!
Ishq Karta Hai Sabhi…Fark Sirf Kitna Hai
Hmmm, good question. I miss them both. I hope they haven’t felt like they’ve been run out of Dodge or anything. What with the ‘infestation’ problem we’ve got going. I’m certain Serio knows a good Exterminator.
Knows a good externinator!!! I’ll bet you a new pair of shoes that he is carrying the tank!
Love covers over a multitude of errors.
Teddy Bears
~ jis din si apan vichre ni, mainu ajj vi yaad tareek kure
ek aundi eh teri yaad bari.. baqi tan sab kuch teek kure ~
cute, fujjy, a homie for ebery kid. gr8 to hug, a good prend cuz it doesnt complain or lol at sbweet drawinz u make!
its yum especially when its a hot day…and when da watermelon is real sweet…seedless is better coz then it doesnt matter about picking out seeds which i dont like….
potato salad
Ishq Karta Hai Sabhi…Fark Sirf Kitna Hai
ewww…could never stand it, neither with pasta salads.
cell phones
aankon hi aankon mein… baaton hi baaton mein tune churaaya jiya
i love my mobile…cant live without it…da best way to stay in contact with friends n family everywhere…especially through TXTS.
Ishq Karta Hai Sabhi…Fark Sirf Kitna Hai
beautiful and very colorful! and the best thing is u can pop it![:I]
beautiful…well in a way…at the moment its beautiful…i guess it depends when u think about it….if u know wat i mean
Ishq Karta Hai Sabhi…Fark Sirf Kitna Hai
i know wat u mean! lol!
colorful, has very bright colors that stick out, amazing, and is just lovely and romantic![:x]
nice when u need it for da gardens…and also when m staying at home…but when i wanna go out…then i hate it
chewing gum
Ishq Karta Hai Sabhi…Fark Sirf Kitna Hai
very good to get a fresh breath. But I hate talking to someone who is chewing gum all the time. Looks like you are talking to a cow…
A drop of love is more than an ocean of knowledge
i have really weird dreamz, they never make sense, and i usually forget them. dreamz are cool, but supa confuzellin at the same time =)
~ jis din si apan vichre ni, mainu ajj vi yaad tareek kure
ek aundi eh teri yaad bari.. baqi tan sab kuch teek kure ~
i’m not into books…but unfortunately i have to read uni txt books…its not fun.
Ishq Karta Hai Sabhi…Fark Sirf Kitna Hai
Yucky!!! Big shrimp! They look creepy with all the legs and the antenne…ewwww *shivers* just creepy!
United Nations
Cool thing…bit of turmaoil at the mo wid all that food for oil palava coming out the woodworks..lil bit in shambles.
Good concept the unitesd nations. As usual there is always some corruption going on somewhere even in this organisation. Maybe things will change, ahh who knows.
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
lol..i guess its a bad thing…for health and just in one wants to be overweight….so ya..its good to exercise and try to maintain a healthy bodily weight range
engagement rings
Ishq Karta Hai Sabhi…Fark Sirf Kitna Hai
engagements rings are like starting a whole new chapter of ur life….thats is only if ur getting married… is beautiful when ur with someone.
zainab al musawi
boys as in men? lol…well men can b cool..if u understand them….thus to understand a male…u must be intelligent…hehe…sorry i dunno wat to say.
chewing gum
Aise Na Dekho Mujhe….Pyaar Ho Jaayega!
Tujhse Hi To Mere Dil Ki Pehchaan Hai…
I love chewing gum, especcially the peppermint ones. For the rest I don’t have much thoughts in it…
hanging around on this forum while you should be doing something else (working, to take myself as an example)?
Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly
well, if you have somthing to check on eg, a particullar topic or if someone is online at the same time as you in the forum, then its interesting! otherwise sorry to say, but pointless!
okay, Rain?
.x:x. Green Eye Beauty .x:x.
I like rain, spech on a hot summer night how romantic and calming.. its beautiful !!
Too much rain could b a nightmare, floods and disasters.
Rain if u have washed your hair and then stepped out can make it all wiry and frizzy , so that could b annoying But on the whole i like rain.
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
don’t know much about astrology. always thought it was for entertainment purposes only, but i see that people actually believe in it!
I love looking up at the stars and meditating on their existance and contemplating their importance. Also coming to terms with the fact that we live on one of those rocks ‘hanging’ out in space! :S
What’s next Guyanadoll?
Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly
Can I go?
monkies smell bad…and they doo really grose things…lol..but they are funny when u go watch them at the zoo…n sometimes they act so humanly.
wet hair
Aise Na Dekho Mujhe….Pyaar Ho Jaayega!
Tujhse Hi To Mere Dil Ki Pehchaan Hai…
HEYY be nice to bhandars *makes pace* my homies a bhandar, and even tho she smells bad and does psycho things and is a psycho herself, shes pretty tyte. so be nice! lol
wet hair is okay, can be kinda crajee. my hairz crajee lol it has a mind of its own. i usually leab it wet wen i dun hab time to dry it. lol dunno wut else i can say on that
stress eating
oh this stuff is BAAAAAAAAD…very addictive…i stress eat sometimes..but i think 4 me its more ‘bored eat’ lol…but yes…not a good instead of stressing and eating…just stress n drink…better still dont stress at all….theres no need to WORRY
Aise Na Dekho Mujhe….Pyaar Ho Jaayega!
Tujhse Hi To Mere Dil Ki Pehchaan Hai…
Were a very over looked part of the human anatomy, until low-rise jeans! lol Are odd looking whether they are innies or outies. When one contemplates what they really are, it makes u want to go & hug ur mom! Just think: that is where u had to totally rely on ur mom for however many months she carried u! Puts things in perspective, na?!
lolz toenails! bicharaz they nebber get ne credit! toes are imp they keep ur peet balanced so u dun pall on jur bum, and nails are juss a bonus that comes wid toenailz can b cool wen they painted n taken care of n stuff
imp part of our body.
um ears!
Very useful for hearing.And you can wear any kind of earings,on them.And again,very useful.
Well, this may be biased, but girls rock! Not to mention we outnumber men, what is it, 4 or 5 to 1, woo hoo! Girls mature faster and are more intelligent! Girls are sensitive and caring! Oh and did I mention that the female out lives the male by atleast 5 years???!!! rotfl!
um…they can be very cool and nice and caring..but they also make u mad and u wanna cry and jus kill them all!!lol!!Wat can i say? Cant live with them, Cant live without them…
um…Parents(I love mine!!!)
**Chup ke se aap ki dharkan mein uthar jayenge, raahe ulfaat mein aaj hadh se guzaar jayenge,Toot ke aap hume es kadar jo chaahenge, hum toh baahon ki panahon mein bhigal jayenge..**
The most precious gift God ever gave, next to parenthood!
living in d city not nice…but going to d city..especially at nite is rather kool…i like d can b fun….but i would never live there…to hectic…n too fast.
Aise Na Dekho Mujhe….Pyaar Ho Jaayega!
Tujhse Hi To Mere Dil Ki Pehchaan Hai…
beautiful when taken care of nicely! Men’s seem much more beautiful than womens’
lips (:)]
full and nice. i dont like flat ones.
vchenoah, men one’s always do seem to look nicer why?
Par kyoon aaj aisa laga
Koi mil gaya
are best when bright and inquisitive. Eyes that smile are easily trusted!
I don’t know GT. Maybe because they don’t bother with them the way we do!
is good for old peoples
Are great fun when they’re Board games…and you’re with a group of friends. You get to test each other…and laugh hilariously at each other’s antics.
If it’s the mind games that people like to play for their own perverted kicks…all I can say is bad bad bad .
Sad movies
sad movies are nice…i mean they are sad…but sometimes they can get u thinking about ur own life…like me and WAQT..we really worked well..hehe
Aise Na Dekho Mujhe….Pyaar Ho Jaayega!
Tujhse Hi To Mere Dil Ki Pehchaan Hai…
Makes your lips all shiny…and the shine makes the guys drool. You can feel all glamed up with just the barest hint of gloss. My favourite colour is a pale peach. I own about three types and shades of it.
Hair removal creams OR Regualr razor blade?
for legs…regular razor blade…4 face…hair removal cream obviously…but some can be so irritating…so u gotta no which one is right for ur skin.
Aise Na Dekho Mujhe….Pyaar Ho Jaayega!
Tujhse Hi To Mere Dil Ki Pehchaan Hai…
Makes you stay hungry for long
Funny movies
can really make u laugh….n when i laugh lots i have tears…n good to cheer u up n make u feel good….man Javed Jaeffry was soooooooo hillarious in Salaam Namaste…he da koolest!
Aise Na Dekho Mujhe….Pyaar Ho Jaayega!
Tujhse Hi To Mere Dil Ki Pehchaan Hai…
lovely fresh minty taste. colgate, aquafresh, mcleans.
toothpaste gets teeth clean, but they should come out with something better to clean teeth dont ya think? i dont think it does a great job, maybe they should invent something better. but it will do for now!
facial expressions
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
Show what ur feeling/thinking even when u think you have hidden it! Are extremely helpful when one is unable to voice what it is they r feeling! I think Kajol has this mastered!!
music videos
Without the truth of the eyes, the Happyfolk were blind…
Are helpful in giving you insight into what the Artist was trying to protray…or good for a perve, or to dribble and drool over the wacky fashion. From the earliest days of music videos…it was always cool to see your favourite Pop star singing. I remember how scared I was when i first saw M.J’s ‘Thriller’ video…I couldnt stop with the nightmares…then there was Madonna’s controversal clips…K.I.S.S…Twisted Sister…Queen…even some prehistoirc tracks had video clips of their music.
Ahhhhh…the nostalgia sure can transport you in time.
The four seasons of the Year
Well i dont like summer much at all…it makes me feel yuck…its wayy too hot…i like spring..but this year spring has been “typical Suva weather”…that is hot, cold, rain and sun all in one….autumn is coolz…and winter can be okay to snuggle up in!!
Aise Na Dekho Mujhe….Pyaar Ho Jaayega!
Tujhse Hi To Mere Dil Ki Pehchaan Hai…
When I am little I love Barbies. But after I came to England they all hate barbies (but not little girls). So if I use in here I will shamed on my self. There is lots of barbie shops and all barbies are beautifull [:0)]
Bolly wood Movies
Lovin it, bollywood is big and bad!
nxt: fireworks
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
there are awesome i love the vibrant and bright colors. there are so beautiful
next: love/crush
lol okay hia goes…..hmm..having a crush is weird…happens when ur young most of the time…and mostly based on looks of d guy/gal…they obviously dont last coz most of the time they come thru first instances…as for luv…well love does all sorts of weird things to u..and u know its love not a crush when these weird things happen…i guess being in love is like a whole new responsibility for u if u are to make ur relationship work…its all about sacrificing and compromising…basically working together to become 1….can b a hard task i tell ya!
mp3 players
Aise Na Dekho Mujhe….Pyaar Ho Jaayega!
Tujhse Hi To Mere Dil Ki Pehchaan Hai…
It easy to carry and beautifull with colours
The most amazing and beautiful quality that one could ever display. Whether it is love for a friend, family member or romantic love, we honor God by loving others! We are able to love because He first loved us! There is no greater gift!
Without the truth of the eyes, the Happyfolk were blind…
secrets are something personal. You can say to your best freind if you trust your friend. I think when you have a secrets it’s a hedeche and feel you bad.[xx(]
Nessu i like that!
Magic is no such thing…theres always some sort of back hand tactic to it all. however its quite interesting to go to a magic show….gets u thinking!
Aise Na Dekho Mujhe….Pyaar Ho Jaayega!
Tujhse Hi To Mere Dil Ki Pehchaan Hai…
you can were sandals to house or to any place and we can by diffrent colours and diffrent patterns.
Sharukh Khan
sometimes i think this guy is wayyyyyyyy overrated…his films are good…but he gets wayyyyy too much publicity..and he definately doesnt look as good as some ppl make him out to look.
Main Na Jaanu Kaisi Yeh Pyaas Hai
Aankhon Main Chaahat Ka Khwaab Hai
Har Dhadkan Kyu Betaab Hai?!
Mannnn i am so looking forward to my mid term break. uni is hard work!! sometimes i feel like why dont i just get a job instead of dragging myself through lectures and cl***es. They say it will be worth it in the end, i hope so!! But the other side is if u live out, u get to experience independance making new friends etc as well as qualifications. But i dont think uni is for everyone, theres loads of diff things out there!
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
Originally posted by vchenoah
They r half you, half the person you love and all promise! Alot of hard work, but truly a blessing!! I’m really looking forward to being a mom!!
I’m sticking by this one!
diversity training! (sorry, but I’m dealing with this at work and I never realized just how stupid people can be!!!
Thanks Afreek, it’s true!
babies are sweet and every time crying
Salaam Namaste
this was the coolest movie ever…i went to c it at the movies and i loved every bit of it…saif was real real slack though…the songs r the coolest..i really like “whats goin on”..javed made me laugh until i was crying!!
Mehndi nite
Main Na Jaanu Kaisi Yeh Pyaas Hai
Aankhon Main Chaahat Ka Khwaab Hai
Har Dhadkan Kyu Betaab Hai?!
I love mehndi because it have nice patterns and it was a nice colour any way I don’t know any thing about Mehndi nite.
well i dont celebrate it .. but its good to see my mates happy while avin lots of diyas round dem n its a colourfull festival!
hmm sky
.x:x. Green Eye Beauty .x:x.
Originally posted by Afreekah
sometimes i think this guy is wayyyyyyyy overrated…his films are good…but he gets wayyyyy too much publicity..and he definately doesnt look as good as some ppl make him out to look.
Main Na Jaanu Kaisi Yeh Pyaas Hai
Aankhon Main Chaahat Ka Khwaab Hai
Har Dhadkan Kyu Betaab Hai?!
.x:x. Green Eye Beauty .x:x.
hehe thats okay Asma…and i respect the fact that u love him soo much!
Sky? the sky is blue…lol…i like gazing at the stars in the sky on a dark but cool nite…its the best time to just think….
leave – in hair conditioner
Main Na Jaanu Kaisi Yeh Pyaas Hai
Aankhon Main Chaahat Ka Khwaab Hai
Har Dhadkan Kyu Betaab Hai?!
Hey I love him too(SRK)
We can by hair conditioner in diffrent ways and some of them do hairs strait and etc. And also it can use to diffrent type hairs.
Spooky, kooky, creepy, and fun. Halloween is the time of Ghosts, Goblins, Gravestones and graveyards. Of spooks and spirits and silly-fun tricks. Of Witches and Warlocks and scary black cats. And candy corn, Jelly apples, pumpkins and bats.
brings out the creativity in people
mujhe awaas deti hai, sabhi parvaas kehti hai, kissi ki shabnami, pal ko ke saye mein..
choclate = medicine for me unless somthin wrond iwd ma throat or teeth lol!
Chocolate i da word of da world!
.x:x. Green Eye Beauty .x:x.
We all cryed when we little and if i cryed dat day is misserbale 2 me
um yeah so next?
wut boutt *-) ping pong?
…Yaadein laayi hain, khushiyan bhi, aansoon bhi…
That’s always played by Chineses? Am I right?
What about Yahoo Msgr?
“Teri Soorat Na Hoon Jisme, Woh Sheesha Thod Denge Hum”
um no? like table tennis?
iono dun have it, i like msn, gonna stick with it =)
…Yaadein laayi hain, khushiyan bhi, aansoon bhi…
libraryz are crajeeeee. sumtimes tope sumtimes groaring. they useful tho lotsa books n stuff omg shereeny ur sucha genius. BOOKS IN A LIBRARY! wowwwww. =D lolz they good tho, i like studying there better cuz its easier to focus…usually neway. and theres less distractions if ur in the right spot.
um calendar
jeeniusness at its pinest
calendarz are tope.. they tell u the date n all. but time goz by so berry past =(.. crajee stuff
bottled water
…Yaadein laayi hain, khushiyan bhi, aansoon bhi…
bottled water…its tope! cuz its paani and thats like amajing cuz we need it to survive n all, and then its in a bottle! like omg thats brilliant lolz u can take it places, and sumtimez the bottlest are pretty.
fascism (lol doing an essay :P)
oooohhh dictators etc, all ruled by one person and telling us exactly what to do! ewwww i say buzz off and go get a life lol!
we all have a right to freedom!
ummm next
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
i-pods are soo useful! i can’t imagine any1 who doesn’t have one. though some people say that i-pods are a waste of time! o well its watever you think about them.
uhh next is: George W. Bush
Hehehehe…if I were given a chance..I would like to kiss him and tell him how many times I wish he would stop suspecting Muslims for everything.
“Teri Soorat Na Hoon Jisme, Woh Sheesha Thod Denge Hum”
Walu! Didn’t ur mummy teach u not to play in the trash bin! Who knows what u may catch kissing George Dubya…ugh! Besides talking to him won’t work. He’s mentally retarded!
Switzerland…Beautiful place. People are kind and welcoming! Cold, snowy. Good chocolate!
very very important in all relationships. its the base and ties into so many other significant characteristics, like trust, communication etc etc.
come on Shereeny…next one!
nex- LOVE
Originally posted by ME!! WOO HOO!
The most amazing and beautiful quality that one could ever display. Whether it is love for a friend, family member or romantic love, we honor God by loving others! We are able to love because He first loved us! There is no greater gift!
Think I'll stick with this one!
unrequited love
means: love that isn’t returned…
lol! We know hunn!
btw, i love ur idea about love! Very cute! (i thought u were athiest?..)
Well unrequited love is so very painful…it hurts so much especially wen u truly love da other person…there is this saying that goes something lyk dis: (not sure though) *U haven’t felt the heat of the sun untill u’ve felt it frm both sides…* Its lyk u dont know what true love is until its felt from both ends, meaning u both love each other….in some ways this is true for me…but i still think someone can truly love someone even if it isn’t returned…but all u feel is da sad part of love. If u both love each other, thats wen u can truly know how beautiful love really is…
Originally posted by RaNi iS ThE BeS
btw, i love ur idea about love! Very cute! (i thought u were athiest?..)
*shrugs* Don’t know what gave u that idea.
next: The World Cup
lol. iono…
where have u been nessa ji? miss u!!!!
well world cup…i really dont care! lol! well i’ll just say same thing…
I must be looking for love in all the wrong places…because I’m looking for love in you
of course you wouldnt care….you live in a box that only revolves around bollywood !! and then you wonder why i call you an idiot..
World Cup: Where the brazilians dance, The english roar, the italians cry, the germans bomb, the argentinians fight, the french fry…and the rest just spectate !
pencil for me is to write my notes and to draw out the potraits or sumtimes u stick on your ears if u need some inspiration and creativity
A gift from the Almighty!
Not to be squandered or taken from another.
What we give to the one we love, thus becoming one life!
brand names
I tried to change, but I changed my mind!
brand names are kewl i guess . im not a big fan of things like that.
lap tops
those are pretty tope. u can take em like newhere, they convenient. mouses on em suck tho i not pro *-) but in gen they gud
*now it’s time for me to find my happiness again
but the emptiness from missing you will never ever end…*
they r good i guess in some ways bcoz its better then getting handouts and thing sto answer quetsions but its sucks also because they r heavy but they r good because if u can cover them then u can draw on them
so i think textbooks are ok
unprotected ***
uhh…terribly bad! lol. well its not safe and u shud always be caeful, but in my opinion u shouldn’t need to have it protected cuz its protected when ur not married and u shud have it when ur married. but maybe not if u dont wanna have anymore kids…so just always be careful.
I must be looking for love in all the wrong places…because I’m looking for love in you
very good, for me its lik havin a friend live at your house forever (i hav a brother that is year older that me)even me being a girl. i tell my brother every thing when i mean everything then i literally mean EVERYTHING
i forgot to put the next topic….so it is………..pretty
hmm to me.. being pretty on the inside is much more important than being pretty on the outside. Wat matters most is how pretty ur heart is… Being pretty on the outside is definitely an added bonus though.
eyebrows.. lol sorry
Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hai Kitna
Lafzon Mein Mushkil Hai Keh Paana
eyebrowz are tope lol they useful *-) for sumting. lol they come in diff kinds :s some ppl hab thin ones or long ones or unibrow etc. can dye em too *-) lol iono wut else to say about it.
*now it’s time for me to find my happiness again
but the emptiness from missing you will never ever end…*
no idea…when i read it, its like homie___..homie is wat ppl call to each other instead of saying “hes my bro”..i guess its “hez my homie”..or pal…
eiffel tower
i just meanted friendship…like super tyte friendship
*now it’s time for me to find my happiness again
but the emptiness from missing you will never ever end…*
so wats the nex topic? eiffel tower?
I been France before. Some say its the most romantic city but I wudnt knw coz I was only 11 then n more interested in Disney land (still am!) loool. I didnt get to climb the Eiffel tower but it loox preety n I heard view from top is amazin! =)
emmmm … ok… nex topic is .. smiles
Work like you dont need the money, Love like you’ve never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching, drive it like you stole it
Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it!!
Do you smiles as in people smiling at eachother, or do you means smiles in smileys? (like
and so on…)
If you mean the first, I think it’s great. You can really make someones day by just smiling to him or her. It just makes the world a happier plaxce.
If you mean the smileys, I also think they’re great. The add more emotion to written sentences. Really great for things like msn, e-mail and forums.
Next one: Jealousy
Boys are great. Every girl should have one or two…
I’ll state something from my life on jealousy…
next, friendship
friendship is crajee…theres nuting else like it. its the connection btw two ppl or maybe more than 2 ppl *-) i think im too tired to be writing this…lol wutebber roll wid it. so jeah connection maded btw ppl be it two or more or eben one i guess *-) u can b prends wid jur self…jes. lol so its crajee. theres diff levels to it, can be super close or just ppl u hang out with, but its important to life. lol k iono how much of that made sense…imma just leave that as the same topic for the next person to define better =) sry
*now it’s time for me to find my happiness again
but the emptiness from missing you will never ever end…*
Originally posted by UJRAH_DIL
know the feelin…
If you want me to fall for you, you’ve got to give me something worth tripping over
aww *biiig hug 4 boo* yup I been there dun tht too.. infact I even helped them stay together sooo yeah.. lol..ironically when I gave up helping them out they broke up hahaha hurts n stuff but time heals everythin n lifeeee goes onnnn =) Im still here n smilin
ok friendship…
um I really dont wana define friendship no more coz wuts the point. so if sum1 else wants to have a go then fine otherwise nexttt topic issss the colour pink =D
Work like you dont need the money, Love like you’ve never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching, drive it like you stole it
Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it!!
Reminds me of cute little babies:D
next ~ boys
can’t live with them, can’t live without them!
lol like ur definition. girlz.. too much emotion. care too much get stomped on.
Work like you dont need the money, Love like you’ve never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching, drive it like you stole it
Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it!!
Very important, sometimes fun to share with others, sometimes better to keep for yourself. But in my opinion, no life without emotions!
Next: money
Boys are great. Every girl should have one or two…
Is an important part of life, but deffo not the most!
erm… tears
those are stupid. i guess they imp for like hydrating ur eyes and all, but they dumb in the crying sense. cuz they sit there hidden for like ebber and then finaly come out, only its at the wrongest time. *shakes head* bOo!
same one
*now it’s time for me to find my happiness again
but the emptiness from missing you will never ever end…*
Tears are a way of expressing yourself, too much tears r not good but sometimes all u need is a good cry and a shoulder to lean on n ur heart feels lighter. Every tear tells a story, sometimes people cry out of happiness and sometimes people cry out of sadness. If we didnt have tears not only wud our eyes be too dry lol but we’d be frustrated cuz sumtimes all u wana do is cry and the tears jus dont come 2 ur eyes..
Work like you dont need the money, Love like you’ve never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching, drive it like you stole it
Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it!!
what?!!? no one has any views on romance?!?! blehhh
Work like you dont need the money, Love like you’ve never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching, drive it like you stole it
Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it!!
at the moment… love is a b!tch. and thats all there is to it. a m-f-ing ***.
same q cos i can bovd thinking of another one lol
aww boo *biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hug* I know the feeling. I pray everything gets better for u darlin
same q coz im lazy at 2:39 am
Work like you dont need the money, Love like you’ve never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching, drive it like you stole it
Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it!!
*Huuuuuggggge hug for Boo and Tayba* Hope u two feel better soon. and Boo ji..owwie! I never imagined u cussing be4! maybe cuz ur so sweet and nice all the time? hehe. [:X]
Romance….well it sux basically..sometimes its very beautiful and all if ur love is returned and ur both happy. But eventually u find out it was all fake and nothing lasts forever….romance eventually dims out unless u find a new person! hehe. But i dont believe that entirely…i choose to believe that there r romances in the world(somewhere) that might last for a very very long time…oh i dont know! I dont even know why i’m answering the question! lol. well whatever i ask another question……
Global warming. lol
I love sleep…my life has a tendency to fall apart when I’m awake.
I like the idea of love. sounds fun! sorry boo for how u feel about it right now! u sound really sweet based on past comments! love…i dont believe in puppy love..its weird. but i like the idea of true love with a person and understanding each other fully. Kind of like SRK’s love for aish in devdas(tragic end tho!) it was everlasting and sincere. she knew what he was feeling and when he was in trouble. sounds great,huh?
global warmiong is terrible and action should be taken against it to try to prevent it. it’s not only killing the polar bears if u no what i mean.eventually it will kill the earth and its inhabitants! and where will we go!? Mars hopefully will be an option in the future..tho not until we’re dead most likely. People need to find a new source of fuel other than oil to fuel their cars. I liked bush’s idea about cars running on some kind of harmless gas.
how bout puppy love? how do u describe it?
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
*Huuuuuggggge hug for Boo and Tayba* and Boo ji..owwie! I never imagined u cussing be4! maybe cuz ur so sweet and nice all the time? hehe. [:X]I love sleep…my life has a tendency to fall apart when I’m awake.
*hugs back* haha, as unique ji once said to baqtiar… you dont know everything about me, just what i show you on here! of course i cuss, just like everyone else, when certain things get on my nerves. e.g. romance. haha lol and many other things. i dont do it all the time though, no. just when i am rly rly rly pi.ssed off, like i was when i was writing the post. and i try not to most of the time. unless (as stated above) i am rly pi.ssed off…
. i hope u dont think im a rllly bad person now, but i had to be honest about it. lol.
…onto other things?
amusement park
Their great, especcialy when you spend all day there with you entire family, like I used to do when I was little. I only do not like rollercoasters!
travelling is awesome. seeing new places, gaining new experiences, learning new thigns
just awesome. i wanna travel everywhere one day
calling cards
they tope coz they let u talk to ppl far away.. but they untope too coz they jack ur minutes and get an xpensive. but i guess that doznt matter as long as u get to talk to the person *-) =).
celly ponez?
they pain in the decko too tho puthar cuz theres so many numbers to dial…*-) hmm
cell fones can be tope convenient there wen ju needs it.. but being on minutes wompz big time
jeah.. but doznt matter how many numberz u dial if u get to talk to the person..
jesh! being on mintue wompz biggg time! lol my bill cant be as high as it was last month =S..
Internet is a tope. u can search for information for projects, assignments, papers (unless the stupid lalu tells you can onlee use boox related directly to jur topic). It lets you chat wid ppl, meet new ppl, make toperiffic homies. Play games when ur a bored, listen to music and lotsa other cool things. It can be uncool too.. it can be an uncool too though.. like when ur doin papers, and look online for info, it can be hard to tell wut info is a true and useful and what is a wrong and jus made up by some lalu. Also, there are some psychoz out there.. gotta watch out por them too.
lol hanji amanan is a right, there are psychos on the www …theres a completely psycho bhandar in BC beware! shes got some nasty breath n ucky geen teeth and a stench that nebber seems to go!
keyboards! they a berry changa. they allow you to type stuff, and get your thought across. theres some that are wireless so you can move around and sabz, they berry changa
cats(mines a sucking up hevar, keeping my lap a warm )
there is?! seriously lalu? u shuda tolded me pehlon! i wuda been a more carefuller.. i havnt heard bout this “psycho bhandar” tho.. not on the news… and if the bhandar smellz as bad as u say, i think eberyone wuda noticed it.. hmm.. ju jhooti
cats are tope, they very vikkid, and they look really tope. They can be ur homies and they chill with you. I like ur a cat, and she likes me too! Shes the bestest cat in the http://www.
Dogs r da bestest! They love u even when u r awful to them! They r warm
to cuddle with, but have the worst breath! Mine is the smartest, but I
hate when she sheds!
internet radio
is a pretty cool, u get to listen to music and music is always amazing! and sometimes its a tope coz u dont have the song on ur comp and u really, really wanna listen to it, so u jus go online and find it. its amajing.
very convenient & helpful in class! help one not to look too
stupid! lol actually calculators have become much more complex to use.
they carry waaay too many buttons these days (telling my age)!
The United Nations
Ok….I see that didn’t go over too well! King Fish & Leela would have blasted that one! lmao
Here’s an easy peasy one: pedicures
those are pretty tope. imma ticklish tho so not huge fan of ppl touching my feet, but nails look tope after and the spa chair and all is pretty awesome. makes u feel pampered =) its tope once in awhilez
un – noble concept, its accomplished some things and made some things better, but unfortunately, countires still look at whats best for them instead of others, and so if somethings doesnt work for them, eben tho itd make things lots better in other places, they choose to go against it, and some countries can hab a huge impact with their veto power.. its a lotta psycho stuff.
promises.. they gud because they give u hope n all.. but ppl break promises..
now that is a tope cheez berry useful. they come in many diff plabourz too so ur lips get all khushed. *-) tho mine are ghum eben tho i put sum on. plastnerd aloo!
hair dye
its a tope!! you should dye ur hair a poiple kadu! look amazing! fantabulistic! ur mom be so proudz of ju!! =) i giv u a star if you do!
lol thatd be cool totally wanna be the pumpkin wid da poiple afro for halloween
or at least streak it temporarily
we see
u didnt put another one so i put it for u
um web camz
they can b kool for seeing people u lub who dont live so close, makes u feel more closer to them. They even good for seein ppl that live close but u jus miss them lol.
um .. poetry
poetry can be berry cool. its an art, way of expressing self. only sumtimes it doesnt make ne sense :S theres lotsa diff kinds, and diff meanings can be expressed. iont like analyzing it in school n stuff, or habin to write. but just aime is pretty toped me n amaneey can make toped out ones
Mmmmmm coffee! I love coffee. So many different flavors & smells. I
love to grind my own beans, then combine flavors. Sometimes, that’s a
bad thing!! LOL Could do without the caffeine though! Ugh!
high heeled shoes (male/female)
high heelz are toped imma short and they make me look a taller
theres alotta diff styles and sab too so its a wikkid.
go shoes balle balleee =D dun think i like on mundoz tho :S
gloomy weather
Usually sux, makes me be in a sad and angry mood.. only like it when its winter and Im in lajee mood n wana curl up in blanky n watch dvdz n have chociez. I want chociez
horrible bad boo X and hiss! lol i strike it. its ebeel. it looks all tope n is swt n sabz, but then pachi its a x n it gets u n stix to u n its just a berry badz. vatch out
onions make ju cry and thas not a tope!! ((though i heard if u soak em in water for a bit, they easier to peel and dont make u cry as much.. or u cud jush use goggles )). but they a good veggy, tope in dipper food..
lol nahin that doesnt help n neither does chewign gum still make me cry. uloo
gum is tope i likze it, so many diff plabours its a wikkids. yay gum
iont like chai, its smelly. I had a sip of it once when I was small n I hated it. Ironically I make the best chai in the house lol or so my dad says Umm what else. oh yeah British people luv tea so damn much. Its like the cure for everything. “lemme put the kettle on, fancy a cuppa?” ok too much eastenders… lol london ppl will know wut im on about
watches *-)
lol ju posh freshy u kno u like ur cha witha drop of lemon or honey
tee hee =) brit preak
watches are tope. tehy’re berry useful, they tell u the time which generally keeps ppl not late. lol not me though theres lotsa diff kinds and styles and colours and sab. they berry change
*-) iono where i put mine lol i find it
nail file
Wonderfull, I have a great one, it can file, it cleans your nails, it makes them shine… I love it (and I love to drive my sister crazy by hanging in front of the tv, filing my nails for an hour, hahahaha )
Most delicious when steamed & seasoned! I truly believe that man was intended to eat only veggies!
They are so much better for one than meat and one might live heathfully on just vegatables!! Some of
the best grow underground: po-taa-toes, yams, parsnips, radishes & beets! I love veggies!
internet cafes
have not been to one, ever !! the ones I have walked passed at the Shopping malls looks cosy yet has no privacy….Doors to a new world for anyone who dares heheheehe
next…Premarital Sex…yeah as in Sex before Marriage…
WOW! That was pretty random…ooorrrr waaaas iiiiittttt! lmao (kidding)
I live in America and it almost seems a way of life here! I don't see that many young people
are told of the negative repercussions of this act! How it affects one mentally as well as physically!
How it affects one's family and not just themselves! They are just told to do it safely, but not taught
to respect themselves as well as their 'higher power'! I say it this way because not everyone believes
in an Almighty God. As far back as I can remember, my mother taught me that what many people
idolize (sex) is more than a physical act. It is, in fact, a gift from God, to a man & HIS WIFE
and should be shared ONLY between those two.
*whew* Admin ji…u must find an emoti with a big sweat bead on its forehead! lol
I'd like to hear others' thoughts on the subject…
Correct, dis wasnt random….
see ur the only one daring enough to respond to this subject….aaargh I give up
anyways, next….
Make up???
Make up? A complementary for beauty.. Everybody is naturally beautiful, so make up helps to enhance and complement this beauty..
Happiness… something everyone wants and strives for. You need it to live. Its a very vast topic, lots of things can be said about the feeling.
Asthma pumps?
vital for those who have asthma……
Indian Men……need I say more.
dude, u askin me or confessing yr fears here?? lmao
truth be told, am not self-obsessed, mirrors dnt interest me much hehehehe
Wine, good to clean windows…make u drunk really quick…bad taste yuk
Teddy bears
confess my fear of mirrors ?? please !! i am so vain i have mirrors all around me so i can stare at my gorgeous self !! *rolls eyes*.. off coz off cozTeddy bears ?!?! why on earth would anyone want to comment on stuffed toys for ?!? dunno, coz theyre cute !!! why does any one want to comment about anything in this place…go figureRemote Control – extremely handy when u wanna thump yr boyfwend for saying sums he shouldnt….Just jokingExtremely useful to the lethargic crowd – dare I say Men Again…..Halloween
aaaaaw…more compliments from ye dude..
u woke up in a good mood this day, straaaaange
Pencils…..extremely useful when doing intricate designing…also if there are errors, theres alwayz the eraser at the back
storms… hmmm… well. metaphorically speaking… we just have to “hold the calm within [ourselves] amidst the storm”… my life feels like a storm right now… storms are great fun you know. they add that bit of excitement to life. else there would be no point in a dull and monotonous life… storms push you this way and that, shake you up, test your limits… DAMMIT THEY DRIVE YOU INSANE!!!! [:'(]
but would you really have it any other way? it's your life, your storms… that is much better than living someone else's life that YOU don't want to live, and having to handle THEIR storms. however crazy and mental YOUR storms get, they're YOURS and YOURS only at the end of the day… and i think handling your own rubbish is better than having to handle someone else's. at least that way, you have more enthusiasm and passion towards sorting it out.
no one's life is complete without storms… that's the way it is. so it's better to accept it and see the bright side… know that the sun will come shining out again… i hve been in storms before, and i have survived. i know i will survive this one, too… I'm a survivor I'm gonna make it I will survive and keep on surviving…
jeez. wtf am i on about?! i dont think i am making any sense. that was more a personal ramble. don't ask me wtf i am doing typing it here lol.
now, like normal people would have interpreted that question… storms are BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL… i love staring out of my window and looking at them… makes you just stare in awe at Mother Nature… like roaring beasts dancing enigmatically through the wind… and they are SO much better at night time… when everything is dark, and all your focus is on the performance Mother Nature has put on display for you… it’s almost as if I can feel emotions and feelings of the storm reverberating through me… ahhhhhh… i am in awe of storms, i really am…
on an island in the sun… (8) they make me think of someone…
i have issues? it took you that long to figure it out? lol…
next: me.
the very essence of life. pure and refreshing. it sustains life and can also kill.
life after death
Lip balm?!
… and Nitzah…?? *runs away*
Run for your life!
…enter the sexy Walu-cha-cha stage left!
Lip balm: Necessary!
Next: lifts
Very handy.. lol save u time n all. can be sucky if u get stuck in one.. uhm especially if ur chlostraphobic can kinda make u feel dizzy wen u get outa one :S but still very handy if ur in a big building with lotsa floors..
cash machines
a freaking machine that is always out of order when u really really need it!!
convenient! Am grateful that many spots, besides coffe houses, are now picking it up!
uuhhhh…rush hour traffic!
am kewl with it…get to chill ..smoke a ciga
drink my beer, read my unfinished novel, do my nails,
u knw …me time hehehehe
fire fighters ??
If that were even remotely true, I would sooooo tell ur mum! rotflmao!
How u dooooin?
Firefighters – Am grateful for them! They do an amazing job that takes a alot courage and intelligence!
They have to know how the fire is spreading, if anyone is still in the
building, how to touch
a hot door or doorknob as well as how their behavior might feed it.
That's alot to consider
when bystanders are screaming for the blaze to just be put out! Quite a
bit of guts and not
enuf glory I say!
If that were even remotely true,
(Oh Yeah, an wat makes ye think I dnt light em Cigars an drink Beer by the barrel?? U shud see my Beer Belly hehehehehe, dis one of a kind hey…am also thinking of getting a belling Ring, effective when trying to get a date around here
I would sooooo tell ur mum! rotflmao!
U wudnt,
aaargh never mind, have been telling everyone that I am considering ..thinking …still thinking…about becoming a smoker holic…, heard it relieves stress ?????
okies my fwends always have em stress free look – beats me !! .hehehe..problem is, I HATE the smell and cant stand cig breathe….
How u dooooin?
Aaaanother TRICK question hehehe, ..Kiddin yaar…am doing well hon, as fresh as a plucked rose, as bright as the Sun, as chirpy as the birds outside, as mellow as Wine, as good as can be expected….. Hope everything on yr side of the world is as gr8….well hopefully even better
Firefighters – Am grateful for them! They do an amazing job that takes a alot courage and intelligence!
They have to know how the fire is spreading, if anyone is still in the building, how to touch
a hot door or doorknob as well as how their behavior might feed it. That's alot to consider
when bystanders are screaming for the blaze to just be put out! Quite a bit of guts and not
enuf glory I say! totally agree with ye……100%
actors/actresses? not much to say about em, they have chosen a career in the field of acting and its as tough, competitive and
stressful as any career out here ….. we just see the glamourous side to them and their careers and think to ourselves that they have it all, beauty, fame and fortune, the world at their feet….soooo wrong!! its take a lot of dedication, loooong hours and lotz hard work to get anywhere in their industry…like every other industry..
Education… something we all need to some extent.. depends how far people want to go I guess. Its vital everyone should have some.. especially in this day and age.. third world countries have children who dont get the chance to have a proper education which is really sad.. You need it to get into a good career but saying that you also need experience these days too. I can see im going to ramble for ages so il stop now. lol.
wireless internet? (lol dont ask..)
good, convenient, amazing stuff.
freedom of speech
A necessity…keeps one on an equal level with any other
Regression !
forget regression
I have sums I wud like to yr thoughts on :
is it real/true/worthy??
can u trust the other??
and if Yeah then how? why??
Explain ……..
really interesting q – i have the same q actually i think we shouldnt really trust like people in chat rooms and stuff b/c i think alot of pple are real nuts
as for this forum i trust all of you here i dont know why but if you were bad pple why would you spend your time here advising each other and sympahtizing with each other & writing yr views & playing games with each other and asking each other questions … sometimes silly ones…some times funny ones
its really a mystery how i can say not to trust pple in chat rooms and how i say that i trust you all & i have never met you it is really a thing that makes me sound hypocritical but it is just me
alrigth i thinkw e need more answers for this same Q
I agree with Kavita. One should be carefull with people in chatrooms, they can be anyone, you are never sure you are really chatting with a “nice, 17 year old girl, who has no friends, and no parents, and who works very hard at school”. A few weeks a go, I read a really scary article in a newspaper. In Duthc chatboxes, which are created especially for children, adults log in, and pretend they are children as well. As soon as they have contact with a child, they start talking about se.x and stuff.. The moderators of the sites can do nothing about it. That's really something I worry about…
But here on the forum, I think people can be trusted. We have had some freeks around here as well, but the dissapear very soon. The members who visit very frequently are kind, normal people, who I consider as my friends.
Same q
Hey Amz how are you – Yes i agree with you on that … wow to that adult contacting kids and talking about perverted stuff – This just DISGUSTS me
I really think people on the forum here can be trusted. The question though is WHY or HOW do we know that? / WHat makes this forum members different from people in chat rooms?
For me all I can say is what I said above, if you guys could spend time to write here and communicate & give advice to those in need, etc and be very caring I just feel that you all can be trusted Its just a feeling & because this site is ORGANIZED makes it even better – if you know that this is a site where indians interested in bollywood would come and leave msgs then that would be fine; some chat rooms its like you really really dont know which part of the world or Who on earth you are even talking to [not even a clue about them]
same q guys
err okies dnt answer above…me was in a mood dat day….
hmm next:
your thoughts on ..anything u wish to talk about …hahahaha
I'll change it?
Your thoughts on uh global warming?
global warming is most welcome right now, am sitting here with a darn heater that doesnt work freeeezing my *^*)&%^)(**()_ offf..
cant be serious bout anything today, woke up in a blazing mood
life… beautiful…
your thoughts on global warming is most welcome!!!!
~~any takers~~ such a serious topic
According to Me, We have heard how we like to our radio frequency. Our thoughts, always always feel, and our deep belief in seed total vibration. So if we want to change what we are to attract, then we must change our vibration.
wow changing our vibration to attract what we feel we deserve
my thoughts are scattered and centred