Hello All-
Please send me your comments and suggestions on the recent changes in the Forum section. I would love to hear suggestions on making this Forum better and easier to use.
Thanks and Enjoy,
Please send us your comments / suggesstions through this forum. Also if you want to ask questions, or would like to be a contributor for the site, please drop me a line here.
hey admin, i need help…how come the place where i put my lyrics is locked? i want to add some of my own lyrics on here..can u please help me..thanx
i would like to be a contributor to this site, if at all possible. please let me know if there is anything i can do, such as find lyrics etc.
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
hey admin, i need help…how do i put my own lyrics on here…
you mean the ones that you’ve written yourself for everyone in the forum to see/read?
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
I’m glad you would like to contribute. Although I usually don’t recommend finding lyrics from other websites and sending them to me because then it wouldn’t be fair to the website that posted it originally. Instead I have my contributor’s write the lyrics listening to the song and put the appropriate voice (male/female) which makes it a little unique for our site.
Originally posted by boo
i would like to be a contributor to this site, if at all possible. please let me know if there is anything i can do, such as find lyrics etc.
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Anjali, we locked the Lyrics forum because very few people actually submitted lyrics, instead used it for off-topic posting. If you want to put your own lyrics, please use the “Song Request Here” forum and post your lyrics. Most of the visitors will search in that forum and will find your lyrics as well. Also I plan on putting a Category for visitors own lyrics in the main section of the website, where you can send me your lyrics and I will post it.
Originally posted by musqan_09
hey admin, i need help…how come the place where i put my lyrics is locked? i want to add some of my own lyrics on here..can u please help me..thanx
hey admin, thanx..okay i will put them on the song reqeust form..well i guess thats all..thanx…bye
take care
Hey Admin, can we Please change the green background, unless you like the colour, then that’s a complete different case!
And could we have little thumbnails underneath our nicknames so we could add little pictures corresponding to our message or maybe the nickname it self at all times?
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
hey admin, yeah plz can we change the color? i mean i like this color but we should change is often …wat do u think…bye
take care
Yes, I’m in the process of upgrading the Forum that will allow members to have their own icons/avatars. So please bear a little more time!
Also, I like the idea of changing the colors. Why don’t you guys give color suggestions and color combinations for us to have on the forum.
Originally posted by Nazi
Hey Admin, can we Please change the green background, unless you like the colour, then that’s a complete different case!
And could we have little thumbnails underneath our nicknames so we could add little pictures corresponding to our message or maybe the nickname it self at all times?
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Here is a song which I have not cut and paste from any site. I heard the song and typed out the lyrics and translated it also. The movie information is there also. You can get it from the following post.
Hello Mr.Admin,
I believe we havent met. Im Serio
Avatars is a good idea. I hope we can have that feature soon in the forum.
Another thing is also can you put up a section where we can share some pictures for everyone. I know that it will take up quite some space in your server but you can limit the image size and maybe after 7 days or so, you can remove it completely from the server. This way you can always maintain your disk space.
Also, can we also have a download section to download songs? This need not be all the songs in the Hindi database but something like a Top 10 songs of the week/month for example. Again, by doing this you can maintain your server space.
*~The best thing to be cherished in the hearts is faith and conviction; doubt is infidelity~*
Thanks alot admin for taking my suggestion into accout, we could change the background colour to baby blue and probably a slightly darker blue, but not so dark that the text dont appear very clear.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Serio; Lol… wanna show someone your lvoely photo, do you??!!
so, who is it Lover? Boo? or Lee!?
lol.. or mee!
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
hey…these are all good ideas… and it would be nice to have some top ten downloads as well, as many people tht come here tend to ask for places where they can download songs from.
I was wondering if, by any chance, you might still have that mail with you (the one I sent to you about suggestions for this forum), as it had a lot of ideas in it, and I seem to have forgotten most of them as I haven’t had a chance to come on this fourm since ages! Sadly, I have also deleted the message that you sent me in reply, so I also do not have a copy of what I wrote in your reply. It would be good if you could either post it in this thread, or simply forward it to me, please.
Another suggestion that I have is that you could perhaps have a page where people can check out other sites that have song lyrics, as sometimes they are very easy to find either in Google or on other websites. The people who ask for lyrics sometimes do not bother checking other possible sites, and so that the number of lyric requests (and web space) can be cut down, it might be worth a try.
Thank you,
Naz: u dont like the green colour…..i love it…i think that it is very unique….other forums all go for same old blue, etc. but i love the greennes of this site…but hey i dont think the majority will go with this so we shall c
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
lol.. i dont mind the lighter green,, but the darker ones eww okayy!.. lol
yeh otha forums av lilacish n pinky stuff.. but hey BLue ROCKZZ>. lol.. we cud av blue n white even!
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
no offence naz but seriously…..BLUE AND WHITE??!!! ewwww!
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
hmm..how about blue n somthing thats sorta purplish-pinkish, but right in the middle. Or like blue n beige. yah i dont think soem of the guys would liekmy first suggestion too much.
aankon hi aankon mein… baaton hi baaton mein tune churaaya jiya
Everyone, the Forum upgrade is complete and we’ve added the feature to have Avatars. Please update your profiles and select the Avatar you want.
Currently the feature does not let you upload your own avatar, but if you have one that you would like, just email me with the avatar and I’ll a*s*sign it to you. If you have general avatars that you would like to see, then please email me.
Thanks and Enjoy,
I’ll try to find that email. I should have it since I hardly delete email. I’ll post it on this topic once I find it.
I’m not sure about having downloads on the site, since the main purpose of this site was to share and enjoy Hindi lyrics from Bollywood films. I would be sort of getting away from that original idea. Also downloading means a lot more maintenance and hosting problems! We could start a topic that its only purpose is to have links to other websites/download sites that people come here asking about. I guess I’ll have to think about this more.
Thanks for your suggestions.
Originally posted by boo
hey…these are all good ideas…
and it would be nice to have some top ten downloads as well, as many people tht come here tend to ask for places where they can download songs from.
I was wondering if, by any chance, you might still have that mail with you (the one I sent to you about suggestions for this forum), as it had a lot of ideas in it, and I seem to have forgotten most of them as I haven’t had a chance to come on this fourm since ages! Sadly, I have also deleted the message that you sent me in reply, so I also do not have a copy of what I wrote in your reply. It would be good if you could either post it in this thread, or simply forward it to me, please.
Another suggestion that I have is that you could perhaps have a page where people can check out other sites that have song lyrics, as sometimes they are very easy to find either in Google or on other websites. The people who ask for lyrics sometimes do not bother checking other possible sites, and so that the number of lyric requests (and web space) can be cut down, it might be worth a try.
Thank you,
u dont like the green colour…..i love it…i think that it is very unique….other forums all go for same old blue, etc. but i love the greennes of this site…but hey i dont think the majority will go with this so we shall c
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
wow these avatars are great! Thankyou for your effort admin we appreciate it
‘Is kaal kaal main hum tum kare dhamaal!’
yeah, thx admin!
lol boo.. i think like desi sugested sky blue and beige will look really good together!
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Hello, would it be really cheeky if i suggested if we could have a bollywood review segment????? or is there no point really?
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
well we already have a bollywood music review section…but the reviews dont exactly pour in…. maybe more people could contribute to that?
i think its a good idea to have movie reviews along with the music reviews…what say[?]
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
uhmm…u know…Naz is all ravin about changin the colours of the forum…but uhmm.. the thing is i think that the greenish colour is just the thing that makes BWL different from other fora, i mean, there are more things, but when u think BWL..then u think GREEN.. rite?
Admin ji: the avatars are just GREAT!! Thnx for your effort, its sooo cool
p.s..Nazi..don get angry will ya
..:.::.:Ama Ni Ama Chan Makhneya Roj Tere Supney Ch Ama:.::.:..
mukesh: please, dont listen to these 15yr olds…dont mean to be rude, but this green colour is still a bit ‘off’ and kinda ‘brightly annoying’…but am sure its still better then the “baby blue and beige” options these kids have come up with…
dont want you to change it so that it gets embarrasing logging onto the forum !!
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
nitzah ji u sound pretty desperate not to change the colours…me too yaar (for once!) and i also agree with Heera…the green is what makes this forum different from the others…i have so many memories connected with the green…it would be a pity to change it now…
wht say we take a poll? those in favour of green say “Shah Rukh Khan rulessss!!”
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
green, reminds me of booger, reminds me of nuclear waste, reminds me of slime, reminds me of mental canadians….
but i still say its better than what the blood-thirsty nazi has to offer…..
if i had a choice, i’d make it a more subtle non-bright colour….like a grey with black tone, or a black ground with white words….but you females would oppose it anyways…
so since i dont get to have it my way…why should i let anyone else have it their way ?? 🙂
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
lolz….no way r we having black!
and i know u love the colour green (well at least on this forum) so why bother denying it!
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
my choices would be objected by everyone as you all have pathetic taste in colours (baby blue ? jeez !!)
and i still prefer this *ugly* green rather than all your suggestions that you have all come up with….well i’d prefer this green to ANYTHING you’d come up with anyways….so technically, yes i love this colour
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
lol i dunno this green is a bit strange! but i dont mind it that much… nah nitzah i dont like to have grey!! thats boring!
i like the thought of yello though.. anyway greens good!!
Meneh Tujse Kiya Hai Pyaar, Taan Maan ME RAKSAM..!!!
“Main toh khelugi… Mein toh chedugi…;) xxxx!”
*sigh*…if only you people would move outside your boxes !!
well like i said…since we aint gonna agree on the colours, its better off not changing it
but i do suggest we change the ‘member nick’ we get above our stars….i mean…its getting boring just looking at “average member” and “new member” c.rap…i wish we could edit that atleast !
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
also it’d be sorta nice to ahve somthing above platinum members, dont u think? cause some peeps(id never dot his) might not be comin as often casue when they were an average member they had a goal to look forward to, becoming a platinum member. Though, since there isnt nething after tha they might not be replying tot eh forum as often.
and as for teh colors, mayb we should jus leave them alone. I mean i remmeber som1 was sayin that no ther forums have green, and now i realized their right. Its liek our trademark. and if we’ve had it for so long and there haevnt bee any “serious” issues w/ them then y not jus leave them the wayt hey are? its just an idea though.
aankon hi aankon mein… baaton hi baaton mein tune churaaya jiya
Oiii Nitz, first of all,,, welcoem backk.. really glad to see you back.. but EHY leave my baby blue alone lol!!
im certainly sure baby blue and ebige will look better dan Black n grey,, it just gives u cramps n dat rain feeling..i presonaly like those two colours you have suggested.. btu as a background colour dont you think its abit too dark!!!
yeah as u galz say,, Boo n heera n desi.. we mite as well stick to da green!
Upon the skies this is written
Only your name is bound with me
lol, nazi, i guess u could call me slow but i jsut realized ur avitar is a eye!! is soo pretty, i like the color of the eye n eyeliner. n eyeshadow. lol!!
aankon hi aankon mein… baaton hi baaton mein tune churaaya jiya
thats coz its a pic of ashs’ eye…i mean even her eye is so god damn gorgeous !!
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
it lux good cuz it on my av.. HUH! lol
Upon the skies this is written
Only your name is bound with me
ok ok back to the topic you guys! else Mukesh will delete the posts!
as i was saying…i also think its a good idea to change the average member etc…it is kind of boring …so any suggestions? something to do with bollywood hopefully (ahem! nitzah and serio!
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
how dya mean by somthing to do with bollywood?… and Sonu earlier suggested changes on the member position thing too!
Upon the skies this is written
Only your name is bound with me
well on some other forum ive seen stuff where tehy’re called addiced, or obsessed so we shoudl come w/ some ideas hmm..so far I ahevnt thought of any though.
aankon hi aankon mein… baaton hi baaton mein tune churaaya jiya
i suggest we should edit our own….most forums lets u use “alias’s” and therefore change your nicks….but all of us stick to our nicks…so i suggest we should change the “members” part into something we want…..
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
I don’t think I understand what you mean by editing our own?? Do you mean editing the Rank each member gets after they are posted a certain number of times? Or do you mean that along with Username, there should be another “Alias” name that will be displayed instead of the Username?
If you mean editing the “Rank” itself by each member, then that doesn’t really mean a “Rank”. If all movies out their can rank themselves, we would never have bad movies. Ranking is done based on your performance in prespective of some rules or guidelines. Therefore the ranks shouldn’t be editable by members, but I do like the suggestion of changing the names and further deepening the ranks (exceed the Platinum ranking). If anyone can start suggesting names, in terms of like Movie Names for ranks like “Subse Bada Khiladi” for example.
Eww dis is getting complicated!
I think what Nitz was tryin to say way.. if we could have like for example in MSN we are abel to have different screen names, but in here we must still have our nicknames to identify who we are, and we could have an extra tab to write extra things e.g. My mood today=.. or you know thing we do in Msn..
and having another thing exceeding Platinum will be good.. how about avin five gold stars lol.. cnt think of a name tho!
Upon the skies this is written
Only your name is bound with me
Originally posted by Admin
I don’t think I understand what you mean by editing our own?? Do you mean editing the Rank each member gets after they are posted a certain number of times? Or do you mean that along with Username, there should be another “Alias” name that will be displayed instead of the Username?
If you mean editing the “Rank” itself by each member, then that doesn’t really mean a “Rank”. If all movies out their can rank themselves, we would never have bad movies. Ranking is done based on your performance in prespective of some rules or guidelines. Therefore the ranks shouldn’t be editable by members, but I do like the suggestion of changing the names and further deepening the ranks (exceed the Platinum ranking). If anyone can start suggesting names, in terms of like Movie Names for ranks like “Subse Bada Khiladi” for example.
I agree with Mukesh…nitzah please can you get ur message across more clearly?
and i agree that the rankings and even the nick (eg mine: boo) should not be changed…after all a forum is different from MSN Messenger…!
but yeah filmi names like the one that Mukesh suggested sound good!
One question though…what does “Subse Bada Khiladi” mean[?]
how about rankings in terms of bollywood films, e.g. in terms of authority, like the spot boys/girl to the backing dancers to the sidekick role to the actor to the producer to the director, etc etc???
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Ok, I think now I understand what the idea is. Thanks for the clarification. But I don’t want to speed hours coding and reinvent the wheel. You can simply use the “signatures” feature and write things like your mood for today. There is no limitation on how many times you can change your signature. Actually many members in the Forum use the signature for that purpose. One thing I can say is that in MSN Messenger you don’t have such a thing called Signature so I guess it offsets. Basically, I probably won’t put that feature in, you can just use the signatures to write little “word of the day” stuff.
Originally posted by Nazi
Eww dis is getting complicated!
I think what Nitz was tryin to say way.. if we could have like for example in MSN we are abel to have different screen names, but in here we must still have our nicknames to identify who we are, and we could have an extra tab to write extra things e.g. My mood today=.. or you know thing we do in Msn..
and having another thing exceeding Platinum will be good.. how about avin five gold stars lol.. cnt think of a name tho!
Upon the skies this is written
Only your name is bound with me
My example was for like “Sabse Bada Khiladi” is the top most rank, which is Platinum Member currently. In that same sense, we can have movie names for each rank.
Originally posted by boo
Originally posted by Admin
I don’t think I understand what you mean by editing our own?? Do you mean editing the Rank each member gets after they are posted a certain number of times? Or do you mean that along with Username, there should be another “Alias” name that will be displayed instead of the Username?
If you mean editing the “Rank” itself by each member, then that doesn’t really mean a “Rank”. If all movies out their can rank themselves, we would never have bad movies. Ranking is done based on your performance in prespective of some rules or guidelines. Therefore the ranks shouldn’t be editable by members, but I do like the suggestion of changing the names and further deepening the ranks (exceed the Platinum ranking). If anyone can start suggesting names, in terms of like Movie Names for ranks like “Subse Bada Khiladi” for example.
I agree with Mukesh…nitzah please can you get ur message across more clearly?
and i agree that the rankings and even the nick (eg mine: boo) should not be changed…after all a forum is different from MSN Messenger…!
but yeah filmi names like the one that Mukesh suggested sound good!
One question though…what does “Subse Bada Khiladi” mean[?]
how about rankings in terms of bollywood films, e.g. in terms of authority, like the spot boys/girl to the backing dancers to the sidekick role to the actor to the producer to the director, etc etc???
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Originally posted by Admin
My example was for like “Sabse Bada Khiladi” is the top most rank, which is Platinum Member currently. In that same sense, we can have movie names for each rank.
ok thats what i meant…get rid of all the new, average, platinum members etc….change it…get a lil spice….but movie names ? oh boy…..i’v created a monster now !!
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feelNever be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
Yeh Admin…. never thot of it!! thx!
Hi Admin ..
I have couple of suggestion, that u might like otherwise u just can simply ignore (but don’t dare u do it ..LoLz.. j/k)
Anywayz, I wont waste ur time with my lovely words .. hehe ..here are the suggestions
1-Members Evaluation
It’s a feature that allows other members to evaluate other members they like or hate, so it can be a positive comment or a negative one. However, this evaluation will be through points. Whereas, every member starts with 5o points and every positive comment will increase there points and any negative point will decrease it. Moreover, these evaluations will be anonymous unless the members identify themselves.
2-Uploading Picture
This is another feature, which enable members to have some picture in there signatures or posts.
That’s wat all I have rite, hopefully I will be back with more ideas (Inshalla)
Mehndi Mehndi Na Mujhko Lagana.. Mujhe Saajan Ke Ghar Nahin Jaana
Thanks for the suggestions. Here are my comments.
1) Member Evaluation: I’ve seen posts all over this forum and needless to say, a lot of you already do that. Bashing each other or complimenting each other. Almost every Forum here has a little of that. Infact, some of that started in this very Topic! So I don’t think we need that feature. This forum was about sharing lyrics and music thoughts and playing games. If I put that feature, it will be nothing but a “bashfest” forum and the only thing you will be doing is trying to either increase or decrease points. I think I’ll leave that upto other forums on the internet you can use.
2) Photo Upload: I think I solved that by adding member avatars. The only piece missing is allowing members to upload. For that, I’ve put a reason in one of these topics. Basically, I don’t want an overflow of people uploading large pictures, bad pictures, nasty pictures that will slow the website down and make is a bad place. Also I don’t want to get into the business of having to progressively review all the images that are being uploaded. If you want your photo as your avatar, simply send it to me and I’ll upload it for you.
Nitzah: if you oppose to the movie name suggestion, lets hear some of yours’. You started the idea, I’d like to see some examples.
Originally posted by Dulh@n
Hi Admin ..
I have couple of suggestion, that u might like otherwise u just can simply ignore (but don’t dare u do it ..LoLz.. j/k)
Anywayz, I wont waste ur time with my lovely words .. hehe ..here are the suggestions
1-Members Evaluation
It’s a feature that allows other members to evaluate other members they like or hate, so it can be a positive comment or a negative one. However, this evaluation will be through points. Whereas, every member starts with 5o points and every positive comment will increase there points and any negative point will decrease it. Moreover, these evaluations will be anonymous unless the members identify themselves.
2-Uploading Picture
This is another feature, which enable members to have some picture in there signatures or posts.
That’s wat all I have rite, hopefully I will be back with more ideas (Inshalla)
Mehndi Mehndi Na Mujhko Lagana.. Mujhe Saajan Ke Ghar Nahin Jaana
i was wondering when will u add more song lyrics? this site is very useful but i dont really find song lyrics that i am looking for.
thank u in advance.
~kaho na kaho, yeh aankhen bolti hain, o sanam o sanam, o mere sanam, mohabbat ke safar mein yeh sahara hai. vafa ke saahilon ka yeh kinaara hai.~
Hello Admin
Im gt_angel
I wasnt able to go through the 3 pages of this post so I dont know if peoples had already asked this question but, can you make it possible for us to download our own avatars [?]
**********[:X]Barbas mori laaj leeni[:X]**********
qt_ no if u read few posts above aswers given!
dear Admin, what are you going to do to the colour theme?
Originally posted by Admin
Thanks for the suggestions. Here are my comments.
1) Member Evaluation: I’ve seen posts all over this forum and needless to say, a lot of you already do that. Bashing each other or complimenting each other. Almost every Forum here has a little of that. Infact, some of that started in this very Topic! So I don’t think we need that feature. This forum was about sharing lyrics and music thoughts and playing games. If I put that feature, it will be nothing but a “bashfest” forum and the only thing you will be doing is trying to either increase or decrease points. I think I’ll leave that upto other forums on the internet you can use.
2) Photo Upload: I think I solved that by adding member avatars. The only piece missing is allowing members to upload. For that, I’ve put a reason in one of these topics. Basically, I don’t want an overflow of people uploading large pictures, bad pictures, nasty pictures that will slow the website down and make is a bad place. Also I don’t want to get into the business of having to progressively review all the images that are being uploaded. If you want your photo as your avatar, simply send it to me and I’ll upload it for you.
Nitzah: if you oppose to the movie name suggestion, lets hear some of yours’. You started the idea, I’d like to see some examples.
Originally posted by Dulh@n
Hi Admin ..
I have couple of suggestion, that u might like otherwise u just can simply ignore (but don’t dare u do it ..LoLz.. j/k)
Anywayz, I wont waste ur time with my lovely words .. hehe ..here are the suggestions
1-Members Evaluation
It’s a feature that allows other members to evaluate other members they like or hate, so it can be a positive comment or a negative one. However, this evaluation will be through points. Whereas, every member starts with 5o points and every positive comment will increase there points and any negative point will decrease it. Moreover, these evaluations will be anonymous unless the members identify themselves.
2-Uploading Picture
This is another feature, which enable members to have some picture in there signatures or posts.
That’s wat all I have rite, hopefully I will be back with more ideas (Inshalla)
Mehndi Mehndi Na Mujhko Lagana.. Mujhe Saajan Ke Ghar Nahin Jaana
Oh it seems that you have liked my ideas a lot ..hehhee
But honestly don’t you think that what you say is lil bit hard to accept or understand .. its somehow confusin (nitzah and comic don’t dare u say im slow..lolz)
Hay hay kool down .. im ganna explain what I ve just said .. I hate people to misunderstand me .. and im sure in some way u will because u don’t know me very well anywayz,
Compliment – > a compliment isn’t always true .. like u compliment some1 but u don’t really mean what u say .. sometimes u compliment ppl just 2 sound polite but deep inside u never felt that wat u have said is real ..
For example I can compliment nitzah & comic by sayin (u 2 guys are so nice ) .. just 2 stop them sayin bad things about me ..poor me ,, but I don’t mean it every1 knowz they r 2 harsh and bad .. (guyz don’t believe this is a compliment .. the truth that u r so nice) .. at the end compliment doesn’t express ur real opinion and thoughts or feeling .. and yeah plz do note this point not every1 has the courage 2 say 2 sum1 that u r bad .. or I don’t like u ..
Now lets shift 2 the other point the uploading thing .. just now u said that bollywood members are so nice to
lol.. Dulh@n… he also said ‘Bashing each other’ as wella s complimenting… nw we do av some weird members around u knw!
Originally posted by Admin
Thanks for the suggestions. Here are my comments.
Nitzah: if you oppose to the movie name suggestion, lets hear some of yours’. You started the idea, I’d like to see some examples.
waah re wah Mukesh ji….welcome to the world of bollywoodlyrics.com!
now….re: names such as sabse bada khiladi…they sound good…but what do you think about my other suggestion? (in fact what does everyone else think about it[?]) of having movie ranks, eg director etc?
and i have another suggestion to make, regarding posting in the right section. While most people post stuff in the right section, being the lovable lot that we are, we tend to go off topic, or post lyrics requests in wrong section, and so i think it would be a good idea if you have some moderators, i.e. a couple of people who could move topics, etc. to the right section, etc. as i appreciate that it would be possible for you to keep checking the threads. perhaps we could vote on someone who could have that kind of authority, or maybe some of your lyrics helpers could do that? Since Madhu seems to be a very sensible person, she might like to do it….but i dont know that for sure….maybe someone else would like to do it too?
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
thats agood idea Boo.. but i guess lots of peopel would like to do that, therfore voting would be good, or maybe like you said if Madhu Ji’s intrested then the problem is solved.
I personally dont really like the movie rankings, but still its totally upto the admin himself!
im sure he’d also want our input naz…wihtout us this forum would not be ‘moving’ as such, would…the hierarchy system is BIT complicated sadly !
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
LOL.. tell me about it gurl!
Thanks for the compliment and the trust you show in me.
I am not sure quite what you had in mind for Mukesh to have me do but as long as I don’t have to do it on a daily basis I might be able to help out. However, you should know that usually I only visit a few of the sections. I would only know if some thing was posted in the wrong section if it happens to be one of the areas I frequent. There is no way I can visit all the sections all the time. Usually I don’t have a lot of free time so I just visit the sections where I expect to see some thing that may interest me. The rest I put aside to visit later and often don’t manage to get there to read those messages.
Madhu ji:
lol…i was just stating my opinion…
i dont think it will be a job on a daily basis, as few people nowadays put topics in the wrong threads (touchwood, of course )…but i was thinking along the lines of just someone who had the ‘power’, as such, to be able to move a thread that is not theirs if it is in the wrong place, etc. like a moderator?
we’ll see what Mukesh thinks of the idea…perhaps there could be several moderators who are in charge of a section to make sure that the content in there is appropriate? so that it won’t be too hard on one person?
Mukesh (and anyone else): let us know what you think!
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
I like this idea of more moderators just to make sure things are going smoothly and threads are in the correct area etc….however as much as we like to think we can trust members to be moderators, there is the risk of codes, keys etc to the website getting loose- into the wrong hands, in which case the situation regarding the website would be out of hand and our admin would: a) have to start all over again with the site, things having gone haywire and b) us members would have to sign up again!
I know i’m jumping the gun abit here but these are all possibilites.
‘Sarhad paar ek aisa shaks hai jo aap ke liye apni jaan bhi de dega’
I also think that having many people with access could lead to problems. That would be a bigger headache for Mukesh. Perhaps all that is needed is for some one to shoot Mukesh an e-mail and let him know when you find some thing that needs to be moved or if some one has written some thing offensive and that particular post should be censored by the administrator.
yeh i totally agree with madhu…emailing mukesh with any problems would definitely be the easiest and most appropriate solution
‘Sarhad paar ek aisa shaks hai jo aap ke liye apni jaan bhi de dega’
aww man!! u people have ruined my dream of having moderators!!
well, if the majority thinks that moderators will create more ha s s le, that is fine by me, but i think it will make things less of a headache for him (think of it as being a King, but stil needing ministers )
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
i have another question….why are we not allowed to copy and paste stuff from this website? i dont see any benefit in that?
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
i suppose we don’t want our own bwl lyrics to be copy pasted…….
**Dil ki dhadkan tham jaaye
Saansein bhi chaahe na aaye
Phir bhi jeeoon par jaane kyoon
Tum bin jiya nahin jaaye**
Why do you think we can not cut and paste from this forum? I have cut and pasted lyrics and portions of the messages many times. The only thing I am unable to do is cut and paste the entire page which is not some thing I want to do any way. If I have clicked some thing accidentally then I have gotten the error message telling me that I can not copy the contents.
nah every bit is copywrited if you right click it wont let you, however youcan use the edit button at the top of the screen and do it via that or the ctrl+C button
**Dil ki dhadkan tham jaaye
Saansein bhi chaahe na aaye
Phir bhi jeeoon par jaane kyoon
Tum bin jiya nahin jaaye**
Originally posted by ramz89
nah every bit is copywrited if you right click it wont let you, however youcan use the edit button at the top of the screen and do it via that or the ctrl+C button
exactly….so what is the point in not allowing the right-click option??[?]
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Quick question for Mukesh:
Hi, Lee here. Perhaps I missed it when I first joined here, but where would I go to read the….’rules’ about posting in this forum?
I would like to clarify something. Thanks in advance!
its easy, search for either an old posting by serio or me and look for “The Rules Of The Forum OF Death”
you’ll find the complete guide there !
you can order a booklet of it, but we are currently out of stock !
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
Originally posted by nitzah
its easy, search for either an old posting by serio or me and look for “The Rules Of The Forum OF Death”
you’ll find the complete guide there !
you can order a booklet of it, but we are currently out of stock !
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feelNever be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
this is exactly why i felt we needed moderators (wiht all due respect to you, of course nitz! [:P), im just using ur post as an example!)…if people kept switching topics, then we would never get any ‘proper discussion’ done….there is a thread which allows you to say something totally random, and yet people post posts that are non-related to the topic of the thread…it is not only a waste of thread space, but it also means that everyone will easily get sidetracked.
i am not saying that a Moderator’s job would be just to delete posts that annoy them, but to check that they are sticking to the rules, etc. etc. especially in threads that were designed to be serious from the word go. (*fixed glare at nitz*)
if you feel differently about this, please feel free to let me know!
(and nitz…please…if its to pick a fight with me, do it in the Say Something Totally Random thread…
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
boo, i was thinking the same thing…about the right click button..lol…i always use the keyboard shortcuts.
i also think we need maybe one or two more moderators who can help out Mukesh. As for getting side tracked in a thread…i think thats gonna be hard to control..at some point each thread does get side tracked but eventually it gets back on track..even if it doesnt, maybe the person who actually made the thread, can bring it back on track.
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
Originally posted by boo
Originally posted by nitzah
its easy, search for either an old posting by serio or me and look for “The Rules Of The Forum OF Death”
you’ll find the complete guide there !
you can order a booklet of it, but we are currently out of stock !
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feelNever be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
this is exactly why i felt we needed moderators (wiht all due respect to you, of course nitz! [:P), im just using ur post as an example!)…if people kept switching topics, then we would never get any ‘proper discussion’ done….there is a thread which allows you to say something totally random, and yet people post posts that are non-related to the topic of the thread…it is not only a waste of thread space, but it also means that everyone will easily get sidetracked.
i am not saying that a Moderator’s job would be just to delete posts that annoy them, but to check that they are sticking to the rules, etc. etc. especially in threads that were designed to be serious from the word go. (*fixed glare at nitz*)
if you feel differently about this, please feel free to let me know!
(and nitz…please…if its to pick a fight with me, do it in the Say Something Totally Random thread…
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Sorry boo, but screw you
….there is no rules or regulations stipulated anywhere that states i am not allowed to say anything to anyone at a particular thread….i can reply to my comments anywhere on this forum
and honestly speaking: if you ever decide to get “fixed” rules over here…am telling you am the first one out of here !
the only goddamn reason why people like me and serio have fun around here is coz we are given the freedom to run loose and say whatever we want, whenever we want and wherever we want…live with it kid….thats the way it is, and thats the way it is gonna be.
if you want to have “serious discussions” then i seriously suggest you find another forum
and please, if you want to reply to me comment, i suggest you write it on a piece of paper and then post it to me….if you dont know my address….tough luck !
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feelNever be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
im totally with nitz here.
i mean if we have moderators who constantly check what we post and that we have to stick to the topics, then i wud be the 2nd person to leave.
this is a forum, not a prison cell!
*~The best thing to be cherished in the hearts is faith and conviction; doubt is infidelity~*
Do we really need censorship? If any one gets abusive or he / she writes things inappropriate for kids to read here, then censorship may be needed. The rest of the time, I do not see the need for it. Forums are meant for free speech. We write spontaneously what comes to mind as we think of it. We don’t want to have to find the right thread to write the thought that comes to our mind. I agree that we should start our thread in the correct area and most of the time even if we stray, we end up back where we should have been all along. I still feel that if Mukesh is advised of inappropriate behavior then as the administrator he will handle it. Before you decide that we need more moderators why don’t you send messages to Mukesh so he can take appropriate action. If he finds that he can not handle all your requests by himself, he will let us know. Till then trust him to handle it.
you know if you think about it….we technically already have moderators…
if anything needs to be sorted out all the platinum members get together and sort these punks out. Its happened before and i am sure it continues.
The memebers who post on a regular basis end up taking the job on their own, but if it still gets out of hand we have “respected” seniors like Madhu who always puts in a word (or 200) and that usually stops these “kids” from getting out of hand. If that fails then we usually turn to Mukesh.
So technically speaking, we do not even NEED moderators. We are all sensible enough to handle situations.
Technically you really cant have moderators, because if you want to ban someone (for example) you need to give access to the server who needs to modify the accounts etc which is technically HARD considering all the scripts and computer language needed.
We have been here for like 3yrs now ? and its been the same….so why on earth do you people wnat to change which we are all happy with ??
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
it is really up to you (as in everyone in this forum, blah blah) whether you want this to be a “serious” forum or a “non-serious” one…i was just stating my opinion…freedom of speech after all i see your point and i agree with it to some extent, but i still maintain that when people really want to discuss why Shah Rukh is the best, and then appear posts that are both insulting and nothing to do with the topic.
nitz: while there is such a thing as freedom of speech, and no rules at all about what you post and where, there is such a thing as common courtesy and etiquette…not that you’ve heard of it before IMO it makes you look like an immature kid when you give the whole i-will-do-what-i-want speech…a little bit of consideration to others would not go astray, would it?
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
the moderator does not need to be that strict…..just maybe if they smell something fishy…or ppl like that tool — making waste time posts…then they can do something about it…otherwise the forum is rather calm.
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
I must admit to being a culprit of leading astray a topic. I do apologise…but more often than not, I do try to steer it back to the oringianl theme.
Originally posted by boo
, but i still maintain that when people really want to discuss why Shah Rukh is the best, and then appear posts that are both insulting and nothing to do with the topic.
Boo simple question. Would you log onto this forum day after day to discuss who is better between Rani and Ash, or Shah rukhs’ latest movie, or johns new fling ?? Or would you like to join in the fun that serio and i create on this forum ?
i have to admit, not all 7000+ members who have registered on this site DO like the fact that we never stick to the relevant topic, but i can promise you a majority of them LOVE the fact that we spice things up with our jokes, teasing and bickering. Do you have any idea of how many non-chatting members log onto this forum just to READ what we chat about ? i get mails from the most random nicks here asking me where have i been if i havent logged on for over a week.
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feelNever be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
LOL omg do u really? but yeah I must admit we do have a lot of laughs with these two nutters in the forum!
..X.. Aasuoo ki duaao mai.. apne sar ko jhuka kai maine toh tujhe maanga hai rab se.. mere sajdo ki.. duaao ki hai kasam tu na ja.. ..X..
I see wht ur saying Boo but if for example we start a topic abt why sharukh is the best and stick to it, then it would get boring and every1 wud give the same reason as 2 why they love sharukh so much. The special thing about our forum is that we can not only discuss why sharukh is the best, but we can also talk about other things in the same thread n have a laugh, thats how all of has have to a certain extent got to know each other. Ive found quite a few special friends from this forum who im now in touch with via msn etc. Without topics going off the point, I doubt we would have as much fun and made as much mates!
..X.. Aasuoo ki duaao mai.. apne sar ko jhuka kai maine toh tujhe maanga hai rab se.. mere sajdo ki.. duaao ki hai kasam tu na ja.. ..X..
yup…no jokes…..i get a lotta “fan” mail….either telling me i should not be so mean, or i should ‘change my attitude and make more friends’….some come straight up and ask me to add them on msn….
i juss never bother replying them…..dont need stalkers…
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
lol Nitz….
Hmm i think maybe Boo is going to the total extreme, i do agree with her but only to the extent that the moderator block out unnecessary garbage…its a forum, ofcourse we should make it a little fun with other tops…it shouldnt be too serious…but it shouldnt be that wacked that we need maniacs ruining it either.
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
The administrator handles those that have behaviour problems. However, unless you tell him there is a problem, he can not do any thing about it. After all, this forum is not his only responsibility. He can not read every post to know what is going on. When he sees some thing that requires him to step in, he handles it.
Thus the reason why we should have more moderators…because we all understand he does have more responsibilities.
*`·._.·Tujhse Bichhad ke Bhi oh Bekhabar
Tere hi Gham Mein Jalte Rahen·._.·´*
and who do we appoint as moderators ?? the most frequent users ? who sometimes disappear for months coz of exams / work / personal life ? the 15yr old kids who get ticked off with the silliest remarks ??
you make moderators and i promise you, there will be ‘politics’ and issues which will be overboard for the silliest things
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
well Mukesh doesnt make posts here and he is the administrator, so maybe he knows ppl who are willing to be moderators, and are reliable…it doesnt have to be someone who posts on the the forum on a timely basis.
*`·._.·Tere Dil Mein Rahenge, Tujhko Apna Ghar Bana lenge·._.·´*
and you want some random person who doesnt even know us to moderate our conversations ?
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
how does Mukesh know us??…just the same way in which Mukesh does his business..this person will too!
*`·._.·Tere Dil Mein Rahenge, Tujhko Apna Ghar Bana lenge·._.·´*
true that, but then again….whats the point of having another person to moderate us, when he doesnt know us, wont even log on…and we need to contact him to ban some punk ? we do that with mukesh anyways so whats the point of getting someone else ???
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
?!?! The moderator wouldnt be another Mukesh…they would be logging on, to notice punks like —, and removing them…also some forums have sticky posts which are good – eg in displaying rules and things. We shouldnt need to contact the moderator to ban someone, the moderator should act as a…well..spy kinda
*`·._.·Tere Dil Mein Rahenge, Tujhko Apna Ghar Bana lenge·._.·´*
Hahahaha, a spy? That’s an interesting thought. And not entirely palatable, either. A moderator would perhaps be needed only very rarely.(—) was here with his grimy posts for about a month or more. He was here lonher than I’ve been, under his other names, but we only started to complain about him, when he got all……erchk…Perhaps this ‘moderator’ employed to…scan our posts could be very non descript, and only able to alert newer ones to the right methods of posting and how.
afreekah, this is what your saying :-
1. The moderator should be on this forum as a spy to check up on things. my argument: whose got the time ?
2. You say he should not log on too often, just a random check to see whose being ‘abusive’. my argument: sometimes people get carried away in a ‘discussion’ and since he doesnt log on here often, might not realise the whole story or whatever and might ban some reasonable members.
3. sticky posts / rules. There are basic rules and etiquettes which EVERYONE follows anyways, wether it is a newbie or an oldie. The best thing about this forum is it is SIMPLE and FREE. there is no complications, the threads are (honestly speaking) easily laid out etc.
4. Asking for a person to moderate this forum. My argument: it is NOT that EASY to just appoint anyone to ‘moderate’ a forum. There is a whole load of computer language that one person needs to know. there is this whole scripting, debugging, codes / linux etc. I have a mate who is into all these things and if it gets into the wrong hands, you can create hackers.
My main point here is, for the past 3 years we never needed moderators, we neved asked for them and we never had faced any problems or these discussions where never risen, only because mukesh didnt ask for an input. If he did not lock topics and create this thread asking for our comments / suggestions, this argument would have NEVER come up. All am saying is lets live our lives on this forum like as if nothing ever happend and going back to the simple, free-chatting, no-strings-attached conversations.
I oppose any Rules and Regulations which i have to follow. I come here to have a real good time, not to be told off for crossing the line. like i said before, if you do impose those things, am the first one outta here…..for good.
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
Noooooooooooooooo! Don’t leave! I’d miss you too much!
Now..I…Nitz..do not have the time to read that!
*`·._.·Tere Dil Mein Rahenge, Tujhko Apna Ghar Bana lenge·._.·´*
Actually i like this forum as it is…..i was just suggesting things because there was a thread for it…i’m happy for it to stay as it is/
*`·._.·Tere Dil Mein Rahenge, Tujhko Apna Ghar Bana lenge·._.·´*
I luv this forum so much especially with the presence of Nitz and Serio. But where is Baqz? I miss my darling so much.
“Teri Soorat Na Hoon Jisme, Woh Sheesha Thod Denge Hum”
Originally posted by nitzah
true that, but then again….whats the point of having another person to moderate us, when he doesnt know us, wont even log on…and we need to contact him to ban some punk ? we do that with mukesh anyways so whats the point of getting someone else ???
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feelNever be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
I am in agreement with Nitzah. I think Mukesh is doing a fine job as administrator and moderator. I don’t think he needs to spend his time spying on everyone either. I like the idea of free speech and I am against censorship. However, I am also aware that many kids come here and so it is important that we stay within boundaries of decency in whatever we do write. For those of you who thought that Mukesh was not quick enough handling (—-), I have one question for you. Did you ever let Mukesh know there was a problem? It is not enough to ask for more moderators. One moderator is enough as long as you remember to let him know when his a*s*s*i*s*t*a*n*c*e is needed. I am happy with the way Mukesh runs things right now and do not see a need to change things drastically.
Though I guess if I was to change one thing it would be to stop these asterisks from showing up in the middle of my words. It is not like I used a four letter words after all. Uff! Oh well, nothing is perfect I guess. Just have to learn to live with some inconveniences.
Madhu….3yrs uv been a registered member….and yet you still do not realise that any word that contains A S S is gonna be censored ? on top of that….you still edit your post….and go ‘ufff’ about it !!
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
thats so cute
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
serio, you have 1 new message.
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
Originally posted by nitzah
Madhu….3yrs uv been a registered member….and yet you still do not realise that any word that contains A S S is gonna be censored ? on top of that….you still edit your post….and go ‘ufff’ about it !!
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feelNever be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
Actually Nitzah I do know that words that contain the letters A S S in that sequence will turn into asterisks. It is just that when I type words, I know I am not typing any four letter words since I do not use them in my day to day vocabulary and so I do not have to stop and make sure that I type them with punctuation or spaces in between the letters. However, many innocent words contain those same letters and that is where I miss out because I am not thinking of any four letter words at the time. And I disagree with the need for innocent words to turn into asterisks just because the few letters are part of that word. However, I know that those are rules of the forum and Mukesh can not change that to please me. The reason I go uff and then edit my posts is because it bothers me to see my own messages all messed up. I get mad at myself for not having caught it before I posted the reply. My spelling is normally pretty decent and if I do catch myself making mistakes I fix it.
3yrs madhu….3yrs….and you still havent realised that we dont really care about your mistakes ?
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
Originally posted by nitzah
3yrs madhu….3yrs….and you still havent realised that we dont really care about your mistakes ?
Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feelNever be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
You don’t care but I do.
is it me or has Mukesh deleted some of the messages ???
Any new changes occured while I have beeen away then?… I’v noticed the banner at the top from the Google ads has turned green!
yes…he has…i wonder why?
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
was the banner thing always there?? i only noticed it today :S
~tera daman nahin, yeh aansoon dhale bhi to kya hai~
yeh same here:S:S
..:Haso, jiyo, muskurao, kya pata, kal ho na ho:..
Hey Mukesh seen you’ve changed some stuff up. Like when you type in the forum’s url, now it’ll take you to the forum (and you can see the latest posts) and now at the top theres a little sign in section. I think its a really good idea! Good work Mukesh and please keep it up
oi!(¯`·._.¤*¯`·:·[…][·Dil Ki Rani·][…]·:·´¯*¤._.·´¯)oi!
. . .Tanhai. . .
I sing a song… for my lonely heart that will never part
with my lost love…
he’s just bored on his summer holidays and really has nothing better to do so thats why he does all these changes…if you got any new ideas am sure he’d listen now considering he’s pretty faltoo at the moment !
yeah….something else that he can do is block you…so shut it!!!
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Mukesh: I have another suggestion…we should have a Polling Section…where threads, such as Ash vs. Kajol…whom do you prefer?, can go, where you can actually click on an option (in this case, either Ash or Kajol), and you can see the results displayed…
You could perhaps have it so that anyone can vote, whether they are a member or not, so that we can have as many votes as possible, because i am sure that now that this forum can be viewed without people actually registering, many people will be browsing this forum. and it would be great if we could have theri opinions, too, and that way they dont have to leave a comment or register if they dont want to.
i hope that this won’t be too hard to do, or need a different package, or whatever (lol…you can do the computer-y stuff, thank you! )…but i think that it would be a good idea because we seem to have a lot of whom do you prefer type threads, and i think it would be fun to have a section where people can vote in addition to posting a reply to the thread…
tell me what you think of it both Mukesh and the other dudes at BWL,
boogedy boo
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
why bother ? some bored jobless freak would just keep on clicking on their favourite so-called-star…then u’d have a count like 1,000 on john abhrahim and like 5,739on SRK or something…
it better to have comments on the stars coz then you get to know instead of a (A) or (B)…
true nitzy…but many people dont want to write, but instead vote. it would also save you having to scour through pages to find out who gets the majority…
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
and the voting will lead to ?? its not like we need some sorta elections, or the results do matter….who cares ???
its just a matter of interest isn’t it? I mean if you dont want to view the results simply don’t click on the thread right? and i suppose it’d be interesting to see which stars are most popular. Of course you’ll get the odd freak who will click on it countless times out of boredom but the basic principle of the voting thing is pretty good and a new, fresh idea which will develop the forum and make it unique.
Maybe Mukesh can do something like enable the cookies or summat to detect whether the computer has already voted for that thread and this will keep it clean.
Btw i didnt know that non-members can now view the forum…when did this happen? I think that’ll attract more people coz they’ll view it for a while and want to join in as opposed to just wanting to browse and being restricted and then can’t be bothered signing up. Soo yeh yay in favour of the voting thing!
..:Aisi nazar se dekha…us zaalim ne chowk par
Humne kaleija rak diya…chaaku ki nowk par:..
I’m not sure how long you guys have known BWL, but before “bollywoodlyrics”, this site used to be called “hindimovietalk.com”. That was about 5 years ago though. (Don’t ask about how I got the name “hindimovietalk”). Anyways, I used have a poll there similar to what you are talking about. Yes there were those that abused it but it was merely for fun. At that time, I got suggestions to make it into a poll where people can add comments. I think that is one of the reasons how this forum got started. So looks like we have come full cycle 🙂
The suggestion of adding Poll here is good, and I don’t think it’ll be difficult adding that to the Forum but can’t promise a date.
I hope you can arrange the poll so that you can only vote once.
I know most people will only try to vote once. However, we have run into characters who may do stupid things like clicking on one name over and over for an hour. Otherwise, the poll results are going to be misleading.
I think a poll is a good idea as long as the data gathered is some what accurate.
Thanks for taking into account what the members want to see.
damn u madhu ! i was gonna be one of those odd freaks who clicked numerous times on a vote for Ash Rai
Originally posted by nitzah
and the voting will lead to ?? its not like we need some sorta elections, or the results do matter….who cares ???
– Common sense is instinct. Enough of it is genius –
people who are interested in Bollywood will care…
Mukesh: thank you for that…glad i could help (for once…lol!)
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
am telling you now….ash rai is gonna be voted the hottest actress that ever lived
and dont be suprised by the results !
dot you feel weird calling Aish, an Indian woman supposedly with ‘indian values’ hot? not meaning to cause a stir, or be racist or anything…but i feel like calling ash rai hot is like s l u t t y…
just my twopence..
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
you see that is the problem with you ignorant brits….when you hear the word HOT, your corrupt lil minds think of those MTV music videos i.e. nelly’s Hot in Herre…and therefore come to conclusions like that…
there are a lot of other definitions for HOT :-
1. It can mean “arousing interests / excitement” like when you say “thats a hot book / magazine”
2. It can mean “marked by excited activity or energy” like when you say “a hot week on the stock market”
3. It can mean “wanted by someone”, like when you say “a hot car” or “a hot suspect”
4. It can mean “new, fresh, most recent” like when you say “i’v got hot news”
The word “hot” if used in the right ‘slang’ (not like with the dirty mind of yours)….means a lot of other DECENT things…..it just depends on the terms in which the person says it in…
so to answer your question….no…i do not feel weird calling Ash Rai, an indian woman with indian values ‘hot’…..you can cause a stir if i said she words like “s.exy” “sensual” or even “hot stuff”
just my fifty cents..
lol jus becoz boo said thts my two pence doesnt mean shes British!! n brits r nottttt ignorant!
..X.. Aise bhole bankar hai bete jaise kohi baat hi nahi.. sab kuch nazar aaraha hai..din hai yeh raat nahi ..X..
Originally posted by boo
dot you feel weird calling Aish, an Indian woman supposedly with ‘indian values’ hot? not meaning to cause a stir, or be racist or anything…but i feel like calling ash rai hot is like s l u t t y…
just my twopence..
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
This discussion belongs in another thread and will probably either get deleted or moved by Mukesh.
If you think that calling Aishwarya Rai HOT is “s l u t t y”, then could you explain why we have 61 pages in a thread called “hot or not” in another section of this forum about many actors or actresses including Aishwarya Rai? After all you have posted a few times yourself in that thread. The Indian values apply in that thread just as much as they do here. You can use any word to show appreciation for some one. I think that calling some one HOT is much better than some of the other names I can think of which I would not want to type here. Calling some one HOT is meant to be a compliment. It is not a deragatory term and is definitely not against Indian or any other decent values. Take it in the spirit it is being used in. Don’t take things literally or at their face value.
madhu….its boo…she just tries a lot to prove me wrong…let it be..she gets a lesson out of it every time
dude, she has got nothing else to argue with and hence the ridiculous statement about hot = $lutty
hey admin-wanabe bogedy boo..just give up, will ya?
*~The tongue which is addicted to false expression is a bubbling spring of sins~*
she NEVER has any evidence to argue with me….but you gotta give her credit for trying !..
i like to look at things on the brighter side…the more she tries, the more she fails ! the more she fails, the more i can laugh at her !!
Originally posted by nitzah
you see that is the problem with you ignorant brits….when you hear the word HOT, your corrupt lil minds think of those MTV music videos i.e. nelly’s Hot in Herre…and therefore come to conclusions like that…
there are a lot of other definitions for HOT :-
1. It can mean “arousing interests / excitement” like when you say “thats a hot book / magazine”
2. It can mean “marked by excited activity or energy” like when you say “a hot week on the stock market”
3. It can mean “wanted by someone”, like when you say “a hot car” or “a hot suspect”
4. It can mean “new, fresh, most recent” like when you say “i’v got hot news”The word “hot” if used in the right ‘slang’ (not like with the dirty mind of yours)….means a lot of other DECENT things…..it just depends on the terms in which the person says it in…
so to answer your question….no…i do not feel weird calling Ash Rai, an indian woman with indian values ‘hot’…..you can cause a stir if i said she words like “s.exy” “sensual” or even “hot stuff”
just my fifty cents..
– Common sense is instinct. Enough of it is genius –
nitzah ji…more like i like the way you try and always prove me wrong. that is my opinion. and i said it. if you have a problem with it, tough. if you dont, even better, now leave me alone.
and another thing…isn’t it your little mind that made you jump to a conclusion that brits were ignorant…now let’s se whose mind is corrupt, eh? you cant say that i am one nationality based on what i write nitz…looks like you need to sort yourself out before pouncing on other people.
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Originally posted by Madhu
If you think that calling Aishwarya Rai HOT is “s l u t t y”, then could you explain why we have 61 pages in a thread called “hot or not” in another section of this forum about many actors or actresses including Aishwarya Rai? After all you have posted a few times yourself in that thread. The Indian values apply in that thread just as much as they do here. You can use any word to show appreciation for some one. I think that calling some one HOT is much better than some of the other names I can think of which I would not want to type here. Calling some one HOT is meant to be a compliment. It is not a deragatory term and is definitely not against Indian or any other decent values. Take it in the spirit it is being used in. Don’t take things literally or at their face value.
i didnt say that it was wrong, i just said it might be a bit weird…
and when you said calling someone hot is meant to be a compliment, i dont fully agree with you. there are many people i can think of who do like being called hot…again that is your opinion, and this mine…it just wasnt that clear at first, as in the way you phrased it
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Originally posted by boo
Originally posted by nitzah
you see that is the problem with you ignorant brits….when you hear the word HOT, your corrupt lil minds think of those MTV music videos i.e. nelly’s Hot in Herre…and therefore come to conclusions like that…
there are a lot of other definitions for HOT :-
1. It can mean “arousing interests / excitement” like when you say “thats a hot book / magazine”
2. It can mean “marked by excited activity or energy” like when you say “a hot week on the stock market”
3. It can mean “wanted by someone”, like when you say “a hot car” or “a hot suspect”
4. It can mean “new, fresh, most recent” like when you say “i’v got hot news”The word “hot” if used in the right ‘slang’ (not like with the dirty mind of yours)….means a lot of other DECENT things…..it just depends on the terms in which the person says it in…
so to answer your question….no…i do not feel weird calling Ash Rai, an indian woman with indian values ‘hot’…..you can cause a stir if i said she words like “s.exy” “sensual” or even “hot stuff”
just my fifty cents..
– Common sense is instinct. Enough of it is genius –
nitzah ji…more like i like the way you try and always prove me wrong. that is my opinion. and i said it. if you have a problem with it, tough. if you dont, even better, now leave me alone.
and another thing…isn’t it your little mind that made you jump to a conclusion that brits were ignorant…now let’s se whose mind is corrupt, eh? you cant say that i am one nationality based on what i write nitz…looks like you need to sort yourself out before pouncing on other people.
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
LOL !!! so your allowed to pick a bone with me coz you “want to voice your opinion”…..but i’m not allowed to “voice” mine in defense ? then whats the point of posting in the first place ?? keep your opinions to yourself if you dont want to hear a response !!
brits are boring, canadians are mental, kiwis are bloody pyscho…these are my ‘opinions’….if you have a problem with it, tough. if you dont, even better, now leave me alone
– Common sense is instinct. Enough of it is genius –
I have a prob. can we post any thing we like or is there any rules
You are allowed to post any thing you like as long as it is decent. We have many young readers so it is important that you watch your language. Please use the appropriate category for your topic.
The forum has system limitations and you can not upload pictures or music. All you can do is provide a link to the website you want to show. I don’t know what you had in mind so it is difficult to give you the most appropriate answer. You mentioned a problem so perhaps you want to put it in the section “Say Something”. Good Luck!
Thanx Madhu. I was scared about it
No reason to be scared. Most of the people here are pretty nice. After all a forum is where you can bring out issues and get different opinions on it. You have the added advantage of no one knowing who you are and where you are so it is easier to be open about your problem whatever it might be.
However, be aware that this is open to the public and you can not control who reads your messages. Please make sure that you do not give out so much information about yourself that people can figure out who you are and where you are. There are also a lot of sick people on the net. [:(!]
Just be careful!
Also, this is not the right place to be discussing these issues. This section is meant to be just to come up with suggestions to make the forum better. Please post your next messsages in the “Say Something” section. Good Luck!
I got a other prob now I forgette my p***word what will i do 2 find it?
If you are logged in, then you probably know your p***word. However, you can find your p***word / or reset it using the Forgot P***word link.
If you are logged in (you should be as you are posting here), then you can simply update the p***word through your profile.
BWL Admin
Originally posted by Senali
I got a other prob now I forgette my p***word what will i do 2 find it?
*~*~Discover the magic, feel the rhythm, and fall in love.~*~*
If you are logged in, then you probably know your p***word. However, you can find your p***word / or reset it using the Forgot P***word link.
If you are logged in (you should be as you are posting here), then you can simply update the p***word through your profile.
BWL Admin
Originally posted by Senali
I got a other prob now I forgette my p***word what will i do 2 find it?
*~*~Discover the magic, feel the rhythm, and fall in love.~*~*
I can’t looging cause in my computer when I visit to bollywoodlyric.com it automatcly my user name is come
no need to worry i did found it
U mentioned in the Avatar threads that we can have a custom avatar image if we send u the attachment via e-mail.
What is the Admin e-mail?
I tried sending u an e-mail Mukesh from your profile page but i cannot send an attachment?
You can email the avatars to mukesh@bollywoodlyrics.com via your email program. Please keep in mind that the avatar has to be in a web viewable format (JPG or GIF) and its dimension should be 100×100. Basicaly it should look like the avatars you see here. Also we can decide not to upload your avatar based on its content.
Originally posted by desi kudi
U mentioned in the Avatar threads that we can have a custom avatar image if we send u the attachment via e-mail.
What is the Admin e-mail?
I tried sending u an e-mail Mukesh from your profile page but i cannot send an attachment?
hey mukesh!
while you’re here…can i ask when the polls are going to come up please?
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
hey admin ji!
lol…its me again…someone has asked if there was a PM feature in this forum…which we dont have…
i was wondering what you think of the idea of having a PM feature on this forum? some other forums have it…and i realise that this may be a lil hard to get, and it may take up extra storage space, etc…but i was just wondering what your (and other people’s) thoughts on it are[?]
thank you! boo
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Private messaging I guess really is more appropriate for chatting type websites in my opinion. If you really want to PM someone though, I guess you could use the email link and send an email with your message.
Also regarding the earlier post about Polls. I’ve found a decent one that might work for us, but haven’t had the time of adding it. I’m also looking into changing Forum software from Snitz to another one that has it included so I’m still debating on whether to take the time of installing it on this version.
Private messaging I guess really is more appropriate for chatting type websites in my opinion. If you really want to PM someone though, I guess you could use the email link and send an email with your message.
Also regarding the earlier post about Polls. I’ve found a decent one that might work for us, but haven’t had the time of adding it. I’m also looking into changing Forum software from Snitz to another one that has it included so I’m still debating on whether to take the time of installing it on this version.
i’m sorry…i dont understand what you mean by “chatting type websites”?
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Hello Mukesh..I just want to know if there is a way to show pictures in this forum..i dont think so but i just want to make sure?
Like small pictures – because in my beauty tips forum we thought it a good idea if there was a way to show eye images with different make up types , etc.
yeah that is a good idea…like having pictures in the posts…maybe there is a package that allows the pictures to be posted too? using the thing?? [?]
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
oh that would be cool!!! hehe. We should have that!
Excuse me admin but you said we could have a avatar which ever we want does that mean we can have a english avatar?. and do we have to e-mail you.i don’t know how you can e-mail you a pic that’s hard!i only have e card is that okay can you shorter it.Thanks!
If you provide the administrator with the picture you want to use as your avatar, he will decide if it is appropriate for the website and then add it to the avatars available. That is what I had done. I wanted to use a picture of Madhubala since I was named for her. I sent him an email and sent the picture as an attachment. He then added it the list of avatars available and sent me an email. I then went and added it. You will have to do the same thing if you want to use your own picture or some thing else. I am not sure if he is going to be able to take some thing and make changes before adding it to the list of avatars available. Good Luck!
I don’t know if we’ll be able to do this. It is possible technically but I wonder if the pages start loading slowly because every post/reply has images it has to load.
We may consider this when we move to another forum software.
Originally posted by savita_05
Hello Mukesh..I just want to know if there is a way to show pictures in this forum..i dont think so but i just want to make sure?
Like small pictures – because in my beauty tips forum we thought it a good idea if there was a way to show eye images with different make up types , etc.
Please send me the avatar via email and I will upload it. I’ll try to create an avatar out of your e-card. If I can’t then you will have to get an avatar and then send it to me.
email me via the forum email and I will respond to you so that you can attach your avatar.
Originally posted by mrida
Excuse me admin but you said we could have a avatar which ever we want does that mean we can have a english avatar?. and do we have to e-mail you.i don’t know how you can e-mail you a pic that’s hard!i only have e card is that okay can you shorter it.Thanks!
I mean websites that offer chat boards instead of forum boards. Like http://www.bollychat.com or http://www.smashchat.com. I am doing some research on new forumboard software that we might upgrade to, so I’ll see if they have this feature built-in.
Originally posted by boo
i’m sorry…i dont understand what you mean by “chatting type websites”?
Music is not just a P A S S I O N for me; its a necessity
Thank you a lot admin!Oh yhe thanks for creating this web site!
Mrida- hehe yah maybe we should be thanking him for that!
especially because we meet so many interesting people!
Thanks Admin ji!
thank you so much, Admin ji….and i really mean it! i’ve met so many people here and i hae had some amazing times….some happy and some sad….but always fun nevertheless….so i guess we have a lot to be thanking you for…. i sincerely hope you keep this forum running (touchwood)…
I just read some old topics that Boo ji and Lee posted on again…..and i just have to thank you agin Admin ji!!!!!Thank you!
Thank u very much Admin ji 2 make a web site lyk dis, dis is really a fun webpage
Forgive me for saying this, but this forum has become a pathetic place of late. Not your fault. But the kids who are registering now a days are….oh God! What can i say!
But let me say this, Mukesh, u r doing a great service! This is the only place i chat on and i’m glad u keep the indecent intruders out.
Thanks Mukesh.
~~~lover of music~~~
Just one doubt, Mukeshji. How is it that Madhuji gets the title of ‘Moderator’? Ofcourse if there is anyone in this forum worth being moderator (with powers to edit or delete other’s posts)
. Im just asking out of curiosity as to how it came about.
~~~lover of music~~~
Originally posted by loverofmusic
Forgive me for saying this, but this forum has become a pathetic place of late. Not your fault. But the kids who are registering now a days are….oh God! What can i say!
But let me say this, Mukesh, u r doing a great service! This is the only place i chat on and i’m glad u keep the indecent intruders out.
Thanks Mukesh.~~~lover of music~~~
im getting the same vibes loverji… there might be a way round this… i think…
is there any way you can “block” some of the members’ posts? i have heard of it in other forums… i was just wondering….
it might be available in the updated version of the forum that you said you’re looking into??
what do you guys think?
If you want me to fall for you, you’ve got to give me something worth tripping over
its fast, its free, its fun!!! The BollywoodLyrics.com Forum Awards 05 await ur vote… VOTE NOW!! And u may win an award…
I very much agree with loverofmusic there, as well as boo! Some of the newbies (mentioning no names) seem to have perceived the nature of the forum in the wrong way.
Admin ji, would it be possible for you to produce some sort of ‘Guide to the forum’ email or sticky topic which states the rules and guidelines that members should keep in mind when posting? Alternatively, I would, along with other older forum members who i’m sure would be more than happy, initially come up with something together.
..:If you ain’t livin’ life to the edge….your takin’ up too much space:..
Originally posted by ramz89
I very much agree with loverofmusic there, as well as boo! Some of the newbies (mentioning no names) seem to have perceived the nature of the forum in the wrong way.
Admin ji, would it be possible for you to produce some sort of ‘Guide to the forum’ email or sticky topic which states the rules and guidelines that members should keep in mind when posting? Alternatively, I would, along with other older forum members who i’m sure would be more than happy, initially come up with something together.
..:If you ain’t livin’ life to the edge….your takin’ up too much space
First off, thanks for your suggestions. Members on this forum and similar forums on the net are allowed to speak their opinion. We can’t stop people from expressing themselves. That being said, if you find new members, or any members for that matter, are creating inappropriate topics or posts that do not belong here, then you can definately notify myself or Madhu. One of us will take care of it immediately.
We can block, or “lock”, members from the Forum. It doesn’t mean we can completely stop them, as they can register with another email address. I would have to validate the complaint so we don’t start blocking people just because someone doesn’t like them.
I wanted to stay away from having “rules” since this is an open forum for fans of Bollywood songs but, I agree that we should have a “Forum Rules and Policies” section now. If you guys can start a DRAFT version and send it to myself and Madhu we can then add our own items and post it on the home page and also show it as part of the registration process.
guide to the forum?? what do u have in mind ramz? Nitz and Oreo ji’s Death Forum style??
i think that the rules or policies shouldn’t be too long because some people are so lazy that they wont even read it.
Thx for the support Boo dear and Ramz.
Mukesh bhaiya u dint answer my one and only doubt!
~~~lover of music~~~
question not what is hidden for the truth might make u regret asking in the first place
*~Savor the flavour, dont waste the taste~*
Why Serio? I dint question. I just asked a doubt out of curiosity:)
~~~lover of music~~~
and curiosity always kills the cat
*~Savor the flavour, dont waste the taste~*
yes yes !! kill kill !! kill this damn cat !! spike up the stakes !! burn her alive !!
Oh nitz nitz! Do u always have to do this! Butt in! 😉 That too with such cruel words!
Forgive us Mukeshji for using the place (topic) wrongly. I quit.
~~~lover of music~~~
lol!! no lover jiiii dont quit so easily with them!!
as word rules guidelines, here are a couple i had in mind:
1. stick to the sections – i think this is already on the forum though?
i dont know if this would be allowed, really, because it might be in violation of the freedom of speech but here goes…
2. please avoid clogging up the forum – many of the threads created can all be put into one thread with a common title, such as “Jokes” or “Problems”… no need to create lots of threads for what could’ve been posts.
i say this because it is annoying to find lots of topics on here that you have to scroll past… but i dont know. am i just being fussy? maybe it could be a polite request instead of a rule… as it is, most of these topics go into the archives with only 1 or 2 pages, or we tend to go off-topic anyway… i dont know… what say[?]
and as for blocking people, i didnt mean like block them from the site. i meant a facility where each member of the forum can choose to block the posts of a certain member from the threads they see. it is available in other forums, im sure… or would you say that is too drastic? maybe if enough people feel strongly about it, it could be something worth considering?
also, i wanted to thank you (yet again… lol) for creating this forum… it really does make my day to see such lovely posts in here, despite certain problems… you’re doing such a good job, so… THANK YOU VERY MUCH! and keep it up…
Originally posted by boo
2. please avoid clogging up the forum – many of the threads created can all be put into one thread with a common title, such as “Jokes” or “Problems”… no need to create lots of threads for what could’ve been posts.
i say this because it is annoying to find lots of topics on here that you have to scroll past… but i dont know. am i just being fussy? maybe it could be a polite request instead of a rule… as it is, most of these topics go into the archives with only 1 or 2 pages, or we tend to go off-topic anyway… i dont know… what say[?]
If you want me to fall for you, you’ve got to give me something worth tripping over
its fast, its free, its fun!!! The BollywoodLyrics.com Forum Awards 05 await ur vote… VOTE NOW!! And u may win an award…
No ur not being fussy Boo.
I feel the same way.
Dekhe Vo Idhar Haske Bekhabar –Thaamke Dil Hum Khade Hain…!!!!
Khuda Ki Kasam Tumpe Marte Hai Hum Magar Door Rehte hai Darte Hai Hum…
wow… twin thing huh? lol!
well i agree with u 2 Boo, it’s pretty useless to make a thread for each and every joke, just put it in a thread that already exists, people’ll see it nehow..
..:.:Dil Diyan Rahan Uttey:.:Pehrey Naiyon Lagdey:.:Muqaddaran Dey Likhey Hoye:.:Mitt Naiyon Sakdey:.:..
I think the forum is also getting clogged up with people quoting other peoples posts. Some people have long signatures with phrases or song lyrics as part of it. When you quote their entire message and then add your response as a little smiley or LOL or some thing equally brief then for other readers it is redundant and you have to look for the actual response. If you want to quote some one use only the part that is relevant to your answer. Or you can address it to that person so they know that the response is for them. I don’t want to mention names but I will use myself as an example. If I translated your song and you want to thank me, you can just say Thanks Madhu in your post, you don’t need to quote my entire post including lyrics, translation and my signature smiley before you say “Thanks Madhu”. The way Heera just responded to Boo’s message was a perfect way of responding since she got her message across and every one can tell what she responded to. Kudos to Heera for a good response. If you are responding to some thing that was said 25 posts earlier you may want to quote the person so that it is obvious what prompted your response but you can still edit out that persons long signature and any thing else that was not needed.
Starting a new thread is not the only way to clog the forum. You have the choice of reading that thread or not. When I have time I read them all. Lately I pick and choose which ones I read because I don’t have much time. However, it is annoying to read the same message over and over because it is being quoted over and over. Some times I end up missing the response because it is buried in there some where. This is even worse when certain people type their response in the middle of the quoted section instead of above or below it.
That was directed to me. Well i guess if i want to make this forum better i should start with myself! So no one will see me clogging up the forum. Sorry guys.
Rani, please don’t take it personally. My comment was not directed at you. Many people do the same thing and I am sure I have done the same thing some times also. It was just a general observation with the thought that perhaps all of us can work towards avoiding some of these issues. After all if no one points these things out, how would others know that we need to change the way we do things?
I apologize to you if you feel that I was attacking you. That was not my intent.
Madhu- There is no need to apologize. I didn’t feel that you were ‘attacking me.’ I just thought you were directing your post at me. But since you weren’t, i’m sorry for jumping to conclusions.
you’re right that if no one points it out, then how will we know what to change. So we’ll all just work together and help each other! thanks.
Well where is the admin ji? I like Boo’s ideas…maybe we should try them out…?
i get what u mean about quoting… i try to delete to the bits that are needed, if i can be bothered… i will make a better effort from now on
the idea of not having so many diff threads for all the jokes and stuff?? i dont know what the admins will think… maybe its too much to ask, since a forum allows freedom of expression?? :S
i havent really checked this out, to be honest, but do all the translations that are done here (e.g. the bluffmaster – right here right now one by rani is the bes), by the members of this forum go on the main website? if they do, that means you can delete the thread that asks for those lyrics, freeing up more space… it is also easier to find stuff on the main site, as they are categorised into movie names, etc. i bet most people probably check the main site, and then ask for lyrics and translations on here… its not like many people are even using the search facility on the forum anyway, sadly enough…
Boo- i dont know if the translations do go to the main site…but yeah i was saying i liked your idea of not having so many different topics for jokes. But if the admin doesn’t agree, maybe we can work together and ask the members(nicely)to just put them in one topic (like the topic called Laughing is uncontrollable). I’m sure they’ll understand…i hope so…
Well Mukesh. If a member is online there should be some icon like a bulb or a sign like he/she is online so that if any one is online we can directly chat with them. and that sign can be anywhere like near the AVATAR or under those stars. or under those counting posts…
Hope it can be done.
Jaanta hoon ap log ko Saharey ki Zaroorat nahi hai mein Sirf Saath deney aaya hoon
thats a cool idea baqtiar… i hope it can be done! perhaps there should also be an option of hiding your online/offline status in case people dont want to show it?
The feature for seeing ‘who is on’ is not available in this Forum version. However, the forum that I am looking at upgrading to does have that feature and you will be able to private message users also.
The lyrics/translations on the forum are not transferred to the website database, but that can be done. We just haven’t done it since it does require lots of time. The only concern I would have is not all requestors put all the information we require in the main website.
Mukesh ji: thank you! i am looking forward to the new version now i have a question though… i dont understand what you mean by “The only concern I would have is not all requestors put all the information we require in the main website.” ?? do you mean the name of the film, the actors, the singers, the music director etc? that should be fairly easy (as long as they are film songs…)… i will try and help out with that, if that is what you mean… :S
thank you once again
Mukesh my Avatar has vanished? why?
Can you help get it back??
desi kudi:
have you tried going to your profile (by clicking on Profile at the top, next to active topics, etc), and re-selecting your avatar? that’s what i did with mine, and mine was one i sent in for mukesh to put up as an avatar.
i think you avatar has gone because of some back up problem or something, when all the data on that day was lost, and along with that disappeared our avatars… there is a topic on that in this section somewhere if you want to check it out.
hope that helps!
Thanks Boo! I’ll try that…. i didn’t realise that happened, Oops!
Hey ya doin a good job as part-time Admin @ssistant! Cheers
thank u… haha.
didnt work?
As Boo mentioned, try to re-***ign the avatar from your Profile. If you had sent me your own avatar and it doesn’t show up in the list, then email the avatar again.
If you had selected your avatar on Jan 16th or 17th then it may have been lost due to the data crash we had.
Let me know how that goes.
Originally posted by desi kudi
Mukesh my Avatar has vanished? why?
Can you help get it back??
Yes Boo, that is the information that we’ll need. Next couple of weeks I am finishing up some forms that allow us to enter lyrics in our database, maybe you can help “copy-n-pasting” them.
Originally posted by boo
do you mean the name of the film, the actors, the singers, the music director etc? that should be fairly easy (as long as they are film songs…)… i will try and help out with that, if that is what you mean… :S
Maybe I can help with it too. Let me know if you need any help, Admin Ji.
Mukesh ji: I’d love to give something back to this forum… ill try my best… which films are you looking for? and where should i put the details? in the threads where the lyrics and translations were requested? or are they better off being sent to you?
Hey Boo ur too kind!
Admin- I can help too if you want. Let me know if it’s too much for Boo to do alone.
My my my… there are enuf faltoo members in here to help Mukesh…haha
Jaanta hoon ap log ko Saharey ki Zaroorat nahi hai mein Sirf Saath deney aaya hoon
can we have a religions/faith section???
Sorry, we don’t have such a section becuase it isn’t really in context of Bollywood Or Bollywood Music. There are sites that are dedicated towards those topics and if you search on Google, you’ll find them.
However, you can post a question/topic in the Say Something section but topics from that section get purged every 14 days.
Originally posted by Gauri
can we have a religions/faith section???
Hi Mukesh!
I sent you a new Avatar for my profile, I sent it to your e-mail… have you received it yet?
Originally posted by Admin
The lyrics/translations on the forum are not transferred to the website database, but that can be done. We just haven’t done it since it does require lots of time. The only concern I would have is not all requestors put all the information we require in the main website.
If I remember correctly you had also expressed concern that not all translations were original. You said some thing like if we were to copy from other sites then there might be copyright issues. For example all the translations that are cut and pasted from http://www.bollywhat.com. I could be mistaken but I seem to remember some thing of the sort. However, many of our translations are originals and could easily be taken from the forum and added to the website.
Finding the song information, such as name of movie, singer and music director etc. is time consuming but can be done. Actually if people were to provide more information when they put in their request it might make it easier for everyone. I know it certainly makes it easier for me to find the song when people provide detailed information because some times the search engines will not find it by the lyrics but the name of the movie will pull it up. Sometimes I have been succesful in finding a song because I knew who the singer was.
Hello Admin:
Could you kindly tell me your rate card for advertising in your site.
hi mukesh/madhu…
thought you’d like to know about this thread created… as you put this in the terms and conds…
Any user who finds material posted by another user objectionable is encouraged to contact us via e-mail. We are authorized by you to remove or modify any data submitted by you to these forums for any reason we feel constitutes a violation of our policies, whether stated, implied or not.
This site may contain links to other web sites and files. We have no control over the content and can not ensure it will not be offensive or objectionable. We will, however, remove links to material that we feel is inappropriate as we become aware of them.
You also agree that you will not post any copyrighted material that is not owned by yourself or the owners of these forums. In your use of these forums, you agree that you will not post any information which is vulgar, har***ing, hateful, threatening, invading of others privacy, ***ually oriented, or violates any laws.
Thanks for bringing it to our attention. I have deleted that thread. We do not need to read filth like that here.
Thanks again.
glad to help madhu ji
not to be too nosey or anything… and you dont have to answer if you dont want to… but why has n/a been deleted?? and who was it?? :S
Sorry not responding earlier. Been busy with other stuff and finally got hands on the new Forum software we’ll be using! Looking to change this forum with the new one probably end of this month or first part of April.
I’m also working on creating a form where you and other contributors can copy the lyrics from the forum and post them in the main site, but that project is kind of going slow right now.
I am also re-designing the main website as well. I’ll post updates on that later.
Originally posted by boo
Mukesh ji: I’d love to give something back to this forum…
ill try my best… which films are you looking for? and where should i put the details? in the threads where the lyrics and translations were requested? or are they better off being sent to you?
If you want me to fall for you, you’ve got to give me something worth tripping over
You are correct Madhuji. I intend for us to review the content before actually posting on the website. If it has been copied then we can either leave it in the forums or copy it and provide credit (via link) to the original website. We can work out the process.
Originally posted by Madhu
If I remember correctly you had also expressed concern that not all translations were original. You said some thing like if we were to copy from other sites then there might be copyright issues. For example all the translations that are cut and pasted from http://www.bollywhat.com. I could be mistaken but I seem to remember some thing of the sort. However, many of our translations are originals and could easily be taken from the forum and added to the website.
Finding the song information, such as name of movie, singer and music director etc. is time consuming but can be done. Actually if people were to provide more information when they put in their request it might make it easier for everyone. I know it certainly makes it easier for me to find the song when people provide detailed information because some times the search engines will not find it by the lyrics but the name of the movie will pull it up. Sometimes I have been succesful in finding a song because I knew who the singer was.
I deleted it, on the users request.
Originally posted by boo
not to be too nosey or anything… and you dont have to answer if you dont want to… but why has n/a been deleted?? and who was it?? :S
If you want me to fall for you, you’ve got to give me something worth tripping over
hey mukesh ji!
i was wondering how ur forum-changes are going? im not really sure whether i should suggest any changes yet? since u might be changing the layout, etc. of the forum soon… what kind of time scale are we talking? (like in months, or weeks or yr?) well if u want me to, ill post some of the suggestions i had in mind, but if u wanna tell us what you had in mind, that would be better (if its poss. for you)…
thanks, boo.
Hi boo,
You probably already noticed the bulletin on top. We are just about there with the new Forum. It took a little longer that our original date of early April. My computer crashed and so I had to wait till it was fixed.
I definately will welcome suggestions, but I would hold off on sending them until you have had a chance to see the new Forum. It’s completely new software and has most of the features you guys have requested. It also has Blogging software which I want to introduce for all of us eventually too. Go check out the Software vendor at http://www.communityserver.com.
Originally posted by boo
hey mukesh ji!
i was wondering how ur forum-changes are going? im not really sure whether i should suggest any changes yet? since u might be changing the layout, etc. of the forum soon… what kind of time scale are we talking? (like in months, or weeks or yr?) well if u want me to, ill post some of the suggestions i had in mind, but if u wanna tell us what you had in mind, that would be better (if its poss. for you)…
thanks, boo.
If you want me to fall for you, you’ve got to give me something worth tripping over
hey mukesh ji!
that’s great… i’ve checked it out… although it is a little difficult to find the list of features lol. i found it in the end. i hope the changes/transition goes well… i’m looking forward to seeing the new version!
hey mukesh,
new forum looks good tho its kinda weird having to deal with the new interface. thanks for all the effort. im sure u’ll get tons of questions from all the faltoos..just ignore them
Hi Mukesh, im liking the features on the forum! little confusing but I will get there lol. I wanted to ask you about where it says posts made, most of us were platinum members on the old forum, but it says we have made much less posts for example on Boo’s profile it says she has made 401 posts, but I know she has made more?
Thanks for your comments. I think since not all posts were migrated, this forum recalculated the number of posts each has made. Regarding the ranks, I haven’t turned on that feature yet. I can use the same ranking (starter, platinum etc) but maybe we can use some other movie oriented names. I can’t think of any off the top right now. Any of you have suggestions?
I’m still working out the issues and improving the forum, if you come across any issues/errors please let me know.
hey Mukesh ji!
thank you for all the work you’ve done to get this new forum… 🙂 hmmm filmi names? such as: director, guest appearance, big star, etc?
btw… does anyone understand the points system???
lol nope I dont understand it either :s lol I had like 4,000 n sumthin posts on the old forum now I got like 100 n sumthin *-)
nahin tayba ji, i meant the POINTS system…
I’m not really sure what to do with the Points system. But basically what it is, everytime you post a new topic you get certain points, when you post a reply to a topic you get different points, if you were the first person to reply you get certain points. What you get is configurable and right now its just the defaults. I’m trying to figure out how we can use them, but nothing comes to mind, maybe someone can start suggesting for that.
Also, regarding the ranks, I was thinking something along the lines of the example you gave. Director, Spot Boy, Producer, Villian. Maybe even name of film stars or something. Keep thinking!
hey mukesh i have something to ask… what is meant by this in the ‘Say Something’ section? where there is a description of what the Say Something section is…
To keep the content fresh, topics in this forum WILL be deleted after two weeks.
are you going to delete the topics or delete the old ones or… ???
and also: you might already be doing this, but i was wondering if you were going to move all the lyrics and translations that there are on the main page in the old BWL website? because if you were, you could simply sort them in ascending order of name of film because (well, i think so anyway…) it would be easier to find the film that way than by searching through the different genres… in any case, the genres of the films are all mixed up any way, so it makes it a little harder to try and find the films…
well i think that’s enough questions for now… lol. i understand you must be very busy… but thank you.
Hey, you know for the signature on the profile, how do you use the html? like in the old forum we could change the colour of our signatures and stuff and add emoticons and preview it. Can we do that here too?
Yeah i was just wondering about the same thing.. should we put the colors/commands between “[]” or between “” or is there some other way?
I usually delete the entire topic that is older than 2 weeks (14 days) because if the topic is that old then the posts and replies will also be as old if not older.
I do want to start copying lyrics from here to the BWL section, which by the way is not the old site, it is still current. I just replaced the Forum section with this new one. So please do visit the actual lyric site 🙂
I’m trying to figure out how to put links from here to the lyric site so that you can go back and forth.
Anyways, yes I do want to copy them but I need to work out somethings like lyrics that were pasted here from other sites and stuff. We need to be able to credit those websites. Also I need an easy process to move them so that contributors like yourself can do it as well. Adding this new forum was the first step, next steps are to redesign the main lyric website with a whole new look-n-feel and creating forms for contributors to update the site.
With the current lryics website, you can search for lyrics and also search them alphabetically. So genre is not the only way to find your lyrics.
Good question. I will try to find out for you guys.
alrite guys… re: signature issue…
heera: as far as i can make out, you can use both ” and ‘[]’, because i have used ‘[]’ for the image for the fanaa signature, and ” for the text next to it…
as for the HTML code: yes it does work on the HTML code (using either ” or ‘[]’ as i mentioned above… lol ), but because i cant remember all of the HTML code from the old forum (and because i think it is slightly different…), this was what i did.
i went onto a topic, clicked on the REPLY button above someone’s post, and made my signature the way i wanted it, with the fonts and colours and the whole works. then i clicked on the ‘HTML’ icon which is underneath that window i was writing in, which made all the text into HyperTextMarkupLanguage (or at least, thats what i think it is… with all the ”s and stuff…). i simply copied and pasted that onto my signature, and it worked!
i think thats the easiet way so far, cos u dont have to remember any of the HTML code and u can get it how u want! hope that helps u and anyone else who’s having probs…
edited to add:
BTW, my fanaa image signature didn’t work, because its something to do with directly uploading it from their website or something… i think i need a photobucket ID to be able to upload pics… but i rly dont want to get an ID… does anyone know how i can upload pics for my sig using the ‘ [ i m g ] ‘ ‘ [ / i m g ] ‘ tool, but without using photobucket, etc?
this has nothing to do with the ‘[]’ because it definitely worked before! or so i think…
aaargh noooo!! soo sorry guys but my fanaa sig is working again… I AM SO CONFUSED!!!! all i ever wanted was to publicise fanaa (lol, JOKE!!)
ok, if anyone wanted to know, this was how i got the ‘fanaa’ signature as my signature. hopefully it will help u out…
1. i saved the picture in a folder on my computer.
2. i then went onto http://www.tinypic.com (WARNING: pic , NOT picS… its adult stuff otherwise lol), and uploaded the image there.
heera: it says this, which i thought might help u with the size of ur siggy. Best of all, the url will always be tiny so give it a try! Images hosted larger than 250k are resized.
3. then i clicked on ‘Host Image’, and somewhere on the page (in the bottom half or somewhere? trust me, its easy enough to find… ) you will find three links. i used the [img]one. i copied and pasted the[img]one onto the signature here and saved the changes.
4. and, hopefully, it should work!
best thing is, you dont need registration! dont forget to credit the ppl u get it from. else, well, thats just mean. lol.
errr… looks like im talking to myself here! doesn’t this thread need to be moved?
Thnx Boogedy! But i already have picturetrail so its all fine by me haha
Thnx for the instructions and the tiny pic site Boo! Yay i got my siggy up!
my pleasure khushi!
Than you so much Boo! I will try it as soon as I get home (posting in working hours again…)
guess ur as useless as u call everyone else then. give the admin a break.
Hi mukesh I’m Marine and its my first time writing to you. I just wantes to thank you for the wonderfull work that you have don. I was having a problem with it at first cause the old forum was like a secong home to all of us, but hey will get used to this. But you have put a lot of efoort into it so it wont feal diferent but I love it its actually better then the old one.
P.S. keep up the wonderfull work and hey let us know if we can help ok Thanks again
Hey Mukesh,
I joined this forum yesterday and lemme tell you, i m loving it. I now spend more time on this, than my last addiction, (facebbok)…
Well anyway, i have been talking to some of the people on here and i was thinking, is it possible to have a small section for ghazals? like just another page maybe? I am a huge fan of ghazals, be it Mirza Ghalib, Jagjit Singh, Ghulam Ali, Pankaj Udhas, Abida Parveen, Talat Aziz, Gulzar and many others…
It will just be a little more organized and better if they went on a different page, dont you think?
So… Is it possible?
But either way, this forum ROCKS!!!!!
Nitzah, I dint intend to reply to your post. I just wanted to make a post thanking the administrator. But i dint know how to go about doing it. So i clicked on the reply button above your post and this page came.
Well Mukeshji, this place is amazing! Though Im still learning how to use it. And thanks to Boo, I too succeeded in uploading that picture along with signature. You are one genious Boo! Or is it that I am dumb
Nitzah, I dint intend to reply to your post. I just wanted to make a post thanking the administrator. But i dint know how to go about doing it. So i clicked on the reply button above your post and this page came.
Well Mukeshji, this place is amazing
! Though Im still learning how to use it. And thanks to Boo, I too succeeded in uploading that picture along with signature. You are one genious Boo! Or is it that I am dumb
*blush* either i compliment myself (which i dont like doing… lol), or i diss you (which i wouldnt like to do either… lol). decisions, decisions! thank you… my pleasure to help!
*blush* either i compliment myself (which i dont like doing… lol), or i diss you (which i wouldnt like to do either… lol). decisions, decisions!
thank you… my pleasure to help!
Well boo! You are a genious after all! I’ve been reading various posts and find that you have a solution most of the problems here! Keep up the good work!
Mine! Isnt this place amazing! Cool
sabiha: thank you.
And Mukeshji thank u so much for bearing me with patience! (BTW even after u updated my profile I failed to login properly). And sorry for troubling u so much! I’v been emailing Mukeshji every other day!
yay!!!!!!!!! *feels da happiness oooozing outta loverji* i am glad i could almost help… im delighted for u… now i gotta see tons of posts from u ok??!! *hugs*
just a question… for whomever knows…
is there a limit to the number of PMs you can have?
Boo, I am not aware of any limitations on any activity, PM, Posts, Replies etc. You can PM your heart away.
Do I understand this correctly that if I was to post a message, change my mind and delete it then it would go to the deleted files and still be visible for others to read? If yes, then I am not sure that I like that. It is so easy to write some thing in anger and then realize that what was said was wrong and then want to delete it before some one else read that message. If it ends up being visible any way for others to read then that could cause some hurt feelings.
hey madhu ji
i was going to ask mukesh the same thing…
because i’ve been a ‘normal’ member, i know that that section doesn’t show up… it’s just for the admins and the moderators, because i didn’t see it before, and i see it now.
im not sure what the idea is behind archiving the deleted messages? i don’t think (in most cases, anyway) that people would want to ask for a message they deleted to be retrieved. after all, they are deleting it out of choice, right? also, i don’t think they would appreciate it if the admin and mods can read their deleted messages… shouldn’t they be entitled to privacy?
does anyone know what the Thread status icons in the Songs and Translations Request thread are, and how to get them? and how do you change the status of the thread to ‘resolved’? anyone?
Boo, I think you should use the PM or Email feature to ask questions about certain features in the forum to me since it is new to most of the users.
even before, i saw those thread status icons, and i checked with someone else to see if they are there for everyone to see, and they are. so i think it’s something all users can see.
ah well. thank you for clearing the doubt.
Hi… I would like to suggest something…. Maybe “New Replies to your Posts” could be added under the “Shortcuts”? It could be easier for us to check on them..
Hi Nosyira,
Thanks for the suggestion, and I think it is a good idea. Let me see if it is possible to do. You can use the subscription feature that will email you when your posts receives replies, you might want to see if that also works for you.
I’ll keep you posted.
There is also a ‘My Posts’ section… I think it is above the ‘Active Topics’ section… which I’m sure you’ve checked out, but just letting you know any way!
How come popular threads such as the ‘Dedicate a song to someone special’ in the Say Something section have been deleted? Even if people don’t use them for two weeks, they are still used….?
Its an automated process that runs and cleans up the Say Something area. After 14 days or so if a thread has not even been viewed (not posted or replied but viewed) the system deletes the thread. So probably the thread in question hadn’t been even viewed in the past 14 days and so it was removed. If you believe that it was at least viewed by someone then let me know.
I like this feature because it gives the users the very minimum requirement. Meaning, as long as a post or thread is being read (viewed) by someone it won’t be deleted.
Is there a way to restore it Mukesh ji? or should we just create a new one?
I can restore it if they are very important, but since they weren’t viewed it might be easier just to create new threads.
Mukesh ji, Boo made a thread for me called, “a toast to rani is the bes” and i would really appreciate it if you could restore it. I haven’t had much time these past couple of weeks so that is why i couldn’t reply to the thread. I really want to reply to it though. So if you could restore it, please do it.
thank you.
Yes it would be very much appreciated if that thread could be restored, if possible?
I wonder if having it automated is such a good idea? I would be willing to monitor and delete the really old ones, if it’s too much hassle for Madhu and you. Also, most of the threads even if not viewed in such a long time are special and it would be a shame to lose them… what do you think?
Hi Boo,
I turned off the auto delete feature. Any posts in the Say Something will NOT be deleted. You can monitor the posts and if you feel it is old then feel free to delete or archive it.
Hi Mukesh,
Thank you for that… I will monitor the threads, and archive/delete as necessary.
But I was wondering if you could still retrieve the ‘A toast to rani is the bes’ thread, if at all possible, please? Or maybe you could PM me and tell me how to do that, if you’re too busy?
Thank you,
That is wierd, I did PM (or I think Email) you with instructions on how to retrieve that thread. Have you received any emails from me? I also emailed you a while ago about the contribution website. Let me know if you haven’t received them.
no i didnt receive any email. please could you send it again, as ive had problems with my email account. they are resolved now. i received a PM re: contributions to the website, though.
thank you,
Hello guys…
What do you think of another section for any problems with using this forum? I.e. a ‘Help’ section? It can be there for other people who might ask the same questions again too… it’s better than having to PM the Admin/mods for every lil thing… what say?
I think that is a good idea. I’ll try to monitor that forum myself and will try to answer quickly. Of course you can also help out as some of you guys have used the forum more than myself!
There are some upgrades coming up in the near future which bring in some new features like “tagging” or basically a better way to categorize things. A better text editor than this one. Oh and yeah I’ll be able to easily modify the colors of the site, so we’ll try to go back to the green that everyone loves and is used to!
I’ll create the new forum in this section.
Great! Thanks!
“I’ll be able to easily modify the colors of the site, so we’ll try to go back to the green that everyone loves and is used to!” — wow… I didn’t know you knew that! But that would be great too… thank you!
Hello Mr.Admin,I believe we havent met. Im Serio
Avatars is a good idea. I hope we can have that feature soon in the forum.
Another thing is also can you put up a section where we can share some pictures for everyone. I know that it will take up quite some space in your server but you can limit the image size and maybe after 7 days or so, you can remove it completely from the server. This way you can always maintain your disk space.Also, can we also have a download section to download songs? This need not be all the songs in the Hindi database but something like a Top 10 songs of the week/month for example. Again, by doing this you can maintain your server space.
*~The best thing to be cherished in the hearts is faith and conviction; doubt is infidelity~*
download section… sounds interesting…
I Have a q
when do you delete threads? like in the say something section there are threads there from along time no one responds to them
I don't delete any threads unless they are duplicates or do not follow proper forum rules. I used to delete threads from the Say Something area automatically to keep the content fresh, but many of the members requested that I leave them in in-case someone lost an important post.
Received word that the new version of the Forums will be released on April 15th 2007. We will most likely have it installed shortly after that. I'm hoping to change the color scheme back to the old green style and also add in some other new features. Just thought I'd give you an update.
Hello Mukesh,
I was wondering if it would be possible for you to (like you did the last time there was an update in the software being used) post a link to the website of the software, so that anyone who wants to find out about the new features can do so…
In particular, I was wondering if you knew about a merging feature (where two threads are merged into one) that might be available on this new software, which I think would be especially useful for the Song and Translation Requests section, since sometimes different songs from the same film are requested, and it would make searching for the translation of a particular song easier if all the threads containing the translation requests from that particular film are in one place (i.e. in one thread).
Thank you,
The software we're using is from the same site as before http://www.communityserver.org. You can go here to find out bits and pieces about what new features are going to be with the new release http://communityserver.org/blogs/announcements/default.aspx You will notice that the software has a LOT of other things that we don't use here ( like blogs and photo gallery) but feel free to check out those features as we may add it in the future.
We do use blogs but basically posting reviews or articles from other sites. I've been playing around with the idea of opening it up so that you as a member would have your own blog (with its own look-n-feel). It would be your own website to post your thoughts / ideas / comments about bollywood or film industry in general. The content that you would post has to be related to Bollywood or Indian entertainment, that way it'll keep with the scope of bollywoodlyrics.com. You would have the freedom to write whatever you want and have people comment back on it. I'm not sure if it'll work, but if you or anyone is interested, then let's brainstorm further.
You idea of merging is a good feature, I will find out if it is there. If it isn't there, I think we should see if we can acheived that feature by another process like “Tagging” or something else that we know we already have. Good Idea. I'll think of something and post it here.
Hi Mukesh, how are you? Hope good.
I was thinking of something. Is it a good idea if this forum had a 'Introduce Yourself Section' ?
I dont go in all of the threads but few times if I happen to go in one, I see that there is someone saying they are new to the site.
I think it would be a good idea if we can have the introduce yourself section so whoever is new would just come and introduce themselves
to all memebers of this forum. Also, I think tihs would make them less shy to post messages b/c they dont know where to 'start' or 'fit in' with the long thread conversations that occupy many many pages [and you know how everyone also stray away from topic].
I dont know how effective this will be but I thougth of it b/c i would really like to see more people on BWL and being free to post msgs
Could there be an “Archieve section” where members could only read and not post: Some threads provides so much informations, that is is always a joy to go back to those threads rather than delete completely:
Admin gets the final say or decision of which thread goes into archieve.
Hi Mukesh, how are you? Hope good.
I was thinking of something. Is it a good idea if this forum had a 'Introduce Yourself Section' ?
I dont go in all of the threads but few times if I happen to go in one, I see that there is someone saying they are new to the site.
I think it would be a good idea if we can have the introduce yourself section so whoever is new would just come and introduce themselvesto all memebers of this forum. Also, I think tihs would make them less shy to post messages b/c they dont know where to 'start' or 'fit in' with the long thread conversations that occupy many many pages [and you know how everyone also stray away from topic].
I dont know how effective this will be but I thougth of it b/c i would really like to see more people on BWL and being free to post msgs
Hmmm Kavita (and anyone who is reading)..
This is a good point, but IMHO, I think it's a bit of a waste of space to have a whole section to dedicate to “Introduce Yourselves”, because they are usually quite brief – and knowing us, we'll go off-topic soon enough anyway… so it will just become like a “Say Something” section, only taking up more space… what do you think?
So, I think it would be a better idea to simply make a stick thread in the “Say Something” section, where people can introduce themselves, and because it is sticky, it will always remain at the top, so people won't miss it… what say?
hmm booji yup i guess your idea is better !
Hi Mukesh,
The avatar sizes seem far too small – any way to make them bigger please? 🙂
PS: Oh the memories this thread brings back…!
I’ve increased the size of the avatars to be 100×100 see if that is good otherwise let me know
Hi Mukesh, I don’t think I can find avatars that are below size 6KiB, as I am trying most avatars (non-animated ones) I have saved from the internet, and they don’t seem to be working?
Many thanks
Hey Mukesh,
Is it possible to increase the size of the signatures too? 200 by 200 is kinda small…
So, show me the avatars you are talking about. I guess I’m not following you so let me know what avatars you are trying to use and we can then fix the issue.
Also I will increase the signature a bit as well…
I’ve increased the file size (that is what I was misunderstanding) to 11KB see if that helps. The signature is also increased.
Hello Admin ji, you’ve actually decreased the siggy size, not increased it. I used to be able to put up bigger pictures, up to 640X480, but I can’t do that anymore. Also, the avatar size is now perfect, thank you. =)
Hey Mukesh,
I’ve noticed quite a lot of spam on the forum recently, especially in the “Say Something’ area. Can anything be done about that please? Thanks.
Hello Mukesh,
I do not see the top 10 users …. What made it out of your website?
hey Mukesh
Trust you are well
Pls could you delete/ban the subject user from this site
this persons kept me very busy most of today deleting all those spam posts he/she 👿 is making..
its getting really fustrating now 👿
Hey guys,
Please keep reporting any and all span you see – it makes it easier for the mods to delete/ban/whatever!
Hi Mukesh,
There is really a LOT of spam coming to the site, is there any way to further tighten the entry points into the forum? I know some forums that make you e-mail the admin to say you want to be a member of the site, so that it blocks out spammers, etc. … is it possible to do any such thing for BWL?
Or perhaps just better word verification at the front?
Also, Ninjalicious (Or Yemenilicious, she keeps changing her name!) has tried contacting you re. her password for the forum, and she has had no response and no automated e-mail response either — could you please assist? I will forward to you the e-mail that she sent me, but it is from a different e-mail address so please check your junk mail and spam mail as well, etc.
Many thanks,
Hi Mukesh (and mods.. and members..),
Where are the rules and regulations for using this forum?
Is it possible to automatically ban any users who advertise for commercial purposes (i.e. not their own personal blogs/webpages/whatever) in their signatures? Some of the posts I look at seem really monotonous (yet relevant!) in style and they always have advertising in their signatures. I’m worried it is some form of intelligent spamming/advertising or something… what should I do?
Many thanks,
Hi I also have noticed a lot of spam. I’m looking into ways to improve security. As it stands, new members have to confirm they have a valid email address. This would at least get rid of those who are registering with bad emails. I think it may be needed to have a admin approve each registration. I can enable that and see if that works. But it will be difficult to tell just from registration if a person has intentions to spam. I will tighten the security code for registration and look at other spam blocking methods. Will keep you posted.
@boo wrote:
Hi Mukesh,
There is really a LOT of spam coming to the site, is there any way to further tighten the entry points into the forum? I know some forums that make you e-mail the admin to say you want to be a member of the site, so that it blocks out spammers, etc. … is it possible to do any such thing for BWL?
Or perhaps just better word verification at the front?
Also, Ninjalicious (Or Yemenilicious, she keeps changing her name!) has tried contacting you re. her password for the forum, and she has had no response and no automated e-mail response either — could you please assist? I will forward to you the e-mail that she sent me, but it is from a different e-mail address so please check your junk mail and spam mail as well, etc.
Many thanks,
I will see about adding rules and regulations. Perhaps copying them from the old site.
@boo wrote:
Hi Mukesh (and mods.. and members..),
Where are the rules and regulations for using this forum?
Is it possible to automatically ban any users who advertise for commercial purposes (i.e. not their own personal blogs/webpages/whatever) in their signatures? Some of the posts I look at seem really monotonous (yet relevant!) in style and they always have advertising in their signatures. I’m worried it is some form of intelligent spamming/advertising or something… what should I do?
Many thanks,
Great work Guys!! Am glad to be back here 🙂
And by the way, the olive color is dull but it is unique
Hello, is this still an issue for the signature size?
@RaNi iS ThE BeS wrote:
Hello Admin ji, you’ve actually decreased the siggy size, not increased it. I used to be able to put up bigger pictures, up to 640X480, but I can’t do that anymore. Also, the avatar size is now perfect, thank you. =)
Mukesh, the signature sizes are still small. There is a limit on how big our signature’s are. Anyway, I don’t mind it anymore. You can keep it the way it is. =)
But is there any way to bring back the old format of the Translations section? When a song was translated, you could put some sort of check mark on it, claiming it already translated. It was just a very simple and fast way to check through the songs, see which ones were already done and which ones still needed translating. It’s not a big deal, I don’t want you to go out of your way to bring it back, but if it’s possible and not too much trouble, it’d be nice to have for any future updates. =)
I’ll try to increase the signature size. This forum board doesn’t have the ability to mark questions answered but I can see if they have add-ons that let us do that easily. Will keep you posted.
@RaNi iS ThE BeS wrote:
Mukesh, the signature sizes are still small. There is a limit on how big our signature’s are. Anyway, I don’t mind it anymore. You can keep it the way it is. =)
But is there any way to bring back the old format of the Translations section? When a song was translated, you could put some sort of check mark on it, claiming it already translated. It was just a very simple and fast way to check through the songs, see which ones were already done and which ones still needed translating. It’s not a big deal, I don’t want you to go out of your way to bring it back, but if it’s possible and not too much trouble, it’d be nice to have for any future updates. =)
Thank you, Mukesh! : )
Is there any way to make becoming a member a lot less easy for automated spamming… bots? (Is that what they’re called?) They are absolutely clogging up the forum, and each of those usernames has about 10 – 15 spam posts so I am banning the obvious-looking spammers, but then it’s a case of going through ALL the spam posts and deleting them and each one goes through a few steps to get the posts deleted in the first place.
I know other forums do this thing where you have to e-mail the forum admin(s) to state that you have read the terms and conditions and state your intention of joining the forum and then they will confirm you as a member of the forum, could something similar be done, please? I know that might be a bit too much because I know there are a lot of requests for translations, but anything along those lines? I feel it is too easy to become a member and there is no one (as far as I understand) to keep checks on whether they are genuine posters or spammers? Maybe even something simple like word verification, if that isn’t there already, maybe? (I have not tried to create a second identity so I wouldn’t know what the process is exactly like to become a member.)
So I guess my next question is, is there any way to QUICKLY delete spam posts? Like, a simple checkbox or something that we can check and then at the end of the page, we can simply press ‘Delete Posts’… kind of like how it would work on e-mails? Or like in Facebook where you can choose to delete a single post quite staightforwardly?
Thank you so much, hope you are well! 🙂
I have enabled registration approval. Which means I get all the new accounts and have to approve them. I’m using my discretion at the moment in approving. I’ll see what works and change the method. I would like to see if anyone with experience with PHPBB forum can help with add-ons or plug-ins that can help with spammers or slow them down. Some spammers are not even bots, they are actual humans with bad intentions. Hopefully the extra step of approval will prevent them from getting in.
Also I deleted a bunch of spam accounts just now so hopefully that cleaned up most of them, there could be more left and I’ll try to delete them.
thanks dear this is nice information, i like it..