Movie Name: Malhar (1951)
Singer: Mukesh
Music Director: Roshan
Lyrics: Kaifi Irfani
Year: 1951
Dil Tujhe Diyaa Thaa Rakhane Ko
When I give you my heart may you keep it
Tuune Dil Ko Jalaa Ke Rakh Diyaa
And may you keep my heart lighted
Qisamat Ne De Ke Pyaar Mujhe
Look at my love as fate
Meraa Dil Ta.Dapaa Ke Rakh Diyaa
May you keep my heart’s tormenting
Bha.Nvare Kii Labo.N Par Fariyaade.N
The lips of a bumblebee is of such begging
Kaliyo.N Ke Labo.N Par Musakaane.N
the lips of a flower bud has such a smile on
Bha.Nvare Ka Kalejaa Kaliyo.N Me.N
the bee is on the heart of a bud
Haay! Kisane Chhupaa Ke Rakh Diyaa
oh! Why are you keeping so silent
Qisamat Ne De Ke Pyaar …
Look at my love as fate
Jis Dad.R Se Duniyaa Daratii Hai
Everyone is afraid of this world’s pain ( this whole world is afraid of pain)
Jis Gam Se Kinaaraa Karatii Hai
having sadness by the shores
Terii Nazar Ne Mere Siine Me.N
Your eyes upon my chest
Vo Dad.R Chhupaa Ke Rakh Diyaa
that fear is kept in silence
Qisamat Ne De Ke Pyaar …
Look at my love as fate
Jab Dil Me.N Tumhe.N Basaayaa Thaa
my heart is residing by you
Aashaa Kaa Diip Jalaayaa Thaa
your desire was to light up the lamp
Taqadiir Ke Ek Hii Jho.Nke Ne
fate is like a swift breeze
Vo Diip Bujhaa Ke Rakh Diyaa
keep this lamp extinguished
Qisamat Ne De Ke Pyaar …
Look at my love as fate
Translations by Papia F©2006

-A few days after Prom. Don’t judge me by my beauty. I’m 14, don’t hold that against me either. What you see in me may not be what you expect. You may never know what great things I can do.