I remember Shakalaka Baby had created a thread in which we could all share little (or big) stories/events with each other. I really liked that thread, and since I have a lot to say these days, I decided to re-create the thread.
lmao. You guys, GUESS WHAT?!?!? About a couple (or more) months ago, we had to read America is in the heart and we are having a test on it and all. But I didn’t read it at all…only like about 2 pages. So the day of the test, I walked into clas.s and my friend, April, asked me if I read it, I was like uh-huh. She said “good!” and then I said, “I got to page 2” lmao! She was hekka mad at me! So we had like 2 minutest and she qucikly just told me what happened at the end and the plot of the stroy. I walked to my seat thinking I was definitely gonna fail this test. And it’s not like it was multiple choice or anything, I had to actually write an essay and give short answers and stuff like that. But anyhow, next period, in Spanish clas.s, I asked April how she did and she thought she did okay. She asked me the same question and I was like, “Psshhhh! U kidding me?!?! I failed!” lmao. So anyhow, when we got the results a couple weeks later…I didn’t fail!!! I was so excited, I immediately showed April and she was about to say Good job, she went, “Good jo-HEY! What the heck?!?! You got a better grade than me!” lmao! You guys should have seen the look on her face! She was going psycho! She was all like how did u get a better grade than me when u didn’t even read the story! It was sooooo hilarious. I was oh so confused, I still don’t know how I got a good grade, I think it was a B, and April got a C or something…I don’t remember. But yeah, April and I were talking about that earlier, thought it was funny, so wanted to share it with you guys.
HEEEEEE! This is FUN! People tell me I talk too much, I never believed any of them…but now…I'm starting to believe. lol. HEEEEEE! I had HEKKA FUN yesterday! I went out with my mom! I love meeee momeeeeee! She's super awesome. The bestest mom in the world. lol. I was like, “Hey! I had fun today! Did u have fun?!?!?” Then I almost bump into a vase and my mom is like, “Watch it, don't break it.” and I said, “Gamla nahi vase!” and my mom laughs and I say, “haan, vase shaas jo bhi hai.” and I start gigling and my mom says, “I shouldn't have bought you that chocolate.” LMAO! whhoooooop deeee dooooo! and btw, I like spelling gamla as gamla, so don't even try to correct me.
(who am I talking to exactly?) wow, I'm on crack, I'm outti like a saudi! PEACE!
lol I love the realtionship you have with your mom.
But i have to warn you.
If shes anything like my mo watch out she will start to wanting to go the clubs with you.
No but i love it she my sister my best friend my everything.
I love the fact that we can share everything even clouthing cause she dreses to sexy and to classy.
Congrat love i'm happy for you.
Also nice job on the test hehehehe you didn't study and you got a good grade lol Congrats keep up the good work very proud of you chotti Rani
Awww. That reminds me of Heera. Come back heerz! I miss you calling me chotti Rani!
Thank you Marine! lol. forget studying! I barely ever study! I didn't read the ENTIRE book! lmao! I think the teacher was on crack when she was grading it!
lmao. and nooooooo, my mom would never want to go to the clubs with me, maybe to come kick my butt if I ever do go to any clubs! lmao. My friends are always telling me to go clubbing with them, I think they are completely crazy for even ASKING me! lmao! They're like, “we'll get u a fake I.D.” Cuz now most of them are 18(why the heck are most of my friends older than me?) and I'm still 17. lol.
My mom is also my everything, but I don't show it enough, I need to work on that.
I miss Heera to i have been gone for a long time.
I'm sure your teacher wasn't on crack she just knows that your brite. she made the right desision.
Lol yah my mom doesn't go with me she just jokes around a lot.
Don't get a fake ID trust me the 18 year old clubs are just stupid.
The boys are immature and old men are there to hit on yung girls.
Waith untill your 21 or acutally 25 for the private parties. lol
well hope all is well. and you start showing effection to your mom.
Its funny how i love my mom a lot but shes the one that i fight with the most lol
LMAO! MARINE! Are u on crack ji? I would never go to any club! Psychoness, trust YOU to tell me which ones to go to!
Actually, all is well. I hope everything is good with you too, hunnz.
lol. My mom and I always argue! It's cuz I never shut up. *giggles* But it's soooo easy to make her happy again. My mom is very easily pleased. like me! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
MArineeeee my love you are back here..eveni havent come in a long time
Rani yr sig pic is nice i like it
Your mom seems so nice Let me just tell you one thing…cherish the moment now alright
I would want to go back in times like that .. let me not say anything more anyway..just…couple a stuff been happenin here
By the way why you always asking people if they're on crack? Might it be some cali talk … or does thou really have desire to know of such things?
Rani yr sig pic is nice i like it
Thank you. And yeah, I am cherishing the moments now.
And for you, you shouldn't dwell toooooo much in the past, instead, just work on ur present and future. Don't let your past decide ur actions for today.
By the way why you always asking people if they're on crack?Might it be some cali talk … or does thou really have desire to know of such things?
LMAO! No, I have no desire of knowing if people are REALLY on crack. It's YAY AREA (Bay area) talk. lmao. Kinda like, “are u crazy?” except worse cuz I'm asking her if she's on drugs. heeeeeee. Sowwie, you don't like my ghetto talk?
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lmao. You guys, GUESS WHAT?!?!? About a couple (or more) months ago, we had to read America is in the heart and we are having a test on it and all. But I didn't read it at all…only like about 2 pages. So the day of the test, I walked into clas.s and my friend, April, asked me if I read it, I was like uh-huh. She said “good!” and then I said, “I got to page 2” lmao! She was hekka mad at me! So we had like 2 minutest and she qucikly just told me what happened at the end and the plot of the stroy. I walked to my seat thinking I was definitely gonna fail this test. And it's not like it was multiple choice or anything, I had to actually write an essay and give short answers and stuff like that. But anyhow, next period, in Spanish clas.s, I asked April how she did and she thought she did okay. She asked me the same question and I was like, “Psshhhh! U kidding me?!?! I failed!” lmao. So anyhow, when we got the results a couple weeks later…I didn't fail!!! I was so excited, I immediately showed April and she was about to say Good job, she went, “Good jo-HEY! What the heck?!?! You got a better grade than me!” lmao! You guys should have seen the look on her face! She was going psycho! She was all like how did u get a better grade than me when u didn't even read the story! It was sooooo hilarious. I was oh so confused, I still don't know how I got a good grade, I think it was a B, and April got a C or something…I don't remember. But yeah, April and I were talking about that earlier, thought it was funny, so wanted to share it with you guys.
LMAO awww ranii thats so great! I luv and miss u hunz!
OMG GUYS! London has been burning up crazy style past few days and just now it rained like madddd!!!!!! lol filmy style! My mum's like its rainingggg!!! and we all ran out into the garden lol! my parents and my aunt went and sat on the swing under the shelter and I ran out with my siblings onto the grass barefeet LOL. It was sooooooooo much fun!!!! I'm so cold now! my mum's like “andhar aaja! We have to go next week, go get changed!” Lmao, I'm like mum, stop being so filmy! she was so mad at me! LOL. aww! I was completely soaked lol I was wearin a blue kurta top and it got totally drenched and my hair still has water dripping lol. SO much fun!! much needed rain!!! Alhumdulilah!
Sounds like you made a beautiful memory Taye!
And prey tell…what was my favorite little man doing whilst out in the rain??? I love ur little brother! That kid is hilarious! lol
awww! Tayba, that's sounds like so much FUN! I wannnnnaaaaa play in the rainnnn! It won't rain tho! Barso re megha megha barso re naaaa! I miss you toooo hunnz! i still need to read ur essay.
I'll read it as soon as I get out of school! Inshallah! I'm in my Publications clas.s again, I'm supposed to be taking my Final. lol. OMG! Let me tell you guys something hekka funny and annoying. About a month ago, my friends (Hayati and Ninja, I'm talking about the two sisters that came to my house and talked to u on AIM.) and I were in my Math clas.s, just messing around as usual. And I started teasing my friend about this guy cuz he's always talking to her(younger one) and then they were like, “yeah, what about you? tumhara peeche wala ko jaala mat(don't make the one sitting behind you jealous)” I was like “What who?” I dind't even know who was sitting behind me! And so I looked and I was like “Oh. him.” lmao. “At lease mera waala (mine) is cute.” LMAO! I so regret saying that! Now they won't leave me alone, they are ALWAYS teasing me about him. and a couple of days after that, I went out with them and a couple of my other friends and they were ALL teasing me about him! And it's not like I like him or anything, If I did, it would be a differet story! lol. But anyhow, the other day, I was signing my friend's yearbook and he gives me a piece of paper and tells me, “sing my yearbook, Rani.” lmao. He didn't buy a yearbook so he just used paper. So anyhow, the sisters started teasing me(in urdu, so no one else understood)”oye hoye, he gave it to you first! His best friend is sitting right next to him(the guy I was teasing my friend about) but he asked you first! oooooooh.” I was like “OMG shut up, it's just cuz I'm the closest to him.” and I meant that I sit right in front of him so it was easier to just give it to me. and the older sister says, “yeah, closest to his heart.” OMG I was oh so embarrassed! And then when they were signing his “yearbook” they were like “where do we write? We don't wanna ruin Rani's very personal message.” I was like WHAT DAAA! It's not even personal! U guys need to shut up. blah blah. and then later they were asking him what he's gonna do after high school. he said “I'm not going to College. I'm going to go back to Mexico and sell crack.” LMAO! But later he told them he was just kidding and then my friends were like, “yeah, we'll call u up in Mexico when we go there.” blah blah. So anyhow, the teasing never stops uff! and yesterday, I had my Math final and he was telling his friend “I'm gonna copy off of Rani and get an A.” and the sisters were like “why doesn't he wanna copy off of us? huh huh?” and i told them cuz they're gonna fail! lmao. but anyhow, after we finished the final, I was pressing this button(if u press it it connects to the office and the teacher can talk to them from the class) cuz it never works. so yesterday I just kept pressing it for the fun of it and kept saying this stupid thing doesn't work it never works they need to fix it and OMG, the principal walked in! I was like CRAP! Imma get in trouble! But a buncha kids were all surrounding me around the button so the principal didn't immediately look at me. He looked at the guy I was teasing my friend about and gives a very short lecture on not to do something like that. Then the principal looks at me and smile, i quickly smile back and he says, “I know Rani can't do something like that.” then he looks back at the other kid and says “okay.” lmao. And all of the kids were like “naw, we didn't do nothin, it's probably messed up.” and the guy my friends were teasin
So.. you want a story huh?
Damn damn damn.
A crazy stupid idiotic lovable friend of mine is being such a pain in the heart. So, on the 25th of June, I'm going to kick her useless little a$$ out of my country. Only… nooooo… I am not even going to be there to kick her sorry butt out of my physical world – I will be bl.oody preoccupied with something else. Her last freaking moments in this country – and I won't even be there to pi.ss her off once more.
Fu.ck. She can't do this to me. This is unfair.
Time – Situations – Life… the things that brought us together… they are now playing games with me. They are laughing up their in their cosy little places, watching my thoughts writhe in hidden pain and look around helplessly for something… anything. Fu.cking sadists. Leaving me to pick up the shattered pieces of memories from the hot scorching ground of Farewell.. I bet they have a cunning smile on my face when they're watching me helplessly try to glue the pieces back to the way things were… the way things are never going to be again. I feel like saying a HUGE “up yours” to them… telling them to bugger off and let me be… I am much stronger than their invisible forces.
So.. you want a story huh?……………
My dearest boo, you're giving yourself away…be careful.
I bet they have a cunning smile on my face when they're watching me helplessly try to glue the pieces back to the way things were
I am much stronger than their invisible forces.
I second that!
I second that too!
sheesh. looks like we both need to stop with the cussing.
Boo, I understand how you're feeling right now, TRUST ME, I felt the same way when I thought I had to leave the forum(reminds me of how I never replied to ur thread. I'll get to that, I promise!). I say you try to find a way to be a little less busy so that you can give a little more time to the people you love. I'm sure your friend is feeling the same way you are, but worse. You just have to say bye to her, she, on the other hand, has to say bye to all the friends she is leaving…na? If you can't take off time the day she is leaving, try to find time to spend with her the day before she is leaving or the day before that…and if not, it's really nobody's fault, just keep in touch.
errr…I'm sorry, you probably didn't want a lecture… maybe I should have just left it at this:
But hey *shrugs* what can I do? I love you too much you lil bum. *gives boo a BIIIIIG jadoo ki jhappi*
Keep the chin up, sweets.
just shoot them before they have a chance to say goodbye.
So.. you want a story huh?
Damn damn damn.
A crazy stupid idiotic lovable friend of mine is being such a pain in the heart. So, on the 25th of June, I'm going to kick her useless little a$$ out of my country. Only… nooooo… I am not even going to be there to kick her sorry butt out of my physical world – I will be bl.oody preoccupied with something else. Her last freaking moments in this country – and I won't even be there to pi.ss her off once more.
Fu.ck. She can't do this to me. This is unfair.
Time – Situations – Life… the things that brought us together… they are now playing games with me. They are laughing up their in their cosy little places, watching my thoughts writhe in hidden pain and look around helplessly for something… anything. Fu.cking sadists. Leaving me to pick up the shattered pieces of memories from the hot scorching ground of Farewell.. I bet they have a cunning smile on my face when they're watching me helplessly try to glue the pieces back to the way things were… the way things are never going to be again. I feel like saying a HUGE “up yours” to them… telling them to bugger off and let me be… I am much stronger than their invisible forces.
Wooooooooooooooooooooohaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! *Runs gets a fan out of nowhere and fans Boo frantically!* Calmmmm Downnnn Woman!!!!!
Lol @ Calm Down Woman!
Scarry: Hope you've been OK of late…
Rani: Chill yaar… I don't mind your lectures… you're right, of course… I don't think she's hurting as much as I am, though… that's just the way she is… and you're right… she's leaving behind so many people… it is harder on her. Sigh.
Khushi: Calm down??!! caaaaaaalm down??!! Arrrrrrrrrr. Can't. Thoughts are driving me crazy.
Well, at least somebody doesn't mind my lectures!
you're right, of course
Of course I am!
heeeeeee. that made me giggle. *nods* I lub you boo ji, keep the chin up.
LOL BOOOOOOOO your to much yaar whats gotten into you hehehehe.
Rani why would you ask me if i'm crack GOD. Don't you know i always am llol but yah i will tell you where to go if you wana know
Khushi Kavs and Nessa what up people how is everyone.
I see My booboody boo OREO is back how are you jaanu. how are things going in your little ilend are the clifs still there?
Ali whats you di how are you my love. i miss youlike crazy.
and we also have an new membet i guess or an old one coming back lol
Waise Senor Jalapeno welcome to the forum or welcome back hehehehehe
Rani why would you ask me if i'm crack GOD. Don't you know i always am llol but yah i will tell you where to go if you wana know
Yeh Ladki Hai Allah! I shouldn't have asked! *hides in a faaaar awaaay cave* (Maybe she won't find me here)
just shoot them before they have a chance to say goodbye.
Whahahah!!! Oreo ji!!!
I've told her that a hundred times already.
(sigh… we're thinking on the same wavelength?!?! aaarghh!! Heavens help me… )
Thank you Marine.
Sounds like you made a beautiful memory Taye!
And prey tell…what was my favorite little man doing whilst out in the rain??? I love ur little brother! That kid is hilarious! lol
It is a beautiful memory!
lol the little man, he loves being out in the rain. He is hillarious I tell ya. He got shampoo in his eyes while having a shower today and he held the shower head up and all the water went across the ceiling and all over the floor and mirrors and window and everything. Needless to say, my dad was far from amused lol.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
awww! Tayba, that's sounds like so much FUN! I wannnnnaaaaa play in the rainnnn! It won't rain tho!Barso re megha megha barso re naaaa! I miss you toooo hunnz! i still need to read ur essay.
I'll read it as soon as I get out of school! Inshallah! I'm in my Publications clas.s again, I'm supposed to be taking my Final. lol. OMG! Let me tell you guys something hekka funny and annoying. About a month ago, my friends (Hayati and Ninja, I'm talking about the two sisters that came to my house and talked to u on AIM.) and I were in my Math clas.s, just messing around as usual. And I started teasing my friend about this guy cuz he's always talking to her(younger one) and then they were like, “yeah, what about you? tumhara peeche wala ko jaala mat(don't make the one sitting behind you jealous)” I was like “What who?” I dind't even know who was sitting behind me! And so I looked and I was like “Oh. him.” lmao. “At lease mera waala (mine) is cute.” LMAO! I so regret saying that! Now they won't leave me alone, they are ALWAYS teasing me about him. and a couple of days after that, I went out with them and a couple of my other friends and they were ALL teasing me about him! And it's not like I like him or anything, If I did, it would be a differet story! lol. But anyhow, the other day, I was signing my friend's yearbook and he gives me a piece of paper and tells me, “sing my yearbook, Rani.” lmao. He didn't buy a yearbook so he just used paper. So anyhow, the sisters started teasing me(in urdu, so no one else understood)”oye hoye, he gave it to you first! His best friend is sitting right next to him(the guy I was teasing my friend about) but he asked you first! oooooooh.” I was like “OMG shut up, it's just cuz I'm the closest to him.” and I meant that I sit right in front of him so it was easier to just give it to me. and the older sister says, “yeah, closest to his heart.” OMG I was oh so embarrassed! And then when they were signing his “yearbook” they were like “where do we write? We don't wanna ruin Rani's very personal message.” I was like WHAT DAAA! It's not even personal! U guys need to shut up. blah blah. and then later they were asking him what he's gonna do after high school. he said “I'm not going to College. I'm going to go back to Mexico and sell crack.” LMAO! But later he told them he was just kidding and then my friends were like, “yeah, we'll call u up in Mexico when we go there.” blah blah. So anyhow, the teasing never stops uff! and yesterday, I had my Math final and he was telling his friend “I'm gonna copy off of Rani and get an A.” and the sisters were like “why doesn't he wanna copy off of us? huh huh?” and i told them cuz they're gonna fail! lmao. but anyhow, after we finished the final, I was pressing this button(if u press it it connects to the office and the teacher can talk to them from the class) cuz it never works. so yesterday I just kept pressing it for the fun of it and kept saying this stupid thing doesn't work it never works they need to fix it and OMG, the principal walked in! I was like CRAP! Imma get in trouble! But a buncha kids were all surrounding me around the button so the principal didn't immediately look at me. He looked at the guy I was teasing my friend about and gives a very short lecture on not to do something like that. Then the principal looks at me and smile, i quickly smile back and he says, “I know Rani can't do something like that.” then he looks back at the other kid and says &quo
So.. you want a story huh?
Damn damn damn.
A crazy stupid idiotic lovable friend of mine is being such a pain in the heart. So, on the 25th of June, I'm going to kick her useless little a$$ out of my country. Only… nooooo… I am not even going to be there to kick her sorry butt out of my physical world – I will be bl.oody preoccupied with something else. Her last freaking moments in this country – and I won't even be there to pi.ss her off once more.
Fu.ck. She can't do this to me. This is unfair.
Time – Situations – Life… the things that brought us together… they are now playing games with me. They are laughing up their in their cosy little places, watching my thoughts writhe in hidden pain and look around helplessly for something… anything. Fu.cking sadists. Leaving me to pick up the shattered pieces of memories from the hot scorching ground of Farewell.. I bet they have a cunning smile on my face when they're watching me helplessly try to glue the pieces back to the way things were… the way things are never going to be again. I feel like saying a HUGE “up yours” to them… telling them to bugger off and let me be… I am much stronger than their invisible forces.
I'm sorry things are tough for you right now, Boo. Farewells really really suck big time.. especially if the person going is so close to your heart, and they come so easily into our lives and change it to such an extent that them then leaving our lives… well, the feeling is unexplainable.
If you can't be there when she leaves, would you be able to spend the day before she goes with her? or call her and speak to her before she leaves? And then once she's gone you can still speak through phone/internet I hope? I know its not the same but its something, na? Everything happens for a reason hun… I don't know how much this webpage will help you, but Shereena once showed me it and it helped me a lot, and whenever any of my friends have felt a certain way, I share this webpage with them.. You may have seen it, but even so, I'll paste it incase you haven't…
I hope you feel better sweety
T x
Nessa what up.
What's up Subsy? How you doooin?
And welcome to El Senor as well. I'm enjoying ur writing style…
Sounds like you made a beautiful memory Taye!
And prey tell…what was my favorite little man doing whilst out in the rain??? I love ur little brother! That kid is hilarious! lol
It is a beautiful memory!
lol the little man, he loves being out in the rain. He is hillarious I tell ya. He got shampoo in his eyes while having a shower today and he held the shower head up and all the water went across the ceiling and all over the floor and mirrors and window and everything. Needless to say, my dad was far from amused
Let's just be glad he held his tongue during the ordeal! lol
And how is your dad these days…listening to reason? My mom sure isn't!
Thank you Nessa.
Tayba – LOL! Your “little man” sounds hilarious!
Tabz your lil brother sort of reminded me of rehan in Fanaa
when they wre bathing him it was so cute and funny … just think if shampoo had gotten into his eyes he prob would have done the same thing as your little brother hehehe
Marineeeeeee didiiiiiiiiiii hiiiiii me miss you
lol, I was talking to a friend of mine on msn today…and she goes “Man, I want to get married.” and im like uuuuh. and then she's like “my friend sent me this link and said 'meet your hubby yaar' ” LOL
and then she's like he's a hotty, gimme his digits lol and im like
'van ate hundred i am a fob' LOL too funny. i love teasing her
Rani, LOLLL ur story was hillarious! Lmao! anddd who is this guy, huh!! lol! Omg, you're like me! I had an innocent image in front of the teachers too but I was soo cheeky and did the craziest of thingssss! Like once, the urdu teacher said she wasnt feeling well so she's going home, but what I heard was “im going home so use my classroom for a party LOL”. So when she went at lunch, like 20 desis from my year went to the local kebab shop, brought kebab rolls and drinks and went and had a party in her class lmaooooooo and she had desi songs stored away in her drawer and we put them on LOL. We had so much fun! then the damn gora teacher came and spoiled all the fun, and my face was like “I tried to stop them, I really did, but they would not listen!” lmao. We had to sit for the next hour writing urdu – which none of us knew how to properly do. So we just ended up writing crap and convincing the gora teacher that it was actually urdu LMAO and he didn't know any better anyway, such an EASY getaway! haha!
LMAO! You're crazy! I would never do something like that!
Ninja – lmao! He's hekka good! Hrithik (the guy who danced like that in the movie) ain't got nothin on him! woot woot!
OMG! Will SMith singing the Kandala song! How adorable! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quG3cpo6Q_Q
lol! aww!!
you know when i said “van ate hundred i am a fob”
LOL she's like “why are u gonna eat a van” haha
… and she's gone.
Whose gone??
… and she's gone.
… and she's gone.
I think boo just meant that the girl Ninja was referring to is gone. Not gone physically, but mentally.
lol! aww!!
you know when i said “van ate hundred i am a fob”
LOL she's like “why are u gonna eat a van” haha
lol.I love the fobby accent. My twin bro can do the Indian accent oh so well! He's hekka hilarious! lol.
Rani – no.
Ninja –
lol I love the realtionship you have with your mom.
But i have to warn you.
If shes anything like my mo watch out she will start to wanting to go the clubs with you.
No but i love it she my sister my best friend my everything.
I love the fact that we can share everything even clouthing cause she dreses to sexy and to classy.
Congrat love i'm happy for you.
Also nice job on the test hehehehe you didn't study and you got a good grade lol Congrats keep up the good work very proud of you chotti Rani
mara **hugz** craze chicky
Rani – no.
oh! You were talking about your friend! I'm so sorry, my bad. It'll get better, hunnz, I love you.
LMAO. I'm taking a summer class in College, my sister also goes to the same college. So anyhow, I'm in the library right now, and when I came in and sat down to use the computer, this guy sitting a seat away from me looks at me, grins, and say a hekka cheezy “HI” lol. I just said hi back and looked away. lmao. I think he thinks I'm my sister. LMAO! too funny. *giggles*
Apparently, your sister is friendlier! Is she a member of this forum? Do you think (objective insight only please) I could get her to invite me over for dinner instead? I can't seem to get anywhere with you, and Ninja refuses to help. Sheesh! Loyalty is a pain.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
LMAO. I'm taking a summer class in College, my sister also goes to the same college. So anyhow, I'm in the library right now, and when I came in and sat down to use the computer, this guy sitting a seat away from me looks at me, grins, and say a hekka cheezy “HI” lol. I just said hi back and looked away. lmao. I think he thinks I'm my sister. LMAO! too funny. *giggles*
lol RANI! there are some weird ppl over there. im telling you. DID I tell you about that guy…who kept asking for my name. And HE KEPT SMILING AT ME LIKE A RETARD. I just got up and left, screw checking mail at the library…i shud carry my laptop around instead. goshers. =p
And Mr. Jalapeno sir…if you want to know something. Ask Rani herself. lol. and knowing rani…im telling u, don't bother asking. lol =p
I know! It's like she has a vendetta against hungry people. I don't get women sometimes. I have this colleague who constantly complains about how no one talks to her and no one asks her out and how lonely she is each weekend… Funny thing is, she is drop-dead gorgeous with desirable dimensions north and south of the erm equator, but it is not always that easy to approach a beautiful woman and say 'Hi' without feeling like your tongue and your tonsils are doing the Tango. Sheesh! Be merciful.
Eish, MEN …is s.e.x the only thing in your thoughts…aargh why do I even have to ask
Scar face:
Eish, MEN …is s.e.x the only thing in your thoughts…aargh why do I even have to ask
lmao. scar face. *hugs*
and SJ, no, most men are just erm…on crack.
Lol, **hugz Yumz back** now think of all em Men
On crack thinking about s.e.x ..dats disgusting
And sounds more like our fella SJ…
Hope u well missy..
wats this thread about anyways???
wat stories are we allowed to share here??
I'm well, Alhamdulillah. Thanks for asking yourself?
yeah, share any stories…
like how i slipped in the kitchen today. lmao, gah =p. My leg is so dead right now.
Oh my ..Inshallah yr leg heals love…take care sweety
Watye doing fighting with the floors huh…
Damn and I was hoping u cooks sums nice sooo I can have a home cooked meal for lunch
Me, am better tnx…luking sexi, feeling it tooo haha
hahaha, thank you.
No not fighting with the floors, i was actually chasing my brother. lolll
As for lunch…what would you like? huh?
haha, well, glad to hear you're better
Lunch…hmm lets seee, am dying eat curry, rice ( am not a rice person though haha) and salads, the Durban style …
Soo u think u can prepare sum and send it ova through the forum by lunch time??
U haaaaaaaave ….4 hours haha
Hws yr lil brotha?? Aint he supposed to be asleep around about now???
lolol =p okie dokie. at your service madam
no, it was earlier. he took my paper and ran with it, so i chased him.
nd yeah, boom, twisted my ankle =p
He's good, thanks.
Man, this kid is like so little, but he can turn things upside down in seconds…LIKEEEEE WOAHHHHH.
lol…all kids are like dat Yumz…
they have this amazing magical energy within their lil souls
I love watching my lil nieces and nephews play…
Admittedly I love playing with them…
Good to hear he is well..u give him a hug from Scarry..wait that’s scary
From Alie…
awwww, okay
yeah, I love kids. good kids…who don't cause me harm
i jast keeding. lol
am off for a while
will hopefully be back laterz
take care nah
It just dawned on me!
wat dawned on u
dat men think of s.e.x with each frikkin sec..??
**knocks Pepper on the head** wat a wake up call dude
The Sun. It dawned on me. It's morning here.
oh..wat time is it there??
I know! It's like she has a vendetta against hungry people. I don't get women sometimes. I have this colleague who constantly complains about how no one talks to her and no one asks her out and how lonely she is each weekend… Funny thing is, she is drop-dead gorgeous with desirable dimensions north and south of the erm equator, but it is not always that easy to approach a beautiful woman and say 'Hi' without feeling like your tongue and your tonsils are doing the Tango. Sheesh! Be merciful.
Crazy dude.
And yes – here is your chance for a snog under the stars, mister… aren'tcha going to try your flirting skills on her?
'Chance for a snog under the stars…'
I'm afraid where I am the more approriate term would be 'a snog under the smog.' As for trying out my flirting skills on a colleague…I think that would be disastrous. Pseudo-romance has a way of destroying professional relationships.
One should strictly abstain from erm dipping the pen in company ink. But, that is not my only problem. To my growing consternation, I seem to have the undivided attention of the pre-pubescent and the post-menopause. The women in between do not seem to notice me.
Why do people I meet have to leave the darned country? LOL.. met a hot guy at a BBQ and dun-dun-dunnn – he's leaving the country! Sigh! LOL.. I am cracking up at my crazy fate…
Oh heck, I wud suggest u pack up and leave with him
Travel the world or wherever it is he goes hahaha
This reminds me of the new hottie who started working here last week…
He is German and Indian …sooo cute…love his hair and smells awesome
And his accent, the little I can hear sounds wow…
Must be the HOTTIE season or sums
cant be yr fate Missy…
dnt give up just yet
'Chance for a snog under the stars…'
I'm afraid where I am the more approriate term would be 'a snog under the smog.' As for trying out my flirting skills on a colleague…I think that would be disastrous. Pseudo-romance has a way of destroying professional relationships.
Agree ..totally agree.. except am wondering..why wud anyone want to try their flirting skills on a forum ..knowing u will never get that Snog
regardless …
One should strictly abstain from erm dipping the pen in company ink. But, that is not my only problem.
To my growing consternation, I seem to have the undivided attention of the pre-pubescent and the post-menopause.
Roflmao..sorry cant …errrrhmmm say I feel sorry for u .. am havin toooo much fun laffing mah ass off ..u pooooor poooor guy
maybe u need a lil help on that flirting skills and the right market…???
The women in between do not seem to notice me.
Wat nonsense..I NOTICED u hahahaha…and I dnt take too easily to strangers
and maybe I dnt count as errrr anything in this statement soo will shut up hahahaha
Why do people I meet have to leave the darned country? LOL…met a hot guy at a BBQ and dun-dun-dunnn – he's leaving the country!
Sometimes that adds to the mystery Boo. You write wonderfully, can you get his info and drop him a few lines?
Oh yeah, lmao @ dun-dun-dunnn
If only people would leave the country after I meet them, I would consider myself lucky. Particularly with this one person at work who invites herself to all parties and comes dressed in clothes that are more than a few inches short and certainly two sizes small. Oh the humanity!
I know! It's like she has a vendetta against hungry people. I don't get women sometimes. I have this colleague who constantly complains about how no one talks to her and no one asks her out and how lonely she is each weekend… Funny thing is, she is drop-dead gorgeous with desirable dimensions north and south of the erm equator, but it is not always that easy to approach a beautiful woman and say 'Hi' without feeling like your tongue and your tonsils are doing the Tango. Sheesh! Be merciful.
So, what you're trying to say is that..its hard and UNlikely that people would approach beautiful women? Which would make beautiful women equal to unattractive women ? Wow what a thoughtful thought of mine , derived from yr words ! If only that were true!
BTW whats this with beauty, everyone was made with beauty. Why single out and call these set beautiful and these set not! [Im not saying that you said this Senor J ]
Boo !!!! o my gawd – this means you need to go to more BBQ's ..aw man … whats he like ? Besides being hot lol
As for you ms. alisha..lol… you guys are funnyy… hehe you like his smell and hair aye..i hope you dont get caught up in the moment and the next thing the dude feels is yr fingers gliding through his strands hehe
Ali: LOL… I wish I could pack up and go away with him…
Ness: No can do… he's as much mystery man to me as I am to you guys.. not a clue about his contact details. I suppose I should have asked.. but hmm.. the chances of me EVER seeing the guy again are nil. I write wonderfully?
Senor: Don't wish for such things.. If you're in my place right now, where you feel like you're that little rock in the stream, watching helplessly as water constantly flows past you to be replaced by new water, which is never there long.. you wouldn't be saying that, I bet.
Kavi: I am still trying to figure out if I liked his smile better or his eyes… lol. Never seen a Bollywood movie in his life, though.. *grumble grumble*
oooh hehe..um..he's indian right?
oh heck that dont matter .. if he is or if he ever saw a bollywood movie before
so which do you like better his smile or his eyes or something else
like CHARM ofcourse
*shuts up before teasing escalates*
*approaches boldly*
because you're the focus of our loving teases as of this moment …………….BBQ hot guy………………. cant decide between charming smile or sparkling eyes……………….
aw man…it really sucks that he has to go away though
Ness:No can do… he's as much mystery man to me as I am to you guys.. not a clue about his contact details. I suppose I should have asked.. but hmm.. the chances of me EVER seeing the guy again are nil. I write wonderfully?
Too bad…I was preparing to cheerleader uniform for the sparring match!
'Senor: Don't wish for such things..If you're in my place right now, where you feel like you're that little rock in the stream, watching helplessly as water constantly flows past you to be replaced by new water, which is never there long.. you wouldn't be saying that, I bet.'
Yes, you write wonderfully.
But, rather the 'little rock in the stream' than one in a parched bed. Water, old or new is so much better than none at all (A tragic tale lingers behind my pathos, but I'd like it to simmer more so that the juices of my soul's agony mingle with the sauces of my heart's regret and flavor the venison of my life's experience).
Apparently, your sister is friendlier! Is she a member of this forum? Do you think (objective insight only please) I could get her to invite me over for dinner instead? I can't seem to get anywhere with you, and Ninja refuses to help. Sheesh! Loyalty is a pain.
Noperz, she ain't a member of this forum. And sorry dude, she wouldn't invite you over for dinner either. Don't ask ninja for help, she would never help you in this situation.
And my sister doesn't know the guy who said HI to me in the library.
lol RANI! there are some weird ppl over there. im telling you. DID I tell you about that guy…who kept asking for my name. And HE KEPT SMILING AT ME LIKE A RETARD. I just got up and left, screw checking mail at the library…i shud carry my laptop around instead. goshers. =p
And Mr. Jalapeno sir…if you want to know something. Ask Rani herself. lol. and knowing rani…im telling u, don't bother asking. lol =p
LMAO! people are oh so weird. And remember the guy that just walked into the clas.sroom and said hi to all of us!?!? lmao. And I think he thought I was my sister cuz he kept staring at me! lol! *shakes head*
and what do u mean don't bother asking?!!? I'm very nice, thank you very much.
I know! It's like she has a vendetta against hungry people. I don't get women sometimes. I have this colleague who constantly complains about how no one talks to her and no one asks her out and how lonely she is each weekend… Funny thing is, she is drop-dead gorgeous with desirable dimensions north and south of the erm equator, but it is not always that easy to approach a beautiful woman and say 'Hi' without feeling like your tongue and your tonsils are doing the Tango. Sheesh! Be merciful.
lmao. Maybe she is better off with a braver man.
Why do people I meet have to leave the darned country? LOL.. met a hot guy at a BBQ and dun-dun-dunnn – he's leaving the country! Sigh! LOL.. I am cracking up at my crazy fate…
I wish a se.xy guy would show up at my B-B-Q. *pouts*
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
LMAO! people are oh so weird. And remember the guy that just walked into the clas.sroom and said hi to all of us!?!? lmao. And I think he thought I was my sister cuz he kept staring at me! lol! *shakes head*
college kids ehh?
'Noperz, she ain't a member of this forum…And sorry dude, she wouldn't invite you over for dinner either. Don't ask ninja for help, she would never help you in this situation…and my sister doesn't know the guy who said HI to me in the library.'
I frequent just about every library around here as often as I possibly can, but cannot remember seeing anyone so beautiful I had to look again. So, obviously, I am not the one who said HI to you either Lol.
'…and what do u mean don't bother asking?!!? I'm very nice, thank you very much.'
I would love to sustain your sublime spark of self-realization, I really do…however, seeing that there is no prospect whatsoever of a visit to your mother's kitchen which would indisputably ameliorate the current state of affairs, I would have to confess that I am disinclined to acquiesce with 'I'm very nice, thank you very much.' If you wish to contest this, you could always prove me wrong. Should you so desire, I would like to please offer this self-disclosure perchance to sway you in my favor:
1. I have impeccable table manners (I never reach for things across the table because I keep everything close by; I never speak with my mouth full therefore I never speak since my mouth is always full; I believe vegetables are good for the body and magnanimously leave them for others around the table so God-willing, they would remain healthy).
2. I would gladly bring my own silverware, table linen, and meaningful tokens of my appreciation.
'Lmao. Maybe she is better off with a braver man.'
Rani ji, you probably are unaware of how brave a man has to be to approach a beautiful woman -with honorable intent, bereft of motives of the horizontal persuasion, without a shred of self-serving schema- and say, 'Hello! I would love to get to know you for a little while, and if it so pleases you, for the rest of your life.'
When confronted with such an occasion for courage, I always felt the Gladiator and that I should but turn toward passersby and say: 'We who are about to die salute you.'
senorJ…i have to say that for a guy, u explain yrself terribly alot!!
u sure u not a gal?? dayemmmmm!! i think we might have just found a match for madhu ji…
madhu ji, where art thou??
who's madhu?
and…uhm its a free country serio. let ppl be. sheeeeeeeeeshhhhhhhhh
im not stopping him, am i? dont worry…its still a free country..and u and i can basically roam the world freely..what say?
you're not stopping him and you wont stop him…so keep them words to yourself
and uhm….vottttttt?
u just said its a free country..and now u tell me to keep them words to myself??
free country- you dont have to keep ur words to urself
free country- i have the right to tell you to shut up and let ppl be…
and i have the right to ignore whatever u say
yeah…and they have a right to ignore what you say as well.
and so on…
of course..do as they please. im not stopping them. its u who got so
defensive abt senorJ. got the hotz for him??? yeeehaaaaaaaaaaa!!
im just talking about freedom of speech here lol.
LMAO – you twoooo………. what nonsense have you been talking!! LMAO LMAO….
i need sleeping pills
Get up and dance! It will tire you out, then you can sleep…
Dance to 'Chand Sifarish'…. That's what I am doing right now – honest!
i like honesty
i can't dance – honest. lmbo
oh man! you like made my day before it started…roflmbo, i finished my spanish at like 6 in the morning. OH JOY =D
ok im off to school
How can she have the hotz for anyone besides you, ji?
Hayati came over to my house the Sunday before last Sunday(I think) and we were looking at some old pictures…And we came accross a picture of this little girl wearing a yellow dress. She looked awful, so Hayati and I were making HEKKA fun of her, she was all like who is she? I'm all like, I have no idea! And I was all saying it sure ain't me! And we just kept laughing about it and making fun of the lil girl and then my sister says, “That's Rani!” LMAO That was HEKKA funny! I was like. “NOOOO! WTH?!?! THAT IS TOTALLY NOT ME! OMA! I WAS THAT UGLY??!?!!?” LMAO! It was HILRIOUS! ANd my sister is all like, “you don't look ugly here, you look so cute!” And I'm like. “Girl! You're outta your mind!” And Hayati is like. “let me see it again!” And I'm all hiding it and I'm like, “nooo, look at that pi, see how cute I was?” LMAO!
It was helllllla funny, we couldn't stop laughing!
A couple weeks ago, Ninja, my sister, and I were in College for our Summer cla.ss and we were sitting down, waiting with Ninja for her dad. We were all talking and Ninja was holding my hand, kinda playing with it. And my sis looks at us and makes a face and says, ” ewww. What are you guys doing?!?” And Ninja looks at our hands, says. “OH!” Then she kinda throws my hand back at me, while saying, “HERE!” LMAO! THAT WAS HELLA FUNNY! You guys should have seen her! It was crazy! LOL! We couldn't stop laughing about it!!!
*goes off laughing like a mad woman*
My friend..let's call her DeeDee, came over last friday and when she came over she's all like, “Did S call you?” I'm like yeah she's talkign to my sister right now. And she seems hekka upset and all, and I'm like what happened? She's like, “I'm screwed!” I'm like why? What happened? And she's like, “Okay, so S and her sister were supposed to hang out with me yesterday but something came up and they couldn't come over so they called me up at 11 at night and wanted to come over today(friday) and I kinda wanted to call you(ME) up on Friday so that we can hang out. SO I kinda lied to her and told her I had to run errands, and she just called me up 2 mins before I was about to leave for your house and she's like so are Rani and her sister feelign better? And I say yeah they are getting used to it and all and S tells me that she's gonna call you(rani) up to come to your house, and I'm all like…uhh okay. Bye.”
LMAO! So I go to my sister and I'm like did you tell S that Deedee is at our house? And she's like yeah. And Deedee is like, “I'm gonna die! S is gonna hate me! She's gonna think I chose you over her! Well, I did. But you know! She's gonan be hekka mad if she comes over and finds me at your house when I told her I couldn't hang out with her cuz I had to run errands!” So we were all trying to think of a good lie to tell S, but later we were like, “let's just stick with the truth.” So deedee called S up and told her the truth that she just wanted to ome over to my house so that's why she kinda lied. And S was all like “You hurt my feelings. You like her more than me, now? blah blah” And Deedee was sooo upset, but my sis and I were like S is just joking, you know her, she's never serious. SO when she comes over Deedee is all trying to hide, I'm like don't hide! lol. And S and Deedee hug each other and S tells her that she was just joking with her. lol. That was hekak funny. you guys should have sen Deedee. She felt hekka guilty! LMAO!
Deedee and I prank called my teacher at the Masjid(Mosque)….it was hekak funny. First Deedee called her up, but she didn't know what to say, so she hung up. SO I called back and made my voice like a guy and said:
ME: Sorry, the call got disconnected.
Appa(teacher): That's okay, but what were you saying?
ME: Are you going to pick up your order or not?
APPA: what order? I didn't order anything.
ME: Yes, you did, we have your phone number in our records. You ordered a cheese pizza from Pizza Hut.
Appa: *kinda chuckles* (Cuz she doesn't ever order any pizza from pizza hut cuz the pizza is not halaal) I'm sorry but I didn't order any pizza.
ME: So you are not gonna pick it up?
APPA: But I didn't order anything! What is the name on the record?
ME: (I say her name, but in an American accent)
Appa: *She gets hekka upset(like, I'm-sorry-for-causing-you-any-inconveniance upset)* I'm so sorry, I didn't order anything. Maybe someone is using my information, if you get an order from this name and phone number, please ignore it, because I don't order any pizza. I'm so sorry.
ME: *about to say, “I'm gonna sue you” But I see that she's really upset so I let it go) IT's okay.
APPA: Thank you so much for understanding.
ME: No problem.
Then I hang up and Deedee and I bust out laughing! We laughed for like 3 mins straight and then we felt guilty. SO I called back to tell her it was me and that I'm sorry. She wouldn't pick up! I called like 20 times!!! But she wouldn't pick up! So later…like about 6 hours later, Deedee and I call back and she finally picks up!
Appa: hello?
ME: Asalaamu Alaykum, Appa
APPA: Walaykum Asalaam
ME: I'm sorry..but I called you earlier…
APPA: You did? When?
ME: I was the pizza guy
ME: *laughing* I'm sooooo sorry! i called back a million times to tell you it was me, but you wouldn't pick up!
APPA: You should have left a message, I was sitting right next to the phone!
ME: *laughing* Why didn't you pick up?
(my sis comes and asks appa if I scared her)
APPA: scared me? she scared the heck out of me! I didn't pick the phone up for a really long time; scared that it was the pizza guy telling me to pick up my order!
LMAO! IT was soooooooooo funny! And you have to know my teacher to think it was funny, she is sooo hilarious, her reactions are crazy funny! so I just explained to her how it happened and everything and that I would never do something like that with anyone older than me(like my parent's friends) but it's just that I'm so close to appa that she's like a friend to me and she was like just don't do it again. LOL! But we were both laughing about it, she didn't mind all that much. It was hekka funny! Deedee, my sis, appa, and I were laughing about it on the phone like crazy!
*sigh* I'm gonna miss these days…
Lmao! That was funny.
A couple weeks ago, Ninja, my sister, and I were in College for our Summer cla.ss and we were sitting down, waiting with Ninja for her dad. We were all talking and Ninja was holding my hand, kinda playing with it. And my sis looks at us and makes a face and says, ” ewww. What are you guys doing?!?” And Ninja looks at our hands, says. “OH!” Then she kinda throws my hand back at me, while saying, “HERE!” LMAO! THAT WAS HELLA FUNNY! You guys should have seen her! It was crazy! LOL! We couldn't stop laughing about it!!!
*goes off laughing like a mad woman*
LMAO! u love this thread, don't you? that was so funny though. your sister was talking to us like we were gay or something…and i'm all thinking “I swear man, i'm straight”. lol!
lmao, rani the prank call story was so funny. ILY!
Tayba and senor-
LMAO! Us being married in the play doesn't exactly help, na? I was telling my mom about the play and I told her I'm a guy in the play and that I'm gonna wear my twin's pathani clothes! lol! then she asks, “what is Ninja's role in the play?” I get all excited and say, “she's my wife!” And my mom starts laughing and says, “I KNEW you two would do something crazy like that! That's why I didn't ask about anyone else and went straight to Ninja!” LMAO!
It's 2 in the morning…my twin and his buddy are sleeping in the living room next to me, and my bro said something hilarious! He was talking in pashto and he said something like “khob na de ra wikh kram” meaning: “you woke me up” and then he sort of growls! And I can't see his friend's face, but I see him move, and I'm guessing he turned around to look at my twin! lmao! I sooo can't wait to tell him in the morning!
And I will reply to the rest of the threads later, I just wanted to share my twin's retarded sleep talking with you guys! LOL!
Good night everybody! Sweet dreams! *yawns* I'm tired…
Oh! My bad! I just got up to leave, and realized it's the other way around!
It's 2 in the morning…my twin and his buddy are sleeping in the living room next to me, and my bro my bro's friend said something hilarious! He was talking in pashto and he said something like “khob na de ra wikh kram” meaning: “you woke me up” and then he sort of growls! And I can't see his friend's my twin's face, but I see him move, and I'm guessing he turned around to look at my twin his friend! lmao! I sooo can't wait to tell him in the morning!
And I will reply to the rest of the threads later, I just wanted to share my twin's my bro's friend's retarded sleep talking with you guys! LOL!
Good night everybody! Sweet dreams! *yawns* I'm tired…
rofl Rani! you're a loser!
today in Spanish class, we had a potluck and the spanish teacher brought her daughter and then her daughter was sorta pulling her mom's shirt and running around her and stuff and the teacher almost fell! i know this is mean…but it was soooo funny. this guy sitting in the front sorta caught her. and then she starts laughing…and giving her daughter the evil eye
Ever wonder why children pull their parents' clothes? I have no idea. A toddler at the pool once yanked at his mommy's bikini top and bared what only he, his father and his mommy's ob-gyn should see. Poor woman was so embarrassed she left the pool. After that incident, I started to tie the draw-string on my swimming trunks so tight, it almost cut of blood supply to hanging gardens of Babylon. Sheesh! If I ever have kids, I'm going to tie up their hands when I bring them out.
Ever wonder why children pull their parents' clothes? I have no idea. A toddler at the pool once yanked at his mommy's bikini top and bared what only he, his father and his mommy's ob-gyn should see. Poor woman was so embarrassed she left the pool. After that incident, I started to tie the draw-string on my swimming trunks so tight, it almost cut of blood supply to hanging gardens of Babylon. Sheesh! If I ever have kids, I'm going to tie up their hands when I bring them out.
what da….??!?! ROFFLLMBOOO!!!
what daaaaa??!!
hey senor…mind yer language please. there are lots of kids hanging around here. we got no interest on how u manage or mismanage yr gardens! sheessshhhhh!!!
LOL senor J that was hillarious!!!! The poor mum! aw!!! and you after that, ROFL!
Hello, Hello? Kettle? This is pot. You are black.
LOL! i'm at the library and there is this weird guy sitting there being a bum and eating and the librarian comes up2 him and says “I don't know if you can read, but there is no eating in here” and he goes “oh oh, ok, imma follow the rules. peace from the middle east” and im all “wthell?” and then the librarian says “yes yes” and he goes “no more wars, no more conflicts, everyone shud just convert to christianity and we'll be at peace” and the librarian replies ” i wouldn't go that far” and he goes “i will, imma write it down too” ROFL and she's like “you're psycho!”
LOL senor J that was hillarious!!!! The poor mum! aw!!! and you after that, ROFL!
LMAO! I agree!
Ninja – LMAO! These college kids, I tell you. We are so much more mature than they are!
That reminds me of the day Jasmine and I went to the library. We went to study for the SATs, but ermm…you know what happens when I plan to study! lol. Anyhow, so I see this Muslim girl, she's wearing a hijaab and all, and Jasmine says something like, “Hey! She's one of you.” And I'm like, “Yes, she is. ” And when we pas.s by each other, the girl says Asalaamu-Alaykum to me, and I say Walaykum Salaam. And Jasmine looks at me when she leaves and says, “You know her?” It was hekka funny! The expression on her face was hilarious! And I'm all like, “No, I never met her before this. It's just that when Muslims see each other, they greet each other with the “greeting of peace” ANd I go on to explain to her what Asalaamu Alaykum means and she's all like “..oh…that's cool.” lol. Then, maybe an hour or so later, we see another Muslim girl(I'm guessing the two girls are related cuz they look alike) and she also says salaam to me, and Jasmine just looks at me and smiles! lol!
LOL yeah you told me!
that guy stopped me afterwards i'll tell u the story later, it's long. oh and how am i gonna get to madrassa
my dad is confusing
errr ok i'll stop!
As you guys probably already know, Ninja and I are gonna be in a play about hijaab for our clas.s at the Masjid. We were talking about having a party on Thursday(today) last thursday, adn then I asked the teacher if we could do a play, and the other girls got really excited about it so the teacher said yes. So ninja and I looked for a play online, I couldn't find any about hijaab, so ninja looked, and she found one that didn't make sense at all. So we decided to write one ourselves. It came out pretty good(if I do say so myself).
lol. I'm gonna be Mustafa! hehe. I love my name. I'm gonna wear my twin's pathani clothes! They look so big on me! haha. When I changed into the clothes, I come out to show everybody, and my twin is just looking at me and laughing and my lil bro is like, “you look funny.” lol!
It was hekka funny when we were practicing! Ninja had to do her scene like a million times cuz my teacher was telling me I wasn't doing my part right! She wanted me to scream Tayba hekka loudly! (BTW, Tayba, we're using your name! lol. It's ninja's name in the play, she's gonna be my wife. lol) And I screamed it LOUD, I mean SUPER loudly, and she's all like, “perfect” I'm like heck no! That's over-acting! Imma scream, but not that loudly…lol. poor ninja, her head was about to explode, she had to fall on the ground a million times! lol. Hey ninja, the way we had you faint in the beginning was fine, cuz that way you had to faint on me, and not on the ground.
LOL! It was SOOO FUNNY! Appa wanted to show ninja the right way to faint, so she was showing us, and I'm all trying to prepare myself to catch appa cuz she's bigger than me, and I didn't want to drop my teacher on the ground! And then next thing I see is appa falling on the ground! I was like ! And everyone is laughing! And I start cracking up! And i told her, “I was getting ready to catch you” and she's like, “Why didn't you catch me then?” I was like
How the heck was I supposed to catch you like that!?! LMAO! IT was HILARIOUS!
And LOL! I had to come in the room, greet my daughter, then great my wife(ninja) and my teacher was telling me to do it in a way so that the people will know Ninja is my wife. So I come in, sit next to Ninja, kinda touch her cheek and say, “Hey habeebi” And all the girls start laughing and appa is like, “NOT LIKE THAT!” And ninja is just staring at me like “WTH??!?” And I'm all like, “What I do!?!? She told me to treat you like my wife, so I did!” LOL! And appa is like, “don't do that in front of the little girls!” I was like fine! I won't touch her, but can I at least call her habeebi? lol. It was hilarious!
And the play is today…I'm really nervous…and excited. I have horrible stage fright…I was acting all excited about it earlier, and I am excited, but I'm starting to get nervous now! I'm just waiting for 3:30…that's when I'm leaving…LOL! I'm acting as if I'm gonna be working with Abhishek! It's not even such a big deal…but I'm sooooo nervous! Inshallah it goes well! Ameen!
LOL yeah you told me!
that guy stopped me afterwards i'll tell u the story later, it's long. oh and how am i gonna get to madrassa
my dad is confusing
errr ok i'll stop!
okay, tell me at madressa today. Hey, you know the three sisters? The older sis…”S” is gonna pick me up cuz she's going to. So she said I'll take you with me. Want me to ask her to take you too?
Ameen! it will i mean psht..it's little girls =P.
i feel weird tho and my dad said no. i'll see. i dunno man
wait rani..who's taking you home?
My sister is taking me home. She's gonna come like at 5:00…
WTH! You HAVE to come! Who is gonna play my wife?!?! Just come with us, you know S, she's hekka sweet, she'll happilly give you a ride.
man, I'm calling you.
Stupid! Pick up your phone! ugh! don't tell me you didn't charge it…grrrrrr
thanks for reminding me to take it
“You know her?”
Poor Jasmine. Each time I get in a cab, I get asked, 'Sir, where are you from?' When I reply I am from India, the Cab driver immediately asks, if I know so and so. Sheesh! More than a billion people and how the hades am I supposed to know his 'friend' from when he worked in the Middle East? I can imagine the look on Jasmine's face. Lmao!
Rani-Reading about yr practice for that play was soo funny! I cant believe your teacher fell! Ahh my ! And Ninja is yr wife! HAHAHAHAaaaaaaaaaaaa & her name is Tayaba!! 1 Q : What does Habeebi mean?
Good luck to you twoooooooo!! And the rest of yr actors!! You guys will do fineee >> Have fun & Enjoy!
“You know her?”
Poor Jasmine. Each time I get in a cab, I get asked, 'Sir, where are you from?' When I reply I am from India, the Cab driver immediately asks, if I know so and so. Sheesh! More than a billion people and how the hades am I supposed to know his 'friend' from when he worked in the Middle East? I can imagine the look on Jasmine's face. Lmao!
Hahaaaa =) Made me smile once again Senor. I guess he'd have to ask many more of his indian customers if they know this famous Jasmine!
ahahahahahaha!! we did OOOOK!
Oh ! Im glad theplay went wonderful! I wish that we all could have been there to step in on the rani husband ninja wife etc story.
Oh gaaawd ! I would have said the same thing the Muslim guy said >> Preach it sista!
Some people are biased agaisnt religions but dont let anything get you down(Im talking for the general pub). Remember everyone is entitled to their own opinions but your belief will last forever and that is who you are.. you da schweet pious ninjaaa
It was funny when he came back and said that Jesus will save you b/c yr spirit was beautiful though … Ahaa It was because you acknowledged Jesus hmmm. You know, I never knew before that Muslims believed in Jesus until recently when I think you had told me or someone told me and I asked it on the forum/or msn and you told me.
I think all of the Gods are the same. We chose one to believe in and that is perfectly fine but hating against other religion and the pple of other religions is just unrighteous and wrong. People have the right to worship they have the right to their beliefs.
“You know her?”
Poor Jasmine. Each time I get in a cab, I get asked, 'Sir, where are you from?' When I reply I am from India, the Cab driver immediately asks, if I know so and so. Sheesh! More than a billion people and how the hades am I supposed to know his 'friend' from when he worked in the Middle East? I can imagine the look on Jasmine's face. Lmao!
lol. It was super fun1 I wanna do it all over again! lol.
Habeebi is an Arabic word that means sweetheart. You use habeebi to call a guy sweetheart, and habeebati is used for a girl. But you can use habeebi for a girl too, doesn't really matter. And Habeebi is also a name…
(Right ninja? )
*hi-five* You go, girl! I'm super proud of you. *hugs ninja tight* May Allah (SWT) reward you well. Ameen.
Habeeb is a name. not habeebi
*high fives rani back*
You could call someone Habeebati but mean 'Little Sister?' I have some Moslem friends and I would like to try my new word on them but don't want to lose a lung or something by saying it to the wrong person…especially my friend's aunt! She could probably eat me alive.
Ninja – oh my baaad! lol. I knew that!
No. I don't think you wanna call her habeebati. lol
If I'm wrong, ninja will correct me.
Senor calling yr friend's little sister habeebati … wouldnt that mean calling her sweetheart(in a friendly way) > or does habeebati mean like sweetheart in like..husband wife only kinda way ??
By the way, if habeebi was a name ..thats like having the name Sweetheart hehehe
Kavita ji, yes, I was talking about Habeebati in the friendly way. Rani ji, don't you worry. I have no intentions of addressing the 'aunt' with any sort of endearments.
lol, good senor ji. she'll be like “who be you? what be yo right to call me that?” =P nah, even my mom doesnt like it when i call her habeebati
Yes Ma'am.
Yummin- you call your mom Habeebati?
Im confused now. Can you use this to anyone who you love or have affection for , or not?
Habeebati/habeebi is used between hubby and wife too
but you can use it for kids, and your mom, and your friends also.
Lmao! A thought came to my mind and simultaneously a roti-roller followed. I was thinking as to how each of the 'three' would respond if I were to call them Habeebati. If I call Ninja ji 'Habeebati,' Rani ji would say 'OYE, that's my wife!' If I call Rani 'Habeebati,' then Ninja ji would clonk me and say 'Yo! That's my husband.' If I call Tayba ji 'Habeebati,' I may get assaulted by the husband and wife team. I don't think I would live to tell the tale Lol. So, names for now. Actually, names for a long time.
Whatever keeps me kicking for a while, you know. I feel like two nations need to revise their 'Assault with a deadly weapon' and 'Domestic Abuse' clauses in the Penal Code. Perhaps, it never occurred to them what a person could do with a roti-roller, especially the metal variety that Tayba ji keeps talking about.
Lmao! A thought came to my mind and simultaneously a roti-roller followed. I was thinking as to how each of the 'three' would respond if I were to call them Habeebati. If I call Ninja ji 'Habeebati,' Rani ji would say 'OYE, that's my wife!' If I call Rani 'Habeebati,' then Ninja ji would clonk me and say 'Yo! That's my husband.' If I call Tayba ji 'Habeebati,' I may get assaulted by the husband and wife team. I don't think I would live to tell the tale Lol. So, names for now. Actually, names for a long time.
I have a story =D
So it was like 10:45 PM and we finish praying Isha Salaah and we're upstairs and my dad sees my brother's Super Water Blaster 2000 or whatever its called. This water gun is HUGE. Knowing what he's about to do I try to run, but its too late he starts spraying – the water comes out at such a force that I am soaked! I start screaming and laughing at the same time and I run into my bedroom and get a bottle with about half a litre of water in it. My dad doesn't see it and I quickly throw it on him, catching him unaware and unarmed – (he used up all the water on me!). Lol, then he's like 'OHH YOU'RE GONNA GET IT!!' lmaoo! and So he fills up the water gun (in this time I find another full water bottle and keep it hidden) He comes in my room and I am trying to push the door shut so he can't get in but my dad is stronger than me obviously lol, and my brother was helping him too! (traitor lmao) and they both SOAK me even more if its possible. My bedsheets, the walls, even my laptop got some water flicked on it! I was laughing so hard and screaming at the same time – I'm sure the neighbours heard lol!. So he's all grinning cuz he thinks he has won and he walks out of my room telling my mum how he's always the champion at these things. And then out come I with my bottle of water and I throw it ALL over him and he's like 'WHAT THE… HOW? WHEN!? OHMYGOD I'M SOAKING WET!!!!!!!!' lmaoooo! and then I took the gun away from him without him knowing, and now he's sulking because he lost. LOL. Man, I give the neighbours too many reasons to think I'm mad rofl My mum was like 'You two just don't give up, do you?!' lol. It was a lot of fun, Alhumdulilah
When I was in Uni for my Bachelors, I was the youngest among my friends, who 'looked out' for me. I resented these condescending 'elder brother' shenanigans and decided I would 'break away' and make a name for myself my own way. One afternoon during summer vacation, I sat on the terrace of one of the dorms armed with a good slingshot and a bag full of frozen grapes. I saw a girl down below in the parking lot walking towards her car, carrying books in one hand. While she was trying to open the door of her car, something fell out of her hand and she squatted to pick it up. I was aiming a frozen grape at her hindside, but she turned around suddenly, and I hit her smack in the center of her forehead. The grape exploded all over her face and she freaked out. I freaked out as well because she started wailing like a banshee and people started gathering around her and were looking in my direction. I slid down the fire-escape, took a shower, made sure I did not dry my hair, and walked out into the common lobby looking all innocent. I was depressed I did not even have enough time to laugh about it.
Girl in question eventually became a good friend. But she doesn't know. I did not have the heart to tell her. So, there you have it: The Chronicles of Pepper Boy and the mysterious case of the Frozen Grape.
senorJ…remind me not to read yr book if ever u decide to write one.
what we need is more of a bomb-exploding, gun-firing, monsters-creeping, robots-transforming, homer-burping, a$$-kicking kinda stories.
let me start then.
once upon a time, there live this cowboy (joe is his name) in an old town called Bollyville County. one nite, as cowboy Joe was walking, he saw this shadow that resembles a ghostly figure. he took out his gun, aimed at it, and just as he was abt to shoot, this shadow jumped at him. he fired 6 shots, but all of it missed. he then ran quickly towards the barn, took out his home-made bomb (liquid nitrogen mixed with mango chutney and unique princess choc cake). he then ran outside, waited for the shadow to re-appear, catched his breath and lighted a cigar. at the corner of his eyes he could see that something was moving and coming towards him. the shadow is somehow attracted to the smell of the cigar. sensing this, cowboy joe quickly threw the cigar and at the same time threw the bomb at the shadows direction.
ka-booommmmmmmm!!! the bomb exploded. cowboy joe was thrown 30 feet in the air and landed heavily on his already sore bum. he stood up, walked towards the shadow…it seems that 'it' is dead. 'must be the cake that did it'. cowboy joe whispered to himself. as he was about to walk away, suddenly, some strange sound was heard. 'Chhee chuuuu chuttttt chuuzzzz'. What daaaa!!!! The shadow transformed, into a…a…..Choc Cake!! a choc cake with a face!!
Fearing for his life, cowboy joe ran as fast as he could, and Chocoticon soon followed after him….
To be continued….
Tayaba – that was mad funny what happened between you and your dad. My dad would NEVER.. I repeat NEVER do something like that or CLOSE to it…he's always serious. Oh gawwwd > as i was reading i thoughtm aybe it was yr brother then i went back and made sure i saw it was yr dad!! Now thats something to reinforce the father daughter relationship!!! Haha!
Senor J – You're definitely right >>> Names for now heheheeheee … ! We dont wanna get beat up because we have offended others.
Your story about hitting a girl with a grape – > did that actually happen?! God = who goes around trying to hit grapes on peoples butts!!! But geesh… .it was mad funny to read that story but you better be careful if you're the kinda guy who can risk all that > well the good side is that no one knew and what makes it even more hilariously crazy was that u became good friends with the girl and … she doesnt even know its you! aha
Hahaha … Oreo , what story is this ha…. > Is that cowboy you by anychance ?
Serio ji I do not intend to ever write half-baked fiction for juvenile delinquents so you need not worry about reading anything I write. You are safe.
LOL!! at oreos story!! voh da heck? =P
why couldn't you just finish it?
tayba: hahaha!! *high five*
When I was in Uni for my Bachelors, I was the youngest among my friends, who 'looked out' for me. I resented these condescending 'elder brother' shenanigans and decided I would 'break away' and make a name for myself my own way. One afternoon during summer vacation, I sat on the terrace of one of the dorms armed with a good slingshot and a bag full of frozen grapes. I saw a girl down below in the parking lot walking towards her car, carrying books in one hand. While she was trying to open the door of her car, something fell out of her hand and she squatted to pick it up. I was aiming a frozen grape at her hindside, but she turned around suddenly, and I hit her smack in the center of her forehead. The grape exploded all over her face and she freaked out. I freaked out as well because she started wailing like a banshee and people started gathering around her and were looking in my direction. I slid down the fire-escape, took a shower, made sure I did not dry my hair, and walked out into the common lobby looking all innocent. I was depressed I did not even have enough time to laugh about it.
Girl in question eventually became a good friend. But she doesn't know. I did not have the heart to tell her. So, there you have it: The Chronicles of Pepper Boy and the mysterious case of the Frozen Grape.
LMAO! That was so naughty of u! but hillarious =P
Tayaba – that was mad funny what happened between you and your dad. My dad would NEVER.. I repeat NEVER do something like that or CLOSE to it…he's always serious. Oh gawwwd > as i was reading i thoughtm aybe it was yr brother then i went back and made sure i saw it was yr dad!! Now thats something to reinforce the father daughter relationship!!! Haha!
lol yeah my dad gets so childish when he sees waterguns and stuff, oh he's even more funny at theme parks!!!! lmao he'll go on all the attractions and rides – its so funny! My dad and I go on them all and my bro sits there with a headache rofl!
Ninja – *hi5 back* =D
senorJ…remind me not to read yr book if ever u decide to write one.
what we need is more of a bomb-exploding, gun-firing, monsters-creeping, robots-transforming, homer-burping, a$$-kicking kinda stories.
let me start then.
once upon a time, there live this cowboy (joe is his name) in an old town called Bollyville County. one nite, as cowboy Joe was walking, he saw this shadow that resembles a ghostly figure. he took out his gun, aimed at it, and just as he was abt to shoot, this shadow jumped at him. he fired 6 shots, but all of it missed. he then ran quickly towards the barn, took out his home-made bomb (liquid nitrogen mixed with mango chutney and unique princess choc cake). he then ran outside, waited for the shadow to re-appear, catched his breath and lighted a cigar. at the corner of his eyes he could see that something was moving and coming towards him. the shadow is somehow attracted to the smell of the cigar. sensing this, cowboy joe quickly threw the cigar and at the same time threw the bomb at the shadows direction.
ka-booommmmmmmm!!! the bomb exploded. cowboy joe was thrown 30 feet in the air and landed heavily on his already sore bum. he stood up, walked towards the shadow…it seems that 'it' is dead. 'must be the cake that did it'. cowboy joe whispered to himself. as he was about to walk away, suddenly, some strange sound was heard. 'Chhee chuuuu chuttttt chuuzzzz'. What daaaa!!!! The shadow transformed, into a…a…..Choc Cake!! a choc cake with a face!!
Fearing for his life, cowboy joe ran as fast as he could, and Chocoticon soon followed after him….
To be continued….
A) '(liquid nitrogen mixed with mango chutney and unique princess choc cake). ' Why am I the chocolate cake?
B) If I were a chocolate cake, why would I cause an explosion, more to the point, why would I be a bomb?
C) “It seems that 'it' is dead. 'must be the cake that did it'.” Again, WHY would it be the cake that kills him?! ….. and here's me thinking cakes are all delicious and sweet .
D) 'The shadow transformed, into a…a…..Choc Cake!! a choc cake with a face!!' ….. Interesting….. is that what I do? turn people into choc cakes? Kavita is right, I must be superwoman, turning bad people into chocolate – what a delicious and environmentally pleasant superpower. The world could do with more chocolate. More chocolate is always good.
E) 'he then ran outside, waited for the shadow to re-appear, catched caught his breath and lighted lit a cigar' *Thinks of Boo and smiles*
I just asked my dad which makes more sense 'lit a cigar' or 'lighted a cigar'. He said the British say 'Lit' and Americans say 'Lighted'. Both are correct terms, but seeing as I'm a Brit ** I shall keep my correction as 'lit'.
Serio ji I do not intend to ever write half-baked fiction for juvenile delinquents so you need not worry about reading anything I write. You are safe.
phheewwwww….thank god for that!!! my sincere condolences to your target customers then.
…continue your story Serio!
Fearing for his life, cowboy joe ran as fast as he could, and Chocoticon soon followed after him….
Chocoticon smashes thru his way and crushed everything that was in his way, including Skank (a moment of silence for my good ol dog Skank). Cowboy Joe took a quick glance at the back and realized that Chocoticon is just few meters away from him. With his 100 meters sprint time easily equalling one of a turbo charged, steroid pumped turtle, it is no wonder he is losing ground in his quest to escape from the evil clutches of Chocoticon.
As he was about to make a 90 degrees turn to the right and escape thru the thick jungles of Bollyville County, cowboy joe slipped, rolled over a few times, and crash landed heavily on his back. Fearing for his life, he looked directly at Chocoticon and sense if he can somehow escape from this giant monster. “ARE U USERNAME SERIOCOMIC AKA COWBOY JOE!!!??? ARE U USERNAME SERIOCOMIC AKA COWBOY JOE!!???? WHERE IS THE PERSON THAT BAKED THIS AWFUL TASTING CHOC CAKE??”, Chocoticon seems to be screaming at cowboy joe. Looking preplexed, cowboy joe responded with a 'Whaaaaaa?? U got the wrong guy dude”, his voice trembling with fear. “Im actually looking for this person too. I got a terrible stomach ache after eating her cake, hence why i used it to make my home made bomb”
“HMMMMMM….I SHALL LET YOU GO FOR NOW”, said Chocoticon. Cowboy Joe stood up, gave Chocticon the Rock look and walked away. 'Sucker…hahah', joe uttered softly.
But little did he realize that Chocoticon has an in-built sound detector that could measure speech and voice up to 5km away!
To be continued…
LMAO!! woahhhhh!
okay I have a story.
Sunday night, we had people over and my aunts were chatting for a pretty long time and then they got bored. And the kids were getting out of control and so my aunt was like “Ninja, entertain us, sing a nasheed or something” and im all “psht, I'd rather fight for entertainment than sing in front of all of you” and my younger brother gets up and he's like “okay it's on!” lmao so i get up and we start boxing and all the kids join in. All of them on my team of course, except one. *feels loved* rofl, so we fought and then we started going karate style on each other! LOL! I totally won..SIKE! and my aunt is like cheering my bro's team…cos they were helpless of course. The kiddos went crazy and so finally we beat my brother down and my little sister is sitting on him and he goes “Get aaaaap i cant bureatheee!!” and she goes “NO! NEVER! SAY PLEASE FIRST!” LOL I WAS LIKE 'AWWW!!” and this other kiddo is like “YEAH AND SURRENDER!” rofl my bro was soooooo mad, he's like get the hell up man. and my aunts were like laughingggggggggg. it was so fun!
I'm still not done teasing my bro
When we were kids, I would put a paper-back in my pillow when we had pillow fights. My brothers would be all like 'Ouch, dang, how come your pillow hurts so much?' It was fun till my little brother found out my dirty secret and decided he is going to swing at me with a mustard bottle inside. Thank God the mustard bottle is made of plastic. I still needed three stitches over my eye-brow. I cannot forget the way my brother asked my mother between tears: 'Is anna going to die?' Lol! Bum's thirty four now and a pain in the behind. Siblings should never grow up.
When we were kids, I would put a paper-back in my pillow when we had pillow fights. My brothers would be all like 'Ouch, dang, how come your pillow hurts so much?' It was fun till my little brother found out my dirty secret and decided he is going to swing at me with a mustard bottle inside. Thank God the mustard bottle is made of plastic. I still needed three stitches over my eye-brow. I cannot forget the way my brother asked my mother between tears: 'Is anna going to die?' Lol! Bum's thirty four now and a pain in the behind. Siblings should never grow up.
LOL! we all have them dirty secrets man…
lmao ninja ur story was hillarious
senor – ouch that has to hurt!
Once when my brother and I were younger we dropped lots of cola on our new sofa. In a panic I asked him to pass me the hairdryer so I could dry it. I held the hair dryer too close to the material and suddenly we could smell something burning. The next thing I knew I saw a little blue explosion and realised I had badly burnt the brand new sofa. Needless to say, my parents were far from amused .
ROFLMAO!!!! Tayba…and I'm de fish??? hahahaha!!!
lol thas cuz you are the fish =p
oh man my lil bro has learnt the art of flattery so early on in life! I just got ready to go out and my mum isn't ready so I sat back in bed with my laptop because I was feeling cold. So he comes into my room and I said “ask mum what time we're going out” and he's like “omg! you look so beautiful and its the morning and your in bed! your beautiful in the morning and the afternoon and the evening! wow! how did you do that in the morning? you just woke up!” LMAOOOOOOOO! I was like awww! LOL. aah look what a little soap and cream can do! lmao! I'm still cracking up!
LMAO… Tayba… you sure create a lot of work for your parents!
I'm trying to think of a story… but oh my God… I actually cannot. My mind is compleeetely blank. Well, almost… I am just thinking of the time when I was sitting outside with my iPod on (I was feeling so low after an annoying MSN conversation with a guy who kept showing me excerpts of his mushy conversation with his girlfriend)… and as soon as it started raining (which was one surprise in itself..), the song 'Koi Ladki Hai' came on on my iPod (I swear the thing is psychic sometimes.. lol.) and suddely all my 'sorrows' of being single were washed away with the rain, and there I was standing in the street dancing like a mad girl (thank heavens it was dark outside).. and the neighbour thought I must have misplaced my key or something so I couldn't go inside, so she offered me shelter in her house until someone else came by and opened the door… all I could do was smile sheepishly and tell her I was out in the rain because I wanted to be (it was, by this time, pouring cats and dogs)… and she just gave me one look, smiled and went back inside… sigh!
I feel like such a boring person darn it.
LMAO… Tayba… you sure create a lot of work for your parents!
I'm trying to think of a story… but oh my God… I actually cannot. My mind is compleeetely blank. Well, almost… I am just thinking of the time when I was sitting outside with my iPod on (I was feeling so low after an annoying MSN conversation with a guy who kept showing me excerpts of his mushy conversation with his girlfriend)… and as soon as it started raining (which was one surprise in itself..), the song 'Koi Ladki Hai' came on on my iPod (I swear the thing is psychic sometimes.. lol.) and suddely all my 'sorrows' of being single were washed away with the rain, and there I was standing in the street dancing like a mad girl (thank heavens it was dark outside).. and the neighbour thought I must have misplaced my key or something so I couldn't go inside, so she offered me shelter in her house until someone else came by and opened the door… all I could do was smile sheepishly and tell her I was out in the rain because I wanted to be (it was, by this time, pouring cats and dogs)… and she just gave me one look, smiled and went back inside… sigh!
I feel like such a boring person darn it.
LMAO! I get that with my ipod tooo!! its freaky! aww your story was really cute! I love being out in the rain too. My neighbours are old so whenever I stand in the middle of the garden and let it rain on me they tell me to go inside or I'll get a cold. lol. I don't know how to tell them that I actually want to stay out there. However, when I don't leave, they realise and laugh themselves lol. oh and Koi Ladki hai is a great song =D
lol create work for my parents? Sigh there are more of those crazy stories lol. The things my brother and I have done, lol!
Boo, you are anything but boring. Anyone who dances in the rain with an iPod, running the risk of being struck by lightning may be a bit crazy, but never boring.
Tayba ji, you should cherish the moments when your brother is taken by your beauty. Sadly, we grow up and lose these moments, no matter how hard we try to keep them alive. They return to us by way of nostalgia much later in life, but by then, we can do no more with memories than to remember them knowing senility will set in soon and we may forget those rare moments.
I was all bouncing about in the cafe a few minutes ago. Now with all this family talk and dancing in the rain, I find myself slipping down memory lane and that is painfully delicious. It is a curse to remember everything so vividly. It's a curse.
Tayaba – Wow, your dad seems really childish:thats good in a way>Less stress aye!
You seem quite offended by oreo's mentioning your chocolate cake in his crazed story. Remember its crazed oreo telling a crazed story.
You burnt the new sofa? Aw man! Glad to still see you alive on BWL today!
You are beautiful tabz! But what your little brother tell you seemed a lil strange for little brothers to say … maybe he wants something from you!
Ninja – Ahaha! 1q: your aunt calls you Ninja???? Your story made me laugh, it was quite funny… no singing, no dancing, no antakshri to entertain the family…but fighting! Haha.. and you won yay! Well thats a NINJA when you need one! Winning entertaining FIGHTS in living rooms infront of aunts
Senor J – Ouch man. You dudes play secretive and rough hm! So you're calling your brother a bum now hmmmm … people are still pain in the butt at 34?
Boo – Chin up deary. That ipod of yours seem psychic indeed!
All this story telling is making one nostalgic. May I?
Siblings. Well, with 9 of them there is bound to be chaos, blood and tons of spankings! In my home anyways!
Saturday afternoon was always Karate Theater on the box and my 2 fave brothers were always on hand to wreck the house with me.
One especially rambunctious day Bubba & Nicky ganged up on me! Fearing for my pride, I decided to blow their minds! I reasoned,
“If you can throw one of those chinese stars you can throw an orange!” Oh yes…I threw the orange. It missed Nicky's head by a mile and crashed through my mom's picture window…in slo mo! Everything went deadly silent…seemingly even the television! We all stared at each other. Next, I burst into tears, Nicky crowed with laughter and Bubba came over to comfort me! We finally decided to…ready for this??? We pulled the curtain! No lie! Yes, we were all spanked!
9 siblings is alot for chaos. You have favorites Ness? Do the other siblings know, or it doesnt matter?
In any case, picturing you hitting an orange into your mom's picture window (in slo mo) was…whew!
Our poor ness was spanked
Hmm…something tells me that was not the only occasion she was spanked nor was the only occasion she broke something.
Ah ha – are you psychic or just smart?
Tayaba – Wow, your dad seems really childish:thats good in a way>Less stress aye!
You seem quite offended by oreo's mentioning your chocolate cake in his crazed story. Remember its crazed oreo telling a crazed story.
You burnt the new sofa? Aw man! Glad to still see you alive on BWL today!
You are beautiful tabz! But what your little brother tell you seemed a lil strange for little brothers to say … maybe he wants something from you!
lol hun he's only childish when he wants to me. He can be the most serious person too. So I'm afraid there is no less stress .
No I wasn't offended by oreo's mentioning of the chocolate cake lol. I was joking in my reply too
lol I was a kid, they can't do much to me. I did much more naughty things as a kid haha
Thanks hun Yeah he prolly does want something lol. He aint gettin it tho :p
As he was about to make a 90 degrees turn to the right and escape thru the thick jungles of Bollyville County, cowboy joe slipped, rolled over a few times, and crash landed heavily on his back. Fearing for his life, he looked directly at Chocoticon and sense if he can somehow escape from this giant monster. “ARE U USERNAME SERIOCOMIC AKA COWBOY JOE!!!??? ARE U USERNAME SERIOCOMIC AKA COWBOY JOE!!???? WHERE IS THE PERSON THAT BAKED THIS AWFUL TASTING CHOC CAKE??”, Chocoticon seems to be screaming at cowboy joe. Looking preplexed, cowboy joe responded with a 'Whaaaaaa?? U got the wrong guy dude”, his voice trembling with fear.
Lmao…werz the originality to the plot dude?? u steal lines from the infamous TRANSFORMERS and whirl in a **half baked**
story thinking this will appeal to…..to who exactly??????????? ROFLMAO…
PUT IN 5 BOB, TRY AGAIN….u seem to have the gift…lol….
thanks for the laugh though…Transformers rocks for sure..
Ohh didnt watch Transformers i didnt get to..but how is this weirrrrd story anything like transformers..for sure there was not chocolate cake monster ….ermm right?
refer the bolded words…
nope nothing monstrous about transformers..
Yes Ma'am, I do have favorites. Yes, the others know, they have favorites as well! lol
*heartwarming smile* Kavita, it isn't as if we dislike each other! In fact, we're all extremely close! People are just drawn to different things in others, as to which you're able to attest! We bond with different people for different reasons.
Apologies for 'mucking up' the thread.
Senor ji, I'm sure you have it in you, another story please?
Ness! I see you online. Hey! How are you? I miss you!! =[
Peekaboo princess!
Thanks, it's nice to hear! I miss you too! How are you?
Where have you been lately Miss! lol. I am doing good Alhumdulilah. Currently trying to be a good bridesmaid. Some of my friends are getting married this month.
What about you?! How's life? -hug back-
Glad to see you taking your duties to heart! lol Must see the photos when they're available! You will be stunning, as well as the bride Inshallah! lol Hope that was used correctly! 99 teaches, but I never listen!
I've been…meditating more or less! Had nothing to say, so kept it chuup ! But now…lmao
you said it correctly! *grinz some more*
lol haaaa about being stunning… Eughh I am having a bad hair day. No wait, maybe I should call it a bad hijaab day. lol.
meditating! did you have any eye opening epiphanies? lmao glad your back =D
rotflmao…ooookay, please explain a 'bad hijaab' day! Is that even possible??
Nope, no epiphanies…just fell asleep!
Thanks, it's good to be back! I missed the sparring besides! bwaaahahahahaha!
It is it is! just ask rani or ninja lol. Its when your hijab doesn't sit straight on your head and it goes wonky and you re-do it a 100 times and you finally think its perfect but then you stop for a bite to eat and as your cheeks do the moving, your hijab does the freakin slippin of your head dance!!!!! arghhhhhh! lol. And then your just left with like a 100 safety pins messing up the material of your scarf. HSDK JFJNFHEFJEAFNWEDJFH <—- anger. lol.
lmaooooooo! Tayba – the tug of war hijaab!
I just had the most hilarious mental picture! Chewing…sliding…chewing…then “grrrrrrrr”!!! rotflmao
I remember the probs I had for just one day with the scarf! So how do you remedy the 'uncooperative hijaab'? *snort* sorry! lol
lmaooooooo! Tayba – the tug of war hijaab!
lmaoo! that is exactly what it is man! it can get so annoying! lol and those little slide pins never work on my head damnit! lol
I just had the most hilarious mental picture! Chewing…sliding…chewing…then “grrrrrrrr”!!! rotflmao
I remember the probs I had for just one day with the scarf! So how do you remedy the 'uncooperative hijaab'? *snort* sorry! lol
lmaooo, well on a bad hijab day, I tie my scarf tighter with many pins lol. However, like a 'bad hair day' it only happens sometimes! Normally it behaves =D
oh and hijab hair is annoying sometimes. lol.
but Tayba just wear something under your hijab, if it's slippery. I usually don't have that problem. =D fish!
Hey, Superwoman! I was being threatened earlier and you weren't around. Anyways, I have one word for your hijaab: Superglue! No more pins, see?
You tie it tighter??? Does that give you a headache?
superglue? psycho! lol!
lol! no it doesnt give me a headache! I am very used to it. Normally it just feels like part of my skin lol. Like its meant to be there .
Hey, Superwoman! I was being threatened earlier and you weren't around. Anyways, I have one word for your hijaab: Superglue! No more pins, see?
I was around but I was pondering upon whether I should save you . No I can't superglue it, I need 2 keep changing the colour of my hijabs. Whatever will I match my shoes with? LMAO
…aaaaaand on that note *chuckle* I'm out! lol Later days Princess and thanks for the chat!
Great to see ya Yemizzle! Enjoy your day!
Oh! Tayba ji, that sounds so beautiful. I never knew you matched hijaab and shoes! This should be called pious fashion or Holy haute couture. Lol.
PS: It's okay if you could not protect me from Ninja ji's threats. I am not afraid of her. It's the Raja ji that I am really worried about. She said something about rearranging my family heirlooms earlier. She is dangerous, I tell you.
Lol what I am just like any other girl, I love to match. Okay, fine, its this thing I have. I HAVE to match. Lmao I don't know why I just do! If its not my hijab and shoes then its my bag and hijab, if its not my bag and hijab, then its my bag and shoes. Rofl. I have issues.
oh I can't protect you from Rani. She's too cute to me =D
You don't have issues Tayba ji. You have class…unlike some people look like they smeared their bodies with glue, jumped into their wardrobe and walked out with what stuck to them. Now Tayba ji, what about the roti-roller? What does it match with? No, no. No. No. Please don't say 'Your head.' Lmao! I was really curious. Oh, I think Rani ji needs your help. It's not that easy to find something to go with that fiesty attitude. Lmao! I pity the fool who pisses that woman off. I do. I really do. I pity the fool…
You don't have issues Tayba ji. You have class…unlike some people look like they smeared their bodies with glue, jumped into their wardrobe and walked out with what stuck to them. Now Tayba ji, what about the roti-roller? What does it match with? No, no. No. No. Please don't say 'Your head.' Lmao! I was really curious. Oh, I think Rani ji needs your help. It's not that easy to find something to go with that fiesty attitude. Lmao! I pity the fool who pisses that woman off. I do. I really do. I pity the fool…
*thinks of Chandler in Friends who once also said that* lmao!
Rani rocks man!!! LOL. I loved her line about what she can do with her height. Bewareeeeeeee senor J bewareeeeee!
You don't have issues Tayba ji. You have class…unlike some people look like they smeared their bodies with glue, jumped into their wardrobe and walked out with what stuck to them. Now Tayba ji, what about the roti-roller? What does it match with? No, no. No. No. Please don't say 'Your head.' Lmao! I was really curious. Oh, I think Rani ji needs your help.
Class? Why thank You! lmao the roti roller – no it doesn't quite match with my head. The roti roller is merely an accessory in my bag and only comes out when I need it. It doesn't need to match anything, yet I shall find something to match it with to keep you happy! lmao
Tayba ji, you are absolutely right. In 'The One with The Prom Video,' Joey gives Chandler an envelope with 812 dollars and a flashy gold bracelet, with the inscription, 'To my best bud.' Chandler tries his best to not wear it but Joey would have none of it. Later in Central Perk, Chandler loses an opportunity to go out with Gail, who leaves after seeing the bracelet. That was when this famous exchange happens:
CHANDLER: What? [realizes it was the bracelet] Oh this is excellent.
You know he coulda gotten me a VCR, he coulda gotten me a
set of golf clubs, but no, he has to get me the woman
repeller, the eyesore from the Liberace house of crap.
PHOEBE: It's not that bad.
CHANDLER: Oh, yeah, easy for you to say, you don't have to walk
around sporting some reject from the Mr. T collection.
[Joey walks in behind Chandler]
PHOEBE: Chandler, Chandler.
CHANDLER: I pity the fool who puts on my jewelry, I do, I do. I
pity the fool that. . . [turns around and sees Joey] Hi.
Hey man, we were just doin' some uhh, impressions over
here. Do your Marcel Marceau. [Joey turns around and walks
out without saying anything] That's actually good.
I love Friends or can you not tell?
As for Rani ji, I'm quite worried you see. Too bad darn heirlooms are not the detachable kind or else I would have placed them in a safety deposit box. So, its cross my erm legs and hope for a miracle time Lmao!
roflmao. I love Friends. If I could revive any TV show, that would be it! Classic TV! Sigh I remember on nights after High School and College, all I needed was my bed, some chocolate, and the most recent episode of Friends ready to air. My mum could hear me laughing all the way downstairs! lmao!
So no one told you life was gonna be this way, your jobs a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A. It's like you're always stuck in second gear, Well, it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year. But, I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour. I'll be there for you, like I've been there before. I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too.
oh and maybe we could womanise you or something before Rani sees you? how abt that lmao
Wow! No womanising. No womanising. I need my appendages if I am to have any hope of womanising at least one woman. Thank you Tayba ji, for your kind suggestion, but I will take my chances with Rani ji. Lmao! You are more dangerous you know? Sheesh! What that hades has happened to this place? People coming back under strange names, hobbits a-running around looking to punch people in special places, matching roti-rollers and hundred-pin hijaabs, God have mercy!
LOL! Well every woman needs a dangerous side Shows guys that they can get their ass kicked at any time
Lol! A few rare women have a dangerous side Tayba ji, and that is what draws men to them like a moth to the flame. Quiet women, as wonderful as they may be, are not exciting. I would rather be with one that is more likely to stab me in my sleep than one that will weep quietly in the bath, soaking her sorrows and her broken heart in some lavender fizz, surrounded by bleeding candles. Its a great feeling when you have to earn a woman's love and affection, and are given it in abundance without asking as well.
I know, I know, I'm messed up, but happily so. So, no harm, no foul.
Lol! A few rare women have a dangerous side Tayba ji, and that is what draws men to them like a moth to the flame. Quiet women, as wonderful as they may be, are not exciting. I would rather be with one that is more likely to stab me in my sleep than one that will weep quietly in the bath, soaking her sorrows and her broken heart in some lavender fizz, surrounded by bleeding candles. Its a great feeling when you have to earn a woman's love and affection, and are given it in abundance without asking as well.
I know, I know, I'm messed up, but happily so. So, no harm, no foul.
ROFLMAO!!! Maybe we need to make you the new James Bond – you will have more chances of getting stabbed by a femme fatal there!! lmao!
If my femme fatale would be Solange Dimitrios (Caterina Murino), gawd! gimme-gimme-gimme! Lmao!
But, Tayba ji, would you agree that in life we would rather be with a person with whom we would desperately want to spend but a few captivating moments than a life-time of ordinary ones with another?
Me tooo Loves frends ie…love it love it love it
theres repeats showing now but me left my tv back home:)
all this talk of James Bond Reminds me that I erhmmmm
own the user id PAP007..yeah am stuck with that for life and teased about being James bond' woman
roflmao..I used to bask in the glory but NOW….OOOHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO taybz…
roflmao. I love Friends. If I could revive any TV show, that would be it! Classic TV! Sigh I remember on nights after High School and College, all I needed was my bed, some chocolate, and the most recent episode of Friends ready to air. My mum could hear me laughing all the way downstairs! lmao!
So no one told you life was gonna be this way, your jobs a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A. It's like you're always stuck in second gear, Well, it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year. But, I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour. I'll be there for you, like I've been there before. I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too.
I agree 100%
Sadly, its hard to find those type of people!
Diii !!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs tightly* … I hope I havent cut off your breath.
Tayaba – wow, lots of weddings going on! You be that good bridesmaid and support the good brides.
It was my friend's wedding last night. She looked so beautiful Masha'Allah. Her face was glowing. I was with her the whole time, she was so nervous. Man, they made such a beautiful couple, Masha'Allah. I got all emotional! lol. They're leaving for Malaysia tomorrow for their honeymoon Insha'Allah. Weddings are so beautiful! -dreams-
Today we were eating dinner and I said 'Mum, I feel really sleepy, I think I'll go to sleep now.” She's like, “NO! Don't go to sleep. Each time you sleep in the evening you never sleep all the way to the morning, you wake up by 11 and then stay up the rest of the night!!” So I said, 'Well, what can I do, my eyes are closing as we speak here!”. She said jokingly, 'Get some cocktail sticks and put them from below your eyes to your eyelids and stay awake!” lmao.. I was thinking of this one episode of Tom and Jerry when she said that. So anyway, half asleep I get up and am on the way to take my bowl to the sink basin to wash up and I'm like 'Mum I really can't stay up I'll go to sleep' and as I said that the bowl fell out of my hands and hit the floor and as it cracked a glass piece fell on my foot and cut it
. It wasn't deep or anything. I put a plaster on it. I was like 'Mum! see! I'm so sleepy I can't even hold a bowl properly!” lmao. I just woke up after a two hour nap and as my mum said, now I can't sleep at all rofl
Mummy is always right, eh? lol Take care of that foot!
I know I swear even when it looks like the brightest day outside she's like 'take your jacket' and I say no. Then hours later much to my surprise it rains. LoL! I love the way mothers know things
I will take care of it! thank u!
Moms have a sixth sense! Tayaba jaan take care of your poor foot and take rest.
OUCH TAYBA hope it heals quick..and yeah mums do know wats best…most of the time!!
oh ..okay soo yr fwend is married already ..lekker ..inshallah their lives are blessed with happiness..
my story..short but similar to Tayba..
Finding myself literally drained after the funeral yesterday, I proclaimed to G that I am going to take a bath, then go straight to bed and SLEEP, instead, when we reached home, I began unpacking my boxes of kitchenware( yeah am lazy like dat, havent unpacked since I got here) and found to my astonishment that I had purchased utensils, and crockery and a whole lot of kitchenware for a house of erhmmmmm 6 people I think
G on the other hand had taken a loong bath and gave me a shock when she decided to approach me unawares, exclaiming her amusement at seeing me unconsciously plan for a large family yet claim to not want one…hmmmph..
we are referring to her surprise at seeing my room full of wrap paper, and strewn across the floor, bed, where-ever i cud find a place, were dinner sets for 20, plates to feed my entire department at work, just as many mugs, cups, glassware, pots, pans and and and…
ok sooo i admit, I have become my moms daughter..and I CAN cook and love cooking, feeding and entertaining my friends & family..
anyways, being the lazee bum she is, she refused to help me in my quest to rid my room of unwanted boxes, and instead opted to go ahead and watch *wild hogs * without me..
Meeee, on the other hand, was soo darn hungry, felt really weak, but went on trying to load our tiny kitchen with more wares…during this time, I was standing on chair trying to pack up the processor when I heard a loud crash, almost falling – I jumped off, ran to my room to find my collection of designer plates in bitz n pieces all over my just flippant polished floor….hmmph..
anyways, shruggin coz I obviously cant do anything about the situation, I started picking up the 1st of at least 20 now broken plates…and being all weary and exhausted, I cut my finger…but then I shud have known I wud, am like that, if its not running into doors, bumping my forehead/nose or walking into people..its almost slicing my fingers ..so I simply swept the pieces and am hoping all of it…into the dustbin..decided to finish the unpacking and setting and by the time I finished, went to bed, feel asleep almost immediately for the first time this past week..only to be selfishly woken up by another flippant nightmare..at 2am this morning..
Kavz: will take care of it, thanx hun!
Alie – ouch! hope ur finger is better
My lil charmer of a brother strikes again just now. I had finished praying and went to return the prayer mat to his room. As he was lying there in bed I decided to go give him a kiss on his forehead. He says to me 'I had a headache and your kisses seem to heal my wound!” LOLOLOL! Awwwwwwwwww!!! He's so cute Masha'Allah. He probably wants something for sure . He's been flattering me all week LOL.
It could also be that he is not flattering you and he means what he said. Sometimes children can be amazingly all adult about what they do and say.
It wouldn't be hard to believe, Tayba is superly beautiful.
A couple of days ago, I went to the library and I needed to get on an elevator to get there. So when I was coming back down, these kids were waiting for the door to open. They were all about 12-14 yrs. old. And when I came out, one of the boys called after me and said, “Bye pretty lady!” lol. It was soooo funny cuz they were all arguing right when the door opened and I didn't expect something nice to come out from one of them considering all the cuss words they were using! lol.
LMAO Today, my brothers and I were sitting together eating lunch. And we usually sit & eat on the floor, but today we ate on the table. And so my younger brother was teasing me and my other brother because he was mad at us. LMAO, he even started dissing us and rapping insults and stuff. So we're silent and he kept going on and on. “Oh how I hate Ninja…oh how I hate this fatso brother of mine…” LOL!!!!!! and then as he was coming up with more insults..suddenly the chair he was sitting on broke and next thing he was on the ground asking for our help. LMAOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! It was SO funny. and i was like “THANK YOU ALLAH FOR YOUR KINDNESS” And my mom couldn't stop laughing and my dad came in and is all “you broke the chair, it's all I do in this HOUSE! I FIX AND YA'LL BREAK THINGS AGAIN! GET THE HELL UP BOY!!!” my brother was so scared. ahahaha this made my day
Aww, Alisha! Take care of tht finger.
Ranz how do you do pretty lady? lol
Ninja, your dad kinda sounds like mine!
A couple of days ago, I went to the library and I needed to get on an elevator to get there. So when I was coming back down, these kids were waiting for the door to open. They were all about 12-14 yrs. old. And when I came out, one of the boys called after me and said, “Bye pretty lady!” lol. It was soooo funny cuz they were all arguing right when the door opened and I didn't expect something nice to come out from one of them considering all the cuss words they were using! lol.
How cute!
roflmao ninja! man o man brotherz r funny!
Ahahaha true dat
roflmao ninja! man o man brotherz r funny!
funny and stupid!
you guys are so funnny…
I'm at work right now and I'm just so boredd errrr…I have nothing to do and this is the only site im allowed to get on cuz they blocked everything else.
well anywho…I just spent the last 30 minutes reading previous pages of this thread. you guys are sooo hilarious. I should reply more on here..buuuuuuuuuuuuttt I get busy and forget all about this forum.
okay…I'm going to go back to playing some free tetris. oh yea!
Kavita – ah shush it [:P
Tayba – hehe.
Hayati – lol. Tell us some of ur psycho stories.
It could also be that he is not flattering you and he means what he said. Sometimes children can be amazingly all adult about what they do and say.
hmmm maybe Usually he wants something so it can get a little hard to believe! lol.
It wouldn't be hard to believe, Tayba is superly beautiful.
aw hun hardly! I don't feel it these days .
you guys are so funnny…
I'm at work right now and I'm just so boredd errrr…I have nothing to do and this is the only site im allowed to get on cuz they blocked everything else.
well anywho…I just spent the last 30 minutes reading previous pages of this thread. you guys are sooo hilarious. I should reply more on here..buuuuuuuuuuuuttt I get busy and forget all about this forum.
okay…I'm going to go back to playing some free tetris. oh yea!
you are such a dork! lmao!
It wouldn't be hard to believe, Tayba is superly beautiful.
aw hun hardly! I don't feel it these days .
Well then, what can I do to make you feel it? lol This is what you should do:
Then carry on with the rest of your activities. And HAVE FUN! lol.
Well then, what can I do to make you feel it? lol This is what you should do:
Then carry on with the rest of your activities. And HAVE FUN! lol.
loolll! sounds good =)
Tayba- I miss you bum. sorry about today….
I threw up on my way to Yosemite. I have NEVER been car sick before. we drove allll the way to San Diego, and not once did I ever complain about feeling sick. I LOVE road trips. But when we were going to Yosemite, I felt sick one hour into the drive.
And I was like, “I wanna throw up.” My dad is all like, “Want me to stop the car?” I'm like, “no.” He's just staring at me, and I'm like, “Okay stop the car!” LOL! So we stop at a Gas station, I just spit into the sink, and that's it. I feel better. Then I take a bag from the cashier lady just in case, and my dad comes out with like 5 bags in his hand! He's like, “Just in case.” LMAO!
I felt sick the whole time, but I didn't throw up. I was trying to distract myself by taking pictures and playing with the camera and my lil bro and talking to my sister. lol. Then, when we got into Yosemite, that's when I threw up. This is like my second time throwing up since I was a kid!!! I only remember throwing up once before.
Later, when we stopped to eat in Yosemite, we all got quiet. And I said, “I threw up so much.” And everyone says together, “Ewww! Rani! We're eating!” LMAO! And my twin bro had some lemonade, and I wanted it, so Iw as like, “Can I have some?” He's like, “No, you threw up.” I'm like WTH! I washed my mouth!” LMAO! So he drank some, then gave me the rest. lol.
it was fun.
Aww poor rani threw up ..
i hate that feeling..throwing up feels horrible
So he drank some, then gave me the rest.
Smart man. Lmao. Sorry you had to be sick in one of the most beautiful places in the world (El Capitan, Bridal Veil Fall, Tioga Road, Olmstead Point, Sierra Lake…Sigh!).
Kavita – lol. It does feel horrible. twice is enough for me. yuck.
Senor – you've been here? COOL! It is very beautiful!
We went school shopping yesterday and my twin is showing me his clothes, asking me if they're okay. And one shirt wasn't loose enough, so I told him. And now he's asking me about ALL his other shirts. lol. And he was standing so still I couldn't tell! lol. So I was like, “move, dance, jump, do something!” And he's looking at me like I'm crazy! So he kinda moves around, and I told him to do that a couple of times, so he just came back a min. ago, and before I can tell him to move, he starts moving around himself! lol! he's a funny one.
lol. He just showed me a shirt, and it's my favorite. It's really nice. And he gets all happy if I say I like it, and he's like, “touch it.” lol. The material of the shirt feels hekka cool! lol. It's all velvety in this one part. lol.
My twin locked me in the garage two night ago! lol! I was talking to Hayati on the phone in my room, but my sis came in and she wanted to go to sleep, so I went to the garage. And I thought that my twin was sitting right outside the garage door, using the computer, but anyhow, so we're talkign and all. And then when we finish, I get up to leave the garage, and the door is locked!!! I'm like, “Oh crap!” lol. But I thought my twin was right outside, so I thought he would open the door for me, but my dad opened the door! I was hekka scared! I thought he was gonna kill me! lol. he's like, “You're STILL talking on the phone?!?!” (We were talking for like 4 hours!) I was all smiling, hoping my dad would calm down, and I'm like, “yeah, is everyone sleeping? wow! This early?” (And it was past midnight. lol) and he's like, “what would you have done if I didn't come open the door for you?” And I'm all smiling, tring to get away, “I don't know, nothing.” And Alhamdulillah, he didn't get that mad. hehe. I would have slept in the garage if he didn't open the door for me! lol.
And then, I'm getting ready to pray, and he comes out of his room when I'm putting on my hijaab, and he's like, “what are you doing NOW?” (lol. I think he thought I was gonna go outside! LMAO!) And I'm like, “I'm gonna pray.” And he's like, “oh okay.” And he leaves. lol!
My twin locked me in the garage two night ago! lol! I was talking to Hayati on the phone in my room, but my sis came in and she wanted to go to sleep, so I went to the garage. And I thought that my twin was sitting right outside the garage door, using the computer, but anyhow, so we're talkign and all. And then when we finish, I get up to leave the garage, and the door is locked!!! I'm like, “Oh crap!” lol. But I thought my twin was right outside, so I thought he would open the door for me, but my dad opened the door! I was hekka scared! I thought he was gonna kill me! lol. he's like, “You're STILL talking on the phone?!?!” (We were talking for like 4 hours!) I was all smiling, hoping my dad would calm down, and I'm like, “yeah, is everyone sleeping? wow! This early?” (And it was past midnight. lol) and he's like, “what would you have done if I didn't come open the door for you?” And I'm all smiling, tring to get away, “I don't know, nothing.” And Alhamdulillah, he didn't get that mad. hehe. I would have slept in the garage if he didn't open the door for me! lol.
And then, I'm getting ready to pray, and he comes out of his room when I'm putting on my hijaab, and he's like, “what are you doing NOW?” (lol. I think he thought I was gonna go outside! LMAO!) And I'm like, “I'm gonna pray.” And he's like, “oh okay.” And he leaves. lol!
lol. My dad is super funny.
About two weeks ago, his friends were supposed to come over for dinner, but my dad was hekka hungry, so he was telling my mom to give him some food, and I'm all like, “That's so rude! Wait till your friends come so you can eat together.” And I'm all eating my food, talking with my mouth full! lol. My mom tells my dad to wait a bit, they'll be here soon. So my dad is looking at me eating, and he says, “that looks good.” So he comes to me, looks at my plate of food, takes it from me, and walks away! He took my food! I was just staring after him, telling my mom, “He took my food…” And my mom is just laughing! haha.
And another day, we were al sitting down, watching TV, and my sis is peeling pumpkins. They looked like cucumbers, though. Anyhow, my dad gets up to go to the kitchen, he comes back, takes a pumpkin from my sister and bites it, while my sister is saying, “It's not a cucumber!” My dad is all chewing, I'm laughing my butt off, and my mo is telling him, “It's a pumkin!” And my dad is like, “It's a pumpkin?” And he's all smiling and my twin, my lil bro, and I are laughing our butts off and my dad spits it out into the sink! LOL! It was hilarious! And he's all like, “But it looked like a cucumber!” LMAO!
lmao! dads are super funny. my dad acts like a kid. I mean wtheck, I had to bribe him to go on that one ride. He's so paranoid. One time he went to six flags and he was there like all day with his friends and they forced him to go on the rides and he came back home all mad. Every time we talked to him, he'd yell and tell us to leave him alone. Then my mom was all “wtheck is your problem didn't you have fun” and he's like “NO! I DIDN'T! My head feels so heavy from all the roller coasters!” i started teasing him! lolll!
One time he came back home hella late and my bro is always messing around with everyone so he goes “where were you? were you pimpin' or somethin'? im fista snitch!” rofl and my dad just laughs. then my bro follows him to his room and is all “maaa, yo hubby be uhm how do i say this politely…” and my dad starts chasing my bro telling him to shut up. lol and my mom starts asking my dad questions. And my dad was like “shut up lady, i was visiting a friend at the hospital” and my moms like “mhmhmhm yeah right” My bro and I are like laughing our butts off. lol!
there are tooooo many stories i can go on and on.
One time my dad was on the phone. I was hella bored. SO i go to my mom and im like “Mom, I think my dad is getting married again, i heard him talking on the phone. planning er'ything” (note: he was on the phone with his friend). lol my mom went hifeee and as she went in the room, coincidently he went off it. im thinking “YES! now its gonna seem real” then she starts yelling and saying stuff like “thats how you men are! after all these years, you're gonna get married!!!!!” I'm sitting back…enjoying this! and my dad is all “ what are you talking about?” rofl and my mom replies “dont act like you don't know nuttin” LOL and at the right time…i go in and im like “SIKEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!” my mom was soooooooo mad at me. LOL!!! OH MAN
okay bye!
LMAO! I swear, man! Your bro is super hilarious!
Man, I love funny people, my hubby better be funny. lol.
Your so baaaaaaaaaaad, ninja!
LMAO. Dads are super hilarious! Remember the time my dad was dropping you off, ninja? He didn't even ask me for directions! He just went straight to your house! lol. Well, ur house is pretty easy to find, you just go seeeeeeeeeeda! lol. But that was hekka crazy! haha. I'm like, “Dad, you be spying on me?” And he's like, “girl! I don't got time to spy on you!” LMAO!
Ninja! I'm going to Aamir's house today, Inshallah! He is hella cute! Man, I love him!
You know what he used to do when his mom used to *** feed him? Whenever he wanted milk, he would get a big hijaab (the ones I wear sometimes) and give it to his mom, telling her that he is hungry!!! LMAO! He's hella adorable! (she covered herself with the hijaab, and then fed him)
LOL! Sometimes I wear these really biiiig hijaabs. Most Afghanis wear them, and I love them so much cuz they are just so comfy, so one day, I was wearing it at the College for summer school. Ninja, my sis, and I are walking to our car, and ninja tries to put her arm through mine and she can't!!! LMAO! Cuz the hijaab is hekka big, it blocks her hand! And she's all like, “Look, I can't even flirt with you cuz of ur huge hijaab!” LMAO! She's done that a couple of times. lol. and it's hekka funny every time!
Aamir is hekka cute! When I was at his house earlier, I was just lying down, and he comes up behind me, trying to scare me! lol. soooo cute! Then, when he gets tired of trying to scare me, he just puts his head on my shoulder and stares at his mom. lol. He is soooooo adorable!
I love the way he says my name! It's as if he is saying Rini instead of Rani. lol. it's soooo adorable. Later, when we go to his grandparent's house, he's pulling me all over the house! His grandparents got a new house, it's realllly pretty. lol.
Ninja, you remember the three sisters at the party, right? I'm sure u remember Aamir, no one can forget him! lol.
So anyhow, later, at night, we're all watching a scary movie…what was it called? Oh yeah! Vacancy. It was a really good movie. Aamir is running all over the house, and when he comes back to the room we were in, his aunt is telling him to go to her, but I'm like, “No, Aamir, come to me! I'm scared!” SO he comes running to me and sits in my lap….awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! And throughout the movie(he doesn't understand what's going on) so he asks, “what are they looking for?” His mom wanted him to go to sleep cuz she didn't want him to see the movie, so she's like, just try to get him to go to sleep. So every time he takes his head off my shoulder to ask me what they're looking for, I'm like, “the purse” “the watch” lol. And I put his head back on my shoulder, and eventually he falls asleep. he is sooooo cute!
And when we were at his house, I was feeding his lil sister, and her stomach was showing, so he comes over to us, laughs, and covers her stomach! lol!
AWWWWWWWW!!! He's sooooooo cute Masha'Allah!!
Last night, i was on msn and I was supposed to be doing homework but I was soooo tired and bored so i decided to cheer myself up. lmao! I couldn't find a way to at first. Then finally after messing around with a few of my friends and my uncle, I decided it wasn't enough and that it was time for me to prank someone again! rofl so I imed one of my closest friends. lol. and I have a countdown as my msn display name for Ramadan (Insha'Allah) It said “10 daysz!!!!!” and well… here read the convo. lmao! (I made my other friend help me prank her)
She's in maroon/me in green font. lol!
ily |
ily2 |
LMAO ninja you meanieeeee! ahahahahaa!
Ahaha – Ninja … you lil cutie jooti ( wait..jooti means liar right? )
Lol…what made me really laugh was when your friend asked… if you were depressed chemically or otherwise lol
Aamir is hekka cute! When I was at his house earlier, I was just lying down, and he comes up behind me, trying to scare me! lol. soooo cute! Then, when he gets tired of trying to scare me, he just puts his head on my shoulder and stares at his mom. lol. He is soooooo adorable!
I love the way he says my name! It's as if he is saying Rini instead of Rani. lol. it's soooo adorable. Later, when we go to his grandparent's house, he's pulling me all over the house! His grandparents got a new house, it's realllly pretty. lol.
Lol – Ranz! When I started to read this I thought you were talking about Amir Khan! [coz I know how you be talking bout Abhishek] So Im like.. reading..”Amir (thinking Amir Khan) is hekka cute .. when I was at his house earlier, I was just lying down and he comes up behind me ……… “
Im like…arf?! lol..'course I realized it was some dude…some cute dude.. you knew…btw..who is this cute dude thats sneakin up behind you trying to scare you off .. I bet Ninja knows..btw he calls you Rani huh ..now thats cute ..lol
That made me laugh too! I was thinking, “Is SHE chemically okay?” LMAO!
OHMYALLAH, speaking of pranks…Hayati totally pranked me one day. *shakes head* I didn't really fall for it…but I was so upset Hayati wouldn't believe me that I ignored all the signs…LMAO. But It was fun while it lasted. (she was getting me back for when I told her I was getting married! LMAO! she didn't belive me, but she was getting soooo mad at me! lol)
Kavita – AAMIR KHAN?!?! LMAO! Yeah right! And LMAO! The Aamir I know is about 3 years old! He's my friend's nephew. I've known them for about 10 years now…lol. And noooooooo! He doesn't call me Rani! He calls me by my real name, I was just giving an example by saying Rini! lol.
LMAO! u told Hayati u were getting married?! lol badmaash! actually I'd probably pull a prank like that too
LMAO! Remember when my dad went to Afghanistan a few months ago? SO I told her, “My dad went to Afghanistan to fix my marriage” And she's all like “shut-up” LMAO! It was hilarious!!!!!!!!! And so I was getting mad at her, cussing at her and stuff cuz she wouldn't belive me(it was all part of the prank). And she's like, Rani, I know you. You don't get mad like.” So that kinda gave it away. But I was all like, “well, I have never been married before!” lol. something like that, and so she's like okay I believe you and we start talking about it and then I'm like “JOKE!” LMAO! She got hella mad at me! hehe.
LMAO! Remember when my dad went to Afghanistan a few months ago? SO I told her, “My dad went to Afghanistan to fix my marriage” And she's all like “shut-up” LMAO! It was hilarious!!!!!!!!! And so I was getting mad at her, cussing at her and stuff cuz she wouldn't belive me(it was all part of the prank). And she's like, Rani, I know you. You don't get mad like.” So that kinda gave it away. But I was all like, “well, I have never been married before!” lol. something like that, and so she's like okay I believe you and we start talking about it and then I'm like “JOKE!” LMAO! She got hella mad at me! hehe.
LMAO! I REMEMBER THAT! dude im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hyper!!!!!!!!! someone kill meeeeeeee!! im hyper but i refuse to do hw.
Ranz : “is she chemically okay” dayem girl you crack me up
Omg so you're a lil prankster yourself eh! Thats messed up lol…the way ya'll be pranking people … how do you know you're not always hearing the words of pranks though?
…. man… I think I have my very own stalker. Leave me alone u stupid guyyy I SAID GOOOOOOOOOO!
ok sorry I needed to get that out of my system.
Ah Tayba ji, weird people seek out others like them…Lmao! Sorry you have to deal with an idiot. Problem is you may have to repeat the performance again, several times, in the near future. You see, idiot population abounds around us. I join their ranks every once in a while…especially when I provoke the Hobbit and she goes ballistic. Lol. How is your weekend?
…. man… I think I have my very own stalker. Leave me alone u stupid guyyy I SAID GOOOOOOOOOO!
ok sorry I needed to get that out of my system.
too bad Rani and I are far away…we'd scare him off or something. I have this hella strong feeling…I don't know why…call me crazy…call me psycho…call me stupid, but i think it's someone you know who has A LOT OF PATIENCE and he's pranking you. I DON'T KNOW WHY. BUT YEAH. tell somebodyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
…. man… I think I have my very own stalker. Leave me alone u stupid guyyy I SAID GOOOOOOOOOO!
Welcome to my side of the world… yet againnnn!
The SAME stalker… seen him twice…
Once, when I was walking on the street… he was in front of me, and kept pausing once in a while, turning around, and looking at me.
Secone time, when I was at the bus stop… I was sitting on the bench, and he STOOD RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND KEPT STARING AT ME.
Actually I saw him a third time too.. but I quickly turned in a different direction, and I had a new haircut, so Inshallah he didn't know it was me…. (Yeah there it is… Inshallah.. lol.)
Actually I saw him a third time too.. but I quickly turned in a different direction, and I had a new haircut, so Inshallah he didn't know it was me…. (Yeah there it is… Inshallah.. lol.)
awwwwww!! you're so cute!!
stalkers are lowlives .
Ah Tayba ji, weird people seek out others like them…Lmao! Sorry you have to deal with an idiot. Problem is you may have to repeat the performance again, several times, in the near future. You see, idiot population abounds around us. I join their ranks every once in a while…especially when I provoke the Hobbit and she goes ballistic. Lol. How is your weekend?
Is that why you're around me? lol its nothing I can't handle… yet. But I may have to kick his stalker ass in the near future.
Weekend – today was meant to go out with friends but that got cancelled, so just gona go gym and bake a trial lemon cheesecake for tomorrow's overrated dinner party *rolls eyes*
Sunday – I've been made hostess to a bunch of my dad's boring work friends and their families. So I can't leave the house. Oh, the boredom!
too bad Rani and I are far away…we'd scare him off or something. I have this hella strong feeling…I don't know why…call me crazy…call me psycho…call me stupid, but i think it's someone you know who has A LOT OF PATIENCE and he's pranking you. I DON'T KNOW WHY. BUT YEAH. tell somebodyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
for a whole year though?! Up until I heard his voice I was fine. After yesterday, its like WHO THE HECK R U! he even texted good morning today and woke me up. ASS H.O.L.E I slept so late first of all and then he wakes me a few hours later!!! lol. I think he's more annoying than anything else. If it comes to a stage where I need to do something more than ignore him then I'll tell or just change my number. lol though I don't prefer the latter cuz I hate the hassle of telling everyone my number has changed!
…. man… I think I have my very own stalker. Leave me alone u stupid guyyy I SAID GOOOOOOOOOO!
Welcome to my side of the world… yet againnnn!
The SAME stalker… seen him twice…
Once, when I was walking on the street… he was in front of me, and kept pausing once in a while, turning around, and looking at me.
Secone time, when I was at the bus stop… I was sitting on the bench, and he STOOD RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND KEPT STARING AT ME.
Actually I saw him a third time too.. but I quickly turned in a different direction, and I had a new haircut, so Inshallah he didn't know it was me…. (Yeah there it is… Inshallah.. lol.)
LOL boo, you and I keep ending up on the same side of the world a lot – lets just get a house and move in lmaoo!
ur stalker is freaaaky! the bus stop thing omg! it also reminded me of the time Pheobe had a stalker in Friends. lol! You should be like “I'm sorry, have you got some sort of problem? Because the busses come from the OTHER direction fool”.
lol good you got a new haircut! Insha'Allah he won't recognise you now. And if he does, then you may have to kick some stalker ass too hun!
lol ninja is right – they are lowlives!
Boo-your stalker sounds strange …gave you a lil chill hmm..and even me..when i was reading that. And omg – you said Inshallah hehe
Tayaba ..wait aminute! This stalker dude texts you???? He called you before? … It has been happening for awhole year? Now thats..super strange and freaky … how are you gonna figure out who it is?
Senor Ah blah – if you are teasing to Tayaba about anything weird … it takes on to know on AND according to you – it takes one to DWELL with its own kind lol
Ninja – you make pranks…. do you think Tayaba's 'stalker' could be a prankster..maybe someone she knows even?
Btw though… Boo, maybe that dude was staring at you because you're a beauty … and that goes for other girls too who says guys stare at them
Kavita ji, are you defending Tayba ji or trying to pick a fight with me? Huh? Huh? Never thought I'd see the day you would get all rowdy and stuff Lmao! As for the stalking, I get stared at a lot when I'm at the lake, but thats probably because I usually don't have any clothes on.
Kavita ji, are you defending Tayba ji or trying to pick a fight with me? Huh? Huh? Never thought I'd see the day you would get all rowdy and stuff Lmao! As for the stalking, I get stared at a lot when I'm at the lake, but thats probably because I usually don't have any clothes on.
I love you!!!
U ballistic idiotic fool! leave me alone.
Tayba – Man, tell ur bro to beat him up! I swear man, these psychos be getting on my nerves! When I was in the 9th grade (3 years ago), this guy at school would always be staring at me. And the whole time I'm all thinking, “Do I have something on my face?” So I tell my friends and they all start to tease me, which is no help at all, cuz I'm seriously scared! Then, one day, when the bell rang to go to class, he comes up to me, and I'm thinking, “oh s h i t.” And he wants to shake my hand! I'm all thinking, “what a weirdo.” SO I shake his hand, and he won't let gooo! I'm all pulling my hand and he gets hekka close to me and tries to kiss me!!!!! I'm hekka scared! LMAO! Okay, what the hell, that's not funny. SO I push him away, and he just walks away! And then, my friends all look at me, and they're like “what happened to you?” I'm like, “Did you just see that?!?!” So I had to tell them the whole thing and all them stupid idiots could do was tease me! i'm like, “MAN! Tease me if he was cute! But this guy was just totally scary!”
So I tell my twin, and he gets all mad! He's like, “who the hell is he?” I'm like, “I don't even know his name, I never heard him talk, all he does is stand there and stare.” SO he told me to show him the next time I see him, I saw him a couple of times after that, but my brother wasn't around, so I couldn't show him. And then, after that, I never saw him again.
I think I told Hayati…but I can't remember, I have a bad memory. lol
Boo – LMAO! BUS STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a dream about you while you were standing at the bus stop!!! Remember? I told youuuuuuuu! *squeels* hehe. And thanks.
Ninja – that's right. We would totally to ninja style on tayba's stalker. lmao.
Lmao! I was kidding dang it. Anyways, it doesn't matter. I'm loved. That's all that matters. Uh huh!
Senor – I was kidding too?
lol @ at being loved stuff….
Tayba and Ninja, boo has saved us!!!!!!! Now
Senor – I was kidding too?
lol @ at being loved stuff….
Tayba and Ninja, boo has saved us!!!!!!! Now
Senor – I was kidding too?
lol @ at being loved stuff….
Tayba and Ninja, boo has saved us!!!!!!! Now
we can
Senor – I was kidding too?
lol @ at being loved stuff….
Tayba and Ninja, boo has saved us!!!!!!! Now
we can go
Senor – I was kidding too?
lol @ at being loved stuff….
Tayba and Ninja, boo has saved us!!!!!!! Now
we can go on
Senor – I was kidding too?
lol @ at being loved stuff….
Tayba and Ninja, boo has saved us!!!!!!! Now
we can go on with
Senor – I was kidding too?
lol @ at being loved stuff….
Tayba and Ninja, boo has saved us!!!!!!! Now
we can go on with the
Senor – I was kidding too?
lol @ at being loved stuff….
Tayba and Ninja, boo has saved us!!!!!!! Now
we can go on with the story
LMAO! What a funny posting!!!!!!!!!!!!
without having to worry about boo not liking her part.
That was quite annoying!
Yes, Rani ji, I get it, you were kidding. Lol! You may stop posting repeatedly. Lmao! Did you do that on purpose? If you did, that's hilarious.
LMAO! I didn't do it on purpose! *smacks Nessa upside da head*
Yes, Rani ji, I get it, you were kidding. Lol! You may stop posting repeatedly. Lmao! Did you do that on purpose? If you did, that's hilarious.
LMAO! I didn't do it on purpose! I swear! I posted the first part, and then, I pressed “post” but I forgot that I pressed it, so I continued to write the boo part, and then it went to the other page and I saw what I accidently did. lol.
It made me laugh.
It made me laugh too. I was like what is this girl doing now?
It made me laugh too. I was like what is this girl doing now?
lol! you sound like my dad!!!!! HAHA!
LMAO! I just saw Rani's posting(s). Proves how much of a fish you are!!!
what story?!
I ain’t a fish! It was the computers fault! And what story?
I just remembered something. A couple weeks ago, I was at the Mosque for the woman’s Halaqah, and our (ninja’s and mine) old teacher, Appa Z, was giving the lecture. So when she walks in, this little girl, about 4-5 years old, says, “OMG! You’re a NINJA! That’s so cool! Are you a NINJA? YOU are a NINJA! OMG!” And she’s all grinning and staring at Appa Z! LMAO! And Appa is kinda confused and then one of the ladies say, “Show her a move!” LMAO! And this whole time I was praying, and it was distracting me so I kinda messed up and I had to pray again. Lol.
The reason why the lil girl was calling Appa Z a Ninja was cuz she was wearing a Niqaab! LMAO! And when I finish praying, I ask Appa Z, “So you’re a Ninja now?” And she starts cracking up!!!
I wanna be a ninja tooooooo!
Whats a Niqaab?
Whats a Niqaab?
The face covering, Kavita.
Rani- ROFL! Appa is so cute!
Ninja, she is! lol! And she told me that this happens to her all the time and that she did show one of the kids a move! lol!
Kavita – almost all Niqaabis are known as ninjas! lol.
okay I have another story!
At the same Halaqah, one lady told us a story. She works in a school and she's like a teacher's helper or something. So she wears the hijab and all the lil kids ask her, “Do you have hair?” “Are you bald?” “how do you take a shower?” and blah blah, those ridiculous questions if it's coming from someone older. And the lil kids sometimes come up behind her and lift her hijab a bit (she lets them do it) to see if she really does have hair. And the kid screams, “I see a bun!” LMAO! and so she starts to take it off, “Do you want me to show you my hair?” And the kids start SCREAMING and saying, “NO! Don't do it! Your head will fall off!!!!!!” LMAO! So they think the hijab holds her head on her shoulders! lol! And they wouldn't let her take her hijab off! LOL!
You know, Muslims are like celebrities. Some people like you, some people hate you, some people don't care, but anywhere you go, you get at least one stare and a couple of whispers. lol. It's really funny, actually.
One day, my mom and I were going somewhere and we stop for the street light which turns red. So we are right next to this big fire truck. And I notice that the driver is staring at me, I ignore him at first, but the he keeps staring so I finally look at him. When I look, he smiles at me (a BIG smile) and waves. So I smile back and wave and then the light turns green. My mom asks me, “You know him?” I'm like, “Nope. I have never seen him before.” lol.
And I've had that happen to me many times before.
Anyhow, bell just rang, I gotta peace out!
rofl! awww! Yeah iono what it is with people! . I've never experienced it here but the stories I hear! omg! lol.
I had a story and now I forgot . Lemme tell another one:
Rani made me spell a word on the phone today cuz the slowpoke couldn't understand my 'Britishness'. hehehe! lol.
And she is grading papers! What a disaster! Lmao!
LMAO! That was oh so funny! You were cracking me up! I was afraid to laugh so much cuz ninja's lil sister told me I laugh like a witch! LOL!
And she is grading papers! What a disaster! Lmao!
oye! Haraami! Apni bakwaas apne saath hi rak. Samjhe?
Yesterday, after I finished talking to Tayba on the phone, this guy calls and he wants to sell me Dish. You know, the one with the Zee channels and everything. So everytime people like him call, I pretend to be hekka young. SO I'm acting all stupid, waiting for him to ask me my age. And he does, so I say 7. Usually, when I tell them I'm 7, they say “oh okay bye” BUT YOU KNOW WHAT HE DID?!?!?!!?!? He asked me in this deep, disgusting, scary whispering voice, “do you have a boyfriend?” I'm like, “what?” I was seriously shocked and scared! So he repeats his question, and I say, “No.” And he's like, “Why not?” I say, “I don't know.” I'm trying to act all ignorant. What does a 7 year old know about boyfriends!?!?!? And he laughs and says, “why don't you have a boyfriend?” And he's all panting and s h i t. *shudders* ew! And then he's like, “what grade are you in?” I say “second grade.” He's like, “there are a lot of boys in ur class.” I'm like “Yeah.” And he says, “don't you want to be anybody's girlfriend?” And I say, “Oh my dad just got home! You wanna talk to him?” He gets a bit startled and then says, “Yeah let me talk to him.” !!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell!?!?!? I thought he would say “no no, bye” but he said yes! So I give the phone to my twin and tell him to act like he's my dad, he's like, “what the heck why?” And I'm like, “just do it! He was being hella stupid and retarded.” So my twin talks to him for like 15 mins, giving the guy a hard time, making him look up info and stuff. It was funny cuz the guy was getting tired.
But dude! I wish I blew up on him! I swear, but I was so scared and disgusted that I didn't think about it! Next time he calls, Imma tell him off. That perverted a s s hole! What the hell is he doing asking a 7 year old if she has a boyfriend!?!?!?!?
There are some seriously screwed up people in this world.
PS: You should have scared him off with the erm 'Witchy Laugh.'
You know, Muslims are like celebrities. Some people like you, some people hate you, some people don't care, but anywhere you go, you get at least one stare and a couple of whispers. lol. It's really funny, actually. One day, my mom and I were going somewhere and we stop for the street light which turns red. So we are right next to this big fire truck. And I notice that the driver is staring at me, I ignore him at first, but the he keeps staring so I finally look at him. When I look, he smiles at me (a BIG smile) and waves. So I smile back and wave and then the light turns green. My mom asks me, “You know him?” I'm like, “Nope. I have never seen him before.” lol. And I've had that happen to me many times before. Anyhow, bell just rang, I gotta peace out!
am bolding the correct sentence this time..thanks ranz for making me smile…
my sis and I ( back home ) used to spend hours discussing anything under the sun or more like stars..
waiting to catch a glimpse of the first ray of sun over the horizon, and we had the perfect view…
I once mentioned exactly what u said ….exact words…weird!!
just brought a smile to my face and a warm fuzzy sorta feeling ot my heart ( heart burn i think hahaha) but it certainly
made me smile…THANK U
Rani that man is so disgusting! I loath people like that so much. I am not going to swear while fasting but you can imagine… omg, I want to BEAT HIM UP. Sad screwed up pervert!
I was like ewwwwwwwww! when Rani told me. he was indian right Rani?
lmbo, we're all up for sehari and Qur'an and my bro is acting so stupid! He's like “mannnnnnn now we wont have lunch at school, now I have nothing to look forward to!” Im like “man you're such a fatty!” rofl and he's liek “MANNNNNN I USED TO LOOK AT THE CLOCK EVERY 2 SECONDS!!” im like “good, Allah wants you to concentrate on your work” and he's all “yeah yeah, I know….O M G NO LUNCH. IMMA DIEEEEE!!” ROFL IDIOT!
lmbo, we're all up for sehari and Qur'an and my bro is acting so stupid! He's like “mannnnnnn now we wont have lunch at school, now I have nothing to look forward to!” Im like “man you're such a fatty!” rofl and he's liek “MANNNNNN I USED TO LOOK AT THE CLOCK EVERY 2 SECONDS!!” im like “good, Allah wants you to concentrate on your work” and he's all “yeah yeah, I know….O M G NO LUNCH. IMMA DIEEEEE!!” ROFL IDIOT!
yumz, question:
do u guys seriously speak ( refer above) like this????????
Rani… ouch.
*I can't think of anything more to say… lost for words…*
wow, love the pic I have a copy of this dvd boo…
chakde sumthin…….
wait …
I must have a pirated copy…lmao
There is a fly BUZZING around my room and it won't shut up!!!!!!!! I am going crazy. Its like the bugger is out to annoy me. I've even noticed how often it is flying in the same circle, its so stupid, it has bumped into my mirror 5 times now. I seriously am losing it. I can't take the noise. I even spoke to it LOL. I was like “oh you better get out of my room, or I'll kill you!” roflmao. But it still won't goo its just circling around. And then it was all quiet and it started again when I said 'Yeah you know to shut up'. MAN LOL the stupid fly is making me do stupid things. Somebody help me!!!! I won't kill it, I can't!
There is a fly BUZZING around my room and it won't shut up!!!!!!!! I am going crazy. Its like the bugger is out to annoy me. I've even noticed how often it is flying in the same circle, its so stupid, it has bumped into my mirror 5 times now. I seriously am losing it. I can't take the noise. I even spoke to it LOL. I was like “oh you better get out of my room, or I'll kill you!” roflmao. But it still won't goo its just circling around. And then it was all quiet and it started again when I said 'Yeah you know to shut up'. MAN LOL the stupid fly is making me do stupid things. Somebody help me!!!! I won't kill it, I can't!
lmao…woah hun…poooor fly
**i thot i am pagal** roflmao….must be the londonish weather hahaha
There are some seriously screwed up people in this world.
PS: You should have scared him off with the erm 'Witchy Laugh.'
I agree. And supposedly, my witchy laugh isn't scary.
You know, Muslims are like celebrities. Some people like you, some people hate you, some people don't care, but anywhere you go, you get at least one stare and a couple of whispers. lol. It's really funny, actually. One day, my mom and I were going somewhere and we stop for the street light which turns red. So we are right next to this big fire truck. And I notice that the driver is staring at me, I ignore him at first, but the he keeps staring so I finally look at him. When I look, he smiles at me (a BIG smile) and waves. So I smile back and wave and then the light turns green. My mom asks me, “You know him?” I'm like, “Nope. I have never seen him before.” lol. And I've had that happen to me many times before. Anyhow, bell just rang, I gotta peace out!
am bolding the correct sentence this time..thanks ranz for making me smile…
my sis and I ( back home ) used to spend hours discussing anything under the sun or more like stars..
waiting to catch a glimpse of the first ray of sun over the horizon, and we had the perfect view…
I once mentioned exactly what u said ….exact words…weird!!
just brought a smile to my face and a warm fuzzy sorta feeling ot my heart ( heart burn i think hahaha) but it certainly
made me smile…THANK U
awwwwww. Anytime hunn. I'm glad I could make you smile during such a blessed month.
I luv ya…
Rani that man is so disgusting! I loath people like that so much. I am not going to swear while fasting but you can imagine… omg, I want to BEAT HIM UP. Sad screwed up pervert!
lol. Calm down, hunn. It's okay, let him be, Allah (SWT) will deal with him. It's no use to waste your time on him during Ramadhan. I love you oh so much, hunn.
I was like ewwwwwwwww! when Rani told me. he was indian right Rani?
He had a fobby accent, other than that, he could have been anything for all I know. But I can recognize his voice, so next time he calls, he's gonna be in trouble.
Rani… ouch.
*I can't think of anything more to say… lost for words…*
*giggles* You're so adorable when you're speechless! I lub youuuuuuu!!!!
Tayba – Hey hunn…Calm down, you never had a problem with patience. Just because you now KNOW you HAVE to be patient, it's getting to your head and you're losing it. lol. Just seek refuge with Allah (SWT)
lol I know hun. I am calm now. It was just that damn buzzing noise! lol! But I opened the window and waited for it to fly out and then shut my window again. Its gone now! I just prayed Zohr a while back. I am loving this roza!
lakjdsa;djsksajsa;lkdsjflsdjf I CANT POST
Scarry- yeah we do speak like that. lol
I love stories…they crack me up.
I talk to much, na?
The librarian told me, “You're not as shy as you seem to be.” I'm like, “*grins* I talk too much, huh?” LOL! She told me that I've been so giggly and smiley laughy lately, I'm like, “Yeah, I'm super ahppy these days.” And she's like, “It's good to see you smile.” hehe.
And the other day I came in and I was grinning like a fool and she just laughs at me! lol.
But the other day I came in and wasn't laughing or anything, so she gets all worried and asks me if I'm okay. lol.
and today I came in with a BIG smile on my face and I say, “Hello. How are you?” She says, “Good. I can see from that smile that you are feeling better.”
I love her, she's so cool! lol.
Yesterday, the teacher that I aide for asked me if I would talk to her class about my religion or culture. The minute she asked me, I said no. I have horrible stage fright and I didn’t want to get up and talk in front of students I didn’t know very well. But my teacher told me to think about it and that if I said yes, I would have to do it tomorrow (today). So I thought about it, and I finally decided I would do it. I thought if I had a chance to talk about my beautiful religion, then why not? Yes, I was scared and nervous, but I figured that if I’m doing something for the sake of Allah (SWT), then He’ll help me out. So when I stood up in front of everyone today, I was really nervous, but Alhamdulillah, I was so comfortable after the very first question. and I was completely satisfied because that was the first time I was so comfortable on stage. And it’s all because I was doing something for the sake of Allah (SWT). And the kids asked some pretty interesting question. There weren’t any stupid questions…well, one guy asked me if I go to sleep with my hijaab on, but he was only curious… Other than that, all the questions were good and the kids were so interested and nice. It was nice because the kids were also very comfortable with me and the teacher told them, “See? She’s not so uptight. If you get to know her, she’s very fun to be around.” And we were all laughing together because some kids asked about dating, and I had to tell them, “no touching.” Lol! And a girl asked me if I would show her my hair, and before I could answer, the teacher said, “She would show you privately.” And I said, “Yeah. I would, if there are no guys around.” And she said, “Boys! Get out!” lol. There were so many questions, but we were running out of time. And they were all so nice about it and I told them if they had any more questions, then they could stop me in the hallways. It was fun. I am so glad I decided to do it.
oooh coool!! Masha'Allah!!
Wow Rani! That sounds like a great experience..you shed yr knowledge and many learned !
I have a question though – do you cover your mouth & nose area too? Is this how its supposed to be? I've seen most Muslim girls covering the head but I think once or twice I saw two women who had only their eyes exposed.
Whats the difference?
There is a fly BUZZING around my room and it won't shut up!!!!!!!! I am going crazy. Its like the bugger is out to annoy me. I've even noticed how often it is flying in the same circle, its so stupid, it has bumped into my mirror 5 times now. I seriously am losing it. I can't take the noise. I even spoke to it LOL. I was like “oh you better get out of my room, or I'll kill you!” roflmao. But it still won't goo its just circling around. And then it was all quiet and it started again when I said 'Yeah you know to shut up'. MAN LOL the stupid fly is making me do stupid things. Somebody help me!!!! I won't kill it, I can't!
Tayaba I just saw this! OMG! What happened?! Im sure it wasnt the fly only – perhaps you had other things on your mind and the fly just made it easier for you to be irritated? Im so glad you didnt like..kill it !!! Good you set it outside. Man o man though – dont let … flies get to you so much. You had me kinda scared when reading it I just had to keep reading!! Keep it cool now … ~hugs~
Ninja – Yes, it was.
Wow Rani! That sounds like a great experience..you shed yr knowledge and many learned !
Yes, I was sooo glad I decided to do it, cuz I was this close to saying no…
Whats the difference?
I only wear the hijaab (head scarf). I don't wear the Niqaab (face covering with eyes exposed). Many scholars argue that it isn't required to wear the Niqaab, hijaab is fine. But others say you have to wear both Niqaab and Hijaab. And I agree with the scholars that say you have to wear both Niqaab and hijaab. And Insha'Allah, I'm planning on wearing the Niqaab once I graduate high school (in june/july)… And yeah, lotsa Muslim girls wear the Niqaab. Like Ninja has already said, she wears the Niqaab. That's why we call her ninja. lol.
All Niqaabis are known as ninjas. lol.
What's the difference? Between niqab and hijab? Niqaab covers the face with the exception of the eyes, and hijaab covers the hair…
lol. Ask ninja, she answers these kinda questions better. lol
I was surprised that none of the students asked me about Niqaab….
they usually don't. until they see a ninja in front them…then they're all like “why does she wear that, and that girl only wears the rag?” lol.
Ninja – No, that's not true, if they know about the niqaab, they'll ask (OHMYALLAH! THat same guy that called last time just called again! The guy who was asking a 7 yr old girl if she had a boyfriend!!!! His name is Michael! *shudders* I hung up on him.) anyhow, where was I? Oh yeah, if they know, they'll ask. Cuz one time at College, this guy came up to me and Hayati and started asking us questions about the hijaab and why some girls wear the niqaab as well.
LMAO! Tayba!!!!!
When my friends came over to put henna on me and my sister for Eid, we were talking about how people back like fair skinned people as opposed to darker skinned people and since all my friends that came over are dark skinned, they were complaining and were saying how they wished they were more “gorri.” And my friend, Aman, says, “Man! Look at Rani, she's so gorri!” she pauses for like 2 seconds and then adds, “Like dhood!”
LMAO! I couldn't stop laughing!!!!!! I was thinking about you and dhood! LMAO!
And remember that day you called me? and remember how I said I was going to my friend's “Henna Night”? Well, my dress was short-sleeved, and before that, I have never worn a short-sleeved dress in front of them (lol). So w/e, to make a long story short, my friend says to me, “Man, I'm so jealous, your arms are so pretty and milky!” OhmyAllah! LOL!
Oh oh oh! My friend's wedding was on Thursday night, and as soon as I walk in, the same girl said to me, “RANI! Come help me take off my bra!” I'm like “Why?” And she drags me into the bathroom stall and I say, “this is the first time I have been in a bathroom stall with someone else. What do you intend to do with me?” Lol! She's all laughing and then I'm like, “Shush it! Some lady is gonna walk in and think we're lezbos!”
Dang, there was so much drama at that wedding…*shakes head*
My Law Enforcement teacher saw my copying papers for my teacher in the library and he started asking me about my henna. And he told me how his friend gave him a henna tattoo on his back. I told him that it's weird if a guy puts on henna. He's just like, “Yeah.” lol. And then he starts asking me where I'm from, and I told him. And he's like, “oh that's cool. I was about to go to Afghanistan.” And I'm like, “What for?” And he said he was gonna teach them Law Enforcement and so I'm like, “why didn't you go?” And he said cuz he has a family here and cuz he doesn't think most of the people want him there, and I'm like, “yeah” Then he starts asking about Islam and Nessa just called so I'll finish the story later! bye!
okay, I found out that I'm not just scared of spiders and mice, I'm also hekkkkkka scared of mosquitos. lmao, the other night, at 3am I think, I was doing homework. As usual, so late. And my eyes were so tired, I was struggling to keep them open. I started seeing weird stuff rofl, so anways, I'm doing hw, and suddenly, to the side…I see something going by and flashing as fast as lightening. rofl and so I convinced myself that it was my eyes playing games with me again. Then 2 minutes later, this hugeeeeeeee, AND BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY HUGE, mosquito comes from under my bed. I'm not even sure if it WAS a mosquito. I tried so hard not to scream, not even funny. lmao! and so I couldn't move either, so I continued with homework while looking around making sure it wasn't anywhere near me. Then it vanished, and I remained freaked out the whole night and decided not to sleep. Then fajr time came in. I was hekka scared to go in the bathrooom to make wudhu (ablution). LMAO. then I prayed and I fell asleep…and I had a very scary nightmare. Like right after I slept, I started dreaming of my leg getting cut off because of an infection or something. Then my mom woke me up and told me that Rani was on the phone, and she freaked me out too…so anywho, that morning was so crappy. I was shaking the whole time. I've never been scared so many times. lmao and I usually don't get scared easily..but then again, something's wrong with me these days. haha the end. why did I just write all that?
Lmao! Having almost died from malaria and dengue, I have to say, your fear of mosquitos are not unfounded. They are nasty little – in your case HUGE – creatures. August to November is mosquito season where I am, and though I do not have nightmares of infected limbs and such, I do freak out whenever I see a mosquito. I used to wonder why God created mosquitos, that is till I met a little girl in Kids Church who once said that perhaps some mosquito somewhere who barely missed a swat was wondering why God created humans. Smart girl. Lol. Perhaps the mosquitos should bear her up in a palanquin to their abode and crown her Queen.
Oi Ninja! How are you? Don't look now…but there is a HUGE mosquito buzzing behind your head. Lmao!
HUNN! I'm so sorry for scaring you!!! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to! I was SUPER SCARED myself! I thought I was gonna die that day! So who else was I supposed to turn to? Especially since it had somethign to do with you and you could actually help. I seriously cannot thank you enough for that day….I love you so much for being there and for your duas….I spent that whole day wishing I dind't have to go home, but everything went by so nicely, Alhamdulillah.
I love you so much…Habeebi….
HUNN! I'm so sorry for scaring you!!! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to! I was SUPER SCARED myself! I thought I was gonna die that day! So who else was I supposed to turn to? Especially since it had somethign to do with you and you could actually help. I seriously cannot thank you enough for that day….I love you so much for being there and for your duas….I spent that whole day wishing I dind't have to go home, but everything went by so nicely, Alhamdulillah.
I love you so much…Habeebi….
Awww, don't worry about it! I love you too!! Alhamdulillah all turned out to be well. ROFL, I remember that day, my dad drove me to school, and as we were going into the freeway, my dad said in arabic with a very heavy sigh “Ya Rab, Forgive us and have mercy on us” and I said with a heavier sigh (LOL) “Ya ALLAHHHHHHH PLEASE!” He was like “okay, that's it, you've been acting weird these days, what have you done?!” LMAO! it was so funny. I was like “I did nothing, just watch the road!”
I'm with your father on this Lol. What did you do woman? Who did you beat up?
I'm with your father on this Lol. What did you do woman? Who did you beat up?
lmao, nothing. I just said that because I was worried about Rani. Stop suspecting me, what the freaking heck. GO AWAY PEOPLE. *dies*
HUNN! I'm so sorry for scaring you!!! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to! I was SUPER SCARED myself! I thought I was gonna die that day! So who else was I supposed to turn to? Especially since it had somethign to do with you and you could actually help. I seriously cannot thank you enough for that day….I love you so much for being there and for your duas….I spent that whole day wishing I dind't have to go home, but everything went by so nicely, Alhamdulillah.
I love you so much…Habeebi….
Awww, don't worry about it! I love you too!! Alhamdulillah all turned out to be well. ROFL, I remember that day, my dad drove me to school, and as we were going into the freeway, my dad said in arabic with a very heavy sigh “Ya Rab, Forgive us and have mercy on us” and I said with a heavier sigh (LOL) “Ya ALLAHHHHHHH PLEASE!” He was like “okay, that's it, you've been acting weird these days, what have you done?!” LMAO! it was so funny. I was like “I did nothing, just watch the road!”
btw wats this thread about again??
i think we're supposed to be tellin a story or sumthing so *read first page*
ur kidding r8…dayem i wudve neva thought of that….ie luking at da first page
thanks man, ur my saviour for sure..
LOL… Alie…
I want to share a story.
When I was little, I used to live with my grandparents… and my grandmother was so terribly fussy about my safety. She would never let me walk to school alone, and she would never let me come home from school alone (the school I was in was literally a ten-minute walk from our home..). She always sent someone out to pick me up from school.. some kid from the area or something.. and it was always my daily mission to get home by myself, without the guy finding me. Luckily, my old school had two entrances (or exits, whichever way you want to look at it..), and whenever school finished, I would always scan the two entrance areas, to see where the guy would be. When he used to wait at the front gate, I would run out through the back gate gleefully… then he used to try waiting at the back gate, I would disappear off home via the front gate!
Because he would be waiting for me, he was always home later than I was.. and I still remember when he would come to my grandmother to explain to her that he couldn't find me… and there I would be, hiding behind my grandmother…
She was never angry with me (oh I was SPOILT!).. but she would get annoyed at the poor guy…
Oh Boo! rotflmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can imagine you being this way as a child!
LOL… Alie…
I want to share a story.
When I was little, I used to live with my grandparents… and my grandmother was so terribly fussy about my safety. She would never let me walk to school alone, and she would never let me come home from school alone (the school I was in was literally a ten-minute walk from our home..). She always sent someone out to pick me up from school.. some kid from the area or something.. and it was always my daily mission to get home by myself, without the guy finding me. Luckily, my old school had two entrances (or exits, whichever way you want to look at it..), and whenever school finished, I would always scan the two entrance areas, to see where the guy would be. When he used to wait at the front gate, I would run out through the back gate gleefully… then he used to try waiting at the back gate, I would disappear off home via the front gate!
Because he would be waiting for me, he was always home later than I was.. and I still remember when he would come to my grandmother to explain to her that he couldn't find me… and there I would be, hiding behind my grandmother…
She was never angry with me (oh I was SPOILT!).. but she would get annoyed at the poor guy…
ROFLMAO. You're so funny! ahahaha!
LMAO! You guys! Kavita is so funny crazy!
I was talkign to Tayba on MSN and I had a pic of me on my Display Pic and I saw kavita come on, and I quickly switched my pic so she couldn't see but she saw for like a quick few seconds and I'm like OH CRAP! lol. And so she goes on about how I look and I'm telling her to describe me cuz I thought she didn't see it very well and was tricking me into making me show her again! LMAO! I'm so evil!
But it's just that I wanted Tayba and boo to be the only ones who I gave my pic to for now until I choose to let someone else see. lol. Too late now.
Rani says:
imma tell the fourm
Kavita says:
Rani says:
this whole situation
Kavita says:
Rani says:
Kavita says:
Rani says:
Rani says:
Kavita says:
and i saw it for a few seconds
Kavita says:
and u think that im MAKING UP THAT I SAW YR PIC?
Kavita says:
Rani says:
Rani says:
Rani says: (I put up a cute lil face kissing another face that I stole from tayba lmao!)
Kavita says:
KAvita says:
its ok
Rani, you're so psycho!!!!
I know. teehee.
Yeah !! How does seeing your CUTE pic make ME FUNNY
Gawwd Ranz! Its not like I stole your pic as file ! Geeshhhhh Im not a STALKER YOU KNOW…relax already
LMAO @ Kavita! OhmyAllah. It's not about stalking, I just wanted to be in control of who can see me and who can't. It just shows that we, as humans, don't have full control of our life. No matter how much we might not want something, if Allah (SWT) wills it, it will happen. I guess it was in my fate to have you see me.
And shut up! It wasn't cute, YOU'RE CUTE!
*pulls kavita's cheeks*
I lub yaaaa!
Yeah !! How does seeing your CUTE pic make ME FUNNY
Gawwd Ranz! Its not like I stole your pic as file ! Geeshhhhh Im not a STALKER YOU KNOW…relax already
paranoia I tell u ..
chillax kaveeee everyone is entitled to their privacy..
u aint a stalker for sure jaan ..lol
My dad got back today from Tennessee, Alhamdulillah. And so…..he was telling me of his “airport experience” you know since people be suspecting Muslims and all. haha. and he said that when they were going to Tennessee (He went with 3 of his brothers), they took him and two of his brothers in to check their bags or w/e. And they left my oldest uncle alone. lmao! then in the plane he was teasing them and you know calling them the T word. lol! and then when they were coming back, they left my dad and my uncles alone and took my oldest uncle in. LMAO! and so my dad was like “OH SWEET REVENGE, GO IN YAHYA, IT'S YOUR TURN NOW. *evil laugh*” my dad is such a kid *sigh*!
Yeah !! How does seeing your CUTE pic make ME FUNNY
Gawwd Ranz! Its not like I stole your pic as file ! Geeshhhhh Im not a STALKER YOU KNOW…relax already
paranoia I tell u ..
chillax kaveeee everyone is entitled to their privacy..
u aint a stalker for sure jaan ..lol
Lol I know diiiiiiiiiii Im just assuring her that im not a stalker t hats all..and she had it up in msn .. im not blind .. and my eyes were opened at the time… and why on earth are you calling me paranoid > for sure im not
My dad got back today from Tennessee, Alhamdulillah. And so…..he was telling me of his “airport experience” you know since people be suspecting Muslims and all. haha. and he said that when they were going to Tennessee (He went with 3 of his brothers), they took him and two of his brothers in to check their bags or w/e. And they left my oldest uncle alone. lmao! then in the plane he was teasing them and you know calling them the T word. lol! and then when they were coming back, they left my dad and my uncles alone and took my oldest uncle in. LMAO! and so my dad was like “OH SWEET REVENGE, GO IN YAHYA, IT'S YOUR TURN NOW. *evil laugh*” my dad is such a kid *sigh*!
Hehe.. thats funny. Your dad sounds funny …totally opposite of mine
I was talking to Rani about the weird stares and comments we get as Muslims. lol, we were discussing how it makes us feel like celebrities. . we're pimp!
Anyway, there was this one time during last summer. I was taking classes at the college here and on the last day of classes, we got out early since all we had to do that day was take the final and leave. I was so happy I was going home early because I was so sleep deprived and I was thinking to myself as I was walking out that I'm gonna go home and SLEEP! lol. WAIT LMAO! Before class, I was in the library sneaking on the forum, lol and this dude was sitting on the other side listening to music on the computer! LOL! He brought his own headphones but the music was hekka loud! so the librarian comes up to him and was like “Sir, the library is supposed to be peaceful, that's not allowed in here.” LMAO, and he says, “You wanna know what I think about peace? HUH? do you?” The librarian was like “yeah?” and he's like “I think all the people in the Middle East should just become Christians and let us all live in peace dang it! .” And he gives me this look, ROFL!
The lady was like “ooooooook, that's big talk, I respect your opinion though.”
So I go to class and then as I was coming out the same dude was standing by the bookstore. I walk past him and he calls me to come back and he goes “Ma'am can I ask you a question?” I was like “sure, go ahead, what's up?” (expecting a “why do you wear that?” or some such lol). He says, “I don't understand how your tradition or culture is supposed to be teaching peace if ya'll be blowing yourselves up and shi*, I mean a lady blowing herself up along with her child, that's not peace, don't you think?” I was like “what the heck, don't you think it's sort of funny that you said 'tradition' and 'culture', buddy, Islam has nothing to do with my culture and tradition, those are out of the discussion” and he goes “well, thats beside the point… answer my question.” LMAO, I WAS SO PISSED OFF! But I didn't show it. I said, “I just did, Islam doesn't teach that, people who do that are just confused and depressed. So they go and kill themselves under the name of Islam, when Islam has nothing to do with the twisted crap they do.” And then this guy with a beard walks towards us and the dude I was talking to calls him over. And they start discussing the Bible and all. It turns out that the Muslim guy was a revert, Alhamdulillah and he knew what he was talking about. So as the guy I was talking to was quoting verses from the Bible, the Muslim guy would correct him and tell him that he's quoting wrong. lol. I was amazed. So they started arguing. The Muslim guy started calling the other dude biased and such. lol. then the guy turns to me again. (I'm like dying to sleep rofl). He says to me “Let's ignore him for a second, because you listen to me when I speak… I think you're a beautiful soul.” The Muslim guy says “Duh, that's why you see her covered.” LMAO! SIKE! Anyway, the dude ignores the Muslim guy and says “As I said, I think you're a beautiful soul. I can feel it. I have a feeling that Jesus will save you!” . ROFL I was like “Look, I'm literally struggling to keep myself awake, I was gonna go home and sleep, but let me just sum this up. Islam teaches peace. It doesn't teach the twisted and idiotic crap you see on TV. Blowing ourselves up is considered suicide, and suicide is forbidden. And we respect Jesus(pbuh) oh so much. We know he came with
once upon a time in a galaxy far far away where the moon shines brighter than the sun, a donkey was sleeping peacefully in a barn.
The End.
…interesting. very interesing.
…interesting. very interesing.
it gets more interesting once the donkey wakes up.
oh really? what does the donkey do when it wakes up?
*waits impatiently for the rest*
well, for a start, the donkey sleeps freakingly long. 1 whole day to be precise. so u hv to log in again 2mrw to catch up with the donkey and his tricks
I was talking to Rani about the weird stares and comments we get as Muslims. lol, we were discussing how it makes us feel like celebrities. . we're pimp!
You & 99 are weirdos, but it has nothing to do with your religion! Your God can not be blamed for your weirdness!
on the floor laffin at ur
Nessa, I haven't slept all night, and I'm slow anyway, so take it easy woman!
…in other words, I don't get it. LMBO!
LMAO! Niiiiinja! You already said that story on here!
Tell them the F story! hehe
LMAO! i did?! whatever.
no im not in a story telling mood. IM PISSED OFF
I had so many stories to tell you guys and so many pictures to post up on the forum. I'm not even in the mood for all that now that Senor Buddha is thinking of leaving…
Ninja I feel you, hunn.
so take it easy woman!
Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can't do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.
Mika – Grace Kelly
I miss 99's stories where she's telling someone off, then in swoops Ninja (kthanks!) and everything turns upside down!
Where you at 99?
Yes, we need some of those uplifting stories!
Stories stories stories…
Last night I stayed up till 5:30 am studying, and I woke up early too. So understandably, I felt like crap and looked terrible too. I couldn't be bothered to dress up for uni, so after having a bath I just wore the biggest black abaya I could find. (I love to hide in them lmbo), and put on a simple black hijaab, with some embroidery on the hems. Then I put some cream on my face and some kajal in my eyes but it didn't really do much for me – I looked as sleepy as I did when I woke up lol. Sighing at the mirror I walked a way knowing this was gonna be a bad hijab day lmbo. So feeling like a bum, I put my jacket on and I made my way to uni, and as I sat in class, pretending to listen, I thought of my friend, my sister (the one I wrote about before, whose dad had surgery). Realising that I haven't seen her in a week and a half, I texted her asking if she wants to go for a coffee, and she did. Even though I looked and felt like a complete mess, I still wanted to meet her, because I feel comfortable looking like crap in front of her. I don't feel that with many people. As I made my way out of uni, she was waiting for me on the opposite side of a major busy road. I told her to cross over (hoping she'd use the traffic lights) but instead she decided to cross the main road in the middle of nowhere like a crazy person lmbo. As she came near, she smiled and said “You look so pretty today, MashaAllah.” I'm like, “What?!?!? NO, I DON'T!!!! I feel BEYOND yuck today!!!” She hugs me, and she says, “You look beautiful, you look like an Arabian Princess!!!” I was just speechless, in denial, but still speechless lol. .
Lol. The beauty of an old friend is amazing. They truly love you for who you are, even when you look like crap, they find beauty in you. It's true what they say, “The best mirror is the eye of an old friend”. I love her so much, Alhumdulilah for her. .
It's true what they say, “The best mirror is the eye of an old friend”.
Is this about me? Lmao! I qualify for 'friend' and I most certainly qualify for 'Old.' Hello Super Hero! How goes life?
It's true what they say, “The best mirror is the eye of an old friend”.
Is this about me? Lmao! I qualify for 'friend' and I most certainly qualify for 'Old.' Hello Super Hero! How goes life?
Lmbo well if you put it that way – then yes, it is for you .
Hello! Well, life is busy and my shoulders, neck, and back are hurting. I carried my laptop in my bag (and it's heavy) and on the other shoulder I carried my books. Super Hero downnnnnn!!!!! I needu find someone to hold my books lmbo.
How goes life for you? Ever check your email?!?!? . lmbo.
Seriously! I thought it was just me he didn't want to talk to! Idiotic buddha. *rolls eyes*
Lmao! Stop rolling your eyes…they may roll right off their sockets. I do check my mail. Since when, may I ask you two insanities, have I not wanted to talk to either of you? Quit the drama, the Oscars have already been given out.
Lmao! Stop rolling your eyes…they may roll right off their sockets. I do check my mail. Since when, may I ask you two insanities, have I not wanted to talk to either of you? Quit the drama, the Oscars have already been given out.
Since whennn!!?!?!? imma petition! I want the oscar for most dramatic!
Hey! You guys remember Jasmine? Well, she sent me an email that made me hekka laugh! lmao! I asked her if I could share with you guys, she said sure, so here it is: ()
Lmao. My friend was with me a while ago and she was on shaadi.com and I was busy sneaking on email, and she shows me a picture of some guy and she’s like, “he’s cute, na?” I quickly look, notice that he is pretty cute, nod, and go back to my emails. She goes, “He’s Muslim, should I hook you up?” I laugh, then she starts looking at his info and she tells me he’s from London, I immediately look away from my emails and concentrate on the info. He was a lawyer from England *leans over on friend*, but he was like 26 or 27 years old. I’m like “woops, too old *goes back to emails” LMAO…
LMAO! YOU GUYS! LMAO! LMAO! LMAO! MY twin brother, hahaaaaaaaaaaa! LMAO! He got his shoes! LMAO! His precious precious expensive expensive RUFFLEZ! SHOES! THEY GOT STOLEN! LMAO! About two days ago he went to the masjid and someone stole them! LMAO! LMAO! LMAO! HAHAAAAAAA! OHMY! I was cracking UP! when my sister told me what had happened! LMAO! IT WAS SO FUNNY!
okay, lmao, I'm not laughing cuz he got em stolen at a Masjid cuz stealing is haraam (LMAO NESSA! :P) and then on top of that, stealing at a masjid is beyond outrageous and whoever did it must be the most shameless person on earth, but I'm laughing cuz someone stole his precious and expensive shoes! LMAO! I'm all telling my sister, “That's what he gets for fighting with ME!” LMAO!
I can't control … lmao! Why am I thinking of boo right now? I'm wishing I was smacking her right now cuz I'm laughing soooo hard! I like smacking ppl when I laugh too hard… is that weird? lol I don't care that was HILARIOUSLY FUNNY! LMAO! hahaaaaaaaaaa loozer got his shoes stolen!
*Has a mental image of Rani smacking Boo and cracking up and Boo being like ' ow?!' and then laughing too. lmao!
I LOVE YOU RANI! rofllllllllllllllllllllll! this story cracked me up. lmao.
Hahahaha Raniiii! Smacking me? Ow indeed! Well I clap a lot when I laugh too much… ahhh me in the cinema hall watching a comedy film…
Lmao, I do that too Shrek. I can almost imagine both of us sitting together watching a funny film in the cinema… rofl!! We'd totally annoy people with our sounds lol.
boooo! LMAO! I DO THAT TOOOO! When I have no one to smack, I clap! lmao! ninja was real smart about that tho, one time when she was at my house, we were watching Baba Ali videos and I was cracking up so I wanted to smack her, instead she gave me hi5! LMAO! I was like oh! lmao! And my family gets kinda annoyed watching movies with me, I get over excited at nothing! and one thing my twin bro hates is when I rewind a funny scene, he says it kills the funny. *takes on an extra “white-girl” accent* Like what-ever! lmao! (He (along with a bunch of other tards) say I talk like a white girl) *rolls eyes* lmao
I've missed you to death my beautiful shoonukmz.
Tayba – lolly, knowing boo, she'll smack me right back! And if we have any pillows with us, it'll start a pillow fight! *thinks piya piya!* awwwwww!
LMAO aaaaaaaaaaah memories! I LOVE THIS THREAD OH SO MUCH!
I'm thinking of my sister. She's sleeping next to me in her bed right now, the duffer. The other day I sang three songs to her. I sang Tere Bin by Atif Aslam (he has the BEST voice in the world. It touches my soul. There's something about it that… does something to me deep inside. Kuch kuch hota hai bwl, tum nahi samjhoge) to her because for some strange reason, she loves the way i sing that song. Of course I didn't mind, it's my fave song of Atif's and its special to me. I sang ho agar kabhi koi ghum toh bilkul na tum ghabraana from ta ra rum pum because I wanted to dedicate the lyrics to her. And I sang Tu jahaan for her too, because i wanted to dedicate the lyrics to her. They all fit her, so I decided to do a little something for her.
She was lying down next to me, her head on my lap, and so when she heard Tu jahaan, the dodo started crying. I didn't realize it because I couldn't see her face until I heard her and I was like “OMG you idiot stop crying! Why are you crying for? You're just as bad as mom (cuz i sang Meri Maa to my mom once and she started crying her eyes out lolly)! don't cry.” And I'm all wiping her tears away and she snuggles in closer on my lap and i just kept smoothing her hair out while she listened to the rest of the song. And then she goes on about how sweet that was and I just
at her.
I love that bum mucho.
Ah, the number of times I have laid my head in my sister's lap and cried my eyes out…
Aw my Rani. What you and your sister have is extremely special. Cherish it.
Aw my Rani. What you and your sister have is extremely special. Cherish it.
U knw wat I was thinking Kavee??
To have a beautiful relationship like dat with yr sister is amazingly special..
to have a relationship like that with a friend ( Tum nah ) is a blessing…
We may not have had the chance yet to rest in each others arms or laps for comfort and healing but we are in each others hearts
always… when u can turn to a friend and let out yr all… and she turns back ( virtually dat is ) and holds u in her heart more tightly …
sending u more love and warmth…never judging, just loving… theres truly nothing more I can ask for ..
I was reading the above and lattttttttttttttter whilst I was cooking and cleaning Im still thinking of Rani and Boo's Words and I thought..
I truly am blessed.. with sooo much abundance in love.. I have 3 amazing sisters…blessed relationships with them, and bonuses of love from beautiful
friends ( soulsisters) like u
I love u jaana, I dnt say this often enuf
Thanks for sharing this with me………….
I like Shahid Kapur with Amruta Rao
I don't like Shahid with Karina
Thanks for sharing this with me………….
I like Shahid Kapur with Amruta Rao
I don't like Shahid with Karina
I am not one bit of a role model to my sister. And that is the truth.
There is nothing that I am doing that would make her look up to me and want to follow in my footsteps.