Ill start! hehe =)
– What do you think about the new forum??
its not bad!
same q
Well, I’ve been here for 5 minutes now, and I still hate it!!! I just don’t like changes, and I don’t see where this forum is better than the one we had….
I think it su.c.k.s
ow, same q.
Ranitjee..niet zo negatief hè! *Ranitje..dont be so negative now..*
But ah u are entitled to ur own opinion *i wont tell Queen Beatrix that u disagree with me so u will still be allowed to be Dutch Citizen hihihi jkz*
well i dont hate the new forum but i’m also not completely amazed of the beauty of it.
I guess I’ll just have to get used to it, n im a Taurus n Tauruses dont like changes that much, so that’ll take a biggggg while.. But overall, the Admin ji hasnt done a bad job at all.. if i wud register myself now, i wud think it’s really nice! Just the fact that i’m a Green BWL-er..n not a White one is the thing that has coloured my opinion a bit hihi..
Whahaha, ja, dat groene mist toch wel…
*Whahaha, yes, the green is definately missing…*
But Heera, don’t be mad at me I’m getting a bit more used to all this now, thank to your great explaination…
And about Queen B… what did you do on queensday?
Ow, and question for the other members…
Have you ever been to a theatre to watch a musical?
Nope I havnt. I was gona go a few months ago but the plan got cancelled hehe.
are you a veggie?
jeahh i am, usually.. mostly =S. jeah..
imma kadu too =)
What do you feel like doing?
jeah ur a HUGE kadu =)
cuddlin up with mickey blankeey n watching summin
same q
jeah well ur a RIVER kadu =)
umm pretty much same.. grab a blankeey, watch a moobeee, eat some ice cream n fall aseep
what was the last thing you ate?
how am i river wen ur name means peace? arent rivers kinda peaceful? UR A RIVER…not just a normal one but a RIVER HIPPO =)motti n ur not allowed icecream aman. BOOO it X
had a cheese stick =)
wut u doin tonight?
eating. lol. cant say much more than that.
any new feelings about this forum?
startin 2 like it more each n every day..
Who do you think is the REAL kadumaster on here, Shereena or Me?
heera: LOVING ur sig btw!! do u look ike that in real life?? oh so pwetty!! if u gimme the definition of a REAL KADUMASTER, i’ll think about it and let u know!
UMmmMmm… think both of you are the biggest KaduMasterz, cant pick, because you both are so good at being crajeely psycho kaduz =)
If you could be doing anything right now, what would you be doing?
Hey Heera *-) I think Amaneey may be THE biggest kadumaster wut ju thinkz?
I’d be sitting warm watching something in a room by myself =)
Same q
shereena, what you said sounds PERFECT!! only i’d take out the ‘something’ and put in ‘a Bollywood movie’… nothing like Bolly to cheer u up, na?
same question…
I dont really know.. I jus wana do a bunch of wonderful amazing things but I have exams n essays to focus on =(
If you could be someone else for just one day who would you pick and why?
Iono cuz things arent what they seem and so even ppl that seem to have things topely probably dont….I think i’d wanna be God for a day. lol try and see why things are done the way they are, cuz even though they happen for a reason Iont always know or understand it. Iont mean that disrespectfully so I’m sorry if it comes off that way…
Same Q
um think id wanna be a homie/prend for a day. Wanna see wut shes thinkin n how she feels about stuff.
wut time did you wake up?
Hahaha, way to early! I had to work today, so I was up at 07.55 am.
At what time do you go to bed normally?
uhmm.. at about… 10 pm, 11 pm
wut time do you eat ur ‘lunch’ haha
Reeny: yeah actually she IS..Amaneeyz the new BIGGEST KaduMaster!
I usually eat lunch at 12 if i’m at school, but if i dont eat at school then i eat it at around 3…
What would you change about this new forum?
Would make all my posts go through and be able to delete if i post twice
If you could change anything about ur life what would you change
I would like to have someone in it (my life, I mean) who really loves me. Like a boyfriend I mean (of course my family love me dearly…).
And I would like to have a really satisfying job.
Same q
i think i woulda went to a different hs…and took all the homies i have now that i met or got closer with becuz of goign to the one i went to, to the other hs too. and change sum family stuff and *-) lol id change ALOT. too bad i no superman
same Q
i would chane the fact that i am bad at sports. i want to be sporty more!
are aishwarya rai and abishke really getting married?
For Abishkek I hope they don’t….
Do you believe people have to live several lifes before they can go to heaven?
not at all… in fact, i doubt people even go to heaven… their bodies either turn to ashes or get buried deep underground where they decay. and along with that, the brain also dies. therefore nothing actually goes to heaven. hey sorry if that offended anyone.
same q
ummm im not sure.. maybe.. prolleee..
white chocolate toblerone or milk chocolate toblerone?
milk chocolate.
milk chocolate toblerone or dark chocolate toblerone?
milk chocolate toblerone
milk chocolate toblerone or white chocolote toblerone
u asked that aready genius lol cheez
dark chocolate toblerone or white chocolate toblerone?
lol damn.
white chocolate toblerone
reading books or being read to?
both depends
reading book or listenin to it?
i prefer listening
bollywood or hollywood
Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp?
Hee, when did this game turned into “this or that” ?
iono :S
I choose Brad tho
WHats the weather like where u are?
its sunny, bit chilly, some puffy clouds, really nice =)
Yesterday was toperiffic tho, there were like no clouds in the sky, i lubbed layin outside jus lookin at the clear sky, was tyteee =)
Last movie you watched?
kahin pyar na ho jaaye, i didnt finish tho. n humko deewane kar gaye =)
same q
Eight. X on you for making me watch that movie hunji! scared the *** outta me, i was huggin the bear lol, stupidddd MovieeEE
last movie you boughtt??
hindi or english?
anyway it is black
who you meet last time (some one very important to u)
sorry iont really understand the question =S.. the last person i saw was my sister tho..
last person u talked to?
last person i talked to was sister lol she was waking me up out of bed and i was still sleepin but i did reply hahaha
what does the color GREEN remind you of
Vegetables. And gras. And the old forum, hahahahahahahahaha
Do you enjoy buying furniture and stuff for your house/bedroom?
what you do if your best friend didn’t speak to you for no reason?
talk to her and find out what the deal was.
last thign u ate?
hmmm. chicken nuggets? haha
if i get the feeling that somebody likes me, then is it really true?
well, it doesnt have to, but if the person is giving out so many signals that you get that feeling, then i guess that somebody does..
what would you like to do now, if you wouldnt be doing the things you are doing at the moment and you could choose wuteva you want?
Am Rani:
Hee, when did this game turned into “this or that” ?
that would be the 11th of May and the time was (GMT+1)1.01 AM
Pfff, niet zo bijdehand he?!?!?!?! Ga jij je bio nou maar leren!
Heel veel succes lieverd!! hugggggggssssss
Ow, sowwie, non-dutchies…
(Don´t be such a smarta.s.s,huh?!?!?! Why don´t you just go and learn your biology for your finals. Best of luck, sweetheart! hugsssssss
what would you like to do now, if you wouldnt be doing the things you are doing at the moment and you could choose wuteva you want?
Talk to someone who is very special to me and make things the way they used to be. (has nothing to do with that kind of pyaar)
same q.
go swimming in the ocean without having to worry about nething else. *-) a pool wud be nice…its hot outside. wut the fudge happened to our cuba trip?? *-) theres alotta things id rather be doing…sleep in a hammock and hab it be breezyer without bugs =) lotsa stuffz
same q
Take a long holiday, spend some time in Greece, and sleep in EVERY morning… hmmm….
same q
i would love to feel happy, special and appreciated on my birthday today…..
qn: how does a guy shows a girl that he has no feelings for her anymore? whether showing directly or indirectly……
Just act normal, as if she were some person walking by..not someone he used to be in love with?
same q
i would love to feel happy, special and appreciated on my birthday today…..
hey… bit late, but… hope you had a happy, special and aprreciated birthday!
hey… a bit late for reply, but thanks! yes, i did feel wonderful on my bday!
What was the last book you read?
A book written by a German writer, Christa Wolf. The book was called Medea.Voices. It’s about Medea, a woman from Greek mythology. She killed her children to hurt her ex husband.
Last movie you’ve seen in cinema?
nosyira: thats good. wow i just realised… you’ve been a member since the very beginning…
person u miss right now?
I miss all the BWL members! especially my twin and didi cuz they r my twin and didi!
same question.
I miss you Shweetoo
Person youd want to see right now!?
i wanna see a buncha ppl *-) not just ek. homie would be tope tho
same q
rani. haha. no seriously. rani.
*-) i already answered..o vell i ans again. lol still wanna see my homie
last thing u ate?
oufff. can’t remember. my God i need to eat!!
same q
chocolate, hmmm
City you´d love to visit?
London! *i’ve been to Utrecht*
fone u wanna have
Uhm… well, my own I guess. It does what is has to do, no need all those camerastuff on my phone. And I don’t like changes, it will take me weeks to get used to a new phone
Your perfect summerday?
Out somewhere beautiful, lyin under the blu sky with some of my close friends, laughing away, being free..
your perfect winter day?
nice and cold and lotsa lotsa snow tho the sun is still shinin and you cant really feel the cold hihi
Perfect surprise?
4 things in life to b smoother, or to be able to escape to somewhere else where iont have to think about nething. orrr to have a homie just show up and chill and stuff
same Q
Could be anything. Sometimes a little surprise is better than a big one, if the little one comes completely unexpected (that’s what happens with most surprises… they come unexpected ) and from someone who is really close to you. Or closer to you than you thouhgt in the first place.. Didn’t make sense, did it?
Best surprise you ever had?
my new fone didn’t expect that i’d get it
favorite facecream?
pure A or clinique
fave shampoo?
Andrélon ‘Glad &Steil’.. that one smoothes my hair..stops makin it go flyin everywhere as if its static..
fave ice cream?
anything chocolate-related and ben and jerry’s related… ooooh yeah!!!
who do u think will win the World Cup??
Ow no, not THAT question again. I hope germany will NOT win. And neither Portugal, because they kicked us out. I hope Greece will win
Do you believe in love after love?
I do!! You can’t imagine it when you just lost someone you really loved and who was the one for you (or at least you thought he was..), but after a while time will heal the wounds and you will fall in love again… But only when your heart is free and ready to love again!
Same question..
I think I do, but love can be so deep sometimes that it will never fade away completely…
Still same q
Maybe you’re right (I guess you speak from your experience?) and you will still have love in your heart for that person.. But I do also think that you can still totally love somebody else and also save (some) love for the other person in your heart…
Just like an office… You make your desk empty to put all your new stuff on it, but you can still save the other documents in an other place.. Sorry for my strange explanation, hope you guys get what I mean..
For a long time I believed that you can’t love again after your “first love” but I dont think thats true anymore. Yeah your 1st love was special, deep and all the rest, and that it will always be that way wen u think about it, however you can still love again. The feelings will definetly be different, but that doesnt mean it wont be love. You learn from ur past mistakes, mayb that stops u from giving urself completely to the other person, u try to protect urself from that hurt u may have once felt. I think you can love again, sometimes that love may even be more special then the first time. Obviously the first time will always have a place in ur heart,because it was the 1st time u felt something so.. amazing. ok I guess im rambling now.. but yeah love.. it can definetly happen again… people only say “love happens once” in movies and books, n mayb for some people that is true.. I guess it depends on the person…
if u cud only play one song at ur wedding, which would you choose, and why?
the meaning of that song is what i really want everyone to embrace… and it will remind me of all the guys on here… because of the umpteen times i have dedicated that song to all the people i love!
same q
Wow Kal ho naa ho is a great song to play at your wedding!! I would like to play that one too, but my b/f doesn’t like Bollywood (unbelieveble, na?)… I’d say “From this moment” from Shania Twain.. It’s the song of me and my boyfriend, and it says all we feel for each other, so it’s a really special song for me (and my b/f of course..)
Same Q…
humein tumse pyar kitna *-) lol no iono thats just the first one that came to mind. theres alot that would be tope to do though…lol shaadi karke phas gaya yaar
same q
Depends on who I will marry (don’t think I ever will, I gave up that hope). If I would marry someone who doesn’t like Bollywood, I wouldn’t play to much bollymusic.
I always wanted to play Tujhe dekha to (DDLJ) on my wedding (I loved that song so much, that I wouldn’t mind if that was the only song played on my wedding) but that was in happier times.
Same q
havent really thoted bout it lots.. i lub the song “mohabbat ho na jaye” from kasoor tho.. meh.
when was the last time u went grocery shopping? (cudnt think of nethin else :S)
Reall grocery with a list from my mom n stuff? thas been a while… but i was in a grocery shop yesterday..coz i work there heheh (supermarket is a groceryshop rite?)
last time u drank coffee?
this morning
last thing u eated?
favorite color?
Do you ever eat eggs? (I know this q doesn’t make any sense…)
um yhea sumtimes :S
plans for the weekend?
Well, yesterday I had to work ’till 5 o’clock. Afterwards, I went home, had dinner with my family, and after dinner, I met some friends.
Today, I was just being lazy. Cleaned up my room, sent some emails, put some pictures in an album, things like that.
For next weekend, I don’t have any plans yet. Ow, I have! I have to babysit my cousin on saturday.
Favorite day of next week?
fav day of next week? um id hafto say thursday…
plans for today?
to get ready for school tomoro…
Greatest fears?
To loose someone I love very much…
Same q…
Dogss..omg… they so scary..even tho i knowww i shudnt be afraid of them..but still..
what did you last see on tv?
i dotn really watch tebee nemore…caught a glimpse of the news wen i walked by though…
last thing u did?
typed answer for this q. lol lalu
last song u sang?
um some whitney song i think :S iono
wut u feeling as of nwo
feeling tired and a seepy and kinda bored and vanting to talk to a kadudaduladoO
Whats ur fav subject?
Hey Bollywolly…my fave subject is ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! j/k
Whats ur shoe size?
hello nessaji! long time no see! hope sab is a very, very gud =). Welcome Backerz!
current fav song?
ebbery ting iz ebbery ting! thanks…how u dooooin? lol
I’m on a turkish kick these days…Isyankar (rebellion or rebellious)
Current fave film?
have so many…:( i wanna watch! i guess the latest to the additions would b humko deewane kar gaye
same q
I guess its the latest Pirates of the Carrib…
Hey Reeny!
fave toothpaste hehehe
lol iont hav a fave one umm I use whatever is there so its usually either McCleans on Colgate.
Favourite perfume/aftershave?
I’m loving Marc by Marc Jacobs!
Least favorite sound/smell to wake up to?
yelling or alarm clocks and nething super strongly stinky :S
last song ju heard?
umm.. dont member =S
first thing you did today?
Open a letter I got from uni telling me what courses I got in2 for nex year.
were u popular in high school?
um iono…i knew ppl, n ppl knew me, ppl talked to me n i talked to ppl …:s how would you define popularity :S i guess i was just avgish, mostly just hung out with the same group of friends but knew other ppl too. :S
do looks matter? im sure most’ll say no but think about ur first impression of a person when u first see them…
I think it is at the first moment you see someone… You don’t know the person yet and maybe you think he/she looks strange because she wears different clothes (or whatever). But when you get to know each other better it doesn’t matter anymore, because you don’t go for the looks anymore, but for the person that’s inside…
Same question…
exactly….agree completely. thats what i was tryin to say to sum1 pehlon n it came off differently and made me feel jackish…:) glad sum1 agrees with me.
weekend plans?
jeah but ur not a jackish right kadudadu? =)
um nothin exciting. pretty bunk =|.
do thunderstorms scare ju?
maybe thoda jackish. koi ni though.
lol not to the extent that they do u iont think, id probably just listen to gaane n get zapped
if u cud had super powers n cud change 3 things in urself vut wud ju change?
Is this 2 questions? lol
1) superpower: heal people by touch
2) change in myself: more patience, more trusting & less curious.
I liked that question!
same question!
no i meant the superpowers would be used to chaneg 3 things in urself…but that works too
Hmmm…in that case, I’d change nothing and use my powers for evil for a short time.
same question
1. id make myself more rock like so things wouldnt effect me as much as they do
2. be smerter, taller and just the ability to know things
3. power to rewrite my life
las tthing u did
i told kadu bout my day.
same question.
talking to dadu huun
last thing ate
Ice Lolly
fave song right now?
Isyankar (Mustafa Sandal)
same question
Kal ho naa ho… You’ll never know, today can be your last they on earth, so just enjoy every day and live life to the fullest!!
What’s your greatest goal in life?
get through school and become something…show someone things dont always have to be the same
same q
WOW! Deep question!
To be a faithful, capable & honest daughter, sister, wife, mother & friend!
same question?
lol well i answered already…agree with u though id wanna be some of those thigns too crazy
whatd u wanan be when u were little?
Sometimes teacher and at other times MOTHER! (the 2 had utmost power, from a child’s view point
Have u realised ur ambition(career vise)?
lol thas cute loverofmusic.
nope i habnt.
go back to shereenaz q.. wut did u wanna be as a child?
it changed like ebery yr or something…at some point wanted to be an artist, actress, writer, pharmacist, lawyer, teacher, psychologist…i think a model too :S remember walking back and forth in the living room tryin to copy the kuriz off of tebee
same q
Such an ambitious child Shreeney! LOL I wish I could have seen ur little model walk! haha
I wanted to be a doctor or my mom! hahaha
what makes u laugh the hardest?
lol i can still see myself doing it my mommyd be nappin or summin n i had longish hair and id hab it all in the front n stuff n then flip it back n pout my lipz n sab hehehe im sucha dork
um lotsa things, i laff eajeeish :S the bakwaas umin sayz is a punneez lots though
if u cud turn back time, where would u turn it to?
lol the model thing is so cute shereeny
Um.. iono I would rewind it to 2002, Year 10 high school…
or mayb just to when I was a kid.. childhood is fun =)
person that inspires you?
I’ve got lots of persons!! Parents, sister, boyfriend, Am Rani and all my other girls, you guys and so on, and so on…
Same Q….
Hhhuuummm lets see…
my mom, my sister-n-law, the real Chenoah & my spiritual family!
same q
Shakalaka Baby:
I’ve got lots of persons!! Parents, sister, boyfriend, Am Rani and all my other girls, you guys and so on, and so on…
Same Q….
Me??????? Wow!!! *Speechless* Never thought I would even inspire someone….
ever, not even.
Who inspires me? Uhmm….
Well, my friends (Shakky!), my mum, my grandfather (r.i.p), but I can also get inspired by music or something I read…. And good for me, I can also inspire myself now and then…
Same q
answered already…
how old were u when u had ur first crush?
young *-) lol iono was really young though
same q
iono either, cant remember *-) hmm..I think I was 10, some other cute 10 year old in my class, he was a funny n cute kid =P
favourite tv show
gilmore girls
favorite movie?
hav lots, cant pick one.. say dtph hevar.
last movie you watched?
sachi? sry i wasnt topest thru it :S
chori chori chupke chupke
if u cud do nethign vut wud ju do
nahin ur the topest.
um hide.
fav kinda juish?
hab lots…tropical, rasberry, apple nethign really
fave kinda pop
rootbeer or sprite
same q
yeah same…rootbeer sprite also ice tea..dont drink much though
fave kinda coffee
the kind that keepz me awake =p
fav movie so far this year?
*-) I cant even think of any! I ummmm… iont got one yet they all been bakwaas!
small ear studs or big hoop earings. erm if ur a guy then which do u prefer on girls? lol
nething that looks tope
if cud go newhere where would u go n vhy?
India. Because.. well, just because. It’s the one and only place I REALLY want to see…
Same q?
Lebanon 1000 to 1500 years ago!!! Was a beautiful place!
same q
europe…london would be toped same with spain and italy
ek din fo shizzy. t.o would be toped *-) newhere chillin wud be nice hevar *-) i want a holiday
same q
id wanna kidnap some ppl and see the world =). i vants to go eberywhere!!
same q
answered it.
What place wouldn’t you visit, even if some1 paid for u?
iont think there is any place *-)
same q
uhm… a dog pound.. im totally scared of that is like sooo scary for me
What would you do if u had a stalker, except for callin the police (nooo i dont have one..just cudnt think of anythin)
I’d be scared off my ***! I’d prolly tell my brothers cuz I’m such a wimp!
same q
noo dude…aliean is already in yer heart?? that fast?
i would probably give it more time just to be sure…and see if the feelings remain. if it does then its time to start some real action cos theres no time to waste man!!
same q cos im sure u want this q to be answered by some ladies in da house..rite dude?
baaahahaha !! you juss HAD to add that dintcha ?
I wud never ‘think’ im in love…. if i ‘feel’ im in love, i wud try to find out how the guy in question ‘feels’ about me first.
Are women more practical than men?? (I recently had a dis about this with my bro)
women more practical than men?? no way jose!!
women are ruled by their hearts and u cant be practical when u are ruled by yr heart cos u get emotional. we men are ruled by our head. thats why we are more practical
(I too was of the same opinion but my bro was arguing that women are more practical, calculating etc…that they wud finally settle down with the guy who they are sure wud provide them with all the comforts etc… )
Anybody ready for the jelly Nitz is offering???
ready for the jelly? sure…
What is the first thing u do when u get online?
check my hotmail as soon as i am online…
if you are having a nice big scrumptous roast dinner with all the trimmings (roast chicken/pork/beef/lamb, potatoes, vegetables, stuffing, gravy etc etc)…then what do you eat first?
the aloo or vegetablez or summin *-)
if u cud change one thing bout urself wut wud u change
my forehead..the stooppid thing is too big.. just like..1-2 cm off wud be great.. stoopid..
If u were on a deserted island with no water on it and you had a bottle filled with mustard and a bottle filled with ketchup which one would you ‘drink’ ?
(No you cant go for the sea water, coz by the time you get the salt out, you’ll be dead..)
(Yah yah i know weird question..but it’s early.. so leave me)
Ur funny Heerz!
Ummm…I’d go for the catsup first…its less spicy than the mustard.
same q?
id go for the ketchup too, mustardz ucky
um if u were stuck on this island who would u wanna be stuck with and why?
umm jus one personn? iono I guess my mum becuz I’d miss her like mad n shes my friend too. iono! lol
if you had a movie made about your life who would play you and who would play opposite you?
A Clockwork Orange
same q
Last of the Mohicans
lazy to think of a new q. so same q
already answered…
New question: Why is Serilol so lazy?
She isn’t.
New Question: Why is King Fish throwing around his opinion?
‘ Cause he sees us as friends, and not as food…
What do you think of going to the cinema all by yourself? Is that pathatic?
It’s perfectly fine to view a film by one’s self.
Cute reference by the by…do u think he shud take the oath?
same q
OK…u people have no vision! Uff!!
Question: fave color veggie?
orange, Carrots coz its apparently good for my eyes, i think
Q.. Arranged marriages??
What about them Al?
jeez, common, doesnt ANYONE have an opinion on Arranged marriages????
Forget it
It depends on how they are euh.. arranged.. if the bride and groom agree (not just on the outside, but also in their hearts) then i dont see what's wrong with them, but if you force someone.. i hate that kind of arranged marriages
same q
A little cranky this week Al? lol j/k
Don't believe in them, although I have seen a couple that have worked out just fine!
My aunt & unlce are the closest friends I have ever seen & they were arranged!
I do feel that if one should fall in love, their parents should think it over. Parents
should trust their child to use the good sense that was instilled in them.
same q
if its with aish or priyanka or penelope cruz or jessica alba then by all means, i dont mind my marriage being arranged!
In other words: you're destined to be single? lmao
Have you ever had the desire to scream aloud for no apparent reason?
all the friggin time -) dats only coz I am temperamental
Next q? To lazy to think of one myself…
last sogn u listened to?
Tere bin main yun kaise jiya..from bas ek pal..soo good!
baby food…apple sauce or smushed banana? i knww both sounds eww
smushed banana…
same q
I think I heard tht song rosh, not sure :S
smushed bannana too!
mash potato or chips (fries for u ppl accross the pond) lol
chip chip chippy…
chips or doritos?
chips or crisps if u live in the land of poshness
favorite kind of coffee
not really a big fan of coffee, um does mocha count? lol roshini should answer this question.. I think that gurl could live on coffee lol
I can live on coffee tooo my favorite is called 'Lazy Noon' it's a BIG cappuccino with a lil chocolate milk in it and lotsa whipped cream on top and some cocoa-powder on top of that.. YUMMYYY… they sell it in the DE-coffeecorner at my uni..(DE is the leading coffeebrand over here, Douwe Egberts)
fav cookie?
homemade oatmeal raisin (mmmm mmmm!)
fav. soup?
Spicy vegetable soup
same q
Tom Yum.
Do you like India or America better?
america??? oh please!!! nobody in this world likes america. except for the ones who are deceived by the TV!
personal justice or legal law?
america??? oh please!!! nobody in this world likes america. except for the ones who are deceived by the TV! –
personal justice or legal law? is this a question as such?? its more like the this or that game, nevertheless….
legal law, yeah r8, theres never actual justice done, well not where i am from, so I will go with personal Justice
this is just wishful thinking, but worth a try:
if u had the power to change 10 things in your life, what would you choose and why????
for clarification , i mean if u had the power to go back in time or start sums over & all of that crap….
I'd go back to about 2 yrs ago and kick myself in the *** before even talkin to a certain person, because euhm.. i hate that person now and my life would've been a lot less complicated if i hadnt met the person
and euhmm.. really.. that's all i regret.. oh rite and maybe 9 of the million times i fell on my face.. i'd stop myself just be4 i'd fall..
if you could meet someone rite now, who would that be, no matter where they live or who they are..?
I would like to meet Boo!
Same question
america??? oh please!!! nobody in this world likes america. except for the ones who are deceived by the TV!
personal justice or legal law?
Oh no you did not! I love America! And i am not deceived by anything. It's an awesome country if you look past the ugly bushes.
aman and tabz
same q
ganesh Hegde
Shiny Ahuja
I would choose to save those changes for later and change things later in my life.
you dont understand english, do u gayathri?? the question was..”if you could meet someone rite now, who would that be, no matter where they live or who they are..?”
george w.bush…so that i can kick him in the ***!!
same q
Definitely not Serio..
I think it must be all the nice people around here, and all the goodlooking and nice Bollywood actors we're gossiping about.. Especially SRK of course hehe
Oh I forgot!! Same question…
since u put it that way, i gues i would like to meet shakz!! what say u shakz??
same q
Well, I gave the question some thought, and I'd love to meet you too Serio…
Next Q: Where would you like us to meet?
lol this question is directed purely at serio? ohh how about a big bollywoodlyrics forum meeting in a big halll. lol ok screw that idea, that wud never happen! u 2 meetin cud tho! lol good luck catchin up with him, hes always movin countries. it was kazakhstan before, what is it now? lol
next q: have you ever been in a fight with someone (apart from siblings) where you had to use ur fists? (dont even ask where that came from i have no idea myself lol)
What a violent question Unique… *tut tut* I would have never guessed that this question is coming from your mind, haha, it's more a question that Serio would ask But to answer your question… I never did. I had some kind of kicking fight when I was little, but the rest was just verbal… Allthough, my sister and I used to hit each other sometimes when we were little… well I was mostly hitting her (and afterwards regretting dreadfully that I did it
) But not a big catfight or something… did you?
To answer your first question.. It was directed to Serio, but I think I scared him away with it.. didn't see him around for the last few days… Maybe he emigrated again
It would be great, btw, to have a sort of BWL meeting… but where would we meet in a big hall? London, New York..? So my next question is: If there was a big BWL meeting, where would it take place?
jeezz…do u need to ask? the mental asylum of course or the village lounge! take yr pick.
and shakz…im flexible anywhere in this world. just name me the place and time
interesting ….I actually gave this some thot as well, ie about a huge get-together for
bwl ppl….heres my suggestion:
U guys can come on over to South Africa, an wat better time than During the World Cup
in 2010…ie if u guys are into Soccer…errrr I mean Football…
It sure sounds better than that gloomy Mental Assylum Cosmic keeps referring to ….
Next Q: Watya think of my idea???
yr idea sucks, big time!!
then @ the Assylum u may remain in mR cOsMiC…
Q…whats the funniest or one of the funniest things you have heard/witnessed??
and shakz…im flexible anywhere in this world. just name me the place and time
Well… maybe I can visit you in the home (in whatever country you're in now) for mentally ill people where you're staying at the moment for treatment against your mentalness???? But on the other hand… maybe not such a good idea though… what if it's infectious?!?!
Than you will be…. infected!! And if you are infected, I have to go out by myself, I have to go to India by myself, I have to buy Indian dvd's by myself, I have to watch the dvd's I've bought by myself….
So you better not go to your date with Serio. It's him or me…
Next q: Do you have a busy life at the moment?
Yeah, I'm really kind of busy… Actually, I don't even have the time to come here, but yeah… I think I'm kind of addicted maybe
Btw, choosing between you and my date with Serio is a rather difficult problem… I guess I have to give it some thoughts before I answer that one
Q: What would you do if you where the richest woman/man on earth?
Jeeez wat a boring life that would be…
no challenges, but then there would be lotza meeeee time
honestly , i wont remain sooo for long, will probably keep enough for myself, and family and friends, give the rest of it away…. ( shhhruggggzzzz, cant help it…. )
having all the riches in the world still wont give me wat I truly want
Same Question……
I would buy a pool and go swimming in my money..
Nooo, just kidding!! I would first go to India on a long holiday together with Am Rani, than I would make a trip around the world with my b/f, than I would buy a big house and a nice car… And if I've got something left, I'd also give some money away to charity Oefff… I'm sounding selfish, na?
To be honest… I really dunno what I would do… Probably still the same I'm doing now, but in a more luxury way… But the trip to India will definitely be one of the things I'm going to do with my money!!
Next question… If you could be God for one day, what would you change in this world?
The power to heal…
Same Q
The powers of Phoenix without the nasty voice of a conscience!
same Q…
cupid…..alllll dat power over luv…
dat guy doesnt do a good job, am sure can doooo much better in his place
Same Q
Shakalaka Baby:
Nooo, just kidding!! I would first go to India on a long holiday together with Am Rani, than I would make a trip around the world with my b/f, than I would buy a big house and a nice car… And if I've got something left, I'd also give some money away to charityOefff… I'm sounding selfish, na?
Ha, ji!
The power to heal, I agree with that…
Same q
Am Rani:
Shakalaka Baby:
Nooo, just kidding!! I would first go to India on a long holiday together with Am Rani, than I would make a trip around the world with my b/f, than I would buy a big house and a nice car… And if I've got something left, I'd also give some money away to charityOefff… I'm sounding selfish, na?
Ha, ji!
Pffff… *rolls eyes*
Am Rani:
The power to heal, I agree with that…
Same q
I've answered this question already, so time for a new one… Q: If you could go on a long holiday, no matter the costs, to which country would you go?
the netherlands of course, to meet you
the place where my dreams will come true…
same q
the netherlands of course, to meet you
How lovely!! Let me know when you're coming, so I can make the guestroom ready for you
the place where my dreams will come true…
same q
Oehww nice one Boo!! I'd love to go there to!! But if I have to choose a country, it would be India I guess… Never been there, but really want to!!
Next Q: If you were an animal, what animal would you be? (Couldn't think of an other question with Serio and Nitz around )
Shakalaka Baby:
the netherlands of course, to meet you
How lovely!!
Let me know when you're coming, so I can make the guestroom ready for you
Guestroom kyun? LOLOL… sorrysorrysorry… I will shut up now…
An animal? A puppy… I am lot like a puppy actually (and if I weren’t scared to DEATH of dogs I might have had one too lol)… I am cute and I need to be loved. Constantly. And I will love you back in the most beautiful, craziest, purest way possible for me… if you ever reach that close into my heart, that is. And I’m very loyal once I choose to be so to you. Lol. Now you caught me on a SELF-CENTRED moment… lol.
Same q
monkey, coz they the cutest =)
if you could take a trip to any one of the planets in our solar system, which one would you pick and why?
Guestroom kyun? LOLOL… sorrysorrysorry… I will shut up now…
Booooooo!!!!! We have just a great word I would like to say to you now in Dutch, but I can't translate it in English. Foei Boo!!! (something like “ohw ohw Boo, you should be ashamed”) You didn't think by any chance that I should let Serio stay in my bed, did you?
monkey, coz they the cutest =)if you could take a trip to any one of the planets in our solar system, which one would you pick and why?
dude, they are confused species. stop paying attention to them!
shakz…sorry to burst yr bubble but i rather sleep at the streets.
Shakalaka Baby:
the netherlands of course, to meet you
How lovely!!
Let me know when you're coming, so I can make the guestroom ready for you
Guestroom kyun? LOLOL… sorrysorrysorry… I will shut up now…
Whahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, ROFLIMAO!!!!! OMG Boo, that was exactely what I thought when I read Shakz post !!!
Hahahaha, I'm really very sorry Shakz, but it seems you are getting yourself a reputation around here!! Good for you I know you in real life..You should really be more carefull picking your words…
Q: wats the difference between lurve and infatuation?
heart break & headache!
Is it more important to save face or be honest? (To clarify for some who may be dogged
about details, this could be in reference to any subject.)
to be honest..
fav song at the moment?
a tie…
save the dance & jhatka maare!
same q
You and I lets do balle balle
same q
reminds me of Nitzkar
last movie u watched?
Dhoom 2.. Bang on lol
same q
Casino Royale
english or maths?
Fav. movie?
A Walk To Remember…
fave type of weather?
a nice summer rain.
same q
warm with a cool breeze floating in the air aaahhh
Favourite quality in a best friend….?
shakz…sorry to burst yr bubble but i rather sleep at the streets.
No problem… I can arrange a box on the street for you too… We have lots of them in Holland
Am Rani:
Shakalaka Baby:
How lovely!! Let me know when you're coming, so I can make the guestroom ready for you
Guestroom kyun? LOLOL… sorrysorrysorry… I will shut up now…
Whahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, ROFLIMAO!!!!! OMG Boo, that was exactely what I thought when I read Shakz post !!!
Hahahaha, I'm really very sorry Shakz, but it seems you are getting yourself a reputation around here!! Good for you I know you in real life..You should really be more carefull picking your words…
Hahaha, why? What's wrong with my wordpicking? I'm just offering him a nice place to stay… In the GUESTroom, where do you otherwise have these things for? It's not as if I'm inviting him into my bed or something… But yeah… the problem's solved already… Serio is staying in a box on the street
warm with a cool breeze floating in the air aaahhh
Favourite quality in a best friend….?
ramz.. lol i love that weather too.. perfect for the UK..
fave.quality.. loyalty.. no lies.. always there… iono
nex q: fave romantic song?
a talent u wish u had
Shakalaka Baby:
No problem… I can arrange a box on the street for you too… We have lots of them in Holland
why do i need a box? the bench in some park would do just fine.
Shakalaka Baby:
No problem… I can arrange a box on the street for you too… We have lots of them in Holland
why do i need a box? the bench in some park would do just fine.
Well I dunno if you know this, but it's raining a lot in Holland… But yeah, if you insist to stay on a bench in some park, be my guest
Oh yeah… and don't blame me if you're cold and frozen
lol…that is really sweet of u shaks! And welcome home!
a talent u wish u had
i wish i could sing
same q
lol…that is really sweet of u shaks! And welcome home!
Thanks Vchenoah!!
a talent u wish u had
i wish i could sing
same q
I wish I could dance… Well I can dance a bit, but I mean really dance… You know like the salsa or something… I think that would be great!
Next Q: What is your favorite dance?
whatever my body feels compelled to do. Dance, though requires energy, gives me so much energy.
sigh… i have been known to stay up until 2 in the morning, just dancing away in my room…
same q
aaaaah one of my passions
I cant dance to save my soul but that hadnt stopped me from strutting my…. errrr
I love all types of dance an I guess If I had the time, I would learn most of whats out there
from classical to salsa, to Ballroom to even Bhangra…yeah I cant dance a bhangra…loooks soooo funny…
sooo no favourites….
my 1st lurve is Music interwoven with dance…u cant NOT want to move ye bosy to the beat of a sound
Q: same
Scar face:
my 1st lurve is Music interwoven with dance…u cant NOT want to move ye bosy to the beat of a sound
oyeee missy… i'm liking you more and more!
Scar face:
aaaaah one of my passions
I cant dance to save my soul but that hadnt stopped me from strutting my…. errrr
Q: same
LMAO @ that!
I love the merengue! I love to be spun!
Was spun once during a salsa and had my hair caught in the guy's watch. Veerrrry unse.xy! lmao
same q
LMAO @ that!
I love the merengue! I love to be spun!
Was spun once during a salsa and had my hair caught in the guy's watch. Veerrrry unse.xy! lmao
same q
Hahaha, and then to believe that I was saying I'd like to learn and dance the Salsa It's not always as romantic as in Kal ho naa ho.. lol
If you could give a million dollars to charity, what institute would you give the money to, and why?
If I DID have a million bucks, I wouldn't give it to charity… that seems too impersonal to me… I'd spend the money myself on those that need it, individually… heck there is so much money I would be ABLE to deal with a good number of people individually, giving them my personal as well as financial support…
same q
I like your answer Boo I guess I would go to Africa or somewhere else where they need the help, and build a school and a hospital with enough medicine in it (if I have enough money for that)… It's personal and I know the money is really spend on the purpose I want to give the money for…
Q: If you could change one thing about yourself (a habit or whatever), what would that be?
well, lol, me being the egocentric person i am, i would have said : nothing. i love every bit of myself the way i am, imperfections and all…
but i know that's a foolish thing to say, because there is always opportunity for us to be better human beings… so… ()
I would manage my time better…
same q
hmmmm…I'd like to be more of an extrovert!
same q
I'd like to be more assertive…
Same Q…
I'd like to be more patient…
Same q…
more selfish, naughtier, mean – er…hehehehe yeah
r8 now – id like to be more open to luv
next Q: have ye ever had to say Goodbye to a friendship ( friend ) …?
HAD to?
same q?
I never did and I hope I never will… I let go once of a good friend of mine when she started to gossip around and spill s.hit about me… But hey, that kind of a person I don't call a friend…
Same Q…
of course…if its not worth keeping it, then sayonara!
same q
nope…..well only if I have no other choice…..dats a rare case !!!!!
same q
have i ever HAD to… no…
but friends can be seen as seasons, they come and they go… we move on, they move on… life changes, circumstances change… whom you once called a close friend a couple of years ago may no longer be even a friend in a couple of years' time… even though i am picky about whom i call friends, it's a sad fact of life that it moves on… and sometimes the friends that were holding on to your hand so tightly may let go… through no fault of yours or his/hers… it's just the way it is… it's just better to enjoy each moment, instead of worrying about the future…
same q
boogedy…seriously..i think u've been watching wayyyyyy too many bollywood movies!!
and since when u took over madhu ji's spot?
I always write lots…
too many Bolly movies? gone mad? there IS no such thing as “too many” Bollywood movies…
next q…
is there any such thing as too many Bollywood movies?
yes there is!!
next q…why does boogedy talk too much these days?
Because talking is fun… it's fun to express your thoughts, ideas and views…
why does serio seem to have a problem with me talking? *sniff*
Because talking is fun… it's fun to express your thoughts, ideas and views…
– agree with ye so dnt stop on the account of …anyone
why does serio seem to have a problem with me talking? *sniff*…who knws …who cares…..dnt waste ye tears sweety, these GHOULS with their 5 heads and pea sized brains – will alwayz have a problem with anything sane !!!!
next Q: if u had the gift of reading minds for a day…..whose mind( s ) would u desire to read ??? limited to 10 ppl pls..
off beat question in an offbeat moment….lol
have i ever HAD to… no…
but friends can be seen as seasons, they come and they go… we move on, they move on… life changes, circumstances change… whom you once called a close friend a couple of years ago may no longer be even a friend in a couple of years' time… even though i am picky about whom i call friends, it's a sad fact of life that it moves on… and sometimes the friends that were holding on to your hand so tightly may let go… through no fault of yours or his/hers… it's just the way it is… it's just better to enjoy each moment, instead of worrying about the future…
same q
boo: my thoughts exactly… it hurts tho.. alot.. and it takes lots n lots of time to get over and I dont know if you completely do.. yeah its a part of growin up n all.. iono but yeah I been there twice.. and it well just plainly >>>>>> s u c k s..
new to this site…is this how you reply to forums?
Scar face:
next Q: if u had the gift of reading minds for a day…..whose mind( s ) would u desire to read ??? limited to 10 ppl pls..
off beat question in an offbeat moment….lol
1.) a close “friend” who I know is lying to me… I could soo use the reading mind thing for tht..
2) my first love.. hmm does it count for now.. well yeah i still wana know what makes him so dumb
3) my post colonial literature teacher .. so i can get the answers to this 3000 word essay which is driving me fricken C R A Z Y
4) one of my old best friends who is so different now.. I wana know what he thinks and why he changed….
5) My dad… is he ever going to get me the mobile I want? lol.. no.. for other reasons too lol. Is he ever going to stop being so over protective! jeez! hes taking “you'll always be my little girl” way too seriously
7) my grandad (i just want to know what he thinks about lol :S hes funny)
cant think of any other people.. lol.. I guess just those who have relly hurt me.. all I ask is why? (they probably don't know themselves..)
next q: where would ur dream holiday be?
AH! it worked.
okie… i will answer the question now…
i would probably read my Dog's mind since he cant tell me how he feels
next question: when you are upset…what are somethings you do to cheer up
i think we posted at the same time but to answer ur question .. i listen to music.. chill in my room.. talk to friends if im able to speak… put on a funny dvd..
same q i posted before k kumari posted at the same time.. scroll up. lol
Italy, Spain, Greece, to name a few…
k kumari:
AH! it worked.
okie… i will answer the question now…
i would probably read my Dog's mind since he cant tell me how he feels
next question: when you are upset…what are somethings you do to cheer up
firstly WELCOME
if I had read my baby's mind ( ie my dog )
she would have told me to STOP telling her all my secrets and get on with ie …
I miss her …
anyways, I try to be alone coz I am extreeeeeeemly hot tempered…..nothing and no one can cheer me up, depends on the situation
most of the time I listen to music on max volume…..hehehehe
I block it out of my system… in everyway possible
if I cant do that – i just cry…and eventually sort it out on my own
i come in to work and stay at work until the early hours the next morning if I have to
if its petty stuff I talk it over with the person, or my fwends and try not to be upset
Scar face:
next Q: if u had the gift of reading minds for a day…..whose mind( s ) would u desire to read ??? limited to 10 ppl pls..
off beat question in an offbeat moment….lol
i had wanted to answer this question before… 'tis too good to let pass… OK, here goes:
A friend's mind… this was the first name that popped into my head the moment I read this question… reasons? Don't want to go into… sigh… SIGH… I really do wish I could…
urgh… i had started off numbering it, then i thought about number 2… and i can't think of anything… really!
Oh yeah, maybe the friend of the aforementioned friend's mind… I have just seen her photo for about a minute only once in my life (still can't forget the look in her eyes and that expression on her face… sigh.)… never met her nor talked to her even once (heard about her one too many times though)… but i really want to know what's in her mind too…
If I could do that, my heart would feel SO much darn lighter! lol…
back to game!
k kumari:
next question: when you are upset…what are somethings you do to cheer up
Talk to Khushi!! lol… first thing that popped into my head… which is quite true, actually…
and talk to other friends if i feel like it… listen to music… distract myself…
and try and sort the problem out…
same q
Awwww Boo jaan
Listen to music, or wathc the dvd of Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge. That ALWAYS helps, love that movie
We know that by now Am Rani… But do the people around here know about the Bolly Granny who loves DDLJ too thanks to you?
Btw, the next question is….????
just what you said!
lolz… so, in answer to shaks' question, the next question is:
what is the next question?
next Q: name 5 items u just cannot go through a day without?
1. mobile
2. credit cards
3. car
4 sunglasses
5. a smiiiiile!
hehehe…in no particular order!
same q
Note book and Pencil
chewing gum
u dint leave a next q so il answer the same one
purse with money and debit card
lip gloss
oyster card (london travel card for trains&busses)
what was ur best childhood toy?
I loved my marbles!
same q
LMAO Ness Definitely a tom boy hey
aaargh I cant remember if I had any
My tennis set ( bats and a ball ) was a pro at the sport hehehehe
Same Q
For me it were marbles too!!
Next Q: Which sport is your favourite sport?
Dancing. And yes, that IS a sport!
Do you like running?
I don't mind it lol i ran like a whole road for the bus last week
what is the worst thing about bollywood?
The fact that it takes 3 hours to watch them completely… But for the rest? I just love it!
Do you celebrate Christmas?
wat was the first thing u thot of when u woke up this am?
( ie if u can remember )
UrRm Lets C…
Next Q: What is your favorite colour? N y is it your favorite colour?
lurve allll colors
r8 nw i think am into blue & green, well a sorta Jade, emerald shade!!!
blue, coz its beautiful – reminds me of being free, the air, the sea…just freshness
Jade, dis is just a gorgeous color, my all time feel good color !!!
same Q:
Blue.. because it reminds me of blue skies…
Pink and red… because they remind me of love and blushing
If you could be a pencil.. What colour pencil would you be and why?
Blue, it's my all time favorite color. It's a cool, relaxing color.
What's you favorite candy?
Bounty!!! I just luvvve coconut… Well, I don't have to tell you that Am Rani Oh yeah… and I also luuvvve candy floss
So bad for your teeth, but so nice and sweet hahaha
Sorry guys, I'm in a pagal mood tonight
Same Q…
Question unacceptable. Please try again.
Next Q: is flirting cheating ??
( courtesy )
No it isn't… You can flirt with someone at work too just to do nice business together… Or you can just flirt for fun… If it's just looking, smiling and talking, it doesn't mean you're cheating… It's different when you're almost kissing someone else…
Q: Which season do you like best and why? (hope this one is acceptable for you Serio )
Summer!! I just love the sun, and the fact that you can sit in your garden all evening without freezing or without getting lost in the dark I like to eat icecream, I like sitting on a terrace, I like to eat my lunch outside, I like t-shirts…. So, I say summer
What was the best compliment someone ever gave to you?
Uuuuhhh… I get so many compliments, I just can't choose… Noooo, I'm just kidding!! But to answer your question Am Rani “I dunno..” Do you?
Same Q…
One of my ex-sister-in-laws said to me once: You dance like a Punjabi! She was trying to insult me, but I took that as a compliment But that was not the best I ever got..
Still same q
Am Rani:
One of my ex-sister-in-laws said to me once: You dance like a Punjabi! She was trying to insult me, but I took that as a compliment
But that was not the best I ever got..
Still same q
*snort*… I love your attitude ji!! BTW… ex-bhabi? You were married before? If you don't mind my asking?
best compliment? well… about my eyes, once when visiting the Grand Canyon, a random photographer came up to me and said i would make a beautiful photograph and gave a huge-ass speech about my eyes blah blah… and he took a photo of me with his camera, and sent it to me… hahaha!!! that isn't my best one though… my best ones are the ones about my eyes, made my special people that mean a lot to me… but I still love the Camera Wala in Grand Canyon Incident!
im a.ssuming same q?
hmm best compliment? I dont know but one is in my mind right now. outside uni there were these guys getting people to sign up to some society or some sort of club I cant exactly remember. Me and my friend were walking and he stopped us and wouldnt stop talking and so I sweetly smiled and said ” can u hurry up please, we have to go, im sorry” and he stopped and said “oh my god your smile!” and then hes like smiling himself for a minute n then he goes oh so back to this!.. lol. it was weird. oh and also when i met asma and she is obsessed with the shape of my lips and she made sucha stupid video that still crax me up each time i see it.
who is the one family member you strongly resemble?
Errrrr no one…unfortunately…;-)
same Q
I'm told I look like a combination of both my parents!
same q
Am Rani:
One of my ex-sister-in-laws said to me once: You dance like a Punjabi! She was trying to insult me, but I took that as a compliment
But that was not the best I ever got..
Still same q
*snort*… I love your attitude ji!!
BTW… ex-bhabi? You were married before? If you don't mind my asking?
Not married, but pretty close to an engagement. In Dutch, we use “ex” not only in combination with husband/wife. If you have been dating a guy for a pretty long time, and you break up, you also call him your ex-b/f.
I'm very happy I did not marry the guy in the end…. Sjoefff, lucky me
Still same q
Am Rani:
I'm very happy I did not marry the guy in the end…. Sjoefff, lucky me
Since i'm here, I might as well answer the question!
probably my sister. everyone thinks we are twins! It's really crazy
Next question:
Who do you think about the most? (just generally, who is on ur mind the most?)
errrrr okies, dis will sound a bit odd
….an Nitz ( coz I listen to Offended Every n8 and damn, I hve this weird pic of him
naughty & nice
and off coz my fwend Vash ( luv ye sweetz )
next q: would u go on a “blind date” ??
Daaayyyeeemmmmmmm! Did I need to follow that??? lmao
Done it b4, so no need to do it again!
Next q: Have you ever said something so stupid, you wished you could take it back?
lmao ….nope u didnt need to follw that hehehehehehehehe
am I good or am i BETTR, I just think of Nitzkar , and the man appears
Yep coz of my awful, awful temper…
same Q:
lmbo my friend. who hasn't. I say stupid things all da time =p. makes u feel better? hehe
next question: whats your favorite sport?
this is the most easiest question to answer
life is nothing without footie!!
hehehe basketball! dwane wade rocks. wo0t wo0t!
favorite drink?
anything prepared by u..
a power u wish u had
A power I wish I had? very good question! Perhaps the power to stop time. loll
same question.
at the moment, If I had the power I would HUG my country
coz I love it that much….
Same Q:
the power to control peoples mind
same q
the power to read pplz minds.
most cherished possession?
contentment of heart?
hhmm my books? loll ionno.
Favorite author?
don't have one… i get VEEERY little time to read… which reminds me, I need to read “How to Know God” by Deepak Chopra… lol.
are you suicidal? (lol – i dunno!! it's a random enough question hehe)
no im not suicidal.
whats ur favorite color?
If you could use a voodoo doll, would u use it? (lol. )
lol no I wouldnt.. altho thinking about one person, I wud b tempted mayb. My conscience wouldnt allow me though. I dont believe in it anyway lol.
something you achieved this year which you're proud of?
hmm..i donno..completed the Quraan twice during Ramadan? yeah im proud of that Alhamdulillah
same question…
um few things.. been doing gud in my classes, learnin how to read/write punjabi, tryin to be a better homie..
same q
um few things.. been doing gud in my classes, learnin how to read/write punjabi, tryin to be a better homie..
Good for u, u shud be proud!
And the next question is… euh… well that's the question at the moment haha… Hang on a sec!
Oh I know!! Q: What would you do if you had just one more day to live?
take the first flight out to holland to meet u
probably go around givin huggyz and makin sure i didnt upset or groar ne1 or owe em nething..*-)
same q
after flying to holland i'll then fly to canada to meet the bear
same q
I will fly down…errrr ..up to whereva U r and give u the most deeeeeeliiicciiiiioooooouuuuuusssss Kiss
u have eva experienced hehehehehehe.. ..u knw Kiss of death .lmao
woahooooo! I shall spend time with my family and friends..a lot of time with Rani!! then drop dead lmbo! woah Allah Forbid..I'm not ready to die yet. I'm getting ready..not ready enough tho.
what is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done or said?
take the first flight out to holland to meet u
Ohw… how very sweet of you!! I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you won't be the last thought on my mind when I die…
what is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done or said?
Some years ago, when I was at my friends house, I wanted to tell her what present my sister was asking for her birthday… Instead of me saying that she wanted a gameboy, I said very loud that my sister wanted a Playboy for her birthday!!! Shame shame!! To make matters worse… her father was sitting in the living room and I'm pretty sure he heard everything I said!!!
Same Q…
good for ye sweetz lmao
cnt think of a question ….
..wat pressies ur expecting for xmas??
absolutely nuttin..since we dont celebrate it…now for eid (which is soooon) ill tell u! I'm gonna be richhhhhh! about 600$ rich! loll
same q
dnt give a damn, really !!!
am not in the mood for xmas or Eid for that matter…
$600.00 Okies kewl – Yemen, u better send me a box of Cadbury Chocs K …hehehehe
Same Q:
woahooooo! I shall spend time with my family and friends..a lot of time with Rani!! then drop dead lmbo! woah Allah Forbid..I'm not ready to die yet. I'm getting ready..not ready enough tho.
oye! pagalpan! (insanity) Allah Forbid! U better spend a lot of time with me! I'll probably be crying most of the time. But I won't let you cry, i'll cheer u up…if there is any way of cheering up a dying person! oye! The other night, I was watching a movie where this guy has stomach cancer(he's muslim in the movie) and he tells someone how he never touched a girl before and he's dying, so the guy sends him a girl!!!! OhmyAllah! Isn't that pure pagalpan?!?! AstaghforAllah!
oye…want me to send u a guy? lmao!!! KIDDING of course!
question…?…oh! present for xmas? Me no celebrate xmas. But a couple of my friends who do said they were gonna get me somethig…
Next question: What would probably be your last wish if you could have one? You know, wish before you die, Aakhri khuaish?
b4 i say the shahadah..I'd wish for Jannat InshaAllah, AMEEN!
same q
no, u fashila! I meant a wish a person could fulfill for you, not one only Allah could fulfill. But Ameen of course.
then I'd tell juuuuu to make me some tea
Shakalaka Baby:
take the first flight out to holland to meet u
Ohw… how very sweet of you!!
I just KNEW you was going to say something like that, when I read Serio's post. And than you still think I'm the one who is giving you a reputation around here..
Oh bother Amz…starting trouble are u?? lmao
theres bound to be trouble with serio “the casanova-lovey-dovey-angellic-boy” comic around !
Nitzkar, 4eva the Joker
unlike u who kills the threads with monotonous replies
hehehehehe sure nitzu, watever u say
next q: wat would u do if u found that your partner is cheating on you?
how will u handle this?? wats the most appropriate way of handling this?
especially if there are kids involved??
No question…kill him, dispose of the body, tell the kids he went abroad to promote peace!
same q
theres bound to be trouble with serio “the casanova-lovey-dovey-angellic-boy” comic around !
I kno right?!
I thought ur training was unshakable!!! He must be taken in for debriefing straightaway!
serio “the casanova-lovey-dovey-angellic-boy”
Whahahahahahaha…. can't stop laughing…. whahahahahaha *is wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes*
Am Rani:
I just KNEW you was going to say something like that, when I read Serio's post. And than you still think I'm the one who is giving you a reputation around here..
You just know me too well… that's all
Shakalaka Baby:
serio “the casanova-lovey-dovey-angellic-boy”Whahahahahahaha…. can't stop laughing…. whahahahahaha *is wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes*
*brings glass of water to Skakzy* U ok yaar?
Her Queenly-Ness:
theres bound to be trouble with serio “the casanova-lovey-dovey-angellic-boy” comic around !I kno right?!
I thought ur training was unshakable!!! He must be taken in for debriefing straightaway!
true =) serioz the bestest dinosaur
next: whats your favorite part of the holidays?
spending time with the family by the fireplace…whats the song for the day ?
spending time with the family by the fireplace…whats the song for the day ?
wtf dude??? family? fireplace? U????? waaaahhahaahahha!!! u seriously ARE in LOVE!!
digital love
spending time with the family by the fireplace…whats the song for the day ?wtf dude??? family? fireplace? U????? waaaahhahaahahha!!! u seriously ARE in LOVE!!
digital love
baaaaaaahahahhahahaha dude !! what a cheap comeback ? dude, i think u got some dirt on your Halo !
true =) serioz the bestest dinosaur
is there some sort of a conspiracy goin on in ere? how much u paying them dude?
honestly dude…i did nothing….ur the one being NICE to them…so they kinda show you their love back :)…nawhatimean ? a kinda give-and-take relationship
i dont give dude…i just take!
give or take?
I give insults…you take lurrrrrrrrvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee…….Next: What would you do if your partner in crime was not suited for the Dark Side coz he was toooooo damn niceeeeeeeeeeee ??
I give insults…you take lurrrrrrrrvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee…….Next: What would you do if your partner in crime was not suited for the Dark Side coz he was toooooo damn niceeeeeeeeeeee ??
actually u r rite..i take love but i give insults. u give love but u take insults
i wud tell him ' listen nitz…face the fact. u r in love now. everything is lovey dovey with u. u just trying to push away yr feelings by being mean to everyone. be honest w yrself. let it go. feel it. face it. embrace it….yaaaaaahhhhh!!!'
oh please dude…..u are like the Diet Coke of evil…Just one calorie…not Evil enough !!!
health is wealth dude
Her Queenly-Ness:
Shakalaka Baby:
serio “the casanova-lovey-dovey-angellic-boy”Whahahahahahaha…. can't stop laughing…. whahahahahaha *is wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes*
*brings glass of water to Skakzy* U ok yaar?
I'm okay.. thanks to your glass of water Very sweet of ya to bring it to me!!
Next q: Doesn't it feels like Christmas??
What was the last song you felt like listening to over and over?
um beyonces new song, irreplaceable
do u hav a fav magazine?
Do you have any New Year Resolutions?
I do, actually… and it started a while ago now, about two months ago, funnily enough… I guess then it's not TECHNICALLY a New Year's resolution, but aw heck… it's still a resolution to 'make myself better' (not that I'm not the best already… *runs away from MORE rotten eggs… sigh*)…
It's to try and do something special for each special day for the people who are especially special to me – i.e. whenever there's an occasion for presents, make it something special, instead of just thoughtlessly buying them a present and shoving it in their hands… and so far, I have succeeded!
Example: A while ago, when it was a member of my family's birthday, I made them breakfast in bed and put flowers in the tray and lit a candle and the works… they LOVED it! And it was nice, you know… to do something 'REAL' for a change… as it is, I don't believe in any form of special days (birthdays, Valentine's, Christmas – yes, even Christmas). As I've always been stressing, it's the PEOPLE THAT MAKE THOSE DAYS SPECIAL that mean the world to me…
And then, for my friend's birthday (she's a horse freak), another friend of mine and I bought a photo frame, and we went on Google, found a gorgeous picture of a horse (for the background, see below), and wrote her name out, like shown below:
and then next to each letter, we found a friendship quote from the internet (beginning with the appropriate letter for each sentence) and made it look pretty and all that, and when it was printed out, we put it in the photo frame… it looked beautiful, if I may say so on both my other friend and my behalf!
And, of course, there is hamare RANI'S 'present' (oh this crazy virtual world of ours, huh?), which I still have in my mind as in list under “Do Or Die, Boogedy!”… I really hope she likes it – when I get round to POSTING IT, that is…
Same Q – any New Year's Resolutions?
And, of course, there is hamare RANI'S 'present' (oh this crazy virtual world of ours, huh?), which I still have in my mind as in list under “Do Or Die, Boogedy!”… I really hope she likes it – when I get round to POSTING IT, that is…
Boo! Not fair! You're making me really excited! What is it?!!? lol. oye! Post it! Kya pata? Kal ho na ho…
Umm…I don't really have any resolutions…but I do always say to myself that i'll quit logging on so much. lol. I said I was gonna leave a long time ago, and I haven't even left yet! I also need to reply to the toast, will do it this winter break Inshallah. there is somethign else I have to do, which I can't share with you guys.
I also want to memorize more Surahs from the Qur'an…
other than that…just to be a better human being. Be more helpful and understanding and stop complaining so much…
Same question
P.S. Invade evil witch Island with Tayba and Shereena! lol.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
other than that…just to be a better human being.
Be more helpful and understanding and stop complaining so much…
Same question
That sounds really nice Da Bestest!
I don't make then anymore. I try to institute them throughout the year so I'm not so crushed when I ultimately fail.
Next: Do you still do things that others find childish? (ie…wishing on stars, skipping rope & pinky swearing)
lol not really.
do you have a secret that you hide from the world..i.e only you know it?
of course.
Ninja – what's up?
nessa ji! Hi! I like ur way of looking at it.
same question.
Yes… i think every1 does!
Whats the toughest thing youve ever had to say to someone?
saying goodbye …
same Question
Scar face:
saying goodbye …
same Question
umm telling a dear friend of mine that her brother has passed away
same question.
That I wasn't in love with my b/f anymore… (my ex b/f, I'm very happy with the one I'm with now )
Same Q…
umm telling a dear friend of mine that her brother has passed away
Do I know this person?
Whats the toughest thing youve ever had to say to someone?
I can't think of anything specific right now, but there must be a lot. Like I'm sorry, when it wasn't all my fault and the other person didn't want to say sorry because he/she thought it was all my fault, but I said it anyway just so that we can be cool with each other again cuz i hate fighting with ppl. Also saying sorry for the mistakes that were mine. I don't know why, but saying sorry is kinda tough. And also telling Ninja sad news, that was tough. Other than that, I can't remember.
And saying good bye to all of you on BWL, it's so hard that I'm delaying it! lol.
Same question
No Rani you don't ji.
I once told a friend that I couldn't be friends with her anymore…That was hard, expeccially she thought that we were real good friend. We were not, otherwise I wouldn't have told her so, but it was hard anyway, because I know I hurt her..
Same q
No, not same question, next will be:
Do you think it's hard to say “I'm sorry”? (and than I mean saying sorry when you were really wrong, not when you are late or something or when you hit someone by accident when jumping out of the bus…)
I once said sorry to Shakz, and I'm still happy I did. I had to say sorry to her, I was the one who was wrong, and afterwards, I was so proud of myself. It felt so good to apologise to her…
Am Rani:
I once said sorry to Shakz, and I'm still happy I did. I had to say sorry to her, I was the one who was wrong, and afterwards, I was so proud of myself. It felt so good to apologise to her…
You did?! I can't remember!!! I guess I really must have forgiven you then… Echt zand erover haha *
* just some Dutch way of speaking I can't translate in English, but we say that you put sand over the issue you had with someone…
Oh I think I know!! You wrote it to me when I was in Croatia, right?! Won't tell anyone around here the details, but I thought that was very sweet of you!!! That's also a reason why you're my best friend… you can say sorry if you know you're wrong. That's a really good quality to have, you can be proud of it!
Luv ya sweet friend of mine!!
Am Rani:
Do you think it's hard to say “I'm sorry”? (and than I mean saying sorry when you were really wrong, not when you are late or something or when you hit someone by accident when jumping out of the bus…
It can be hard to say I'm sorry in some situations… But mostly it's just a relief to say it, like you said/explained Am Rani!
Next Q: (really dunno how I got to this one… I never do this myself ) What did you ever say to whom without thinking, and afterwards you thought “OMG, did I really say that?!”?
I told someone I had a crush on that if I looked him in the eye, I'd faint!
Still feel like an as.s to this day! Ugh!
same q
Her Queenly-Ness:
I told someone I had a crush on that if I looked him in the eye, I'd faint!
Still feel like an as.s to his day! Ugh!
same q
lmao, oye Ness, sowrie but dis is really funny, lol
but cant imagine u saying sums like this
when I first started working here, I couldnt understand Mr c-man, with his Posh Danish accent
sooo whenever he spoke to me ( aaaan its often ) I had a pained, confused look on my face… one day he asked me a question
pertaining to sums he said….
Embarrased coz I didnt understand wat he meant, I said I cudnt hear him…and went on to explain how I was deaf in one ear
bla bla bla..the look on his face, is to date – PRICELESS…but still cant believe I used that one on HIM…
Gossamer and I still laugh hilariously about that one…
now when he speaks, its always at a higher pitch…damn!!!!
same Q
lmao, oye Ness, sowrie but dis is really funny, lolbut cant imagine u saying sums like this
when I first started working here, I couldnt understand Mr c-man, with his Posh Danish accent
sooo whenever he spoke to me ( aaaan its often ) I had a pained, confused look on my face… one day he asked me a question
pertaining to sums he said….
Embarrased coz I didnt understand wat he meant, I said I cudnt hear him…and went on to explain how I was deaf in one ear
bla bla bla..the look on his face, is to date – PRICELESS…but still cant believe I used that one on HIM…
Gossamer and I still laugh hilariously about that one…
now when he speaks, its always at a higher pitch…damn!!!!
same Q
bahaha thats funny scarz. good one!
hun if u listen to me narrate the whole story, u will lafff yrself silly
still same q:
Hahahaha, I'm still laughing because of your stories written above And than to think that I thought I was the only one saying strange things to people at work Scarry hahaha
Last Wednesday I had a male colleague of mine on the phone (we are always joking together at work)… He told me I had to come back to put on the alarm (while he can also do it), because they also have to come back when they forget things… Wednesday was his last working day before he went on holiday, so without thinking I said to him that he was just secretly wanting to see me once more before he was going on holiday… Afterwards I thought: OMG, did I really say that?!
Next time when I have him on the phone (or when I see him) I will think before I say someting haha
Same Q… this is so much fun!!
Guess I'll go again!
I was at a gathering at a friend's house where they only spoke spanish. I was doing really well until I got around the older people. I wanted to be as proper as possible so as not to insult anyone. Well the doorbell sounded and I was asked to answer it. The door was a bit stuck, so I yelled out that the door (puerta) was difficult. In my error I yelled that the pig (puerca) was difficult! When I opened the door, there was my friend's aunt and she was mad as he.ll!!! She thought I called her a pig!
same q
Scar face:
lmao, oye Ness, sowrie but dis is really funny, lol
but cant imagine u saying sums like this
Believe me Al, it wasn't on purpose. I was thinking it and it just popped out!
I can't even laugh about it!
Shakalaka Baby:
Oh I think I know!! You wrote it to me when I was in Croatia, right?! Won't tell anyone around here the details, but I thought that was very sweet of you!!!
That's also a reason why you're my best friend… you can say sorry if you know you're wrong. That's a really good quality to have, you can be proud of it!
Luv ya sweet friend of mine!!
You got the right one, Baby, uhuh uhuh! (Remember London?? My roommate!!) And it only took you 4 minutes to figure out what I mean! I'm proud of you! And I love you, 'cause you are such a sweet friend
Still same q by the way.. Can't think of an answer myself, most of the time I think an hour before I say something, so it doesn't happen much that I regret it later…
Then u r truly fortunate Amz!!! Sumtimes I wish life had a rewind or edit button! lmao
lmbo Ness! keep dreaming. lol sometimes i wish that too.
woah what was the question again….ummm ohh yeah
one time i called my dad at work…. His worker answers and since he sounds so much like my dad i couldnt really tell the difference. I say a whole bunch of things and the guy just listens. He waits till i was finished talking and says “ohh this is not ur dad, ur dad's busy, but ill tell him what u said”.. I'm like ohmyword! I just made a fool outta myself. That guy is one big fat beezy, he coulda said something sheesh! then my father calls back and just starts laughing at me and says “you're an idiot…hahaha”… how was i supposed to know lmbo!!
Am Rani:
You got the right one, Baby, uhuh uhuh! (Remember London?? My roommate!!) And it only took you 4 minutes to figure out what I mean! I'm proud of you! And I love you, 'cause you are such a sweet friend
Jeej!! We both love each other
Hahaha, of course I remember London!!!! How could I even forget?! Especially because we had so much fun afterwards at school hahaha
Everytime a “cute” (well a friend of us was thinking that, we didn't agree at all!!!) teacher turned around we were like “uhuh uhuh”… And all the fun was only because Am Rani's roommate in London was wearing pyjamas with on the front printed something like “give it to me baby” (what was it again?) and on the back it said “uhuh uhuh”… Yeah, good (uuhh?
) old memories!!
Btw… I'm glad you're proud of me I can be quick sometimes haha…
Oh I forgot!! Still the same question… I can't think of situations at the moment but I'm really sure I've had more shamefull moments in my life haha.. I really wish I could be more like Am Rani sometimes How do you do it yaar? Tell us your secret…
ohmyAllah! Still same question?
Nessa…puerca! lmao! poor lady!
Ninja…hahahaha! Ur psycho!
I really can't think of anything… But I know there are tonz! I don't know why I can't think of them…
Well, there was this one time when i was in Afghanistan and my dad's family speaks a different dialect of pashto than my mom's side. I know how to speak my dad's pashto, but my mom's pashto is kinda difficult. But Inshallah imma learn it!
so anywho, we were at my mom's dad's house and we were eating breakfast. My dad told us(my twin and i) to pass something to my grandpa(i forgot what it was) and so we asked my grandpa if he wanted it. He said, “yeah.” That's how it sounded like. My twin and I look at each other, we think, he's talking in English?, we shrug, and hand it to him. We think he said yes, he wanted it. My dad starts laughing and asks us why we gave it to him. We told him, “He said he wanted it.” He laughs even harder! my twin and I are so confuzzled! What is going on!?!? lol! Finally, when my dad stops laughing, he tells us that our grandpa didn't want it, in my mom's pashto, “yeah” means no! lmao! haha! It was psycho!
Still same question! haha.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
ohmyAllah! Still same question?
Nessa…puerca! lmao! poor lady!
Ninja…hahahaha! Ur psycho!
I really can't think of anything…
But I know there are tonz! I don't know why I can't think of them…
Well, there was this one time when i was in Afghanistan and my dad's family speaks a different dialect of pashto than my mom's side. I know how to speak my dad's pashto, but my mom's pashto is kinda difficult. But Inshallah imma learn it!
so anywho, we were at my mom's dad's house and we were eating breakfast. My dad told us(my twin and i) to pass something to my grandpa(i forgot what it was) and so we asked my grandpa if he wanted it. He said, “yeah.” That's how it sounded like. My twin and I look at each other, we think, he's talking in English?, we shrug, and hand it to him. We think he said yes, he wanted it. My dad starts laughing and asks us why we gave it to him. We told him, “He said he wanted it.” He laughs even harder! my twin and I are so confuzzled! What is going on!?!? lol! Finally, when my dad stops laughing, he tells us that our grandpa didn't want it, in my mom's pashto, “yeah” means no! lmao! haha! It was psycho!
Still same question! haha.
LMBO Rani, that was really psycho!
Shakalaka Baby:
Oh I forgot!! Still the same question… I can't think of situations at the moment but I'm really sure I've had more shamefull moments in my life haha.. I really wish I could be more like Am Rani sometimesHow do you do it yaar? Tell us your secret…
It's not a secret, it's just some sort of shyness. It's just not really me to talk a lot when much people are around (well, people I don't know that well, among friends, I don''t have any problems..). If I want to say something, I'll think about it for some time, before I say it. That's how it works
But I'm very sure I said loads of stupid things, I just can't think of any situation at the moment. I've been thinking about it in bed last night (it felt so stupid to say I could think of anything.. Like I never say something stupid! So I was trying to think of a story yesterday, so I could tell you guys..) but I really could think of something…I promise I will later!
Shakalaka Baby:
Am Rani:
You got the right one, Baby, uhuh uhuh!
(Remember London?? My roommate!!) And it only took you 4 minutes to figure out what I mean! I'm proud of you! And I love you, 'cause you are such a sweet friend
Jeej!! We both love each other
Hahaha, of course I remember London!!!! How could I even forget?! Especially because we had so much fun afterwards at school hahaha
Everytime a “cute” (well a friend of us was thinking that, we didn't agree at all!!!) teacher turned around we were like “uhuh uhuh”… And all the fun was only because Am Rani's roommate in London was wearing pyjamas with on the front printed something like “give it to me baby” (what was it again?) and on the back it said “uhuh uhuh”… Yeah, good (uuhh?
) old memories!!
Btw… I'm glad you're proud of me I can be quick sometimes haha…
Well, on the front was: You've got the right one baby. That's why I said it, hahaha (see above)
Let's stick to the same question.
haha, umm same question? lol
so many embarrassing moments that I can't even remember
someone else answer until i remember haha
Am Rani:
It's not a secret, it's just some sort of shyness. It's just not really me to talk a lot when much people are around (well, people I don't know that well, among friends, I don''t have any problems..). If I want to say something, I'll think about it for some time, before I say it. That's how it works
But I'm very sure I said loads of stupid things, I just can't think of any situation at the moment. I've been thinking about it in bed last night (it felt so stupid to say I could think of anything.. Like I never say something stupid! So I was trying to think of a story yesterday, so I could tell you guys..) but I really could think of something…I promise I will later!
yo. you lost me madam…
same q r8:
my first year in high school, the first day, I saw this hot looking guy,
was luv at first sight, was totally smitten by him…anyways, fast foward a few months….
was dared by my friends to get his telephone number and call him up..
the first part was easy peasy…calling him up though…was another thing
anyways, I eventually calmed my nerves enuf to chat to him,
half way though our conv, he asks: ” where did u get my number??”
caught off gaurd and still sooo in awe of the fact that I was chatting to my JAAN hehehehe
I blurted, ” the dictionary”….he went silent, then repeated the Q….
I was on the verge of saying the dictionary AGAIN, when i realised my mistake…
sooooo I went all silent….my face literally heated with …cudnt believe I wud make such a silly error…
He started laughin uncontrollably then…hearing him I started laughing……we ended the conv on a positive note….hmmmmm I wonder wat he's up to these days ….
same q:
Let us move on…
Do you have a favorite poem? If so, what is it?
Am Rani:
Well, on the front was: You've got the right one baby. That's why I said it, hahaha (see above)
Oh I see!! Sorry, didn't remember what it was exactly… It's good you do
Let us move on…
Do you have a favorite poem? If so, what is it?
Pfff, can't think of any at the moment… I do like poems, but I don't have an all time favorite…
Same Q…
That went over well.
Anyway mine is 'The Raven”, by Poe
6th stanza:
Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.
`Surely,' said I, `surely that is something at my window lattice;
Let me see then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore –
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore; –
'Tis the wind and nothing more!'
Favorite book?
The house with the spirits, by Isabel Allende (not competely sure about the english title, it's casa de los esprititus in spanish…)
Favorite home cooked meal?
mashed potatoes with butter!
favorite thing to order when at a restaurant?
wat wud u do if ur at some gathering where u hate every1 but u still had to go because ur husband had 2!?
umm, I donno, i'd go anyway cuz tat way im showing my Husband (whoever the unlucky person is ) that just because he likes that place or the ppl there i will try to like it or them na?
Just pretend u like the ppl and why don't u like them anyways? yeah it also depends on why i don't like the ppl there.
wat wud u do if ur at some gathering where u hate every1 but u still had to go because ur husband had 2!?
rotflmao…I'd go in the closet & get on a computer!
You're so funny Sapno! How r u?!
Anyone watching Shilpa on Big Bro?
lol rosh bilkool pagalz
im watching shilpa on big bro! she cried today! felt sorry for her lol. She's all over the english and indian newspapers here lol. They love her! Celeb big bro, and I only heard of H from Steps, Joe from S club, Shilpa, and now Jade goody and her mum! lol
last time you laughed till tears came out?
yeah im pagal. baby made me thiz way:D
Yemenilicious:lol i dont like them coz they bore me to death! Im exaggerating but my mood waznt all that great enuff 2 go 2 a gathering
Nessa:lol thaz wat i did! though instead of a closet i went to a room sayin i had 2 talk urgently wid gud, how iz u?
Last time i laffed enough for tearz to come out waz 2 hrz bak wen my baby hid himself frm an evil monster.
same q
umm laughing and crying at the same i cant remember
same q.
5 things that annoys u?
1. My siblings
2. stuck up ppl
3. pencils (lead pencils are cool)
4. emo ppl
same q.
Hahahahaha, your 5th point!!! That irritates me as well!! I just don't see the fun nor the use…
Hmmm 5 things…
1) My sister
2) Dumb people who try to be smart
3) Public transport…
4) Pffff…. I'm not THAT annoyed… Ow yes! People who play load music in public transport (double annoyed!!)
5) Colleagues who are just hanging around and being lazy, when they should be working. They just let the phone ring for ten times while talking: And then he said.. and then I said.. and then he did.. And I was like… And then he said…. And it always ends with me picking up the phone
Same q
1) People who think they are always right
2) Arrogant people
3) Bossy people
4) People who are never cleaning up and always leaving their mess behind
5) People who are having loud conversations on their phone in public transport
Same Q…
Am Rani:
5) Colleagues who are just hanging around and being lazy, when they should be working. They just let the phone ring for ten times while talking: And then he said.. and then I said.. and then he did.. And I was like… And then he said…. And it always ends with me picking up the phone
*snort* such a hard worker huh? I love you!! this post gave me the smile I needed…
Shakalaka Baby:
1) People who think they are always right
2) Arrogant people
3) Bossy people
4) People who are never cleaning up and always leaving their mess behind
5) People who are having loud conversations on their phone in public transportSame Q…
Hey Shakz! Ur #s 4 & 5 cracked me up! lol
1) liars
2) sneaks
3) hypocrites phonies
4) cowards
5) I'm going with ur #5 here as well Shaks! Don't mind?
Oh yeah…same q
let me see…
1. someone who talks and talks and doesnt know when to stop, especially on the phone
2. road hoggers
3. late comers
4. sore losers
5. complainers who complains abt every single thing
uhm for today. lets seee
going with Shakz no. 1 & 4
3. ppl who eat TUNA in an open plan office
next q:
have 1 more things thats been annoying me today
ppl with bad tuna breathe
Next Question:
name 5 or more qualities u like/dislike about the person above u
should prove to be an interesting one
Hey Shakz! Ur #s 4 & 5 cracked me up! lol
5) I'm going with ur #5 here as well Shaks! Don't mind?
Of course I don't mind Nessaji… It's good to see someone is sharing my opinion
Scar face:
Next Question:
name 5 or more qualities u like/dislike about the person above u
should prove to be an interesting one
Fishing for compliments, huh?!
Five things I like about Scarry:
1) She's very sweet
2) She's funny
3) She's a great designer
4) She's a great friend to have
5) She's just a wonderful person
Next Q: What's your top 5 favorite Bolly movies?
1. sholay
2. mughal-e-azam
3. chalte chalte
4. hum tumhare hain sanam (a drunken shah rukh talking to a marble horse!)
5. Black
same q
Jaaaaaaaaaaa, like this one!!!! ¨±
1) DILWALE DULHANIA LE JAYENGE!!! (in capitals!)
2) Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge
3) uhm… Kuch Kuch Hota Hai?
4) Chalte Chalte (one of the few Bollywoodmovies which doesn´t stop at `the lived happily ever after`)
5) Can I think about this one for a while?
Same q, I like it!
Am Rani:
5) Colleagues who are just hanging around and being lazy, when they should be working. They just let the phone ring for ten times while talking: And then he said.. and then I said.. and then he did.. And I was like… And then he said…. And it always ends with me picking up the phone
*snort* such a hard worker huh? I love you!!
this post gave me the smile I needed…
I did??? Wow! I´m happy I made you smile, you´re welcome! ¨Love you 2!
Scar face:
uhm for today. lets seee
going with Shakz no. 1 & 4
3. ppl who eat TUNA in an open plan office
next q:
Hahaha, that made me laugh, Scar face… I can just imagine…
4. hum tumhare hain sanam (a drunken shah rukh talking to a marble horse!)
Shakalaka Baby:
Scar face:
Next Question:
name 5 or more qualities u like/dislike about the person above u
should prove to be an interesting one
Fishing for compliments, huh?!
– NOPE hun, first question in my head at the time hehehehe
Five things I like about Scarry:
3) She's a great designer
5) She's just a wonderful person![]()
Next Q: What's your top 5 favorite Bolly movies? –
since am here at the mo, rather answer this:
My top 4 bolly movies within the last 2 months:
1. DON – luved this movie – Srk in Kaike paan, lmao – hilarious
2. Dhoom2
Colleagues who are just hanging around and being lazy, when they should be working. They just let the phone ring for ten times while talking: And then he said.. and then I said.. and then he did.. And I was like… And then he said…. And it always ends with me picking up the phone ….
Totally agree with u on this one…am going CRAZZZEEEEE with the damn fones in this place….when will it STOP!!!…****SSSSiiiiiiiigggggggggggggghhhhhhh******* had to get that out, hate talking on the fone…damn !!!!
Scar face:
Colleagues who are just hanging around and being lazy, when they should be working. They just let the phone ring for ten times while talking: And then he said.. and then I said.. and then he did.. And I was like… And then he said…. And it always ends with me picking up the phone
Totally agree with u on this one…am going CRAZZZEEEEE with the damn fones in this place….when will it STOP!!!…****SSSSiiiiiiiigggggggggggggghhhhhhh******* had to get that out, hate talking on the fone…damn !!!!
Hahahaha, I don't mind, I spend most of my time in the office on talking on the phone. And that's why it annoyes me so much when I finally have a moment rest, and then my colleagues just let THEIR phone ring and ring and ring, untill I pick it And I broke my headset today (this thing you have on your head, with a mircofone, so you don't need your hands to hold the phone), so now it keeps falling of my head while talking….. aaaaahhhhh, time to look for another job, haha
Do we still have a question? If not, then the next will be:
What are you plans for the summer? (yes I do know it's only january, but I'm so busy with selling hotels, tickets, boattransfer and stuff like that, that my head is in July already )
Ow, I have another (random) question. Does anyone know why we get points when we post? What's the use? Do we become almost regular/regular/gold/whatever as we get a certain amount of points? On the green forum, we could just see our amount of posts, right? Maybe Mukesh already explained it in another thread (I'm to laze to read them all), but I was just wondering..
no idea…not interested in these brownie points, but am a lil curious to know now
same q:
Dunno, and don't have Summer plans yet… So no interesting answers at your questions Am Rani Maybe I DO have plans after tomorrow…
* Btw I heard today that a colleague of mine is going too tomorrow, and perhaps he takes the same train as me as well… IT'S WEEKEND, COME ON!!!
Good for you you “lost” him in Utrecht
And?? Summerplans already?? I just can't wait to go to Greece and Turkey!! And I want to go to Morocco next year!!! This “Vakantiebeurs” really got me in a travelingmood
Am Rani:
Jaaaaaaaaaaa, like this one!!!! ¨±
1) DILWALE DULHANIA LE JAYENGE!!! (in capitals!)
2) Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge
whahahaha… there ya goooo… made me laugh again!! LOVING your choices yaar… sigh….
This “Vakantiebeurs” really got me in a travelingmood
holiday makers///vacationers???
wat does that words mean in yr language, sounds a bit like afrikaans lmoa
off coz
next q:wat would u do if u caught yr boyfriend of 10 years cheating??
Am Rani:
And?? Summerplans already?? I just can't wait to go to Greece and Turkey!!
And I want to go to Morocco next year!!! This “Vakantiebeurs” really got me in a travelingmood
No, not yet… But I know lots of countries I once want to go now!! Malaysia, Borneo, Bali, India, Morocco perhaps… But maybe some other time than this Summer
Scar face:
“This “Vakantiebeurs” really got me in a travelingmood
holiday makers///vacationers???
wat does that words mean in yr language, sounds a bit like afrikaans lmoa
“Vakantie” is the word for “holiday” in Dutch (perhaps it is the same in Afrikaans??) and “beurs” is some kind of a fair… So you can call it an “Holiday fair” in English, I guess…
Scar face:
next q:wat would u do if u caught yr boyfriend of 10 years cheating??
First: feeling very very hurt and getting very very angry (and cry)
Second: break up with him (and cry)
Last: cry very very hard I guess and trying to forget him
Time for a much more cheering question… Q: What qualities do you like in men or women?
Loyalty, a great sense of humor, intelligence & (most of all) a quiet strength!
My older brother had a way of saying my name or just giving me a look that would calm me instantly & make me smile!
The man who has this quality will own me…I'm sure of it!
same q
Shakalaka Baby:
Scar face:
“This “Vakantiebeurs” really got me in a travelingmood
holiday makers///vacationers???
wat does that words mean in yr language, sounds a bit like afrikaans lmoa
“Vakantie” is the word for “holiday” in Dutch (perhaps it is the same in Afrikaans??) and “beurs” is some kind of a fair… So you can call it an “Holiday fair” in English, I guess…
Holiday-fair!! That's exactally (huh?? Just forgot how to write it.. ) the word that came in MY mind, when reading Scar face's post!
Great minds, huh?
Scar face, this “vakantiebeurs” is indeed some sort of fare. Many many touroperators get together to spread their brochures, tell about their trips… And not only touroperators are represented, also hotels, campings, airlines… everybody who has something to do with selling holidays and trips is there…
Am Rani:
Jaaaaaaaaaaa, like this one!!!! ¨±
1) DILWALE DULHANIA LE JAYENGE!!! (in capitals!)
2) Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge
whahahaha… there ya goooo… made me laugh again!! LOVING your choices yaar… sigh….
I knew you would
Loyalty, a great sense of humor, intelligence & (most of all) a quiet strength!
My older brother had a way of saying my name or just giving me a look that would calm me instantly & make me smile!
The man who has this quality will own me…I'm sure of it! hmmmmm
okies ….
same q
wat I admire??
sincerity, honesty, loyalty..
Jeez everyone is different nah…
as long as ur true to the relationship, in whichever name it is called…and are honest , sincere, loyal
evrything else can be worked on…
cant think of anymore questions…mine are all deep;-)
so same Q:
Scar face:
The man who has this quality will own me…I'm sure of it! hmmmmm
okies ….
…in answer to ur unspoken question…yes he does! hahahahah
You make me laugh Al & that's a good thing! Ssshhhhhh
Am Rani:
Shakalaka Baby:
Scar face:
“This “Vakantiebeurs” really got me in a travelingmood
holiday makers///vacationers???
wat does that words mean in yr language, sounds a bit like afrikaans lmoa
“Vakantie” is the word for “holiday” in Dutch (perhaps it is the same in Afrikaans??) and “beurs” is some kind of a fair… So you can call it an “Holiday fair” in English, I guess…
Holiday-fair!! That's exactally (huh?? Just forgot how to write it..
) the word that came in MY mind, when reading Scar face's post!
Great minds, huh?
–> Two people, one mind sort of thing
Scar face, this “vakantiebeurs” is indeed some sort of fare. Many many touroperators get together to spread their brochures, tell about their trips… And not only touroperators are represented, also hotels, campings, airlines… everybody who has something to do with selling holidays and trips is there…
Even strange Turkish guys who want us to go to Bodrum, right Amz?!
(We walked passed a stand with Bodrum on it and I said a bit too enthousiastic “Bodrum!”… So the guy behind the stand came right away towards us and while giving us a flyer he said: “Bodrum is coming right to you” Shame, shame, hahaha
And than you say you will think before you speak, huh?? But never mind, I was going to Bodrum anyway, whether it comes to me or not And good for us, the guy didn't kept walking after us, like the “real” turkish guys in Istanbul.. “Do you know the story of the Blue Mosk?” blablabla….
Hahahaha, you're absolutely right Amz, about everything!! I said I would try to think before I say something in 2007, but it's not working out very well But hey… it's only January… I still have 11 months to go
PS: Maybe the guys in Bodrum will fall in love with your eyes too, like their “brothers” in Istanbul You better watch out over there!!
Shakalaka Baby:
Hahahaha, you're absolutely right Amz, about everything!!
I knew you would realise some day..
PS: Maybe the guys in Bodrum will fall in love with your eyes too, like their “brothers” in Istanbul You better watch out over there!!
Pha, they won't! I won't let them, hahaha I prefer the Greek, anyway.
Am Rani:
Shakalaka Baby:
Hahahaha, you're absolutely right Amz, about everything!!
I knew you would realise some day..
I should have added “about what you said in the post above mine”
PS: Maybe the guys in Bodrum will fall in love with your eyes too, like their “brothers” in Istanbul
You better watch out over there!!
Pha, they won't! I won't let them, hahaha I prefer the Greek, anyway.
Hahaha, I just knew you were going to say something like that!!!
You know me to well! Or I'm just predictable…
ooooooooookay next question:
watz yr favourite song at the moment??
Save Room from John Legend… so great!!!
Same Q….
Am Rani:
You know me to well! Or I'm just predictable…
Hahaha, could be…
no fav song at the moment
umm what do u like most about BWL?
U People…
aaand this lil family that u have created through this forum
Through your love for MUSIC and WORDS ………
The fact that strangers can come together and share their thoughts, craziness, lives, EVERYTHING or ANYTHING with each other….
I love Music off coz, that’s what had initially attracted me to this place, but NOW
Its more the friendships/bonds I have created with many of u through this place…dat keeps me logging in so frequently…
Soooo I love it,
Coz I met u Yumini my lil Pumkin Pie
<span style="font-size:10pt;font-family
Shakalaka Baby:
Save Room from John Legend… so great!!!
Same Q….
ooooh both u aaand Gossamer hehehe
shes got me listening to the man on a daily basis
hmmm not bad though….
umm what do u like most about BWL?
That it always make you believe that there is love in the world. It makes you believe there are some man who love you so much, that they would fight the world for you. Who love you so much, they can't think of anything else but you. Who are really devoted to you, just because they love you so much. Who would give there live for you, because of love, without asking anything in return. It makes you actually believe, eventhought it's just 'till you walk out of the cinema, or turn of the dvdplayer…
It makes live less…
Am Rani:
umm what do u like most about BWL?
That it always make you believe that there is love in the world. It makes you believe there are some man who love you so much, that they would fight the world for you. Who love you so much, they can't think of anything else but you. Who are really devoted to you, just because they love you so much. Who would give there live for you, because of love, without asking anything in return. It makes you actually believe in love, eventhought it's just 'till you walk out of the cinema, or turn of the dvdplayer…
It makes live less…
(forgot the “love” in the first post )
Same q
Oooookay, yumini didn’t add F for Forums lmao…got carried away there
Bwl….as in bollywood lyrics, helps me better understand what songs
Actually mean hehehe….
Wat do I like about it…Well the fact that I can sing along accurately lmao
next: Men who wear PINK shirts…
do u think its kewl or a BIG no no…??
not my cup of tea.. lol.. I like men to look manly and I don't think Pink really compliments them. lol. just my views tho..
do u think its as hard as ppl say to go back to being friends, when there was something more between a gurl and a guy?
I don't think that's possible.
same q
Yup..I believe it is very hard! Feelings don't cool overnight and separations are never truly as mutual as people would like to think!
One person is always going to hurt more than the other. So then returning to 'platonic' will be a hard thing, but it is possible.
good question Princess!!
Is it possible to be in love and not know it?
Don't agree with the concept of 'being in love' (can someone please explain this concept to me? )… so I'll leave that question for someone else to answer…
Unique: good question. lol. there are so many different degrees of friendship… depends on the persons involved, na?
Is it possible to be in love and not know it
Bein luv???
Luv is luv r8…soo just loving sumone as in truly madly deeply ( oye Bianca ji I miss ye )
loving sumone and not really knowing it???
am not sure , maybe possible especially with Moi…
am clueless as to whether its like like or love like or like love or love love
get it…nah
…neva mind lmao ,,,jj
but yeah am not sure at all fact all this love is making me feel
will leave the q for sum1 with more sense
Scar face:
Shakalaka Baby:
Save Room from John Legend… so great!!!
Same Q….
ooooh both u aaand Gossamer hehehe
shes got me listening to the man on a daily basis
hmmm not bad though….
Hahahaha, poor you!! Must be infectious though…
Hahahaha, poor you!! Must be infectious though…
dit is so my dear, now am singing along with da man…lol
Seeing as no one is interested in the love love question….****yay****
lets see…
If u had to choose a pet, wat wud u get?? aaaand why??
I'll answer my own question, seeing as I'm not feeling so philosophical…
A pet? Dog.
Y? Unconditional love.
Favorite city to visit on holiday?
Istanbul!!! I just loved it over there!!!! Oh and Copenhagen too!!! I really could live there if I had too!!
And being DH's neighbour haha…
Q: If you had to live in a different country than when you live now, where would you like to live??
Spain. Or Greece. I would definately stay in Europe, I love it here!!
Where would you like to go on honeymoon (not only for Shakz to answer )?
Oye, aand wat makez ye think Shakzeee's da only one getting married
in the near future??? huh?? huh?? huh??
well I wanna go to ….( errr to name a few )
spain, Italy, greece, turkey, Peru, aaand a bit closer to Home madagascar…hahahaha
asking for a lot here hey lol
yeah same Q: shakzee yr turn
Hahahaha, alright alright… I'll answer the question!!
I'd like to go to Madagascar, Bali, Maldives, Borneo, Malasya, India… pfff I want to go to too many places as long as they are pretty, far distant and sunny!! lol It will probably be Bali I guess… (my b/f's all time favorite
Next Q: Which language (you don't know yet) would you like to learn?
Wow, Shakz! U're going to be quite busy globe trotting! lol
I'd like to learn Japanese.
same q
I'd love to learn punjabi. loll, no urdu is good enough =]
same question.
Italian , Spanish, and Wateva Lang they speak in Slovenia
think its slovak, not sure
Same Q
Greek. And Hindi (but I'm working on that one )
Which languages do you speak?
Shakalaka Baby:
I'd like to go to Madagascar, Bali, Maldives, Borneo, Malasya, India… pfff I want to go to too many places as long as they are pretty, far distant and sunny!! lol
It will probably be Bali I guess… (my b/f's all time favorite
I see India is the last option?? Naaaa, only kidding, yaar!!
Do you already have specific plans for the honeymoon?
Am Rani:
Greek. And Hindi (but I'm working on that one
Which languages do you speak?
Arabic, urdu I'm learing =p haha, and a bit spanish. =] and duh english..
same question
Well, Dutch English, Spanish, French, German (but not that good) a tiny very little bit Italian, and learning Hindi..
Still same q
The languages I speak: Dutch, English, German, a little bit of French, Spanish and how do you call it in English?? Hvratski uhm… Croatian??? And of course, I know a tiny little bit of Hindi
Same Q again…
Wow, Shakz! U're going to be quite busy globe trotting! lol
Hahaha, I guess so too!! Today I was talking to a colleague of mine and she travelled around the world a lot, so now I want to go to even more countries!!! I guess I have to save and to save and to save instead of spending my mony lol
Am Rani:
Shakalaka Baby:
I'd like to go to Madagascar, Bali, Maldives, Borneo, Malasya, India… pfff I want to go to too many places as long as they are pretty, far distant and sunny!! lol
It will probably be Bali I guess… (my b/f's all time favorite
I see India is the last option??
Naaaa, only kidding, yaar!! It's a random list
Do you already have specific plans for the honeymoon? Nope, not yet… Still thinking about it…
I Speak a few fluantlii like : Meman (ma mother lang).. Urdu, Gujrati, English, Pari, Swahili (African lang), German n a bit ov French
Whats ya past time fav book?
I have loads of favourites but right now im trying to find free time to finish A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks. Im totally in love with the movie, so I really wanted to read the book too. All the free time I get is so rare these days! Cant wait for the summer when I get to spend a lazy day lying in the hammock in my garden and settle down to read! ok going off on a tangent here…
the sweetest gesture someone has made towards you?
Oefff… that's a difficult one Unique!!! The first thing that comes to my mind is two friends of mine who arranged a sort of surprise party with presents and firework (in my ice cream at the restaurant where we were having dinner ) for me when they found out I was engaged and getting married!! Really sweet!!
Same Q…
Wie dan?? Leuk!!
Ik zal je weer eens mailen, tis al veel te lang geleden. Ik hoop dat je het me niet kwalijk neemt, het is niets persoonlijks hoor!! Ik heb je korte mailtje gehad, en ik zal proberen om deze week ergens iets fatsoenlijks terug te sturen Alles goed met je verder??
This was no aswer to the question, so still same q
Heeeyyy Am Rani!!!
Daan en Syl waren zo gek haha! Ik schaamde me dood in het restaurant met dat vuurwerk, maar het was echt super! En dat terwijl ik dacht dat we gewoon onschuldig uit eten gingen zoals we altijd doen, haha
Mooi trouwens dat je mijn mailtje hebt gehad! Ik hoop snel weer iets van je te horen…
Met mij gaat alles prima (op een tik van de griep na dan) en met jou???
My post is also no answer to the question, but since I've answered that one already, I'll try to think of a new question…
Let me think…. uhmmmmmm…
Which dance is your favorite dance and why?*
* sorry… couldn't come up with anything else
Hahaha, ja, dat dacht ik al, net nadat ik die post gemaakt had. Ik weet dat je altijd met hen uit eten gaat. Maar tis toch niet zo erg, voor een keer? In het middelpunt van de belangstelling? Wees maar blij dat niet het hele restaurant voor je gezongen heeft, hahaha. Of deden ze dat ook nog ?
My favorite dance?? Hahaha, my own crazy way of dancing, I think But I also love to do the tango, and the samba… And I saw a wonderful kathak (is that the way you write it?) show this weekend, and I love it since. To watch, don't ask me to do it myself…
Do you think everyone can dance?
I don't think that everyone can dance.
same q?
lol nope!
what is one main goal you want to reach in the next 10 years?
Am Rani:
Hahaha, ja, dat dacht ik al, net nadat ik die post gemaakt had. Ik weet dat je altijd met hen uit eten gaat. Maar tis toch niet zo erg, voor een keer? In het middelpunt van de belangstelling? Wees maar blij dat niet het hele restaurant voor je gezongen heeft, hahaha. Of deden ze dat ook nog
Neuh… gelukkig gingen ze niet zingen haha Dat moest er ook nog eens bijkomen!! Ik vond het wel erg leuk hoor, maar ik was erg verbaasd en ik voelde me toch wel een soort van opgelaten haha… Gelukkig was ons hoekje van het restaurant net leeg
what is one main goal you want to reach in the next 10 years?
Pfff… difficult question Yemen!! Why do I always come around here when there are difficult questions to answer haha Let me think over it a bit longer and I'll come back to you
In the meanwhile…
Same question!!
Oh I know!! I always wanted to start my own business, so I guess that will be my main goal in the next 10 years…
Of course I have many more goals in my life for the next 10 years, such as… be happy (with my b/f / husband), start a family one day (hopefully not in the next few years ), upgrade in my job, making lots of trips and explore the world and so on and so on… But yeah since I'm only allowed to mention one, I'd go for the one mentioned above
lol nope!
what is one main goal you want to reach in the next 10 years?
1) getting married an have children
2) (since that won't happen, I'm allowed to have a number 2) find a better job, which is really satifying
same q?
Shakz, do you want to have your own business??? Really?? I didn't know that!! What sort of business do you have in mind??
And about having a family… you will have one in the next few years, you only have 4 more years to go
Am Rani:
lol nope!
what is one main goal you want to reach in the next 10 years?
1) getting married an have children
2) (since that won't happen, I'm allowed to have a number 2) find a better job, which is really satifying
same q?
awww. Be optimistic. God willing, of course you will.
My goal? hmmm…Be less confused!
same q.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
awww. Be optimistic.
God willing, of course you will.
Haha, I wouldn't be me if I was optimistic…
Am ji…well…don't be so pessimistic?
Am Rani:
1) getting married an have children
2) (since that won't happen, I'm allowed to have a number 2) You will get married and have children… Maybe not now or anytime soon, but one day I'm sure you will
You'll be a great mum
find a better job, which is really satifying Hey Amz… I thought you liked your job??? What are you looking for?? Something in tourism again, or some other direction??? You have to tell me more about it in your next e-mail!!
same q?
I'm not going to answer this question twice (one time was just hard enough ), so I'm going to start with a new one…
If you could meet someone again you're not seeing anymore (whatever may have caused this), who would that be and why?
Am Rani:
Shakz, do you want to have your own business??? Really?? I didn't know that!! What sort of business do you have in mind??
I've wanted this since I was a little kid… I've always said I would start my own fashion shop (together with a friend of mine) when I became older, but now I don't know what kind of business I would like to start… Maybe something in the entertainment business like some animation club or something, or an event agency… Maybe something really different… I dunno know yet, but hopefully one day I will start my own business
Am Rani:
And about having a family… you will have one in the next few years, you only have 4 more years to go
I don't think I will… We've adjusted our plans I've said to my b/f that I first want to work for a few years and that I don't want to have kids before I'm 30 (now he calls me his “career chick” haha)
But yeah, maybe I will be a mother before I'm 30… Or maybe I will never become a mother because I can't have children… Only time can tell
Don't be 2 possitive, Shakz You should not say things like that…
And, knowing you… you WILL be mother before you are 30… ten years is a long time! But, let's just wait and see, only God knows…
(Ramjaane song coming up in my head…)
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Am ji…well…don't be so pessimistic?
Haha, Rani, I know I shouldn't.. But it's a VERY bad habit, I can't get rid of…
Shakalaka Baby:
Am Rani:
1) getting married an have children
2) (since that won't happen, I'm allowed to have a number 2) You will get married and have children… Maybe not now or anytime soon, but one day I'm sure you will I wouldn't be to sure, If I was you.. It's easy for you to say, but I just do not believe in something like that going to happen…
You'll be a great mum I know I will, and being a mum is one of my biggest wishes.. But eventhough women can do many things without the help of a man, you still need one to have children with…
find a better job, which is really satifying Hey Amz… I thought you liked your job??? What are you looking for?? Something in tourism again, or some other direction??? You have to tell me more about it in your next e-mail!! Well, I do like it, for now. But it's not what I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to do something more “important”, something I really need my brain for… And it's not like I want to leave office right away, I'm having a nice time at the moment. But someday, I'll sure go and find something else. It won't be this week, but mayby this year…It was one of the reasons why I felt so bad lately…
same q?
Shakalaka Baby:
If you could meet someone again you're not seeing anymore (whatever may have caused this), who would that be and why?
My grandparents (my mums parents). They both died, when they were pretty young (well, not old ). I wish they could see me now, I know they would have been proud, and they would love to share my things with me…
And I wish I could meet my sister, they way she used to be. She's still alive, but she is getting crazier every day…. She's destroying my love and my respect for her. She is giving my parentssuch a hard time, and I'm really pissed because of that. She does not see that she will never be able to fix the things she is destroying now.. But we were getting along so well when we both were younger…
Same q…
If you could meet someone again you're not seeing anymore (whatever may have caused this), who would that be and why?
I knw u said one, but I have a few ppl….
My fwend Vash, coz she owes me her ear, lol…Oye shes probably laughing herself silly in heaven at this one… ****sigh*** had sooo much we had to talk about and had planned to go away for a weekend, she died on that Wednesday before the weekend…I wanna hug her and ….ok I will stop am getting tooo emotional now…
My grandparents as well, both sets of them, died before I knew them ….heard they were very entertaining people and besides the elder have lots of wisdom to onpass and I miss not being able to get that from my grandparents….
My aunt, who also died, was really close to her, then we had a sorta disagreement and I was totally wrong off coz and before I could apologise the cancer had taken her…
Okay now for the living ….
Meet again..hmmm Sonu Nigam, will kiss him lol, kidding…will not be proud enuf not to ask for his autograph and off coz just chat to him about his music and singing…
My Fwend Yogi, whom I haven’t seen in errrr 12 years …Jeeez we were inseperable at school, lol. She’s much more nearer now, ie in Jnb and we have already arranged to meet in the near future soooo this I cant wait for…we had a knack of laughing ourselves silly and just throwing caution to the wind and just
Living for the moment, she still brings out that 15 year old’ full of fun young lady’ in me, whenever we chat on the fone….****sssiiiggghhh***
Hmmm aaand finally, I want to see my ex bio teacher, who really disliked me, for obvious reasons hahahaha
I wanna see the look on his face NOW….he said I was bound to marry before my matric year ended and will have a few kids and a rotten life…yep he said that to me…maybe its coz I cud laugh whilst he didn’t have the facial muscles to stimulate that action lol…. Hmmm maybe Ishould visit the next time I am in Durban lmao …
And someone I actually want to see in person, Ganesh Hegde, him I will
My grandparents (my mums parents). They both died, when they were pretty young (well, not old ). I wish they could see me now, I know they would have been proud, and they would love to share my things with me…
And I wish I could meet my sister, they way
Am Rani:
And, knowing you… you WILL be mother before you are 30… ten years is a long time! But, let's just wait and see, only God knows…
Yup, only God knows…
Am Rani:
Shakalaka Baby:
Am Rani:
You will get married and have children… Maybe not now or anytime soon, but one day I'm sure you will I wouldn't be to sure, If I was you.. It's easy for you to say, but I just do not believe in something like that going to happen…
You see? This is your pessimistic side again… Try to be positive! It makes life so much better for you!! It's better to believe that one day you will… And eventhough it's maybe easy for me to say, I DO believe it will happen to you!! And remember what your mothers colluage said..??? I'm sure she was right and you'll meet someone you can grow old with… Please try to believe in that
You'll be a great mum I know I will, and being a mum is one of my biggest wishes.. But eventhough women can do many things without the help of a man, you still need one to have children with…
Yes you do, but you've got other options too you know… like adoption maybe. But anyways… you're still very young and you will find someone to start a family with… I'm sure about that!
Hey Amz… I thought you liked your job??? What are you looking for?? Something in tourism again, or some other direction??? You have to tell me more about it in your next e-mail!! Well, I do like it, for now. But it's not what I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to do something more “important”, something I really need my brain for… And it's not like I want to leave office right away, I'm having a nice time at the moment. But someday, I'll sure go and find something else. It won't be this week, but mayby this year…It was one of the reasons why I felt so bad lately…
Why did you feel bad about it? It's great to know what you want! Maybe not specific, but you know you want to grow and be more important in jobby world… And you can always start to look around. You'll never know what will come onto your path… It's a good thing to have a goal, you know! Try to think of that too. Maybe it makes you feel better… I really hope it does
Scar face:
Amzee, its probably a phase she’s going through, it cud be just about anything that makes her want to behave this way… My now not so lil sister still drives me crazeee when she gives my parents a hard time with her attitude, so I do know whatye talking about…to an extent.
Its weird coz I thought the same thing, I mean u can slap someone but words remain and tends to go in way too deep nah, therefore u have no idea the bond between each other that’s being slowly destroyed.
…try speaking to her about the effects her behaviour is having on u and the family..Not easy, I KNW…But at least she is then aware what her attitude is doing. What helps for me..I show love, I will hug her to death and kiss her forehead and irritate and tickle her until she lets whats worrying her out…
I wish things could be set with just showing some love. We just harldy talk at all. And if we talk, she tells me how much she hates me, that I make her life miserable, how bad she wants to leave the house, and live somewhere else (she’s 17, going on 18 in may), how mad she is, at me and my parents, how she is the only one who really understands the world, and how dumb I am. How less I know about what’s happening around me. How ashamed she feels when she is with me or with my mum… How much she hates me, that I make her life miserable, and so on and on and on and on…
She won’t even listen to serious arguments from my side. If I tell her to respect my mum and dad, she says I only say that because I watch to much Bollywoodmovies. If I tell her to get a job, and not always ask my mum for everything, she says I don’t have the right to criticise, because I don’t know how to handle my money. If I ask her why she hates me, she only laughs, and says: I’m REALLY not going to tell you. If I ask her why she’s mad, she walks away.
This is going on for a pretty long time now. We also thought it was just a fase she was going to, but it isn’t, she’s just crazy… So if I would kiss her on the forehead, I would probably loose all my hair, and my face will me scratched all over..
Sometimes the people we live with and love truly believe they have no one there for them when in need..Am guessing she is younger, perhaps late teens??
Anyway, All I can say for sure is that she will look back and mend her ways in time; hopefully sooner than later…it really is just a phase though, whatever it is shes doing, I have no clue…am just thinking about my sister and giving u my opinion on what I know….
<span style="
Amzeeee, hun
Just reading yr mail brings sadness in my heart to know that yr family is going thru this..
I knw yr sister loves u and the family, but there’s definitely a lot of pent up **sumthing **Going on…. I can’t really give u my full advice now because am literally swamped with work but I will send u a personal email sooon…
Just remember that I along with everyone here, will ALWAYZ be here to support and give u the strength u need to resolve this with yr sister and to bring back love and happiness within the household, between each member in your family ….
One more thing Amzeee, she is going through that rebellious phase, trust me on this ….can start as early as 11 years and work its way through & past 21…yeah it sucks when our siblings tend to rebel and does sooo in such a manner… but thats life nah..
Anyways catch up later swcheethart..
Sending u warm love filled hugz my dear
Take it easy my vriend Ek hoop dat jy naweek baie geniet…hon
Ek sal aan jy en Shakzeee gedink en jalle is in my gebede…alteid..alteid alteid
Hugz galore
have u ridden on a horse???
I did once and the horse threw me off his back… So it was the first and the last time I ever did that
Did you ever sing or dance in front of an audience?
NEVER, nunca, nooit…. And I probably never will, hahahaha. I just DON't sing in public, not even “happy birthday”… And if it ever happens… The audience will run away screaming
Do you have a special talent?
Scar face:
Amzeeee, hun
Just reading yr mail brings sadness in my heart to know that yr family is going thru this..
I knw yr sister loves u and the family, but there’s definitely a lot of pent up **sumthing **Going on…. I can’t really give u my full advice now because am literally swamped with work but I will send u a personal email sooon…
Thank you Scarface, I didn't expect a full advice from you anyway, I already apreciate it that you reat my story so far. I didn't mean to tell this things on a public forum, but the question just got to me… But I would love it anyway, if you'd send me an email
Just remember that I along with everyone here, will ALWAYZ be here to support and give u the strength u need to resolve this with yr sister and to bring back love and happiness within the household, between each member in your family ….
One more thing Amzeee, she is going through that rebellious phase, trust me on this ….can start as early as 11 years and work its way through & past 21…yeah it sucks when our siblings tend to rebel and does sooo in such a manner… but thats life nah..
Anyways catch up later swcheethart..
Sending u warm love filled hugz my dear
Thanks, that's always welcome
<font siz
yep i actually do, have a special talent of attracting all the wrong kinds of people in my life
who joyfully leaves me hurt and really pissed of at being soooooooo…human………for actually trusting …..wat a joke …
same question
Scar face:
yep i actually do, have a special talent of attracting all the wrong kinds of people in my life
who joyfully leaves me hurt and really pissed of at being soooooooo…human………for actually trusting …..wat a joke …
same question
You don't mean us, right?! We really DO care about you and will never hurt you!!
Special talent?? Uhhmm.. don't think I have one…
Next Q: Which song brings tears to your eyes when you listen to it??
TONZ! But only three come to mind right now:
1. Jab Kabhi from 36 China Town
2. Tu Jahaan from Salaam Namaste
3. Lo shurun ab chaahaton ka silsila from Shabd
same q. (hehe.)
Shakalaka Baby:
Scar face:
yep i actually do, have a special talent of attracting all the wrong kinds of people in my life
who joyfully leaves me hurt and really pissed of at being soooooooo…human………for actually trusting …..wat a joke …
same question
You don't mean us, right?!
We really DO care about you and will never hurt you!!
U think Shakzeee???, dat in this beeeg beautiful forum of ours, dat theres no-one here who will hurt me??
well U r wrong.. am sowrie to say …and more sowrie to have to be the one to reveal this truth..
I KNOW u wont hurt me …and am sowrie it sounded that u an my other fwends here
I needed to vent and dis seemed the way to go at the time. Will try not to let my feelings out without thinking of
the consequences …Luw u hon
Next Q: Which song brings tears to your eyes when you listen to it??
At the moment, hmmmm every song I listen to brings tears to my eyes, even the nice dance tunes
Eg.. was listening to Bombay Vikings yest and for sum reason thought of Tayba…well, lol
aaand then I cried, sooooooo yeah maybe sum hormonal changes lol
or ****maybe I was just thinking about my sister as well and how she wud hate this CD of mine
and I would turn the volume up and sing along with Neeraj lol*******
Next Q: which musician, actor would u most want to meet an why??
Scar face:
U think Shakzeee???, dat in this beeeg beautiful forum of ours, dat theres no-one here who will hurt me?? well U r wrong.. am sowrie to say …and more sowrie to have to be the one to reveal this truth..
I'm not that naieve, but I meant the regular ones we're talking to in all the wellknown threads. Btw… who's treating you badly around here?! I feel like kick some!!! Nobody hurts my sweet Scarry for no reason!!!!!
I KNOW u wont hurt me …and am sowrie it sounded that u an my other fwends here
I know you didn't mean me and all the other cool dudes/chicks around… I was just trying to cheer you up!!
I needed to vent and dis seemed the way to go at the time. Will try not to let my feelings out without thinking of
the consequences … Just let it out if it helps you! Luw u hon Luv u 2!!!
Btw.. I've sent you an e-mail today.. finally!!
I'm not that naieve, but I meant the regular ones we're talking to in all the wellknown threads. Btw… who's treating you badly around here?! I feel like kick some!!! Nobody hurts my sweet Scarry for no reason!!!!!
Doesn’t matter now hun, am kewl..but tnx, now I knw where to luk when I need sum back up for A$$ KICKIN lol
I know you didn't mean me and all the other cool dudes/chicks around… I was just trying to cheer you up!!
Oh!!!! Ok, damn, dats wat happens when One wallows in self pity hahahaha, failing to recognize their friends attempt at trying to cheer em up ..Mmmmmwwwwaaaaaaaaaaah thank u
Read yr mail this am, made me smile all morning, thanks, aaaan NO I dnt have any brain problems, well not any I am aware of
Will be seeing a specialist next weekend, aaaand Shakzeeee, my fear for driving has escalated to great Heights…
I had my first car accident yesterday afternoon….and theres no ways I am going to be driving anytime soon so my lessons will have to wait…for a loooong time…just strange that u were writing to me about this and I am going thru this experience…
Hey Scarry, good to read you don't have any serious brainproblems!! I'm so glad about that I was realy worried about you, you know… Well probably you do after reading my e-mail
It's good to read my e-mail made you smile
Too bad about the accident you had I hope nobody got hurt?! Please tell me more about it in your e-mail… Now my words will definitely not give you more confidence. I'm sorry to hear about that, but I can definitely understand… Please try to get your confidence back. All the fear and troubles are worth it in the end… Trust me!!
Here's a hug for you to make you feel better
Shakalaka Baby:
Hey Scarry, good to read you don't have any serious brainproblems!! I'm so glad about that
I was realy worried about you, you know… Well probably you do after reading my e-mail
It's good to read my e-mail made you smile
Too bad about the accident you had
I hope nobody got hurt?! Please tell me more about it in your e-mail… Now my words will definitely not give you more confidence. I'm sorry to hear about that, but I can definitely understand… Please try to get your confidence back. All the fear and troubles are worth it in the end… Trust me!!
Here's a hug for you to make you feel better
Heya Shakzeee
If my mum hears dis brain-problem Joke,she will have a fit ……. no need to worry bout me hun, am okies….
Am over the accident, errr think it was after shock or sums that got me rattling off like an idiot plus I had a reallly bludy bad week and
it went straight into my weekend ….Yup will send u details in my email …tnx 4 da hugz….really needed it now one back to u
Scar face:
Next Q: which musician, actor would u most want to meet an why??
Steveland Morris or Prince Rogers Nelson.
In both cases, because of the almost extraordinary amount of talent of the artist.
One, blind since birth. Plays several instruments and has errily perfect pitch! Allows
music to make him cry openly.
The other overcame a violent home life to play over 7 instruments, yet is still so humble !
same q
Scar face:
Heya Shakzeee
If my mum hears dis brain-problem Joke,she will have a fit ……. no need to worry bout me hun, am okies….
Haha, I guess it's a good thing that she doesn't visit this forum But anyways… it's good to read you're okay
Am over the accident, errr think it was after shock or sums that got me rattling off like an idiot plus I had a reallly bludy bad week and it went straight into my weekend ….Yup will send u details in my email …
Okay… I'll just wait on your e-mail
tnx 4 da hugz….really needed it now one back to u
Aahww… thank you!!
Aahww… thank you!!
anytime hun
Next Q: which musician, actor would u most want to meet an why??
lataji and mohammad Rafi
aaand gossamer whos at my desk says, JOHN LEGEND
Next Q: do u think couples should go to pre-marital counselling??
As far as I know, we don't have such things in Holland… But who am I, you should ask Shakz
Scar face:
Next Q: do u think couples should go to pre-marital counselling??
I don't know, should they? I guess it depends on them. *shrugs* I dunnoe.
Next question: If ever a day came that you had to choose beyween your kid and your spouse, who do you think (at this moment in life) would you choose at that moment in life?
my child!!!!
same q?
psht, my kid! yo momma rani ( I swear, i love her so much, I miss her more than i miss you retard) oh, oh that icon! where is it??kjsfhskgjhds
here it is: <<< for ju rani
same question?
Wow difficult, I luw with such intensity, its just difficult,
How do I choose against my husband, my partner, my soulmate, without whom I wud not have been able to conceive my child??
How do I choose against my child, who had literally been a part of me??
Its difiicult to answer and I just wont choose…
Am not sure if I shud change the question or just leave it…
Same Q:
Am Rani:
As far as I know, we don't have such things in Holland… But who am I, you should ask Shakz
Doesn't sound familiar to me… Or do you mean something like they do sometimes in church? Like learning how to live together as husband and wife according to the Bible…?? Or something like that…
Scar face:
Wow difficult, I luw with such intensity, its just difficult,
How do I choose against my husband, my partner, my soulmate, without whom I wud not have been able to conceive my child??
How do I choose against my child, who had literally been a part of me??
Its difiicult to answer and I just wont choose…
Same Q:
I couldn't choose either for the same reasons you mention Scarry… I totally agree with you
Next Q: If it was your birthday today, what kind of present would you like to get?
I don't celebrate my birthday, but chocolate is always a great gift! hahaha
same q?
Hahahaha, Nessa!! I totally agree… (how can I ever disagree with that? )!!!
I DO celebrate birthdays though, but people can give me chocolate every day a year if they want!!
Well, better not make it every day… I'll become a fat woman if I have to eat all of it hahaha lol
Next: Who is the most important person in your life at the moment?
The Most Important People In My Life Right Now Are My Parent.. As Im Not Going To Be With Them In Another Year or 2!!
Same Q..
Definately my mum (I was typing “my Boo”, hahahahaha. I was thinking of one of her posts ). We are really close, and we are getting even more closer since my sister behaves like she is crazy..
I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't had my mum.. And within 3 weeks, we are going to Paris together, whoohoooooooottt!! Really looking forward to that!
Same q
The most important person in my life at the moment is my fiancé He makes me laugh, gives me joy, comforts me, listens to me when I need a listening ear, loves me, hugs me, cares for me… *sighs* what can I ask more for?? And my sister and parents follow very closely after him
Same Q…
I can't choose between my mother and my grandma.. because my grandma is like a second mother to me
How do you deal with frustration and anger?
Scream…well I used to sulk and just go into a shell to think
think think
now my tempers back soooo I scream a lot hahahaa …post it on the forum
then feel bad about airing my feelings hahahaha
seriously though, I havent been dealing with my fustrations and anger properly recently
sooo am not sure …
The Most Important People In My Life Right Now Are My Parent.. As Im Not Going To Be With Them In Another Year or 2!!
Shortz dear, u betta show em that u luw em daily in every way u can …
..okies I had to answer this,
I dnt have a specific person whom I consider asTHE MOST important in my life coz ALL OF U ARE…from those two people who helped bring me
into this world to each and everyone of u I call fwend, sista, bhai, colleague…
in yr own way u are al very important to me and even more special
will remain with Taybz question…
Hahaha my first thought was screaming too Scarry Sometimes I even cry because I'm so pis.sed off!!! And sometimes I just shut up and say nothing at all…
Same Q
I internalize a lot, so I'd most probably keep it inside. Then go to the gym & workout or the cafe & read!
same q
Screaming and crying will always do…
Do you ever feel like crying, just because?
Yup, I do… And it's not always pleasant I can tell you, because sometimes it comes at the wrong moment and it's unstopable (but perhaps you already discovered that for yourself )
Same Q
Yes…When I really miss my family and friends they are back in my country (Pakistan).
Same Q
Shakalaka Baby:
Yup, I do… And it's not always pleasant I can tell you, because sometimes it comes at the wrong moment and it's unstopable (but perhaps you already discovered that for yourself
Same Q
Do you mean “for yourself” in general, for all the forummembers? Or do you mean me dicovering YOUR unstopable crying??
I felt like crying a lot, lately.. Two weeks ago, I was home alone. I was watching Mohabbatein, and when the “Humko Hamise Chura Lo” song started… not good, hahahaha
Still same q, I'm happy to hear I'm not the only one…
Why of course…
When I think about the world, my world, my Life, Life in general… I feel like shedding a few tears for it…
Same q
Am Rani:
Do you mean “for yourself” in general, for all the forummembers? Or do you mean me dicovering YOUR unstopable crying??
Oye oye, you're sounding like Serio yaar (I can just picture him saying “be more specific” lol) But to answer your question, I meant for yourself…
Yes…When I really miss my family and friends they are back in my country (Pakistan).
Aaaww… that gives you every reason to cry sweets! Do you miss them a lot?
Yup and a lot more lately!
Do you notice how exhausted, yet…exhilarated & calm you feel afterward?
after crying??
not really
my eyes are all red an puffy and funny luking
my head pains coz theres too much thoughts going thru it…toooo many questions I guess
my nose gets red…funny sight coz am not pale in complexion lol
am not sure HOW i feel actually
wat I do know wud help is if I am being held really warmly by the one who loves me
okies dat'll neva happen
next: hmm cant think of anything…hmmmm
wats yr favorite brand of coffee??
Godiva, then maybe starbuck's…
same q?
okies u gotta send sum over for testing
mine is CIRO
yum yum yum
same Q
whats the Q
whats the question?
why is prisoner number 0026 not in her cell??
Cause she aint no prisoner..
What do you do in spare time?
I sleep a lot lately… I'm so tired!!!!
Same Q…
Dnt have any SPARE time …been sooo busy I feel like a damn zombie
Hmmm, actually have a list of things I wanna do WHEN I get sum spare time,
Here goes….
letting it all out hahahahaha…
will leave it here
next Q: what wud u like to do if/when u’r opportune with spare time??
Scar face:
Dnt have any SPARE time …been sooo busy I feel like a damn zombie
Hmmm, actually have a list of things I wanna do WHEN I get sum spare time,
Here goes….
- Sit in front of my lapppy and type away from dawn till dusk, until am exhausted
letting it all out hahahahaha…
- Need to bake my infamous choc coated biscuits and mail to Mara and Ness…
- get my portfolio sorted out
- when I am in Durbs again an everything is calmer, I wanna walk on the beach bare feet, just walk, feeling the wind in my hair ….reaching nowhere….then I wanna sit and watch the sunset, it’s the most beautiful site eva…
will leave it here
next Q: what wud u like to do if/when u’r opportune with spare time??
I will try to read all post of this forum !!
next Q….what you will like to do, if you get chance to visit any Caribbiean resort ? (Specially at “punta cana” visit this link;
Sun-bathing, sleeping, relaxing, sight-seeing and enjoying every minute of it [:D
Next: What would you change of you had to power to change one thing in your life?
This is quite a circumstancial question… right now, i think i would change the captain/coach of indian cricket team!!!
next: If you are to impress a person by 1 sentence, what could be that sentence?
Arnab Paul:
This is quite a circumstancial question… right now, i think i would change the captain/coach of indian cricket team!!!next: If you are to impress a person by 1 sentence, what could be that sentence?
lmao how did i knw U wud say sums like above…lol Oh Bhai hope u well?? Hope bhabhi is well and my lil niece
an dad and mom?????pass my luw
sowrie havent written, will explain when i do take lotza care, sending u guyz luw …
okies now to answer the Question:
firstly theres no one in this world I wanna actually attempt impressing…
u either like what I say or dont….dnt really care if u are impressed or not…
same Q………
i have a question here
ali – is arnab paul your brother?!!!!!
yup he is ..
next Q:
wats your plans for the looooong easter weekend….
omg ! – he is yr brother!!!!!!!!!!!!! a gold member!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cleaning up my closet (where my clothes are in, Boo, just in case I spelled it wrong ) so I can put all my new summerclothes in it, whoohooooooooootttt
, watch Fanaa, sleeping in, sitting in the garden, with the sun on my head, reading… To bad It's all over tomorrow…
Next q:
Do you think you can do without a driving license? (don't ask, I just had a BIOG discussion with my sister about driving cars… )
oooooo dayem amrani ji! that is DA LIFE!!!!!! lol can i join u pretty plz lol
omg i recently watched fanaa… so good but soooo sad
um..well maybe im the wrong person to answer that q i dont even have a drivers license ..sniff
Do you think you can do without a driving license?
YUP …and nope….
I have been doing GREAT without one, until my manager actually added ***Alishia will get her licence by Dec 2006 one of her targets** on my Kpi's and he wasnt joking…
Imao…hahaha the only ojective I didnt achieve ..
seriously though, NOW for me personally, I am still kewl without one but NEED
to get it over and done with …not compulsary as such…just sums I need to get outa the way…
Next Q: do u believe in LIFE after LOVE ??
lol 1st thing I thot of ..
oooooo dayem amrani ji! that is DA LIFE!!!!!! lol can i join u pretty plz lol
Sure!! Come to my place soon!
omg i recently watched fanaa… so good but soooo sad
Aahhhh… The moment Zooni can see again, and she thinks Rehan died…… AAAAAAAAHHHH
Scar face:
Next Q: do u believe in LIFE after LOVE ??
Yes, I do. Don't ask me what life will be like, hahaha, but I DO believe in life after love
Same q
There is life after love, its just a part of your life that you carry with you after the person has gone. Or, even if you're not in love anymore, there is still life….
What is the most spontaneous thing you have done?
spontaneous…not the most…but just one dat pops up now….
okies dis is actually a mean thing I did but spontaneous nonetheless
a taxi driver once irritated me …loooong story
so err I was chewing gum…
I stuck it on his window, then rolled it down.
lol..okies it was hillarious …..can u imagine his fustration……..
not very funny if u r the recipient …but I was pissed offf…
dats watye get for trying to flirt with me…haha
same q:
well seeing as no one else care to answer…
lemme have another gooooo…
Last week, Al and I were in the bus, going home, I got up
placed my hands on the overhead bars and start swinging like a lil kid
lmao…okies it was immature, but spontaneous and was FUN….
Next q…wat was the swcheeetest line//thing/gift/gesture///anything…anyone has ever bestowed
upon ye???
greatest gift Allah Ta'ala has bestowed upon me…
My family and friends…
Same question?
from my family and friends???
their selfless love
whats the weather like where u at??
Right Now It's really hot in Florida, but most of the time weather stays Rainy & Windy.
Next>>>Same Q?
very hot and humid. no rain yet.
Q – when you hear the song Kal Ho Na Ho what do you think of?
I think of all the things I want to do in my life, before my life is over (tomorrow might not be)… And about my boyfriend, because if I would die or he would, I would miss him dreadfully… It reminds me that I have to enjoy and cherish all the moments we have together… And because of that, I tell my boyfriend every day how much he means to me and how much I love him…
Alright, I'll shut up… Enough of that lovely dovy stuff That's the problem with people who are getting married… they live in the clouds too much
Next: Same Q…
that was so sweet and congratulations on getting married
Thank you Andrea, very sweet of you!
miss u sooo darn much hun
I dont listen to that song…well I try not too coz besides the fact that Sonu does a damn excellent job on the vocals
its too emotional for me…
when I do listen to it, it stops time for me, making me quickly take stock of my life and how much I sometimes
tend to abuse this precious gift…it makes me value my family and friends, and all that I DO have …bla bla bla
soo yeah its one of those songs I cant listen to without getting all emotional
Next Q: If u had to meet any of yr online/penpal friends, what would be the first thing u do/say??
Very good Question….
The first I'll do is make sure that he/she is the same person whom I used to chat with or write to.
Next>>>Same Q?
Masssssive Hugz, its the Scarry way!!…I go by my instincts and 99% of the time I knw my fwends are who they say they are
I give total honesty, and believe they do too…
its interesting, lets see wat others say…
Same Q…
Depends on which person it was…
If it were u, Marine, Madhu ji or The Princess, I would cry.
If it were DH, I'd faint.
If it were Yumizzle, 99 or Nazu, I'd laugh.
If it were Boo, Ramz, Khushi or NItz, I'd just stop and stare.
What a waste of valuable time, eh?
Same q…
next Q.
why wud u cry??? especially when seeing ME for the first time
Am sure I will make u laff at first me..have that **talent**
I might smile, I'm sure, but not laugh!
The reason being, we (u & I) have had some deep convos, late in to the night or early in the morning!
You've dried my tears (by phone & email), made me laugh (by phone & email) and touched my heart (by phone & email)…
so then, seeing you in person would be like coming home! There would be no more 'cyber hugs', but real ones.
Does that effectively answer your question?
I ended with a question, but shall move on from there…
What's the magic of BWL?
I ended with a question, but shall move on from there…
What's the magic of BWL?
u guys…
for me personally its the people here
u guys and galz make it a magical place to revisit time and again
Same Q:
i agree with scarry.
what is one addiction you have?
don't have to be crack now..(rani)
jkjkjkjkjkjk ahhhhhhh dont kill me haha
I just realized, I've been following you around like a lost dog. Please stay on one thread! Please quit moving around so much…not advisable at your age Lol (Thank you Rani ji, Im forever indebted to you for this grain of truth). I am beginning to think that Rani ji and you need to get on some boxing gloves…but, it's awesome to have friends that you can pick on, knowing that they know you so well they will not take offense. Now, if only Rani will come back so I can collect more info on you for my files erm as part of my orientation!
lol, i wont stay on one thread…some old ppl are healthy gosh.
Rani and I are always teasing each other. hey im not THAT old…kthanks!
and…answer the question, por favor
Oh duh! I forgot to answer your question. I have two addictions among others: I am addicted to coffee. It awakens my body and arouses my mind to immediate action and instant thinking. I am also addicted to good people. They help me become a better person.
Now, how old are you really? Lol…just kidding that is not my question. My question, should you choose to answer is: 'Who has influenced you most in life?' Question self-destructs in five minutes. Lol.
im addicted to coffeee tooooooooooo!
who influenced me most in life…
Mi padre!
same question.
My mother!
My father is a great man and certainly has influenced me in life but if my father's mind was my classroom, my mother's heart is my sanctuary. Hers was the face I first saw over my cradle and immediately fell in love with. She is not very educated, does not understand complicated theories of science or philosophy, but she knows life, she knows love, and she knows me more than any living soul.
As a child I remember, when she wiped my tears, it was as if she wiped them forever. If I understand the heart of God and the love of God, it is because I first found both mirrored in the life of my mother. I thank you, my friend, for asking this and allowing me to remember all that is precious in life.
My mother!
My father is a great man and certainly has influenced me in life but if my father's mind was my classroom, my mother's heart is my sanctuary. Hers was the face I first saw over my cradle and immediately fell in love with. She is not very educated, does not understand complicated theories of science or philosophy, but she knows life, she knows love, and she knows me more than any living soul.
As a child I remember, when she wiped my tears, it was as if she wiped them forever. If I understand the heart of God and the love of God, it is because I first found both mirrored in the life of my mother. I thank you, my friend, for asking this and allowing me to remember all that is precious in life.
beautifully said
Oh duh! I forgot to answer your question. I have two addictions among others: I am addicted to coffee. It awakens my body and arouses my mind to immediate action and instant thinking. I am also addicted to good people. They help me become a better person.
Now, how old are you really? Lol…just kidding that is not my question. My question, should you choose to answer is: 'Who has influenced you most in life?' Question self-destructs in five minutes. Lol.
dead give away dude
if we r still on the same question….then here goes
no one in particular…ppl in general through their lives lived, experiences experienced etc have somewhat helped me become who I am ..influenced me through their thoughts, words, deeds….
to each person whom I have met in my life…
its an interesting question sooo will leave it as is:
same Q
What is a 'Dead give away?' Is it like giving away dead people? Who would want to take them? They are dead anyways. And what if they wake up in the middle of the night and start stumbling about the house looking for their slippers or something?
Hmm I like yr wacko imagination
btw ghosts float,no need for slippers and they dnt sleep, theyr ghosts, Jeez u can do with sum
improvement with the imagination
Next question:
why is Jalapeno such a bum??
lmao, Scarry…
uuuuuhhh…i can't answer that.
Lol. It is a good question. But, seeing that you did not answer that, perhaps, neither should I. So, here is another question: Gifts that we cannot use- to recycle or not to recycle?
no backbone watsoeva…
save the panet an all of that sooo recycle..
Q: yr favorite color?
All the colors of blue (light & dark) and black & white.
Same Q.
Scar face:
Hmm I like yr wacko imagination
btw ghosts float,no need for slippers and they dnt sleep, theyr ghosts, Jeez u can do with sum
improvement with the imagination
Sheesh boo, ur not as strict a moderator as I thought you would be, not following the rules I see, maybe I should report you? What say?
Scar face:
Q: yr favorite color?
PINK! (yep, I'm somewhat of a girly girl)
Next question: What is your favorite thing about the forum? (pick one)
Helps me get away from whatever it is I sometimes need to get away from, and meet people from various walks, in various stages of life, and of a unique cultural-ideological mileu.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Next question: What is your favorite thing about the forum? (pick one)
it's place where you'll find ppl who care
Its my drop lil pick me up
Its where I go to find solace and smiles
Its like a lil diary ..coz u guys know more about me than my
Friends whom I am physically surrounded by
Cant pinpoint a favorite Thing about this place coz it holds
Too many memories (in this short time I have been a member )
That’s listed in my favorites ..if I had such a list …
Next Q: who wud u like to meet from the Forum and why??
Okies u can choose as many ppl as u wish
Does meeting involve staying for dinner? Then, I know who I would like to meet…well not so much as meet them but a certain member of their family…for reasons I do not wish to disclose…it's sort of personal, more like a erm gut feeling Lol. I'd better watch out. I'm running out of bubbles. Lmao.
Scar face:
Next Q: who wud u like to meet from the Forum and why??
Okies u can choose as many ppl as u wish
all of ya'll pagals
Like they say: Takes one to know one. That does it for me. Ciao, I'm signing up for the Witness Protection Program, Lol.
still same question.
no………. new Q:
Wats the first thing u thought of when u woke up this morning??
God, thank you that I am alive. Thank you that you chose to give me another beautiful day.
Same question.
lol…okaaaay sum1 cherishes life
meeee..well this am I thought ………. ***F…….*** its damn cold..
kidding…………I well…
next q: name 5 things that truly fustrates u
1. AgAiiN pPl wHo tYpE LiiKe tHiSS!!!!!!!!!! or L!kE tH!S
2. My siblings
3. waking up with a headache.
4. ppl who act slow. lol.
5. uhm…i can't think of a 5th one.
same q.
1. People who cannot think of a fifth one (Just kidding)
1. Men who are rude to women (Need to be shot, resurrected and shot again).
2. Women who boss men around (Should be lined up after the men above).
3. Men and Women who hurt children (Punishment is okay, abuse never is).
4. Dates who order a Caesar Salad- 'No Chicken, No Cheese, No Croutons, and Light Italian Dressing Only Please' and then proceed to turn Puma and devour most of my Chicken (Too bad I cannot express what I want to do to them here…involves personalized earth-moving equipment, large ornate hard-wood erm jewel box, and a cool, quiet place).
5. People who are too busy interrupting others at work telling them how to do their job that they barely have time to finish theirs (They should be fired. I mean in an Oven).
Question: What do you admire in others that you do not have or wished to God you had?
PaTiEnCe aNd LoVe ( just for u yumz…remember this one )
Same question
2. too too hot sun
next q:
if u were given one wish …wat would it be and why??
I've always marveled at this question because I could never answer it! lol
same q?
if i were granted one wish, it would be to know for sure that I'm going to Jannat. I don't know my status…im doubting….ye.
same question.
Is Jannat the Islamic equivalent of heaven?
*nods* arabic term for Heaven.
thank you person above me. is there an equivalent for 'hell'?
thank you person above me. is there an equivalent for 'hell'?
my pleasure.
& yes, the word for Hell is..Jahannam.
Is it the Chrisitian equivalent exactly or are there differences? Thank you, btw, for answering these questions.
they are arabic words that were revealed in the Holy Qur'an as Jannat and Jahannam…they also have many other names.
i don't think it's the Christian equivalent though…
you're welcome
Hmmm…I was gifted a Quran, but I don't really get the gist of it spiritually.
Which emotion in yourself do you bear the least?
Very interesting! I have to think about this.
Hmmm…I was gifted a Quran, but I don't really get the gist of it spiritually.
Which emotion in yourself do you bear the least?
you've tried reading it?
good question. requires thought.
Awaiting patiently…
Yup, have read and reread it. I understand the words (sort of), but miss the spiritual aspect of it!
Your job, should you accept it, is to be my spiritual guide.
Also awaiting patiently.
for the thought to rise to the surface?
Awaiting patiently…
Yup, have read and reread it. I understand the words (sort of), but miss the spiritual aspect of it!
Your job, should you accept it, is to be my spiritual guide.
i dunno, it's really a hard question. I can't decide. because some emotions… as much as you might like them, sometimes they're annoying.
and Ness, it shall be my pleasure
same question…and ness you answer =p
I have been summoned and I appear!
I truly hate the fact that I am very sensitive/empathetic to others. I'm told that it is a 'gift' & a 'blessing', but it feels like a 'booby-prize' most days!
Why did you wish for me to answer this bossy one? lol
Yes Ness, and please hurry, would you?
beeecoooossss you asked, and there had to be a reason as to why u asked that question?
Yes Ness, and please hurry, would you?
beeecoooossss you asked, and there had to be a reason as to why u asked that question?
There is a reason for everything Professor Yemizzle! lol
There is a reason for everything Professor Yemizzle! lol
that's what im saying! =p
Next question:
Do you think Yemizzle's tongue is perpetually dry from :P?
hahaha…btw, did ya notice how Senor ji danced away from that question? I'm juss sayin! lol
My concern is with my temper. The Holy Bible says 'Do not let the Sun go down on your wrath.' I have broken this rule so many times I cannot even remember anymore. The only consolation is that I do not bear grudges and eventually forgive those who offend me.
PS: I deserve an award for letting go of the 'booby-prize' without as much as a remark.
You were saying?
And a gift you shall receive!! To which asylum shall I send it?
on a serious note…your writing belies such a temper. it presents you as laid back and affable.
You were saying?
pardon me, must get this egg off my face! lmao
As for the gift…the same asylum as the one you are currently being held in…just walk past Ninja and turn left…I'm the pot-bellied, pock-marked, bow-legged, hairy-backed, buck-toothed, cross-eyed, dog-eared, chicken-legged, inmate staring at the wall.
My mother IS NOT going to appreciate her home being referred to as an asylum!
Very 'interesting' description! rotflmbobo
As for the gift…the same asylum as the one you are currently being held in…just walk past Ninja and turn left…I'm the pot-bellied, pock-marked, bow-legged, hairy-backed, buck-toothed, cross-eyed, dog-eared, chicken-legged, inmate staring at the wall.
wat a muck up
time for my nooduitgang!!
nxt question:
what quality do you value most in a friend?
Next question: Would you kiss a stranger in an airport if they said they were taken by you and wanted nothing more than the delicate pleasure of a kiss?
Dude, No !!
Lol Kavita ji, I can almost imagine you! Please ask a question.
Next question: Would you kiss a stranger in an airport if they said they were taken by you and wanted nothing more than the delicate pleasure of a kiss?….puh-leaseeeeee
whats one thing you really like about yourself?
I seek to please God.
Next: Do you like confrontations?
they're always best….
same question.
Because I dont have them
Next question: Would you kiss a stranger in an airport if they said they were taken by you and wanted nothing more than the delicate pleasure of a kiss?….puh-leaseeeeee
I am sooooooooo cracking up at yr response
Because I dont have them
*stares at kavita*
yeah u do!
I am sooooooooo cracking up at yr response
i mean c'mon…for cryin' out loud
Ha … On a serious note though, I m curious Senor J … Please tell us why you would ask such a .. seemingly related to personal issues ..
Is that the question? Well, it is not personal. Happens to be part of the plot of a short story that I read. Just a bit perplexed at the gall of a few writers who probably think one could concoct a full-blown romance out of a cockamamie twist. In retrospect, may not have been the place or the time to have asked the question. Just one of those spur of the moment turn of events that you tend to rue later on, especially, after a retort like Ninja's, Lol. Back to the more appropriate question:
Would you rather be under-dressed or over-dressed at a party?
neither….look nice but not too fancy…
so…in between =)
cell phone or ipod?
Touche! Cell Phone it is.
Left side of the bed or right side of the bed?
right side.
white or black?
Summer or Winter?
winter fo shizzy.
i hate the heat =p
fall or spring?
Spring, it brings hope and light. Autumn just reminds me that winter is coming and its gona bring darkness early
greatest ambition?
i just realized..we kinda turned this into the “this or that” game for a sec there.
lmbo, mahhhh badddd
greatest ambition uhm..i dunno…
same question
lol that's why I changed the question!
Greatest ambition… hmm I don't know as of yet. I have loads of ambitions but nothing that is greater than the other at the moment unfortunately! hmm…or is it unfortunate…? I am yet to decide .
Best feeling in the world?
the feeling that no matter how harsh it is…there is always someone out there who cares and remembers you in their duas =)
same question.
awww! I am glad you know you are in duas!! *big hug*.
Best feeling for me right now is being in my grandma's arms even at the age of 20 and listening to her stories from back before my parents were even born. She's amazing, Masha'Allah. She's the epitome of motherhood.
I also love the light hearted feeling you get after you cry in dua and tell God your problems and ask for help and then after dua, I don't know, there's this feeling that comes.. maybe its hope and also a kind of confidence that you'll get through it.. I love that feeling
Would you want children someday?
aaaaaaaaaabsolutely…children children children…will adopt as many as my country will allow a single mum to do….
Ness yr question: Honesty as well
Sj: Nope Kisses for a random stranger…I dont think so buddy..btw u reaaaaallly need to get yourself a woman and quick…yr nerves seeems on edge…
Also cant remember who asked this Q: but I prefer Confrontation, I will go blue in the face and die if I dont approach the person vice versa should there be any sorta misunderstanding..
Duas, u all are in mine
Taybz, u are sooo darn blessed to have yr grandma, give her a hug from me, I was luking at a foto of one of my set of grandparents just this morning and it saddened me coz I never had the chance to be blessed by both my grandparents presence…
next: anything u did/said/thought today that brought a smile to your face…??
A memory…
My soon-to-be better half was completing a project for my mother. I sat silently and watched him like a little girl.
After about 1/2 an hour, I opened my mouth and said something so unbelievably stupid I refuse to repeat it here!!!
He turned and and just stared at me! Before he could respond, I said, “Ooops, guess my filter was off!”
His laughter was the single most beautiful thing I have ever heard!
same q?
Aww Nesss !!!!!
'Sj: Nope Kisses for a random stranger…I dont think so buddy..btw u reaaaaallly need to get yourself a woman and quick…yr nerves seeems on edge…'
Nerves are just fine. A woman? Erm, buddy, hopefully not the wrong one, for that would definitely put my nerves so on an edge that one could pound out Rachmaninov's 2nd Movement from his Piano Concerto 1 or elicit some other syncopated music and jar the nerves of everyone around. Lmao.
'…anything u did/said/thought today that brought a smile to your face…??'
What Ness shared above. Beautifully said.
I agree, wat Ness has shared had brought a huge ass grin to my face…
knowing Ness, can only IMAGINE wat she had said
also U Mr …yr words just brought a smile to my face..ur crazeeeeee and I like u…
Der its said hahahhaaa, ~~must test waters that run deep~~
hmmm ur an interesting bloke but Kavs would call u uncle..right kavz **winks**
next q: Is Senor Jalapeno attempting to ignore/hide/run away/ shy away from Scarface??? just sums I had noticed hahahaha
note to self: ~~ must remember to celebrate this victory~~
Shhh! I'm not supposed to be online at this moment Lmao. I'm at Lunch with a friend who excused herself and went to the Ladies' Room. She must have died in there because it's been a while. Thank God for 3G Mobile Phones. God Bless Nokia. Here is answer to your question, most fine miss -wait, that sounds as if I missed you which 'I do not know if I did or not' or is that 'I do not no if I did or knot' or would that be 'Eye did knot know if Eye did oar knot?' I'm erm to borrow from a friend, confuzzled.
I cannot ignore you (You are too damn interesting). Cannot hide from you (You will probably flap your Pink-Dragon wings and search me out). Cannot run from you (Broomsticks are faster than feet) and definitely cannot shy away (I'm drawn to danger and impending doom as a moth to the flame)…
Here is my question: How come you ask so many questions?
Will leave that question for the intended.
What's your earliest memory?
My mother singing to me. Same question.
beautifully touching!
Sitting on my mother's lap, playing patty cake in a train station.
Do you dream in color?
I would like to say 'Yes' but honestly, I don't know. Was your first 'Baking' adventure a success or a failure?
lol…I would like to say 'yes', but honestly…well no!
what is your signature dish?
chicken and prawn pasta
whats yr fav time of day?
Drive or Ride Shot-gun?
by shotgun u mean being driven??
wud prefer dat..
how are u feeling??
I've been better, but considering the circumstances…I will be okay. Thanks for asking. Question please? Or was the 'How are you feeling' it?
What is your favorite thing to do when you have all the time in the world?
write write write write write write write
did i say write….I feel soo claustophobic coz I havent written in ages
aaaaand nope my posts here doesnt count
do we have just 1 choice..coz above is my no.1
and yes that was the q. hw ye feeling..thinking bout Desi off coz and my errr Pm..which am busy replying to u..
Next q: have u said anything in the last 24 hours u wish to take back???
Yes. I wish I could take it back, and though try as I might, I perhaps cannot, therefore, endure the conequences- guilt and embarrassment. However, my apologies to the offended party were sincere.
Now, here is my question: What is with girls, convertibles, and hair blowing in the wind?
lol, am not sure actually, I wear a scarf on most days, love the wind but hate my hair blowing anywhere …it irritates me…
as for convertibles..well they luk sex.i, feels sex.i but not the type of car I wud prefer..
next: Wats with Men and their quest to have the fastest, raciest, sex.est car??
wats the thrill??
Lmao! Wind in my face, asphalt under my tires, the smell of burning rubber and sight of the whole world whizzing past on either side…and the possibility of a horrible death! Nothing quite like it. One feels fully alive in the presence of true love or certain disaster. All else are but poor imitations of 'thrill.'
Question: What's with women and eating from a guy's plate?
lol, its tastes better…
what are u eating??
am starving…hahaha
I am at a friend's place to keep him awake while he works on this Corporate AVP that is due tomorrow. Its almost midnight so we sent out for Chinese Lmao. No one else is open at this time. Its going to be Yang Chow Fried Rice, Stir-fried Beef with Broccoli, Prawn Dumplings and Pork Siomai with Chili Sauce. Come over. Plenty for all of us.
Question: What's with women and loyalty to hair-dressers? (Suggested that my friend try a different hair-dresser and almost had my eyes gouged out).
Once one (read: women ) has found someone who 'knows' their hair, it is unconscionable to go elsewhere! It's akin to cheating! lol
What is it with men and cars & electronic equipment?
Erm we need something to keep us occupied while our women are renewing their coiffures and covenants with their hair-dressers.
What is with women and cuddling?
Fair…except for that word! You know the one I mean! Bubble, bubble, toil & trouble…
You saying you don't like to cuddle?
Oh, btw…hi! lol
Hello! One cannot cuddle themselves! So, I guess not.
Question: What is with Indian Mothers and their desire to make every Indian they meet a relative?
Oye ji , thats called Pyaar
Hello! One cannot cuddle themselves! So, I guess not.
Question: What is with Indian Mothers and their desire to make every Indian they meet a relative?
how am i supposed to know..
oh wait, you know…let the indians unite
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I am not sure
Theres a lot I don’t like about me but then I wont be me if this or that little bitz and pieces were not a part of me
It took me ages to realize my worth and if loving be it then sooo be it…
I am meeee, good bad ugly, even my nastiness & mood swings make me who I am..Alishia..
Soo How can I change it?? My emotional self, my sarcastic self, my **charming** self, my loving self …I don’t wanna..
If u asked this question a few years ago, I would have given u an endless list, but I am content with all m y blessings..the good, the bad, the ugly…
Any other person looking from the outside…whether they like or not…hmm another thing…but wouldn’t change anything for the anyone….
Are u listening to music r8 now, if sooo what are u listening to??
i agree. yes.
im listening to the song i posted on the 'sing according to your mood” thread.
who is the most important person to you?
Every person I have met in my life, known and would love to get to know is as important to me as the next, in their own individual way..
My family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, strangers, everyone feels important to me..
So cannot pin point a specific person as such.. I would be lying to u if I did…
I love all u guys with the same fervor and abundance..
Okies many different types of love but love is love …free flowing, like the waters from a lake or river, into the vast beautiful ocean..
same Question:
I find that the person who feels most unimportant to self and to others is often the most important person to me. Helps me thank God for what I have, trust Him for what I don't, and share with others from what I was given.
Same question.
For the first half of my life it was my mother. Soon (for the second half) it will be another.
same q
I'd like to change this question, if I may.
What is a quick way for you to find relaxation?
music..listenin to music
have u ever considered going on a road trip??
Yup, but I hate being stuck in a car for over an hour, so it NEVER works out!
same q
lol…me tooo ie being in a confined space for a long period
yeah I wud want to, in fact its all rolled into my current holiday plans
next: whats yr fav sport, one that u play?
softball!!! My absolute fave! Good question!
same q
golf, tennis..if running is considered sport then that too
am interested in learning Soccer/football
and basketball, on a semi prof level
would love to learn to swim and if deep sea diving is considered sport then that too
name five things u can see around u or on u at the moment??
flowers (on me)
books (around me)
keys (around me)
trees (around me)
bees (around me)
same q
my pc ( in front of me)
lipgloss ( around me )
glass of water ( next to me)
my fone ( next to me )
tissues ( on my desk )
hmm: if u had the day to yrself -wat wud u do …at leisure ???
Poster (Before me)
Mobile Phone (Beside me to the left)
Chair (Under me)
Coffee mug (Beside me to the right)
Bible (Beside me)
Scar face:
hmm: if u had the day to yrself -wat wud u do …at leisure ???
Leisure??? What's that?? lol
Lie in the park, identify cloud formations & daydream!
same q.
am literally aching with stress…tension
sooo will pass this question, needs more time to think about
Pepper u wanna answer??
yea, jump in whenever you get the notion…
Sheesh! I so slow in spite of all this coffee! Maybe I am dying of some dreadful disease? No, that cannot be, I haven't yet seen the dimple or perhaps a pimple, but seeing that said dimple lies yonder beyond the Cape, its a task not that simple. So, here I am, my head in a wimple with a rimple, wishing life was not so much of a crimple.
Too many things…sheesh…choices, choices! For now, perhaps, sleep in, make myself a big breakfast, play with the neighbor's kids, go to the organic farm and pick myself fresh vegetables, take a walk along the stream, go skinny-dipping if possible…
Sheesh! I so slow in spite of all this coffee! Maybe I am dying of some dreadful disease? No, that cannot be, I haven't yet seen the dimple or perhaps a pimple, but seeing that said dimple lies yonder beyond the Cape, its a task not that simple. So, here I am, my head in a wimple with a rimple, wishing life was not so much of a crimple.
Too many things…sheesh…choices, choices! For now, perhaps, sleep in, make myself a big breakfast, play with the neighbor's kids, go to the organic farm and pick myself fresh vegetables, take a walk along the stream, go skinny-dipping if possible…
TMI Senor ji!
Maybe I am dying of some dreadful disease? No, that cannot be, I haven't yet seen the dimple or perhaps a pimple, but seeing that said dimple lies yonder beyond the Cape, its a task not that simple. So, here I am, my head in a wimple with a rimple, wishing life was not so much of a crimple.
Too many things…sheesh…choices, choices!
I adore the way you say a mouthful of nothing! lol
Sheesh! I so slow in spite of all this coffee! Maybe I am dying of some dreadful disease? No, that cannot be, I haven't yet seen the dimple or perhaps a pimple, but seeing that said dimple lies yonder beyond the Cape, its a task not that simple. So, here I am, my head in a wimple with a rimple, wishing life was not so much of a crimple.
Too many things…sheesh…choices, choices! For now, perhaps, sleep in, make myself a big breakfast, play with the neighbor's kids, go to the organic farm and pick myself fresh vegetables, take a walk along the stream, go skinny-dipping if possible…
First and foremost…I will die of shock, I promise I will..Roflmao
dayem wish I cud do the same….no choice no choices no choices
Ness: I did say I like this Jalapeno dimple pepper spicy dude, he is sure growin errhmmmm becomin a fav …
if I had a day…I cant think …..dammmit….I dunno…
aaargh ask anuther Q …quick
Maybe I am dying of some dreadful disease? No, that cannot be, I haven't yet seen the dimple or perhaps a pimple, but seeing that said dimple lies yonder beyond the Cape, its a task not that simple. So, here I am, my head in a wimple with a rimple, wishing life was not so much of a crimple.
Too many things…sheesh…choices, choices!
adoreadmire the way you say a mouthful of nothing! lol
see wise one
dats wat i meant to say
Whatever dude! lmao I said what I meant!
ADDENDUM: For those who are not informed, this is not flirting! This is stating a fact! Move along, there's nothing to see here! lmao
Scar face:
aaargh ask anuther Q …quick
Skinny dipping ain't all that bad you know. Except for the one occasion, my clothes fell of the branch into the stream and apparently got carried away. I was too busy underwater, trying to strike a trans-specie conversation with indigent acquatic life. When I surfaced, there were more people than my delicate situation warranted. I did what seemed best at that time. I swam downstream. I wish I could tell you what happened afterward, but Nessa ji is glaring, so I will cease and desist.
Now I've become a prude????
That's too bad! Actually Nessa ji was howling with laughter and frightening squirrels from trees!
Squirrels? Sheesh, they be nasty little critters that creep into tiny spaces in old houses and crunch nuts erm like Pecans and the like…and keep people awake.
Way to deflect! You know you wanted to finish your little 'nudie' story!
With such a wonderfully colorful vocab, why not? lol
For the sake of preserving this forum's propriety, let me say this and no more: It appeared that I had more erm skin on me when I crawled out than when I had jumped in. Try being in water for the better part of three hours in chilly weather, and you will experience first hand what I had endured. Now, here is my question: Would you rather be alone on an isolated beach or surrounded by people on a crowded beach?
alone on an isolated beach
are u right or left handed??
Ambidextrous at Baseball but not at Tennis. Right-handed for everything else, though I started off Left-handed.
Question: If you were given all the money you want, but were told that you cannot buy anything for yourself, what would you buy and for whom?
long intense conversations or short casual conversations?
sorry won't allow me to delete. So ignore.
SJ: well, seeing as its not my personal perusal…wud divide the money amongst all the people I know…but then its all the money I want…..problem is I dont want money
well my salary is sufficient I guess …
aaaaargh, I end up confusing mylsef with my own thoughts….
ok, will join in the shopping and will ensure they purchase watever their hearts desires, seeing the smiles and content will be sufficient
Ness: Depends who I am talking to ??
next question?
Long intense conversations.
Question: Have you ever saved another person's life?
if donating blood means saving a life
then I guess to an extent YES
Are you able to go to a restaurant and eat alone?
Not yet. But, I keep telling myself, I have what it takes to lay down my life to save another. I hope that when the opportunity presents itself, I would not think twice…so help me God.
I think I'm slowing down my self Senor ji.
'course – I'd always RATHER going to a restaurant and eating alone.
Erm if you won't allow me to ji you, you can't let you ji me either. Lol. Oh, Kavita ji, I eat most all of my meals alone, whether at home or in a restaurant.
Question: Do you watch movies with friends or would you rather watch a movie alone?
with friendssss
do you like Serious or funny people?
(seriofunny? )
I like serious people at work and funny people in the cafe, though every once in a while, I could use a funny one at work and as serious one in the cafe.
When was the last time you looked at the Sky?
1st thing this morning…watching the sunrise
same q..
At Fajr time.
last time you were on the phone?
A few minutes ago.
When was your last snow-fight?
hace siete anos
when was the last time you played in the rain?
When I was 10
Same Q?
Last year…my fwend Nazu and I met for lunch …and were supposed to go to the movies next, walked out of the hotel to find it raining raining raining soooo I stepped out, and felt the rain on my face, I started laffing and singing **its raining MEN** …as loud as possible, causing other pedestrians to look at me like I am craze…. and she was like
*P, ur nutz*, and laughed
After much convincing she joined me…we walked, ran and just embraced the rain through the whole afternoon. It was one of the most memorable experiences ever..
**smiles at the memory**
Q: Would you be honest with another and risk the loss of a friendship u value or would u rather **white lie** yr way and hope yr true feelings don’t show up…??
Be honest.
Question: What would you do if you found out that a friend did not invite you to her wedding because you were of another religious persuasion?
do nothing…*smile softly*
next: what's your favorite colour?
Any shade of blue except cerulean.
What is your favorite movie of all time?
too many to mention…all memorable..
who is yr fav author of all time??
Too many to mention as well and in each genre. For Short Stories, its F. Scott Fitzgerald. Let's stop there now or else its going to be a while.
What is your favorite cologne/perfume?
Have a few for me: Hypnotic poison White diamondsTommy girlRed doorImariFar away (my current) Too name a few… On a guy: That funny to pronounce ..fleur de sumthingLapidusHugo bossAramis To name a few Same Q:
The ones that are my current favorites: Cool Water (Davidoff); BeDelicious (DKNY); Incanto (Ferragamo); Black (Ralph Lauren); Hugo (Hugo Boss); and one that I was given and used once or twice – Magnetism (Escada).
Like yr taste err sense of smell ( dat sounds wack ) Next q: what will Senor bring back from his visit to this unnamed place??
sowrie cant think of any other questions
Black is good; calvin klein perfume smells sooooo good …….. white dimonds good…red door good
Wait Senor J…didnt you just travel somewhere? Going somewhere again? Whoaaaaaaa you're such a traveller ..thats good though
But to where? And what will you bring back? Come now, tell us , so we can figure out the place to which you're going..remember to be VERY VERY SPECIFIC
Lol, am thinking…bring me back mah smile, bring me back sum roses, bring me back yourself …coz without youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuLol, I just created mah own tune wooooooohhhooooooooooooooKrazy kiya re??? My next question: Wat do u want kavi??
I want you to really think about what you're saying!! you want him to bring you back himself? ..and roses? … YOUR SMILE depends on him?
hehehehehe dont smack me cross the head now
emmmm i dont really know what i want..i just want him to tell us where he's going so we can go on the same trip, annoy the heck out of him, invade his personal space, be so generous in giving a HELPFUL HAND in spending all that money he's taking along, being so kind to accompany him in his hotel room – taking up all the space throwing our clothes everywhere
whew…did you just cook up a mental picture?
im joking btw senor J, dont want you be terrified at the simple utter of my name
errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr………… ur lucky my sense of **humor** is still working ..a little..OH GOD…Flip Kavs, I wasnt even thinking about Senor…..oh my gosh…***blushes** ur nutz………… errrrrrrrrrrrrr okies will stay quiet now…damn u woman ..eish
but good one, now watch ye back ..yr didi is gonna getye for it hahaha
waaaat u say all dat then say sowrie
she isnt joking…we are up for wreckin his quiet boring ol life and bringing sum masti and spice and and and it
u up for that Kavz..??
Yeah didi..only thing is….. well
if you're in for might as well add that to MY life when you're at it!!
add what in yr life kavi???
oh reaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllly now…………….. since when am I the lil chicken on the platter huh??
have a feeeling a few ppl think along yr paranoid fairytale thoughts
hmmmph…u better run madam, cuz when I catchye..ur edible meat hahahahaha
next Question kavs..
hahahhaaaaaaaaaaaa lol…….. what do you mean…you have a feeling few pple think along my paranoid fairytale thoughts
Yeah next Q – we've spent too much time on mr. J here … plus he not gonna tell us where he going nor bring us back anything pshttt
next q lets see : If something culd have been different about you, what would it be. or what would you wish it could be>?
different about me now..
physically…taller ahahahaha
same q:
ps: am off for the day
chat laterz luw
OMG – me TOOOOOOOOOOOO i've always wished that !! I wish i was taller argh!!
ooooooooo okay good….so rest rest rest
we will chat later..time for me to go coooooooook
love you
I've always wished for straight hair! These curls are outrageous!
Have you ever walked around in your father's shoes?
Oh I know what you mean, my hair is soo thick and curly.
I guess I did walk around inmy dad's when I was little. Did you?
yup and I thought I was such a grown up! I loved the sound they made!
Have you ever walked around in your mother's shoes?
Im sure I did
And to imagine the sound that they would make … those heels … click clank click clank
Mums impossibly high heels – yup Dads soft and fluffy bedroom slippers – yup
wats yr favorite/earliest memory of yr dad??
My favorite memory of my dad is when we ganged up on my brother and beat him up
same q.
Lol, ur kidding r8 hahahaha
Mine : being held by my dad, him singing to of those really old tunes..
And I have a feeling I mustve been seriously young..soo my memory amazes me
Next: when was the last time u did something selfless and wat was the act/thought??
If it isn’t too personal??
too personal and embarrassing. will leave it for someone else…
Ever been hit in the face with a snowball?
More than once.
Ever burnt yourself with an iron?
lmbo…more than once!
ever burn what you're ironing?
Would you be interested in acquiring a beautiful lightweight wool evening jacket with a strategically placed triangular vent for superior air-flow?
Have you ever used another person's toothbrush by mistake?
what is the thing you liked most about your childhood?
A day seemed to last forever.
Same question please.
the innocence….
same q.
Everything and anything remotely interesting instantly became an adventure.
Same question.
same q
chasing my dog, racing 'stick boats' in the nearby stream, climbing trees & then falling from them, catching Garter Snakes & fireflies, playing freeze tag and having my mother read to us before bed!
have you broken any bones?
It is imperative for a boy to break bones and so I have.
Same question please.
yes, when i was 5 yrs old…broke my leg.
and several times after that.
what are your hobbies?
Collecting scars. Making children smile. Watering plants and doing groceries for neighbors. Begging Ninja to accommodate dinner invitations to friends' houses…
Same question please.
Collecting scars. Making children smile. Watering plants and doing groceries for neighbors. Begging Ninjas to accommodate dinner invitations to friends' houses…
sorry, that reminded me of a friend of mine…woah
my hobbies and nerdish as it sounds…memorizing Qur'an and reading, I love to read.
next question ninjitsu?
where are you from?
same q
West Indies
Same Q
Same question please.
Ee-hin-diya as in India ji ?
Or is this some place
Im really eager to know where you are from. Seems like you are from somewhere that really gave you … the opportunity to be educated and speak very very smart
Yes, Kavita ji. I am from India.
If you could go somewhere, where would that be?
in da middle of nowhere
same q
Same question please.
Bora Bora
Name one thing you've always wanted to do, but have never done!
Join the circus. Don't laugh. I'm serious. I wanted to be a Lion-tamer. Sigh!
Same question please.
…ok ji. Looks as if the desire hasn't yet dissipated.
Cliff Dive! Always thought it looked so beautiful and serene. But one needs bravery to carry that one off!
When speaking, are you a 'toucher' or speak with your hands? And why?
I know this isn't the this or that thread!
Good question. I honestly don't know. If I had to guess, I would have to say I probably speak with my hands.
Same question please.
I'm a toucher.
Is it verboten for a woman to wear a feminine version of a tuxedo to a formal function as opposed to a gown?
I would not say its forbidden, but you would sure run the risk of looking like Katherine Hepburn or Diane Keaton, Lol! I would love to see a woman in an Armani tux, but she would have to susbstitute the cummerbund for a Basile silk and cashmere scarf and opt for a 'fresh scrubbed' look with minimal jewellery, preferably an single strand of pearls or diamond studs in white gold or silver.
But, evening gowns are more elegant. Remember Jerry Maguire's compliment to Dorothy? 'That's more than a dress. That's an Audrey Hepburn movie.' That's exactly what I feel about a proper evening gown on a woman who carries it with a touch of elegance and a hint of playfulness.
I blame you again Nessa ji. Look what you did? Now I can't stop thinking about all this.
If you were wearing stilettos, would you mind if your heels clicked?
i hate the clicking of heals…but when you're the one wearing it, it's not as annoying, lmao. im weird
how many kids do you want…if you want any?
Five (Four boys and one girl to rule over them Lol). I love large families.
Same question please.
2 kids.
do you trust people easily?
I try. I try really hard. But, the answer sadly, is no.
Same question please.
not really. I used to.
same question.
Lol, after the year I have had…NO…no no no no noooooooooooo…will never let mah guard down…again!!
Thought trusting or relying on my instincts was the right way ….but even ones intuition lets em down…
SJ: dat explains the 101 questions thrown at ye…sorry
Do u believe in fate/destiny??
Yes, but I believe that we create our own fate/destiny. Not sure if that was the correct answer for you, it was for me.
Same question…
lol, spot on..yup dat answers my question
I too believe we create our own fate/destiny…but to an extent
have u done anything spontaneous in the last 24 hours ??
same q.
lol yup
have u ever woken up and felt like u were floating…
sooo darn happy, an no specific reason???
same q.
yup yup yup
anuther day of polluting earth ..wooohoooooo offf coz am gonna be crazily happy
wat was yr favorite toy as a kid?? or did u have one??
Hmmmm…my older bro!
same q
A Tonka truck.
Same question please.
Barbie Dolls
Same Q?
Barbie and Ken! And i'd make a specialized, personalized, original car for them, out of a Capri Sun Juice Box. Oh the days.
Name one thing which is really close to your heart?
my mind
have u met any of yr online fwends??
How do you deal with the loss of a loved one, besides prayer or spiritual means?
I cried until my tears wouldnt come out anymore and I talked to my friends and other people who're close to me..
What's the craziest thing you did the past week?
Was on a tiny vacation and I thought of trying something a certain someone on the forum claimed to have done!
It involved a deserted lake & moonlight!
Check one more 'stupid thing' done off my list! rotflmao
same q.
Lmao! Oh for the inconspicuous pleasures of skinny-dipping! It ain't stupid! I am a firm believer and practice it to my heart's content.
The craziest thing I did past week was not show up for work for three days. The last time I did not show up for work on a monday was more than a decade ago. Sad isn't it? Lol!
Same question please.
Senor J – Ness was talking about skinny dipping? I'll gasp when she confirms !
By the way , have you performed skinny dipping? Oh god..dont you ever feel like you're being *gulp* watched?
I didnt do anything crazy in the past week Im the boring type ha
Confirmed Kaveeeta!
rotflmao @ 'performed skinny dipping'
What is the sweetest/most romantic/nicest thing ever said to you?
My neice once said that when she grew up, she would marry me love me so much I would never need another person to love me again. She is nineteen now. No sign of a proposal Lol.
Same question please.
Children's words are so open, honest & loving!
” I've been told you're strong willed. I see that you're headstrong. To force you to do anything would be a tragedy for that person. So just listen. Just as you were convinced by The Scriptures to believe in Him, I wish to convince you to believe in me. My mom thinks I'll make a great husband!”
What is a good way to clear one's mind after a disagreement with a friend?
Beat the living daylights out of 'that' friend.
Same question.
Have no idea. Was looking for help and found…well…errmmm…thanks? lmbo
What was the first book you read that touched your heart?
The Holy Bible.
Same question.
! Couldn't top that if I wanted.
Off to the movies now! Sleep well.
My neice once said that when she grew up, she would marry me love me so much I would never need another person to love me again. She is nineteen now. No sign of a proposal Lol.
Same question please.
Ok then… Are You There God, It's Me Margaret?
Do you have a problem with squeaky shoes? (wearing them) lol
I not only have a problem wearing them, I have a problem with people who wear them.
Have you ever fallen asleep chewing gum and woke up with it all in your hair?
Yikes – No
Have you ji?
Erm…moving on Lol!
Have you ever eaten so many blueberries that your voice became hoarse and sounded like you swallowed a frog?
i love blueberries, but never went that far. lmao.
what is your fav. fruit?
Favorite fruit? Hmm…three people qualify as answers and they are all in here. Interestingly, they also double up as my favorite nuts. Lmao! I'm going to leave you to work on that but you have to promise me this: No staring; no twitching; and definitely no roti-rollers. Lol! (I am a great admirer of my own lame jokes).
Do lame jokes qualify a person for the physically challenged parking space?
Only if your willing to share it with another person who also makes lame jokes (A)
What's the last thing you ate?
Home-made sandwich (Crabsticks, emmenthal, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, slivers of semi-ripe mango, wasabi mayo on whole wheat bread).
Same question please?
holy buscuit!!!!!!! Senor J – that sounds mad delicious – wanna make doubles on that the next time you're planning to eat that?
Last thing I ate was half of a boiled corn cob.
Same q.
an apple.
your philosophy in life?
Ooh – thats a hard one.
Enjoy your life and let others enjoy theirs!
Is the glass half-ful or half-empty? (are you an optimistic or pessimistic person?)
(There is no glass. I'm a pestimistic person).
Seriously now, the glass is half full.
I want to go back to Ninja's question: What is your philosophy in life?
D'oh! The glass is always half empty.
Whats your philosophy in life ji?
oooh heera- I like your philosophy ji
My philosophy in life is- do your best, live it like you're supposed to and keep in mind that you never know when death will strike, so basically live everyday like it's your last day.
We learn obedience by what we suffer.
Have you ever broken a neighbor's window?
I wish I had, but so far none.
What is your favorite hindi movie?
Sholay. Was my first Hindi movie.
Who is your favorite Bollywood movie star?
I could watch Sanjay Dutt all day! *siiiigh* lol
same q
SRK is my fav…
What is your favorite hindi song?
tie between: Ladka Yeh Kehta Hai & Do Pal
same q
Well…. I have a whole list, but unfortunately I can't write all these songs, but from the recent songs my favorites are Yeh Tera Mera Milna from Aap Ka Suroor & Tera Mera Rishta from Awarapan.
Who do you love the most Mom or Dad? Plzzz choose one.
I can't choose between them, because I love them both a LOT! Yet if I refrase the question as: With which parent can you get along better? Then it would be my mom, coz she's just like me, only 3 decades later
so.. let's stick with that one: With which one of your parents can you get along better?
Sheesh! I get along better with Dad as of the moment (Only because my mom keeps talking about 'settling down.')
Daddy. He isn't as hard on me as my mother!
same q
Well Senor J – your mom cares for you that is why she is telling you that.
my dad.
same q.
new question Ninja!
Does it feel to you as if the summer has flown by?
same q
it certainly did.
what is one goal you're working oh so hard to accomplish?
Live a life that is pleasing to God.
Same question please.
omg your “please” at the end reminds me of a friend why are you so polite!
my main goal in life is… to please Allah Subhanahu wata'ala in everything I do…big and small. basically what you said
if you can describe yourself in one word, what would it be?
Same question please.
i dunno =S hard question. yet i asked it =D
what yr/time in your life do you consider as the best ever, and why?
Time: Every time I kneel down to pray is the greatest time of my life because God blesses me with His presence and honors my words though I am but unworthy of His love and attention.
Year: 1990 was a remarkable year for me. I resigned from the job of my dreams, sold everything I owned, gave it to a church, and began volunteering with the organization I now work for. I had no clue what I was doing, but trusted my heart that it was God who moved me to do what I had done. To make things worse, my friends called me stupid and my colleauges ridiculed me behind my back, but my family supported me. My parents came to my room a few days before I left and said: 'We've never been more proud of you than right now. If this is what your heart tells you that God wants you to do, be prepared to die for it. You will never really know whether what you are living for is important to you until you are prepared to die for it.' It was the greatest year of my life. Everything I am and everything I do today, God began in me that wonderful year. (Sorry, you got me excited).
no need to be sorry!
Same question please.
Time: Every time I kneel down to pray is the greatest time of my life because God blesses me with His presence and honors my words though I am but unworthy of His love and attention.
Year: 1990 was a remarkable year for me. I resigned from the job of my dreams, sold everything I owned, gave it to a church, and began volunteering with the organization I now work for. I had no clue what I was doing, but trusted my heart that it was God who moved me to do what I had done. To make things worse, my friends called me stupid and my colleauges ridiculed me behind my back, but my family supported me. My parents came to my room a few days before I left and said: 'We've never been more proud of you than right now. If this is what your heart tells you that God wants you to do, be prepared to die for it. You will never really know whether what you are living for is important to you until you are prepared to die for it.' It was the greatest year of my life. Everything I am and everything I do today, God began in me that wonderful year. (Sorry, you got me excited).
well this I need to think about deeply…
next question:
have u done anything or said anything to anyone u soooo regret in the last month or so??
Thanks for sharing.
Heb. 5:8
Oh and same q…
nope, next question:
watye upto this weekend??
I was supposed to ride to the mountains, but heavy rains and possible landslides have kept me home and left me grumpy I'm afraid. So, I plan on watching three movies: Kuch Kuch Hota Hai; Kal Ho Naa Ho and Kabhi Alivida Na Kehna. I have friends from erm Europe for the week and they too have been rained in Lmao! Imagine a cramped apartment with sleeping bags, back packs, hiking gear and dirt-bikes and fifteen pairs of shoes. Thank God most of them are neat and shower frequently, except for this huge blond haired bum staring over my shoulder hitting me on the head…I swear I can count all the showers he has taken this month on one hand. Lol, he just cuffed me on the ear and left. Nordic people have a powerful aversion to water in the house but throw them on the beach and they turn to fish.
Three of the people here are exceptional cooks, one I believe had a brief stint at some culinary arts school. I am sure he got kicked out because he probably ate everything he cooked and everyone else cooked before the teacher got to grade it. Uh oh, I have to post this. Nordic savage coming with a chicken leg in his hand. Sheesh! I guess my table is for laptops and plates for decorative purposes. I am so going to regret inviting them over…
Same question please.
Lol..sounds like a lota fun in the house
sigh, wat wud life b without the presence of the rainbow nation = friends …
.me: well,
am supposed to attend my friends sisters funeral tomorrow morning and am scared coz I hate funerals, they freak me out, seeing a dead person freaks me out..
Haven’t slept well since I heard of her death, and then more news from home about death just irks me.
Havent planned my weekend yet, will see after the funeral …
Sunday….Aaaaaargh am going to sneak in to work ….
would love to have at least 3 days to myself..just me..dat mountain sounds sooo damn tempting
next q: List 15 things/acts/people.thoughts that brought a smile to your face today?
okay u dnt have to have 15…
1) waking up to my niece's 'dragon breath' in my face & knees on my chest! lol
2) watching a little boy at her summer camp pull her hair & run
3) having my coffee paid for by a kind stranger
4) having the mechanic tell me I didn't need new tires
5) purchasing souvenirs my first summer party (star wars themed)!!!!
6) having homemade Italian Wedding soup for lunch! Mmmmm!
…that's all I gots!
Same q
1. whilst attempting to cross the street thru a red robo, this dude, errrhmmm kinda flirted with me while his girlfriend was in the car…she wsnt impressed, Gossamz cudnt help but laugh all the way to work and meee???…welll that made me smile..unintentional but Heck Like Gosamz had said, I have a gift hahaha
2. An old man, On the same street, telling me I am erhmmm beautiful then calling me craze for not responding to his compliment…lol..He was talking in Zulu..Heck I couldnt understand what he said ..thanks to G for translating…lol
3. We passed by a furniture store and this salesman was screaming out loudly about the days specials, he looked at me and said
* we have the most amazingly comfortable beds, its like the TITANIC…to which I laughed out loudly and was about to respond when G said,
* well the titanic sank* THAT cracked me up…
4. We passed two good looking guys and I chirped to G..*Oh damn, for once I see a good looking guy and I am makeup less,and dressed like a tomboy:( which she replied ** Jeez woman, make up or no make U are beautiful** Now that truly touched me..yeah Shes my friend and bound to say mushy stuff to make me feel better but it still made me smile..
5. Listening to Shakalaka Boom Boom and thinking of the first time I posted the lyrics here, NESS came back telling me **U've gotta be kidding r8..or some thing to that effect ( must try and allocate that one )
am not sure why that made me smile.
6. Lying on my bed, waiting for G to return from Church, with a tub of Ice cream in one hand, fone in the other, reading Amzee's Email to me…
Wow, that made me smile and brought tears to my eyes.. especially when she had asked me to smile more hahahahaa..
7. One of my Friends called me this morning, just to say that I am missed and loved:-)
8. was walking past some women who were braiding their hair on the street corners, one had the most gorgeous luking baby in her arms-couldnt help but smile coz she was sooo loud….screaming and fussing coz she didnt want to be trapped in her mums arms, but let loose to reign havoc ..
9. listening to my baby on the fone trying to erhmmm give me the news of his new found love…I could picture him blushing..dat was soo cute…young love…
10. actually being able to log in to the forum and type all this …have a smile on my face right this minute…
dats all I can think of at the top of my head …the days still young..
Next Question
wat does being BROODY actually mean?? anybody care to explain???
Pronunciation: 'brü-dE
Function: adjective
1: given or conducive to introspection : CONTEMPLATIVE, MOODY
– brood·i·ness noun
next: have you/do you thrown/throw coins in a fountain & make a wish?
Lmao ..Oh thank you Ness? ? ?
But I meant what is your personal opinion/interpretation on this word/feeling?
So it has nothing to do with wanting kids ..Phew …sigh of relief on my end?
Now to answer yr question: Yup I did once, when I was on an excursion in grade 8
And amazingly my wish came true.
Next: Whats the most precious gift, gifted to you for whichever occasion it was presented to you?
the unconditional love of my loved ones.
they love me in spite of …or maybe because of my quirks! they know when to give me love, when to give me space, when to give me quiet advise and when to give me a tight slap! these ones are my life & a precious gift from the Almighty!
Oh and I was given a ring recently ! It'll do for now! Bwaahahaha!
Next: Where the heck is everyone?
Ek is hier vir hierdie tweed, ek dink
Baie interesante Ness, ek het geviet jy sal iets se’
Next: What’s the purpose of anything anymore??
Sometimes I do know. Sometimes I do not. Right now I do not really care. Nothing makes sense.
Sometimes I do know. Sometimes I do not. Right now I do not really care. Nothing makes sense.
Next Question: what seems to be worrying/creeping into Mr Wisdomousness's aka SJ's thoughts?
Ek is hier vir hierdie tweed, ek dink
Baie interesante Ness, ek het geviet jy sal iets se’
Next: What’s the purpose of anything anymore??
eerrrmmmm….uuuhhmmm….si? lmao
He has explained in another thread. Mortality, love, faith, endurance/strength…all of the above.
Keep ur head up Senor ji! You and ur loved ones are in my prayers.
What's it all about Alfie?
Keeping one's head up is not as herculean as keeping one's heart up. Sigh! I am trying.
Question: Is it just for the moment we live?
He has explained in another thread. Mortality, love, faith, endurance/strength…all of the above.
I know…Still …L his sadness adds to mine
What's it all about Alfie? Alfie?? Is the name of my mentor, and he is a MAN J
am not sure if you are asking me an actual question as such but will answer regardless!
Its about life, love, life, love, did I mention love? People, friends, feelings, family, obligations, belief, trusting ones heart??
Is it safe? Trusting in itself, its about it about me?? its never been about me before? Feels odd..
Everything revolving my life, is it all worth it? What is the purpose anymore? Wasting space as far as I can see..Nothing beyond darkness… too many questions, no answers~will stop now!! Ps: My translation…To your Question: I am here, for this momentI knew u wud say above..(yr answer to my question)
I said it right now to a friend
when was the last time you went out with your friends and just chilled…the whole day? (i miss that )
Next: are u a collector?? as in Teddy bears, ornaments, keyrings wateva else ..??
yeah, i collect coffee mugs . those cool disney ones. rofl
for starters..teddy bears..
porcelains, frames, books, magazines…an a whole lot of other cute stuff..
next q: would u welcome CHANGE or stick to the tried and tested ??
Same question please.
Same question please.
From lol to misery..hmmm
wats up Professsorrrr ji????
, talking helps ji,
**will send u the bill later**
awww! That's so true… Imma steal that from youuuu! heheheeeeee.
Next question: Have you ever been in love?
I have always been in love.
Same question please.
Nope, I have never been in love. Unless you count the time I fell for Shah Rukh Khan in Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Ghum? Or the time I fell for Abhishek in Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna? lol. Kidding.
But Insha'Allah, when I do fall in love, and someone asks me if I have ever been in love, I hope to say, “A thousand times…with the same guy…over and over again…a thousand times…” *sigh*
Next question: Filhaal, what's your favorite song?
Too many songs, depends on the mood
but ONE of my favs..**Jaane Dil..** from MDK
next: wats yr favorite treat? food/place of relaxation??..wateva ….
chocolates……how on earth can anyone resist it…..i wonder
A word tat says a million things abt u? / symbolizes u????
contently complicated
not exactly one word but dats the first thought that popped into my head…
same Q:
the most romantic place you've visited?
Palace of the golden horses….
ur fav. color n y?
Blue. Cannot explain why. Just cannot imagine wearing any other color and being as happy.
Same question please.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh I LOVE BLUE TOOOOOOO!
same question
surely blue………..
same question……….
Simply difficult question, personally as an **artist**, (a moody artist), my favorites varies depending on my mood!! Next q: do u believe in fairies?
yes i surely do……
ur real name?
Alishia P Pillay Same q OR choose another ….
fav. country?
Saudia arabia!!!!!!!!
same question
Cute…love the name, what does it mean?
Right now, I wish I were in Greece..
but too many fav. Countries..India tops my List..naturallyJ
Spain J
Same Q
not sure of the meaning…anyway thanks for saying its cute.
my fav. country would be italy…
don't have one.
do you talk to urself?
Have u ever wished upon a star?
Yup i have….
do u think before u talk???
hmm I think while I am talking lol
sumtimes I do… sometimes I dont
same q
yes i do. I think tooooo much before i talk im such a bum
same q.
Whn i m angry….nop i dont,
other times yes i do….dont wanna hurt anyone….hehehe
how many things/stuffs can u do at one time….?
Whn i m angry….nop i dont,
other times yes i do….dont wanna hurt anyone….hehehe
how many things/stuffs can u do at one time….?
usually it depends on my mood. lmao. i can do a lot of things at once actually, because it's been like that all my life. I'm always in a hurry doing things. prolly 4 things at once? 5? i dunno…depends. multi-tasking rocks.
same question.
same with moi
multi tasking rocks for sure…
same q
i can do muilt task…that's me
same q?
Depends! If I'm truly concentrating on something I find important, then I'm useless! lol
Otherwise add me to this lengthening list of multi taskers!
Have you ever stopped to help a stranger?
Almost always (Unless its a skimpily clad voluptuous blonde besides a broken-down convertible on a isolated highway…either because I'm concerned that if I stop to help, I may soon need help myself or because I'm afraid I may erm help myself to too much of her. Lmao!).
Shame Kweschun Puhleez.
Yes, I have.
Senor – lol. u lil nasteeeeeeeee!
Next Question: What is most important thing you have sacrificed? And why did you sacrifice? Do you regret it?
myself/ my heart
to make him happy
i regret that I didn't love hard enough
same question…
My 'idea' of future. To gain God's 'promise' of a better future. No regrets.
Would you rather be the 'shallow end' of a deeper relationship or the 'deeper end' of a shallow relationship?
Woooooooooooooooooooow! Borrowing Yemiz's question book?
deeper end of a shallow relationship!
same q?
Would you rather receive a gift you cannot use or Give a gift you would rather keep?
give a gift I would rather keep.
same q?
Hey! Ask a new one dang it. Sneaky woman! Lmao!
Have you ever tried a man's after-shave on your legs after shaving?
lol…ok ji!
Nope! (But at 5 years old, I tried to shave my face with my uncle's disposable razor! Bad business that was! )
How long do your 'crushes' last? *giggle*
I'm beginning to feel sorry for your siblings. You must have been a terror. They last as long as I am not 'crushed.'
Same question please. My turn to giggle.
Don't pity them!! I made the way easier for them! My mother was exhausted by the time they came along! rotflmbo!
'til sundown! *snicker*
What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done on a date?
I accidentally grabbed my date's mother by the left boob. I know its hilarious but I don't really know how it happened. All I remember is that I was talking about nuclear reactors in France and turned around gesturing and voila! it was the curious case of a Desi pseudo-gynaecologist and an impromptu mammogram, right there in the produce aisle of a supermarket.
I wished I would die but thank God for erm Mrs. B or C who was game. She did say something that is not appropriate for this forum, but, was naughty enough to make me wish I went out with the mother and not the daughter. Lmao!
Same question please.
*cracking up laughing* yup, that's embarrassing alright! Oh and ew!
Went to dinner with what my mother repeatedly calls a 'great catch' to this day! We were getting along pretty well, but I was counting the seconds! This was a 'fix up' by my mother and I was destined to make him not ask for a round 2! I was polite, but distant. Dinner finally arrived (I'd ordered Cornish hen) and when I proceeded to cut into my hen, it shot across my plate, then the table and came to rest under the chair of the couple a table away from us! He never asked for a second date! *snort*
I can't think of a new question. I can't stop laughing!
Would you please…?
lmao! This is fun! i wanna answer a question too! Hurry up and ask, someone! lol
What was the worst prank you've pulled on someone?
Ness, darn hen was probably still alive. Never heard of plucked fowl given to flight though…maybe a bit of Tabasco got into one of those marinading cuts.
worst as in bad for them or bad for me?
Well, the time I called my teacher pretending to be the pizza guy was pretty bad for the both of us! lol. But it was still funny.
same question?
My parents moved to the city before I was born but most of my relatives on either side still live in villages, mostly farming and fishing. Each summer I would go and spend a few weeks at my grandmother's place. Since we do not have electricity, most people bring their cots and sleep outside at night. One night, my brothers and I carried our neighbor's son -who was a pain in the hindside- a few hundred meters and left him underneath this huge tamarind tree in the fields far from his house. An hour or so later, we heard these blood-curdling screams and boy we were dying from laughter. What we did not know was that someone apparently hung themselves to death on that very tree.
I was unceremoniously beat up once I went back to the city. It was a painful beating, but it was no comparison to the laughter that event still evokes to this day.
That is so mean! And scary! The poor kid…
Where is your happy place?
Any place I can pray and experience the presence of God.
Same question please.
Any place I can pray and experience the presence of God.
Same question please.
Name one good advice you have received from a friend…
Before I got married someone told me:
On you're wedding day, you have to take things easy and just relax and enjoy… It's a once in a lifetime experience which will never come back, but will always be in your memory…
To all of you who will get married some day (maybe soon, maybe later): I took the advice and I ain't regretting it any moment
Next: When is someone a friend of you? / When do you call someone a friend?
it differs with each person I meet..will leave it at this for now
same question
i will call som1 my frnd when he/she understands my feelings and doesnt cut me off when we just had an argument. He/she knows that when ppl are upset or mad they say things they dont mean and once they r cooled down tell them they shld not react so….in other words help one another to improve themselves….
same q….
interesting indeed
Next Q: ur asked a question, would u google the answer and feign intelligence or simply admit u have no clue as to what the answer is??
I'd admit my ignorance, demand an answer, then google to find out more about the subject! lol
same q?
feigning ignorance is more my thing..will def admit I gotze no clue, and if the subject is something I find interesting I may
actually attempt to educate myself..other than that, I HATE googling…dats soo darn annoying…
next question:
do u believe that there may be people out there who are psychics or have the ability to foretell, **see**feel** wateva
u know em fortune tellers, or extremely spiritual people ..who has the **power / spirit of God in them????
I know its a serious rather deep yet controversial question, however yr answers/opinions will be appreciated!!!
I believe only a prophet has the spirit of God working with him/her and in that case he/she wouldn't charge for their 'information'. Because if he/she recieved from God, they (the prophet) has no right to take money.
same q
I don't believe that any other person in this world can forsee the future. Only God has that supreme power, and no one else but He can posses it….
Same q.
I agree with Ness. A prophet is a spokesperson for God. He is just the messenger in whom the Spirit of God is. The message is exclusively God's. The Old Testament celebrates in graphic detail the office of the prophet as well as the content of the prophecy. I am intrigued by the gift of prophecy and though have coveted it as the Apostle Paul exhorts, have never possessed such gift.
But, with regards to certain aspects of life, we do not need a prophet to tell us what will happen in the future. We can see the 'future' in our 'present,' in that we are only becoming more of who we are.
Same question please.
I'm with princess on this one. only God has that power…
same q.
Tnx for the collaborated response
Next : r u a *religious fashion monger//follower*
or a *wear wat makes me comfy* person??
What makes me comfy!
Same question please.
comfort it is!
what is the most comfortable piece of clothing you own?
10 year old sweat pants!
do you have a favorite piece of jewelry you were gifted?
Yup a lil diamond ring my mum found under her bed whilst cleaning
No one had claimed it so she presented it to moi, telling me it will bring me luck
Hasn’t failed to do so since, ugly lil thing is still on my finger, luck has definitely
Smiled warmly on me since, or maybe its my sheer determination ??? hmmm lol
Same q
My grandmother's engagement ring and a rock my niece brought me from Paris 3 years ago!
what color shoes are you wearing today?
I was wearing tan loafers earlier, but now am bare-foot! How about you?
me ?? or ness??
mah most comfy black flats…
ok i in my socks hahaha
same q
was wearing black thongs (flip flops), now am barefoot also.
small intimate concert or large open air stadium?
Intimate concert it is! If the music bores me, I could always find erm something to keep me occupied. Lmao!
Back rub or foot-spa?
bwaaahahahahaha! man oh man!
foot-spa. Have an 'issue' with another touching my feet?
same q?
back rub..need one right nw
same q
answer the question senor 'wanna go halfs on a baby' ji?
I so am not rubbing nobody's back right now. Lmao! But I do love backrubs.
Power-naps on the couch at the office or long snooze in a hammock under the palms?
Long snooze in a hammock under the palms for sure!! One day I wana do that. For now the hammock swing over looking normal green trees in my garden will have to do. Its not half bad either! Great for reading books with a blanket or just lying there with my ipod, watching the rain.
Dream job?
sounds nice Princess.
I answered this almost 3 years ago in another thread! can't believe I remember…
In a cramped office translating ancient text!
same q?
Interesting q;
My dream job(s)
working/helping/trying to make a difference in this world of ours…
I want to go to bed each night feeling/knowing I had spent my day doing something/anything that had made someone smile or have done some good to/in this world..Our people..
Right now, I feel …….
Same q:
My job now is my dream job.
Same question please.
Next: when did u last dance like theres no tomorrow??
Err…I can't seem to remember…it's been a long time…about a year ago, I danced like crazy in my ex-best friend's engagement…
Me too…
Next Question: What are your plans for the weekend?
well its going to be busy ..again:(
just need sum MEEEEE time
same q
Hmmm…let's see….
book club meeting
retirement dinner
seeing Rush Hour 3 for last time (“You can't be 1/2 black Lee, there's a height requirement!” bwaahahahahaha!)
helping my cousin w/ her anniversary dinner (27 years & counting!)
same q?
lol..enjoy ness…
sounds rather jammm packed huh
me is chilling right now…procrastinating..dumped that list i had
am just going to chilllaaaaxxxxxx and actually enjoy my weekend
however am pickin up Gosamz sister ..shes spending the weekend with us
then off to the movies
then …i still neeed to sleep…worrying bout kavs kept me awake most of the night
am just tooo lazy **yawnnns again**
same q i guess
oohhhhh my songs playing
we can live without the perks jus uuuu and meee…
like u just the way u are
It is!!!!
And I need to go and get my hair done right now! Darn this forum! It's like a black hole or sumthin! lmao
Enjoy ur weekend gorgeous! Talk with you soon……oh oh, just got ur text! u're incorrigible! rotflmao!
oops, threadkiller!
question: have you ever climbed a tree? lol
No I don't think so. Maybe when I was small but I really don't remember .
Any special scent that takes you back to a time in your life you cherish?
Sandalwood. My mother used to make Sandalwood paste and smear it all over my forehead and neck. For what reason, I cannot remember. I used to hate it. Now, I smile just thinking about it.
Same question please.
Tea Rose (My grandmother wore it. I feel so safe when I smell it!)
What did you want to be when you were all grown up?
A Doctor ji!
Pediatric Surgeon
Same question please.
it changed from wanting to be a teacher and then an actress lmao. I want to be neither now, lol.
ever broken a body part?
What is the strongest part of your body?
my heart
same q
my dad says my head! lol
If you were granted an entire day to do anything you wanted, what would it be?
Sit with a dying person.
Same question please.
Ji… but why?
OMG!!!!! I'd arrange to meet Shahrukh Khan!!!!!!!!!!!
*faints at that thought*
Spend it with my Me-mom (great grandmother)
In which room in your home do you entertain the most?
Kitchen. People never can wait till food is served. Sigh!
Same question please.
Kitchen as well. It's where I'm most at home! Getting everyone involved is quite a bonding experience!
Next: Has anyone considered your interest in them as 'interest in them'? If so, how do you handle it? I know 2 questions!!! How dare me!!!
I suck at stuff like this. A friend of mine after confessing that she had felt strongly for me while we were both attending a work-related conference, said that I was totally oblivious to all the 'signals' she sent me. I honestly had no idea. She went on to say that I am so thick, that I would not know love if it hit me in my face and down there, 'where it hurts' simultaneously. You know, I worry about that sometimes. Sorry, I am useless with this question.
Same question please.
Yeah, that was pretty bad! I'll save that question for one of the girls! lol Please help ladies, otherwise someone gets ignored tomorrow!
Here's an easy one for you: what color socks are you wearing today?
None. I'm breaking in my new loafers. I am at a Starbucks. Just had a slice of Green Tea and Berry Cheese cake, and washed it down with a San Pellegrino.
Do you 'dress' to go do your groceries?
…aaand here he goes with the food again! Talk dirty to me, read the menu! rotflmao
Nope!! Sweats, Sambas, a t-shirt/tank & a ponytail!
Why do people 'dress' to go to the gym????? Never understood this!
So they can look cute for the sexii guys/girls who are working out at the gym.
I have NEVER worked out at a gym. How in the world am I supposed to work out with all those men around? And heck no I ain't gonna work out in a skirt/abaya, I'll prolly get it stuck somewhere!
Are you a pediatric surgeon? Just curious…
No one has ever liked me.
Why do people 'dress' to go to the gym????? Never understood this!
not sure, dnt really care…dnt pay much attention during the time am at the gym…..depends on the individuals interpretation of *dress**?? i guess
next: wats the difference between a house and a home??
yr opinion, ie if u have one on above
a house serves as a place of shelter only. a home is where you find love, care, unity, and all the good things this life holds.
same q.
A house is a place where a bloke goes to at the end of the day to water his plants, wash his clothes, stare at the digital clock on the microwave while nuking his grub, and hugs a coffee mug several times before falling asleep with a philosopher/poet/some random author on his face.
A home is a place where a father/husband/son/brother-mother/wife/daughter find unconditional love, abundant acceptance, unlimited forgiveness and lasting laughter- the kind that starts somewhere deep within and gushes out.
Oh, he definitely will get a home-cooked meal and a long hug from a beautiful woman (with a mug of coffee in her hands). Oh God! Heaven!
OYE! Rani! In case you haven't noticed! We are all more than interested in you. Sheesh! Smart dumb people are a pain.
Would you rather get wet in the rain and run the risk of a cold or sit in the house and watch others play in the rain?
Would you rather get wet in the rain and run the risk of a cold or sit in the house and watch others play in the rain?
bolded off coz..
same q
run the risk of a cold every time. I always am first to get wet when it rains. I run out lol. Neighbours think I'm crazy. On other occasions I prefer to walk in the rain when I am on my way home from somewhere, listening to my favourite slow tracks on my ipod. The sound of the noise hitting the ground is so relaxing, and the smell of the rain drenching the parched earth is so vitalising. Beautiful.
are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Same question please.
introvert as well…
same q
No one has ever liked me.
Stop fishing for compliments Freakazoid! You know u're a cutie *whispers* with violent tendencies!
Maybe that's why no guy has stepped forward! lmbo I'm juss sayin!
Miss you!
Oh and introvert by nature, extrovert by choice!
Next: Do you enjoy when a favorite book is made into a movie?
No. 'They' always get it wrong.
Same question please.
I don't care… I mean, not in a nasty way, but in a it-makes-no-difference-to-me-*shrug* way… I will still love the book as much as I did, and still have my own images for it. I may or may not like the movie, but that is just an extra, in my opinion.
Why do we cry?
Because evil people love to hurt us with their cruelties.
I'm not.
I don't.
Maybe that's why no guy has stepped forward! lmbo I'm juss sayin!
I miss you too.
Same question.
we cry for many reasons…happiness, sorrow…love…
what is language?
Apparently, the Means of Communication, but, experientially, the means of miscommunication for most.
Same question please.
Apparently, the Means of Communication, but, experientially, the means of miscommunication for most.
Same question please.
language..on most occassions causes a barrier between the communicators
yet it is an essential tool of communication for mankind..
misused, misunderstood
the perfect language is the language of love, the language thats communicated in the **unspoken** form
watever may be said in word, thought through the mind, and done through anger or hurt…no other means of communication
can capture the pureness that love does…in whichever way..mostly through silence…
~a look from one to another~ L O V E …
Because evil people love to hurt us with their cruelties.
I'm not.
I don't.
Maybe that's why no guy has stepped forward! lmbo I'm juss sayin!
I miss you too.
Same question.
Love you and am with you! *big squeeze*
Well put Kisses and welcome to the forum!
I'm not much of a communicator, constantly get it wrong!
Same q
Kisses, you're new! Welcome to the Forum!
Language is an effective means of communication! Without it we will be like cavemen…writing on walls and stuff lol
well cavemen didnt seem to have a problem then, not as much as we seem to have now, as cultivated in the language department as we **proclaim** to be i guess we would be better off simply living in the stone ages hahaha
wats Romance?? whats the purpose of it??
what attracts one to another??
I know, 3 questions in 1, so answer already…lol
Alright that is too comlicated. I will leave the complexity to the others to figure out.
What's romance? What a man watching soccer feels for his beautiful woman cooking in the kitchen. Saucy!
What's the purpose of it? Keep man happy and keep woman busy.
What attracts one to another? I don't know about others, but a woman who holds a dish with two plump pheasants cooked in a clay tagine with figs, nigella seeds, white, black, green and red pepper corns and Sauvignon Blanc, with a touch of coriander, mace and nutmeg, served on a bed of cous-cous with a large bowl of tabbouleh on the side- attracts the pants off of me.
lmao! your last answer made me laugh!
whats your favorite color (colour for the brits, hokay i didn't steal the u)
Ninja, help me find that woman. I don't care how she looks or what she has -for as long as she has enough to afford a couple of pheasants every once in a while- or what she does -for as long as she knows how to cook.
Please continue with Alie's question.
OMG Senor lol… you crazyyyyyy
man o man
Or at least they are supposed to … or KNOW how to
LMAO! This word means something in my language…it's crazy funny when you realize what it means after you hear people describe the way they eat it! LMAO!
Ninja, remember when that one girl was telling me she eats that, and I'm like, “YOU EAT *then whispers when I get to the word* cous-cous?!?!” LMAO! And my sister and I are laughing our butts off! HAHA!
LMAO! I LOVE YOU! And my fave color is PINK!
Next question: what is the first thing you do when you come online?
Check mail (I have four email addresses so it takes a while).
Same question please.
Ninja, help me find that woman. I don't care how she looks or what she has -for as long as she has enough to afford a couple of pheasants every once in a while- or what she does -for as long as she knows how to cook.
found her **points at Ness*** lmao…now let em knw waaaay in advance wrt the weddign dat nah…bust schedule me has..
**hops, skips, and jumps*** lmao
Please continue with Alie's question.
wat question me asked Sennnnnnnnnnooorrrrrrrrrrrrr saaab?? huh
caution/warning: ur dead man…
Check mail (I have four email addresses so it takes a while).
Same question please.
hmmmm wellllll ..same I guess..but not always…
same q
What's romance? What a man watching soccer feels for his beautiful woman cooking in the kitchen. Saucy!
aaawwww dats sooo cute….
am thinking…dat darling woman in the kitchen better be using em special spices to ensure u remain all day awaaay from the couch..awaaay from watchin dat darn soccer instead of being with her in the…lmao
What's the purpose of it? Keep man happy and keep woman busy.
y excuse me **thumps him on da head** hmmmph
What attracts one to another? I don't know about others, but a woman who holds a dish with two plump pheasants cooked in a clay tagine with figs, nigella seeds, white, black, green and red pepper corns and Sauvignon Blanc, with a touch of coriander, mace and nutmeg, served on a bed of cous-cous with a large bowl of tabbouleh on the side- attracts the pants off of me.
lmao…ookaaaaaaaaaaaaaay then…
google. my lova
same question.
next q:
when was the last time u held a child in your arms??
and describe the feeling u feel …if this even makes sense
today? baha. beautiful feeelinggg.
what do you enjoy doing when you're free?
same q
What I enjoy doing when I'm free: Whatever each moment offers.
What I actually do when I'm free: Fix others' mistakes at work so they don't get canned. Sigh.
Same question please.
thot u worked as a volunteer??
next q
who was the last person u spoke to??, hugged??, said I love u too…??? felt comfy with??
laughed with?? whom brought a smile to yr face???
Yes, I volunteer but in an administrative role. Sorry no details.
Now for your question (many questions rather): Last person I spoke to was a colleague who needed to confer with me regarding the venue for our Planning Retreat for 2008; Last person I hugged was my favorite barista at Starbucks. She makes awesome espressos; Last person I said 'I Love You' to was my god-child, who got baptized; Last person I felt comfortable with was my friend's pregnant wife with whom I had breakfast with this morning- we went crib-shopping since my friend is away on a business trip; Last person I laughed with was colleauge who passed by and make a comment about erm something; Last person that brought a smile to my face is you, because sheesh, woman you are supposed to ask one question. One question dang it.
Question: Why do we ask questions?
Wow, really, ? You must be very popular among people. (y) God bless you child.
thot u worked as a volunteer??
next q
who was the last person u spoke to??, hugged??, said I love u too…??? felt comfy with??
laughed with?? whom brought a smile to yr face???
From all of yr questions : there is only 1 answer and 1 person.
From all of yr questions : there is only 1 answer and 1 person.
young love…soooooo cute:)
lol …
Young love germinates as a figment of the imagination, becomes actual subsequent to sufficient pining, materializing as an ache in the heart, and after wreaking abundant havoc, migrates south making at least one 'young lover' sick to stomach. Eventually it becomes a pain in the ass, after which at least one 'young lover' grows up and becomes 'smart enough' to start it all over again.
Young love germinates as a figment of the imagination, becomes actual subsequent to sufficient pining, materializing as an ache in the heart, and after wreaking abundant havoc, migrates south making at least one 'young lover' sick to stomach. Eventually it becomes a pain in the ass, after which at least one 'young lover' grows up and becomes 'smart enough' to start it all over again.
I was fortunate to be blessed with inadequate social skills when I was young, and as such preferred to hide out on the soccer field, in the public library or in the abandoned thatched-roof hut in a nearby sugarcane field. Most of my friends, alas, weren't that fortunate. I have seen way too much suffering way too early in life. Sigh.
Quite a blessing! Wish I'd been that lucky! I'll never understand the chemical reaction of attraction!
What was the question?
Why do we ask questions?
Questioning is the mark of an inquisitive mind, for the most part! We learn & grow by questioning! We also reveal who we are by the questions we ask.
Same q
Agreed! Could not have said it any better.
When you find yourself surrounded by nature, who or what first comes to mind?
God! Nature, all creation in fact, screams his existence! Nature tells us who He is! It shows His love, sense of humor, wisdom! Man could have done well with one flower, but He made many! And He made us with vision, smell, touch and taste to enjoy it all! When I'm surrounded by nature, I think of Him and I thank Him!
same q
Darn it woman! Leave me something to say if you intend to say same question. Quit reading my mind. Sigh! Anything I say would sound redundant now, and definitely second-rate stupid. So, I agree.
What is your favorite parable in the New Testament?
You go first! I'm afraid I may say the same & get another tongue lashing! lmao
Oh and I'll leave that “reading my mind” thingy for another day!
The Parable of the Sower.
Same question please.
The Laborers in the Vineyard
Favorite book?
It's a tie between Deuteronomy and the Gospel of Mark.
Same question please?
Daniel, no contest!
If you could view any miracle in person, which would it be?
Once again a tie: The parting of the Red Sea ('Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today') and the Day the Sun stood still and the Moon stopped ('There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to man'). I unashamedly weep each time I read either story.
okay next q:
how does one know if another loves them??
am being specific..between a man an woman???
have u ever broken a heart??
wats the difference between love and infatuation..or simple attraction??
would you marry the one u love or the one that loves u??
going through heartache, will you settle for someone else, whom u know wil be there yet knowing that yr heart, love and everypart of u belongs to another??
yup a few questions orolled into 1…
answerss please??? thanks
You couldn't come up with another question could you senor ji?? Thanks alot!
how does one know if another loves them?? they don't
am being specific..between a man an woman???
have u ever broken a heart?? yup
wats the difference between love and infatuation..or simple attraction?? have no clue, avoid them when I can
would you marry the one u love or the one that loves u?? how do you know bladdy the difference?
going through heartache, will you settle for someone else, whom u know wil be there yet knowing that yr heart, love and everypart of u belongs to another?? wow! I'm not that deep!
Would anyone else want to have at this? *ugh!*
how does one know if another loves them?? I dunnoe…
am being specific..between a man an woman???
have u ever broken a heart?? Nope. I'm too sweet to do that.
wats the difference between love and infatuation..or simple attraction?? Love lasts forever. infatuation is temporary unless it leads to love.
would you marry the one u love or the one that loves u?? I hope I can find someone that will love me…
going through heartache, will you settle for someone else, whom u know wil be there yet knowing that yr heart, love and everypart of u belongs to another?? hopefully this won't happen, but if it does, i wanna love that one person forever…i don't think i'll be able to marry another…unless it's written in my Destiny…then i can't argue with that…love happens only once…or at least, that's what I wanna belive, and Insha'Allah that's the way it will happen with me…
How does one know if another loves them? I don't. Apparently, no one does. I spoke to a few of my friends, and they did not either.
Have I ever broken a heart? Yes.
Difference between love and infatuation, or simple attraction? Don't know.
Going through heartache, will you settle for someone else, whom you know wil be there yet knowing that your heart, love and everypart of you belongs to another? I do not believe in adultery.
I think someone else should suffer along these lines as well, Lmao. Same questions please.
Going through heartache, will you settle for someone else, whom you know wil be there yet knowing that your heart, love and everypart of you belongs to another? I do not believe in adultery.
Jeez thank u for voicing my belief…
why does love end in pain?? i knw the usual logical explanations but answer from yr heart coz most of us here have been there, felt it
sooo WHY..does it always come with soo much pain and heartache..cant life and love simply exist with a beautiful feeling..??
why do we hurt the ones we **love the most**??
why do we love??
why is there love??
why cant we simply **not** love??
yeah am going pagal..wait prob already there..
yr opinions are appreciated…thanks
Lmao! Ness and Tayba, this is all yours.
*singing to Senor ji* So then I took my turn. Oh all the things I've done. And it was all Yellow!!!
Thanks Old Yeller, but I wouldn't know where to begin with this…a serious downward spiral! lol
okay forget I aksed ppl
am not sure..
You're asking some deep stuff and 'they' wouldn't even answer my question on how to nicely make someone 'hit the bricks'! lol
wub wu!
Question: Are 'Happily ever afters' possible?
Yes. In Disney Movies, Looney Tunes, and Grandma Stories. Woman, I have this overwhelming desire to beat the living erm color out of you Lmao! Old Yeller me one more time and you will see…and Hello! Apparently, we've rattled a few lives.
Same question please.
I believe in “Ever after”. *cheesy grin*
Woman, I have this overwhelming desire to beat the living erm color out of you Lmao! Old Yeller me one more time and you will see…and Hello! Apparently, we've rattled a few lives.
Same question please.
Hi! I know right! Great isn't it?!
btw…OLD…YE…wait, seriously? *snicker*
You believe in 'ever after?' How about that? Lol! Here I was thinking you were utterly devoid of any sentiment whatsoever. Shame on me. No, no. Wait. Shame on you Lmao!
No question? tsk, tsk, tsk…threadkiller! lmao
Conformist! So sad. Here is the question: All is fair in love and war…and a Wolfgang Puck buffet. Agree? Disagree?
Conformist???? Thems fightin words mister! Take it back or you git one right in the kisser!
B-b-b-buffet? Hells yes…I agree! lmao
same q!!
Gimme! I gotta see if all this hoopla about me git'n one in the kisser is any good. As for the buffet, I dare ya to get ahead of me in the line at a buffet. Lol!
Would you serve first and eat later or eat as you serve?
No problem there! I'd flirt with you long enough to get ahead in line! All's fair…
Hmmm…let's see…taste as I cook. Then serve others first!!
same q
*pops Senor Senor ji square between the eyes* Hey, you brought this on yourself! lol
Cologne/Perfume: On skin or on fabric?
do ye believe in the eva after?? life after death ??
Same question please.
hmmm i do yet am not sure …
aargh am just tired..
next: if u were given one wish right now, what wud it be?
That you would be free of whatever it is that is stuck in your chest and become as healthy as you ever were.
that my brother would be home , safe and sound, to give my mother peace of mind.
Would you allow another to live your life for one day?
Yes, for as long as I do not have to live theirs during the same time. I cannot imagine a life other than the one I now live!
Same question please?
I would not.
Have you ever done karaoke? lol
Unfortunately, yes. I consistently wind up with bad scores. I suck at singing.
Same question please?
Oh yeah!!! I consistently murder 'Xanadu' & 'Friends in Low Places'! lmao
How old were you when you had your first 'crush'?
I've had a serious crush on a teacher in primary school, but I vaguely remember another before that when I was four or five. It was for this girl who lived in our neighborhood. Her nanny was our helper's neice and would often come by our home with the girl, who would sit next to me and 'introduce' me to her various dolls. I remember being very happy each time she was around. Sheesh! Ness, now you've done it. Im going to be all nostalgic today Lol.
Same question please.
Hmmm I think I was like 11 or 12 and it was this guy in the last year of High school. He had no idea but I thought he was so cute . Actually wait, I was 11 or 12 so I probably made it REALLY obvious…… so he may have had an idea! My friends and I used to hang out where ever I knew he'd be lmao. Wow, dorky or what!
Best thing about summer?
Skinny-dipping and star-gazing.
Same question please.
Fully blossomed flowers and fuller lush green trees, sparkling wet grass after it has been watered, running on the grass, rolling on the grass, lying down on the grass watching the clouds, lying on my hammock listening to my ipod and following the flight of a bird through the blue skies with my eyes…. star-gazing, the fact that it doesn't get dark till 10pm, the way the sun shines on my curtains in the early evenings, the way a ray of sunshine hits my face in the early morning as it seeps through a gap where my curtains have not been closed properly…. early sunrises by like half 4, waking up to open the curtains and find a beautiful blue sky and lovely sunshine glaring at me. That delicious BBQ smell that lingers in the air, coming from the gardens of the people on my road, the ice-cream man and his ice-cream tune, dressing up in summer clothes, long walks in the park, colder showers, ice lollies, milkshakes, eating out, no uni, holidays, longer time to sleep in when I feel like it, being lazy, trying to feel cold wind on a hot day …. aaah there's so much more! I could go on and on…. lol.
Same question.
How old were you when you had your first 'crush'?
dayem have to answer this one
Satish!! the most gorgeous guy in high school, i was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I fell in love the first day of high school, the first time my eyes laid rest on him..he is soooo darn frikkin crush was sooooooooooo serious that everyone knew of my love, even him and i blew my chances ( hecks I cudve been Mrs Maharaj now ) when he approached me one day in grade 9..I was erhmmm otherwise in the middle of a huge bet and cudnt speak..dammmit!!! sighs..I remember when I had that major accident and went back to school, his sister grabbed me and said to everyone that I am her future sister in law lmao…jeeez the memories…I miss em wacky school days..and my first love ..puppy love, first crush..Satish…sigh…of late news is that he is single hahahaha
but weirdly if we meet and we are bound to when i return to Durbs for my school reunion, I know i wud prob luk at him an
him??? I wonder..sumtime ago last year he had apparently seen me ( no idea where ) and had asked a friend about me…
Jeez theres the little things/acts in life that actually changes the path of ones destiny..he was on his way to adk me out that day..yet we never got that chance coz …
the ocean…braais, picnics, eating as much roomys as I possibly can
watching the stars, ….an and and and an ….
next q:
when was the last time u had a lil get -together with yr hommies..talked crap, ate until yr tummy felt like it had expanded
and simply had fun fun fun…being together…??????????????????????
the loooooong days!
what is the worst thing about summer?
the heat
feeling claustophobic
wanting to take cold showers all day
next: yr fav place to eat??
formal: Magnolia House (creole cooking)
informal: Cheesecake factory!
extremely informal: mommy's
same q
my bed
lmao, I knw its one of my worse habbits
wats te sweetest thing sum1 said to u in the last/past 24 hrs??
“Fine, you win!!!!” oh and “You're the only person I know who makes me smile like this.”lmao
same q
off cuz I am
cuz u like when i do dat
**u're too special to just give urself away to anyone**
is wat u said to me r8..thanks for always being here
an listening and listening and listen ing hehe
and for just being with em r8 now, its appreciated!!!
nxt: describe 3 things about yourself that u admire??
Whoa man, too difficult of a question for me I'll have to pass!
go guys go
My strength, my madness and my love…
Same Q..
Excellent answer! We admire those traits about you as well!
Yes I did! It's the truth!
I admire nothing about myself.
same q
Interesting! I too admire nothing about you. Lmao! (You know I'm lying, Dawnsipantalones!)
Sheesh! Ness, look what you did. Now, I have nothing original to say. I echo Ness' words.
Same question please.
Echoji lies?!! Never may that be so!
Next: What is the one trait that you find in others without looking? The one trait that all your friends seem to have, yet until this question, you hadn't realized…
Same question please.
hmm need to think about this
do u think a person who is about to die ,somehow senses/is aware/ knows his/her time is near???
I dont know, sometiems some people say they feel like it..and then it happens I dont know if they sense it or they lose hope or ..there issome physiological thing they feel ?
Don't know. Some people seem to intuit something.
As a child, did u have an imaginary friend?
Hmm can't remember. I did have imaginary things.
Same question please.
Nope. Talked to my stuffed lamb though!
If you could go backward or forward in time, but only to a point in your life, what point would you choose to visit?
No. Have no desire to go forward or backward. I am content with where I am.
Same question please.
I'd go forward to see my first child.
Would you dance alone in public?
psshhht! I have trouble dancing in front of my friends! Public is a biiiig no-no.
Same question.
erhmm how can one dance alone in public??
anyways yeah I will dance dance dance..
once am comfortable in my surroundings..whether there people around or not is irrelevant
to me once the music soaks up mah soul
same q
Seeing that dancing in public and making a fool out of myself in public are synonymous, I would have to say, no.
Your friend is going out with someone you know to have a 'dubious' reputation in the past. Do you tell your friend what you know or leave them be?
I tell my friend, heck yes!
Same pregunto. (sp?)
yes, tell my friend!
Favorite fruit?
well firstly i wouldnt judge anyone by their past ..what their reputation had been, soo be it…
i do believe in giving people a chance seeing the good within their darkness
and not truly expecting them to mess up
have had a similar case with my friend..had a general discussion with him about his girlfriend at the time
i told him what i had known and heard but also advised that he would know within himself if the relationship should progress
watever he decides, am still gonna be around…
they ended the relationship eventually and are still friends…
its the manner in which u approach a situation
i obviously didnt want my friend to end up with a broken heart hence the reason i discussed my concerns with him
but at the end of the day, he shouldnt feel he needs to leave or judge her ..because u never know..she couldve been the one ..she couldve changed…
next q:
yr frend has an evening formal dinner and has no date, he / she asks u..will u agree to go with?
Lol, Alie, you've just described my evening life on most days. Another friend and I are almost always the 'date' our friends bring along when their 'dates' fall through. We make ourselves available, dressed to the nines, even at a few hours notice. It's fun.
You are at the buffet table and see a person sneeze in the vicinity of the amuse-bouche platter. Do you: inform the waiter to remove the 'special' platter and replace them with hors d'oeuvres or skip the tarnished food and move on quietly?
inform the manager, then leave!
take away or eat in?
It depends on my mood.
same q.
I love eating in
brother or sister?
…errr…sister. That don't mean I don't love my brothers! Even though they are weird. While I was talking to Ness on the phone, my lil bro goes out to the backyard and sleeps on the grass! Well, he didn't sleep…he was talking to himself and laughing…
Anyhow, next question, who do you love more, your mother or ur father?
You're little brother is hilarious! In his own little world!
Wow…deep question.
I think children bond more with their mothers, so what they feel for their mothers is stronger yet different than what they feel for their fathers.
I love my mother in a way that I'll never love my father and vice versa. There are some things I confide in my father that I would never take to my mother! Isn't God awesomely amazing?! If the family unit was perfect, as intended by God, children would have everything they need within the family!
Errmmm…same q?
Personally, I disagree that kids bond more with the mom than the dad, or feel stronger love/feelings towards their moms.As a kid, I was not loved by my mum; she simply gave me away, left me with my aunt and her familyCoz I was an embarrassment. I bonded with my dad to an extent, coz I feared if I got too close it will cause major rifts between my parents and although I kept my distance, that didn’t stop the manifested fear from becoming a reality. Its been a pain in the a$$ life, having to become an adult when u’r still a 8/9 year old kid, not having to experience the love that soo many other kids are blessed with yet there’s lessons learnt and strength built from living this life.I loved my mom and dad to an extent of madness yet never felt this love reciprocated until fairly recentlyMom and I have developed an enviable bond; I know my distance now affects her.She hates that I am soo far away and is constantly asking me to return home. Now to my dads eye, it will probably seem like I love mom more, but I spend more time with her because her emotional needs are different to his. I cannot compare my love for either one by saying I love one more than the other, it will be a complete lie. Regardless of whom they are and what they have/not not given to me…..They will eternally remain as part of the beats of my heart. My soul will be a dull place to venture into had I not had both of them as my parents. My love for them I cant express through the form of any word..Do u keep a pic on yr wallet/purse??If soo to whom does that pic belong to??
I have several photos in my wallet. One of them is of my mother & a 3 year old me on a train. Another is of Scooter in the hamper! I took that one! lmao Another is of Scooter inside a grocery bag on the kitchen counter…yup, my work again! One is of my nana laughing! The last is of my older brother brushing his teeth and looking up in surprise! Yeah, I'm a genius! lmao!
Same q
A picture of my cousin and a picture of my niece. My cousin and I made a pact that until either of us got married we would carry the other's picture in our wallet. She is happily married and now carries a picture of her husband and her two children in her wallet. The other picture is of my neice. She is so beautiful that to even attempt a description is to do serious injustice to what God has done!
Same question please.
(Wooohooo! I LOVE it when BWL works for me… )
Nobody's. I don't really have an attachment to my wallet/purse (assuming that is what is needed, for pictures to go in there… I dunno! Just a thought.. guessing..). In fact, it is more of a darned-thing-I-need than a something-that-is-a-part-of-me-and-my-identity. I don't even store special stuff in my purse. Nor do I have an ueber-cool keyring for my keys.. again, they are just silly stuff I need.. lol.
I'm not implying that having such 'treasures', or whatever you want to call them, is a negative thing.. not at all.. I'm just saying, I have none.
Which brings me to the next question…
What is your most special possession (i.e. a THING that can be held, not an abstract answer, please! )? Or, if you can't decide, ONE of your most special possessions?
My Bible.
Same question please.
my ring
same q
an old note from my older bro.
can't think of anything…
Has anyone here been to Korea? (so so lame!!)
Seoul, South Korea a long time ago for two days.
Has anyone been to Tangiers ? (Lamer still, but wanted to honor the tradition Lol).
Do you suffer from insomnia?
I don't know if I do, but I usally can't sleep Lmao! I think life is too damn short to spend most of it sleeping. I'm afraid the finer moments of life may pass me by when I'm asleep and that my dreams may not be as thrilling as life.
nicely phrased
I think I am one as well and as much as lurrrrrve sleeping, or napping or simply relaxing on my bed, the couch, even ont he floor…heck anywhere
lol, lately I have felt the same, life is too damn short to waste sleeping…soo I am awake for longer hours, sleep when I cant keep my eyelids awake and I think I finally managed to reach my goal..I look like a vampire and Feel like a darn zombie hahaha kidding
next q
whats the prupose of a hug?? when one cant FEEL it?? why does one hug another?? why do U hug anuther? do u hug?? and if soo
why do u feel the need for it?? and if hugged, how do U feel when bein hugged??
finally – when was the last time u were hugged?? or and what /how did that hug make u feel?
pls answer …
Thanks for adding a question Zill!
OK…hmmm…purpose? For comfort of course! To calm, console, cheer up, show affection for, bonding with…
I have been known to hug for realsies…not just cyber…*giggle*
The feeling I get when being hugged depends upon the feeling had before being hugged! The frame of mind I was in. So…it varies.
Tricky question…I'm not hugged often. Meaning I initiate the hug, but don't necessarily 'cotton' to being grabbed.
same q
Yeah, thanks for adding a question Lol! I was distracted by a certain someone foraging in the rubbish bin. I hug and am hugged a lot. My favorite way to hug someone is when they take off from a running start and jump on you, which usually happens when my god-child comes to meet me at the airport after I come home from a long trip (It also helps that I usually bring her a gift).
Same question please.
whats the prupose of a hug??
it is known ( in my head ) that when people touch/embrace, it brings with it cheer and a feeling of comfort and temporarily takes away ones feeling of loneliness and sadness..just my view
when one cant FEEL it??
i havent really felt any hugs sent out to me or given to me..I am losing it again – am losing myself within myself again…closing in and going into that shell..its why I posted this question…to help me understand what I am going thru..
why does one hug another??
one cant FEEL anothers pain to the extent that this person is feeling his/her hurt, joy, pain etc..embracing is a form of showing that u are here regardless and u are giving and being there by simply holding another in yr arms..not sure if I make much sense here…Love cant really be defined into words and always saying it, doesnt necessarily mean the recipient feels your love or that the words have sunk in,,sooo holding another and pouring ( mentally and emotionally ) your love for the other by simply touching/embracing, is I guess an act of love??
why do U hug anuther?
me, coz I can lol…its coz sometimes well most times I cant/couldnt say the** i love u here**, soo hugging expressed my feeelings without words..everyone who has been hugged by me knows my love by the strength the hug has …sometimes words are just that…words
do u hug??
I never did …I certainly do now…
and if soo
why do u feel the need for it??
and if hugged, how do U feel when bein hugged??
thats my problem I guess, I lack feeling:( am growing cold …am not sure whats going on…
finally – when was the last time u were hugged??
this morning by my colleague Astrid
or and what /how did that hug make u feel?
it made me smile coz it was unexpected..she came from the back and simply held me…very warm and lovingly .. next:do u er
No, I don't.
Next: What language do you think in?
same q
Same Q.
Jalapenoese or Senorish.
Same question please.
timbuktu tribal language mixed with sum latin, spanish, italian, cuban, mexican
next q
ur in heels at this function, u need to walk down a long pathway to yr car…and off coz yr feet are in danger of falling offf yr legs…do u take the damn shoes off and walk barefeet amongst a crowd of executive men otr grin and bare it???
sheesh, no wonder you have blinding headaches! it hurt to read that! lmao
do you dream in color?
no my dreams are always in black..
wait thats color right..
answer my question pls
You're gonna give me a tight slap for this one! lmao
My mind tells me they're in color!
Next: Do you like your middle name (if you have one)? What would you like your middle name to be (if you haven't one)?
hmmmmm ur Lucky I love u so no slaps..
i do need to get my glasses though..sooo I can see my dreams more clearly
my middle name is ALISHIA ..I loved it..but now not sure..
my first name means ( queen of something or the it aint rani )
if I cud choose another it will be
madhushyla for starters, my head is crappy soo cant think of the others i like
oye and for my sons, theres rahul rehaan, jay, mark, nick….love these names
same q
ps : ness u still didnt answer me question:(
Apologies! I didn't see it! Didn't have my granny specs on!
I would remove the shoes! In fact, I have done this!!
my middle name is ALISHIA ..I loved it..but now not sure..
my first name means ( queen of something or the it aint rani )
if I cud choose another it will be
madhushyla …
same q
I like my middle name only because it is a shade of blue & means heavenly! otherwise, I'd not like it!
same q
nope next q:
wats yr middle name Ness??
Hmmm…oddly specific question! Too bad it won't be answered! lmao
Is Alie in the Witness protection program?
u bleddy witch..witness protection huh
fine dnt answer here,but u better tell me…
hmm answer to yr one of em secret service special agents
kick a$$ women who carries a loaded gun in her suspenders lmao
ooookaaayyyy seee wat u made me doo now lol
one confession that isnt PG rated????
..pls no flaunting erhmmm assets at the lake now:)
Witch???? rotflmao I have a spell for you Pinky! And I dnt respond well to threats, but begging is allowed! *chuckle*
See? I was gonna answer your question, but it sounds as if it was created for someone else!
Anything that I might confess is PG rated because I'm a good girl! *starts choking* Ok, that was even hilarious to me!
same q
no threats..demands..deary..
nope it was created for question..was still thinking of lakes ..
uuuuuuuuuuuu a good girl??lol Ness..ur forgetting our pvt conv here lmao..jeez u got me laffing soo loudly my laughter echoes in this office
go fetch in hospeeeetal plssss..
did i tell u I love u?? coz i DO ..dammit u make me laff at times like these..its amazing
ok now to answer..oh gosh letsee
i dunno ..erhmmm have ot thinkof sums lol
same q
Am sure it was not created for me! You know what 'they' say about dreams & thoughts of water! rotflmao
I'm serious Alie, 6'7″! lmao And I'm off *giggle*!
I love you too! Stop thinkin so much!
Answer the question Princess of Perv (Marine is the queen!) hahahahahahaha!
I promise it was..**extreme serious face now**…well it was a question that popped
into my head and then I thought of lakes
Ness u really truly are the ultimate granny of pervvvv for sure, u devilish peeweee lil kitten..roflmao
6'''7 oh god, watye got me thinking of eyes are burning coz I cant see and am exhausted..and uve made it worse with all this laughter
u go off and enjoy for sure and keep me updated u hear lol
ok nw to answer the q
hmm confessions that isnt pg…hmmmmm lol I sound like a real perv…lol
am just stumped coz I dnt really have much to confess…
ok silly stuff
i was having dinner with a bunch of girlfrends,at this fancy restaurant..this was the day i CRIED my eyes out in public
coz them silly tears will not stay put..anyways was busy trying to camo the puffiness when a group of guys walked in …
my frend gasps in the womanly way a woman gasps when she sees a man who takes her breathe away..I looked up ** confused **n asked wats going on coz there was whispering…and all the others at my table started agreeing that he is extreemly hot..blah blah blah
soo she says to me that this dude is the most amazingly hot guy she has ever laid eyes on and I ..simply turned around …to see wat the fuss was about…
**we def have diff tastes in guys**..anyways madam wudnt stop about him and the others followed suit gawking at poor fellow
meeee..well I called the waiter, took out my pen and simply wrote a note on a serviette telling him that he is admired by em women at my table and thanking him for bringing smiles to a rather dull day…
gosh the poor dude cudnt stop blushing..soo yeah I do silly stuff like that!!
2nd confession: I wanted to soooo kiss my ex mng..damn he has the most sex.est lips
but then everyone knows I drool over him…cman..and his gorgeous lips and eyes:)
3rd confession: i want to be loved, like really loved, i want to FEEL loved..and I want to be married by the end of this year lol
( k this must be my exhausted self talking )
4th confession: I walked in to my company function yest, saw the arrival drinks on the table.. there was this blueish something in cute flute glasses and orange juice, everyone knows I hate orange juice with a damn passion…besides had a flippant annoying morning – didnt eat a morsel of anything and was damn thirsty soo I grabbed the blue liquid thing and gulped it down, my friend looked at me and asked me how it tasted wit a smile on her face….I said..
erhmm sweeet, why?? then I GRABBED ANOTHER GLASS AND DRANK IT, and before Alice cud stop me I had a 3rd glass and my thrist vanished..
we walked into the dinning area….where I am supposed to mingle with my clients and spread sum cheer..only problem is… I cudnt entire body warmed up and i felt faint…sorta drowsy…i took a step and held on to my colleague..
i closed my eyelids and didnt want to open them…felt light headed sorta and a fainting spell…then I became thirsty again
and bludy hungry…
sooo happens the blue liquid was sum sorta alcohol and apparently toxic, lmao..I cudnt believe this..I was on medication an wat?? iin a sorta drunken state..not really although the voices sounded far off, my ears burnt and I felt like dancing…oooohh yeah and then I thought of love…lmao can you believe that..every guy I looked at ..looked erhmm like ***him**
sat for a while – drank tonza water..after 1 hour or sooo, I was in control of my body again and cud trust myself to speak, lol and walk..shykes
dat was a weird experience….
wait……… I think all the laffing sobered me up..but am not sure if bein drunk was wat I felt?? hmmm
okkaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy… sure 4 in 1 shud do!!
same q….
sorry guys but what's the question? blame scarface she wrote a long post lol. umm scarface ur a girl right?
incorrect…….am not a girl
why wud u say such a thing
my ego….oh god my dear dear ego..luk wat u did now SNR…..
next q:
why do ppl think ScarFace is a MAN/GUY/MALE?????????????????
Yeah Kristin, she has a habit of doing that! Was nominated for a BWL award in fact! lmao
one confession that isnt PG rated???? (more of her pervyness!)
next q:
why do ppl think ScarFace is a MAN/GUY/MALE?????????????????
Are we still on the bolded question?
Hmmm…lessee…the misspelling of your nick (Ali not Alie), for one! And your choice of name, ScarFace! Unflinchingly male!
Most women wouldn't name themselves this intentionally! Look around…Unique Princess, Sapno Ki Rani, Rani is da Bestes!
But after reading your posts its easy to tell you're a female!
Yeah Kristin, she has a habit of doing that! Was nominated for a BWL award in fact! lmao
Hmmm…lessee…the misspelling of your nick (Ali not Alie),
Dat must also explain why I am still single…bludy guys think I am a guy..aaargh..yuk
for one! And your choice of name, ScarFace! Unflinchingly male!
isit now?? okaaayyyyyyy lekka then!!
Most women wouldn't name themselves this intentionally!
Am obviously not like most women:)
But after reading your posts its easy to tell you're a female!
LMAO… oh ?? the eeeemotion u mean..hugs luw n kisses ?
Are we still on the bolded question?
we are..Granny Perv…
one confession that isnt PG rated???? (more of her pervyness!)
all my confessions are PG rated lol
umm just kidding
i have a weakness for chocolate
same q.
ur from Trinidad AND tobago??
werz dat?? and how come ur in 2 places at once ?? lol
its like me being in the middle of nowhere yet here:)
wats yr country like??
sounds roooomantic…
i want fresh cocomut juice now..thinking of islands
to answer ur first q, Trinidad n tobago are south caribbean just off the coast of venezuela n guyana (check a map). we're two islands but one country. tobago is morth east of trinidad n there's an island off the coast of tobago called Little tobago a.ka. bird of paradise island.trinidad is the main island where the capital city Port-of-Spain is located. Our capital used to be a port of Spain when the country was ruled by Spain and it hasn't been changed. i live in southern trinidad in the countryside n it's a beautiful tropical place. we are generally a friendly people and lots of sun sand n sea. there are people of african, indian, chinese descent here and many other races, the main ones are african and indian. i'm indian descent. most people are either christian, hindu or muslim n i'm hindu.
so that's a bit on our country. find out more at if u want scarface.
same q.
I'm trying not to answer the question that will not go away!
OK…non-PG confession…hmmm…OK! This is going to be a bad one!
I was 11 or 12 and had a huge crush on the brother of my best friend! We were more than best friends, we were more like sisters! When I wasn't sleeping over her house, she was sleeping over mine! Our families became close because of our closeness! My brothers were her brothers and unfortunately her brother was mine! Well, one day he brought a girl home for dinner and I was incensed (he was 17 by the way)! At some point in the evening I caught them alone and he kissed her! I told his mother and had the girl thrown out! lmbo Glad I've conquered jealousy!
Next:When asked to help others, are you confident in your ability? (ie, helping a blind person across the street, helping the hard of hearing…)
Lmao Nessa! Aww…
I'm a little nervous at the best of times, I confess.. but I'm getting there.
How do you like your eggs?
I know! Horrible little monster right?!
It's nerve wracking isn't it????? How do you handle it Boo?
I like my eggs scrambled or omelet-ized!
Indeed a horrible monster… But I love it BECAUSE of that!
How do I handle it..? I just take little steps I guess.. go with what I am comfortable with and keep going from there onwards..
I think the thing we have to bear in mind is that they are just as much 'human' as us. It sounds all too obvious, and in some ways it seems ridiculous that I would even be mentioning it… but when dealing with disabled people, we sometimes treat them as though they are fragile beings that might be hurt/offended by our every single action… but at the end of the day, they are just like us, na? Of course, some people WILL be hurt/offended by some things so easily, I don't deny… but still.. I guess all we need to do is use our sense of judgement and go with whatever seems to be working… trial and error! Any reason you ask, Nessa? You can PM me if you want..
Hmmm next Q..
What do you think of stealing?
I despise stealing! I find it disgusting an unnecessary. that being said, I know there are time when I'd find it excusable. (ie…starving family)
same q
Oh…and thanks .
a long long essay on my thoughts regarding wat u will get
soo will skip this question
next: can sum1 pls assist here..Need to renew my fone contract and upgrade my fone
any suggestions?? welcomed..
am clueless when it comes to such useless technological choices…simple is perfect for me…
They're all blood sucking leeches!
What is it about autumn that makes one smile, in spite of the fact that everything is dying?
It doesnt die as such, simply a shedding process …
dat hope & faith for a better tomorrow resides in ones soul~ in simple lang…personally I love the fact that one….even nature CAN shed her skin-
her bad habbits, or* perhaps acquired stresses* and look forward to a brighter future with more beautiful blossoms…
I knw..Am flippant pagal for sure…I sumtimes wonder why I think the way I do or feel the way I feel
Alien dat I am…eish!!
Dunno Ness but this is my simple ( complicated/confuscious ) thoughts and feeling to yr question…
Next :
If u were given a chance to visit any place on earth ( all expense paid ) for a week…where will this be ?? and why wud u go there?? and wat would u do there??
Hmmm…Spain. To see my great grandfather's ancestral home . Shop.
next: You're stranded on a deserted island. You have 5 things (kinder than 3) with you. What are they?
toilet paper
my wacky sense of humor
Toilet paper (hahaha) whatever happend to the leaves in stranded areas..oh wait , Ness, does this stranded island have LEAVES?
Object needed to make FIRE
Another person ( I dont want to be by myself on a stranded island esp. in the night! – scary! )
there are two objects
urrm something you would cry about if u lost?
my mom….she is my world….
Do u belive in the existance of Prince Charming???these days!!!
Toilet paper (hahaha) whatever happend to the leaves in stranded areas..oh wait , Ness, does this stranded island have LEAVES?
Ermmm…suuuure Kavi!
lmao! A fellow cynic, I see!
No ma'am.
same q
its only real in fairy tales….
same q?
next: Why is it considered rude NOT to tell someone your problem with them to their face, yet seemingly fine to tell another?
If I hear, “But I didn't wanna seem mean!” once more I think I will go postal!
I think because the person is afraid to face that person…
Same q.
Yes. And Insha'Allah, Allah will lead him to me
next: Why is it considered rude NOT to tell someone your problem with them to their face, yet seemingly fine to tell another?
If I hear, “But I didn't wanna seem mean!” once more I think I will go postal!
could be not to hurt any1's feelings….
next: Why is it considered rude NOT to tell someone your problem with them to their face, yet seemingly fine to tell another?
If I hear, “But I didn't wanna seem mean!” once more I think I will go postal!
could be not to hurt any1's feelings….
Next:- whn we get hurt…life seems so tight n ends there…y do we feel like that?
I'm not sure I understand the question 12CU. Please expound. I think I have a feeling for it, but not sure. Thank you.
actually i was asking y is it when we get hurt or upset we dont actually see things positively.
we often feel its the end of the world and everything stops there. we even feel like times is not passing by and nothing seems better….
that's all? sorry if its complicated… made is very short…
i wonder what's goin on here
hey hope this is ur rite ans
we cant see d thngs +vely wen we sad coz at that time lots of thngs r runing in our mind specially related to the reason y r we upset or sad… so it becomes difficult. we keep on thnking y this happens n happening
dat is wat i thnk
may b correct or mayb not
I agree!
We allow grief to overwhelm us initially. Then, depending upon our 'survival instinct', we move ahead either slowly or rapidly.
Hey Ness u r absouletly right
Why thank you my fellow Vee!
New question:
What are your plans for winter break?
ok ok
abt winter break nthng………
Same Ques??
wat winter break???
yoh Nessa jaan un iversal question please
we r in ze middle of summer in South africa
but it feels like winter coz of the rains….
damn we have had more stroms during the last month than we had in the last 4 years
q: wats yer plans for xmas if u celebrate??
or the new year??
any new resolutions made???
wat winter break???
yoh Nessa jaan un iversal question please
we r in ze middle of summer in South africa
but it feels like winter coz of the rains….
damn we have had more stroms during the last month than we had in the last 4 years
q: wats yer plans for xmas if u celebrate??
or the new year??
any new resolutions made???
actually when u think abt it…true
totally agreed ness….
ok..will just answer my own question
a: throw out all the pills i have – am just not going into a new year with pills in my system
thats driving me bonkers…
next question:
if u had a chance to spend the day with a frend/fam member
doing wateva yr heart desires..who wud u choose and why and off coz do tell wat u wud want to spend the day doing lol??????????????????????????
i wld wanna spend my whole day with my best buddy….
go for a movie n food….
while chit-chatting whole day….
it wld be a dream come true….i love chit-chatting…heheheh
same q?
Next q:
wats eggnog??
a combination of milk+ cream+ sugar + beaten eggs+ cinnamon / nutmeg = Eggnog.
if i m not mistaken….
If u had achance to celebrate christmas….
how wld u celebrate it???
dats it??
hmm will try making it later…
or tom
Answer: I wanna be home surrounded by my family so much it hurts me to actually think about it…how do we celebrate xmas??well we dnt, we simply do the tree deco & pressie thing for the sake of our kids ( my nephews and nieces ) we always have a huge xmas tree and its my duty to ensure it sparkles …and around the tree we place all the gifts..we usually spend xmas eve having a braai, every member of my family present, lotza music and dancing and laughing and singing and just being around the people I love …and the next day just chilling at home eating mums infamous most divine tasting food…
same q:
Answer: I wanna be home surrounded by my family so much it hurts me to actually think about it…how do we celebrate xmas??well we dnt, we simply do the tree deco & pressie thing for the sake of our kids ( my nephews and nieces ) we always have a huge xmas tree and its my duty to ensure it sparkles …and around the tree we place all the gifts..we usually spend xmas eve having a braai, every member of my family present, lotza music and dancing and laughing and singing and just being around the people I love …and the next day just chilling at home eating mums infamous most divine tasting food…
same q:
i m so sorry to hear abt u not being with ur family for the 1st time…
i will pray i get back to them soon aacha @ least i can pray that
times passes by soon for u…. a warm hug to u
Answer :-
well i dont celebrate it but i love the whole idea abt Christmas trees…
always wanted to get a chance to decorate it…
so far cldnt yet…i wld wanna spend my whole day going for
an awsome outing with each n every member of my family.
get together hv a Barbeque an imagination is beyond my control…
hehehe…i love family time….
ok same q:-
Next: Wer is everyone
wats new year plan??
Go to church for New Year's Eve service. Party with a few friends, make sure all drunken friends are home safe, go home, thank God I survived one more year and sleep.
Same question please.
dats gr8 ans
to thnk god for whch he has given n to pray for d the best of all peoples i knw….n also make sure that dis year i din hurt nebody….
Same ques??
erhmmmm am at work now..will be leaving in 2 hrs…
have last minute shopping to do……
erhmmmm….need to cook supper for friends..
then joining a few frendz …will prob just relax until the evening
go home, have a bath…get my hair done….watch a music & sing whilst ironing my gear for the night
go out with frends to watch the **early ** fireworks
get home before midnight
set my prayer place ….
begin my prayer 10 minutes before 2008 …waaaaay into the new year..
then am going to sleep coz I wanna spend tom at the movie with my frends..late lunch and just relaxing before returning to another year jam packed with work and studies and goals and dreams to fulfill…
hmmmm…..well will seee if for once I actually maintian above schedule and not cancel on my frends hehehehe….which is what I am thinking of doing now…after reading above..its just too strenuous hehehehe
mostly am just looking forward to the new year
and have made a resolution…
for the forthcoming years……….
I am NEVER ever going to spend or welcome a New year without my family
regardless of where I am in the world, I will ensure I am home on the 31st of Dec of every year to be with my family….
same q:
new year plans….
well today i will be done with work in less then 2 hrs….
go back…prepare some custurd for tomo's fiest with some ppl…
today go to mom's place n spend time until 12. midnite with her…
come back…wake up early…go visiting, shopping for my frnds, eating n come back early to prepare
for next day's work routine….annoying la…
1 day is not enough….
that's all abt my new year…
Blow off work by calling my friends around the world to wish them a Happy new Year!
Go home and fall asleep by 9pm trying to stay up until midnight!
same q
Well I spend the old year-new year transition Bed..almost asleep lol
On old year's day-I watched Sweeny Todd! *muhaha*
And on New Years fam and I went to watch I am Legend!!!! Was sooooooooooo darn GOOD!
No new question? Hmmm…I'll get that!
What's really good? lol
Several things:
* Spending time with my friends
* Going to Hindi class. I LOVE to go there, every friday. There is just 6 of us, but these people give me so much energy and fun! I'm really gratefull I have the time to go there every week.
* Hanging around on sunday, watch Bollywoodmovies, cry about them and eat chocolate
* Reading all the funny posts on BWL
* Send and receive endless mails to/from Shakz
* Dreaming about India
* Shopping
* Sleeping
* Being me
* And all the things I forgot
same q
hello hello hello my angel:)
I sooo misssed u here **massive hug*****
interesting q:
wats good??
well letsee in my opinion and to me:
Life is great..beyond good:)
dats a start:)
my family & frends r awesum, beyond great
listening to music, eating ice cream on a freezing cold day
numbing all the senses but loving every second of savoring my roomys:)
wats good….lol…walking towards the bus terminal and seeing Mr Gorgeous
looking gorgeous…dis made my heart skip a beat soo many times, its now countless
** a phase ** SIGH
Wats amazingly better?? Listening to my nieces on the fone sing **show me yr jalwa**
lmao oh boy…I sooo miss them
wats seems like a miracle..feeeling great..even though my life has been freckled with soo many negativities and challenges during the start of this year…I still feel great…
listening to Sonu and singing along with him……dreaaaming of being in his arms:) kidding
just dreaming
finally achieving wat I set out to achieve..
knwing that the end is nowhere near….and the path is clear:)
watching my frends and family being happy, thats beyond great..dats out of this world
superfantastically the best feeling …
good is being surrounded by my family and just being..something I havent done is a long while and am hoping to dooo very soon
good is being blessed with all dat life has blessed my person with…
good is being me ( like amzeee would say )
s.h.i.t I have sooo many more
I shud just chup r8 now
next q:
wats the last thing/comment u saw/read/heard dat made u smile??
You going on about “sexy black eyes”! *big smile*
same q?
do I even have to answer…
have been smiling for a while now and its coz of the sex.i black eyed dude
next q: hmm isnt it amazing?? Gods little miracles?? the strangers we meet:)
have u ever felt like theres soo much joy within feels like ur radiating this amazingly beautiful
aura of not just tranquility but LOVE…happiness at just bein in the moment…livivng it???
yaa it is amazing n also can say a little miracle of god meeting strangers……… n den becoming good frnds
seems as a new chap of life….lots of fun joy n fun
same q
yes. *chuckle*
next:How spicy is too spicy? lmao
too spicy is whn u start tearing due to the spicyness…
same q
U shud kw…after all..u have the case of Jalapeno fever lmao''btw dis is for Ness..
Question: hw does one get rid of unwanted pimples before a hot date???
it ends here. got it?
Answer: dnt know. dnt get them. I read somewhere to dab toothpaste on it and rinse with hot water.
Question:How safe are earbuds?
Before or after they get stuck in you inner ear?
Next q sir…
Do you discuss private details with someone over the mobile while you are in a public place?
depends on the urgency of the message!
same q please?
Lol! Seriously, I prefer not to, but occasionally, when I am standing in a line and it gets too boring I call up a friend and say stuff like, 'Honey, if the kids are giving you that much trouble, drown them in the pool one by one and we will say they fell in accidentally.' You should see the stares I get Lmao!
Which number is easier for you to give to strangers? Your home number or your mobile?
rotflmao…Horrible thing to do! I love it!
I make Scooter call me “Hey lady” in public. lmao
Work number, if I have to give any! *shiverrs*
Do you look at the caller ID before answering your calls or just answer?
sometimes I do sometimes I don't.
would you eat meat from cloned animals?
ermmm…not knowingly!
same q please?
Dead animals don't talk much. How would I know? But, I do fancy the idea of someday saying to my medium-well steak: 'How about that? You taste just like your cousin.' Lmao!
lmao…oh gosh am sitting at a cafe and laughing myself silly everyone looking at me…lol
u guys are mental..cute mental
Love u all…
lifes bludy great in this second
next: someone says something to u…erhmmm something u wud never in yr life dream would be said to u…something that make yr heart like literally skip a beat and tears stream down yr cheeks…something that truly touches u…something that sorta touches yr soul….how do u respond to this???
should I ignore it or simply say wats in my heart???
I mean what wud u do?? lol
ohhh rani and ninja!!!!
let's clone senor and then cut both of them up and then we'll have double the pleasure of torturing him! hahaha =D
lmao…oh gosh am sitting at a cafe and laughing myself silly everyone looking at me…lol
u guys are mental..cute mental
Love u all…
lifes bludy great in this second
next: someone says something to u…erhmmm something u wud never in yr life dream would be said to u…something that make yr heart like literally skip a beat and tears stream down yr cheeks…something that truly touches u…something that sorta touches yr soul….how do u respond to this???
should I ignore it or simply say wats in my heart???
I mean what wud u do?? lol
I don't know – never been in that situation, can't really imagine it at this point either… but I am pulled towards saying what's in my heart .
ohhh rani and ninja!!!!
let's clone senor and then cut both of them up and then we'll have double the pleasure of torturing him! hahaha =D
I'll title this one: Downfall of The Princess!
Shameful, just shameful *shakes head*
LOOK BUDDY! It's a great idea!…… okay it sucks ROFL. I shall leave ideas of torture to ninja =p
I can hear King Fish calling us 'thread killers' and pushing for us to get on with it & stop ruining the topic! lmao
Question: Does anyone here truly niss Nitz(or rather his instigation)? (Because I sure do!)
niss nitz??
nope not really
next q:
why does life sometime feel sooo claustophobic??
OMG -WHY?- [sighs]
Because its just GAY sometimes[most times]
Aptly put!
Would you be willing to change yourself (even in part) for another?
If the change doesn't require me to go against my religion, of course.
Same Q.
If 'Ginger' keeps wearing what she wore this morning under her Starbucks apron, I would change just about everything, if she would but hint…Lmao! Now, seriously seriously, I would change anything but that which has to do with my faith in God and my commitment to what I believe is His purpose for my life. There are things that one could change and 'find' a better life, and then there are things that one would change only to lose 'life' eternally.
Same question please.
Physical aspects and minor personality areas – I'll change.
CORE beliefs – I most likely wont!
If 'Ginger' keeps wearing what she wore this morning under her Starbucks apron, I would change just about everything, if she would but hint…Lmao!
What happens in Starbucks . . .
should say in Starbucks
[Including your fantasies about changing Ginger's undergarmets]
If 'Ginger' keeps wearing what she wore this morning under her Starbucks apron, I would change just about everything, if she would but hint…Lmao!
What happens in Starbucks . . .
should say in Starbucks
[Including your fantasies about changing Ginger's undergarmets]
Me likey Kava Daba! I concur! lmao
I always said stubbornly (gives Senor ji a menacing look) that I would not. Knowledge + discernment = wisdom. I can honestly say that the person I am today would change for another. My core beliefs and love for my God would not.
Are you a rubber-necker? When there is highway work do you need to see/watch? When there is an accident on the road, do you make it your business to take it all in? lmbo
I'm a necker er a rubber-necker. I don't care much for highway work, but accidents, sheesh, I cannot not stop.
Question: If you could be anyone you could be, who would you be?
I'll stick with the 'evil' I know! lmao I don't wish to be anyone else!
I'd like to be a better version of myself.
same question please.
You stole my words. I wanted to say the same thing: 'Be a better version of myself.'
Same question please.
Already answered, senor copycat!
Got a new one, do ya?
Awright, hotstuff! You asked for this.
Question: If you were to kiss me, would you (1) kiss me on my forehead at the break of dawn and bid me 'morning;' (2) kiss me on my eyes at dusk and wish me a 'dreamy night:' (3) kiss me on my nose under the pouring rain; (4) kiss me on my cheek when the foaming waves murmur and the moon is high; (5) snog me silly till time stands still but my heart rushes past all that is past present and forever?
Hmmm…quite the imagination you have.
Ok, I'll take the challenge!
All of the above, then, when you pick yourself up off the floor…call me.
same question please.
1 is a mummy's kiss for her children
2 is for underage kids on their first date
3 is for rudolph the red nose raindeer
4 is for skinny dipping senor and his gay partners
5…now thats what im talking about.
5 it is for u ness!
D'ya think so seriomonster?
Well, whatever the case, in looks like pepaw is out for meds or down for a nap.
Next question: what sound does a chicken make?
A chicken goes: bawk bawk bawk…lol
If you were standed an a deserted island, what are the 5 things you would need to survive?
First, I would need a chair…Lmao!
Same question please. I am unable to answer because of the giggles.
1. books!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. a blanket
3. bug spray
4. fresh water
5. a football
Next: In which are you more comfortable: heat or cold?
Cold (I am quite adept at generating 'heat.' All I need is a certain er…). Sorry got carried away.
After chancing upon a friend you haven't see in years, would you rather:
1. Exchange polite pleasantries over a cup of coffee?
2. Exchange phone numbers before parting on each your own way?
Depends on the type of friendship it was.
If it were a casual acquaintance, I would engage in small talk, then move on.
If it were someone with whom I shared fond memories, I'd invite them to dinner.
Next: When reading the newspaper, which section do you read first?
Cartoons! So, sue me. Lmao!
If you were to be a cartoon, who would you rather be?
1. Calvin?
2. Charlie Brown?
That's a no brainer! Calvin!!! Would love to be president of the Get Rid of Slimy Girls club! lmao
What was your favorite childhood television show?
The Flintstones…
Same question…
Tie: Giant Robo & Bugs Bunny
What's your favorite summertime activity?
A day at the beach or a bbq…
Spring or autumn?
definitely autumn!!!
Next: Which is your favorite animal to have as a pet? Why?
A dog. I have no idea why.
Do you play with beads of condensation on your soda-glass?
Why yes. How did you know? lol
Have you ever been caught in the middle of a political rally?
……… nope.
Have you ever been caught typing crazily on the forum, and the person comes up to your computer screen to see what the hell you're doing? (And if yes – what happened? What did you do?)
Yes. In the beginning, I would try to minimize my screen and all, but then, I realized, why should I care? I'm the boss! So, now I flaunt BWL for all to see.
How true is this statement in your life: 'Its not how you pick your nose, its where you put the booger?'
……. *still trying to find a connection between Senor saab's statement and Life in all its random beauty and madness*………..
(But there does need to be an apostrope in 'it's'… )
LMAO @ at how smoothly Boo skirted the question and used that red pen!
And I'll…ermmm…answer Boo's question! lol
“Have you ever been caught typing crazily on the forum, and the person comes up to your computer screen to see what the hell you're doing? (And if yes – what happened? What did you do?)”
I haven't been “caught typing crazily on the forum”. I have, however, been caught laughing crazily while typing on the forum. lol My boss came from his office, stood behind me and asked, “Is this some sort of online romance?”. Which made me laugh all the more crazily! It was when Nitz was using the yellow text color to annoy everyone and we had to highlight it to read it! I tried to explain to my boss what was going on, poor stupid me. *shakes head* He (my boss) looks at me incredulously and says, “Stop flirting with your internet romances on company time!” and walked back into his office. That's when I realized The Form depletes brain cells! I wasn't smart enough to be afraid of my boss! lmao
Same q.
Er what 'Form?' Har Har Har!
Nessa – lmbo!
I've been caught typing crazily on the forum and grinning and all that fun stuff, lmbo. They thought I was insane…and some of my family members thought I was 'in love.' lol
Next: What do you do when you try so hard, but it always seems like you're not trying at all? Where do you think the problem is? or rather… who IS the problem? You must have messed up badly along the way, isn't it?
The problem is circumstance. No one is completely right or wrong, both people are at fault (and right) most of the times. And we all mess up badly along the way at some point in time. We only learn how to run after we fall a million times. It doesn't matter where or how we start our journey, what matters is where and how we end up.
Don't take full blame when you're in a relationship that revolves around a two way street.
Don't take blame about something of which you cannot control.
New question:
Would you rather be lonely or alone?
lonely truly sux …a feeling worse that being heartbroken
would u get a tattoo?? and if yes then what and where would u erhmm tattoo yrself??
At this stage of development, I'd have to answer no.
next: have you been caught singing and dancing uninhibitedly?
ya I have…
same question
next: for those working: are you working your dream job? if not, do you enoy the job you're working?
for those schooling: what is your dream job & do you think you will obtain it?
No, I am not. I'm beginning to like it.
What do you think of all the remakes of 'older' movies and songs? When you find that a movie or song is a remake, do you seek the original?
I think some of them are pretty good. Like Don, I like the remake so much more than the older one! And yes, I do seek the original. I also liked Devdas so much better than the older one. But that one movie, I think it was called Aag (a remake of sholay), was soooo horrible! I couldn't stand it! I didn't even wait to watch all of it. That sux tho cuz Sushmita Sen was in it!
Btw, nessa, you know wats super cool? or maybe its not super cool, but i think it is! lmao. Your avatar, the one of sush, it's from the movie bas itna sa khwaab hai and rani is in that movie! And the siggy I made you, the pic of sush is from the same movie! I realized it after I made it when I came across a website full of that movie pics and those two pics were in there! lol. okay waaay off topic. I'll shush it now.
same question (sorry! lol)
Am not sure about all the remakes, but I do look for the orig. to compare!
Btw, nessa, you know wats super cool? or maybe its not super cool, but i think it is! lmao. Your avatar, the one of sush, it's from the movie bas itna sa khwaab hai and rani is in that movie! And the siggy I made you, the pic of sush is from the same movie! I realized it after I made it when I came across a website full of that movie pics and those two pics were in there! lol. okay waaay off topic. I'll shush it now.
lol…s'ok 99! Funny how we see things afterward. What's the old saying…”Hindsight is 20/20.”
When asked a difficult question by a loved one, have you truly told them exactly what was in your heart? I mean, confiding in them completely without filters, editing or omission allowing them to 'see' you?
well in this case it depends on question which has been asked, but ya i had told truly n exactly wat is bein in my heart….it may be sometimes hurting but atlast he vl understand n all is ok
same q
No, I have not.
How old is too old to have a child for a woman? For a man?
there's no age bar for anybody to become a parent……
Whenever the man or woman is ready to have a child they can just go for it……
sensitive question
am not sure hey, will have to be an individual preference..whenever a couple is ready or in the case of a single woman wanting a child, its when she is ready to nurture another life….
have realised that there isnt any age barrier as such and one should be able to do watever ones heart desire..even if it means having a child as late as they would prefer..
do u believe in angels?
Yes, I do.
Next: What was the name of your favourite childhood T.V show?
Sesame Street! lol
I'd like to answer Alishia's as well. Angel means messenger, so then yes, I do believe in them.
If you're speaking of a spirit creature or 'son of God', then yes, I believe in their existence as well.
next: What was you favorite childhood toy?
My dolls.
What's the best thing about living in a big city?
everything easily accessable! Oh…and one doesn't need to drive!
What's the worst thing about living in a big city?
There's not enough space, there is too much pollution and crime… not enough privacy, you can't see the stars at night cuz of the damn street lights everywhere… stupid big buildings block out amazing sunrises and sunsets…. (I could go on and on…)
What colour would your dream home be and how many bedrooms?
Blue & Pink with 5 bedrooms
what about ur choice for the same?
i would lik to hav 3 bedrooms all with different colours
same q??
my dream home would be brick w/ terracotta facing. Long hallways, floor to ceiling windows and extremely high ceilings!
7 bedrooms, though, I wouldn't mind giving up my room for company. lol It's tradition in my family!
next: What's your favorite nick name & who gave it to you?
Julie… and my PT teacher gave it to me.
What was your first PET?
An imaginary mongoose.
What song rips you to shreds?
too many to name…never thought you'd leave in summer, that's all, frankie & johnny…
same question
Tuhje yaad Na Meri Aayi-Kuch kuch hota hain
Can you really forgive if you cant forget?
My small opinion, yes.
If remembering is causing one to question their forgiveness, then it wasn't given in trueness. Remembering shouldn't hamper or dampen the love required for forgiveness.
same q?
The best thng is to forgive
yes ill forgive
same q?
same here i will also forgive
would you like others to forgive u when u have done a big mistake or punish you for that
If dey forgive nthng is best den dat…. but if dey punish n had really made a big mistake den vl accept it, but fistly vl try dat dey would forgive
Same Q
Who doesn't wish for forgiveness when unintentionally making a big blunder?! I don't know of many people who like to be punished for anything, let alone a mistake. What it comes down to is understanding…on both parts.
This makes me think of a long loved quote:
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” | |
~ Dr. Seuss ~
same q
absolutely correct
Who doesn't wish for forgiveness when unintentionally making a big blunder?! I don't know of many people who like to be punished for anything, let alone a mistake. What it comes down to is understanding…on both parts.
This makes me think of a long loved quote:
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” | |
~ Dr. Seuss ~
same q
And that quote… needed to hear it Nessa.
Next question:
Who is the one person you think of running to when you want to be alone?
(I hope u guys understand the q. lol)
no one….. i would like to be left alone.
same question
Always glad to be of assistance to you Lolly! lmao Stay away from my cheeks!
was always my nana or older brother…now I'm overly cautious. i go within myself.
Next: is loving 'too much' a handicap or loving 'too little'?
ill go with loving too little
same q??
loving too little
Question: can you get to your future if your past is present?
most prob ill not but it actually depends on the reason for becoming past
same q??
no i dont think u can.
Q: can u change a man?
yes and no…… depends on the capabilities of a woman
Same question?
lolly nooooooooooo! I like jur cheeeeks!
I think it depends on how strong the will is to change that man. Sometimes people succeed, sometimes they fail. I think the best victory is learning to love that man without having to change him.
Next Question: Where would you rather be right now?
in the arms of my one and only.
Next Question: What's your biggest fear?
gettin away from him
Wat is ur dream??
to be with him…
same question
being successful in life.
whos easier to forgive: enemy or friend who betrays you?
a friend…….
Same q
Enemy as it doesnt matter what an enemy does….
who will you love the most… spouse or children?
if you could bring back someone from the dead, who would you bring back?
My close friend…….
same q?
my fiance.
same question.
Hey. I'm so sorry to hear that…
And is that why the Kal Ho Na Ho display picture, and the signature?
And if I could bring someone back from the dead, I would bring back my close friend's grandmother for her… I have not really lost anyone that close to me… *touchwood*
What always puts a smile on your face?
the sun
same q?
name of my close frnds appearing on my cell
same q??
same q
You. Alhumdulillah. <3
same q
My Closest Friend……… same q
thank you Boo its appreciated.
same question
a little baby fast asleep……..
what makes your blood boil in anger?
wen m not able to do whch i want it
same q??
When people cheat or backstab.
Holidays in Beaches or Pilgrimages?
same question.
may be both… but if i have to chose one then Beaches….
same q
love marriage or arranged
love marriage
same q
love marriage of course.
Q; what makes u cry?
wen my dear ones hurts me….or dey r hurted by me of vry serious reason
same q??
i dont easily cry…
same q
Anything and everything. Happy or sad. I cry. lol.
The name of the book you are currently reading?
Dreams Decoder
and you?
Good In Bed.
Q: Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
To b loved n lost is better….
same q??
absolutely to be loved and lost…
would you choose your partner on your parents choice or your choice?
would luv to choose of my choice if dey allowed but if dey vl not ill go wd my parents choice…..
afterall dey r perents dey knw better wat is rite for us!!!!
Same q??
without any doubts – parents choice:)
NOW: Definitely my families choice ….
erhhhmmmm: what is it you would look for in the love of yr choice?? wait I mean, What traits/personality would attract you to love someone???
ps: am not sure if the question is right or understandable to anyone ..but will leave it
Honesty, Sense of Humour for sure.
And u? what would you look for
hey mamatha….hw r u???
u rite ill go wd ur answer for shure
i am good thanks for asking.
where did u go missing for all these days…….
yaar m facin prob wd my account due to passwrd…….
neways nw all is ok….its been gr8 again here
next Q:
are blue roses real?
I … think so?
I hope soo
U happened upon a genie, and was granted 5 wishes…wat would they be?
hmmmmmmmmm …. this is an interesting question.. here's my wishlist
1. I should be the richest person on earth
2. I should be the most beautiful person on earth
3. There should be education for all
4. I should not lose anybody who are close to me ( i mean no one, that i know should die)
5. There should be happiness all around always……..
1. Money
2. money
3. money
4. the ability to fulfill wishes
5. Love and a happy fulfilling life
Why is life soooo exhausting much of the time?
my view…..
Life feels exhausting most of the time coz we are always running after something that we dont have, instead of learning to be happy with what we have….
We are human and we're subjected to the pangs of our human bodies and our human mentalities
Which pretty much translates to something similar as Mamatha said … we may never feel 100% blissful or if we do, it may not be permanent … and to those who feel this and its not temporary – wonderful for you !
I guess we pretty much have to try to take what we have (especially if we are aware that we cannot drastically change a situation/event/thing/self) and turn our perception around to see those situations/events/things/selves in a different/better light.
Just as our peception allows us to see something as fearful/bad/terrible, its just so that our perception can allow us to see the same thing as wonderful/lovely/okay/bearable.
my view…..
Life feels exhausting most of the time coz we are always running after something that we dont have, instead of learning to be happy with what we have….
beautifully said dear:) …wise words indeed..
We are human and we're subjected to the pangs of our human bodies and our human mentalities
Which pretty much translates to something similar as Mamatha said … we may never feel 100% blissful or if we do, it may not be permanent … and to those who feel this and its not temporary – wonderful for you !
I guess we pretty much have to try to take what we have (especially if we are aware that we cannot drastically change a situation/event/thing/self) and turn our perception around to see those situations/events/things/selves in a different/better light.
Just as our peception allows us to see something as fearful/bad/terrible, its just so that our perception can allow us to see the same thing as wonderful/lovely/okay/bearable.
your posts always brings a smile to my face jaanu, coz u seem to know exactly wat my heart is yearning to hear
I was just thinking about Mamatha's words, I am blissfully happy, content, have soo much gratitude for all my blessings, my heart is fulfilled, am happy, extremely happy with the way my life is ( minus that one huge issue ) and I have accepted everything for wat it is… I aint gonna chase after anything i logically know I cant have..etc..
yet life had become sooo fustrating in that theres this silly issue I cant seem to conquer…sighs
lol… yeah u KNW i see things only with love these days.. am driving everyone craze…
anyways jaan, thank u for always having the right words …for knowing.. I love u
wats the purpose of life? Is it really worth the effort ? wat really is the purpose of our lives?????????
Hmm thats a pretty deep question.
In my opinion, the purpose of life is simply to enjoy it. You can't predict the future, and you dont always have control over life. But what you do have control over is how you live each moment, and how you respond to adversities you may face. You can view them as a challenge and do your best to beat them, or you can fold your cards and walk away from the table. You have to live your life the fullest, with your heart, and with confidence in the decisions you make so you dont have any regrets in the future.
Next question, something a little bit easier to answer hopefully
How is your summer going?
Di, Im happy to hear that my post made you smile . Yes, Mamatha's words are deep and truthful. About the issue that you cant seem to conquer … I guess there are many hills like these that we have to face … or shall I say … keep facing (trying). Maybe sometimes it may take us some time to realize that conquering that thing is out of our ability and we just have to try to accept it and be happy with with our raw selves and all the things that we do have the ability to conquer and the things we have conquering already and the things that we are in the process of conquering.
Aw Alie … seeing things with love is wonderful .. its better than to see everything with hate and disgust.
I was actually waiting for someone to answer the question you posted.
Bolly_lover's answer to that question is meaningful and deep … true. Made me think .. I mean, if we dont try to make our lives something that we are happy with, how would we end up feeling when we're past a certain age … because no one can go back in time.
Now to answer the question: My summer is going pretty okay. Not doing much. Basically relaxing.
How is your summer going?
It's going really quickly! Can't believe there's only a month left before hell starts again. not looking fwd to it. But I guess good things come with the bad
Where is your favorite summer destination?
Is definitely Nainital in India…….
favorite passtime?
I have lotsa favorite hobbies, not just one lol. I would have to say reading, watching movies or playing sports =).
Same question
hobbies?? hmmm
sleeeping ( a lot these days )
ok reading, writing, dancing, singing, laughing, gyming ( my all time fav), playing tennis, golf, collecting stufff.. tooo many to mention, photography, designing, art, sketching, hiking, river rafting, extreme sports, listening to music, writing a bit of poetry, astrology, annoying my family and friends, oh my and my favorite is eating hehehe… wait did I say travelling and exploring new places in my town> I also think shopping is my hobby, especially shopping for fabrics..
gosh I didnt even realise I have that many hobbies…
wats yr favorite word??
gosh I cant believe I am answering my own question…wer da heck is everyone????????
I think my fav word is
Next question?
What is your favorite flavour of yogurt?
Plain yogurt? I haven’t really tried any other kind. Although I did try this yogurt ice cream, it was really good – but I can’t remember the flavor I got. :/
Next Q: What’s your favorite thing to do during the weekend?
same question
Due to my schedule its hard to distinguish between the weekend any other day of the week. But on my days off I like watching movies, reading, finishing errands and then hanging out
Same question!!
Due to MY schedule, it’s hard for me to distinguish between the weekend and any other day of the week, because EVERY day for me is a Sat/Sun. =D HAHA But I also like watching movies on my free days, staying up to use the net, and being a lazy bum, and eating on the couch. =D
Next: Can you sleep on a plane ride?
My plane rides are generally just over an hour long, so no, I don’t sleep on planes =).
Last board game you played?
Next: How do you like to pass the time on a plane ride, besides sleeping?
Lol u planning a trip somewhere Rani??
I read, listen to music or watch TV.
What colour top are you wearing right now? (sorry couldn’t think of anything better :S)
I would like to! But no, I’m not. I just LOVE plane rides! hehe =D
Gray. (haha it’s fine!)
Do you get car sick? … plane sick? (lol)
Yeah I guess they can be neat if you have a window seat.. I hate the landing part. Just the anticipation of the plane touching the ground, and waiting for that bump is so frustrating. I’m a freak.
Um I get car sick when I read, something to do with eyes focusing on words, while you are moving..
I also get Land sick! I didn’t know there was such a thing until after a week long cruise. I was constantly dizzy for nearly a week afterwards – even while sitting or laying down. Strangest feeling, and gotta say it was a bit scary lol.
MSN or Facebook?
Ahaha, my sister is afraid of plane rides – so you being a lil freaked about the landing is nothing against my sister gripping the armrest of her chair and refusing to look out the window and telling me to shut up! LOL
(Land sick? Whoa, don’t wanna experience that! I’ve gotten car sick only once, and ever since that, I’ve been more susceptible to head aches in the car and maybe getting sick. :/)
What do you like to do during a road trip (drive/sit in the back/etc)?
Lol I know someone who absolutely hates airplanes, and has to take a valium before boarding one :p
It really depends on who I’m travelling with. For instance, if I’m going on a road trip with friends, I prefer driving. But if I’m going somewhere with family I either sleep, watch a movie, or drive.. drivings fun!!
rings or necklaces?
Necklaces! My collection sucks, though.
What is your absolute weakness?
Chocolate!! and people I love.
Fiction or Non-fiction?
ATM, fiction.
What are your views on Bollywood supposedly becoming more Westernized?
Change is inevitable and I think recent Bollywood films are depicting a cultural change in India – at least in the bigger cities, and to an extent in the smaller cities and towns. I think this is great, I enjoy watching movies that are relatively realistic and have characters that I can somewhat relate to. That being said, I still love movies from the 90’s in which the focus was on family, values, and tradition (e.g. DDLJ, Hum Aapke Hain Kaun, Maine Pyar Kiya) and even more old school movies (e.g. Sangam, Yaadon Ki Baraat, Deewar, Sholay). I can see why some people may not like the direction in which Bollywood movies are heading, but if the movies hadn’t changed with time, we’d still be watching black n white movies in which bandits were kidnapping the heroine and the hero would single-handedly overpower 20 evil guys, save the heroine, and live happily ever after!!
I want to know what others think about this, so same question!!
ok am going to answer both q’s
1. ringsss… love em
2. my mum
same q
oops wth?? I didnt see the last few posts, sorry
on Boo’s Q – to an extent it is good entertainment, in the sense that the story lines are more realistic, however there are movies that makes me want to screammmmmmm coz of the unecessary se.xual content and humor
I think many movies get their points across without having to use this type of *western*modern* advertising
ok am out of thoughts for now on this
same question
@boo wrote:
What are your views on Bollywood supposedly becoming more Westernized?
It’s fine, I guess. The only thing that really bothers me about that are the change in clothes and all the kissing and sex scenes. It’s unnecessary – unless it IS necessary and those scenes play a big part on the plot – and quite annoying. My family bonds over Bollywood movies – it used to be such an ‘us’ thing to do, bring a movie home, and have our whole family in one room – laughing and enjoying our time together. The movie didn’t even necessarily have to be good, the point was that we were all together – having a good time. But nowadays, the movies are full of kissing and sex scenes and which actress has now decided to wear a bikini for her movie, and not to mention John Abraham and his scene in Dostana – My family can no longer sit together and enjoy a good movie, we’re all too busy being uncomfortable and reaching for the remote to forward the scene. I can watch those kinds of movies with my sister and mom, we still forward the sex scenes of course, but it’s not uncomfortable with them. But with my dad? No way. It’s a little less uncomfortable with my twin, because we’re close, but still not comfortable enough. And of course we don’t let my little brother watch those kinds of movies, so. For me, this change is a little personal, because it makes it harder to bond with my family over a good movies. But that’s good because now we’ve found better ways to bond instead of over TV. lol =D
The rest doesn’t really bother me. I actually didn’t really notice the change as fast as others did. I guess it’s good in a way, because they don’t make movies where a mother loses her child and then meets with him/her years and years later (Yamla Pagla Deewana lol). But personally, I liked those stories/movies (the good ones, not the stupid ones). I do miss some of the older Bollywood type movies, and I enjoy a historical setting, like Lagaan or Paheli(altho the movie wasn’t that great). And I LOVE the different village dialects of hindi (and get really excited that I understand most of it), like how they used in Lagaan or Paheli ( can’t think of another movie right now), and I love it when a lot of hindi (with big words) is used in a movie, or how so much pretty Urdu was used in Tehzeeb. The part of me that loves languages misses that in Bollywood movies. There is a lot of English in movies nowadays.
But that being said, I do like a lot of the movies that are made now. (I mean, my favorite is Jab We Met, so. – but then again, that had a very typical bollywood story to it, with just a lil twist that made it seem different.) I especially love that they make a lot of… socially aware, or psychological movies. I don’t know if those are the words I’m looking for, but movies like Taare Zameen Par – that deal with dyslexia, or Black, or You, Me, aur Hum – that dealt with Alzheimer’s (VERY good movie, btw). Yes, there was romance in it, but I liked that because it showed how couples deal with their partner’s terminal illness or w/e. Or Karthik calling Karthik, which dealt with schizophrenia (although the movie in itself was really boring). OR Thatastu, which was more socially aware, I think? About how a father hijacks an entire hospital to save his son’s life. I loved that movie. And Chak de India as well – I liked how there wasn’t a main couple in that movie, no big love story. I know, I know, me being such a romantic and all, happy about no romance? But the thing was, I WAS initially upset about no one being paired with SRK, but when I watched the movie, it just made me realize that some stories are bigger than the romance part, you don’t NEED romance in every single story, some stories need to be told, and the romance isn’t part of the story at that point (like no one killed Jessica as well) – but I’m not sure if all this would be called becoming more Westernized? I know that Thatastu is a copy of a hollywood movie, but I dunnoe if that counts in becoming more western? If it does, then I really like that change, if it doesn’t, then I still like that change.
I am happy that bollywood has taken out some stupid stuff from movies now – like those really retarded/embarrassing dance moves… or… I don’t know what else, but just those things when you watch an old movie and you just HAVE to laugh at some of the stupid stuff that goes on. I noticed how they don’t make songs with the main couple going off to a meadow and singing while there are tons of female dancers in the back or female AND male dancers in the back. =D But some of my favorite movies to watch over and over again DO include the older movies, like… the ‘Koyla’ times, or older – I can’t think of any names right now. But I do think, “Why can’t they make movies like these anymore?” when I’m watching some old movies. The thing is, even if those old movies weren’t amazing, they were still good. Nowadays, if a movie isn’t AMAZING, it just plain sucks.
Whoa. I wrote an essay, wth is it with me and not being able to shut up? If you made it this far, I’m sorry you read through all that! LOL
Next: What kinds of genres of movies do you enjoy the most?
Rom-coms and thrillers
Where would you like to go on a vacation?
steamed veg or grilled
depends on the veg.. overall, I prefer grilled vegies.
What is your favorite perfume?
Right now its Gucci – by gucci
and dolce and gabbana ( the one and the original )
perceive – avon
whats your favorite time of day?
Hmm.. I think afternoon or evening.
Do you wear a watch?
have u ever danced in the rain?
stayed awake to watch a sunrise ?
eaten a whole box of Lindt chocolate watching a soppy movie and not feeling guilty?
sat at your desk in the office and just gazed out the window watching the branches of a winter tree?
hmm in other words – have u ever just STOPPED and remained STILL to watch life ??
Danced in the rain – Yes
Stayed awake to watch a sunrise – Yes
Eaten a whole box of Lindt + movie – No
Sat at desk in office – Wouldn’t be able to do it, even if I wanted to!!
Stopped – Yes!!!
One of my favorite moments this summer was swimming in the ocean at Turks and Caicos. Feeling the hot summer sun on my face, while in the crystal blue water and forgetting everything. Just savoring the moment – it was magical. It was a moment and a trip that I will never forget.
How was your summer?
summer 2011.. well will have to wait for Nov to answer that one
the best thing abut last summer was taking an adventure trip, trekking through this gorgeous lil mountain and then going out bungee jumping, awesumness
Whats yr fav flavor icecream?
The question though has to start with
What’s your favourite…?
The person who answers the question continues with his/her own question…
I’ll start with an easy one:
What’s your favourite color?
Blue – almost any shade.
Where is your ideal vacation spot?
same q
Somewhere crowded, with tons of people, the busy city life, and beautiful architecture, but also someplace I can access a private island when the crowd gets to be too much.
What’s the first thing on your Bucket list? (Do you have a bucket list?)
I had one
not anymore
one of the things that were on mine was
to bungee jump
went as far as standing on the edge ready to jump, but I didnt