Rani is psychic
I repeat RANI IS PSYCHIC!!!!
and now for a limited time offer she will tell you all about your future (the bad included. deal with it).
if she is psychic, then u must be the psycho one.
but we all have a little bit of insanity in us.
: )
just that yrs is overflowing w it!
oh why thank you.
I'm flattered. really, I am.
ready for my acceptance speech. …
And im ed…nice to meet you.
acceptance speech? wait..let me get my pillow and blanket.
you're not ed
you're khara
bad command or file name. please try again.
if you didnt hush ninja, maybe she'd tell you
thats ok. i prefer not to know.
if you didnt hush ninja, maybe she'd tell you
you're totally disregarding the thread
you're totally disregarding the thread
:-O NO SHUSH THING AS PSYCHIC. get outta hea wid dat meshizzle =p
wait how is she psychic :-O LOL
Smash the mirror and break the palm reader's hand
Smash the mirror and break the palm reader's hand
crazy ppl
arf? rani …psychic? haylie..how would u know !
arf? rani …psychic? haylie..how would u know !
lol I've witnessed it.
share what you witnessed …. dont get me too excited now!
Kavita ji, these losers are jaaast crajee. lol =p
yumin hmmz gud to see u here…ermmmmmmm
naww lets hear the all and powerful witnessed psychic abilities !
yumin hmmz gud to see u here…ermmmmmmm
naww lets hear the all and powerful witnessed psychic abilities !
by the def of the word- she says things before they happen and they come true.
its pretty awesome actually.
( i have a feeling she's going to kick my ass when she reads this thread ha)
I got the lefty curse. where everything that i do is flipped.
and awkwardly reversed.
yo ninja!
what do we have to do for physics?
physics…chapt 23 # 31/32, 46 and 59
Rani IS gonna kick ur butt…lol i needu call her and ask her how the heck she's psychic.
uhmm…back to hw .. it friggin nvr ends. bleh
Ack..studying never ends! & i have my major tests tomorrow ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
errrrrrrrrrrrrr say haylie…cud yah get our chotti rani to predict my test scores
ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cram cram cram i have to cram cram cram i have to crammmmmmmmmmmmmm
umm Q : anyone know about sylvia brown…. the psychic
When I saw the name of this thread, I swear to God, I had this feeling it was Hayati posting something about how I told her I was psychic! I swear!
But what the hell, Hayati? Oreo ji is right, you are psycho!!! OhmyAllah! Hayati…you don't have to tell the whole world all of the stupid things I tell you!
Imma kick ur butt when I see you.
But Astaghforallah, of course I am not really psychic, ninja is right, there is no such thing. Don't say I'm gonna read palms, Astagforallah! I just have this ermm…vibe? lmao
you're not ed
you're kharalmao…you're lucky Oreo ji doesn't understand Arabic, and I'm lucky I have you and Ninja to translate for me! lmao. (Oreo ji, she called you crap.)
by the def of the word- she says things before they happen and they come true.
its pretty awesome actually. lmao…let me explain…not in any particular order…
Something would happen to my best friend, and I would tell her what would happen after it, kinda like advice…and it would always come true. She told me, “Rani, please only tell me good things.” lmao.
I had a dream that my friend was going out with this one guy, months later after that dream(just recently), she told me she likes him.
I had a dream Hayati got a new house, she told me they are building a house back home.
I called Hayati one day, and she said she just signed off of aim(or went away) to call me.
one day, I told Hayati something and I didn't know the topic kinda related to her, and what I told her was useful to her. (that happened twice)
A couple other things happened with Hayati, but she can tell you those if she wants to.
and then there are all those twin moments I had with Boo…but those are twin things, so I guess that doesn't apply…
I think I'm forgetting some…you can add them Hayati if you remember.
but anyway, so I was telling Hayati all of this, and I called myself psychic jokingly and she agreed. That is why she made this pointless thread. *shakes head*
errrrrrrrrrrrrr say haylie…cud yah get our chotti rani to predict my test scores
lmao. Heck no. That would be a sin. no thanks, I don't need any of those. I can only make dua for you.
Inshallah, you will do good.
Also, I had a dream about Khushi and that I went to her house and she introduced me to a certain number of people. When I told her about the dream and how many people she introduced me to in my dream, she told me that that was the same number of people who are usually in her house…
Plus, I described one person to her and she kinda told me my description was correct.
ya'll trippin' =]
ranz..hmmmmmmmmmmm …. interesting stuffers i see you gat in dat mind of yers!
sooooo ermm haylie…cud ya share wid us the otehr psychic stuff associated with rani?! oh
come on now! she said its alrite!
hey ranz..what is the meaning of takbeer?
ya'll trippin' =]
lmao, I know I'm not psychic! I'm just a hekka good guesser! Ur too funny, ninja!
Thank you! I hekka hekka love it too, as well as yours!
ranz..hmmmmmmmmmmm …. interesting stuffers i see you gat in dat mind of yers!
sooooo ermm haylie…cud ya share wid us the otehr psychic stuff associated with rani?! oh
come on now! she said its alrite!lmao…
hey ranz..what is the meaning of takbeer? Takbeer is the word for the phrase Allahu Akbar, which means Allah is the greatest.
Usually, people would say, “Takbeer!” And then people would say the takbeer, “Allahu Akbar!”
naw ranz tell me more of yr psychic moments
me wanna hear
whose psychic now??
more psychic good guesser moments? ummm….I gave Tayba's bro same nick name he gave himself.
Scarrrry – No one is psychic. But I'm a good guesser. *nods*
lol, Rani, i say ur just a kid at heart. =) and you know how everything a kid says comes true!!
yeah..i wanna major in psychology…maybe…ok im random
lol. EVERYTHING I say doesn't come true. How I wish it did!
but yeah *nods again* I am a kid at heart!
nd who said what kids say comes true? I never seen that (lmao. whoa i'm being ghetto again)
LOL yeah I've seen it.
no no! ur supposed to say, “ya I seen it.”
lmao. oooooh I loved today! We had to take the stupid Standardized california tests blah blah and our shedool(isn't that how brits say it, tayba?) changed so we only had about 27 mins in each cla.ss. *nods* yep, that was fun
hahaha, v have them next week. whack!
I see no point from that stupid test. lol
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
psychicgood guesser moments? ummm….I gave Tayba's bro same nick name he gave himself.Scarrrry – No one is psychic. But I'm a good guesser. *nods*
hmm Ranz..wot wud that be? hawt? [seems like u're really into tabzee's bro…hmm gurls wot am i missin here? haha]
no ranz tell me more dude this is awesomely awesome…& interesting..go on ..any dreams lately?
hahaha, v have them next week. whack!
I see no point from that stupid test. lol
yumin r u in cali too?? hey do u n Rani know each other in real life or sumthin!
omg the test that i totally believe has NO POINT is the SAT … CRAZY pple..testing on TIME more than quality knowelge sooo STUPID I TELL YEH!
lol, Rani, i say ur just a kid at heart. =) and you know how everything a kid says comes true!!
yeah..i wanna major in psychology…maybe…ok im random
Yumz….on a very serious note, and I say this with great concern and
love for u, not with any intention to upset u at all okies…
I understand yr studies are important r8 and that u want to get the best results
possible ..but hun, if u are going to **drug** yourself on coffee and not get sufficient rest, yr concentration levels sink
…it will take double the effort required to actually get anything //any studies done…
so please take it easy on the coffee, rest, eat healthy and study …I know u will excel in it and look forward to
free therapy sessions at yr place
love you lotz
Scarry Didi
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
psychicgood guesser moments? ummm….I gave Tayba's bro same nick name he gave himself.Scarrrry – No one is psychic. But I'm a good guesser. *nods*
oh well, me thought I cud get me palms read or sums …damn!!!
Scar face:
lol, Rani, i say ur just a kid at heart. =) and you know how everything a kid says comes true!!
yeah..i wanna major in psychology…maybe…ok im random
Yumz….on a very serious note, and I say this with great concern and
love for u, not with any intention to upset u at all okies…
I understand yr studies are important r8 and that u want to get the best results
possible ..but hun, if u are going to **drug** yourself on coffee and not get sufficient rest, yr concentration levels sink
…it will take double the effort required to actually get anything //any studies done…
so please take it easy on the coffee, rest, eat healthy and study …I know u will excel in it and look forward to
free therapy sessions at yr place
love you lotz
Scarry Didi
hokay I try I try Inshallah
Thanks yaar
the asylum has some places left. u might want to check in there yummeni
the asylum has some places left. u might want to check in there yummeni
why? and last i checked, it was full =P
you checked?? oh, so u were keen to join then? its ok..i can make some special arrangements with the people there to include you in. in fact, u can have the room w the best view!
why? I'm good thanks =)
you checked?? oh, so u were keen to join then? its ok..i can make some special arrangements with the people there to include you in. in fact, u can have the room w the best view!
Hmmm…. and what, pray tell, do you mean by “best”, sir?
yummeni…u think u are good but u are an addict. a caffeine addict. dont forget that.
boogedy..why dont u try it out yrself? i prefer not to oversell these special rooms. let the occupants speak abt it instead.
yummeni…u think u are good but u are an addict. a caffeine addict. dont forget that.
I never forgot that, however, that doesn't mean i need to check in dat asylum of yours…im wondering…
if you think everyone's insane, why isn't it full as yet?
I never forgot that, however, that doesn't mean i need to check in dat asylum of yours…im wondering…
if you think everyone's insane, why isn't it full as yet?
cos the place is huge and theres so many branches all over the world to cater for the demand. but as i said..even if its full, i will make a special place just for you
everyone is insane…
Kavita…I can't think of anything that happened lately…sowwie
lmao i feel like i'm on a freak show or something
cos the place is huge and theres so many branches all over the world to cater for the demand. but as i said..even if its full, i will make a special place just for you
lol, again, thanks for the offer..but no thanks
boogedy..why dont u try it out yrself? i prefer not to oversell these special rooms. let the occupants speak abt it instead.
You want me to do a health and safety check on that mental asylum of yours?
Like Rani and Abhishek do in Bunty Aur Babli… with that hotel? Hahahaha… LOL!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
everyone is insane…
Kavita…I can't think of anything that happened lately…sowwie
lmao i feel like i'm on a freak show or something
hey ranz be sure to let me know when strange occurances…occur
guys – did u guys ever wtch MONTEL its a show idont watch it expect when they had a PSYCHIC – Sylivia Brown – and someone said they saw UFO sightings and asked her what was that about! –>>> she was like yes they are aliens but they are just coming down on earth to see if we are taking care of it … im like……………………ummmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
hey ranz be sure to let me know when strange occurances…occurlol
guys – did u guys ever wtch MONTEL its a show idont watch it expect when they had a PSYCHIC– Sylivia Brown – and someone said they saw UFO sightings and asked her what was that about! –>>> she was like yes they are aliens but they are just coming down on earth to see if we are taking care of it … im like……………………ummmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
She's just a bum on crack.
oof what if she sensed that you said that right now haha
Naw but how does she KNOW stuff
oof what if she sensed that you said that right now haha
Naw but how does she KNOW stuff
devil tells her.
black magic.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
She's just a bum on crack.
Rani's favourite words, ladies and gentlemen (though few…. on second thoughts, if any. )…
1. Hekka
2. Crack
3. “I love you oh so much”
Any more I'm missing, guys?
oof what if she sensed that you said that right now haha
Naw but how does she KNOW stuff
devil tells her.
black magic.
But umm how would that explain …her talking about the WHITE LINE [holy spirit] of GOD and stuff
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
She's just a bum on crack.
Rani's favourite words, ladies and gentlemen (though few…. on second thoughts, if any. )…
1. Hekka
2. Crack
3. “I love you oh so much”
Any more I'm missing, guys?
umm Hella?
Rani's favourite words, ladies and gentlemen (though few…. on second thoughts, if any.
1. Hekka
2. Crack
3. “I love you oh so much”
Any more I'm missing, guys?
okay uhm
…4. Wiskhah
5. Beezee
6. Baqarah
7. but yeah
8. like
9. and then
10. shut up beezee!
11. ohmyAllah
P.S. 'oh so much', 'OhmyAllah,' 'wiskhah' and 'baqarah' are stolen from da ninja aka yummenii
… the others are just common crap all of us Amreekans say.
'And then i was like, then she was like and then he was like GET A FREAKIN LIFE!”
'…but yeah, so whats up'
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
She's just a bum on crack.
Rani's favourite words, ladies and gentlemen (though few…. on second thoughts, if any. )…
1. Hekka
2. Crack
3. “I love you oh so much”
Any more I'm missing, guys?
lmao! booooooooooooooooooooooooo! I have a thing with words.
Any more I'm missing, guys?![]()
umm Hella? lmao! Heck no! I don't cuss, thank you very much. *angelic smile*
Any more I'm missing, guys?![]()
okay uhm
…4. Wiskhah 5. Beezee6. Baqarah7. but yeah8. like9. and then10. shut up beezee!11. ohmyAllah
P.S. 'oh so much', 'OhmyAllah,' 'wiskhah' and 'baqarah' are stolen from da ninja aka yummenii
… the others are just common crap all of us Amreekans say.
'And then i was like, then she was like and then he was like GET A FREAKIN LIFE!”
'…but yeah, so whats up'
first, I don't say baqarah, haylie added that in for me, lmao. but maybe I'll start. and yupperz, I stol “OhmyAllah” from you, got a problem with it? “I don't care!” lmao. and wiskhah is so my word now! wahahaahahaaaaaaaaaa! and “buoy!” watchu talking about!?!?!? I didn't steal “Oh so much” from nobody! That came from the one and only Rani is the bes! lmao. Hekk yes! U don't even say that, girl, u is on crack. I told u to get off those pills!
Ranzz hella is a CURSE???? I think i heard from YOU [or was it Yummin? ] that hella is like saying hekka and its like meaning 'VERY'
i know those are words of you cali dudes
lmao. I know as heck that I didn't say that, cuz I trained myself to say hekka instead of hella. lol. (yeah, imma bum)
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lmao. I know as heck that I didn't say that, cuz I trained myself to say hekka instead of hella. lol.
(yeah, imma bum)
LOL… and don't we know it !
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lmao. I know as heck that I didn't say that, cuz I trained myself to say hekka instead of hella. lol.
(yeah, imma bum)
LOL… and don't we know it !
but hey at least mukesh can't throw me off the forum for saying bad words. lmao (*ahem* ninja, shut up, the other words are in a language that the “forumers” don't know, so its okay. heeeeeeee)
Sigh. True. He can't. Too bad.
hehehe… KIDDING MERE JAAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*runs away*
*too pissed off to run after boo*
*runs after boo with khushi's belan, pretending it's my english teacher*
Well, that's not really too hard to imagine huh? hehe… *giggle*
lol. no it isn't. *chokes boo*
lol. grrrrr, I swear I hate school right now. uff. PLUS all the stupid testing…errrr….then the FINALS!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lol. no it isn't. *chokes boo*
grrrrr, I swear I hate school right now. uff. PLUS all the stupid testing…errrr….then the FINALS!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lmao. I know as heck that I didn't say that, cuz I trained myself to say hekka instead of hella. lol.
(yeah, imma bum)
Ahh , yeahh it was yumminnnn ………. so hella is a curse or sumthin??
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
*too pissed off to run after boo*
*runs after boo with khushi's belan, pretending it's my english teacher*
*rolls eyes*
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lmao. I know as heck that I didn't say that, cuz I trained myself to say hekka instead of hella. lol.
(yeah, imma bum)
Ahh , yeahh it was yumminnnn ………. so hella is a curse or sumthin??
no its not a curse…lol it kinda is.
school is pissing me off. Lavin is pissin me off
Hiya!!!! ooooooooooo see i didnt know it was A CURSE!!!!!!!!! i mean one wud mostly think that hekka wud be the curse but..hella?? hhmmp didnt kno
Aww man Take it easy child , and take yr rest, doNT OVERLOAD on the coffee which i knoo you u probably ARE
who's lavin? i bet its one of yr kids hehe
*revives yumin*
Hiya!!!! ooooooooooo see i didnt know it was A CURSE!!!!!!!!! i mean one wud mostly think that hekka wud be the curse but..hella?? hhmmp didnt kno
Aww man Take it easy child , and take yr rest, doNT OVERLOAD on the coffee which i knoo you u probably ARE
who's lavin? i bet its one of yr kids hehe
*revives yumin*
ahhhh Kavita.
Lavin is a stupid beezee lol =P
okay im gonna stop dying now
Hiya!!!! ooooooooooo see i didnt know it was A CURSE!!!!!!!!! i mean one wud mostly think that hekka wud be the curse but..hella?? hhmmp didnt kno
Aww man Take it easy child , and take yr rest, doNT OVERLOAD on the coffee which i knoo you u probably ARE
who's lavin? i bet its one of yr kids hehe
*revives yumin*
ahhhh Kavita.
Lavin is a stupid beezee lol =P
okay im gonna stop dying now
lmao she asks who lavin is
and you say she's a stupid beezee XD
she's her teacher lol
Haylie u can shut up now!
i see yummmeni…
i see coffee…
i see constipated coffee-drinking-yummmeniii
without coffee
i'm dead meat. =[
and with it u're a dead 'stinking-coffee-smelling' meat!
I know im slow (according to you)
but I know that IS NOT the opposite of dead meat.
who says it is?
with or without u r still a dead meat. its just the smell of yr deadness that im differentiating on
who says it is?
with or without u r still a dead meat. its just the smell of yr deadness that im differentiating on
i got nothing..khalas i think I'll leave =P
mess with the best, die like the rest.
oh btw…thanks for going. and close the door when u step out. thanks.
too bad, i changed my mind.
decided to stay and procrastinate some more.
And I don't close the door, you close it yourself. you don't know anything about hospitality.
oh wait…it's Oreo we're talking to here. my bad
sheeesshh!! fickle minded stooge!!
hey hey…its not abt hospitality..its abt fatality. get that right!!
yeah i kinda realized that right when i was about to click post.
and psht…im too tired..whatever.
tired? then go to sleep. or better still, knock yerself out!
go to sleep?
i wish.
I wouldn't knock myself out, not cool!
knock yerself out [Read: punch yrself till u drop and become unconscious]
I knew that.
and i still choose not to do it.
thanks for your help tho =]
such a boring person.
take some risk in life. punch yerself, eat raw, sleep early, drink tea.
outta ere…
me boring? sleep early? TEA?
ohhhh haayaal no
I'm BWL angry!