Hey guys. Im bak! How r u all? Sum of u mite not no me, so hi 2 u all. Reali missed u guys, bt thngs bn hectic, alot has happend thats y havnt *** on 4 so long. Wats hapenin in all ur lives??
Sugar Hey! Soo GREAT to see you back here. Actually I left for a while myself, and came back like a month ago or so. Soo whats up with you?! wat u mean..of course i know you! just hope that u rem me ha… we use to talk about home made remedies for the face especially & u were good with those stuffies … aw man..do tell abt the stuff that has been goin on with u!! i know u said sum1 was gettin married @ yr side i think it was yr brother..how'd it go??
lol! how cud i 4get u?? ya, i rem those-weneva i needed thngs 4 college i wud get it here. im now in my final year of studies. was on hol 4 a wk, goin bak 2mrw then within a month i've got one of the biggest xams ill prob eva hav 2 do. so nervous.
ya, my bro got married, it went well, cant bliev its bn 9 months!!
so wat u bn up 2? hows life urside?
heyy hun wat up with you ..?! sooo glad to hear that you're in
yr final yr of studyin wow – progressin i see -! thats goooood
… man…. i kno how exams can make us nervous but u know what…
just make sure u use up alottt of the time left for studying n i wish u good luck
I actually have 2 exams next week oh gawd — gotta study like SO MUCH
more its really nerve wrecking and totally scary
omg – the wedding?! how was it? hope gooood i rem u tellin me that the
girl was havin a lil attidude n stuff… hope she's treating yr bro good
well nothin much has been going on here…still in college 2nd yr … studyin
hey do u remember rose (shahrukh is the best) and hydroprincess/asmaprincess?!
my eyes are definitely playing trix on me………..
sUgAr, u frm beautiful South Africa?????
Lekker where about u from…??
im fm ct. u?
yeah, i rememba rose. the other name sounds familiar but duno if i chatted 2 her b4. hows marine an shakz an rani i_t_b?
hey you two! wudda ya know you both are from africa yay! haha
alii hey been missing ya sooo much round here hope everything is alright…me need some magic dust to help with my upcoming exams
i think sugaR cud sure as heck do with sum herself haha
well erm…seems like me got the honors to introduce ya'll too..*ahem* sugaR meet ali, ali meet sugaR *hahhaa*
sugaR ..SIGH…Rose… she left us she NEVER came back i know she lied to us and said she had to go and study b/c she was getting
tutored … well i just really hope she's okay…; i think she got in trouble from her parents n stuff… u know how she said they were
extremely STRICT…but me miss her soo much wish she wud come bak ..well hydroprinces..she use to say stuffies abt homemade facial too so im sure yeh read some msgs from her
marine is alright…i've got her ym screen name so we chat often .. as for shakz and rani – you shud definitely check out the say something totally random thread — usually people even if they've missd alot of days just come back to say hi in there
talk to you guys later..luv ya'll
im fm ct. u?
hows marine
Hey yaar why don't you ask me yourself lol. Sugarpop how are you. Where have you benn for gods sake. Missed you babes. How is everything i see your brothers weeding went well. How is the girl. wow 9 months it seems like forever.
Tell me about it women and come and Join us OREO won't bite lol not intentionally neways lol.
Didi i'm so glad your back send me and email telling me what happened. i got your text i love you to di v4ery much. How is mom hangin is she alrite and dad and everyone tell me i'll be waiting.
im fm ct. u?
da motha city….Luwely..finally someone otha than gosammer from me home…
me is from Durban, now residing in Ugly gauteng, aka Jozi….okies me takes that
back, but this city def. neva sleeps hey…
hws thingz in CT??
hey you two! wudda ya know you both are from africa yay! haha
correction…………….from Suid afrika my dear….
alii hey been missing ya sooo much round here hope everything is alright…
check ye email sweety…explained a bit there ***hugz***
me need some magic dust to help with my upcoming exams
i think sugaR cud sure as heck do with sum herself haha
hahaha have sent sum ova as welll…all the best with da exams hon…
u n now sugarz in my prayers…
well erm…seems like me got the honors to introduce ya'll too..*ahem* sugaR meet ali, ali meet sugaR *hahhaa*
Y Kavz, dis is sweet of ye…am stilll sooooo errrr surprised…..Sugar an Moi
from SA…roflmao….well dis a pleasure meeting Sugar….:-)
Didi i'm so glad your back send me and email telling me what happened. i got your text i love you to di v4ery much. How is mom hangin is she alrite and dad and everyone tell me i'll be waiting.
BOTH are bludy aaaabsolutely crazzeeeeeeeeeee, dnt even ask….will talk to u laterz k..
love u tooooooooooooooooooo
dnt wori abt it, im sure u'll do well
u serious abt rose? i rem her sayin her parents wer reali strict, i wonder what hapend??
hey marine? hows life? wats nu urside?
wat u doin in jhb now? studyin? workin? do u eva come dwn 2 ct?
dnt wori abt it, im sure u'll do well
u serious abt rose? i rem her sayin her parents wer reali strict, i wonder what hapend??
hey marine? hows life? wats nu urside?
wat u doin in jhb now? studyin? workin? do u eva come dwn 2 ct?
wat u doin in jhb now? studyin? workin? do u eva come dwn 2 ct?
Living…hahahaha…both studying and working and just living…
Ct?? nope havent been there yet..will be coming ova at the end of da year..
need sum freshness
have u been to Jnb or Durbs????
was in durbz many years ago.
was spose 2 go 2 jhb in my hol(last wk)bt then had 2 wrk so cudnt go
k….where bout in Durbs???
me from da east coast of da coast …lol………..aaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww me miss Durban now …
K then sweety, the next time u come to Jozi, lemme know, we can get together
for coffee …aaaaaaaaaaah even though u dnt know me …oye scarry sillly ol scarry lol
Hey my lovely hunnies h r ya'll…
ali glad to see sum connection b/w you too..being that you're from the same place & all!
sugaR well not sure what happened with Rose…the girl left and NEVER came back been talking to marine about it… yes she said her parents were OVER strict i think she only told us something so that she would leave us on 'a good note' … sighs… ijust hope she is ALRIGHT miss her like SO much i tell you ..guess we'll never be seein her here again however
marine hun..haha well… dont mention oreo & before ya know it he shows up inthis same thread making trouble..haha joking..u know oreo's trouble are out of love haha..coz think of it..why wud he come here if he didnt care a crazap about us
anyhow – ali once again thanks for the magic dust – im only replyin on this thread – coz i gots to go study me buttt offfa mah chair again…yeah rite..hope i dun fall to sleep! n hope i dont hurt my brain [ as marine kindly told me] lol dun worry tho marine..if i do…u're be to my rescue you said so
luv ya'll…will come on back tomorrow…gotta go study bio now & my other subjects..before next week is here! sighs..wish me LUCK plzz i need it
love always
kav- is shakz stil on here?
i cnt rem wer abt in durbz, was many years ago. if the ppl i stay wit hear that im meeting sum1 i dnt even no 4 coffee then they'll neva invite me ther agen. lol.
sugaR hey!!! whats up with you??!!! been missin ya here – I had sent you a pm [in BWL] i didnt think you checked it though
Yes Shakz is still on here – she usually come in the Say something Totally Random Thread but she comes once in a while
I think ali was making a cute welcome with her suggesting yu guys could go for coffeee — so you are not in durbs/africa..where are you then?
i am in frm sa bt frm a dif city. not durbz
awww.. thanx. got it nowso swt of u…
Heyyy ooo well yeah its usually in the 'inbox' thing at the top right
how r u otherwise???
ooooo no i understand about yr location
ya, i got it.
im gud, u? hows studies?
Studies are okay… im on a lil EASE for now but finals are shootin up soon
how were yr exams?
kav- is shakz stil on here? YUP SHE IS
i cnt rem wer abt in durbz, was many years ago. if the ppl i stay wit hear that im meeting sum1 i dnt even no 4 coffee then they'll neva invite me ther agen. lol.
lmao ..DA OL SOUTH AFRICAN STYLE HUH..Do not trust THY neighbours…lmao
…doesnt matter my dear..u can bly at my place if they dnt welcome u …lol
besides I am the elder sista of Kavita, Shakzeee and Amzee AND AND AND …(Am not sure how many people u know here )
soooo they can vouch for my sanity hahahaha
ok wait , dont ask em lmao…
hope things in CT is going well??
hows yr studies ??? wat r u studying???
and where?? if u dont mind my asking ??
Jnb …now dat its the beginning of Winter, am freezing my ass off…seriously, literallly..
ooooo no i understand about yr location
thankfully I was about to explain to u in geographical terms
diiiiiiiiiii me miss youuu how youdoing…?!
I didnt know there is winter in africa! thats cool!
hahahahhaa ali is SANE …well yesh yesh at most times hehehe :p j/k *hug* you're wonderful diiiiii & trustworthy
abt the location …all i understand is that she lives some part of Africa haha not sure abt the details on that
diiiiiiiiiii me miss youuu how youdoing…?!
I didnt know there is winter in africa! thats cool!-yep, like all over in the world we hav all 4 seasons
. its not like in the bushes like u c in the movies wer its only hot an dry.
hahahahhaa ali is SANE …well yesh yesh at most times hehehe :p j/k *hug* you're wonderful diiiiii & trustworthy …….i hpe so
abt the location …all i understand is that she lives some part of Africa haha not sure abt the details on that – lol. we jus in different cities in south africa. leav it at that!
diiiiiiiiiii me miss youuu how youdoing…?!
I didnt know there is winter in africa! thats cool!-yep, like all over in the world we hav all 4 seasons
. its not like in the bushes like u c in the movies wer its only hot an dry.
hahahahhaa ali is SANE …well yesh yesh at most times hehehe :p j/k *hug* you're wonderful diiiiii & trustworthy …….i hpe so
lmao. ..Yupz I hope soooo toooo…Jeeez u r a true south african neh??? lol….sending u a hug Sugar babe
abt the location …all i understand is that she lives some part of Africa haha not sure abt the details on that – lol. we jus in different cities in south africa. leav it at that!
Scar face:
kav- is shakz stil on here? YUP SHE IS
i cnt rem wer abt in durbz, was many years ago. if the ppl i stay wit hear that im meeting sum1 i dnt even no 4 coffee then they'll neva invite me ther agen. lol.
lmao ..DA OL SOUTH AFRICAN STYLE HUH..Do not trust THY neighbours…lmao
…doesnt matter my dear..u can bly at my place if they dnt welcome u …lol
besides I am the elder sista of Kavita, Shakzeee and Amzee AND AND AND …(Am not sure how many people u know here )
soooo they can vouch for my sanity hahahaha
ok wait , dont ask em lmao…
hope things in CT is going well??
hows yr studies ??? wat r u studying???
and where?? if u dont mind my asking ??
Jnb …now dat its the beginning of Winter, am freezing my ass off…seriously, literallly..
ok, now im pissd off, ths pc is messd up. i type an post an then its all gone!!!!
neways, like u wer asking, im doin health an skincare at the International Academy of Health and Skincare. its a priv8 college bt u mite no of it coz thez one in Sandton??
Wat do u do?an u sed u their older sis so how old r u?if u dnt mind me asking…
neways, like u wer asking, im doin health an skincare at the International Academy of Health and Skincare. its a priv8 college bt u mite no of it coz thez one in Sandton??
Wat do u do?an u sed u their older sis so how old r u?if u dnt mind me asking…
lekker…sandton u say..am there almost every 3rd evening, will check it out….I just went for my very first massage…..long overdue off coz
an it was deeevine…sooo skincare huh, interesting actually …this academy sounds familiar..
meeeee…welll am between many errr careers…r8 now..I am in the importing/exporting field….more importing
for a shipping company…am sure u heard of it but wont give out the name..coz u know…free advertising an all of dat
but yeah…
oh and am studying off coz …degreeeeeee in Shipping, 1st year……Dont ask…am weird like dat…
fashion designer by choice…instead am spending my hours studying towards a degree in Shipping..
which btw is exxxxttttrrreeeeeeeeeemeelllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy flippant difficult…not really by choice..just
sums I did, on the spur of the moment…ie ..decided to study shipping
Am 27 …years ie…hahaha…now why wud I mind u asking ..me anything??? my dear…ask away..ME doesnt have anything to hide…
u know I wanted to actually relocate to Cape town initially coz I wanted to be in the mother city for a while
but instead chose Jnb….which may I add wasnt a bad decision at all…except for the darn weather..
soooo is this course u doing…a degree and if so, how many years is it…and whats it like???
am thinking Cape town…the beach..Durban…my city..:-(
aaargh….feel like packing up and going ona road trip of sorts now…
anyways…enjoy the rest of yr weekend my dear…
the college has a salon wer they do all these treatments-mite hav bn ther that u went.if u come 2 ct ill giv u a massage
i also wantd 2 do fashion dsigning!!!!bt then changed my mind-my fren is doin it now.
its a 2year course, 3 years if u dnt hav matric coz then u gota do all the subjects thru them. erm, its nice, but not any1 wud b able 2 do it-u no, touchin ppl an all that. i hav 2 wrk in that salon an also at an outside salon(im at a spa) 4 experiential learning now but dnt wana do ths wen im dun. wana get sumn wit a dermatologist or plastic surgeon or sumtn nex year. now thez a post grad course wich sounds cool but i thnk 2 years was enuf 4 me at that college-feeels like im bak at schl but wit longer hours an more dificult wk. mis the hole uni life thng.
feel like goin 2 the beach now, such a nice day, but i gota study, duno wen im gna get dwn 2 doin that-i always study last min.
neways, chat agen, njoy ur wkend 2…
the college has a salon wer they do all these treatments-mite hav bn ther that u went.if u come 2 ct ill giv u a massage
i also wantd 2 do fashion dsigning!!!!bt then changed my mind-my fren is doin it now.
its a 2year course, 3 years if u dnt hav matric coz then u gota do all the subjects thru them. erm, its nice, but not any1 wud b able 2 do it-u no, touchin ppl an all that. i hav 2 wrk in that salon an also at an outside salon(im at a spa) 4 experiential learning now but dnt wana do ths wen im dun. wana get sumn wit a dermatologist or plastic surgeon or sumtn nex year. now thez a post grad course wich sounds cool but i thnk 2 years was enuf 4 me at that college-feeels like im bak at schl but wit longer hours an more dificult wk. mis the hole uni life thng.
feel like goin 2 the beach now, such a nice day, but i gota study, duno wen im gna get dwn 2 doin that-i always study last min.
neways, chat agen, njoy ur wkend 2…
Hey mi two luwwies, how are you guys doing?
WELL *gasp* i didnt know AFrica has all 4 seasons!! YEAHH i thought it was like in the movies…sunny and…Desserty and SUNNY!! Movies are just weird they depict stuff so..stereotypically
Ali di — im glad you went for that masssage i hope it really was worthed! So you gave sugaR the naem sugar babe now hehehe thats cute & hot [haha]
Ali — i saw your designs when i viited your myspace..they were all yr designs?? They are rockin hot dude!!! me luw them you got skills! hehe aww soo you are also in studying regarding to yr job at the moment — hey i know work and study is one of the hardest thing to do, as stated by many people..but you can do it! yr an intelligent girl and me luw you sooo much
sugaR well I remember you telling me you are studying in regards to beauty/skin care or something of that sort ; How long does studying for this last?
How far have you gone? Wish you all the luck in this..and some day im gonna come there and get some free service haha
I remember me, you and hydro use to talk all the time about beauty stuff – like homemade masks and stuff ha! my face is clearing up with the tons of pimples ihad b/c i started to go to a dermatologist b/c it was getting awfully bad. Right now i guess the marks will fade in time … still using my besan mask & cucumber
Enjoy yr weekend you twoo & well yesh yesh, we have to study!!! study & do yr best! luw ya'll, Kavita
the college has a salon wer they do all these treatments-mite hav bn ther that u went.if u come 2 ct ill giv u a massage
Kewl will keep you to yr word…was an awesome experience, almost fell into deep sleep hahaha…
i also wantd 2 do fashion dsigning!!!!bt then changed my mind-my fren is doin it now.
Oh… why??, did u change yr mind?? hows yr friend finding it sooo far, and where is she/he studying Fashion designing??
which institute>>
its actually not as glamarous as people seem to *think* it is hey š
its a 2year course, 3 years if u dnt hav matric coz then u gota do all the subjects thru them. erm, its nice, but not any1 wud b able 2 do it-u no, touchin ppl an all that.
true dat,, …I actually admire all ye skin specialists and beauty therapists, and masseurs etc…
i hav 2 wrk in that salon an also at an outside salon(im at a spa) 4 experiential learning now but dnt wana do ths wen im dun. wana get sumn wit a dermatologist or plastic surgeon or sumtn nex year.
hmmm okies, plastic surgeon huh?? nice….
which spa is this?? And common it cant be that bad?? is it??
now thez a post grad course wich sounds cool but i thnk 2 years was enuf 4 me at that college-feeels like im bak at schl but wit longer hours an more dificult wk. mis the hole uni life thng.
yup dats studying for ye hun…Well I actually miss SCHOOOOOOOL dayz…. wanna be 14 again ..sigh..
feel like goin 2 the beach now, such a nice day, but i gota study, duno wen im gna get dwn 2 doin that-i always study last min.
lol.reminds me of MEEEE ..procrastinate until theres not much time left..haha
da beach…yeah u shudve went …its the weekend my dear….its meant for relaxation and taking yr mind off every hassles like work , study
and everything else…
neways, chat agen, njoy ur wkend 2…
well da weekends almost over ..and it was an eventful one…u take it easy okies , chat soon
Hey mi two luwwies, how are you guys doing?
am doing well off coz..as usual..hope u r the same…errrhmmm am sure u are
WELL *gasp* i didnt know AFrica has all 4 seasons!! YEAHH i thought it was like in the movies…sunny and…Desserty and SUNNY!! Movies are just weird they depict stuff so..stereotypically
well well well…wat can i say, YES ..we have all FOUR seasons hun..and NOPE, we dont roam around the streets with the lions, buffalos and wat haveye
animals as depicted in the movies or where ever else people tend to get that idea of Africa …specifically South Africa
Watch the news or google SA and u will see, we are an amazingy country on its own…no desserty anything…
Ali di — im glad you went for that masssage i hope it really was worthed!
it sure was..every penny I spent…
So you gave sugaR the naem sugar babe now hehehe thats cute & hot [haha]
yup …me thinks she is like a sugar babe…very sweet and a lil cute kid…
Ali — i saw your designs when i viited your myspace..they were all yr designs??
errrhmmm nope not all of it…I think Mara had put up that brown/gold outfit…dat isnt mine
that was actually designed by one of my friends š
They are rockin hot dude!!! me luw them you got skills!
errr tnx hun… I knw they are HOT
…coz am a hot blooded female nah
….my imagination is way beyond this earth
as for skills, well theyre acquired….Like i say to everyone else…anyone can do that….
hehe aww soo you are also in studying regarding to yr job at the moment — hey i know work and study is one of the hardest thing to do, as stated by many people..
tell me about it hun…sux beeeeeeg time but am a survivor and its only studying, sums I love doing..as for work…well
I love work as well sooo it aint that difficult, now to actually get sum studying done hahahaahaaa
but you can do it! yr an intelligent girl
oye, u calling a 27 year old woman, a GIRL…lmao okies then..if u say soo
and me luw you sooo much
and u know I luw u too r8
I remember me, you and hydro use to talk all the time about beauty stuff – like homemade masks and stuff ha! my face is clearing up with the tons of pimples ihad b/c i started to go to a dermatologist b/c it was getting awfully bad. Right now i guess the marks will fade in time … still using my besan mask & cucumber
whose hydro??? and cucumber what??? Kavi u are beautiful hun…My KAJOL look alike….mwwwwaaaahhhh
Enjoy yr weekend you twoo & well yesh yesh, we have to study!!! study & do yr best! luw ya'll, Kavita
do me a fav please….go out today and smell the flowers, go to the beach, walk the dog, anything but study ok..
inhale the fresh air for a change…just for today…just for me …
hey guys. hpe u well.
its a 2 year course that im doin, kav. i rem those masks. lol. u stil gave me a recipe 2 do 4 one of my skincare lessons wen i had 2 make a mask. ths years first years did it last wk an sum of them came 2 me 2 ask wat i used. lol. dus that one wrk 4 ur marx?
u look like kajol??? i wana c a pic! my mom use 2 look like her in her first movies…wen they wer both younger š
lol ali, lots ppl thnk here r stil animals walking on the streets. my fren was telling me the other day of sum tourist that was here an he would hide bhind the buildings an then run across the street 2 the nex building, hide ther an run across the street an hide agen an wen sum1 finally askd wat he was doin, he sed he needed 2 get sumwer bt was scard of the lions so thats y he was hiding-2 wach out 4 them…..an ths same guy was shockd that we actually hav normal clothes an not jus pieces of cloth arnd us. lmao….
u wana no y i didn do dsigning???? i wud loved 2 hav dun that bt im nt so good in the drawing dpartment!! …. an thats sumn i wud def need 2 b able 2 do.lol. my fren is at cape tech, she is njoying it. wer can i c ur dsigns??
i didnt go out that day, bt didnt study either!! š i startd lastnite after 9!so i didn even reali study-jus went thru the stuf bt it came bak 2 me frm last year.an the paper was actually ok 4 me. lots ppl struggled. neways, i stil gota do my pracs on fri an hopefully gna start studying ths wk 4 nex mondays paper…..bt lets not spk 2 soonfirst c if it reali happens lol
wen i c u guys, ill def giv u both free treatments!!!………….
Alisha – you STOP it right this MOMENT mister! Dont yr dare say stuff about KAJOL LOOK ALIKE and blah blah blah!
I told yeh…the pic was REALLY edited and I mean REALLY – Trust me on that. Anyway, hopefully I will try get some snaps over this summer [?]
Oh – Hydro = hydroprincess/asmaprincess – she was this…girl who use to visit the forum frequently and especially interested in homemade beauty products using natural stuff [like mee b.c my skin is So sensitive I cant really put anything from store]
However, she stopped visiting the forum. We miss her but we hope she is welll! I think she was planning for an engagement/marriage.
Hahaha – didiiiiii
Oh my lovely didi – as for those 2 last lines you left — I shall take this advice of yrs that evolved from a caring heart… i shall smell the fragrances of the pink flowers that hug the tree stems! … while im walking out of my college..my college has alot of flowers trees ;
Oh didi, My finals are coming up. And im kind of scared. There is soo much stuff to study where Do I start!
Luw you, Kav
SugaR hey, whats up? Ah the course you are taking is 2 yrs wow .. that is really goood
Really? You used that mask for one of the skincare lessons you had?! I didnt really know that! Well I still try to use the BESAN mask like everyweek [ you know Besan, mixed in yogurt, drop of honey ] I'm not sure if this one works for marks over a short period of time. I've had marks for along time and I've been usin gthe Besan mark for quite a time now. I think it helps to FADE the marks but very gradually.
To Ali – For asking about the cucumber. Well um… I saw online cucumber is good for yr face? So i took a slice, got the juice and put it on my face … and for me cucumber sort of gives my face moisture. Like it helps it from not drying out [ i think this is b/c the cucumber juice acts more like a 'paste' ]
I will kill ali for saying im a kajol look alike and BLAH BLAH BLAH.! yr mom looked like her in the younger days? really
i dont know but right now my Face is Totally charred and fried argh [:'(] & i have a serious problem – my lips are forever DRY and i dont know how to fix it i keep putting petroleum [vaseline] but this doesnt seem to do ANYTHING [Strangely! ] Do you know anyways to …. fix dry dry lips ? I konw chapstick…which i have to go out and buy one soon i suppose but…do you know anything …anything at all????
OMG TO THAT GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA wow you guys wear regular clothes!! hehe j/k — i just never knjew what AFrica was like – only in the movies i saw people in forests / desserts wearing clothes…dancing with animals , in the HOT HOT sun. Aw man… you guys need to tell me more about AFrica b/c even i have a vague, INACCURATE , clouded, VERY stereotypical view of this place and the people.
Definitely you and ali seems normal to meee with normal clothes and normal jobs /studying …. hehehe… i tink i just need to be a lil more informed .. [NOT BY THE TELEVISION however.]
Love you both! Kavita
p.s – i dont know when i'll come to africa….*looks around* buttttttttttttttt geesh how nice of you to offer free treat ments *smiles*
SugaR hey, whats up? Ah the course you are taking is 2 yrs wow .. that is really goood
Really? You used that mask for one of the skincare lessons you had?! I didnt really know that! Well I still try to use the BESAN mask like everyweek [ you know Besan, mixed in yogurt, drop of honey ] I'm not sure if this one works for marks over a short period of time. I've had marks for along time and I've been usin gthe Besan mark for quite a time now. I think it helps to FADE the marks but very gradually. -thats the one u told me. i mexd it the nite b4 so mom sed it wnt last so i put it on my face that day an mixd a nu one at college the nex day bt then only had granadilla yoghurt so was forced 2 use that. told the lecturer its purpose was 4 the good smell coz it has the same effects as normal yoghurt.lolTo Ali – For asking about the cucumber. Well um… I saw online cucumber is good for yr face? So i took a slice, got the juice and put it on my face … and for me cucumber sort of gives my face moisture. Like it helps it from not drying out [ i think this is b/c the cucumber juice acts more like a 'paste' ]
I will kill ali for saying im a kajol look alike and BLAH BLAH BLAH.! yr mom looked like her in the younger days?-ya, bt like i sed, in the younger days…an i stil wana c a pic
i dont know but right now my Face is Totally charred and fried argh [:'(]-how can u say that???& i have a serious problem – my lips are forever DRY and i dont know how to fix it i keep putting petroleum [vaseline] but this doesnt seem to do ANYTHING [Strangely! ] Do you know anyways to …. fix dry dry lips ? I konw chapstick…which i have to go out and buy one soon i suppose but…do you know anything …anything at all???? – i herd u mus mix vaseline an honey an leav it on 4 abt 5min as a mask, try it an leme no. i use nimue lipice, thats reali good. my lips wer also dry. also, after i brush my teeth i brush my lips also.jus few secs. not 2 hard. an b careful if ur lips r crackd not 2 crack them further
OMG TO THAT GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA wow you guys wear regular clothes!! hehe j/k — i just never knjew what AFrica was like – only in the movies i saw people in forests / desserts wearing clothes…dancing with animals , in the HOT HOT sun. Aw man… you guys need to tell me more about AFrica b/c even i have a vague, INACCURATE , clouded, VERY stereotypical view of this place and the people.
Definitely you and ali seems normal to meee with normal clothes and normal jobs /studying …. hehehe… i tink i just need to be a lil more informed .. [NOT BY THE TELEVISION however.]- *** visit us. u got 2 frenz wu wil take u arnd an accom is sortd out. (ali, im spkn on urb half also. lol.)
u musta cn ct b4 bt jus not known its ct coz they dnt always say it bt lots hindi movies r shot here.
Love you both! Kavita
p.s – i dont know when i'll come to africa….*looks around* buttttttttttttttt geesh how nice of you to offer free treat ments
Sweet drmz
Chat 2 u guys 2mrw
SugaR hey, whats up? Ah the course you are taking is 2 yrs wow .. that is really goood
Really? You used that mask for one of the skincare lessons you had?! I didnt really know that! Well I still try to use the BESAN mask like everyweek [ you know Besan, mixed in yogurt, drop of honey ] I'm not sure if this one works for marks over a short period of time. I've had marks for along time and I've been usin gthe Besan mark for quite a time now. I think it helps to FADE the marks but very gradually. -thats the one u told me. i mexd it the nite b4 so mom sed it wnt last so i put it on my face that day an mixd a nu one at college the nex day bt then only had granadilla yoghurt so was forced 2 use that. told the lecturer its purpose was 4 the good smell coz it has the same effects as normal yoghurt.lolTo Ali – For asking about the cucumber. Well um… I saw online cucumber is good for yr face? So i took a slice, got the juice and put it on my face … and for me cucumber sort of gives my face moisture. Like it helps it from not drying out [ i think this is b/c the cucumber juice acts more like a 'paste' ]
I will kill ali for saying im a kajol look alike and BLAH BLAH BLAH.! yr mom looked like her in the younger days?-ya, bt like i sed, in the younger days…an i stil wana c a pic
i dont know but right now my Face is Totally charred and fried argh [:'(]-how can u say that???& i have a serious problem – my lips are forever DRY and i dont know how to fix it i keep putting petroleum [vaseline] but this doesnt seem to do ANYTHING [Strangely! ] Do you know anyways to …. fix dry dry lips ? I konw chapstick…which i have to go out and buy one soon i suppose but…do you know anything …anything at all???? – i herd u mus mix vaseline an honey an leav it on 4 abt 5min as a mask, try it an leme no. i use nimue lipice, thats reali good. my lips wer also dry. also, after i brush my teeth i brush my lips also.jus few secs. not 2 hard. an b careful if ur lips r crackd not 2 crack them further
OMG TO THAT GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA wow you guys wear regular clothes!! hehe j/k — i just never knjew what AFrica was like – only in the movies i saw people in forests / desserts wearing clothes…dancing with animals , in the HOT HOT sun. Aw man… you guys need to tell me more about AFrica b/c even i have a vague, INACCURATE , clouded, VERY stereotypical view of this place and the people.
Definitely you and ali seems normal to meee with normal clothes and normal jobs /studying …. hehehe… i tink i just need to be a lil more informed .. [NOT BY THE TELEVISION however.]- *** visit us. u got 2 frenz wu wil take u arnd an accom is sortd out. (ali, im spkn on urb half also. lol.)
u musta cn ct b4 bt jus not known its ct coz they dnt always say it bt lots hindi movies r shot here.
Love you both! Kavita
p.s – i dont know when i'll come to africa….*looks around* buttttttttttttttt geesh how nice of you to offer free treat ments
Sweet drmz
Chat 2 u guys 2mrw
SugaR hey, whats up? Ah the course you are taking is 2 yrs wow .. that is really goood
Really? You used that mask for one of the skincare lessons you had?! I didnt really know that! Well I still try to use the BESAN mask like everyweek [ you know Besan, mixed in yogurt, drop of honey ] I'm not sure if this one works for marks over a short period of time. I've had marks for along time and I've been usin gthe Besan mark for quite a time now. I think it helps to FADE the marks but very gradually. – thats the recipe u gave me. i made it on the nite b4 bt mom sed it wudnt last so i put it on myself an made one the nex day at college. bt then we only had granadilla yoghurt left so i was forced 2 use that. lol. i told the lecturer the purpose of that was 4 a nice smell bcoz it had the same effects as plain yoghurt.lolTo Ali – For asking about the cucumber. Well um… I saw online cucumber is good for yr face? So i took a slice, got the juice and put it on my face … and for me cucumber sort of gives my face moisture. Like it helps it from not drying out [ i think this is b/c the cucumber juice acts more like a 'paste' ]
I will kill ali for saying im a kajol look alike and BLAH BLAH BLAH.! yr mom looked like her in the younger days? really -ya, but only in the younger days.lol.i stil wana c a pic tho
i dont know but right now my Face is Totally charred and fried argh [:'(] -how can u say that??
& i have a serious problem – my lips are forever DRY and i dont know how to fix it i keep putting petroleum [vaseline] but this doesnt seem to do ANYTHING [Strangely! ] Do you know anyways to …. fix dry dry lips ? I konw chapstick…which i have to go out and buy one soon i suppose but…do you know anything …anything at all???? – ive herd mixing vaseline an honey an leavn it on as a mask.try it an leme no. i use nimue lipice, its a bit more expensiv than others but it wrks. the only one that wrks 4 me. do u get it ther? also, after i brush my teeth, i brush my lips 4 few secs, but not 2 hard an b careful if ur lips r crackd not 2 crack them more
OMG TO THAT GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA wow you guys wear regular clothes!! hehe j/k — i just never knjew what AFrica was like – only in the movies i saw people in forests / desserts wearing clothes…dancing with animals , in the HOT HOT sun. Aw man… you guys need to tell me more about AFrica b/c even i have a vague, INACCURATE , clouded, VERY stereotypical view of this place and the people.
Definitely you and ali seems normal to meee with normal clothes and normal jobs /studying …. hehehe… i tink i just need to be a lil more informed .. [NOT BY THE TELEVISION however.] – *** visit us. u got 2 frenz here so we'll take u arnd an accom is sortd out (ali, im spkn on ur bhalf also,lol, hpe u dnt mind)
u musta cn cape town b4 coz lots hindi films r shot here bt u jus duno coz they dnt always say its ct
Love you both! Kavita
p.s – i dont know when i'll come to africa….*looks around* buttttttttttttttt geesh how nice of you to offer free treat ments
Sweet Dreams
Chat 2 u guys 2mrw
lol ali, lots ppl thnk here r stil animals walking on the streets. my fren was telling me the other day of sum tourist that was here an he would hide bhind the buildings an then run across the street 2 the nex building, hide ther an run across the street an hide agen an wen sum1 finally askd wat he was doin, he sed he needed 2 get sumwer bt was scard of the lions so thats y he was hiding-2 wach out 4 them…..an ths same guy was shockd that we actually hav normal clothes an not jus pieces of cloth arnd us. lmao….
tell me about it hun… ppl think Africa…they think wilderness
but it wud be fun if we cud walk around in em pieces of skin ..eeeuw okies maybe not
my friends and I laff ourselves sillly just thinking about what ppl actually think south africa is like
em lions…Gosh if I see one, I will faint and neva wake up…
ppl dont live near em animals, its fatal…its suicide…common sense nah…lol
I cant help but laff at this guys stupidity…wats the papers, internet, tv here for ????
to eductate em ppl r8…well I guess not…
Kavs: with u hun….me was only pullin ye leg sweety….
u wana no y i didn do dsigning???? i wud loved 2 hav dun that bt im nt so good in the drawing dpartment!! …. an thats sumn i wud def need 2 b able 2 do.lol. my fren is at cape tech, she is njoying it. wer can i c ur dsigns??
yups studying designing was F U N …well I am forever having fun regardless…
hmmm hun, u learn to draw…trust me..every skill is acquired…..
meeeee I cud design sums that was way outa this world but I didnt know the basics like drafting and cutting patterns and
actually stitching a garment….my mom is an old school designer soooo I used to design sums and give it to her to stitch and the end result
used to annoy me coz it was neva wat I imagined sooooo hence, I decided **on the spur of a moment*** to just go ahead and learn it all myself
my first sewing lesson was hillarious, I literally jumped from my seat, but from there on…was magic…
cannot explain the feeling I get when I am in one of my sessions..
***designing, drafting the actual pattern, cutting it up, finding the right fabric, sewing it together and doing the last bitz …beadin etc…
and then having to look at sums u had created…MAGIC…***
Well my last years desing is on my myspace..thanks to Mara..u can check it out there…
aaargh I cant remember what my url is lmao…will give that to u laterz…
sooo yeah…havent designed anything in a while.. sigh…life takes over and one forgets the fun parts of it…life ie..
didnt go out that day, bt didnt study either!! š i startd lastnite after 9!so i didn even reali study-jus went thru the stuf bt it came bak 2 me frm last year.an the paper was actually ok 4 me. lots ppl struggled. neways, i stil gota do my pracs on fri an hopefully gna start studying ths wk 4 nex mondays paper…..bt lets not spk 2 soonfirst c if it reali happens lol
damn now I wish I were there in Cpt, Pracs huh…u guys prob need sum volunteers..I cud do with sum pampering for freeeeeeee…
oye hun u will do well…just relax and go through all yr work and understand whateva it is u are learning…most important thing…
actually understanding what u are learning ….soooooo all the best with that ….
lol ali, lots ppl thnk here r stil animals walking on the streets. my fren was telling me the other day of sum tourist that was here an he would hide bhind the buildings an then run across the street 2 the nex building, hide ther an run across the street an hide agen an wen sum1 finally askd wat he was doin, he sed he needed 2 get sumwer bt was scard of the lions so thats y he was hiding-2 wach out 4 them…..an ths same guy was shockd that we actually hav normal clothes an not jus pieces of cloth arnd us. lmao….
tell me about it hun… ppl think Africa…they think wilderness
but it wud be fun if we cud walk around in em pieces of skin ..eeeuw okies maybe not
my friends and I laff ourselves sillly just thinking about what ppl actually think south africa is like
em lions…Gosh if I see one, I will faint and neva wake up…
ppl dont live near em animals, its fatal…its suicide…common sense nah…lol
I cant help but laff at this guys stupidity…wats the papers, internet, tv here for ????
to eductate em ppl r8…well I guess not…
Kavs: with u hun….me was only pullin ye leg sweety….
u wana no y i didn do dsigning???? i wud loved 2 hav dun that bt im nt so good in the drawing dpartment!! …. an thats sumn i wud def need 2 b able 2 do.lol. my fren is at cape tech, she is njoying it. wer can i c ur dsigns??
yups studying designing was F U N …well I am forever having fun regardless…
hmmm hun, u learn to draw…trust me..every skill is acquired…..
meeeee I cud design sums that was way outa this world but I didnt know the basics like drafting and cutting patterns and
actually stitching a garment….my mom is an old school designer soooo I used to design sums and give it to her to stitch and the end result
used to annoy me coz it was neva wat I imagined sooooo hence, I decided **on the spur of a moment*** to just go ahead and learn it all myself
my first sewing lesson was hillarious, I literally jumped from my seat, but from there on…was magic…
cannot explain the feeling I get when I am in one of my sessions..
***designing, drafting the actual pattern, cutting it up, finding the right fabric, sewing it together and doing the last bitz …beadin etc…
and then having to look at sums u had created…MAGIC…***
Well my last years desing is on my myspace..thanks to Mara..u can check it out there…
aaargh I cant remember what my url is lmao…will give that to u laterz…
sooo yeah…havent designed anything in a while.. sigh…life takes over and one forgets the fun parts of it…life ie..
didnt go out that day, bt didnt study either!! š i startd lastnite after 9!so i didn even reali study-jus went thru the stuf bt it came bak 2 me frm last year.an the paper was actually ok 4 me. lots ppl struggled. neways, i stil gota do my pracs on fri an hopefully gna start studying ths wk 4 nex mondays paper…..bt lets not spk 2 soonfirst c if it reali happens lol
damn now I wish I were there in Cpt, Pracs huh…u guys prob need sum volunteers..I cud do with sum pampering for freeeeeeee…
oye hun u will do well…just relax and go through all yr work and understand whateva it is u are learning…most important thing…
actually understanding what u are learning ….soooooo all the best with that ….
Alisha – you STOP it right this MOMENT mister!
Me is a Miss, da last time I checked lmaoā¦..
Dont yr dare say stuff about KAJOL LOOK ALIKE and blah blah blah!
I told yeh…the pic was REALLY edited and I mean REALLY – Trust me on that. Anyway, hopefully I will try get some snaps over this summer [?]
Hmmm hmmmm if u say soooo mah Kajol look alike J
Oh – Hydro = hydroprincess/asmaprincess – she was this…girl who use to visit the forum frequently and especially interested in homemade beauty products using natural stuff [like mee b.c my skin is So sensitive I cant really put anything from store]
However, she stopped visiting the forum. We miss her but we hope she is welll! I think she was planning for an engagement/marriage.
Hahaha – didiiiiii
meee cute???…u think?? mah KAJOL LOOK ALIKE..???( PAYBACK U SEE )
Oh my lovely didi – as for those 2 last lines you left — I shall take this advice of yrs that evolved from a caring heart… i shall smell the fragrances of the pink flowers that hug the tree stems! … while im walking out of my college..my college has alot of flowers trees ;
U do that hun, life is tooo short to waste it worryingā¦
Me loves u J
Oh didi, My finals are coming up. And im kind of scared. There is soo much stuff to study where Do I start!
SugaR hey, whats up? Ah the course you are taking is 2 yrs wow .. that is really goood
Really? You used that mask for one of the skincare lessons you had?! I didnt really know that! Well I still try to use the BESAN mask like everyweek [ you know Besan, mixed in yogurt, drop of honey ] I'm not sure if this one works for marks over a short period of time. I've had marks for along time and I've been usin gthe Besan mark for quite a time now. I think it helps to FADE the marks but very gradually.
Wats Besan Kavz??? Yogurt in honeyā¦oh gosh..yummmy
To Ali – For asking about the cucumber. Well um… I saw online cucumber is good for yr face? So i took a slice, got the juice and put it on my face … and for me cucumber sort of gives my face moisture. Like it helps it from not drying out [ i think this is b/c the cucumber juice acts more like a 'paste' ]
Yuk..Me eat em in Salads Hunā¦was making salad Yest and thought of cucumbers stuck to my faceā¦lol
How do u get juice outa a cucumber huh??? Except from crushin it??
Anyways as long as it helps u ā¦hmm for dry skin huh..lemme thinkā¦
I have this reaaaaaly fab face mask called vitamin C of sorts ā¦divineā¦it even smells divine
U want??? Will send sum yr wayā¦
I will kill ali for saying im a kajol look alike and BLAH BLAH BLAH.!
Well watye waiting for huh???
yr mom looked like her in the younger days? really
i dont know but right now my Face is Totally charred and fried argh [:'(] & i have a serious problem – my lips are forever DRY and i dont know how to fix it i keep putting petroleum [vaseline] but this doesnt seem to do ANYTHING [Strangely! ] Do you know anyways to …. fix dry dry lips ? I konw chapstick…which i have to go out and buy one soon i suppose but…do you know anything …anything at all????
Hmm okies I heard Labello is a bomb for dry lips..Me donāt use it thoughā¦so cant validate this ā¦my sis practically lives on it and she has
Really gorgeous lips soo am assuming it does wonders hahaha..
<span style="font-size:10p
i have a serious problem – my lips are forever DRY and i dont know how to fix it i keep putting petroleum [vaseline] but this doesnt seem to do ANYTHING [Strangely! ] Do you know anyways to …. fix dry dry lips ? I konw chapstick…which i have to go out and buy one soon i suppose but…do you know anything …anything at all????
Hi Kav! How are you?
Okay, about your dry lips. Moisture will evaporate faster on lips because of its thin external layer. So dry lips need to be applied balm several times in the day. Do you have the habit of licking your lips? Well if you do, that could be a reason for it. Your saliva eats away at the thin layer of the skin on your lips and actually leaves them more dry and damaged. Another reason could be lack of vitamin B2. So include more milk, cheese or green leafy vegetables in your diet. If you want to go natural, try papaya. Good exfoliator / moisturizer for your lips. Mash up some papaya and apply on and around your lips for about 15 minutes. This will leave your lips soft and healthy!
Hey ali, sugaR & Nosi
How are you guys..havent been on here in a while b/c here is so busy with studying and writing a paper due tomorrow;
and with my final exams coming up very soon its …hmmmmmmm…
i just came here to reply and say Hello and ask how you all were doing.
about the balming..yes i need to get some lip balm? ali..the thing that you mention ..which yr sister uses…what is it?? is it a type of Lip balm? a brand?
sugaR i actually tried the honey + vaseline thing for my lips ..the thing is ..i think it is good to MAINTAIN moist lips but when yr lips are already dried..kind of peely it can be slightly irritating but will def use it after my lips heal uppp..hmp whats better than getting a lick of honey anyway?! haha
ali…the cucumber..well slice it like 1inch thick – and squeeze it in yr hands ..yesh lets see how strong u are š do it under a plate n u shud get the cucumber juice
got to go my luwies..will give a Proper reply later on
luw ya;lll kav
Hey guys
How did ur paper go yest? I had my pracs yest. was not 2 good, but i guess ill pass. Ya ali, we do take ppl in. I had such troublt ths time-dnt wana go in2 taht agen now. Eventually i got clients on thurs only!! Was so stressed out. O wel, its ova now
Hav u tried the nimue one Kavs?
Neways, i gtg now, making invitations 4 my cuz 21st. duno y im doin it 4 that idiot!!!! All the effort! …..Atlst it gets me out of studyin.lol. as u no by now, thats not one of my favrit thngs š
Chat agen
sugaR hey again… i m sure you did well in yr tests i hope will pray for the good news; you get clients??!! whoaa wow you already a big business person eh :p hahaha…. you made me laugh on the last part… me guess you just doing it coz she's yr blood? or ..its coz you are such a KIND PERSON!
will chat with you guys later..Nosyira and ali – how areyou guys doing miss you lots and will come back later to post
everything goign crazy here since my finals are shooting up and i have to Study alot Especially for biology bc i screw up on my last test so i have to do good in the final to get a good final grade
love ya'll take care my loves ..kav
i reali hope so. our clients r the ppl that we brng in 2 do the exams on. my last exam was 2day-theory paper, so glad its over. almst didnt make it tho, misd my bus ths morn. lol. an no1 that i nu was goin in 2 town 2day. first time in 2 years an it had 2 happen now wen my dad isnt here 2 take me thru. lol. neways, i got in after every1 startd an rushed an then i ended up finishn so erli an had 2 w8 3 hours 4 my lift hme. was spose 2 go out bt its such a gray day, dnt thnk im gna go nemor. coz i also hav 2 go 2 my cuz 4 supper 2nite.
its a he, not a she-arrogant piece of ***!!!lol. anyways, wat can i do, evry1 is difrent. im doin it more 4 his parents than 4 him-coz i no i can call them anytime. an also my sis in law dusnt reali giv me a choice-have 2 help her š an anyways, he sumtimes picks me up frm the busstop(wen my mom cant make it)so i cant say no 2 him. he jus reali pisses me off sumtimes. thnks he is so cool. anyways, wen we gave it they didnt look 2 impresd, sed they liked it bt i duno? bt they cud c lots effort went in2 it…..
good luck
Hey sugaR what up ?! hope all is well…hehe..well gld to hear yr exam are over!!!
All of my FINAL EXAMS are next week *sinks in fear* so I am trying to study right now!!
Have fun at supper tonight š You shud be glad there's someone calling you down for supper..see you one important gyal
Hehe….lol..yesh the dude picked you up from the bus stop sometimes soooooooooo lol here's payback hehe
Have fun hon..take care; will write to you later on.
Ali DIDI me miss you jaan…………………. will write later…got to STUDY now!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone know any good weight loss strategies/solutions
I need themmmmm xxxxx love xxx kav
i reali hope so. our clients r the ppl that we brng in 2 do the exams on. my last exam was 2day-theory paper, so glad its over. almst didnt make it tho, misd my bus ths morn. lol. an no1 that i nu was goin in 2 town 2day. first time in 2 years an it had 2 happen now wen my dad isnt here 2 take me thru. lol. neways, i got in after every1 startd an rushed an then i ended up finishn so erli an had 2 w8 3 hours 4 my lift hme. was spose 2 go out bt its such a gray day, dnt thnk im gna go nemor. coz i also hav 2 go 2 my cuz 4 supper 2nite.
its a he, not a she-arrogant piece of ***!!!lol. anyways, wat can i do, evry1 is difrent. im doin it more 4 his parents than 4 him-coz i no i can call them anytime. an also my sis in law dusnt reali giv me a choice-have 2 help her š an anyways, he sumtimes picks me up frm the busstop(wen my mom cant make it)so i cant say no 2 him. he jus reali pisses me off sumtimes. thnks he is so cool. anyways, wen we gave it they didnt look 2 impresd, sed they liked it bt i duno? bt they cud c lots effort went in2 it…..
good luck
lol, aaaaaw sugar babe
he is 21 r8..or soon to be?? well I knw watye mean, am stuck with a bunch of guys ages ranging 18 – 23 years and they seriously dooo have that
attitude..drives me craze but keeps me on mah toes…hahaha..dis like practising at a shootin range…
errr neva mind..
nywys…back to you…well exams over?? wat next..u guys are off from here on or how does this institute work??
am sure u have done well, keep us posted nah???btw me thought u guys take the train there??
hope all goes well with u luwie:-)
Ali DIDI me miss you jaan…………………. will write later…got to STUDY now!!!!!!!!!!!
kavzeee me is still upset with u….
but ur in my thoughts hun..
Does anyone know any good weight loss strategies/solutions
I need themmmmm xxxxx love xxx kav
may I ask WHY kavz?? if its for u …am gonna thump u..for real
coz u are soooo flippant thin missy..watye need weight loss anything for??
Scar face:
Ali DIDI me miss you jaan…………………. will write later…got to STUDY now!!!!!!!!!!!
me is still upset with u….
but ur in my thoughts hun..
*gasps so hard I cant breathe* Didi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Upset?? With me??/ what did i do!
Scar face:
Does anyone know any good weight loss strategies/solutions
I need themmmmm xxxxx love xxx kav
may I ask WHY kavz?? if its for u …am gonna thump u..for real
coz u are soooo flippant thin missy..watye need weight loss anything for??
lol oh GaWDDDD im mad short and weight aint good for me right now thas all..actually i dont care much..coz who the heck want to be SKINNY to the bone…that is totally Stupid! lol… but hey i know i gat to lose a lil on the belly side ha…gawd plz..like dats gonna ever happen… when me see them chocolate chip cookies starin back at me in that red box………………… ahh thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!! gotta have sum!
hey why r u upset with me..what did i do?? *thinks*
errrr, am not anymore, will send u an email in a short while and tell u why???
dnt stay upset for long, well depends on the situation…
now weight loss huh??
lets see, I have no clue hun, eat healthily, join a gym, go jogging…
errr kick boxing hahahaha
drink tonza water…am not sure if it actually does much except to hydrate u hahaha
errrrr… damn, me needs to lose em 100 pounds I gained through all this comfort eating
but am addicted to food …soooo errr soooo need to buy larger sized clothes…hahah
there dat wud help nah lmao
laterz swcheeeeeethart
hi diiii
im abt to crack darn it…i know you left here for alil while..well same as me..kinda..just real busy with finals sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh
they are in like few days..soon!!! oh god so much to study but my brain is over super saturated what to do i dont know
anyway thnx for the tips … hheeehe dunt worry yeh look fine yr's a hottie
take care gotta go try force stuff in my brain
its already bursting out of the skull
Hey pp. How u guys bn? I havent bn on in a wile.Wats nu? Bn reali busi an wen i finaly had a chance 2 *** on a few days ago,the page didnt wana open.
no ali (can i also cal u di?), i dnt take the train. its not safe, only peak hours r ok-ish. even sum busses arent so leka, bt the ppl frm the area wer i stay r ok so its safe enuf. was a bit worried b4 startin, bt sum1 at the college actually told me abt takn a bus so it had 2 be ok. most ppl take bus or train
Kavs how r ur exams an the studyin goin? goodluck…im thnkn of u! as 4 diet tips-im the last person u shud ask, i love my sweet thngs! An im also getting a bit of a belly ther gota get rid of it now b4 it gets worse. lol. if u get anythn, plz leme no.lol. did u try brushing ur lips? hows that wrkin?
As 4 my exams, i didnt do as bad as i xpected. we dnt get our marx bak bt the reason y we do this entrance exams is so that they can c wich international exams we can do at the eend of the year. we need 60% 2 pass theory an 70% 2 pass practical. thats 2 get the academy diploma(its the same 4 our tests during the year) anyways, if u get 60% 4 entrance, u qualify 2 rite 2 internationals, 70% u qualify 4 another one an 80% u can do all 4. bt the 80% exam is a national one bt extremly hard, so if u hav that its quite easy 2 get a job, bt its only recognised here in SA. Neways, i made it 4 all 4, now i jus gota dcide wat i wana do.
neways, ill chat 2 u guys soon
Hey pp. How u guys bn? I havent bn on in a wile.Wats nu? Bn reali busi an wen i finaly had a chance 2 *** on a few days ago,the page didnt wana open.
no ali (can i also cal u di?), i dnt take the train. its not safe, only peak hours r ok-ish. even sum busses arent so leka, bt the ppl frm the area wer i stay r ok so its safe enuf. was a bit worried b4 startin, bt sum1 at the college actually told me abt takn a bus so it had 2 be ok. most ppl take bus or train
Kavs how r ur exams an the studyin goin? goodluck…im thnkn of u! as 4 diet tips-im the last person u shud ask, i love my sweet thngs! An im also getting a bit of a belly ther gota get rid of it now b4 it gets worse. lol. if u get anythn, plz leme no.lol. did u try brushing ur lips? hows that wrkin?
As 4 my exams, i didnt do as bad as i xpected. we dnt get our marx bak bt the reason y we do this entrance exams is so that they can c wich international exams we can do at the eend of the year. we need 60% 2 pass theory an 70% 2 pass practical. thats 2 get the academy diploma(its the same 4 our tests during the year) anyways, if u get 60% 4 entrance, u qualify 2 rite 2 internationals, 70% u qualify 4 another one an 80% u can do all 4. bt the 80% exam is a national one bt extremly hard, so if u hav that its quite easy 2 get a job, bt its only recognised here in SA. Neways, i made it 4 all 4, now i jus gota dcide wat i wana do.
neways, ill chat 2 u guys soon
Heyyyy how are you!!! Exams are finally over whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee of course you didnt do bad!!!! i didnt expectyou to do badn you shudnt expect that from yrself either!
anyhow i hope you pass and all! im sure you will get further and all
anyhow i got to go now will write later..havent been here in a while coz of studying and all
take care of yerself now..love kavita
sugaR ali said hello and she would like to hear from you
got to go now
take careee
its so late here
luw you
hey, how u doin? glad exams r ova??
wat u mean she wud like 2 hear frm me?
Hey sugar babe
trust Kavs to onpass incorrect info..
simply requested her to onpass this:
“will be honoured to have u call me Didi…”
take care hun, will chat sooon
lotza hugz
Scarry didi
lollll, ok then didi
how u doin?
neways, im off now, desperate housewives startn…
chat soon
am good thanks hun
hope ur well and resting from all dat studying ??
check yr pm..
take care..have a bubbling weekend…go to the beach and chillax
on my behalf as well k
heyy you twoo
omg did i pass on the wrong message sooorrryyy — didi in yr email..i thought you said to tell her hi and ……uh…ooops sry i guessi musta misread somethinggggg
got to go and clean up everywhere nowwwwww im off for over 2 months..hmm
gotta clean
love ya'll ,,,kav
p.s – ali i hope everything is better with you there? rem to relax and feel relaxed and keep faith always love you dii
Guess whos back, back again. marines back tell a friend
Guess whos back guess whos back gues whos back
hey people whats up
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Crazy glad to see you here gimme a huge hug
I didnt come here in quite some time My self!
hope all is wel..do you here from Ali/???
here is the hug hun. lmao
no i haven't heard from ali i don't kmow whats up with her,
no i haven't heard from ali i don't kmow whats up with her
wateva women!!
PSHT WELL EXCUSE US for being a lil upset about not
hearing from you !!
Sowrie love, am seriously sorry for the rudeness, was and still am having the worse flippant year everā¦.
Didnāt mean to sound cold, just wanted to vent, and u galz donāt deserve it
LoVE U ā¦**.hugzā¦**
Jeez wer did sugar babe disappear to???
Lol – Dont go so hard on yourself for my crazed reply!
No need to forgive ….pshhht aint no forgiving when nothing was done wrong
Ooo I dont know where sugaR went..she emailed me a few times I think she is okay and going on summer break soon [?]
BTW – its alright – venting gives us gals PURPOSE of existance!
dnt wori ali, im stil alive, jus busi. thngs hectic….as usual, atleast i got hol now.
how u doin? y u say its the worst year???
sugaR how art thou?! Hope you're okay ? Just remember to take it easy and dont go too hard on yourself!
By the way, I thought your summer break has started? I guess not… If you're that busy and hectice
Take care
hey im gud, u?
the term ended fri bt stil bn busi. wrkn an all that. got lot college wrk 2 do ths holz. an all the fam get 2gethas, etc
hows ur hol goin?
take care
Wasup sista, hws the weather in CPT??
Dis freeeeezing here
Neeed ye r8 now , am in need of a massage hahaha
uuurrrgggghhhh!!! its horrible here! FREEZING! an the wind is so bad it feels like the house is gna blo away! didnt even open my blinds 2day coz its so grey outside!
*** anytime…..or send me a tikt 2 jhb an ill do it ther 4 u š
Y u need one? wu is stresn u out?
uuurrrgggghhhh!!! its horrible here! FREEZING! an the wind is so bad it feels like the house is gna blo away! didnt even open my blinds 2day coz its so grey outside!
*** anytime…..or send me a tikt 2 jhb an ill do it ther 4 u š
Y u need one? wu is stresn u out?
lol…yup cant feel mah fingers hahaha
suns out here but its still freeezing
worse winter eva
hmm tough question, lotz stressing me ..and I have proof, my fallin hair, my docs had to prescribe medication for it
tickets?? are u craze??? hahaha am tryin to get tickets to Durbs for the Durban July and its all sold out
have to go for it, promised to be there …
oh wait maybe tickets from Cpt to Jnb wont be sold out..will check hahahaha
Jeeez I seriously need sum pampering
sooo hws things on yr end??
watye been upto???
hw was the party??
You guys have winter in… June July ?
Whoa… thats like so interesting
Dotn freeeeezee… wear tons a clothes
You guys have winter in… June July ?
lol, yup…
Whoa… thats like so interesting
watye mean…u always make it sound like we r a different species fo sorts hahaha
Dotn freeeeezee… wear tons a clothes
doing jus dat, but its stilll soooo darn cold
lol ali di, u reali make me laf…
ali, herd its snowing ther??
sum ppl that i no that wer spose 2 go 2 hong kong cudn leav here coz of the snow in jhb an now that they finally left, they fond 2 say they gna hav 2 spend the nite in jhb coz they cant leav that aport now…
yup it was snowing here last n8
am not sure if it still is coz have been inside all day…
aaaamazing, **the last it snowed in Jnb was in 1930..canye believe this***
but its stilll so damn cold
atlst 2day the sun is shining here bt its stil freezn. U stil online? how u doin? Wen u sendn me that tikt????
yup am still online, going for a client dinner/meeting this evening and have a few
urgent mails to foward….eish
well when do u wanna come over??
am at work during the week ..u'll be bored ..all alone haha
u guys on term holidays already??
yep. term ended fri. i got 3 wks.
take leav man!!
that mus b so boring. goin 4 a meal an talkn abt work. lol. wen i leav the place it ends ther…un4tun8ly i wrk frm hme also š an ppl wil jus *** 2 me anywer an ask abt their skin or products or sumthn
nope have to save my leave..wanna go on a long holiday sumtime next year
besides I cant take leave…too busy..
not boring as such…most of my fwends from the other depts are invited sooo it isnt boring at all
am just suddenly NOT in the mood to go anywhere but home…
sum ppl just have a way of getting right toooo me..flipppant hell …
soo hws the biz at home going..wats the clientelle like..
am about to log off and go freshen up soo if I disappear…know I leave behind a massive hug for ye:-)
Hey girls..whats happening?
Scar face:
You guys have winter in… June July ?
lol, yup…
Whoa… thats like so interesting
watye mean…u always make it sound like we r a different species fo sorts hahaha
Dotn freeeeezee… wear tons a clothes
doing jus dat, but its stilll soooo darn cold
lol sorry i didnt mean to
we're just in different parts of the world thats all and we have different stuff to us lol…………. gawd i'd REALLY be glad if i had some COLLLLLLD here right now in this hot hot hot hot summer !
oh yeah i heard from you that you saw snow ! yayyaaa………… aint it beautiful alie? It truely is !
madam, i KNOW, but u still crack me up with yr errr disillusions, u will have – to have to visit here and spend time with yr didi u hear…PROMISE ME THIS …
yeah me and snow….hahaha, love snow
well its extremely cold here, but wud prefer it to the heat…durban has the perfect weather though
except it can get a bit toooooo HOT…during summer…
hmmm was thinking bout sums this morning
Gosamz and I are planning this adventure trip to CAPE TOWN, (yeah Sugar in yr part of the country)
sometime in December with my 18 yr old nephew and her 16 year old bro..
now I have been searching for the perfect place where theres a lotta lekker things to do like river rafting,
scuba diving ( this I wont survive ) bungee jumping, rock climbing, biking, hiking etc…but nothing has been booked yet…sooo am thinking, Mara had promised she is going to try and come over to South africa in December, why dont u as well?????????????????????????????????????????
it would be awesome, and off coz seeing as Sugar babe is already in Cpt and will be on holiday at the time, we can all meet up …eat sum of her mums cooking yeaaaaahhhhhhh hahaha
and just chill and have lekker fun fun fun …
wat say ?? too far fetched or a maybe reality??
anyways just my thoughts..haha
***dreaming of bungee jumping ***
Oh wow you are planning for alot um! I'd wish anything on my life if I coulda come there with marine to meet you guys and even see sugaR and all ! That w
would be sooo awesome but i see that its not possible .. ACK ! i dont even want to say it ! but i think there's much truth to it !
bungee jumping oh geez aint that dangerous! sounds like so much fun though ! sighs……….
******* dreaming of coming to africa to spend time with you gals! ************
just always in my thoughts
btw – what is 'lekker' ?
Scar face:
madam, i KNOW, but u still crack me up with yr errr disillusions, u will have – to have to visit here and spend time with yr didi u hear…PROMISE ME THIS … lol!yeah Kavs. u shud *** here an c 4 urself, we nt that backwards
yeah me and snow….hahaha, love snow. only xperiencd it wen i was in Kashmir in Dec bt reali loved it!….xcept aftwds wen my feet actually startd paining of the cold…
well its extremely cold here, but wud prefer it to the heat…durban has the perfect weather though-i prefer the heat
except it can get a bit toooooo HOT…during summer…
hmmm was thinking bout sums this morning
Gosamz and I are planning this adventure trip to CAPE TOWN, (yeah Sugar in yr part of the country)
sometime in December with my 18 yr old nephew and her 16 year old bro.. nephew an HER bro? i take it u mean niece an her bro? or is it 2 nephews?
now I have been searching for the perfect place where theres a lotta lekker things to do like river rafting,
scuba diving ( this I wont survive ) bungee jumping, rock climbing, biking, hiking etc…but nothing has been booked yet…sooo am thinking, Mara had promised she is going to try and come over to South africa in December, why dont u as well????????????????????????????????????????? Hav u lookd at Zimbabwe 4 all ths?
BTW wus mara?
it would be awesome, and off coz seeing as Sugar babe is already in Cpt and will be on holiday at the time, we can all meet up …eat sum of her mums cooking yeaaaaahhhhhhh hahaha
lol anytime!!! bein a typical indian she loves cooking an feeding evry1!
….she mus jus not hear of how i met u guys-she'll hav a fit! lol.
and just chill and have lekker fun fun fun …
wat say ?? too far fetched or a maybe reality??
anyways just my thoughts..haha
***dreaming of bungee jumping ***
AAAAARGH!Im so fuckn pissd off!an irritated!and thez nuthn i can do abt it. Feel like screamn!!!
evn worse, i hav 2 go 2 wrk an b all smiley an friendly! an 2day of all days we doin marketing so i gna b seeing lots ppl ths afternoon!
Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay luw ***hugz****
Wats going on??? Wanna talk about it??
If its sum1 pissing u off, give me their details
Will sort em out for u J
lol. its kewl now. dnt wori abt it. naa. its not sum1 in particular.
thanx 4 ur pm
Hey sugaR …man oh man..seems like you got yrself into something…bad..
You can talk abt it anytiem alright??? m sure alie and me wud reply
oo and mara is Marine .. – alie calls her mara !
i wish to god that i cud comethere with u guys but.. i know i cant
lol. its kewl now. dnt wori abt it. naa. its not sum1 in particular.
I knw , good to hear u feel better
thanx 4 ur pm
**smiles*** dats wat didi's are here for, to be here for u young ones, always nah..
take it easy luw …
wats stopping u ??????????????
talk to me
Heyy..i've never travelled anywhere by myself..i'll prob get lost by the time i reach you guys ha..
naah on the more serious note…yes finances of course and plus my parents would never let me go all the way to another country
man if there's anytime you're coming here though — you better come visit me and we'll go all round NY
sniffsss man WISH i cud come there to meet you n every1 else !
this screws..to the bone darn it !
Ali di, dnt u hav a cuz or fren here that we can get her married 2 then she'll b here all the time???
Heyy sugaR what up ?
hmmmmm lets seeeeee now
firstly kavs heart is errrr already in the grasp of anothers..sooo entwined are they that
the edges tend to *** her from time to time ..the bleeding that immerses from the *** somehow heals through the depth of love felt by the 2 of em
one shorti the other that tall luking dude I call brother in law hahahaha
sooo Sugar babe, I may have tonza of errrr not cousins as such but friends…my nephew is 18 years old actually and he has more friends hahahaha
as for matchimaking??? Jeeez I admit defeat in that field…
now Kavz, u heard of budgeting/saving?? ur speaking to yr didi here hahahaha
soo many years of finance and credit controlling I shud be able to assist with this..gimme a shout out…as for being alone, u wouldnt, tonza people on a plane with u:-) get on the plane, there may be a stop inbetween at some other foreign country…but once ur on the final flight to Sa, all u do is get off the plane, and wallllah, yr didi will be waiting for ye with open arms š …and from thereon…we shall have a fab time..
no need for money coz I gotcha back hahahaha..will take a plane to Cpt and join Sugarz, eat sum of her mums divine food yay
now Sugars, if I dont tell mum the truth about how we met???? then wat story shall we come up with??
hope u galz are well…
yr didi hurt her back whilst errrmmmm doing such constructive **work*** sooo was off for the day…
yaaaaaay..gotta watch shrek ..wanna watch ..the simpsons, and HP…
der was sums else I wanted to say..but me will get back to this laterz…
~~warm hugs all round~~
sugar…the frozen sea……did u take pics of it…???? send to me okies…was ammmaaaaaazing I tell u …
ooookay! im confused here. duno wat u sayn in most of the mail, bt neways….
Ya Kavs, u got us here an taht= free food+free accomodation+free tour guide.lol
duno wat u gna tel her, make up sumthn…
wachd shrek lastnite. was nice
HOw u hurt urself? i thnk i mus *** ther 2 look after u.
wat frozn sea?
Alisha you made me smile … and then I go in my mind…sugaR probably would have NO idea whats going on hehe
No no no no money thing .. i'd DARE NOT suck anyone's money argh!
I soo wish I can come man goddd!!!! Just saying though..r u guys gonnal ike..plan more of these trips..say like next yr? or next 2 yrs? lol i know this is long ahead butttt sigh….. man i'd see my didiii i'll see marinee
and sugaR! and plus all of yr lovely friendzz …….man I WISH ! so much
Yeah how'd you hurt yr self ??? Be careful and..take rest.. ! You can rub those pain killer ointment on it .. i hope you can reach the spot properly
The frozen sea she's talking about is…….. when it snowed there… you know..was beautiful..and all that and one of the rivers/sea there … got all frozen by the snoW ..yes..that sea
BTW ..Shrek was soo awesome!
Sugar Jaaan
Lol errr sowrie love that was err constructed specifically for my dear Kavee..
If that means massages and lots more tlc, then by all means, will send u a ticket asap
The frozen sea?? Well I must send the pics to you then..sometime last week I think, it snowed in Cape town and the ocean froze, like literally froze, the most amazing site.
I thought u wud know about this ?? hahaha soo wats been happening with u ?? And have u included me on Mixit?? Let me know coz I donāt go in there much..hahaha tooo addictive, besides me needs to get mah beauty sleep hahaha
Am glad it made u laff, I thought of u and bil ( bro in law ) and thatās how I see yr love J
Yo..who r u calling anyone huh?? Am ..okies need to come up with a flippant word but am on the fone and trying to type hahaha soo nothing nothing hahaha
Oh am hurtā¦yeahā¦for now dat will do ..
Yup ā¦am not sure about Mara but I have a lot of plans for the next few years soo u will always be most welcome to join in should you wish to do so okiesā¦always room for companyā¦
In fact am not even sure if Mara will come over to SA?? Hmmmm we havenāt spoken for a while ā¦its good to see her here though hahahahaha craze lil sista of mine J
Btw Kavs, let me remind u, u donāt need a special planned occasion to visit ok, my home is always open to u ā¦dont forget thisā¦
Killer ointments??? Oye wont they like KILL me then?? Hahaha, have taken care of the pain, lotza painki
Massages an more TLC-anytime 4 my di!
I dnt wach news an duno wats hapenin in the world thats y i didn no wat u talkn abt….evn tho it hapend here. lol
Y did u try 2 move it urself? isnt ther ne1 2 help u?
I added u-i thnk im Naz. Neways, u wil no wen u c the invite..
R u on facebook also? Wats ur full name? Then i can add u or u add me. wateva, dusn matter…
Neways im off now, was a long day at wk
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaw dats the sweetest thing to read soo early in the morning luw **hugz**
Same here, donāt watch news, havenāt read the paper in eish 5 months???
My friends had sent through the pics and briefly explained what had happenedā¦
Nope no one here, sooo cuteā¦except after sending u a reply I fell asleep haha
am not logged on there much sooo miscall me when u are on
Or wanna chat and I will log in okies
Yup am on facebook..Alishia P Pillay ( alishiap@gmail.com ) u invite me hahahaha
Take it easy mah dear okies
Sending u massive hugz
okies im adding u now. u wil get my email address from ther
and madam yr fone number is on pvt
hw am i to save it huh??