Someone asked me very nicely to say somthing here..
So here i am, in the “say something” trying to say something..
Hmmm what do i say? I am girl obivious! 27, muslim and love everything indian
I welcomed you in the say something totally random thread.
welcome again
sheesh, glad you said something
What a nice welcome.. nice indeed.. its not BIG.. but nice..
Thanks, glad to be here..
lmao! NOT BIG?!?!?! HELLOOOOO!!!
okay yeah
noo noo noo..
its still small and tiny!!
Hey AyedaH – WElcome to the forum!!! Tell us more about yrself! & Enjoy your time here.
LOL @ kavi, she must be semi-blind yaar
Okay THEN …
Ahahahaa….. hi dii
Heya gorgeous… Hmm 2 days before u r back to em old books and studying huh??Lol..
for a sec i really went blind with that huge billboard writing.. But hehehe thanks alot kavita.. made me happy..
Thanks to u too ScarFace for the welcome and for worrying about my eyes!
Hmmm what u need to know..
i work an a programmer which almost consumed all my mind and the rest is left for crazy silly stuff like fantasy stories, japanese cartoons, indian movies and latin music heheheheeh… u can guess the outcomes of the combination
That combination would = AyedaH
Ah..programmer..interesting! Seems that it has yr mind working much
Fantasy stories..hmm … i guess everyone have them…but they are different for everyone … would yrs involve unicorns by chance? hhehe
Alisha hey! – well classes start on Monday sooooooo i got 4 more days before it starts… Im gonna go into college tomorrow in order to get my books and pay my bill ! luw you mwah
i work an a programmer which almost consumed all my mind and the rest is left for crazy silly stuff like fantasy stories, japanese cartoons, indian movies and latin music
programmer?? interesting…tell u what, if u can hack into somebodys email then i might just spare u from my daily abuse. how bout that?
AyedaH – Asalaamu-Alaykum. Welcome to the forum, I hope you like it here.
Ninja – I smell something fishy.
Ninja – I smell something fishy.
hell no?
Kavita dear, all fantasy stories have unicorns in it one way or another!! dats one of the basic rules in writing fantasy!! — beside who said unicorns dont exist!! they do –> someone has been watching too many fantasy movies lately! Good luck with u college.. which year r u in?
Comic, if i knew how to hack then my mind would have been in a better state, all i can do is the boring stuff like actually writing an application or web based thingies!! Sigh……. guess am still in the abuse list, aint i?? but i know that since am very new and super cute and nice u wont abuse me that quickly rite ??
Rani, thanks for the welcome, so nice of u to mention my boyfriend, but hez not fishy, hez a clean ninja,, hhahahahahaa…
Yemen dear… where have u been.. people threating to abuse me and ppl trying to steal my boyfriends and u said u gonna protect me!!! what a good bdyguard u make!!!
Ninja – LMAO!
You're welcome. and errr…Ninja, you had a se.x change? AND you're cheating on me?
How convenient…
S.. Change?? Nooooooooo… how can u say that?? there is a whole clan of ninjaz! u can pick up whomever u like, stay away from mine and his organs please!!!
I don't know what you're talking about…but okay.
Ninja – LMAO!
You're welcome. and errr…Ninja, you had a se.x change? AND you're cheating on me?
How convenient…
ROFL WTHECK?!?!? SE.X CHANGE?!?!? EWWWWW?! I'm a girl ninja wthell. Ayedah ji? voh b voh? ROFL RANI @ the “how convenient!”
S.. Change?? Nooooooooo… how can u say that?? there is a whole clan of ninjaz! u can pick up whomever u like, stay away from mine and his organs please!!!
are you talking about me?!?! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies* confusion rocks sometimes. hilarious!
WTHELL!! now am confused!! whoz a gurl and whoz a guy? who had a change? and who is a gurl ninja and whoz organ we r talking about again!!
**going to check my self in the mirror to be on the safe side**
lol Rani thinks that you thought that I was a guy…
I'm oh so confused.
So u thought that i thought u a guy when i mentioned my ninja?? and therefore, she thought that i thought u were a guy?? Hmmm.. now i got it
thank god, no one did any kind of change here!!!
So u thought that i thought u a guy when i mentioned my ninja?? and therefore, she thought that i thought u were a guy?? Hmmm.. now i got it
thank god, no one did any kind of change here!!!
ew! hahahahaha!!
dont ewww me… Rani suggested that!! and from what i read, she thinks u r capable of dat too
ROFL!! Ayedah! Rani was kidding! *crax up* I think im offended. lol.
….3 Muslimahs talking about se.x change…somethings wrong in this picture…
okay ms.offended, no more talking about changing or organs or changing organz!!
but u r rite, something is pretty messed up with all of us hehehehehe….
lets all go hit a wall.. thats the best solution.. remmeber i took some phycology classes~
okay ms.offended, no more talking about changing or organs or changing organz!!
but u r rite, something is pretty messed up with all of us hehehehehe….
lets all go hit a wall.. thats the best solution.. remmeber i took some phycology classes~
i'll punch the wall instead. we're not messed up! we're just kinda dumb (speaking for myself)
and psychology classes? voahhhhhhh I love psychology!
hiting a wall is more fun, u fun ruiner!! u only gonna break ur fingers from punching the wall, but hiting it.. now thats what i call fun!! soon u'll feel light and freeeeeeee……
fun ruiner?!?!? ME??!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
then u shud join the gang of wall hiterz!!
am bored.. donna know wat to do
go hit wallz?
U first, i need to make sure u hit the wall not watch me and then laugh!!!
Kavita dear, all fantasy stories have unicorns in it one way or another!! dats one of the basic rules in writing fantasy!! — beside who said unicorns dont exist!! they do –> someone has been watching too many fantasy movies lately! Good luck with u college.. which year r u in?
Comic, if i knew how to hack then my mind would have been in a better state, all i can do is the boring stuff like actually writing an application or web based thingies!! Sigh……. guess am still in the abuse list, aint i?? but i know that since am very new and super cute and nice u wont abuse me that quickly rite ??
Rani, thanks for the welcome, so nice of u to mention my boyfriend, but hez not fishy, hez a clean ninja,, hhahahahahaa…
Yemen dear… where have u been.. people threating to abuse me and ppl trying to steal my boyfriends and u said u gonna protect me!!! what a good bdyguard u make!!!
I totally missed this post boyfriend? ninja? huh? explain?
now i see where the confusion came from. im slow…woah
i said i was gonna protect you? don't recall…but hokay!
U first, i need to make sure u hit the wall not watch me and then laugh!!!
LOL!!!!!!!!! thats totally me! how'd you know? woahhhhh now im beginning to freak out. I'd be like okay lets go Ayedah *pulls up abayah* *ready to run* 1,2 annnnnddddddddd 3!!! *Ayedah runs into wall and Ninja remains where she is* … then I laugh at ju!
still dont know where the confusion was!!! i thought she was refering to the real ninja ppl, like those ppl in dark costumes covering their faces and running from tree to another!!! how am i suppose to know that ur name is ninja!!! hehehhehhhee… this is sooooo funny!!!!!!!
beside, am the queen of practical jokes, so lets say 'been there done that!' hahahhahaaa…
practical jokes eh?
Kavita dear, all fantasy stories have unicorns in it one way or another!! dats one of the basic rules in writing fantasy!! — beside who said unicorns dont exist!! they do –> someone has been watching too many fantasy movies lately! Good luck with u college.. which year r u in?
Comic, if i knew how to hack then my mind would have been in a better state, all i can do is the boring stuff like actually writing an application or web based thingies!! Sigh……. guess am still in the abuse list, aint i?? but i know that since am very new and super cute and nice u wont abuse me that quickly rite ??
Rani, thanks for the welcome, so nice of u to mention my boyfriend, but hez not fishy, hez a clean ninja,, hhahahahahaa…
Yemen dear… where have u been.. people threating to abuse me and ppl trying to steal my boyfriends and u said u gonna protect me!!! what a good bdyguard u make!!!
Stealing boyfriend(s) ??? erhmmmmm okaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Who be doing dat??? Me don’t think anyone wants to have a go with someone elses BOYFRIEND,
think the one’s we have is too much to handle as is…roflmao
ROFL!! Ayedah! Rani was kidding! *crax up* I think im offended. lol.….3 Muslimahs talking about se.x change…somethings wrong in this picture… Hmmm..sums def not right with this conv..Anyways it was a laff and a half..soo thanks..
guess we sorted that yesterday..
Its a shame i dont have a boyfriend or i would have given him willingly to anyone who wants him!! am waaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond men now!!
Ooopsiiii doooo, then I guess us women should be waaaaayyyyyy careful hahaha
From personal experience, I can understand why u may feel **way beyond men**
They can be a damn pain in the a$$.. @ times…
Yeah!! its much easier to live like this, with ur family and friends and be totally free.. and occassionally if dat sneaky-good-4-nothing feelings of missing a man in ur life.. go and watch an indian movie and be done with it hheheee..
ROLFMAO..(and u shud hear me laff right now,) reading yr post madam….oohhh boy I am liking u more by the minute Ayeda…
Funny thing is my friend and I were discussing this whole love and Men Topic just yesterday J
~bollywood is to blame for mindless torturing of ones heart~
Hehehehehee… thank u missy, am liking this place and the gurls here more and more too.. strange really, i was discussing the same issue with mom yesterday and today with my colleagues at work!!!
Who NEEDz them?? but u r rite, bollywood and hollywood r to blame for making men and love sound soooo essential and to-die-4! am totally over them.. now for how long, am not sure, it mite end 2moro or mite end 2 yrs from now..
Good to hear my fellow friends are liked by youJ Lol, well guess now we know what’s been tormenting each others thoughts of late heyJ Hmm, well, I certainly DON’T need or want a man, am fine the way I am, happier this way but on a general note, Heck everyone needs someone in their life rite? Someone to share whatever it s people share with the one they share their lives with..Well love isn’t something one should look at in that context.**to die for**, its an emotion, feeling, expression that should be embraced and well rejoiced, in all its glory. No person can actually live without it, regardless there is always someone out there who loves another. You don’t sound like someone who will refuse love should it knock on your door, so when it does, I wish u happiness, and content in abundance..
True True..
I cant lie and say that i will push love away if it comes my way, but the fear of giving myself all to a person and not knowing that he gives in the same amount of feelings and emotions as me, the fear will stop me or at least make it harder to accept that love easily..
We r so different from men, the way we are, the way we think, the way our hearts designed.. we believe in love so much and believe in our shining knight so much that we give in totally, but men thinks logically, they have temp gurlfriends, gurls for fun, gurls to hang out with, lovers and the wife.. its very rare for them to combine these in one..
thats why i think its much better to stay away from all this mess and believe that Insh-Allah god will reward us with something perfect and magnificent in the heaven
Hmmm did I tell u that I like u?? lol, love your thought process, guess it comes with age and experience. Shoving love out the door seems to be a subconscious act of mine, am not sure what the problem is. FEAR?? Lol.. didn’t expect to engage myself in a topic as controversial as love but what the heck, these are just pop up thoughts and feelings of mineJ Personally, I do not believe that one should subject the depth of their feelings for another based on how the other person may feel towards them.FEAR of rejection, fear of not having your love reciprocated, fear of losing yourself in another, so completely you feel you are lost amongst the rhythm of your heartbeats lol reminds me of myself a year ago, but am kewl with it now, I guess.. Hmmm well I DON’T believe in a knight saving me, lol, reminds me of a conversation I once had. I don’t believe in fairytale romances because love is damn hard work, and its got to be a dual effort, or worthless. Yes our hearts and thoughts and reactions are more emotionally based, whereas men think logically, and most of the time without emotion or feeling, both are good and bad qualities I guess.True that, its rare for many men to commit (more the word you perhaps needed,) to just one person, one women because being men they seek externally instead of trusting their feelings, they await the next best thing, fear that the woman they are with isn’t the right one, am not sure, have given up trying to figure how a man think/feels. Btw not every woman gives in 100%, that’s like committing suicide, and not every woman believes in love wholeheartedly. To an extent, YES! But reality is just too aromatic to ignore. Yes, insha allah, God will ensure one receives happiness and love and bliss, as much as one can handle, yet I say this with mixed feeling.
sigh…men ..~~cant live with em..but can certainly try doing without em hahaha~~
Sigh………..Now did i mention that i look forward to hear from this forum and the lovely gurls in it?? I love the way your mind process, your ideas and ur logic.. fits with mine alot… me like you too…
I stopped trying to figure out men as well, in fact I started the club titled (Don’t-have-the-slightest-idea-what-men-wants!!-and-they-say-women-are-complicated!!!)
I don’t know whether it’s the same everywhere, but in our society men are like this partially because of how he was raised, you will find the mother telling her son that he do whatever he wants, date as much as he wants and then if he’s ready let him settle down.. men are raised with the mentality size of a peanut. Thinking and truly believing that they legitimate to carry on anything they want or desire simply coz they were born with D..ks!!
I was raised with strong personality, very independent, honest and stubborn.. I discovered don’t look for these qualities in their wives!! They want an obedient wife who jumps without even asking how high!! But he wants a girlfriend that challenges him and as men use the term “brings fire into the relation”!!! and since we all know that men are big babies, we reached the conclusion that men themselves don’t know what they want!!
I was in the bookshop couple of days ago and came across a book titled “why men marry b.t.chs!!!” I cracked up laughing in the middle of the bookshop with people passing by me with that weird look on their faces!!
But its true, men always pick up the worst partner!! I say this from experience, (still suffering from my two sister-in laws!!)
Maaaaaaaan!! This topic is too deep for me to be discussing at 8:30 morning empty stomach..
Lemme go grab something then will write more..
Sigh………..Now did i mention that i look forward to hear from this forum and the lovely gurls in it?? I love the way your mind process, your ideas and ur logic.. fits with mine alot… me like you too…
LOL you two are dissing guys so freely as if there are non around…well, they're almost inexistent
“guys are stupid, throw knives at them”
my dear ninja…. men are like Dinosaur, you heard about them, but didn’t really see any.. they existed in ancient times but not anymore!! hehehehehee…
LOL! Ayedah…then how come my stupid bro still exists
Ayeda: Attempting to eat some toast so that I don’t faint from lightheadedness, I found that I didn’t log off completely from the forum yesterday evening.
So whilst eating, I started reading your post, I started laughing, so loudly this early in the morning that one could hear me from across the office, and I work in a rather large/roomy office …my friend looks at me, and says
*alishia, I told u not to take that much crak this early in the morning*
Oh my Ayeda, your words ring true to an extent madam, I couldn’t help but log in to let u know that u gave me my first **laughing from the depths of my soul, LAUGH** in over a month..THANKS
I wish I had enough time to respond to this coz I soooo have a lot to say on what u had said but will leave it for when am less
The dinosaurs bit made me laugh whilst tears ran down my cheeks…roflmao.oh my I feel sooo tired suddenly
And am not even sure if u said what u did with a touch of humour attached, I cant help but reflect and look at yr words in that manner..
Me sends u a warm hug…goo eat…return and say more already…
PS: Yumz.. Non-existant hun..me dont see any men around ~ besides even if one attempted to defend their errrrr species…
It’s a losing battle against US women:-)
My, my my… they crammed me in one of the most boring meetings ever!!! From 10:00 till 1:30!! Maaaaaaaaaaan!! Am starving to death, while they were taking about oracle and servers I was thinking, mmmmmm… I want spicy chicken beryani
Dear dearest, alie, I just love the way you reply to my post.. it really makes me laugh silently!! (Cant afford loud laughs! Not good results if u were in a big office!! Tried it and guess u did too!!)
While I was in a meeting, regardless of the point dat all of them were men!! Me the only one in black!! I started thinking how the world will be if women were in charge of things, I mean like politics, security, economy.. and lemme tell u, it scared me!! Women can make a fuss of everything!! Start spreading the country's money on shoes and falling in love with thieves and criminals!! à we see dat all the time in Indian movies.. Sigh……….
Then I reached a very nice conclusion, men are only good to be used and literally to be used only… we use them as slaves, handle economy, do the taxes, work as cops chasing muggers and criminals and if occasionally a woman desire, she can drag one of the to the bed.. but dats it.. imagine how wonderful life can be..
Am hungry again.. Calling home to see what's for lunch!! Aaaaah.. I want my personal chef!! See!! My point!! Use men!!
Taking things lightly and looking at it from a funny angle is the only thing that made me survive this long or else I would have died with the rest of men..
Sending you a very bear hug as well.. am getting a headache from laughing and not eating!!
Ninja dear, your bro is like Godzilla, he did extinct but someone (most probably ur mom!!) hid him well or went through some chemical experiments made him able to survive till now!! Take it from me.. I know.. I have 3 at home..
Ninja – LMAO!
You're welcome. and errr…Ninja, you had a se.x change? AND you're cheating on me?
How convenient…
ROFL WTHECK?!?!? SE.X CHANGE?!?!? EWWWWW?! I'm a girl ninja wthell. Ayedah ji? voh b voh? ROFL RANI @ the “how convenient!”
dont ewww me… Rani suggested that!! and from what i read, she thinks u r capable of dat too
LMAO! Rani didn't suggest anything! All she did was state a curious question.
ROFL!! Ayedah! Rani was kidding! *crax up* I think im offended. lol.
….3 Muslimahs talking about se.x change…somethings wrong in this picture…
LMAO! Oh my! What the world must be thinking about us! ooooh nooooo *grabs head* We're innocent! I swear! We were all born girls! LMAO! *rolling on the floor laughing my butt off* oh nooooooo! I'm not gonna have a butt! I need one! *stops laughing my butt off*
Sigh………..Now did i mention that i look forward to hear from this forum and the lovely gurls in it?? I love the way your mind process, your ideas and ur logic.. fits with mine alot… me like you too…
LOL you two are dissing guys so freely as if there are non around…well, they're almost inexistent
“guys are stupid, throw knives at them”
I haven't read everything you guys posted up. But on a serious note, I would like to disagree. (sheesh. I'm always disagreeing with people!) I don't like the way some girls diss out all the men just because of what one man did…that's just my opinion….
i haven't read everything you guys posted up. But on a serious note, I would like to disagree. (sheesh. I'm always disagreeing with people!) I don't like the way some girls diss out all the men just because of what one man did…that's just my opinion
each to their own opinion…
Rani dear, am not dissing men just coz of one, i have seen, heard and been through enough to be sure of what i said. Friends, relatives, colleagues and family around me suffered from men, been to hell and back coz of them..
But am not saying that all of them are bad, just the majority and already explained why men act like this..
Anyway, i respect your opinion and welcome it..
Alie dear, am still waiting for your reply.. go eat some toast and come drag your butt here again…
Rani dear, am not dissing men just coz of one, i have seen, heard and been through enough to be sure of what i said. Friends, relatives, colleagues and family around me suffered from men, been to hell and back coz of them..
my sentiments exactly!! cudnt have said it better!
Alie dear, am still waiting for your reply.. go eat some toast and come drag your butt here again…
sorry yaar, me feels like eating Kfc//mimo's or a tikka chicken today haha not toast…which reminds me
**gotta get my groceries shopping done** haha
my butt is firmly placed here madam, am just in between short meetings and trying to get work done so that
I wont spend my weekend worrying about work instead of relaxing and enjoying Meeeee time..
erhhh sorry…just talking random nonsense..am thinking one thing, typing another haha
and looking at a menu…talking to my colleagues and u as well as chatting to my frend on ic omg..
okay hun …about my reply…will def reply soon ..promise..just lost the plot for a while
for now, me will send u lotza love and a hug
~~alie ~~
Hahahahahaaaaa… u cracked me up really loud!! my boss gave me the “WHAT THE HELL R U DOING????, Deff NOT WORKING!!!!”
Glad u agree wid me, always counting on ur support in our club
i can understand the urge for kfc or smthing spicy all the time..
Stupid ppl at work, they come with the worst method and the timing to give u work!! they love giving to near the weekend so that u keep working on it or worse thinking of a way to finish it!! damn them all.. i will resign and open me a flower shop.. Sigh……..
Did u know that guys r soooo different when they r talking with their sisterz and their gurlfriends?? just wanted to know if the difference with u too..
Maaaaaaaaaaaan, am going back to sleep again..
giving u lots and lots of hugs and some Orio too
Hey AyedaH ..what up? Im not very experienced in this field of ..*ahem* guys and their usual ongoings in their natural or unnatural habitats.. but..would you mind telling how you have obsevered the specimens talking to their girlsfriends and their sisters?
Man Alishaaa stop charming me with that urge you got for eating some good kfc right now … are you having the urge for fries too ? What abot Popeyes..do you guys have Popeyes there too?
Wow, and I wasn’t even trying to be funny, *props to moi* for being a natural humor machineJ Finallllyyyyy I say..its about time a little laughter rolled around your office nah?Glad to be of assistanceJ pleasures alllll mine hahahaOur Club, oooohhhhhh sounds smicccceeee, wat shall we call it then?? Any suggestions??
Hmmm KFC, but its like an almost every night meal for meL too darn tired to cook, more lazy but also tired, besides I
cant cook for 1, that’s just plain down sad, so I resort to eating take-away, explains why my clothes wont fit anymore hahahaWhat I truly want, is just a plate of my mums cooking, am not even going to be fussy about what meal it is, as long as its cooked by herJ
Actually, it’s a non-stop *work till you die of exhaustion environment* that I am in at the moment.
My choice off coz, wanted the challenge, ended with a damn boring *am literally going to drop
dead if I don’t change departments soon * job instead. All these deadlines are manageable
except my systems would prefer playing **dies on alie AND seek** games with me..causing a lot of duplication, backlogs, and
screaming customers. I have this one client who feels its his life mission to ensure he lectures me until my ears are soaring and my nerves are waiting in anticipation to meet him and blow his head off…He goes by the name of Mark, and I once liked that name, hmmmph.. Thankfully not all Marks’ are **anti-alie** men. Imagine how entertaining my work life would then be??lol<font face="Ti
Hey AyedaH ..what up? Im not very experienced in this field of ..*ahem* guys and their usual ongoings in their natural or unnatural habitats.. but..would you mind telling how you have obsevered the specimens talking to their girlsfriends and their sisters? Observation kavz, from friends, cousins, brother(s), peopleJ Man Alishaaa stop charming me with that urge you got for eating some good kfc right now … Ooopsi, sorry KavzL J are you having the urge for fries too ?
hmm but more Mcdees fries, and I am fasting today What abot Popeyes..do you guys have Popeyes there too? Popeye the sailor?? He is still alive?? Wow, mustve been all that spinach he consumed, lol<span style="FONT-SIZE:10pt;COLOR:navy;FONT-FAMILY:Tah
Man, why do you guys write so much? Lol. I still haven't read anything. Just some…maybe I should read it all before I say anything? Ah w/e, I'll read it later and reply now. lol.
Rani dear, am not dissing men just coz of one, i have seen, heard and been through enough to be sure of what i said. Friends, relatives, colleagues and family around me suffered from men, been to hell and back coz of them..
Then why get involved with so many men? Okay, I understand the friends and relatives thing. But just becuz so many of the people you know suffered from men, that doesn't mean anything. It just means that those men were bad…
oh I need to read that then. And the majority? How can you just say that the majority of men are bad? I eman, you should just say that the ones you have met are bad…don't base your opinion on the majority when you have only seen some being bad…
I'm sorry, I hope I'm not offending you.
I understand if you say you're afraid of getting involved with men because of what you have seen or been through…but to just diss out the majority…
I'm sorry, It's just that, I get very irritated when people base their opinions on the majority when they haven't even seen half…
Maybe I should have read everything before I replied? Okay, let me read it now. lol.
Man, why do you guys write so much? Lol. I still haven't read anything. Just some…maybe I should read it all before I say anything? Ah w/e, I'll read it later and reply now. lol.
lol….u call this MUCH?? lol sum more
Rani dear, am not dissing men just coz of one, i have seen, heard and been through enough to be sure of what i said. Friends, relatives, colleagues and family around me suffered from men, been to hell and back coz of them..
Then why get involved with so many men?
lmao…lmao ….roflmao…oooh boy…sigh
Okay, I understand the friends and relatives thing. But just becuz so many of the people you know suffered from men, that doesn't mean anything. It just means that those men were bad…
one wudnt know if one had not experienced it..personally or through the eyes/life of a friend/loved one
oh I need to read that then. And the majority? How can you just say that the majority of men are bad? I eman, you should just say that the ones you have met are bad…don't base your opinion on the majority when you have only seen some being bad…
I'm sorry, I hope I'm not offending you.
dats a first for u ranz
I understand if you say you're afraid of getting involved with men because of what you have seen or been through…but to just diss out the majority…
I'm sorry, It's just that, I get very irritated when people base their opinions on the majority when they haven't even seen half…
Maybe I should have read everything before I replied?
great idea..u shud
Okay, let me read it now. lol.
I miss Ayeda L
wer u @ woman??
love ur new signature alie
love ur new signature alie
Sphankzz taybz
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Alie..
Sorry dear, me was pretty sick in bed for 3 damn days!!! back pain that a pregnenat woman didnt go through.. lots and lots of pain killerz.. all i recall was mom's nagging, sisterz delicious samosa and extreme makeover Tai **hearts** had some twisted dreams of him **grins**
How r u doing dear? howz work? and howz the hammer?? hopefully very far from any part of ur body!!
I spent all yesterday night watching fan made clips of buffy and spike, i dont like her, but i like spike.. i wanna a vampire as a boyfriend? can i??
seems like i stirred some taboo subjects and got on the wrong side of some members while i was gone.. Hmmm… its okay with me really, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.. i just take what i like usually
tell tell tell me about u..
Sending u 1000 hugs, **use what u want and save the rest for later** i miss u too..
hey unique_princess, i really liked the video in ur signiture, from which movie is it???
*Grins excitedly*
…. lol! sorry, those who know me will realise that I love this movie beyond reason, its the best movie ever! I love to talk about it lmao
Its from A Walk To Remember starring Shane West and Mandy Moore. It was released in 2002. Have you seen it?
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Alie..Sorry dear, me was pretty sick in bed for 3 damn days!!!**Hugs** Can lend u more pain killers should u need emJ Lmao -~ can always count on u to bring excess smiles to my face & make me laughJ Go for a massage, trust me – it helpsJ so what happened?? You feel down a flight of stairs, partook In a wrestling match?? Lol…Kidding hun, hope u r feeling better though???? If not, then I suggest u take more days off to rest!
back pain that a pregnenat woman didnt go through..
lmao, trust me I KNOW what u meanJ</b
*Grins excitedly*
…. lol! sorry, those who know me will realise that I love this movie beyond reason, its the best movie ever! I love to talk about it lmao
Its from A Walk To Remember starring Shane West and Mandy Moore. It was released in 2002. Have you seen it?
LOL..we know hun…btw, was wondering..Ur gonna turn 21 this year right??
werz my invite to the party??? oh wait..its fasting..sowrie
lol yes I am going to turn 21 Insha'Allah! *freaks out*
haha ur welcome to fly over on the day!
lol yes I am going to turn 21 Insha'Allah! *freaks out*
aaawwwww **holds taybz*** dont jaan…wat insha allah, off coz insha allah dear
haha ur welcome to fly over on the day!
lemme quickly scan my calender…oct right?? hmmmm okay then..pick me up from the airport the n8 b4
we'r gonna have a paaaartttyyyyyy
lol yes I am going to turn 21 Insha'Allah! *freaks out*
haha ur welcome to fly over on the day!
*attempts to tease tayba* OOOHHHHHHMYYYYYYYALLLLLLLLLLAHHHHHHHHHH!!! bhudiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!
*feels bad* just keeeeeeeeding! rofl, that reminds me of Haylies sister. she's also 21 and she was like “man imma just say im 20, whatever”
she's soooooo funny!
I LOVE YOU! YOU SHUD BE PROUD! & honoured. our bdays are on the same month
lol ok fine heathrow or gatwick?!
but no party! lol you can do iftaari with me (breaking the fast in the evening). Woo Hoo! I'll cook =D no wait should I? its my birthday! lol my friends can cook for me . LOL man! hahhaha!
lol ok fine heathrow or gatwick?!
but no party! lol you can do iftaari with me (breaking the fast in the evening). Woo Hoo! I'll cook =D no wait should I? its my birthday! lol my friends can cook for me . LOL man! hahhaha!
BUM! have ur party at my house…ON MY BDAY!!!! I'll cook. no worries
I know what iftaari is MadamjiJ
Okay, we shall celebrate both your birthdays, with friends of your choice @ my house..
and Yes I will cook, whatever u guys fancy..
how about that??
will also bake each of u a birthday cake, no sharing..
Taybz, your will be shaped as a 21~ u like?? Choc or vanilla..
yumz, yours will be a butterfly,, me thinks with blue icing ?? u like??
A WALK TO REMMBER!!! Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!! u brought back memories.. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh…..
I totalyl love this movie, seen it like 7 times and still cry each time i see it.. very beautiful and sweet and soft and amazing movie, the dialouges, the acting, the emotions are sooo precious.. this movie really touched me deeply and shane ward is a total hunk here **hearts**
U just made me wanna watch it again.. Sighhhhhhhh………….
21?? Maaaaaaaaaaan brings back memories, at 21 i was foolish and stupid and eager to work!! i wanted soo much to prove myself to the world!!! how stupid i was really!!!
Take it from me dear, go enjoy urself and ur life fully and when u get really bored and ur parents start nagging u *which they do like all the time* go and work..
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA **rolling on the ground laughing hystercially.. almost going to pee**
i just imagined u soft head and ur picaso body!! man!! u shud have taken a pic or somthing!! heheheheh this is soooo funny!!
As for my back!! **takes 2 more pain killers** u r talking now to an official addict!! pain killerz RULES!!!!!!!! the doc said i need an operation coz its a minor disk and it wont go away with medz. i'd rather do an operation than spending my days swallowing pillzz!! totally hate it!! if the massage was done by a vampire or highlander then am open for it, in fact i can dedicate a whole month for only pure massaging
I truelly miss u alot, if u were in dubai i wud have invited u out for a movie my treat **Yeah Salary's out**
i feel like i know u but i dont but i do somehow..
** i know i know!!**
what else we discuss?? Men?? useless beings! cats much cuter
Me going home to lay down, then will write u more, qassam -si !!
**received the 10 000 hugs.** feeling overwhelmed with the emotions, gave some to my broz **evil grin** hehehehehehe…
*speechless* I think I found my forum soulmate LOOL! AYEDAHHHHHH! YOU ROCK! lol
yes it is a beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiful movie! go to the hollywood section there's a whole review there! lol!
I know what iftaari is MadamjiJ
Okay, we shall celebrate both your birthdays, with friends of your choice @ my house..
and Yes I will cook, whatever u guys fancy..
how about that??
will also bake each of u a birthday cake, no sharing..
Taybz, your will be shaped as a 21~ u like?? Choc or vanilla..
yumz, yours will be a butterfly,, me thinks with blue icing ?? u like??
lol ok cool u know! so wait its not in London now? and I like Chocolate =D mmmmmmmm!
**eyes sparkles**
listening to Switchfoot – Only Hope.. Sigh……… this song is sooo dreamy.. and i rmember how shane was when he saw her in the play..
**tears** he even kissed her… **tears**
you like Only Hope toooooooo?!!!!!!!! its sooooooooooo beautiful isn't it???!!! I love Mandy Moore's version too. Makes me shiver lol.. its really beautiful…
yeah shane was excellent in that movie. People want prince charming but I want a Landon Carter . *tears* aah yes the 'unscripted kiss'.
have you read the book it was based on? by Nicholas Sparks? Its AMAZING!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA **rolling on the ground laughing hystercially.. almost going to pee**
Roflmaabo..woman, dis is exaaactly why I like u:) and wats soo funny huh?? lol…
i just imagined u soft head and ur picaso body!! man!! u shud have taken a pic or somthing!! heheheheh this is soooo funny!!
not!! trust me..my back is still so darn sore, it aint funny..ok a lil but still man…jeez when i think of it, it was rather odd…I sometimes surprise myself
As for my back!! **takes 2 more pain killers** u r talking now to an official addict!! pain killerz RULES!!!!!!!!
agree…Pain killerz rule for sure..ur talking to the queen of painkiller addiction..cant seem to stop..DAMN MIGRAINES!!
the doc said i need an operation
oh boy dat bad hey
coz its a minor disk and it wont go away with medz.
i'd rather do an operation than spending my days swallowing pillzz!! totally hate it!!
i know hun, but still hospitals are damn scary,will keep u in my duas nah..
if the massage was done by a vampire or highlander then am open for it, in fact i can dedicate a whole month for only pure massaging
Will c wat I can do ..roflmao …eish!!
I truelly miss u alot,
Shud i be worried here??? ur not into woman now are u ???
ROFLMAO am kidding yaar
erhmmm am…. actually..I dont know wat to say hence above hahaaha
if u were in dubai i wud have invited u out for a movie my treat
no probs – packing my SUITCASE now, wats the weather like there?? me wanna watch *no reservations*
looks like a cute, romantic movie……
nope, my treat, coz u wudnt believe how much u had made me laff during this time, a time when I normally wudve withdrawn from
everything and everyone..wallowing in self pity hahaha and contemplating and and and eating and an getting FAT aaargh..not that I stopped eating hahaha…but anyways my dear THANK U for making me laugh when I truly thought nothing can bring a smile to my face, a smile that isnt FORCED:)
If U were in South africa, I would bunk work and spend the day with u..first u will get a damn long warm hug from me:)
**Yeah Salary's out**
u guys get paid on the 6th?? wow ~ I just spent the ~almost~ last bits of my salary for August just 2 hours ago
I know what iftaari is MadamjiJ
Okay, we shall celebrate both your birthdays, with friends of your choice @ my house..
and Yes I will cook, whatever u guys fancy..
how about that??
will also bake each of u a birthday cake, no sharing..
Taybz, your will be shaped as a 21~ u like?? Choc or vanilla..
yumz, yours will be a butterfly,, me thinks with blue icing ?? u like??
lol ok cool u know!
Duh Taybz, I may not speak the language but the general words I do understand hahaha
so wait its not in London now?
nope, its @ my place, in SA…Taybz u will have to *fly* everyone over okay, will post a magical shawl, especially made for accomodating passengers to u..
we need a theme, color, flowers, wat music?? oh wait I know wat u like:) and yums tooo:)
also its Ness's and Mara's Brithdays, sooo a huge celebration it will be…lemme seee now…4 cakes to bake **feels faint**
and I like Chocolate =D mmmmmmmm!
okay *my Moist choc cake* it is then…will add in cadbury's choc, blend it in with dark cocoa and creme
waaallaaahhh..damn i havent baked in ages…hope I remember how to especially since I dnt follow recipes hahaha
so u better pretend its amazingly divine even if it is ..lol..Oh hun, me miss u now, wish u guys were here..sigh!!
A WALK TO REMMBER!!! Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!! u brought back memories.. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh…..
I totalyl love this movie, seen it like 7 times and still cry each time i see it.. very beautiful and sweet and soft and amazing movie, the dialouges, the acting, the emotions are sooo precious.. this movie really touched me deeply and shane ward is a total hunk here **hearts**
U just made me wanna watch it again.. Sighhhhhhhh………….
21?? Maaaaaaaaaaan brings back memories, at 21 i was foolish and stupid and eager to work!! i wanted soo much to prove myself to the world!!!
how stupid i was really!!! I truly dont feel the need to PROVE myself, not then ~ not now, not with anything related on a truly serious note..it causes self -doubt…too much unecessary confusion
awwwwww schweeeeeety…dnt be so hard on yourself hun
look @ yr past and think of all the experience u had gained, the strength manifested through these experiences:)
Take it from me dear, go enjoy urself and ur life fully
and when u get really bored and ur parents start nagging u *which they do like all the time*
lol especially about marriage Taybz..lol sum more
go and work..
**smiles** which reminds me Taybz..any luck???
**eyes sparkles**
listening to Switchfoot – Only Hope.. Sigh……… this song is sooo dreamy.. and i rmember how shane was when he saw her in the play..
**tears** he even kissed her… **tears**
Lol..oh yes…I watched it with my fwend Al, and when this scene came up I was like:
“KISS her dammit…K I S S her already.aaaaaaaaaaaargggggggggh bludy idiot”
Al looks @ me and says: ‘Remind me again, why I tolerate living with u.. nutcase?? ‘
Me: “Coz ye love me silly..besides hes so darn slow, I wanna reach through an yell in his ears”
Al: ** Rolls eyes @ me**
It was a WOW moment though, very cute
lmao…lmao ….roflmao…oooh boy…sigh
I'm serious.
one wudnt know if one had not experienced it..personally or through the eyes/life of a friend/loved one
I can't belive you said this. It totally ruined my already horrible day. I thought logging on here would cheer me up, I didn't know it could do exactly the opposite.
I have experienced the cruelty of a man, personally and through the life of friends and a loved one…
So please don't tell me I don't understand when I say I do.
But just because I have seen so many people suffer(and I have suffered myself) through the hands of a man, that doesn't mean I'm going to diss them all. I don't dislike men, nor do I dislike/hate the men that have made me and my loved ones suffer. No one is perfect, and maybe the things that those men did, was because of their imperfection.
I totalyl love this movie, seen it like 7 times and still cry each time i see it..
wow. I watched it only once, and I recognized the movie. You watched it 7 times and you didn't recognize the movie…wow…
I'm sorry, It's just that, I get very irritated when people base their opinions on the majority when they haven't even seen half…
Could not agree more…
but just one thought… and I'll admit now I haven't read fully what everyone's written… but exactly how serious were Ali and AyedaH being about this whole “men are bad” thing? Maybe they meant it in jest…?
But whatever is going on here… (gosh I am too tired to readdd… sorryyy!) I agree with Rani… I also dislike it when people rule out the majority because they have had problems with a microscopic percentage of the said person's overall population…
Twin thing, I guess…
I love it when she gets feisty like that.
Booooo! Man! Do I love you or what! I really needed this!
lol. I dunnoe. I didn't read everything they wrote…
awwww! How I missed this!
*giggles* I love it when you're here to talk to!
I'm sorry, It's just that, I get very irritated when people base their opinions on the majority when they haven't even seen half…
Could not agree more…
but just one thought… and I'll admit now I haven't read fully what everyone's written… but exactly how serious were Ali and AyedaH being about this whole “men are bad” thing? Maybe they meant it in jest…?
But whatever is going on here… (gosh I am too tired to readdd… sorryyy!) I agree with Rani… I also dislike it when people rule out the majority because they have had problems with a microscopic percentage of the said person's overall population…
Twin thing, I guess…
I love it when she gets feisty like that.
lmao, me tooo!!! <3
you know, I used to diss out guys too in a period of my life, but slowly I came to realise that I shouldn't diss out the majority… because of one experience in my life I can't believe how quick I was to judge the rest of them. I realised when I looked at a few other guys in my life and the examples they set.. that it isn't the majority.. its just the individual person. The rest shouldn't get the blame….
lmao…lmao ….roflmao…oooh boy…sigh
I'm serious.
Raaani..huge sigh!! I KNOW u were serious hun, am not sure If i shud attempt explaining
why I PERSONALLY found yr words funny..
but seeing as erhmm watever I SAY relating to men seems to tick u off ..will let it go….I repeat, I know
u were serious and NOPE i was not laffing at u..just in case u thought I was!!!
one wudnt know if one had not experienced it..personally or through the eyes/life of a friend/loved one
I can't belive you said this. It totally ruined my already horrible day. I thought logging on here would cheer me up, I didn't know it could do exactly the opposite.
I have experienced the cruelty of a man, personally and through the life of friends and a loved one…
So please don't tell me I don't understand when I say I do.
But just because I have seen so many people suffer(and I have suffered myself) through the hands of a man, that doesn't mean I'm going to diss them all. I don't dislike men, nor do I dislike/hate the men that have made me and my loved ones suffer. No one is perfect, and maybe the things that those men did, was because of their imperfection.
Well hun I did say it…
Ranz hurting you, was not my intention
, so I apologize for causing you to feel such negativity my dear
however I will not take back my words because it wasn’t a personal attack, it was a general statement
of my feelings. I may have been responding to YOUR words but it wasn’t for YOU
<img src="https://www.bollywoodlyrics.com/cs/emoticons/e
Firstly – will u ladies please take a chill pill and chillax already..
Wat the heck happened to freedom of speech??
And why is it that many people are given privileges to talk utter crap about things that are in fact offensive yet simple statements are taken to heart and lashed out like its been a personal attack on whom ever thinks it is one??????????????????????
Forgive me if I sound rude so early in the morning, it isn’t my intention, I simply relate/respond to things in the way I look at it, the way it is presented to me, and yeah I may not look at it in the way another individual would, that’s what makes each of us unique, our ability to perceive a simple statement, in indefinite ways of thought.
As far as men are concerned, YES!! I have been hurt, my hearts been torn apart but as much I would like to think ill of the man in question, I cant, it’s the way I am, always looking at the good within a person instead of all the negatives.
My hateful words towards Men in general can be taken in whichever way anyone who reads it would like to perceive it. The men in my life, the men I am surrounded by, the ones whom I have had negative experiences with, on a personal level or through loved ones, KNOW my true feelings, and to me that’s what matters.
Just an observation though, when the guys used to call women faltoos and degrade the female species – I didn’t see any objections, yet when women tend to tease, and attempt to degrade men, the weapons comes out???
Where’s the women power??
interesting indeed…
ps: this isnt a personal attack against any one is particular…
Boo, Tayba & Ranz: especially not to u girls ~ just thought it appropriate to respond on a general note…!!!
Ladies Ladies.. Please calm down… For God Sake what did I write to cause all of this FUSS!!!
When I started to talk about men and their negative aspect, I was talking in general and to some level I was kidding.. I didn’t mean it in a serious note!! When I began talking about men, I was referring to myself and to the people around me, my friends and my relatives and loved ones. I wasn’t talking out of air or just wanted to prove myself and started acting as a shrink!!
I was only kidding about dissing all men and if u read all the posts u would have read the part where I said that we shud use men as slaves!! U seriously think that this truly serious?? Why getting so upset on silly things and started creating a damn fuss out of nothing?? Since when a personal post of ones emotions-express was prohibited?? When was ones post of frustration banned??
A reply to the note, that if I was hurt by men why I get involved with so many? Lemme answer by saying that only ONE man broke my heart and left me a whole month in the hospital, not many, I don’t see myself this low and wont allow anyone to see me in that look. Just a correction, when talking about men, u don’t necessary mean people whom u was in love with. u can talk about ur family, ur relatives, u colleagues, ur friends… the idea here that speaking in general makes it easier for u to express urself and laugh about the matter (which is the only way u can go through anything)..
If any person got her heart broken, she wud understand that the previous posts where written only to release some of the tension built inside, written to support others feelings of depression and pain, written as joke.. But that’s the difference, some do understand and some just prove themselves expert and start making a newspaper article in how women blindly shoot assumptions about men!!
Again, I conclude in saying that everyone is entitled to their opinion, this is a free country and each have a different way of analyzing anything and I agree with Alie in saying that this what makes us special and unique..
Well personally, am actually not upset at anything or with anyone regardless of how my words will be preceived.
and nope Ayeda it wasnt u Ranz was Quoting, it was my words..that upset her..so please EVERYONE dont be upset because of this okay!!
Wrt everything else u and I said about Men, Silently, I Knew…and u did too..and to me thats wat matters…thanks for echoing my thoughts though:)
your heartbreak hun me knows
sending u my love dear…
and am hoping u are resting and healing??
talk abt men…interesting….
well i hv no comments….
Me fine love, just laying down like an old turtle can even move sideways!! but am in a process to write a new poem, its a happy one i guess.. not sure how it wil go later
i was eating mama's samosa's and i remembered u and started laughing! mom were like ” whats in my samosa's thats making u laugh mis ayeda!!” i was like hehehe nothing ehehhe no really its good hhahahahaha… i will shutup now!!! balahahahahahhahaaa….. she almost threw me with the plate!! but i managed to shut my mouth in the last min!!
I need to go out, but its too damn crowded outside!! i will go read a book.. talk to u later…
Me fine love, just laying down like an old turtle can even move sideways!!
but am in a process to write a new poem, its a happy one
i guess.. not sure how it wil go later
i was eating mama's samosa's and i remembered u
and started laughing! mom were like ” whats in my samosa's thats making u laugh mis ayeda!!”
i was like hehehe nothing ehehhe no really its good hhahahahaha… i will shutup now!!!
balahahahahahhahaaa….. she almost threw me with the plate!!
but i managed to shut my mouth in the last min!!
I need to go out,
but its too damn crowded outside!!
i will go read a book
.. talk to u later…
Eerrmmm…yes, turtles CAN move sideways. I've seen it. Just my 2 cents.
People whats going on in here..seems like stuff been gettin' a lil heated.
Alie…. Many people would not understand what you have gone through and from what I see, you have gone through something that has really scarred your heart and it has put you in a place to make you see or perceive the world through different lens. Many people may not realize how hard it can be to forget things. Rather, many times we SAY we have forgotten – perhaps we havent because of reasons such as denial , avoidance of the topic, isolation of anything to do with the topic. Sometimes we think we have forgotten because we WANT to forget but really deep down inside of us – our thoughts are SUPPRESSED and different CUES may tend to bring back these things people call memories.
Diiiii … 'course I know you didnt mean to hurt no one … c'mon guys – we're a forum full of LOVE … i aint be seeing anything BUT that round here…even when Oreo is being a total jerk…still why on earth would he STILL sign in if he didnt actually WANT to post to these what he calls “faltoo” people. Anyway, one thing I really admire about you is that you are so strong and I dont know how you do it but surely God has given you the strength and you yourself have put in alot to keep your head raising high.
Something that really bothers me is this : How come when a guy does something … he can do it and he'll always be RIGHT but if a woman does the SAME thing, she is considered EVIL and BAD ? This isnt fair. Now I m not saying women would go and do bad things : im just saying if a man does something and then a woman does the same thing – its okay for one of them but the other one will have to face fights and be considered as evil/bad
Btw alisha —- Popeyes lol… its a place that does *southern accent* fried chicken w/ fries n buscuits n stuff like that.. like KFC. They're both good !
KAVEEE: woah Kavs, u my personalised shrink nah..lol
am kewl, wont reply to above coz its too personal and am not in the mood to get into that again
but thanks for taking the time out to actually respond to my nonsense shriekin at the male species…am not wrong though
they are all a bludy bunch of*%*&(&^$&^$^&*((_&*((_*^(_ wateva u want to make of that
anyways, wateva happened ..did..
Something that really bothers me is this : How come when a guy does something … he can do it and he'll always be RIGHT
but if a woman does the SAME thing, she is considered EVIL and BAD ?
This isnt fair.
AYEDA: get well sooon hun
i miss u a lot a lot a lot…***hugs****