Happy Birthday Roshini!!!!!!….(a.k.a Sapnokirani17 for the newbies lol)
Heyyy homie! Happy Happyy Birthday to you!!!!!!!! 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its nearly 4th november here so im wishing u now lol. I wana b first 😀 Mubarak ho! Even though it may be a while before you see this message, I want it to be there whenever you log in [J] Hope you have a great day! And get amazing gifts! Although meanie wont lemme send more lol. Uhmm look at the keychain n read the card I sent again! Lol. Ok anyway I just wana say that no matter where life takes us, you will always be my bestest homie, my sis forever. I dedicate this poem to you:
From the day I met you,
I felt the connection,
Through your love, laughter,
Concern and affection.
Best friends
We were to soon become
Sharing tears, secrets
And having fun.
A friend like you
Is hard to find,
someone so alike,
We almost share the same mind.
(note that I said almost. Lol u will always b the tubelight aahista!)
I hope for us,
To never part,
Happy 21st Birthday Roshini!!! and many many more to come. I hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Happy 21st birthday!!!
I hope you didn’t get any tubelights for your birthday, coz actually… I wudnt be surprised!!! sorry sorry.. really lame I knoww
But well.. I hope you had a GREAT DAY and had lotsaaa fun.. with ur family and euhmm.. send me some cake
Happy 21st birthday!!!
I hope you didn’t get any tubelights for your birthday, coz actually… I wudnt be surprised!!!
sorry sorry.. really lame I knoww
But well.. I hope you had a GREAT DAY and had lotsaaa fun.. with ur family and euhmm.. send me some cake
groan… trust you to remember the cake Heera… if ever i see a crazy girl stuffing herself with other people's birthday cakes, i'll be sure to say hi to you!!
back to topic… lol…
Many happy belated returns of the day, Roshini!!
boo its not belated! her birthday is today on the fourth of november. I posted a little early lol
Tayba ji, don't mind Boo, she's on crack.
LOL rani that made me giggle, your in a mischievious mood today arnt ya!
lol. I guess i was in a funny mood that day. giggle? That is such a cute word. hehe. You know what movie i was watching? MEAN GIRLS! That movie is awesome! I love it! heheehehe.
Hey homie!
thank you so very mucho for this!when u told me about it, i didnt read it all!right now i found time to do so!thanx gazillions!lol and yeah i put the card in the room!you know the card actually proved to ali ur existense!lol..was very funni!and i keep the keychain on my car keys once i go back home!thanx alot and sorry i couldnt reply to this earlier..been very very buzy and been stressed as heck passed few days!u know how it is…hopefully i see u online soon,cant even speak nomore bcoz i got rid of that crap phone!but inshallah we speak again soon,thanx again..try it again sometime.lol
and thank to everybody else too!appreciate it
lol heera..no tubelights for me dude!ask tayba how fast ive become.
thas no problem at all. glad u lyked it =) lol am glad the card proved my existence!!! yeah hira said you been busy n stressed, drop me a line whenver your free dude! lol and get a new phone! 😐 Inshallah speak 2 u soon xx
yeah for sure..ur online and not on msn!howcome?
i was on appear offline, i was lying down on my bed. sumthin happend, i need 2 talk 2 u but ur not online? i told hira on the fone, il tell u wen ur online
Hey homie!
thank you so very mucho for this!when u told me about it, i didnt read it all!right now i found time to do so!thanx gazillions!lol and yeah i put the card in the room!you know the card actually proved to ali ur existense!lol..was very funni!and i keep the keychain on my car keys once i go back home!thanx alot and sorry i couldnt reply to this earlier..been very very buzy and been stressed as heck passed few days!u know how it is…hopefully i see u online soon,cant even speak nomore bcoz i got rid of that crap phone!but inshallah we speak again soon,thanx again
..try it again sometime.lol
and thank to everybody else too!appreciate it
lol heera..no tubelights for me dude!ask tayba how fast ive become.
*rubs eyes*can…somebody…pinch…me….is it….the real….slow joe sapno ?????????????????????????
sure thing… HEY QUEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!! WE NEED YOUR NAILS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!