You know this, I suck at being mushy most of the time rofl ! But, Happy Birthdayyy homie!! Insha'Allah, many many many more years to come!!!!!!! . May All your pure wishes come true!! I hope that this year will be one full of smiles and happiness. Ameen.
Birthday Jokes:
“I guess I didn't get my birthday wish.”
“How do you know?”
“You're still here!”
It's my wife's birthday tomorrow. Last week I asked her what she wanted as a present. “Oh, I don't know”, she said. “Just give me something with diamonds”. That's why I'm giving her a pack of playing cards.
Forget about the past, you can't change it.
Forget about the future, you can't predict it.
Forget about the present, I didn't get you one
But Why?
On this day you blow the candles out;
On this day the gifts pile high;
For one day a year you’re the special kid;
“This is really great,” you sigh.
“One birthday a year is really fun;
I want two! I can’t? But why?”
By Karl Fuchs
A friend is someone we turn to
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives
with beauty, joy, and grace.
And makes the whole world we live in
a better and happier place.
– Jean Kyler McManus –
My birthday wishes for you
I am sending birthday wishes
from far across the miles
tied with lace and ribbons
my special birthday smile
Also hugs and kisses
wrapped in special prayers
happiness and laughter
joy beyond compare
Wishing you warm sunshine
each day when you awake
peace within and harmony
with every step you take
As you drift off in slumber
and nestlle upon the clouds
know i am thinking of you
from way across the miles
Enjoy your day hun, hope you have a blast!!! Mwah!
Happy Birthday Nessa…!!!!!!!!!!!Have an amazing day homie!!!!
May your life be filled with lots of happiness always!!!!
LOVE YOU!MWAAAAH!!!!!!!!!! p.s
Your lil boyfriend says Happy Birthday! Lol. xxxxx
Once more love, happy birthday to youAm not late, soo no sulkin nah… Now leme sing **happy burr day to u Huppy burr day to u U luk like Senors monkieU act like one too Hippie burrday to u ** Want me to go on an on an on an on ?????I can u know **winks** Lmao…yup its all dat boozing dis weekend..No comments from da gallery J meaning uuuu’s U knw, I do wish time will stand and we spent yr day togetherSooo I suggest the following: Life is beautiful …come fly with on a luurrrrve high..but ssssshhhhhh dats a seeecret haha Hugs to ye mah sista Once more love, happy birthday to youAm not late, soo no sulkin nah… Now leme sing **happy burr day to u <b style="
Thanks guys! Your wishes really do mean a lot me! I appreciate the time you took out of your lives
to say a few words and look in my direction! It hasn't gone unnoticed! If I haven't said it before (and I know I have lol)
I love you gals!
Ninjitsu, you remind me of my youngest sister! You & she are so sweet, caring and kind.
You have such common sense for a young one! It's almost uncanny! I find myself paying close attention to everything
you post! Making sure I've gotten every word right! You definitely have my respect, but you have my love also. Thanks Ninja!
Princess, you aren't just a forum member, you're a presence! When you're 'around' I feel happy! Whether we're talking on the
forum, MSN or the telephone, you make me smile like a goofball! lol You have listened to me run the gamut of emotions
and you still think I'm sane! I couldn't ask for a better friend! lol Oh yeah, you and your family are a sitcom waiting to happen!
Tell my 'boyfriend' hello and that someone's a meanie! lmao
Zilla, man, where do I even start! No worries, I'll keep it brief! Talk about a roller coaster ride! There's much I want to say,
but can't do it here! You know exactly what I mean! You've gone where others fear to tread, my temper is an ugly place to visit!
But we're still here and I'm glad for it!! Tanks for being a friend and allowing me to be one in return! You're the best lil' mama!
dammit, u know what??
i think da forum has a bone to pik wud me..
jus noticed mah post had been duplicated, I really sound like a drunkard trying to walk the line
Zilla, man, where do I even start!
vat u better start ..common me awaits
No worries, I'll keep it brief!
nooooooooooooo dnt ..i want a long descriptive version lol
Talk about a roller coaster ride! There's much I want to say,
am waiting….
but can't do it here! You know exactly what I mean! You've gone where others fear to tread,
well dats cuz me have special powers nah..the power of love Nessa…regardless ..its the pwer of love.!!
my temper is an ugly place to visit!
But we're still here and I'm glad for it!! Tanks for being a friend and allowing me to be one in return! You're the best lil' mama!
kidding love…i cant even, dnt have the energy to even laff sum more r8 nw, u knw wat i mean
am breathing an me heart is painful..
lets try again
inhales..ther..theres a sharp pain
exhales..not soo much
its been like this since 3pm ..aargh lol
Ness I know I am late but I still have birthday wishes for you ! Here's to wishing you all the best: I hope all of yr wishes come true…not only for yr birthday but for…everyday. Now you know that I always tell this …. 1 more year means 1 more year of happiness, joy, warmth – 1 more year of this world – 1 more year of experience – of people – of love – of life – one more year of wisdome 1 more year of YOU! Be happy. You're a lovellyyy, kind darlin'! Be strong : Never let things or mean people get you down.
Sending you tons of hugsss and kissessss and extra birthday wishes ..hey that rhymes! hehe
May all of yr dreams come true! Happy Birthday Nessizllleeee *giggles*
Kava dabbbaaaaaaa doooooooooo lol
Cake guys! Lets eat and celebrate!
Candles are a gift of light,
A tiny sun, a bit of star.
No other dancer in the night
Dances with such sheer delight,
Little souls serene and bright,
Each a glimpse of what we are
Shining innocent and pure
A Birthday Wish
On your birthday
stretch for a sunbeam…
Reach for a star…
Go for a beautiful dream.
Pick out some wishes,
no matter how far,
or how hard to reach
they may seem.
Cherish some hopes
that are dear to your heart.
And as a new year comes in view,
treasure and keep them
and know from the start
that this year
you can make them come true!
Celebrate this day, and embrace all the reasons to believe in wishes again.
-Anne Friday
On Your Birthday
May your spirit keep the freedom
of a butterfly in spring
and your heart be filled always
with the joys of simple things.
May your essence claim the freshness
of the new laid morning dew.
All of this…and more…
is my Birthday wish for you.
Many, many happy returns of the day, Nessa jiii!
I was just listening to Ladka Yeh Kehta Hai…
Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful day!
Keep smiling and being the cool lady you are!
With love from,
Happy B'day girl! Have a great one!
Khushi xx
Kava Daba, Boo MAAAAA & the Khushiest
…a wholehearted thanks for the well wishes! I appreciate it! oxoxo
I’m soooo sorry I’m so late, Nessa!
I’m at school, so I can’t even post up anything pretty!
Happy belated birthday, Nessa!
I hope you had an awesome birthday, and many more to come, Insha’Allah. Thank you for all that you have done for me…and keep smiling like you always do. I love to see you smile. You’re an amazing person…I mean it…you were the first person to actually talk to me when I joined the forum…(I think I’ve told you that a million times?) but anyhow, I’m super glad that you did…cuz you’re awesome.
I love you. Take care, hunn.
Happy birthday.
No worries 99! It's just a day!
Just the fact that u stopped to wish me is enuf!
I love u & take care!
Oh & if u get a call from Sonia, it will be from me!
sheeessshhhhh! another bird day? how exciting this must be for u che g!
I get my thrills where I can, Dark Half!
No worries 99! It's just a day!
Just the fact that u stopped to wish me is enuf!
I love u & take care!
Oh & if u get a call from Sonia, it will be from me!
I love you too.
lol! I love that name! It's so pretty! I'll be waiting for you, Sonia.
You take care, too.