Sunday, October 12, 2008
Time to celebrate beautiful Nessa! HAPPY BIRTHDAY my wonderful Neeeesi!!!
Another Year
I’m wishing you another year
Of laughter, joy and fun,
Surprises, love and happiness,
And when your birthday’s done,
I hope you feel deep in your heart,
As your birthdays come and go,
How very much you mean to me,
More than you can know.
By Joanna Fuchs
Perfect Birthday
On your birthday I wish you much pleasure and joy;
I hope all of your wishes come true.
May each hour and minute be filled with delight,
And your birthday be perfect for you!
By Joanna Fuchs
Happy Birthday Poem
Once a year I get the chance
To wish you birthday cheer.
It please me no end to say,
I wish you another great year.
So happy birthday to you Neesi,
from the bottom of my heart.
And may your good times multiply,
Till they're flying off the chart!
By Joanna Fuchs
Birthday Happiness
As we observe your birthday now,
Your cake and gifts don't matter much.
These common things aren't really you,
Ribbons, paper hats and such.
We celebrate a person who
Brings happiness to everyone,
Someone who gives more than she gets,
And fills our lives with joy and fun.
So Happy Birthday, and many more!
We hope you make it to a hundred and two,
Because we cannot even dream
What life would be like without you.
By Joanna Fu
I might not be able to come on tomorrow and I didn't want to risk not wishing you so I that's why I made the thread a day early.
Dearest Ness,
And I hope today has been amazingly suberbly fantastically tremendously (can't think of any more words)….. GREAT!!!!!
Wishing you many, many more!!!! I hope you got my text, InshaAllah! Remember to eat cake for me too
I know life can get super yucky tough sometimes…. *Look below*s:
I'd kindly remove your butt from any hole you find yourself wedged into, so don't ever hesitate to ask!!!!!
In all seriousness though, I'm here .
Lots of love…. <3
Your Bella Luna … Mwah!
Happy belated birthday Nessa ji!
Hope your day was wonderful, Ms. V… I hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you, too… *touchwood* Keep smiling, as always. And I'm always here for you.
Happy Birthday tooooooooo you Happy Birthday tooooooooooooooo you
Happy Birthday dear Nessaaaaaa Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuu!!!
Sorry for being a bit late but, hope your Birthday was a blast!! Here's to wishing you all the great things in life. May all of the brightest sun rays reach you. May you live life to the fullest. May you enjoy every moment. May you find strength in your greatest time of need. May the Lord pick you up when you are too weak.
May you be strong at heart.
Hope you had a good one! I love you! *hugssssssssssssss and kissesss*
Hope you have 2,039,586,984,009 more birthdays to come … and hope we're all here to celebrate it with you!!!!
Here's some cake for you…!
baar baar din ye aaye, baar baar dil ye gaaye,
tu jiye hazaaron saal, ye meri hai aarzoo
happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!
and if you have forgotten what the above lines mean, well then the song and the translation was on the webpage I made for your birthday years ago.
Take care! Love,
watch this space! lol
Sorry for not responding earlier, but I've had a project for the past couple weeks at work. Also I went away the weekend of my bday! woo hoo!
I don't where to begin with you! lol
You know, as down as you are on yourself, you're so full of love, faith, promise…sugar & spice (LMAO)! Whenever I speak with you, I see just how deep that well is and it makes me smile. And no matter what my problem, before our convo is over, you make me smile in spite of myself!!
I love you so much kid, you have no idea! And this 'small thing' that you've done is just a brick in the larger wall of the loving things that keeps me at your side.
Thank you 99.
I love you.
Thanks Princess! Your words were fine and my butt (for now) is safe! lmbo
You know how much I love you and these past 2 years heve been very difficult for you. I just wanted to tell you that there is a scripture in the bible where God asks Moses, “What is that in your hand?” And another scripture that says your gift will make room for you. What that scripture is saying is that God is not trying to get information. He knows what’s in your hand already, but he wants you to know it. So, Princess, “What’s in your hand? What gifts do you have that you are sitting on?” Use them and they will take you to your destiny.
Thank you so much for coming! You have been sorely missed. Thank you for bringing back well worn and welcome memories!
Love & respect always,
Your Gudiya Rani
It is always a pleasure to be here. Some times finding the time to do so is the problem. This place holds a lot of good memories for me also.
I didn't forget you gorgeous! And yes I said gorgeous…that's how my 3rd eye sees you! Thanks for the years (yup, years) of trying to pinpoint your exact place on the globe! lmao Thank you for the beautiful stories, song posts, red pen slashes, but most of all, thanks for noticing me and being my friend. This year has been a treat…S#SL!
Thanks for posting cutie! You're a sweetheart with a beautiful soul. Don't ever change or allow someone to steal that from you, it's a God-given gift!
I don't where to begin with you! lol
You know, as down as you are on yourself,'re so full of love, faith, promise…2.sugar & spice (LMAO)! 1.Whenever I speak with you, I see just how deep that well is and it makes me smile. And no matter what my problem, before our convo is over, you make me smile in spite of myself!!
3.I love you so much kid, you have no idea! 4.And this 'small thing' that you've done is just a brick in the larger wall of the loving things that keeps me at your side.
Thank you 99.
I love you.
1. That means a lot to me hunn. Thank you. And it's just so easy to make you smile! I put on my innocent and sweet voice and jur a gonner!
2. LMAO! You're such a beautiful nutter!
3. I love you so much too… grown up! LMAO!
4. You should be a poet! But you'll only be allowed to write poems on me, so think hard and long on it! LMAO! But seriously, you're oh shoooooooo shweeeeeeeeeeeet my lovely Neesi cutie piiie!
I love you ohhh sooooo much hunn, you still needu pull jur cheeks for me cuz I can't do it.
Don't tell her, but boo pulled her cheeks for me! LMAO! but shhhhhh!
Lmao, I keep telling everyone to pull their cheeks for me! LMAO! I do it myself when I can, lmao I pulled Haylie's cheek yesterday!
I miss youuuu!
Thanks for posting cutie! You're a sweetheart with a beautiful soul. Don't ever change or allow someone to steal that from you, it's a God-given gift!
Anything for a wondrous creature as you Nessa jiiiiii
And thanks for pointing out what my God-given gift is 🙂
Thanks Princess! Your words were fine and my butt (for now) is safe! lmbo
You know how much I love you and these past 2 years heve been very difficult for you. I just wanted to tell you that there is a scripture in the bible where God asks Moses, “What is that in your hand?” And another scripture that says your gift will make room for you. What that scripture is saying is that God is not trying to get information. He knows what’s in your hand already, but he wants you to know it. So, Princess, “What’s in your hand? What gifts do you have that you are sitting on?” Use them and they will take you to your destiny.
I love you too! Thank God your butt is safe for now! Lemme know if you ever need a push! lmao! I plan to use those gifts soon Ness… watch this space! InshaAllah a few years from now you'll be seeing my books in your local bookshop! Ameeeeen thumma ameeeeeen! *gets excited*