8th July 2008.
YUMMM!!!! Quickly cut it before
we dig in without you! LMAO!
And here's some for you to wash it down with! It's on us! (actually no u can pay us back later lmao).
Happy Birthday Bestest Buddah
Ever! I have the hobbit on the phone and we have the ninja in our hearts, so
here’s a message from the three loonies 😉
We wanna thank you for being
such an amazing friend and we appreciate it hekka much!
We say this a lot, but we really
really mean it every time we say it – you are for realz the bestest Buddah we know! (Rani
says, thanks to Oreo, we changed the spelling of Buddha to Buddah lmao).
Even though you suck at keeping
in touch (realllllllllllly realllllly – *rani says hekka hekka* much suck), we
know that you still think of us wherever you may be. Whenever we don’t hear
from you, we just make dua that you’re good, happy and healthy wherever the
heck it is you are! .
We want you to know that we
appreciate you being in our lives and we are grateful that you can call us your
friends… =)
Remember that no matter where
this crazy life takes you, you’ll always have the care and prayers of your
three loonies with you!
Have a great birthday, and as
your Buddah self sits down for his first (of many) coffees of the morning, know
that we enjoy your company hekka much, in and out of the forum. You have
brightened our days with your fancy vocabulary! Lmao!!! We also want to thank you for your wisdom that we admire oh so much….
. Naw, for realz though Buddah… we hold the wisdom you give us preciously.
We’ve had great laughs over time
as we fought with you, poked you forks and tried to fry you (and save you) and
kick your butt too. Although we’ve
enjoyed completely dissing you, threatening you with violence, trying to fry
you and blah blah blah, but you know that if anyone else ever tries to mess
with YOU, you know they’ll have US to answer to as well, cuz we’ve always got
yo broken buddah back! 😉
Lmaoooooooo!!!!!!! Look at his BUTT!!!!!! *Cracks up!!!!*
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTEST BUDDAH EVER! Insha'Allah you'll live to be waaaaaaay older than you already are and will be around to bugg us with your fancy shmancy writing! Thank you for everything, Senor Buddah.
Taybaaaaa! It turned out GREAT! Alhamdulillah! I LOVE that pic of Big B! It's SOOOOOOO CUTE! *pulls buddahz cheeks* My mom was SO MAD at me after we hung up! We were talking for nearly 4 hours! But Alhamdulillah we got to finish this thread and the recording!
And I'm so glad Ninja can't use her laptop or else she woulda beat me to bugs bunny! I call dibs on himmm!Tayba! I'm hyper bunny on batteries anywayz! LMAO! “Wats up, Doc?”
Buddah buddah buddah! I miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Happy Bday Dear..hope u have a blessed one
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTEST BUDDAH EVER! Insha'Allah you'll live to be waaaaaaay older than you already are and will be around to bugg us with your fancy shmancy writing! Thank you for everything, Senor Buddah.
Taybaaaaa! It turned out GREAT! Alhamdulillah! I LOVE that pic of Big B! It's SOOOOOOO CUTE! *pulls buddahz cheeks* My mom was SO MAD at me after we hung up! We were talking for nearly 4 hours! But Alhamdulillah we got to finish this thread and the recording!
And I'm so glad Ninja can't use her laptop or else she woulda beat me to bugs bunny! I call dibs on himmm!Tayba! I'm hyper bunny on batteries anywayz! LMAO! “Wats up, Doc?”
Buddah buddah buddah! I miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
LMAO! I knowww! man this took forever to do!!!!! And I officially hate Internet Explorer. I've fallen in love with Mozilla Firefox, however .
Heeeeheeee my call card is nearly finished cuz we spent so long doing this rofl (and talking about other stuff too hahaaha) .
ROFL! Bunny on batteries!!!! OMG! you ARE Bugs Bunny!!!! lmaoooo!! You know what's hillarious? Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck – I think they dislike each other though right? Not sure and the piggy always likes to kill Bugs Bunny but fails lmao.
Ninja is gona be sooooo mad that we called first dibs LMAO! Sok fish jaan we'll edit you in another cartoon character lmao. Hmmm…. Tweety Pie for my Sweety Pie? . Roflmao I'm so0o0o0o cheeeeeezzzaaaayyy!
OMGGG!!!!! I LOVEEEE the Big B picture!!!!!!!!!!! I thought “BUDDAH!” as soon as I saw it .
HaPpY hApPy BiRThDaY SenIor BuDdAh!!! .
All the best on your special day! I'm positive you deserve it.
Your gift (for one) is being able to draw up the good within another. Showing them that it is truly there!
Thank you for helping to cultivate the good that's been given me.
For shining your light in my direction thus illuminating my cramped position.
I couldn't properly thank you if I were given 7 lifetimes.
Dancey Pantalones (Rom. 8:38 & 39)
Happy Birthday Senor! Hope you had a great one. Always remember, with every year, comes more wisdom.
No wonder you're so wise!!!
Enjoy and Celebrate! Its only 1 time a year ! Keep up the good advice and the intelligent talks … keep up being you!
Lets eat! I have another cake!
Oh wait – senor???? You there yet buddy???? It would be awfully rude to dig in if the birthday boy isnt here first….
Many, many happy belated returns of the day, Senor saab! Hope you had a wonderful day.
Keep up the smiles,
senorGay…dont tell me u got too drunk on yr bday that yr friends left u somewhere on the street and u cant find yr way back home till now? 🙂
anyways…happy belated bird day old man aka itchy buddah!
Looks like the Buddah won't be joining us for his party! lol. Just letting you guys know (sorry, shoulda let ya guys know earilier!) that he's been very busy for a while. So I'll thank you all on his behalf. lol
Where is the Buddha that this 'party' was thrown for?!!
Witness Protection Programme
Thank you so very much! I know it sucks terribly when one could not find the time to read birthday wishes till days later, but I was looking out for the better interests of others, so I hope I would be forgiven for my seriously delinquent acknowledgment.
Oh, now he comes
Oh, now he comes
Hmm … the buddha's birthday just passed … and he is no where to be found in this place !
To the moon Samwich! lmbo
hoooooo boy this thread has some memories and a half!
Dork-a-saurus Rex *smh*
*smh* ?
*shaking my head*
🙂 where/how is he?
Apparently he is fine. Just crawled of out his cave. You’ve been sorely missed. I’ve saved you a samwich. You wanna see it? Lmao!
… cave, ya retirement home?! 😉
What’s up? 🙂