Dearest Alie, Happy Birthday to youuu Happy Birthday to youu Happy Birthday dear Aliee Happy Birthday to youuu
Best Wishes on your birthday, and always. May you experience the goodness in life and may it bring you the happiness that you truely deserve. Hope your dreams come true. Wish you many many many more birthdays to come!
May you be blessed on your birthday, and always. May you find that inner spark of happiness that will get you through. May you realize and understand your worth and your beauty.
Kind, loving, warmhearted, compassionate, beautiful, funny, sweet, attractive, friendly, compassionate, forgiving, nice,selfless … these all describe you. You are a wonderful friend, you are supportive and caring, your opinions, thoughts and advice go a long way. May you be blessed and may you be experience the happiness that you deserve.
Lots of birthday hugs and kissesss!!!!!
Some cake for you!
~~~~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!~~~~~
well the cake seems yummmmmmmmmmmmmy….
Happy Birthday!
I hope you had a fantastic day and many many many more to come! I hope all your pure wishes come true and that you find ease and comfort and love and happiness.
Take care!
– Rani
Happy Birthday!
I hope you had a fantastic day and many many many more to come! I hope all your pure wishes come true and that you find ease and comfort and love and happiness.
Take care!
– Rani
awwwwww thank you Rani, Inshallah, I shall have as many more beautiful birthdays to celebrate and rejoice in …in the years that follows…Yours wishes and warmth is heartfelt my dear..and I wish the same for u too..
thanks and warm wishes to u too
I love u more and more with every breathe my jaan, my lil pagli, my great amerikano sisterji.. U make sugar envious and the stars glare with doubt of their exquisiteness… ur dat special to meee heheheh
I cant possibly thank u enough for your love, for simply loving me for being uuuuuuuuuu
Anyways, I didn’t expect this thread dedication( why on earth did u not tell me u posted sums here??? and to think I logged in earlier this month and did not even see this thread 🙁 ) as u being in my life is a gift on its own.. I LOVE U..
sending u a warm love filled hug my jaana
PS: u LIL brat, u posted pics of cakes coz u knw I cant eat em right now heheheheh
gosh I cant wait for fasting to finish…
oooooh and for some reason I cant see em pics, it says *cake for u**
well apart from dat glorious birthday cake there…
<a href="
Hey di Well, Im glad that you liked the little dedication here, but what on earth!!! Where'd my pictures go darn it!! Ugh. The forum wasnt working too well after I put your thread up. But you still saw it hmm, surprise
Aww my, your descriptives of me…. emmm…
Anyway, me love you too You are awesome in many ways. You are a lovely lovely girl. You truly are. [f]
Sending lots of hugs to ya
Left a lil prescription for you hehe 🙂
Noooooo, I sent you some cake so you can have some lol, visually have some hehe, since you couldnt have cake then..well you can have some now hm!!! Better yet – I sent you an eggless cake! hehe 🙂 so you were allowed to have some of that 🙂
Cake plus other goodies, just for you my dearest !
My goodness this looks SO delicious :
Have fun, enjoyyyyyyyyyyy Im stealing some of that chocolate cake heehehe!!!
The language of Hindi CCNA Certification
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movie songs, generally termed Hindi, can Cisco Certifications
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be complex. Some songs are saturated with Persian terms and it is not uncommon to hear use of English words in songs from modern networking business
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Hindi movies. Several other Indian languages have also been used including Braj, Bhojpuri, Punjabi and Rajasthani. Occasionally a few lines in other Indian languages are used as well.[1]
how kind of you !