…… or: You know you're obsessed with BWL when…
Wahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! BRILLAINT Boo. Love them allll – each and every reason there is hillarious BUT true…!!! Lol!
But hey, this one
“29 George Orwell's '1984' reminds you of the forum “
How's that?
Tell tell…
LMAO LMAO! That was so great. And SO true. I checked the forum the first thing when I woke up and I saw the first thing was “you check the forum when you wake up” LMAOOO!!!
Khushi – George Orwell's 1984 caused a big discussion on the old forum, Aman started it, she loved the book lol. I studied it last semester lmao. Boooooooooo do you remember when I texted you that time saying I'm studying it and we got all nostalgic rofl.
I don't get “3rd of September”?
Oh I have one! Boo I just told you this yesterday:
Aao Milo Chalo from Jab We Met reminds you of the forum and its members.
Tumse Hi reminds you of Rani .
A Walk To Remember reminds you of me (it better) and Landon too (my dream)
BOO! Brilliant!! I'mma have to think long on this, 'cause you mentioned most if not all!
I'll be posting here later inshaAllah!
u are the ultimate, undisputed queen of faltoo boogedy!!
51. Boo in Monsters Inc reminds you of Boogedy Boo
52. Whenever u come across an itchy buddha, senorJ comes to your mind
53. A bulldog u see down the street reminds you of Skank!
54. A long reply to any of yr emails gives u the Madhu ji phobia
55. Everytime you look at a cliff u'd be thinking of jumping
56. If you see a ninja on tv, it will remind you of our resident ninja, mizz yummmeni
57. The word mental gives a different meaning to you
Oh, I think I got a few
including tayba's I think I'm on # 61
61. (This always happens to me) Every time you think of the forum, you can't help but grin and think of all the crazy fun people on it.
62. You dream of coincidently meeting all the members all at once.
63. Rani & her matchmaking & teasing never cease to entertain you (and in my case, annoy the hell out of you). – (lmao, I came across this picture that made me think of Rani , stay tuned.)
64. Rani has teased ninja for eating Oreo cookies/ice cream over 10 times!
65. Tayba & Ninja have acted slow countless times and blamed it on the time of day every single time.
BRAZILLLIANT Boo ma. I love it!
67.You've stayed up at odd hours just to fight with a forummer continents away during World Cup.
68. You've set your alarm to 'meet friends' on the forum
69.You get calls from around the globe, yet you aren't a businessman & it isn't blood relatives!
69b. You awaken immediately when you hear that voice! (I can't help but smile at this one.)
70. Every forummer has their own Bollywood theme song in your head! lmbo
71. Your giggle is more of a 'hello' than actually saying 'hello'! <—MY FAVE
72. You consult 'spell check' before posting…if you know what's good for you.
69.You get calls from around the globe, yet you aren't a businessman & it isn't blood relatives!
Love this one! *siiiiiigh*
71. Your giggle is more of a 'hello' than actually saying 'hello'! <—MY FAVE
I think this is one of my favorites too!
73. Because of all the amazing & hilarious things about this place, Boo ji came up with the idea of this thread.
I'm feeling Number 15 right now…. aaahhh!! Sigh!
Love you guys!
Love you too, boo!
74. You've stayed up all night, 3 nights in a row, just because when you log on the forum, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE to log off!
We love you too Boo ma!
75. You know how Boo got the name 'Mystery Woman'. In fact you know her entire name, ' International Mystery Boo Wife Number 2…” bahaha!
All your replies are sooooooo darn hilarious… and so true!
Tabz – yeah jaan I remember… it was that time when Am Rani told Rani about the card and you were like, “Boooo I need to talk to you abhiiii!!” lmao… sigh! Good memories….
I don't get “3rd of September”?
Am Rani… when I asked her when her birthday was… she said, “3th September”.. naturally, my red pen was delighted! LOL… I always remember that “3th September”…
76. You look out to see the stars, and think of the forum members….
lmao, mentioning Am Rani and the card…
76. Possibly for the first time, Ninja panicked and didn't know what she was doing when she found out that Am Rani told Rani about the card. She went psycho and asked Rani for Am Rani's msn and then went crazy in the group chat with Rani and Am Rani because she couldn't see Am Rani online!
Yeah, and now I can't even tease you cuz you threatened to kill me! oh and i'm at school, so I can't see the picture, will see if i can get on the comp. at home.
lmao, mentioning Am Rani and the card…
76. Possibly for the first time, Ninja panicked and didn't know what she was doing when she found out that Am Rani told Rani about the card. She went psycho and asked Rani for Am Rani's msn and then went crazy in the group chat with Rani and Am Rani because she couldn't see Am Rani online!
LMAO! I soooo remember that! I totally knew what was going on! I was like “hmmm fishy fish is being fishy! Why she wanna talk to am rani privately so badly?” LMAO!
77. You got caught several times in the school library (in here right now!) chatting on the forum and still haven't learned a lesson!
78. You talk about the forum members without mentioning their names and when someone asks, “oh my friends, you don't know them.”
78. You talk about the forum members without mentioning their names and when someone asks, “oh my friends, you don't know them.”
I do the SAME thing!
Lmao… my friend was looking through my phonebook contacts, and sees Tabz's name and she's asked “Who's she?” and I was just like, “Oh she's a friend of mine.. you don't know her…”
If it had been a guy, she would have teased me and teased me and bitte my head off until she has managed to extract all the information out of me – lmbbbbbbbbbo! Maybe I should just give all the guys on my contacts girls' names…
Tsk…tsk…sad day for TEAM RED! Lmao!
If it had been a guy, she would have teased me and teased me and bitte (bitten) my head off until she has managed to extract all the information out of me – lmbbbbbbbbbo! Maybe I should just give all the guys on my contacts girls' names…
Oh boy… this brings back so many memories…. I think I have a headache now. Thanks.
Talking about memories, I have a niece who has a new twist on 'kiss and make it better' routine. A few years ago, I visited my cousin, and it happened that I was 'sporting' this ugly bruise on my forehead. My niece, who was about four at that time asked me what had happened to my forehead. I told her a different story because the truth was not suitable for children. She giggled and asked if I wanted her to make it feel better. I was all 'aww' and leaned forward, closing my eyes, anticipating a nice little kiss. What I got instead was a decent 'whack' on the side of my head. Apparently, no one trained her to do that. She had come up with that all on her own. I am terrified for the man who marries that girl. He is going to die the day he anticipates his first kiss.
Reminds me of my DAD LOL… man he used to make the bruise HURT! A LOT! With a mischievous grin lol… I'd innocently go up to Papa and tell him it hurts on my head/leg/wherever… and he'd just PRESS on the bruise… HARD!
I don't know what number this is supposed to be…but how about you used to come to the forum to relax in Nitzahs Lounge. I remember that thread from when I used to come on here…It was great times…
I don't get what the mystery behind boo is…someone care to explain? Is she part of the admin for BWL?
There is no 'mystery' behind Boo, but, she is mysterious.
You stupid idiotic jerkersssssssssssss LMAOOOOO Stop making me laugh im sitting here GIGGLING so hard and trying to surpress it. im sittin in the silent area of the library, man this is hilarious!!! lmao!!! I love u nutterz!!! You forced me to sign in! stop being funny! lmao.
Talking about memories, I have a niece who has a new twist on 'kiss and make it better' routine. A few years ago, I visited my cousin, and it happened that I was 'sporting' this ugly bruise on my forehead. My niece, who was about four at that time asked me what had happened to my forehead. I told her a different story because the truth was not suitable for children. She giggled and asked if I wanted her to make it feel better. I was all 'aww' and leaned forward, closing my eyes, anticipating a nice little kiss. What I got instead was a decent 'whack' on the side of my head. Apparently, no one trained her to do that. She had come up with that all on her own. I am terrified for the man who marries that girl. He is going to die the day he anticipates his first kiss.
This sounds like something I would do.
There is no 'mystery' behind Boo, but, she is mysterious.
Hmmm…I'm finding that difficult to process…oh well…I'm sure everything will fall into place in due time…as I visit here more often, and get to know everyone a bit more…
It definitely will fall into place…
79. You admire boo for the great job she does at being so mysterious, but at the same time, she's so close to all of us & oh so loved by everyone on the forum.
80. You get excited when you see an older member online!
HI HEEEEEERIYE! *waves frantically* Get an avataaar! go to avataaaar thread!
'This sounds like something I would do.'
Yup! You took the words right out of my mouth. The only trouble is, you wouldn't stop after the first 'whack' you'd probably pound on the guy and put his lights out. Dangerous but beautiful Hobbit.
Lmao. And then she'd probably ask if he feels better! .
Lmao! I am sure. Hello Tayba- my hero. I'm about to head out to get my hind-side kicked at Tennis by three younger people. So, if I suddenly disappear, I haven't been abducted.
Hello Senor! Lmao wish I were there to see that! Don't sprain an ankle! rofl!
Spraining ankles is for people who run. I'm afraid, I am too old for running. I cannot obtain any elevation at foot level…my style is 'slide and glide.' If you must ask, 'roll and tumble' are also important parts of my routine, but, let's not talk about those for now.
Lmao “slide and glide” Seriously, I wish I could be there to see this!!!!!!!!
Roll and tumble? lmao no lets talk about it!
'This sounds like something I would do.'
Yup! You took the words right out of my mouth. The only trouble is, you wouldn't stop after the first 'whack' you'd probably pound on the guy and put his lights out. Dangerous but beautiful Hobbit.
Saala buddha satyaagaya! You rotting oldy, is ur brain rotting too? how many times i told u not to call me that? I need to drill it in ur head or what? Someone get me a drill! *evil grin*
You are not the boss of me. Lmao! I reserve the right to call anyone 'beautiful,' but obviously, I like addressing you as such, because I get a big 'kick' out of it. No pun intended. Lmao! I'm going to die laughing. As for the evil grin, accompanied by drilling paraphernalia, I say, 'Bring it' you bite-sized hairy-footed low-kicking wonder.
PS: Buddha is your friend. Hobbits do not harm friends. Lmao! See how you make me laugh? You have the gift, most wonderful Rani. You have the gift!
So you like calling me beautiful because it's fun? Thanks.
Everyone has the gift of making you laugh. I'm not any more special than they are. Make sure your dentures don't fall out in the process.
Hello hello hello (to the few who know me ) and also to everyone else hehe. Reading this thread reminds me of when i was a full-on BWL poster! Ahhh…kinda envious of not fulfilling each of the bullet points nowadays
But great post boo!
Awww Rama-lama-ding-dong…HELLO!
I'm sure you have at least to add…come now.
I don't know what number we're on but…..
You check the forum like a thousand times a day when it crashes! lmbo. Then you email Mukesh and ask wtheckz going on .
Urs was 81
82. You send a whiney IM to Mukesh ji telling him that u're going through withdrawal.
83. You offer to help fix the prob (as if you REALLY know how)!!!! lmao
84. U're so happy the forum is up and running you have no idea what to post first! <
85. You unconsciously talk about a BWL-er to an outside person, and when they ask you how you know them you smile and say just a good friend
82 – LOL… mydays! LOL…. I have never done that to Mukesh ji, but I have sent that mail to Rani lol…
83 – guilty. LOL… I did tell him I'll try and help in any way I can…
84 – SO true! I did not know where to begin haha! Sigh…
Oh the madness that is BWL…
Urs was 81
86. When you are able to keep track of the numbers for this thing…
87. When you quote numbers from this thread in conversations….
87. When you quote numbers from this thread in conversations….
Tayba: why arent u asleeeep
Ninja: cos Im addicted to the forum
Tayba: lmao don't use excuse number 74 on me :@Boo: LMAOLLLLLLLMAOOOOBAAAAAAAAAHAHHAAHHATayba: LOOOOOLBoo: you should put that one downTayba: Lmaoooo Im so posting that on the forumBoo: “77. When you start quoting the numbers in this thread in conversations”
Tayba: LMAO!Boo: i think it's 77 anyway…
too cute.
88. You don't go a day without mentioning & discussing things that go on in the forum.
89. You've had crappy days, but the moment you click 'log in', you can't help but smile because you know that the forum family will always care… it'll always listen & try to help you.
We're all crazy addicts!
PROUD ones though! hehe
90. When you see a Facebook group called “My mum chased me round with a VELAN!!!” and you grin to yourself, thinking, “Oh boy… Khushi's brats (*touchwood*) will be future Admins of this group!”
91. I think when u promise a hundred times over that u are leaving and a month or 2 later ur still logging in and savoring familiarity..the feeling of love and warmth between people felt..
euuugh! Ya Allah! Please grant me patience! Ameen!
booooooooo! that is sooooooooooooooooo cuuuuute! I miss dii so much! I watch this serial called kasam se with my mom and sis sometimes, and one of the girls in it, she reminds me soooo much of dii, i'm always thinking of dii when i see her and it feels so nice, i feel as if she's been here the whole time…
91. I think when u promise a hundred times over that u are leaving and a month or 2 later ur still logging in and savoring familiarity..the feeling of love and warmth between people felt..
it means that u cant keep yr promise. period. nothing to do with the forum.
91. I think when u promise a hundred times over that u are leaving and a month or 2 later ur still logging in and savoring familiarity..the feeling of love and warmth between people felt..
it means that u cant keep yr promise. period. nothing to do with the forum.
Come now, Oreo ji, you should know by now that it goes through one ear and out the other.
Oh. My Days!
The memories of this thread… ahhh!
Urs was 81
82. You send a whiney IM to Mukesh ji telling him that u're going through withdrawal.
83. You offer to help fix the prob (as if you REALLY know how)!!!! lmao
84. U're so happy the forum is up and running you have no idea what to post first! <
88. You don't go a day without mentioning & discussing things that go on in the forum.
89. You've had crappy days, but the moment you click 'log in', you can't help but smile because you know that the forum family will always care… it'll always listen & try to help you.
*Sigh* Ninja. I miss this. I miss you. I love you.
I need to re-read the ones I wrote again…
LMAO! Reading all these again was so much fun… man we have had some GOOD times on this forum… oh the crazy things we did!! I am smiling and all nostalgic about The Rani Birthday Card Incident 07. Sheer MADNESS!!
92. Even during the forum's recession period, you log on to the forum every day to check if people have posted a new message… and you can't be bothered posting anything yourself.
LMAO I HAVE THE CARD WITH MEEEEE! I wanna go take pictures of it again! LMAO Boo that was the BEST idea you EVER had! Thank youuuuuuu sooo much for that. Damn someone should seriously smack me if I ever complain about not being loved. damn that was such a beautiful card, the best i ever got! <3 <3 <3
LOL I love how I don't even know what facebook is anymore, all i can think of is checking the forum! LOL damn i hate it when this palce goes dry.
OMG RANI, your birthday card!!! I remember that! But you must have gotten into alot of trouble because of it?
I think Im getting addicted to this place again.
lol no I didn't get into any trouble, my parents never saw it lmao
My sister saw it once! OMG i was so dumb i put it in between my books on my bookshelf and when she was looking for a book, she saw it! She looked at it and was like “what is this?” I don't remember my reaction but she put it away and I didn't say what it was. Remember how it had pictures of Rani on the front? I'm guessing she thought that I made it cuz I was so in love with Rani LMAO and ever since then, i would carry it around in my back pack so that it would always be with me so that nobody ever sees it! and now its sitting in my closet in a packet with a bunch of my school stuff lolly
Oh geeeesh! If your sister did know what it was, would she tell your parents ?
Aw, you carried it around in your bag so that no one'll see it … thats so sweet in a way.
How did you get it though ?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the memories of this thread!! Does anyone else find that the first few posts of this thread have been cropped out, though?
Yeah, it is!
I thought it was just me.
Aaaah! Fail! Must remember to ask Mukesh about this… I don’t wanna lose the list I worked so hard on lol!
When BWL is at the top of the bookmarks list you’ve saved on your phone AND you’re using your phone to type this message…
… no clue what number we be on!
…… or: You know you’re obsessed with BWL when…
1. The first thought you have, the moment after you wake up, is, “Let me check the forum…”
2. The word “chaddi” makes you grin and sigh with nostalgia
3. You buy/want Oreo cookies just because they are Oreo cookies
4. You get excited when you see Oreo cookies in a shop, and you take a picture of the ‘Oreo’ logo with your camera phone and store it as your phone background
5. You go into an internet café/library/computer room in the middle of your shopping/class to check the latest posts on the forum
6. Private Messages are your life
7. You’ve been given a pimpified nickname by Nessa
8. You see Khushi chasing after you with a belan
9. You’ve starred in a BWL film poster
10. You have volunteered to be a part of a BWL film at least once, but none of the films ever managed to be completed
11. Logging on to the forum and smiling despite the chaos in your life is one of the best feelings in the world
12. You’ve written your fair share of feelings in the ‘Let your feelings out’ thread
13. The spelling in your posts has been corrected at least once by Boo’s Red Pen
14. Thoughts on how the old members are doing pop randomly into your head
15. You’ve mastered the art of stifling laughter when you’re in a room with others and you’re on the forum (…… or so you say)
16. You’ve had to open an online dictionary/check in the thesaurus feature on Word when you’re reading Senor’s posts
17. “Tu jahan, main wahan, sang sang yun chaloon tere, jaise tera aasman” makes you smile and think of Khushi…….
18. You’ve warned the newbies about The Three Musketeers (Serio, Nitz and Baqz) and smile to yourself when they think they will be alright…
19. You’ve tried to work out who Boo is
20. You’ve called Boo ‘Mystery Woman’ at least once
21. You wanted to run away to a far away land with the girls
22. You wish you could surprise Senor by arriving on his doorstep
23. You spend ages planning out all the tricks you would play on him, in front of his own eyes on the forum
24. You’ve discussed the other members’ accents in great detail
25. You’ve ignored Tayba’s protests and agreed that Tayba has a posh British accent
26. You think nothing of receiving SMSes/text messages from people (forum members) halfway across the world at odd times of the day (usually 3.00 a.m…)
27. You suffer withdrawal symptoms when the forum stops working for a day
28. You managed to read and understand Aman (Bolly_Lover) and Shereena’s fob language…….
29. George Orwell’s ‘1984’ reminds you of the forum
30. You have posted – er, sung – a lot of songs, according to your mood
31. You’ve decorated the song lyrics in ‘Sing according to ur mood!’ with various fonts/colours/bold/italics/underline/all of the above
32. You’ve written a birthday message for Rani
33. You’ve sighed and grinned at the fact that Rani knew about the card before she’s received it, and think it made the memory all the more crazy and special
34. “3th September” makes you smile
35. You’ve groaned at Boo supporting Deutschland in the FIFA World Cup
36. You had fun posting shouts of delight/sobs of sorrow when the team you’re supporting has won/lost a match (in the World Cup, obviously…)
37. An insomniac night always sees you signing in to the forum
38. You’ve thanked Mukesh a thousand times for creating the forum
39. You try to attach Bollywood actors and actresses to the forum members
40. You grin to yourself and think of Senor every time you go to a coffee shop, especially if it is Starbucks…
41. Thinking about lakes and moonlit nights makes you blush and grin and sigh and roll your eyes all at once
42. You’ve helped organise a surprise party for Boo on the forum
43. The word “faltoo” means “spends too much time on BWL” to you
44. Madhuji’s “aap bhee na” is forever etched in your brain
45. You’ve had lengthy discussions about all sorts of topics under the sun, and afterwards, you’ve thought to yourself, “Only in BWL can this happen…. :)”….
46. You miss the old green forum and the old members
47. The colour green is very special to you. Very.
48. You’ve been taken on a trip down Memory Lane, thanks to Boo
49. Rani is a Hobbit. End of story.
50. Ninja’s thought-provoking posts always leave you feeling refreshed
Big Smile
OK say “faltoo”… and you are dead. Indifferent ………. Stick out tongue
Ahhh there are so many more I can think of… but I am too lazy to write them down right now… add yours!
Neesi, based on the posts, we’re supposed to be on #94… you thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’? =D