Hey guys … I have to like bake a cake and I've never really done it before except for once..which I sort of really screwed up on –so that doesnt count!
Anyway – I have a q : Iwant to bake those cakes..like layers — you know there's like a bottom layer then there's some icing and then a top layer – I want to bake one like that I want it to have like 3 layers. I just wanted to know how do you get the layerss? Is there like a special cooking utensil that does it or what?
im thinking to bake 1 mixture first put icing then bake another mixture put it on top of that etc etc ..i dont know if it'll work thoughh
Also — do you put whip cream on cakes? i used this icing in a jar thing before but it was soo hard after it was all dried i was wondering if the whip cream would stay softer
helppp pleasssee who ever knowww i have to make this cake taste GOOD and look GOOD and taking it that i've never reallly baked a proper cake (i know its sad lol ) im kinda have a lil anxiety building up here
Oye kava daba! Quite an undertaking!
Ok, first you'll need several same sized baking pans! If you only have 1, dnt worry, it can still be done!
U'll just need to bake 1, then set the cake on a cooling rack while the other 'layer' bakes. While the 2nd 'layer' is cooling, begin to frost the base or 1st layer. Continue with each layer…
Eerrmmm…I've never used whipped cream to frost a cake. Check ur local grocery store for 'softer' frosting. And PLEASE keep ur cake covered after frosting. That will assist in keeping the frosting moist. Wont turn to stone so quickly!
Hope that helps! Good luck!
Ness! Thank you so much for responding. I will get 3 same sized baking pans. I think I will do a 3 layer cake I hope it comes out good. *bites fingers*
Thank you so much for the help! Oh there is soft frosting? Hm, I will have to check for it. OOhh and I will keep the cake covered after frosting.
Im planning to decorate it with nuts… I guess I'll smash some nuts up and spread it out on the frosting.
For the 3 different cake 'layers' Im planning to use different flavors of cake… do you think that is a good idea?? I want it to have a unique taste..but then agian I dont want it to be all everywhere and mixed up. I also want to have 1 'layer' being dark (like a red cake mix i saw) and have the others being white colored (hm like vanilla and lemon?) I think that will make it look real pretty when it gets cut.
Im going to bake it this Saturday or Sunday. It has to come out right.
Im going to bake it this Saturday or Sunday. It has to come out right.
it WILL come out perfect
first and foremost, put yr love & heart into it…
u have to love doing what ur doing in order to get the perfect results..and dis applies not just to baking or cooking but shud apply to all aspects in ones life!! sowrie my philosophical 2 cents worth here:)
now the question here is ..wats the occassion?? boyfrends bday huh**winks **haha
and when ur done, i want a slice..
seeing as its 3 layers and u want a combination of flavas, I suggest ..go with dark choc ..and yr lemon/vanilla and the red…( me thiks red??? u guys have red???..wat flava is dat???)
am thinking now….damn!!!, dat will luk rather erhmmm unique:)
frosting: ur talking about the icing on the cake r8??shykes I havent baked in a looooong time..
okay u can actually make icing/frosting ..and its much smoother/softer and has a melt in yr mouth effect..u
will be back with my way of making this..(need to consult my resources from way back in da brain)…seeing as u want this for sat…will email u wat u need shud u be interested in making yr own frost..which I SUGGEST you do…hahahaha
I love to hear your little philosophical take on things! Doesnt it motivate us more!
Well, will try to put my love in it… first of all Im trying to do it because of love.
The occasion … *ahem* C'mon dont say 'boyfriend' That makes me sound like a really bad girl. Say jaan or something. But yes, his birthday was yesterday (Wednesday). Well I couldnt see him : I didnt have a choice by the way. So I was working up in my mind that I'd bake him a nice cake this weekend coming and I'll tag a card along with that. Thats reallyall I can give to him. I felt bad I couldnt even see him but really I have no choice at all. Guess what though, some of his friends came over last night and you wont believe what they gave him!! One set gave him a huge telescope (OMG) Aint that cool! And the others gave him a cologne, a juice maker (yes he likes organic juices and stuff) and a digitial camera – AND they bought him a birthday cake and cards. Anyway his friends asked him if the girl he loves came over as yet to wish him a happy birthday and he told them no she didnt … b/c he came home late from work … I mean..of course I didnt (thats the truth) but I couldnt … man oh man, they must think I am a horrible girl.
And look Im giving him a stupid dumb cake a few days after his birthday. Boy oh boy, can it get any worse.
Anyway, I have to give this to him because its the only thing I have in my possession to give and its sad that its late but that doesnt mean that the love wrapped up in it has disappeared.
Now, I really want it to be… really good. And I havent baked cakes so Im scared what if I screw it up. Hmm soo chocolate, lemon/vanila, and red — imagine cutting a slice into that!!! All the colors! I hope it looks good. And then TASTE is another thing! Hmm ..oh the red – i dont know what flavor it is but it tastes good – its like a maroon color red, looks really pretty when cut. To me, it sort of taste alot like chocolate cake.
As for the icing – I really want one that can stay nice and soft. Wow, you can make your own frosting?! Thats cool aint it! If the homemade one does that … tell me tell me maybe I can try it. I cant rely totally on my homeade things though … knowing me and baking… I might end up screwing everything up.
Thank you diii love youuu
U're very welcome Kava Daba!
But dnt thank me until the cake is finished!
If it's delish ( & I know it will be) FedEx me sum! I'll send u my FedEx #!
listen to ness and yr cake will be in a mess!
said by the man who can't cook! lmao
i beg to differ. and besides, by not cooking and just observing, thats how i know ness will make a mess!
lmao U've never 'observed' me cook a thing!
And begging will get you nowhere!
Good luck with your cake Kavita. I love baking.
I am making Burritos today .
Sounds yummy Princess!
Make sure my boyfriend get a double helping!
lol I don't need to make sure! He's in his 'I can help myself phase' at the moment…. and boy does he! lmao
Sounds yummy Princess!
Make sure my boyfriend get a double helping!
confuscious look on face
who is the boyfrend again?? Tayba's lil bro???
faints!!! Ness u cradle snatcher u lol
I love to hear your little philosophical take on things! Doesnt it motivate us more!
lol..nope it will only confuse ye lmao
Well, will try to put my love in it… first of all Im trying to do it because of love. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sooooooooooo
And look Im giving him a stupid dumb cake a few days after his birthday. Boy oh boy, can it get any worse.
because its the only thing I have in my possession to give and its sad that its late but that doesnt mean that the love wrapped up in it has disappeared
**smaks kavs on the head**
when one materialises love, when one puts a price on love…
love itself is a gift sooo bludy precious, how can anyone want more ……
Thank you diii love youuu
dnt thank me – just send me a slice once its done:)
I cant rely totally on my homeade things though … knowing me and baking… I might end up screwing everything up
okies, miscall me.. when ur ready to make the icing an i will talk u thru it…okay..it will come out just r8..prefect..stop worrying sooo u hear!!
Sounds yummy Princess!
Make sure my boyfriend get a double helping!
confuscious look on face
who is the boyfrend again?? Tayba's lil bro???
faints!!! Ness u cradle snatcher u lol
What what! Ness who is yr boyfriend and what is he doing around Tayaba
How strange it is to see OREO in the BAKING A CAKE section *thinks……*
What what! What is this cradle snatcher thing! He told me that his friends call him that or call me that I dont know .. I've never heard of cradle snatcher until him and now dii …. so is it like meaning 'baby' Im assuming hahaaa
Tayabaaa hiiieeeee !! Good luck with those! Sounds yum.
Guys I have another problem : He like became a vegetarian and I dont think I can put eggs in the cake!
Soo will that make the cake taste worse or something? Or is there any way to compensate..? Say more butter ..or something?
Imm on BWL and im late for class class started! Lol – I better sign offff will come on here later
Im going to the store after class to see if i can find some 'soft' icing … some nuts and … the cake flavors
Dii i have more to say onyr response
and i dont materialized anything basically
will write more
love uu guysss
thanks for helpingggggg
My boyfriend?? Well now, that's a secret!
Princess' parents have allowed him to stay there for a short while until he & I are married!
Thank you Princess for taking such good care of him for me! Give him a nice , wet smooch from his bunny? Thank you! lmao
Ness that bunny's ears are soooooooo distracting lol
Princess' parents have allowed him to stay there for a short while until he & I are married!
lol yikes u cradle snatcher lol
They're supposed to be distracting Zilla! Sheesh! That bunny is the world famous Thumper from Bambi!
Your complaint has been heard by the management and the offending material has been removed! Humph!
Yup, that's me. I need someone to wheel me around in another 15 to 20 years! *snort*
My boyfriend?? Well now, that's a secret!
Princess' parents have allowed him to stay there for a short while until he & I are married!
Thank you Princess for taking such good care of him for me! Give him a nice , wet smooch from his bunny? Thank you! lmao
PLEASE! TAKE HIM NOW! He's driving me up the wall. He tried to break my door down yesterday. OHHH THAT WAS THE FINAL STRAW!
Stop being such a meanie!!!! You know he just wishes to bond with you!
Such a sweet, sweet, loving child! Bwahahahahahahaha!
Gosh, I wonder if Nessa enjoys having her doors broken!!
I agree with Ali — that rabbit ear is soo distracting lol!! you keep staring at it although its doing the same thing OVER and OVER and OVER
Stop being such a meanie!!!! You know he just wishes to bond with you!
Such a sweet, sweet, loving child! Bwahahahahahahaha!
by breaking the door down?! lmao. I will sit back and laugh when he's there with you . You will not get a moment's silence! lmao even now he's screaming about something downstairs! LOL.
Only if it is done by the cutest gremlin ever!
Blah blah blah…the bunny has been removed! *grumble, grumble, grumble*
I swear, if it were Shah Rukh spinning like a top, no one mention a thing!
He isn't screaming, he's…negotiating!
Laugh all you want, when he arrives to be with me we'll have a blast!
No spankings, but he must enter his cage an 7:30 pm sharp! lmbo
lol !!
He isn't screaming, he's…negotiating!
Laugh all you want, when he arrives to be with me we'll have a blast!
No spankings, but he must enter his cage an 7:30 pm sharp! lmbo
Good luck with that lmao! We can't even get him in bed by 9! My parents get all happy that he's in bed.. the minute they go away, he switches his Nintendo on. lmao.
Negotiating?!?! I cannot wait to call you up when he's there and listen to all the 'negotating'. Let me remind you, I don't do refunds! rofl!
Omg tayaba! Yr bro sounds mad hard to manage
Take it easy – protect thyself!
Negotiating?!?! I cannot wait to call you up when he's there and listen to all the 'negotating'. Let me remind you, I don't do refunds! rofl!
Have you never heard of tranquilizer darts????
Ohmyword!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is a handful! rotflmao
No refunds needed…I'm great with children! Even problem children! Did you see that movie, Problem Child?? rotflmao
LMAO I loveddddddd Problem Child!!!!! He was so funny!. I actually often call my bro the problem child! hahaha!
Ohhhh tranquilizer darts?!?!? GIMME!!!!! roflmao.
You think you can handle him?!?!?! Lmao, I'm parceling him over. And when you're about to go crazy, ring me up so I can laugh! .
Didn't like that last laugh! lmao
Rofl, sorry, my evil side took over for just a split second .
Didn't know you had one of those! lmao
Welcome Evil Side! *waves*
Yup, that's me. I need someone to wheel me around in another 15 to 20 years! *snort*
*falls back on chair and LAUGHS – HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH*
“Oy Tayba's bro… I said turn LEFT!!”
Dammmmn you got me laughing… lmao!
Sigh! The very image of you…. and a Tayba's bro… ROFL… hahahaha…. awwww bless… if Rani knew….
I blame it on Kavee, she started this whole baking a cake craze!!
I am seriously thinking of baking a cake, yet I seriously don’t have or won’t make the time to go ahead and create something edible.My major problem is not in the baking, so I am not sure why I feel the way I feel regarding a task as simple as baking a damn cakeJ Its like an addiction, BAKING, I am known to make the most divine choc coated moist biscuits, and I guess to an extent I can agree with this prestigious title, problem is I simply cant stop once started, that is, should I go ahead and bake a cake, I will want to continue with perhaps a tart or say bucket loads of biscuits I won’t know what to do with…Jeez my mind is like a tumble dryer today, as random as God knows..
Mayennn ! Tayaba, how old is your problem child brother?
Oh my god Dii ! I seriously have to learn from you. I say go ahead and begin your fine art !! And with that multitude of products – share some with me! And the rest of the forum! And.. and… Im sure your friends will smile in delight after they open the front door, just to see their dear own Alishia holding up a container of freshly, homemade baked goodies!!!!
Dont blame this cake business on me In case you are wondering, the cake baking turned out to be very unsuccessful. Im thinking perhaps it had to do with the subtraction of eggs in the mixture? But, in reality, its coz I suck at baking yeah … Im sure there are eggless cakes that come out just fine! Anyway, I ended up CRYING my eyes out like a ooffff !! sensitive baby that day … and IN THE PRESENCE of OTHERS … or OTHER rather.
Anyhover, its all done. And get one thing – I DONT CRY. Yeah, I even blurted this out multiple times when I was engaging in the distant act.
Dii – I say make those goodies – put your fine art to use! And you eat em! And share em!!! I want sooooooooooomeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Sounds to me like you really wannaaa bake..dont let that desire itch you at a place you cant reach ! Now..start baking and start sharing
Sounds to me like you really wannaaa bake..dont let that desire itch you at a place you cant reach ! Now..start baking and start sharing
Sigh… cake baking… brings back memories…
Just like you Kavita (lol), I made 'him' () a cake… hmm well long story cut short.. I never told him about it!
rofl.. mad guy STILL does not know (nearly one year later…)…
I decorated the cake around the edge with little blobs of red icing and a chocolate drop in the centre of each red blob… and I put the same number of red blobs (and therefore chocolate drops too..) as it was his birthday… Sigh! What madly loving someone does to you (I didn't want my friends and family to find out, you see… lol)!
I did show him a photo of it one day… a couple of months later when we were talking about cakes or something… and mad guy did not even notice! Of course, in his defence, it is quite difficult to notice those little things… but still. It didn't hurt me or annoy me… it just amused me!
Oh my god Dii ! I seriously have to learn from you.
I say go ahead and begin your fine art !!
And with that multitude of products – share some with me!
No!! I cant and wont – not until u visit here or me there…ask Ness bout this one!!!
And the rest of the forum!
And.. and… Im sure your friends will smile in delight after they open the front door, just to see their dear own Alishia holding up a container of freshly, homemade baked goodies!!!!
dammit u make me sound like an ol granny waiting for her grandkids to visit soo she can shove em cookies in their mouths and fatten em up for the taking …eeeuuuuu…omg..forget baking..am never baking ..ever ever ever…dats a sight I dnt want to be a part of !!
Dont blame this cake business on me
u started this thread right?? soo ur to blame!!
In case you are wondering, the cake baking turned out to be very unsuccessful.
I know…
Im thinking perhaps it had to do with the subtraction of eggs in the mixture?
not really Kavs, it was the excess usage of milk nah..:) ..told u not to drown the poor ingredients
But, in reality, its coz I suck at baking yeah …
nope u dnt..I cant even bake to save my life..for real..when i said to u that one needs to do whatever they are doing with all their heart and soul in it..I MEANT dat..coz Its the way I do basically everything in my life…baking and cooking included..I never stood in the kitchen taking notes or watching my mom, aunts or elders cook…neva!! Not mee..nah nah..I was the tomboy..insisting that I will KNOW how to do whatever I need to do when the time comes..soooo when I cook & bake I dnt follow recipes or instructions or ***try to figure out what my mom had showed me.**.etc as such ( note I was trying to recall the exact measurements to u over the fone ) as I simply go with my flow… If I want to bake or cook sums, I do it coz I want to and believe that if I pour in love and affection into my work, it will come out perfect..as silly as it sounds, it is my truth hun..the way I bake..sooo u cant learn anything from someone who is clueless as well.. I do bake well and cook well and its extremely difficult to accept praise in this department because I CANT SEEM to eat watever I cook lol…
but wait..wat was my point?? Oh, yeah…U DONT suck @ baking love, u simply need to believe in yrself..as simple as a situation
Sigh… cake baking… brings back memories…
Just like you Kavita (lol), I made 'him' () a cake… hmm well long story cut short.. I never told him about it!
rofl.. mad guy STILL does not know (nearly one year later…)…
dats sooo romantically cute actually…
I decorated the cake around the edge with little blobs of red icing and a chocolate drop in the centre of each red blob… and I put the same number of red blobs (and therefore chocolate drops too..) as it was his birthday… Sigh!
What madly loving someone does to you
it does huh…
(I didn't want my friends and family to find out, you see… lol)! I did show him a photo of it one day… a couple of months later when we were talking about cakes or something…
and mad guy did not even notice!
silly silly guy..realllly !!
Of course, in his defence, it is quite difficult to notice those little things…
wat bakwaass..pisses me off really
but still. It didn't hurt me or annoy me… it just amused me!
can imagine, though i still think its really cute and romantic..
I cant remember if I had done something dat intimate for the guy I loved…
well he didnt trust my cooking..sooo its his loss…
am gonna say this regardless
the dude is seriously blind dear
to hve someone like u who loves him the way u doo…
and to think he cant even SEEEEEE yr love???
bludy hell…aaargghhhh Men!!!
I give up..must start sum sorta rally!!!!
let me at him I say..:)
will punch him, bruise him a lil soo he can be pampered by u
then like in the movies, yr eyes will meet and he will in that instant realize his heart love and soul resides by yr side
and he will simply declare as much to u and then he will Kiss u ~ there will be fireworks..if
there isnt I will light sum for u ..u guys will roam the world floating on yr love for each other
eternally !!!!!
and dats the end of my romantic boo love story for today
ROFL….. hahahahha!!
Alie…. you bring a smile to my face!!
lmao… hahahaha…
I wish! I wish I wish I wish!
But thanks for the laughs anyway… lmao! Just imagining you punching him…. sigh! SIGH!
Sigh… cake baking… brings back memories…
Just like you Kavita (lol), I made 'him' () a cake… hmm well long story cut short.. I never told him about it!
rofl.. mad guy STILL does not know (nearly one year later…)…
I decorated the cake around the edge with little blobs of red icing and a chocolate drop in the centre of each red blob… and I put the same number of red blobs (and therefore chocolate drops too..) as it was his birthday… Sigh! What madly loving someone does to you (I didn't want my friends and family to find out, you see… lol)!
I did show him a photo of it one day… a couple of months later when we were talking about cakes or something… and mad guy did not even notice! Of course, in his defence, it is quite difficult to notice those little things… but still. It didn't hurt me or annoy me… it just amused me!
Awwww . I bet it tasted so lovely too…. the taste of love.
Alie…. you bring a smile to my face!!
gud..now let it rest there and never leave…hamesha..
I wish! I wish I wish I wish!
wishes do come true nah….**winks**
dnt worry I wont damage him internally, just bruise enuf soo that u can pamper him
if I were there, u and I wud be up to tonza masti jaan
mischief galores….SIGH!!
said like a true romantic 🙂
Ahh… the romantic of the forum… Ms. Tayba Superwoman…
The taste of love…
Sigh. I miss having someone to life for.
*clears throat* AHEM. To LIFE for?
CAUGHT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO! I was on the phone with you that day! …But that was such a nice day.
Huuuuh? You better tell me what's going on before I go even crazier than I already am!
dammit u make me sound like an ol granny waiting for her grandkids to visit soo she can shove em cookies in their mouths and fatten em up for the taking …eeeuuuuu…omg..forget baking..am never baking ..ever ever ever…dats a sight I dnt want to be a part of !! HAHAHA oh gaawdd – didnt mean to make u sound like an ole granny lolzzzzzzzz!! im soooooo cracking up !! aww lolz ..well come fatten me up grandma lol
Dont blame this cake business on me
u started this thread right?? soo ur to blame!! GASPS WITH DISAPPOINTMENT!
well the bright side, u got em plenty of comforting nah and hugs galore from yr boyfriend….Ohhhhh sooo romantic hahaha
Dii – I say make those goodies – put your fine art to use! And you eat em! And share em!!! I want sooooooooooomeeeeeeeeeeeeee
hmmm too much going on to concentrate on baking now…when I do, will take a pic and send to u..but I aint gonna send over food thats going to
end up muchy and funny ..no ways SCUSE ME!!!!!!!! NO HMPH! I WANT FOOD U BETTER SEND OVER SOME
u lil devil – my itch hey..lmao..oh gosh u got me laffing now….my itch???? WHATTT? DEVIL ? GEEZ..SORRY IF YOU THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING I DIDNT MEAN LOL ..GAT ME LAUGHING TOO..FOR WHAT? UM..IM NOT REALLY SURE LOLZ
I am actually itchy today ..for real…the fabric I am wearing I think lmao …. WELL THERE YA HAVE IT ..IM PSYCHIC I GAT POWERS U KNOW
Sigh… cake baking… brings back memories…
Just like you Kavita (lol), I made 'him' () a cake… hmm well long story cut short.. I never told him about it!
rofl.. mad guy STILL does not know (nearly one year later…)… What stopped you from giving it to him? You never told him about it? My! We are much alike I see.
I decorated the cake around the edge with little blobs of red icing and a chocolate drop in the centre of each red blob… and I put the same number of red blobs (and therefore chocolate drops too..) as it was his birthday… Aw! *tears* Such hard work … made with great love … I just wish he knew how much love he had Sigh! What madly loving someone does to you (I didn't want my friends and family to find out, you see… lol)! That hurts doesnt it? Does it not? It hurts to the bone.
I did show him a photo of it one day… a couple of months later when we were talking about cakes or something… and mad guy did not even notice! Oh god! Did you tell him it was HIS? Of course, in his defence, it is quite difficult to notice those little things… but still. This PART IS GETTING TO ME … God … you know sometimes how we'd try to do something for someone ..or rather ['him'] and we put our ALL into it and used up all the dollars we had and all of the time and all of the energy we had into hiding it from people whom we know will get angry at us and we'll end up in trouble and all of our everything … and really in the end its basically nothing… I mean….where value is concerned… like… OTHERS would have given expensive things and all … and what we gave.. would be difficult to notice because its so LITTLE in value It didn't hurt me or annoy me… it just amused me!
Boo, reading this story … I just felt soo connected! Sigh, I wish he'd knew it was him. Why didnt you give it to him though? So much love you have to offer … you should have made sure he got it. Your love is very strong .. your heart is kind and giving
Well, I ended up giving 'HIM' ( this use of 'him' is highly preferable, Alishia pleaseee do not use the B word ever again – promise me that) NOTHING for his Birthday. I bought a card to go with the cake but I never gave him the cake so I got mad about it and I did not give himt eh card either. Now, I have the card hidden in abook in my attic and I wished I had given it to him. I cant throw it away. Should I give it to him? Its like 1 month after his birthday. Oh my, thats horrible. I just felt so bad when he kept telling me – his friends kept asking him what I gave him for his birthday and he kept telling them 'NOTHING' and they went on being so surprised and shocked. And he's telling me all of this. I knowthey gave him expensive perfume and .. a juicer and a digital camera and a TELESCOPE (for heaven's sake that is awesome!) and I am glad that he got
What stopped you from giving it to him? You never told him about it? My! We are much alike I see.
Kaise kahoon… lol… I had only known him for a couple of months then so yeah… I don’t know… I don’t have his love any more… so hmm And this post, btw, came at such a timely time… I was missing him so much yesterday… tears just came out again… and now you’ve gone and reminded me of ‘him’.
Aw! *tears* Such hard work … made with great love … I just wish he knew how much love he had
Haha! I wish he did too. I still think I am ‘better’ (??) for him than his girlfriend now. But what I think does not matter man… he is happy… that’s enough.
That hurts doesnt it? Does it not? It hurts to the bone.
Nahin ji… it doesn’t hurt at all (I think our situations are slightly different hehe!)… it’s out of choice, anyway. I don’t really WANT them to know.. my family cos, well, it doesn’t very much concern them… and my friends cos I KNOW I won’t hear the end of the teasing… LOL! The only downside is, no one in my ‘real’ life is there when everything falls apart.
Oh god! Did you tell him it was HIS?
Nnnope! Sigh.
<span style="FONT-WEIGHT:normal;FONT-FAMIL
Kaise kahoon… lol… I had only known him for a couple of months then so yeah… I don’t know… I don’t have his love any more… so hmm And this post, btw, came at such a timely time… I was missing him so much yesterday… *Hugs Boo – *whispers* It'll be alright. tears just came out again… *wiping tears away* and now you’ve gone and reminded me of ‘him’.
Aw! *tears* Such hard work … made with great love … I just wish he knew how much love he had
Haha! I wish he did too. MY LORD! I just wish you had told him it was HIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! You showed him a picture and still didnt tell him? I still think I am ‘better’ (??) for him than his girlfriend now. But what I think does not matter man… he is happy… that’s enough. Then you must look onto something that makes YOU happy also.
That hurts doesnt it? Does it not? It hurts to the bone.
Nahin ji… it doesn’t hurt at all (I think our situations are slightly different hehe!)… it’s out of choice, anyway. Mine is also out of choice too ! I mean, I didnt want them to know bc I knew what they would think of me but they DID find out and I DID bake the cake in the house with my dad in it .. but I hid it. I don’t really WANT them to know.. my family cos, well, it doesn’t very much concern them… and my friends cos I KNOW I won’t hear the end of the teasing… LOL! Well for me, there really isnt anyone outside of my family to 'tell' soo.. the main focus for me was to get it away from them. The only downside is, no one in my ‘real’ life is there when everything falls apart. Tell me what you mean
Why didn’t you give it to him? Why didn’t you celebrate his birthday with him? And as for that b word… what the hell! LOL I thought you meant the RUDE b word when I first read it hahaha… and then I scrolled up and saw it was “boyfriend”… may I ask what exactly about that word annoys you? How exactly does it make you a “bad girl”? Because I hate it to the core, too. But for different reasons, I think.Of course, it makes referring to easier… I do sound a bit weird when I say “my second love” hahaha! But then again, I rarely do… so it works out.
OK now I am talking to myself… lol
Silly computer wouldnt let me reply to this! Hmph! Are you sure! You hate the 'B' word to the CORE too?! Omg , I cant take that word. And I think saying 'second love' is perfectly fine! Or love by it self is fine! Well like I'd say 'jaan' (with 'him' — yes Im getting to like just saying 'him' , like you say ) and with otehrs like my family ..ummm I say my 'friend' (I know this will raise questions)
There are some reasons I cant say it/take it/ hear it.. but I will leave that for next time. Im running off to the library now to study. *hug!!*