What I write here are my honest views, and are not written with an intention to hurt ANYONE, in ANY WAY at all… if you have a problem with ANYTHING written here by ANYONE, please let me know…
I don't need a God in my life… I have myself and my own strength, my own beliefs, 'laws' about life that I abide by… ones that let me sleep without feeling guilty… I don't want to be another sheep being herded by the sheepdog Religion… there are some things that mean a lot to me, and my own beliefs and thoughts are one of them. I don't see any reason why I should compromise on them because someone else decides that 'God' is our boss… it seems rather foolish to me to impose a view which is not based on any facts at all, onto others… I am my own 'God', although I don't see myself as a God of my own life… I am the one who decides the rights and wrongs in my life. I need neither a holy book nor a set of ideas about life thrust upon me by ANYONE… family, friends, well-wishers…
And you know what? I love it. I love the freedom that comes with being an atheist. I love being able to see the world through my own eyes, and not a pair of lenses that have been given to me…
Feedback people…
I agree with you Boo. I do believe there if some sort of power, but I'm not brought up with the faith in God…
As I see how “limited” people who believe in God can think… Not all of them of course, but some always say “because” if you ask them questions about life, and everyhing that has to do with it.
It's hard for me to believe in a God. When something really bad happens to me, I just can't say: It's Gods will, and than go on with my life. I sometime admire people who can, but it does not work for me.
I don't want to say I'm an atheist, definately not, but most of the time, I don't really feel a need to have any religion in my life. Most of the time I think as human beings, we have enough brains en sensibilaty, to see what's right and wrong.
Example: My best friend used to have a boyfriend, years ago. We were pretty young, but she really love him at that moment, so she decide to sleep with him. After a long time, the relationship ended..
In most religions, she's “damned”. if she wants to become christian (she's an atheist as well),she should feel sorry for what she did, and she should suffer from that for th rest of her life and beyond.
But at the moment she really loved that boy, she only loved him, and the relationship felt right. Who is God than to say she did something wrong?? It's up to her to decide if she has to feel sorry about it or not. She has to face herself, and if she's ok with herself, than it's fine.
I hope you get my point a bit…
Am Rani:
Example: My best friend used to have a boyfriend, years ago. We were pretty young, but she really love him at that moment, so she decide to sleep with him. After a long time, the relationship ended..
In most religions, she's “damned”. if she wants to become christian (she's an atheist as well),she should feel sorry for what she did, and she should suffer from that for th rest of her life and beyond.
But at the moment she really loved that boy, she only loved him, and the relationship felt right. Who is God than to say she did something wrong?? It's up to her to decide if she has to feel sorry about it or not. She has to face herself, and if she's ok with herself, than it's fine.
wow… you have said something which I did not post up in this thread… I am going to post it now… let me know what you think about it…
But there is no actual proof of God… and when people say that God is in their hearts, I simply cannot argue with that. Because feelings are crazy, illogical… they need neither rhyme nor reason to just… be. And if they want to keep ‘God’ in them, then they can do so… but what irks me is RELIGION. The idea of RELIGION itself… the idea that some individuals can create rules for other people to follow, and the ‘society’ following them. I don’t see anything ‘true’ (for want of a better word? ‘Pure’? I don’t know… I hope you get what I mean…) in that…Examples? The simple, pointless things… the ones that have nothing to do with ‘God’, but are simply the s h i t of society that people are expected to carry around with them… the idea of no s e x before marriage, for instance… . These have NOTHING whatsoever to do with having someone out there to look for for guidance and support (this being ‘God’, of course). THIS is what I am against.
I also want to react to this thread, because I am religious… In my point of view I'm not limitated because I believe in God… And I do not also follow someone or something like a blind sheep… In church the societies sometimes control each other too much.. It's the same in my church, and I really don't believe in that… I believe in God, I respect what's in the Bible and it's a Guide for me throught life, but believing in God does not depands on the fact if you're wearing a skirt or a hat or whatever… It depands on what you feel in your heart and what you do…
I feel Gods love in my heart, eventhough something really bad happens… All the bad things came into this world because of us, the human beings, and God is watching over us.. That doesn't mean we can't get sick or die, but it means we have a Friend who stands by us no matter what… And he has a plan with us.. When God sometimes closes a door, He opens a window… I can believe in that, and it helps me through the rough times…
Once, when I was doubting my relationship, because I thought I was in love with someone else too, I asked God to show me the way and to show me for which guy I had to choose… Through different signs he showed me that I should stay together with my b/f and to really go for him, and not for the other person… Or when my b/f is away and I feel really sad, I pray to God if He can stand by me and make me feel better, and after a while I feel some peace coming over me and I'm feeling better… I do also believe God uses people for that… When I feel sad I can also come to a friend like Am Rani… I believe God has given me her and my other friends to get through the rough times on earth and to bring joy in my life… It's His way to make me happy…
And the guidelines, told in the ten demands, are just to guide you through this world and to make the world better, not to restrict you in life…
And about se.x before marriage… I really doubt about the fact if you can or can't do that… It says nowhere in the Bible that you can't, but also nowhere that you can (it only says you can be hoo.ker or something, but I think that's normal)… My b/f is very religious so he doesn't want to have se.x before marriage, but he says you can se.xually almost do everything, exept for IT before you get married… I don't think that's true… You can do OR nothing OR everything…
As you can see, I'm religious, but not traditional religious… I believe in God and I will follow Him wherever He may go (like they sing in Sister Act ), but I don't believe all the restrictions the church puts on religion… I think that's also a reason people do not go to church or believe in God… I mean, how can you believe in a loving God when you can't do anything in life?
deep discussion this is. treat it cautiously u must. different thinking everyone is. to each its own i say.
seek the truth u shall. find the answers u will.
deep discussion this is. treat it cautiously u must. different thinking everyone is. to each its own i say.
seek the truth u shall. find the answers u will.
i don't think it is possible to find the answers to questions as big as these…
to each its own i say. – why of course… but there is nothing wrong with healthy discussion, is there? (healthy? jeezums i sound 90!!)
i doubt anything people say here will make other people change their minds… people will always think they're right and the other is wrong… lol
this is just argument for argument's sake… so we can see new ideas and grow with them…
It's not about right or wrong. It's about what we believe and why. It's not as if we're trying to convince one another, we're just talking about it… It's great, if I may say so! Am Rani and I did this a lot when we were in the same class at school. We had a book where we were writing in about serious stuff. It's just cool to do this from time to time, and it makes you think about what is important for you and what you believe in. You learn more about yourself, and you can learn a lot from each other… That's great, isn't it?
And Serio, sometimes there are no answers to find… It's just that talking about serious stuff with other people will make you think more and let you look deep in your soul… You'll find yourself, but no answers…
Shakalaka Baby:
And Serio, sometimes there are no answers to find… It's just that talking about serious stuff with other people will make you think more and let you look deep in your soul… You'll find yourself, but no answers…
wah wah wah… kya baat hai…
Healthy discussion is good for the mind.
Just be cautious with phraseology. It isn't wise calling someone who believes in God or a god a 'fool' and vice versa.
Healthy discussion is good for the mind.
Just be cautious with phraseology. It isn't wise calling someone who believes in God or a god a 'fool' and vice versa.
Exactly my thought.. If healthy, ppl shouldn't be called or classified as 'fool' or 'sheep'.
Healthy discussion is good for the mind.
Just be cautious with phraseology. It isn't wise calling someone who believes in God or a god a 'fool' and vice versa.
Point noted. But as i said, these are my honest opinions…
Maizara: first of all, welcome to the forum!
It is not my fault I see people who do such things as sheep… not EVERYONE who is religious is a 'sheep', perhaps I wasn't too clear on that (and I apologise) but those who blindly do so without questioning seem like sheep to me.
And as for the fool, since it seems to be causing such hassles, i shall go and rephrase what i said… what i said made sense to me, and it was wrong of me to assume it would make sense to everyone else, too…
these are simply my honest, blunt, bare thoughts… but i will edit if it causes too much fuss.
there… edited… a lot more concise and still honest…
And as for the fool, since it seems to be causing such hassles, i shall go and rephrase what i said… what i said made sense to me, and it was wrong of me to assume it would make sense to everyone else, too…
these are simply my honest, blunt, bare thoughts… but i will edit if it causes too much fuss.
No hassle Boo…was just as observation.
I personally don't think you meant it the way it sounded, but it could be misinterpreted.
You've been on this forum long enough to know that an opinion is an opinion. You are also quick to come to the point of a matter should you not understand. So please, don't find offense where none was intended.
For the record, I'm quite enjoying the posts here…
me too. i really am… will we be hearing any of your thoughts on this thread Ma'am?
I'm gonna have to answer no for this one Boo!
I will say this though, it's really good to see you peeking out of ur shell for a change! Keep roaring!
Scar face:
Firstly Boo, admitting u are an atheist, takes courage and is admirable
I never openly admitted to being an Atheist – this would have been a total disaster hehehehe…
Well um… don't know what to make of this sentence! lol… depends which way you are seeing it, i guess. for some, it will be a 'brave' thing to do, for others it is as simple as admitting to any other religion… for me it was the latter… so i never felt that what i was doing required courage, or was an admirable thing to do… it was what i WANTED to do, and i was 'never' forced otherwise, therefore… in my eyes, i don't agree that it takes courage or is admirable…
Haha… I can somewhat relate to this sentence… really… only my immediate family know about my atheist beliefs… everyone else seems to think I am still a Whatever-My-Religion-Is … although i guess maybe deep down somewhere, they know that i am an atheist, they just want to forget that fact… and one member of my family (whom I love DEARLY) is still trying to get me to pray… sigh…
Boo I recommend you read this book How To Know God By Deepak Chopra, very interesting read.
Lol, it reminded me of you when I found it on my shelf. The tag reads ” The Soul's Journey Into The Mystery Of Mysteries”
awww…. sweet yaar…
you know, I haven't heard of this book… needless to say, I will check it out…
Im sure you'll like it – Id love to discuss it with you sometime after you've read it.
more often than not, religion and eventually GOD has always been the first to be blamed for everything and anything. the moment something doesnt go our way, we blame religion. the moment we are put thru a test that we feel we dont deserve, we blame GOD. things like 'if GOD exist, then HE wouldnt do this to me', 'if GOD loves me HE shouldnt do this to me' are commonly said. why? why do we always put the blame on GOD and religion when things doesnt go our way? we are quick to point fingers at GOD when something bad happens but do we thank HIM enough for the food that is on our table everyday? for the house that we are staying? for the air that we are breathing??? for the job that we have?? for the family that we have??
why do we say that theres soo many rules and condition to religion and somehow it restricts our freedom, our views on things, etc? why is it that u can follow human rules without questioning it so much but when it comes to GOD rules u question forever and ever? if u have to come in to school/uni/work at 8am, u will do that. u dont say 'aahh..these people are restricting my freedom. they dont understand me. im like a sheep being herd and all that nonsense'. u just follow it, day in day out. but when it comes to GOD rules, u say that. why is that?
my conclusion is….we want to follow religion and believe in GOD only when things are going our way. The moment things dont go our way, we blame religion and GOD and say that the rules are stupid and doesnt make sense and we eventually lose faith in GOD and that is when people stop believing that GOD exist. we have this thinking that the religion should fit our lifestyle and not the other way round. but it doesnt work that way. religion doesnt change for anyone. u have to change yourself to fit the religion. if u cant accept it, then dont blame the religion and say its rules are stupid and doesnt make sense, etc. accept the fact that U cant change to fit the religion.
religion is a guide on how to lead yr life. if u find it restrictive to yr freedom, yr lifestyle, etc then by all means stop practicing it. thats entirely yr decision. but stop blaming religion when u have lost faith in it or when things dont go yr way.
Boo, thanks for the welcome. It is no fuss or hassle.
Only that, honest opinions do not mean to use 'inappropriate' words that may be perceived as quite 'impolite'.
But glad to see you've edited it to avoid any misinterpretation.
I have to agree with whatever seriocomic says.
Am Rani:
As I see how “limited” people who believe in God can think… Not all of them of course, but some always say “because” if you ask them questions about life, and everyhing that has to do with it.
I highly dissagree. When I ask an athiest why he/she doesn't believe in God, they always say, “Because there is no proof of God.” What kind of answer is that? Of course there is proof.
Am Rani:
It's hard for me to believe in a God. When something really bad happens to me, I just can't say: It's Gods will, and than go on with my life. I sometime admire people who can, but it does not work for me.
I understand that it may be diffcult for you, but read serio's second post.
Am Rani:
I don't want to say I'm an atheist, definately not, but most of the time, I don't really feel a need to have any religion in my life. Most of the time I think as human beings, we have enough brains en sensibilaty, to see what's right and wrong.
It all comes down to who gave you that brain.
Am Rani:
Example: My best friend used to have a boyfriend, years ago. We were pretty young, but she really love him at that moment, so she decide to sleep with him. After a long time, the relationship ended..
In most religions, she's “damned”. if she wants to become christian (she's an atheist as well),she should feel sorry for what she did, and she should suffer from that for th rest of her life and beyond.
But at the moment she really loved that boy, she only loved him, and the relationship felt right. Who is God than to say she did something wrong?? It's up to her to decide if she has to feel sorry about it or not. She has to face herself, and if she's ok with herself, than it's fine.. Who is God to say she did something wrong? God, of course.
Why does it always come down to s.e.x? Why do people want to have s.e.x so badly before they are married? What if your relationship doesn't work out? Then you go and find another guy, and sleep with him as well…Then, if that doesn't work out either, you find another guy, and if that doesn't work out either, NEXT! I mean, Come on! Imagine how many people you sleep with! It's completely disgusting if you ask me. But if you're okay with that, then hey, it doesn't make a difference to me. But think about AIDS…
The simple, pointless things… the ones that have nothing to do with ‘God’, but are simply the s h i t of society that people are expected to carry around with them… the idea of no s e x before marriage, for instance… . These have NOTHING whatsoever to do with having someone out there to look for for guidance and support (this being ‘God’, of course). THIS is what I am against.
These are not stupid or pointless hunny, and they have everything to do with God looking out for you. s.e.x before marriage may cause AIDS, and it has. Wearing a burkha protects a woman's beauty. If a guy wanted to rape a woman and he saw two woman all alone(w/e), an
Would you believe me if I said I understand where you’re coming from Oreo ji… I really do. I was the same when making the transition from religion to atheism, I blamed God for all the bad happenings in the world. Now I realise what a stupid argument that is… there is more to my atheism than just ‘Why would God do this to us?’ But there are some points I must stress…
As an atheist, i.e. NOW (if you remember, I used to have a religion – two in fact), I don’t blame God for everything that goes wrong. I blame it on human folly, and circumstances instead no, jokes aside, I don’t blame religion or God. Because neither exist in my eyes, although when people say that God metaphorically exists in their hearts, I have no words to say back to them. Because there is one argument I can never argue against, what’s in your heart is in your heart, and no amount of rational thinking can take it out of your heart.
I don’t have double standards as an atheist… I still find that everything else is life is also restricting. But don’t you think religion and things such as getting to school/uni/work for a certain time are different things? (trust me, I have questioned these things too!) while religion is telling you how to BEHAVE, and no doubt society will do that too, to a certain extent, these things as taxes, timings, etc. are a system to keep the momentum going.
Imagine if people DIDN’T arrive to work on time… the reason why they ask you to come in at a certain time is so that it will allow everything else to run smoothly, i.e. for practical reasons. And I can find the reason behind that, the logic in that.
But religion? What reason does religion have to hide behind, for setting the rules that it does?
I still stick to my sheep theory (lol… I have a feeling this will need to be edited too… sigh…), because I feel we are following religion blindly. We don’t pause for a moment to consider that things could be different, and the different aspect of things is not so bad, in all honesty. When people ask why we are doing some things, religion-related, we say because that is what my religion says I must and must not do. And that reason irks me so much.
Whereas if we are asked why we, like sheep, follow the monotonous routine of life, we have specific reasons for it. Reasons that can be justified and make at least a little bit of sense.
And note: when I say ‘we’, I am ge
I still stick to my sheep theory (lol… I have a feeling this will need to be edited too… sigh…), because I feel we are following religion blindly. We don’t pause for a moment to consider that things could be different, and the different aspect of things is not so bad, in all honesty. When people ask why we are doing some things, religion-related, we say because that is what my religion says I must and must not do. And that reason irks me so much.
If you ask me, you also have a religion, Boo. It's called Atheism, and to be an athiest, you must not believe in God. The rules that this religion has is that you get to make up your own rules. Do what you think is right and be ur own kind of God. Don't athiests follow their religion blindly? Do they “pause for a moment to consider that things could be different, and the different aspect of things is not so bad, in all honesty”? I understand that most athiests are usually born with a religion and when they decide they don't like religion, they become athiest, which, in my opinion, is also a religion. But you have to understand, not everyone who has a religion follow it blindly, thousands of people ask questions, that's why we have scholars. I ask so many questions too! I ask so that I can learn, and i do learn, and i also understand it as well. So I do not think I am following my religion blindly at all. My friend is also an athiest, one day I asked her why she doesn't believe in God. Know what she said? She said, “Because I am athiest.” Isn't that just like what you said? Instead of saying it is part of my religion, she said i'm athiest. In my opinion, atheism is a religion, Boo.
And as an atheist, the moment things don’t go my way, I don’t blame religion. Some things in life I do blame religion (not in my life, just general happenings in life) for, but when it comes to my life… as I said, I am the boss. I blame myself for doing things ‘wrong’, whatever they may be. Or I accept that the situation has put me in this position and try my best to rectify it. You blame yourself because you are the boss, in other words, God, of your life. So ur still blaming your religion, which is atheism. Don't you see? As an atheist, that is what you are supposed to do, and that is what you do! It's just like a religion…
Serio… these are the first great and true words I've ever seen around here from you… I'm surprised!! I couldn't agree with you more Serio, you're SO right!!
People like to blame someone for everything that goes wrong in this world, and so they blame God and religion, which isn't the right way to go in my opinion…
I don’t have double standards, is all I wanted to say. “you have to change yourself to fit religion” – what? Compromise on who you are, what you want to be, because religion asks you to do so? Needless to say, I completely disagree.
You don't HAVE to change yourself to fit in religion… When you choose to follow a religion – if it's Buddism, Christianity or the Islam – you do that because you believe in the things that religion stands for… You're not compromising on yourself because of your christianity or what religion you believe in… You choose for a religion because you feel comfortable in it and because it's the way you WANT to live…
I mean… I don't mind to go to church, I go because I want to… I don't mind to do nothing on Sunday, because I even don't want to (and it's just really relaxing too!! one day in the week you're really doing nothing, that's so relaxing!! ) and so on… You're just adjusting you're life because you feel that's the right way to go… And I don't mean adjusting because of what everyone says/the vicar or imam says, I mean adjusting to what you feel your religion tells you to do… And things you don't believe in, you automatically don't follow/do… Religion is not some regime, it's a way of life… And it's a way you CHOOSE to live…
Shakalaka Baby:
I don’t have double standards, is all I wanted to say. “you have to change yourself to fit religion” – what? Compromise on who you are, what you want to be, because religion asks you to do so? Needless to say, I completely disagree.
Religion is not some regime, it's a way of life… And it's a way you CHOOSE to live…
I agree!
Boo, thanks for the welcome.It is no fuss or hassle.
Only that, honest opinions do not mean to use 'inappropriate' words that may be perceived as quite 'impolite'.
But glad to see you've edited it to avoid any misinterpretation.![]()
I have to agree with whatever seriocomic says.
Honest opinions have no intention whatsoever of hurting or being insensitive towards ANY individual, but are thoughts that are stripped of any layers, and deal with the issue, stark naked.
Whether it is done so using 'inappropriate' words that may be perceived as 'impolite' or not is not the issue in my opinion.
Some honest thoughts may offend other people, or to use your words may seem 'impolite' to other people, but if that's the nature of those thoughts, then that's the nature of those thoughts…
Exactly my thought.. If healthy, ppl shouldn't be called or classified as 'fool' or 'sheep'.
To ALL (not just Maizara, whom I've quoted lol):
I am not directing my usage of the word 'sheep' towards ANY individual at all, I am not classifying (accusing, even? If that was how it may have sounded to anyone… that is NOT my intention at all!)… rather I was using that word metaphorically, to show a way of lifestyle. The way a religious way of life is, to me reminded me of sheep in a field (Silence of the Lambs anyone? lol).
Had I written it at a different time, it could well have been anything else – like the machines in a factory, or… or… goodness knows! Anything. Please don't feel offended by that. It was not meant to offend but to show how I perceived religion… like a little cartoon using words…
The last thing I want to do is to be cruel to, or point fingers at, ANYONE religious. I do not for a moment mean to treat condescendingly anyone who is religious, because that is a very nasty thing to do. To see someone as 'lower' for any reason, let alone regarding their religious beliefs. If that is how my words seem to any of you, I am truly sorry. Let me know what it is I have said and I may change my wording.
Of course, that is not to say every religious practice is like a sheep being shepherded around. If the people WANT TO do what their religion is asking them to do, then that is fair enough. That is their choice entirely, and though I don't agree with it, I can respect it. But it is when they do so without any thought, those moments when they simply accept that this is what they are going to do, because their religion says so… that is what irks me most about religion. That it kills that spirit to question. To see things with an open mind, and understand that there may be another viewpoint, too.
If at the end of the day, you are choosing to do what you are doing because you yourself have used your own logic and instincts, then fair enough. That is what I did. And there was no logic behind religion for me, and my instincts disagreed with it. So I lef
See I think the notion of religion being a debatable issue which somewhat 'clashes' with atheism when It says “thou shalt not” in its literal form i.e. the Bible etc. I mean, religion is dedication. Dedication is only dedication when carried out with passion, will, belief in/on it. But I think the way its preached is causing the problems in the way it is perceived by society, especially the modern world where technology has overpowered our vision. What I mean by dedication… for example, If an artist is not appreciated by society and people, told that he is useless. Does that mean he should stop following his passion? Can religion not be a passion? Passion is free, but it has rules which are personalised. Why cant rules in religion be personalized, but yet not abuse the very existence of religion? I mean, I am a Hindu but I dont believe in neither the 'cast' system, nor the 'untouchables' and (…this one might make the boys cringe, but i really disagree with it) not being able to go to temple just because women go through menstruation and so arent 'clean'. This are issues created by authoritative figures which have nothing to do with religion. I think most of these sort of rules preach prejudice. Which religion says love is wrong? NONE. Which religion says loving someone who is of a different religion/race or even nationality/breed is wrong? MOST. Why? Which case is religion standing for here? Love or Division? God definitely never in any form denied humans to loving someone of a different existence what so ever. If he’s created people of a different colour, faith or “background” and has also created free love, then whats the problem? Again the preaching.
Religion and God for me are two different things. I have 100% faith in God. Why, you might ask. Because I cannot ignore the fact that the sun rises every morning and sets every evening. A child is born everyday, a life is created every day and a life leaves everyday. How can such HUGE issues are stated as ‘by chance’ by some people, I don’t know. Again, as boo said this is an open discussion not aimed to hurt anyone. Religion is the WAY a GROUP of people wish to contact God. Some people do it via meditation. Group prayers are thought by some as powerful and moving, to themselves. But neither has superior than each other. Therefore, no religion is superior either. You can connect with God in which ever way possible.
I see and feel God in nature. And in its beauty I see his vision and his love. [the usual usage of most religions to see God as a ‘he’ is something much easier to say in English. By no means do I think God has a gender. He/She/ Divine is fine with me]
Yes things go wrong, yes people die, yes innocent lives are lost – but who are you to judge that all of this has no meaning? On what basis can you blame God for this when your vision is only in the span of about 80 yrs average? A lifetime is not enough to see the graph of ‘Life’. That is why time is inconquerable. We are
Your words come straight from the heart Khushi… it's impossible not to be pulled in by them…
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Am Rani:
Example: My best friend used to have a boyfriend, years ago. We were pretty young, but she really love him at that moment, so she decide to sleep with him. After a long time, the relationship ended..In most religions, she's “damned”. if she wants to become christian (she's an atheist as well),she should feel sorry for what she did, and she should suffer from that for th rest of her life and beyond.
But at the moment she really loved that boy, she only loved him, and the relationship felt right. Who is God than to say she did something wrong?? It's up to her to decide if she has to feel sorry about it or not. She has to face herself, and if she's ok with herself, than it's fine..
Who is God to say she did something wrong? God, of course.
Why does it always come down to s.e.x? Why do people want to have s.e.x so badly before they are married? What if your relationship doesn't work out? Then you go and find another guy, and sleep with him as well…Then, if that doesn't work out either, you find another guy, and if that doesn't work out either, NEXT! I mean, Come on! Imagine how many people you sleep with! It's completely disgusting if you ask me. But if you're okay with that, then hey, it doesn't make a difference to me. But think about AIDS…
Rani, I did not mean you should just sleep around with everyone, hop from one bed to another!! Of course not!! What do you take me for???? I was talking about serious relationships, not that one should sleep with every boy she talks 2!! If you are with a guy, and you feel he's the one for you, and he feels like you are the one for him, and you realy love eachother, I don't think s.e.x is a bad thing. If, after years, the relationship turns out to be not right, in my opinion, you don't have to feel sorry about the s.e.x. At the moment you were together, if felt like it would be forever. When you get married, it's not garanteed either that you wil stay together for always, right?? (But that depends on culture, I know how Afghans think about divorce). If you meet another guy later, and with him, it feels like it will be for life as well, why not have s.e.x? As you love him at the moment it happens, I don't think it's bad, and I don't think you have to feel sorry about it.
And again, I don't agree with sleeping with a guy which you met in a bar or something, just for one night. I'm really talking about serious relationships, when you fall in love with someone, you shoudl wait some time, to see which way the relationship is going. I don't mean you should sleep with a guy, just because he seems nice.. Please don't think I'm the kind of girl who sleeps around, because I'm not…
And about aids…Think about condoms…
Am Rani ji- I know you didn't mean people should sleep around with everyone, but in general, many people do that. I don't know, maybe you think it's okay to do that before marriage, but I truly don't think it is okay. Even if you both truly love each other. And if you do love each other so much, why hop into bed? why no wait till u get married? Unless you don't want to get married…but if u love someone so much, won't u wan't to spend ur life wiht him/her? ah I dunnoe, people have different views on that.
Afghan, or not, divorce is something I hope never happens to me or anyone else. People take it so lightly, one little fight and the girl decides to leave or the husband kicks her out. I know it doesn't happen a lot…but i dunnoe, maybe it's just in America that people get divorced every minute! Marriage is a lifetime commitment, don't ruin it by divorce. And I love my Afghani culture for not taking divorce lightly. You should only get a divorce if you absolutley and truly need it.
condoms, hunny? I hope you know that those things don't always work…
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
condoms, hunny? I hope you know that those things don't always work…
*snort* This cracked me up… boyyyy I wish I could have seen Am Rani ji's face when she reads this… sigh…
lmao! Anything would crack u up ji!
and ohmy! “I wish I could have seen Am Rani ji's face when she reads this…”
Shouldn't it be, “I wish i could see Am Rani ji's face when she reads this”?
*angelic smile*
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
condoms, hunny? I hope you know that those things don't always work…
*snort* This cracked me up… boyyyy I wish I could have seen Am Rani ji's face when she reads this… sigh…
Hahaha, you should have seen a smile on it… I know you didn't mean to be funny, Raniji, but it sounded SO sweet And a bit funny, to be honest, haha.(Really, I'm not laughing at you)
And yes, I do know about condoms. I grew up in the Netherlands, where having s.e.x before marriage is completely accepted (so is living together without being married, having children withour being married, and two men/women getting married), so I'm very aware of the risk s.e.x might bring, and how to protect myself. But, as I said, I'm not someone who sleeps around. I don't believe in s.e.x. without love, and as you know I have no boyfriend…
Am Rani:
I grew up in the Netherlands, where having s.e.x before marriage is completely accepted (so is living together without being married, having children withour being married, and two men/women getting married)
Hey Am Rani ji, you made us Dutchies sound like we don't have any sense of standards… I know you don't mean it that way, but since the Netherlands is well known in the world as a country where everything is possible already, you shouldn't encourage it Maybe Rani and Boo will think we smoke marihuana and stuff too now (when I wrote this I was thinking: Do you actually smoke marihuana? Hahaha, you see, I'm not a true Dutchie.. lol
we have choices. some people like to stand in the rain without an umbrella. thats what it means to live free
A man with very few words!
a woman with equally short reply
And about aids…Think about condoms… …
Condoms, , omw hon, u knw it just occurred to me that I actually DON’T have a clue on HOW to use one hehehehe, honestly, I never really thought it mattered much until u mentioned this !!!
With sex crimes at its peak, guess I should advise my fwends as well to become more errrrr “learned” in this” field”….a mini project sorta thing, anyways, thanks for bringing it up hey….
Am Rani ji- I know you didn't mean people should sleep around with everyone, but in general, many people do that. I don't know, maybe you think it's okay to do that before marriage, but I truly don't think it is okay. Even if you both truly love each other. And if you do love each other so much, why hop into bed? Y indeed !!!! why no wait till u get married? Because we r humans, and have sexual needs/cravings and sometimes we don’t have enough willpower to sustain this craving until marriage. Just a way of life for many many people…. Unless you don't want to get married…but if u love someone so much, won't u wan't to spend ur life wiht him/her? Yep!! ah I dunnoe, people have different views on that !!!
Afghan, or not, divorce is something I hope never happens to me or anyone else. People take it so lightly, one little fight and the girl decides to leave or the husband kicks her out. I know it doesn't happen a lot…..its does, DIVORCE is like the in thing at the moment. but i dunnoe, maybe it's just in America that people get divorced every minute! Wrong again, it’s the norm everywhere ….Marriage is a lifetime commitment, don't ruin it by divorce…. Hugs to you for saying what I feel And I love my Afghani culture for not taking divorce lightly. You should only get a divorce if you absolutley and truly need it. … Agree again!!!
condoms, hunny? I hope you know that those things don't always work… IT doesn’t??? Damn!!!
And off coz save the best for last:
we have choices. some people like to stand in the rain without an umbrella. th
Scar face:
1. why no wait till u get married? Because we r humans, and have sexual needs/cravings and sometimes we don’t have enough willpower to sustain this craving until marriage. Just a way of life for many many people….
2. we have choices. some people like to stand in the rain without an umbrella. that’s what it means to live free
LMAO, CANT STOP LAFFIN AT THIS…..am jus going to shut up an NOT pass a comment on this one; with all the willpower I have ….but still Lmao……. Now every time it rains, it will bring me back to this statement.
1. you know, i agree with you scar face… all i have to say on this is a quote i once read:
Some people see things and ask, “Why?”. I see things and ask, “Why not?”
Why is the most natural expression of love considered 'wrong' until after marriage?
2. I LOVE the rain… and i hate umberellas… you do the math lol… i found oreo ji's statement intriguing…
I don't get what oreo ji is trying to say hmmm… if he's trying to say anything at all…
Why is the most natural expression of love considered 'wrong' until after marriage?
Well Boo, I see two very different but yet the same issues emerging here. If you love someone- you mean you love the person that they are. I think that is what most people would state first. Here there are no 'boundries' of any sort. You can love them, even if there are restrictions. BUT, when we talk about expressing love- this i think is a totally different issue. Love is passionate to some, and to an extent it has to be. But Love is content in knowing that there IS love- is something I believe in. Ok we're humans, and yes we have desires but is love so helpless that it gives in into the intense feelings which we experience? I mean im just wondering and questioning here. Yes its a part of life, but i think love rises above these needs. Its more of a need for the individual. They want to be loved and want to give love. Its how they want to direct it, is an issue. As an individual I dont see anything wrong in expressing your love. But the point where I disagree is that to express that 'special' feeling once and then express it again to a different person and say that it holds equal value. You can't test love in terms of physical attraction. If youre intensely attracted to someone physically, can u state that as love?
Then again, everyone has a different take on the topic of love. So all are welcome to disagree with my view.
Khushi ji…
I agree with you for the first part… when you love someone, you love them for the person that they are… I think. I am at a loss for explanations as to why I love people… I really am… take this conversation I had with someone recently…
Me: *hugging her*
Person 1: Why do you love her so much?
Me: *sigh* Don't ask me that…
Person 1 (to her, whom I'm hugging): This is true love… be thankful you have her (me) in your life…
Me: *hears what he says and carries on hugging her*
Maybe when you love someone, you are loving the person they are subconsciously… but Love itself? I don't know… I don't have any explanations for it… just feelings, raw and from the heart.
Love is never helpless. And about Love being content in knowing that there is Love… that varies from person to person na? Example: some people constantly feel the need to show and express love (the 'touchy-feely' types, if you want ), and I'm like that… if i really love the person, I am like that… and i know some people who love just as much as i do, with all their hearts, who never feel the need to EXPRESS the love, because it is there in their hearts. Which is fair enough. To each their own (although it irritates me like heck when I end up showing my love ALL the time, and they rarely ever do!! Sigh…)…
And hey… it depends on which way you look at it, na? Love without any of the physical part can still be the purest, most beautiful thing in your life… but I think (and this is strictly a personal viewpoint here, I'm not stating it is the case for everyone) there comes a certain point when you want to know that person upside down and inside out… and i think that the physical part of love becomes just as important as the emotional part of it… maybe not for a long time, maybe not immediately, but sometime, somewhere, the feelings start to creep in… how can you NOT call this love? Love without the emotional aspect of it is nothing, nothing at all. But when the emotional aspect is there, why can't there be a physical aspect too? What is wrong with wanting to get to 'know' someone so intensely? You have gotten their minds etched in your heart, why not have their body etched there too? Is there anything 'wrong' with that?
And as for expressing that 'special' feeling more than once with different people… that is only for the people in question to think about… Time moves on, people move on, Life moves on… and who was once someone you loved with all your heart (and had a physical relationship with), may not hold that 'special' place in your heart any more… but why (as a friend puts it…) “insult” love? Why (as I put it… lol) “deny” love?
Feelings, when genuinely felt, are genuine. And if YOU feel, if YOUR HEART feels, they are genuine… then that is good enough for me.
I do respect your views. But, As a Muslim speaking on behalf of my
other brothers and sisters in Islam, I think Religion is a very beautiful
and important thing. without that belief in God, then whats the point of
life. God brought us into this world so that we would live, worship, love,
be loved and so forth. We do have ourselves and our strengths, but all that
came from God. I honestly think that I wouldn't be able to live a day
without waking up and praising my Lord for being alive, for having the
opportunity to praise him and live life with that aim for paradise. I think
Muslims in particular, just can't do that. Because Islam is not just religion, its a way of life. Everything that it teaches is the perfect way
to live. If we follow what it says, we'd never ever have to go to sleep
feeling guilty. We'd learn to love everything around us. I also believe that
no one could ever be their own boss. I mean, when I look at myself from a
non-religious point of view, I'd never find a wrong in myself. No one
realizes their own mistakes if they dont have rules to follow. Religion is
indeed freedom. It's a beautiful way of life. I say this with much respect
and im also just writing my honest views and beliefs with no intention to
hurt anyone at all.
take care
I do respect your views. But, As a Muslim speaking on behalf of my
other brothers and sisters in Islam, I think Religion is a very beautiful
and important thing. without that belief in God, then whats the point of
life. God brought us into this world so that we would live, worship, love,
be loved and so forth. We do have ourselves and our strengths, but all that
came from God. I honestly think that I wouldn't be able to live a day
without waking up and praising my Lord for being alive, for having the
opportunity to praise him and live life with that aim for paradise. I think
Muslims in particular, just can't do that. Because Islam is not just religion, its a way of life. Everything that it teaches is the perfect way
to live. If we follow what it says, we'd never ever have to go to sleep
feeling guilty. We'd learn to love everything around us. I also believe that
no one could ever be their own boss. I mean, when I look at myself from a
non-religious point of view, I'd never find a wrong in myself. No one
realizes their own mistakes if they dont have rules to follow. Religion is
indeed freedom. It's a beautiful way of life. I say this with much respect
and im also just writing my honest views and beliefs with no intention to
hurt anyone at all.take care
Yemen, Firstly kewl nic, it reminds me of sumthing that i just cant recall r8 now…
oh an welcome !!!
then off coz, if ur a guy and single and luking, I am officially asking u to Marry me !!!!! hehehehehe omw, am jj sweetz, dont fret okies
Am surprised to find sooo much devotion from an individual in such a looong time…
go strong in your faith !!!!
Would you believe me if I said I understand where you’re coming from Oreo ji… I really do. I was the same when making the transition from religion to atheism, I blamed God for all the bad happenings in the world. Now I realise what a stupid argument that is… there is more to my atheism than just ‘Why would God do this to us?’ But there are some points I must stress…
As an atheist, i.e. NOW (if you remember, I used to have a religion – two in fact), I don’t blame God for everything that goes wrong. I blame it on human folly, and circumstances instead
no, jokes aside, I don’t blame religion or God. Because neither exist in my eyes, although when people say that God metaphorically exists in their hearts, I have no words to say back to them. Because there is one argument I can never argue against, what’s in your heart is in your heart, and no amount of rational thinking can take it out of your heart.
Hi boo, I've a question for you.. I'm just curious..
You said you had two religions, I guess at the same time right? where you are in between both?
Then what made you refuse those two religions, and then make the transition to atheism?
Does that mean at the same time, you refused God too?
I guess that will make it two qns..
hey fwendz
seeing as everyone is keen on sharing their views on religion, beliefs, love etc ….am hoping u can assist with below:
“A few colleagues and i were discussing religion and some of the practices, eg
Why do we sacrifice a life to GOD when every animal, plant, human belongs to God??
( question posed by one of the guys ) …he goes on to say that we follow our religion and practice accordingly but if one actually think about this in particular , why do we do it?? Specifically related to HINDUS – is this stated in the Ramayan, Bhagavad Gita, Vedas, Puranas and other religious scriptures…that this should be practiced seeing as most hindus are vegetarians??? Off coz EVERYONE is welcome to comment on this..
Another guy then gave us one of the reasons:
“Apparently during the wars between good and evil, as in God and the Devil,
Every time a demon was slain, once its blood touched the ground, another demon formed…having no other choice, God then decided to drink the blood of all demons that were slain…am not sure if this even makes sense but YES this is one of the theories I heard today… so its sparks MY curiosity as well…
Then another went on to say that even in India, there’s a certain caste who consume the bodies of corpses, now this is something I really can’t believe actually happens??
Btw, these are very religious people I was chatting to and they were NOT joking around, in fact seeing as none here had fully read the scriptures etc, I decided to do a little research via this forum in the hope that we ( I ) can actually find answers to above…
<span s
1. you know, i agree with you scar face… all i have to say on this is a quote i once read:
Some people see things and ask, “Why?”. I see things and ask, “Why not?” – as crazeee as this may sound my dear, this was one of the many “Quotes “ I had on my lil space here at work….jeeez weird !!!!
2. I LOVE the rain… and i hate umberellas ..you do the math lol… i found oreo ji's statement intriguing… more like “ wat da !!!! is dis guy 4 real hehehehe??”
I don't get what oreo ji is trying to say hmmm… if he's trying to say anything at all… well I seem to have developed an offbeat whacky sense of humor soooo my thought process got me laughing until tears streamed down my face, everyone here thought I was crazeee hehehehehe….
“””””Love is never helpless. And about Love being content in knowing that there is Love… that varies from person to person na? Example: some people constantly feel the need to show and express love (the 'touchy-feely' types, if you want ), and I'm like that… if i really love the person, I am like that… and i know some people who love just as much as i do, with all their hearts, who never feel the need to EXPRESS the love, because it is there in their hearts. Which is fair enough? To each their own (although it irritates me like heck when I end up showing my love ALL the time, and they rarely ever do!! Sigh…)…
And hey… it depends on which way you look at it, na? Love without any of the physical part can still be the purest, most beautiful thing in your life… but I think (and this is strictly a personal viewpoint here, I'm not stating it is the case for everyone) there comes a certain point when you want to know that person upside down and inside out… and i think that the physical part of love becomes just as important as the emotional part of it… maybe not for a long time, maybe not immediately, but sometime, somewhere, the feelings start to creep in… how can you NOT call this love? Love without the emotional aspect of it is nothing, nothing at all. But when the emotional aspect is there, why can't there be a physical aspect too? What is wrong with wanting to get to 'know' someone so intensely? You have gotten their minds etched in your heart, why not have their body etched there too? Is there anything 'wrong' with that?””” Absolutely nothing wrong with feeling this way Missy Boo and once more am in total agreement with you!!
“”””And as for expressing that 'special' feeling more than once with different people… that is only for the people in question to think about… Time moves on, people move on, Life moves on… and who was once someone you loved with all your heart (and had a physical relationship with), may not hold that 'special' place in your heart any more… but why (as a friend puts it…) “insult” love? Why (as I put it… lol) “deny” love?
Feelings, when genuinely felt, are genuine. And if YOU feel, if YOUR HEART feels, they are genuine… then that is good enough for me.
This is not to say every single relationship you have is 'genuine'… but when it is, it is. And nothing in the world can deny that. So what if the feelings go away after a time? Living for the moment, when they WERE genuine, there is nothing wrong with sleeping with them. And then when Life carries your path elsewhere, let it. Just don't ever regret it, or say it wasn't Love…
This is something I had written down in my notebook… a random thought that flowed into my head:”””””
And hey… it depends on which way you look at it, na? Love without any of the physical part can still be the purest, most beautiful thing in your life… but I think (and this is strictly a personal viewpoint here, I'm not stating it is the case for everyone) there comes a certain point when you want to know that person upside down and inside out… and i think that the physical part of love becomes just as important as the emotional part of it… maybe not for a long time, maybe not immediately, but sometime, somewhere, the feelings start to creep in… how can you NOT call this love? Love without the emotional aspect of it is nothing, nothing at all. But when the emotional aspect is there, why can't there be a physical aspect too? What is wrong with wanting to get to 'know' someone so intensely? You have gotten their minds etched in your heart, why not have their body etched there too? Is there anything 'wrong' with that?
And as for expressing that 'special' feeling more than once with different people… that is only for the people in question to think about… Time moves on, people move on, Life moves on… and who was once someone you loved with all your heart (and had a physical relationship with), may not hold that 'special' place in your heart any more… but why (as a friend puts it…) “insult” love? Why (as I put it… lol) “deny” love?
Feelings, when genuinely felt, are genuine. And if YOU feel, if YOUR HEART feels, they are genuine… then that is good enough for me.
This is not to say every single relationship you have is 'genuine'… but when it is, it is. And nothing in the world can deny that. So what if the feelings go away after a time? Living for the moment, when they WERE genuine, there is nothing wrong with sleeping with them. And then when Life carries your path elsewhere, let it. Just don't ever regret it, or say it wasn't Love… So true!! You don't need to feel sorry, if you had se.x with someone you love, but at the end, he or she turns out to be not the ne you will share the rest of you life with. If you loved eachother at the moment you had s.ex with eachother, than it's a good thing, a special something between two people, an expression of their love…This is something I had written down in my notebook… a random thought that flowed into my head:Sex isn't about waking up one morning to find the naked body of a stranger next to yours.Sex is about waking up the next morning and finding your heart in every pore of the naked body next to yours…
I completely agree, Booji!! I already thought I was the only one who had this opinion on this topic…
Scar Face,
Why thank u! lol I'm not a guy and not looking either, BUT I AM SINGLE. lolll Thank u for ur encouragement. I really appreciate it . And also thank u lots for the welcoming. =]
take care
Yemen, you couldn't have said it more perfect!! I'm not a Muslim myself, but I totally agree with you…
Btw… I love your signature
Awwwww thank you!
I love that quote. its one of my favorites.
Take care ji!
I love ur nic!
Hi Yemenilicious
Can I request something please? I love your avatar picture. Any chance you could tell me where u got it from? Or send it to me via PM? I would be grateful.
Scar Face,
Why thank u! lol I'm not a guy and not looking either, BUT I AM SINGLE…. great sweetz welcome to the world of US deliriously HAPPY single women, or exception to the rare men that pop in frm time to time ….
lolll Thank u for ur encouragement. I really appreciate it
. And also thank u lots for the welcoming. =]
take care….I definitely will, back at ye my dear !!!
Firslty Slmz to ye…
aaaaw, u are soooo schweeetz , I thot u wud have a reaaaaalllllly sour comeback, damn
!!!! but then not everyone here are narrow minded….
Scar face
Am Rani ji… you're not the only one…
Am Rani:
Hahaha, you should have seen a smile on it… I know you didn't mean to be funny, Raniji, but it sounded SO sweetAnd a bit funny, to be honest, haha.(Really, I'm not laughing at you)
And yes, I do know about condoms. I grew up in the Netherlands, where having s.e.x before marriage is completely accepted (so is living together without being married, having children withour being married, and two men/women getting married), so I'm very aware of the risk s.e.x might bring, and how to protect myself. But, as I said, I'm not someone who sleeps around. I don't believe in s.e.x. without love, and as you know I have no boyfriend…
No boyfriend?..hmmm…and Am Rani hunnz, I didn't mean u sleep around with anyone. I'm talking about generally, u know? what some or most girls do?
U know I don't think about u like that. and hunny, i don't know…but i just think that people should wait until after marriage…that's just my opinion.
Scar Face- hey hunny, don't worry about knowing how to use a condom, just don't try to get into a situation where u would have to use one. even if u did, u wouldn't be the one worrying about it. and yes ji, they don't always work. errr yeah…
Scar face:
Yemen, Firstly kewl nic, it reminds me of sumthing that i just cant recall r8 now…
oh an welcome !!!
then off coz, if ur a guy and single and luking, I am officially asking u to Marry me !!!!! hehehehehe omw, am jj sweetz, dont fret okies
Am surprised to find sooo much devotion from an individual in such a looong time…
go strong in your faith !!!!
Wow, I'm surprised how you recognized her os well. Yemenilicious(my habeebati) definately has a strong emaan. You don't even know exactly how much devoted she is! I love that about her.
Raniiiiiiiiiii! I love u! uhhh thank youuu man! hehehehe I'm hungry! gimme some of ur oranges ..and some of that indian ice cream plej. iigh, ese!
Scar Face- hey hunny, don't worry about knowing how to use a condom,( wow, i must have been totally out of my head, when typing that one hehehehehehehehe ahahahahahaha lmao…sowrie sweetz….) just don't try to get into a situation where u would have to use one. okay will try my best en if u did, u wouldn't be the one worrying about it.
why the heck not???…am just as responsible as my errr partner r8! !!! and yes ji, they don't always work. errr yeah…
Wow, I'm surprised how you recognized her os well. Yemenilicious(my habeebati) definately has a strong emaan. You don't even know exactly how much devoted she is! I love that about her. ….
am sure I will get to knw Yemen soon enuf….like I said ,her faith and devotion touched me….admirable
Scar face:
her faith and devotion touched me….admirable
Same for me here… I wish I could be like that!!
I've read something I'd like to share with u guys. Here it goes…
Asking = Getting????
I prayed for strength, and God gave me difficulties to become strong.
I prayed for wisdom, and God gave me problems to learn to solve.
I prayed for prosperity, and God gave me intellect and muscles to work with.
I prayed for courage, and God gave me danger to conquer.
I prayed for love, and God gave me people to help.
I prayed for favours, and God gave me chanches.
I got nothing I prayed for, and God gave me everything I needed.
I have seen this one before Shakz… I'm pretty sure of it… but here is my (an atheist's? Maybe not ALL atheists' but certainly THIS atheist's…) viewpoint… no offence intended…
Asking = Getting????
I prayed wished for strength, and God Life gave me difficulties to become strong.
I prayed wished for wisdom, and God Life gave me problems to learn to solve.
I prayed wished for prosperity, and God Life gave me intellect and muscles to work with.
I prayed wished for courage, and God Life gave me danger to conquer.
I prayed wished for love, and God Life gave me people to help.
I prayed wished for favours, and God Life gave me chanches.
I got nothing I prayed wished for, and God but I gave m(yself) everything I needed.
… semantics, you could argue…
Boo, I know it's your opinion, but I don't agree with you (I don't think that surprises you ) that you can give yourself everything you need. You always have to depend on others… For example: If the bakery is closed and you don't know how to make bread yourself, you don't have bread.
And what kind of power or God is “life”? Life itself is nothing. It's an expression of God's way with us. God IS life!! Life wouldn't exist if God didn't exist. God created a life for us, with its good and its bad sides. God created US. Without God “we” and “life” wouldn't exist. Nothing would have existed without God… But God made everything for us. Gave us a life, a home, food, love and so on. God IS everything and everywhere…
Sorry Boo, I just can't agree with you eventhough I do respect your opinion.
Am Rani ji…you're not the only one…
That's good to know, ji!
I agreee shakz! 100% correct!
Hey Hey! No ganging up on my twin ji! lol. just kidding, i know u guys wouldn't do that.
But yeah, I agree with u as well Shakz.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Hey Hey! No ganging up on my twin ji!
lol. just kidding, i know u guys wouldn't do that.
But yeah, I agree with u as well Shakz.
no ganging up but you're still on Shakz's side? kidding yaar… i LOVE YOU!!
lol. I'm always on your side hunnz! I just don't agree with u on this one. lmao!
i love that our friendship is stronger than these disagreements!
Jes! How could we ever gang up on boo..even if we do, consider us gonners fo shiggity!
i love that our friendship is stronger than these disagreements!
Me too.
nooo! habeebati's ghetto side is surfacinnngggg! lol.
Lmbo! hahaha Rani. . don't make me get all ghettooo on juuuu now. plej =p
It's good to see that you guys, Yemen and Rani, agree with me But hey… we would never gang up on you Boo!! We like you too much to do so… Eventhough we don't share the same opinion sometimes, you're still my smiling buddy
Shakalaka Baby:
It's good to see that you guys, Yemen and Rani, agree with meBut hey… we would never gang up on you Boo!! We like you too much to do so… Eventhough we don't share the same opinion sometimes, you're still my smiling buddy
hai hai… now… are you saying if you didn't like me, you would have ganged up on me for thinking differently?
KIDDING!!! sorrysorrysorry…. couldn't resist, i know you guys wouldn't ok… just a joke… seriously! love you!
Guys… do we still believe her after saying something horrible about me like she did in the above post? I have to think about that for a while…
I am still thinking…
Alright Boo ji, I forgive you… You can't be mad at someone who says I love you right?!
Habeebati jaaaaan, u know i love ur ghettoness. u better come to Madress today! I have lots to tell u about last night!!!
lol! I love my Boo ji! She may say some crajee things while she's in her crajee mood becuz she's been listening to crajee kiya re from Dhoom 2 all day, but we can forgive her for her crajeeness, hai na?
See I think the notion of religion being a debatable issue which somewhat 'clashes' with atheism when It says “thou shalt not” in its literal form i.e. the Bible etc. I mean, religion is dedication. Dedication is only dedication when carried out with passion, will, belief in/on it. But I think the way its preached is causing the problems in the way it is perceived by society, especially the modern world where technology has overpowered our vision. What I mean by dedication… for example, If an artist is not appreciated by society and people, told that he is useless. Does that mean he should stop following his passion? Can religion not be a passion? Passion is free, but it has rules which are personalised. Why cant rules in religion be personalized, but yet not abuse the very existence of religion? I mean, I am a Hindu but I dont believe in neither the 'cast' system, nor the 'untouchables' and (…this one might make the boys cringe, but i really disagree with it) not being able to go to temple just because women go through menstruation and so arent 'clean'. This are issues created by authoritative figures which have nothing to do with religion. I think most of these sort of rules preach prejudice. Which religion says love is wrong? NONE. Which religion says loving someone who is of a different religion/race or even nationality/breed is wrong? MOST. Why? Which case is religion standing for here? Love or Division? God definitely never in any form denied humans to loving someone of a different existence what so ever. If he’s created people of a different colour, faith or “background” and has also created free love, then whats the problem? Again the preaching.
Religion and God for me are two different things. I have 100% faith in God. Why, you might ask. Because I cannot ignore the fact that the sun rises every morning and sets every evening. A child is born everyday, a life is created every day and a life leaves everyday. How can such HUGE issues are stated as ‘by chance’ by some people, I don’t know. Again, as boo said this is an open discussion not aimed to hurt anyone. Religion is the WAY a GROUP of people wish to contact God. Some people do it via meditation. Group prayers are thought by some as powerful and moving, to themselves. But neither has superior than each other. Therefore, no religion is superior either. You can connect with God in which ever way possible.
I see and feel God in nature. And in its beauty I see his vision and his love. [the usual usage of most religions to see God as a ‘he’ is something much easier to say in English. By no means do I think God has a gender. He/She/ Divine is fine with me]
Yes things go wrong, yes people die, yes innocent lives are lost – but who are you to judge that all of this has no meaning? On what basis can you blame God for this when your vision is only in the
I do respect your views. But, As a Muslim speaking on behalf of my
other brothers and sisters in Islam, I think Religion is a very beautiful
and important thing. without that belief in God, then whats the point of
life. God brought us into this world so that we would live, worship, love,
be loved and so forth. We do have ourselves and our strengths, but all that
came from God. I honestly think that I wouldn't be able to live a day
without waking up and praising my Lord for being alive, for having the
opportunity to praise him and live life with that aim for paradise. I think
Muslims in particular, just can't do that. Because Islam is not just religion, its a way of life. Everything that it teaches is the perfect way
to live. If we follow what it says, we'd never ever have to go to sleep
feeling guilty. We'd learn to love everything around us. I also believe that
no one could ever be their own boss. I mean, when I look at myself from a
non-religious point of view, I'd never find a wrong in myself. No one
realizes their own mistakes if they dont have rules to follow. Religion is
indeed freedom. It's a beautiful way of life. I say this with much respect
and im also just writing my honest views and beliefs with no intention to
hurt anyone at all.take care
Such gratitude… I enjoyed reading yours too, yemenilicious.
y thank u Maizara!
Getting all rythem and rhyming, hah?!
Why did we stop debating? Boo got her answer?
Hehe… I dunno if I've found my answer…. I do realise I have some Qs to answer in this thread… will do it later…
And then I turn up with another question….
Vegetarianism? Eating meat is a part of human nature? Is it? Or, animals should be loved, as fellow living creatures, not eaten ?
God gave us meat, of course we can eat it!
it's YUMMY!
Ok lemme rephrase tht q
Eating animals. Meat comes from them right? So in one sense, infact in all senses we are eating the animals.
Rani, interesting comment. I dont know, but does it say in religion we should eat animals? Would be of real interest to find out…
Yes, it is stated in Islam that we should eat meat because God gave it to us so that we can eat it.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
God gave us meat, of course we can eat it!
it's YUMMY!
For sure Rani!
Yes, it is stated in Islam that we should eat meat because God gave it to us so that we can eat it.
Yes, that is where Qurbani comes from.
Khushi, are you vegetarian?
Qurbani? Sacrifice? Explain to me rani!
Yes I am veggie, my family however isnt… I use to throw up when i was lil if i was fed it. Am happy tht i did now.
My pleasure, I shall explain.
Qurbani is an urdu word i blieve that derives from the arabic word “Qurban” which literally means an act performed to seek Allah (swt)'s pleasure. It is technically used for the sacrifice of an animal slaughtered for the sake of Allah Ta'ala.
The Sacrifice of an animal has always been a recognized form of worship in many religions, but in the Shariah (Islamic sacred law) our beloved Prophet (PBUH), the sacrifice of an animal has been recognized as a form of worship only during the three days of the month of Thul Hajjah (the 12th month of the Islamic callendar), namely the 10th, 11th and 12th days.
And then I turn up with another question….
Vegetarianism? Eating meat is a part of human nature? Is it? Or, animals should be loved, as fellow living creatures, not eaten ?
Khushi ji…
I was only the other day reading some of the older posts, and I saw your post (to DH? not sure…) on how you cook veggie, as you're a veggie, but your family isn't…
Your question is interesting…
First thing I think of when this issue is raised is double standards. Really. Myself included, in all honesty.
On one hand, people feel bad seeing animals get hurt, etc. On the other hand, they eat them.
On one hand, they don't like to see animals getting tortured. On the other hand, they stuff their faces with meat.
We say that it is wrong to kill another soul, and yet we are OK to eat the meat on the plate in front of us.
Another thing that bugs me (sorry if this offends people, I really am.) is when people go half and half – i.e. they say they will eat non veg only on certain days of the week. Um. HELLO???!!! What difference does it make to the animal killed whether you eat it on a Wednesday or a Saturday?? How does the day of the week you eat it on affect ANYTHING in ANY way? I find that hypocritical (sorrysorrysorry again), to say “Oh today's a Tuesday, I only eat veg.” And that makes up for all the others days you DO eat dead animals?
Such is the way of life, I guess…
And yes, as you may have guessed, I am not a vegetarian. Au contraire, I LOVE McDonald's and I do pig out when I eat meat (not as much as some people, admittedly, but I still pig out…). Of course, it does make me sad to think a soul, a life, has been lost for my eating pleasure, but I don't think of that when I'm eating it I admit. Nor do these thoughts enter my mind often, in all honesty…
Eating animals. Meat comes from them right? So in one sense, infact in all senses we are eating the animals.
Yes, we are eating the animals. But they were made for us to eat(the ones that were made for eating), so it's okay.
On one hand, people feel bad seeing animals get hurt, etc. On the other hand, they eat them.
On one hand, they don't like to see animals getting tortured. On the other hand, they stuff their faces with meat. It is stated in Islam that if you are slaughtering the animal, you must do it in a way so that the animal is not tortured to death. If the animal is pained, the meat becomes haraam and you are not allowed to eat it.
Another thing that bugs me (sorry if this offends people, I really am.) is when people go half and half – i.e. they say they will eat non veg only on certain days of the week. Um. HELLO???!!! What difference does it make to the animal killed whether you eat it on a Wednesday or a Saturday?? How does the day of the week you eat it on affect ANYTHING in ANY way? I find that hypocritical (sorrysorrysorry again), to say “Oh today's a Tuesday, I only eat veg.” And that makes up for all the others days you DO eat dead animals?
lol. sorry, but this made me laugh.
Anywho, I love meat. It's delicious dii! lol. Sorry. *becomes a murghi* wahaaahahahaa! murghi! Get it!?! lol! woops! Sorry!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
God gave us meat, of course we can eat it!
it's YUMMY!
…God gave us pigs too but we can't eat those…he gave alotta things and we don't eat those..lol sorry felt the need to comment.
lol shereena ji, no need to be sorry at all! Yes ji, God sure did give us pigs, but not to eat. He clearly stated that pigs are haraam, they are forbidden to eat. That is why we do not eat pig. Plus, they're icky! They roll around in mud all day! Why would we want to eat it? yuck! hehe. anywho, hope that answers ur question…if it was a question, that is.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Another thing that bugs me (sorry if this offends people, I really am.) is when people go half and half – i.e. they say they will eat non veg only on certain days of the week. Um. HELLO???!!! What difference does it make to the animal killed whether you eat it on a Wednesday or a Saturday?? How does the day of the week you eat it on affect ANYTHING in ANY way? I find that hypocritical (sorrysorrysorry again), to say “Oh today's a Tuesday, I only eat veg.” And that makes up for all the others days you DO eat dead animals?lol. sorry, but this made me laugh.
Hahaha, it made me laugh too!! And hey… I DO think you're absolutely right about this Boo!! If you're a veggie, you're a veggie everyday…
About religion and being a vegetarian… I think everyone should decide for him/herself. In the Bible (I dunno very much about the Islam, sorry…) it says that God created the animals to be food for us and to be inferior to human beings. That doesn't mean you should eat meat, but we may eat animals, and also use them for sacrafices. God gave us lots of food to survive on earth, and I believe we can choose what we eat and what we don't want to eat. Except of course for some animals that are forbidden in our religions…
Yes, In Islam, Allah Ta'ala says that He has given us Animals so that we can eat them. He states whats allowed and whats not of course. But Nowhere does it say that you're sinful if u dont eat it. it's ur choice. We're humans and we all have our likes and dislikes…
Balance the Eco-System…kill em all before they decide to rule the world !
Shakalaka Baby:
Except of course for some animals that are forbidden in our religions…
Don't read if you might be offended…
bah! On one hand religious people ramble away about how all are God's creation, and all are equal and all that jazz…
and on the other hand some animals are “allowed” to be eaten and others “forbidden”… seriously, all i can think of to say is “bah!”…
Who (what?) is religion to decide what we should/shouldn't eat?? bah, yet again!
Shakalaka Baby:
Except of course for some animals that are forbidden in our religions…
Don't read if you might be offended…
bah! On one hand religious people ramble away about how all are God's creation, and all are equal and all that jazz…
and on the other hand some animals are “allowed” to be eaten and others “forbidden”… seriously, all i can think of to say is “bah!”…
Who (what?) is religion to decide what we should/shouldn't eat?? bah, yet again!
first of all, I don't know who you are referring to (or what religion you are referring to) when you say “religious people ramble away about how all are God's creation, and all are equal and all that jazz” so I really don't know how to reply. Maybe if u can be a bit more specific…
Religion does not decide what we should or should not eat, God decides it, and to let us know, He created religion. I don't know about other religions, but in Islam, the reason why certain foods are forbidden(haraam) is because they are harmful and not healthy. For example, Liquor is haraam because it can basically kill you. Drugs(not exactly food, but hey) are also haraam because they are harmful and can kill you.
About the meat, God stated that we can eat meat(it's not harmful to us, so why not?), that does not mean if you choose not to eat meat, it's a sin. Of course not. Islam is not against vegetarianism(is that right? lol. or did i just make up a word?). You can be a vergetarian or you can choose to eat meat. The decision is yours, as long as the animal that you slaughter is slaughtered in such a way that the animal is not tortured to death.
Boo ji!!! I am about to say something and I want you to know that I am not saying it to offend you at all. If it does offend you, then I really am sorry, because that is not my intention at all…
boo, I know you hate religion, but if you actually think about it, how would people live without religion? The world would be in complete chaos! People would do anything they wanted to do, because they are their own “God.” It would be hard to firgure out what's right and what's wrong. Boo, you are a good person, you know what's right and what's wrong(and when i say that, i mean u know it is definately wrong to kill, blah blah) but other people don't know, and God is guiding them with religion.
I don't know if you really thought about it before you became an athiest or not, but think, boo, where did you come from? who made your mother? Your Grandmother? But who made her? Who made the first human on Earth? Who made the Earth? Such a beautiful thing cannot be just a coincidence, hunnz. I don't know how to explain it to you…but there is a God. There is no question about it. All these things going in our lives, someone has to control it all, and someone has to give justice. Imagine all the people who do horrible things, who will justify it all?
Why do you hate to think that there is someone superior than you that controls your life…maybe that's it, you don't want someone to control your life…but hunnz, no matter what you think, I can tell you with certainty, that someone is controlling your life. All that you do, you do it because it is God's will…
Raniji… I couldn't agree more with everything you said in your post, you're absolutely right!!
There must be a God who created life and created us, so why not thank Him (a little) for that by living according to a religion (and eat some kinds of meat, while you don't eat others)?!
Balance the Eco-System…kill em all before they decide to rule the world !
Nitzah, you're really nuts, hahaha!!
Shakalaka Baby:
Raniji… I couldn't agree more with everything you said in your post, you're absolutely right!!![]()
There must be a God who created life and created us, so why not thank Him (a little) for that by living according to a religion (and eat some kinds of meat, while you don't eat others)?!
Shakalaka Baby:
There must be a God who created life and created us, so why not thank Him (a little) for that
As long as they believe, the rest comes on it's own…
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Boo ji!!! I am about to say something and I want you to know that I am not saying it to offend you at all. If it does offend you, then I really am sorry, because that is not my intention at all…
boo, I know you hate religion, but if you actually think about it, how would people live without religion? The world would be in complete chaos! People would do anything they wanted to do, because they are their own “God.” It would be hard to firgure out what's right and what's wrong. Boo, you are a good person, you know what's right and what's wrong(and when i say that, i mean u know it is definately wrong to kill, blah blah) but other people don't know, and God is guiding them with religion.
Will reply in more detail later Sweety… I have zero time and I should not be typing this out right now! Sigh… anyway, just wanted to say a couple of things:
1. No no no!! Not at all hun, I doubt anything people say about anything I have to say here will offend me… I've learnt over the years not to let other's voices hurt me so easily… so please, feel free to speak your honest mind with me… and I mean it ji.
2. Of course, generally speaking, it is not the best way to solve problems, to kill… but think “euthanasia” and “abortion”, and you will realise that I have no fixed opinions on killing… like I have 'no fixed ideas' about ANYTHING… Yes, even pertaining to God… I fully acknowledge I may be wrong, and that there really is a God out there somewhere… the only difference is I don't care if there is, because it is my heartfelt belief that there isn't and until there is proof, I don't see one good reason why I should acknowledge it…
And freedom, you know, to me means the ability to believe what I want to believe, regardless of what other individuals say, and regardless of whether it is right or wrong…
Yes, even pertaining to God… I fully acknowledge I may be wrong, and that there really is a God out there somewhere… the only difference is I don't care if there is, because it is my heartfelt belief that there isn't and until there is proof, I don't see one good reason why I should acknowledge it…
Have you tried looking for proof, or do you just want it to come on it's own? Well, if so, I can show you just a few things that are proof to me that there is a God.
But, I don't want to offend anyone because what I will show you proves to me that Allah is indeed our God, not anyone else. So if I do offend anyone, I am sorry, that is not my intention at all.
Have I tried looking for proof?
Euh… a good question… remember ji? I was once a religious person myself… and those genuine 'moments' that I thought I had with God (whom I believed existed then) I will never, ever deny… feelings can, and should, never ever be suppressed…
Show me your proof ji… I am curious to know what you will show me…
I remember you were once religious ji. What makes someone turn away from God? Maybe, I'm not sure, but maybe it's the way God presented to them…through their religion…try looking at other religions…maybe u might find something…I dunnoe…
I will show you my proof Inshallah, just not now. I need lots of time to gather up everything I wanna show you.
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
I remember you were once religious ji.
What makes someone turn away from God? Maybe, I'm not sure, but maybe it's the way God presented to them…through their religion…try looking at other religions…maybe u might find something…I dunnoe…
I will show you my proof Inshallah, just not now. I need lots of time to gather up everything I wanna show you.
I've tried not one but TWO religions ji!
Although, one WAS a little more 'sincere'… but whatever! I will answer that properly one day… I remember even Maizara asked me about that!
And – lol – looks like a vadda project you're taking on, Madam… But please don't be offended if I dismiss it – I'm not saying I WILL, but I just wanted to tell you that…
Love you!
haan, vadde log, vadde baatein.
By dismiss you mean ignore? or deny? explain please!
and of course I won't be offended! The decision is yours, ji. My duty is to present it to you. If you don't believe…I have done my best.
and btw, can you tell us which religions you have tried?
If God does not exist, one loses nothing by believing in him anyway, while if He does exist, one stands to lose everything by not believing.
Very well said, oreo ji.
If God does not exist, one loses nothing by believing in him anyway, while if He does exist, one stands to lose everything by not believing.
Masha'Allah Masha'Allah Serio, indeed =].
lol! Ninja, you sound like one of those old ladies admiring a lil kid!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lol! Ninja, you sound like one of those old ladies admiring a lil kid!
that was exactly how i wanted to sound
Sachi? Then whoo hoo!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
lol! Ninja, you sound like one of those old ladies admiring a lil kid!that was exactly how i wanted to sound
thats cos u are an old lady. no 2 ways about it!!
hehehe i guess..im old..and proud =]
If God does not exist, one loses nothing by believing in him anyway, while if He does exist, one stands to lose everything by not believing.
A glowing quote there Oreoji, but belief with doubt isn’t belief is it? Gaining and losing shouldn't matter if you believe in something, it shouldn't make a difference? Are you saying that one can say “I believe in God because I have nothing to lose”? Is that really belief? It's interesting you say this though… pretty thought provoking. And yet still, if He does exist and 'we' don’t believe in him- yes we lose everything, but we lose everything that has no value, and gain everything that does- Belief itself. Now gaining and losing makes no difference.
If God does not exist, one loses nothing by believing in him anyway, while if He does exist, one stands to lose everything by not believing.
A glowing quote there Oreoji, but belief with doubt isn’t belief is it? Gaining and losing shouldn't matter if you believe in something, it shouldn't make a difference? Are you saying that one can say “I believe in God because I have nothing to lose”? Is that really belief? It's interesting you say this though… pretty thought provoking. And yet still, if He does exist and 'we' don’t believe in him- yes we lose everything, but we lose everything that has no value, and gain everything that does- Belief itself. Now gaining and losing makes no difference.
Wah… to both of you…
What you have said is interesting, Khushi ji… it's not about losing or gaining? If not about that, then what is Life about? Memories, happiness, peace, Love, respect (to those who care about it), status money (again to those who care about it)… are these not what we are 'gaining'? Or is that 'experiencing'? Hmmm… I dunno…
But, (lol, you KNEW I'd come up with something like this didn't you) – and don't read on if you think you will be offended people – It is my belief (only) one stands to lose a lot by believing in God when He doesn't exist… to me, it is as though one is losing one's sense of… i don't know how to explain it… thought? no not quite… sense of… being true to yourself? urgh no… creativity? imagination? i don't know… all i can say is: the 'sheep' metaphor comes to mind again… not to all, I know… some are enhanced by religion. but only i can speak for myself, and i know i wouldn't like that… suppression? aargh I am not good with words people!!
but heck, if we're thinking in terms of losing and gaining and how that is immaterial, then what does it matter anyway? Which leads back to Oreo ji's saying…
Im not saying losing gaining in life, i mean losing gaining in belief. Thats what my question to Oreoji was, does losing or gaining have any significance when it comes to believing in something? I personally don't think so…
there is always SOMETHING there to gain, in my opinion ji, when one believes in something… even if that something is only the soft smile of one's heart… that is still a gain, right?
If a belief were to have no effect on us, if we really did not care about it… then we wouldn't appreciate it as our belief, would we? If there isn't even some part of that belief that triggers SOMETHING in you, SOME sort of positive response, then what is the point in believing? If not for the 'gain' it gives to our souls?
Just thoughts yaar…
I read some of you guys' thoughts and opinions and beliefs, and I'll feel
pretty weird if I didnt put my two cents in.
here's my thoughts on religion- I was born Muslim and my whole life i was
born to believe all that my parents told me. Rewind to a few years ago in
my life and ask me about my religion, I'd tell you everything that was poured
into me.
But now, after I experienced a hell of a lot to question what I'm doing with
my life, and life itself. I started getting more involved in Islam, and I
started going to Islamic school and what not, and man does it make sense now.
to me, Islam isnt just a religion that billions of people follow like any
other religion- its the truth.
Like it or not, its the truth with all its sacrifices and losses.
there are many people who wish to change that truth to fit their wishes.
and to whoever said it- maybe you do give up a lot with believing, if you
REALLY think of what the reward is in the end, you'll wish you could do more.
and to whoever- being atheist shouldnt be decided after (complete) devotion
to only 2 religions. But if being atheist is right for you, I pity
you with all my heart.
a lot of people think that beleiving in a religion means to go all extreme and
join a convent or something. Or be all strict and whatnot, which turns them against it altogether. but its not, really.
I think religion is based on curiosity. if you're curious
about this world and life, then the true religion should be seeked, and if
you're compeletly devoted in finding that truth and if you really open your heart and mind, its there.
but hey, i get how it can be extremely complicated with all the religions out there nowadays.
well thats what i have to say about religion.
: )
and to whoever- being atheist shouldnt be decided after (complete) devotion to only 2 religions. But if being atheist is right for you, I pity you with all my heart.
*grins like an idiot*
have fun with that my dear.
Masha'Allah Haylie…
Religion, In my opinion, is believing in the unseen. In Islam, we have no pics of anything whatsoever. We have the Quraan and The Story and life and traditions of the Prophet and thats about it.
I as well did not start thinking about Islam and how it applies to my life until a few years back. I wore the hijaab and did everything but only because my parents told me to. When I actually started thinking, “Am i really getting rewarded for what im doing considering I do it for other reasons rather than for the Sake of God nd Him alone,” I was like “whaaa” Im not. All the influences around me kept pulling me away from whats right. Nothing at all got me thinking about my life. Just one day, I sat on the couch and started thinking..Allah decided to give me a wake up call. Only then, was I really interested in Learning more bout my religion so that when ppl ask me “why do u wear that thing on ur head” i'd know how to answer and so forth. Now I do everything i do because I completely believe in it.
Islam is a complete and perfect way of life (as I see it) and just brings that sense of peace to the heart.
Atheism, As Rani said, is also a religion, because Atheists follow the concept that there is no God. That I am my own “boss” and no one has the right to make rules for me to follow. Imagine this world without any rules or norms even. Just go and do whatever u desire and want to do without any consequences. Ohhman, wouldnt that be great? of course not, the world will go crazy.
well..If i keep talking on religion, i'd go on forever..so ill sum it up and say I LOVE BEING A MUSLIM! I CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE BEING OTHERWISE.
Alhamdulillah =] whooohooooo
Boo I recommend you read this book How To Know God By Deepak Chopra, very interesting read.
Lol, it reminded me of you when I found it on my shelf. The tag reads ” The Soul's Journey Into The Mystery Of Mysteries”
Khushi, have you read any other books of his?
If God does not exist, one loses nothing by believing in him anyway, while if He does exist, one stands to lose everything by not believing.
Wow, great quote yaar!!! I wouldn't have believed it if someone told me before that YOU would be the one who was going to say this
but anyways: I just love it!!
But if anyone does believe in God, please do believe in Him because you love Him whole-heartedly and because you want to believe in Him. Don't do it because you've got nothing to lose…
Shakalaka Baby:
If God does not exist, one loses nothing by believing in him anyway, while if He does exist, one stands to lose everything by not believing.
Wow, great quote yaar!!!
I wouldn't have believed it if someone told me before that YOU would be the one who was going to say this
but anyways: I just love it!!
I know right shakz. isn't it just..surprising??! lmbo
Yes it really is hahahaha!! But like I said in the Raniii thread: anyone has a pearl hidden somewhere inside of them…
for sure yaara, for sure.
Shakalaka Baby:
If God does not exist, one loses nothing by believing in him anyway, while if He does exist, one stands to lose everything by not believing.
Wow, great quote yaar!!!
I wouldn't have believed it if someone told me before that YOU would be the one who was going to say this
but anyways: I just love it!!
I know right shakz. isn't it just..surprising??! lmbo
It didn't surprise me…
LOL Rani, we were kidding.
my bad.
A glowing quote there Oreoji, but belief with doubt isn’t belief is it? Gaining and losing shouldn't matter if you believe in something, it shouldn't make a difference? Are you saying that one can say “I believe in God because I have nothing to lose”? Is that really belief? It's interesting you say this though… pretty thought provoking. And yet still, if He does exist and 'we' don’t believe in him- yes we lose everything, but we lose everything that has no value, and gain everything that does- Belief itself. Now gaining and losing makes no difference.
i think u r thinking wayyy tooo much from such a simple quote. thats the problem with people, we like to make things more complicated when its actually very simple and straight forward. and again, back to my earlier argument…we only like things when it goes our way.
Maybe I am thinking too much! People like to complicate things? Well I dunno about that Oreoji…. but yeah, have your say.
“we only like things when it goes our way” – lol……. *sigh* somethings never change…
A glowing quote there Oreoji, but belief with doubt isn’t belief is it? Gaining and losing shouldn't matter if you believe in something, it shouldn't make a difference? Are you saying that one can say “I believe in God because I have nothing to lose”? Is that really belief? It's interesting you say this though… pretty thought provoking. And yet still, if He does exist and 'we' don’t believe in him- yes we lose everything, but we lose everything that has no value, and gain everything that does- Belief itself. Now gaining and losing makes no difference.
i think u r thinking wayyy tooo much from such a simple quote. thats the problem with people, we like to make things more complicated when its actually very simple and straight forward. and again, back to my earlier argument…we only like things when it goes our way.
Thats true Serio, we do tend to only like things when they go our way. But, it doesn't have to be like that
Maybe I am thinking too much! People like to complicate things? Well I dunno about that Oreoji…. but yeah, have your say.
“we only like things when it goes our way” – lol……. *sigh* somethings never change…
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide y ou with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at
an inconvenient time, this person will say or do
something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON,
because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.!
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
things you must build upon in order to have a solid
emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the
lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
My thoughts:
Life is a very hard test, the reason Im here is to take this test, pass it or fail it, and then pass on. Everything happens for a very good reason. Whether it's something I fail in, a struggle or losing a loved one, everything was written before i was born. Therefore I should never ever question anything. Saying “why did this happen to me” or “what did i do to deserve this” will get me nowhere. I have to plan keeping in mind that God also plans. I can plan day and night so that things can go 'perfect' but God plans TOO! I should always say “If God wills” when intending to do anything in my life because nothing happens without God's will. I must learn not to complain too much because it will do me no good. My chance to complain and get a result is when im sitting on my prayer mat infront of my Creator. I must learn to accept everything just as it is..no matter how harsh it is on me.
Love is a beautiful thing. Loving Allah first and foremost, Our beloved Prophet, My family and friends..and getting nothing but love in return is the best thing in this world. Having friends who are there when I'm need is a blessing. They are there not just to share my joy but I also find them beside me when I'm in grief. Haylie and Rani, i want to say, that I thank Allah Subhanahu wata'ala everyday for making us meet. Haylie- Isnt it funny how we used to see each other all the time at school but never really said anything to each other. At least nothing besides hi and bye. lmbo! I'm glad i met you haylie baylie bobblehead. we'll be nerds together until Allah Ta'ala decides otherwise. I promise you. . Rani, it was the best day when i met you at masjid. Never thought we'd become so close, but Allah Ta'ala plans perfectly right? I ask Allah Ta'ala to grant you both the best in this life and in the hereafter. Ameen. Thank you for everything buddies. I love you two for the sake of Allah!
So, 2006 was a crappish year ehh? Death at the beginning and the end of it.But this year will be better Insha'Allah. If i live till the end of this year, it'll be good enough. I have major goals for this year. May Allah Ta'ala make it easy for me and for everyone who intends to do good in this world. Ameen. Rani and Bobblehead, Insha'Allah we will all help each other reach the goal we all share this year. As long as we have that desire right? The Hafitha system is getting there Masha'Allah. keep it up guys!
At the end, I want to say, That im thankful for everything that I have and don't have. when I think about it, I bestest Be thankful because, wtheck, look at the ppl suffering because of the war. Every single day, I turn on the darn tv, and the first thing i hear on Aljazeera tv is the deaths of people in Palestine and Iraq. from babies, to children, to teenagers, to adults and seniors. just heart crushing. These poor ppl would do anything for just one day of safety and peace and who am I to complain! OhmyAllah, please please make it better for this Ummah! I know we're sinners and that everything that's happening is somewhat our fault but please Oh Allah, For the sake of Your beloved Messenger! If You decide not to, Insha'Allah, we won't give up! we will stick to Your deen! Ameen. yayy! its outta me!
My thoughts:
Life is a very hard test, the reason Im here is to take this test, pass it or fail it, and then pass on. Everything happens for a very good reason. Whether it's something I fail in, a struggle or losing a loved one, everything was written before i was born. Therefore I should never ever question anything. Saying “why did this happen to me” or “what did i do to deserve this” will get me nowhere. I have to plan keeping in mind that God also plans. I can plan day and night so that things can go 'perfect' but God plans TOO! I should always say “If God wills” when intending to do anything in my life because nothing happens without God's will. I must learn not to complain too much because it will do me no good. My chance to complain and get a result is when im sitting on my prayer mat infront of my Creator. I must learn to accept everything just as it is..no matter how harsh it is on me.
Love is a beautiful thing. Loving Allah first and foremost, Our beloved Prophet, My family and friends..and getting nothing but love in return is the best thing in this world. Having friends who are there when I'm need is a blessing. They are there not just to share my joy but I also find them beside me when I'm in grief. Haylie and Rani, i want to say, that I thank Allah Subhanahu wata'ala everyday for making us meet. Haylie- Isnt it funny how we used to see each other all the time at school but never really said anything to each other. At least nothing besides hi and bye. lmbo! I'm glad i met you haylie baylie bobblehead. we'll be nerds together until Allah Ta'ala decides otherwise. I promise you. . Rani, it was the best day when i met you at masjid. Never thought we'd become so close, but Allah Ta'ala plans perfectly right? I ask Allah Ta'ala to grant you both the best in this life and in the hereafter. Ameen. Thank you for everything buddies. I love you two for the sake of Allah!
So, 2006 was a crappish year ehh? Death at the beginning and the end of it.But this year will be better Insha'Allah. If i live till the end of this year, it'll be good enough. I have major goals for this year. May Allah Ta'ala make it easy for me and for everyone who intends to do good in this world. Ameen. Rani and Bobblehead, Insha'Allah we will all help each other reach the goal we all share this year. As long as we have that desire right? The Hafitha system is getting there Masha'Allah. keep it up guys!
At the end, I want to say, That im thankful for everything that I have and don't have. when I think about it, I bestest Be thankful because, wtheck, look at the ppl suffering because of the war. Every single day, I turn on the darn tv, and the first thing i hear on Aljazeera tv is the deaths of people in Palestine and Iraq. from babies, to children, to teenagers, to adults and seniors. just heart crushing. These poor ppl would do anything for just one day of safety and peace and who am I to complain! OhmyAllah, please please make it better for this Ummah! I know we're sinners and that everything that's happening is somewhat our fault but please Oh Allah, For the sake of Your beloved Messenger! If You decide not to, Insha'Allah, we won't give up! we will stick to Your deen! Ameen. yayy! its outta me!
totally agree with sum points and totally disagree with other points
but am not going elaborate on this NOW…
hope u guys do achieve all yr goals for this year – Insha Allah
Scar face:
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
Sweetheart, have you read ‘A Tree, A Rock, A Cloud’ by Carson McCullers?
If you have, tell me what you think of it… if you haven’t, read it (it’s quite short) and then tell me what you think of it…
I think you will be able to connect to it, in some way or another… *hugs* (Can you feel the hug? )
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
nope, havent read this one….
hehehehe well if I can find a book store or the library around this place I sure will try to find this book and read it…aaand of coz will tellye wat I think of it…
u laffing at me and the whole hug episode?????
arre scarry… i wasn't laughing…
and click on the HYPERLINK in that post (the words: a tree, a rock, a cloud)… it takes you to the short story…
My thoughts:
Love is a beautiful thing. Loving Allah first and foremost, Our beloved Prophet, My family and friends..and getting nothing but love in return is the best thing in this world. Having friends who are there when I'm need is a blessing. They are there not just to share my joy but I also find them beside me when I'm in grief. Haylie and Rani, i want to say, that I thank Allah Subhanahu wata'ala everyday for making us meet. Haylie- Isnt it funny how we used to see each other all the time at school but never really said anything to each other. At least nothing besides hi and bye. lmbo! I'm glad i met you haylie baylie bobblehead. we'll be nerds together until Allah Ta'ala decides otherwise. I promise you.
. Rani, it was the best day when i met you at masjid. Never thought we'd become so close, but Allah Ta'ala plans perfectly right? I ask Allah Ta'ala to grant you both the best in this life and in the hereafter. Ameen. Thank you for everything buddies. I love you two for the sake of Allah!
ha aw vicee versa ol' chap
There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away.
The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in the fall.
When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen.
The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted.
The second son said no it was covered with green buds and full of promise.
The third son disagreed; he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.
The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfillment.
The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but only one season in the tree's life.
He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up.
If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall.
Moral lessons:
Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.
Don't judge life by one difficult season.
Persevere through the difficult patches and better times are sure to come some time or later
arre scarry… i wasn't laughing… I knw Missy boo,
am in a weird mood – so many mixed eeeemotions, wanna cry, hide away, dont know ….screeeeeeeaaaaaaam…..just sleep to forget ….aaargh sowrie Yaar….I wasnt receptive to Hugz yesterday…but me feels it now…thnksI needed
it…..an yeah purleeeeeez – u guys know me post Jnb soooo if I get all CRAZEEE, try slapping me back to reality okies
and click on the HYPERLINK in that post (the words: a tree, a rock, a cloud)… it takes you to the short story…
– okies Just did that but had to copy/paste and save for alter reading…will tell ye wat I think soon….
Around the corner I have a friend,
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before I know it, a year is gone.
And I never see my old friends face,
For life is a swift and terrible race,
He knows I like him just as well,
As in the days when I rang his bell.
And he rang mine but we were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.
“Tomorrow” I say! “I will call on Jim
Just to show that I'm thinking of him.”
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
And distance between us grows and grows.
Around the corner, yet miles away,
Here's a telegram sir,” “Jim died today.”
And that's what we get and deserve in the end.
Around the corner, a vanished friend.
Remember to always say what you mean.
If you love someone, tell them.
Don't be afraid to express yourself.
Reach out and tell someone what they mean to you.
Because when you decide that it is the right time it
might be too late.
Seize the day. Never have regrets.
And most importantly, stay close to your friends and family, for they helped you make a better person that you are today.
and click on the HYPERLINK in that post (the words: a tree, a rock, a cloud)… it takes you to the short story…
hey Missy Boo
okies finally got a chance to read the short story
ur right!!!
very heart wrenching stuff, very sweet and sums I am going to dwell on further
thought provoking…will send u a pm on my thoughts on this okies
~ Let me help:
Good friends see a need and then try to fill it. When they see a hurt
they do what they can to heal it. Without being asked, they jump in
and help out.
~ I understand you:
People become closer and enjoy each other more when the other person
accepts and understands them. Letting your spouse know – in so many
little ways – that you understand them, is one of the most powerful
tools for healing your relationship. And this can apply to any
~ I respect you:
Respect is another way of showing love. Respect demonstrates that
another person is a true equal. If you talk to your children as if
they were adults you will strengthen the bonds and become closer
friends. This applies to all interpersonal relationships.
~ I miss you:
Perhaps more marriages could be saved and strengthened if couples
simply and sincerely said to each other “I miss you.” This powerful
affirmation tells partners they are wanted, needed, desired and loved.
Consider how important you would feel, if you received an unexpected
phone call from your spouse in the middle of your workday, just to say
“I miss you.”
~ Maybe you're right:
This phrase is very effective in diffusing an argument. The
implication when you say “maybe you're right” is the humility of
admitting, “maybe I'm wrong”. Let's face it. When you have an argument
with someone, all you normally do is solidify the other person's point
of view. They, or you, will not likely change their position and you
run the risk of seriously damaging the relationship between you.
Saying “maybe you're right” can open the door to explore the subject
more. You may then have the opportunity to express your view in a way
that is understandable to the other person.
~ Please forgive me:
Many broken relationships could be restored and healed if people would
admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness. All of us are vulnerable
to faults, foibles and failures. A man should never be ashamed to own
up that he has been in the wrong, which is saying, in other words,
that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
~ I thank you:
Gratitude is an exquisite form of courtesy. People who enjoy the
companionship of good, close friends are those who don't take daily
courtesies for granted. They are quick to thank their friends for
their many expressions of kindness. On the other hand, people whose
circle of friends is severely constricted often do not have the
attitude of gratitude.
~ Count on me:
A friend is one who walks in when others walk out. Loyalty is an
essential ingredient for true friendship. It is the emotional glue
that bonds people. Those that are rich in their relationships tend to
be steady and true friends. When troubles come, a good friend is there
indicating “you can count on me.”
~ I'll be there:
If you have ever had to call a friend in the middle of the night, to
take a sick child to hospital, or when your car has broken down some
miles from home, you will know how good it feels to hear the phrase
“I'll be there.” Being there for another person is the greatest gift
we can give. When we are truly present for other people, important
things happen to them and us. We are renewed in love and friendship.
We are restored emotionally and spiritually. Being there is at the
very core of civility.
~ Go for it:
We are all unique indiv
My thoughts:
Love is a beautiful thing. Loving Allah first and foremost, Our beloved Prophet, My family and friends..and getting nothing but love in return is the best thing in this world. Having friends who are there when I'm need is a blessing. They are there not just to share my joy but I also find them beside me when I'm in grief. Haylie and Rani, i want to say, that I thank Allah Subhanahu wata'ala everyday for making us meet. Haylie- Isnt it funny how we used to see each other all the time at school but never really said anything to each other. At least nothing besides hi and bye. lmbo! I'm glad i met you haylie baylie bobblehead. we'll be nerds together until Allah Ta'ala decides otherwise. I promise you.
. Rani, it was the best day when i met you at masjid. Never thought we'd become so close, but Allah Ta'ala plans perfectly right? I ask Allah Ta'ala to grant you both the best in this life and in the hereafter. Ameen. Thank you for everything buddies. I love you two for the sake of Allah!
Rani and Bobblehead, Insha'Allah we will all help each other reach the goal we all share this year. As long as we have that desire right? The Hafitha system is getting there Masha'Allah. keep it up guys!
awww! My beautiful Ninja! I love you!
Remember I told you that you looked at me funny when we first met? lol. I didn't think we would be such great friends either. But haan ji, Allah does plan perfectly. I'm so happy that we met. I'm very fortunate to have a friend like you and I ask Allah to give you the best, you deserve it and much more…
We wouldn't have actually really met if it wasn't for Hayati. We became close only after she left for that month, remember? Well, as much as I missed Hayati in that long month, Allah does everything for a reason…He made us meet.
I admire you a lot. You're not just a good friend, you're an amazing person. I always have fun with you, and the day you came to my house and we were watching baba Ali, OhmyAllah! It was the best! I had a great time!
I lub you!
And Yeah, Inshallah we'll be able to meet our goals. I love the Hafitha System and I love you even more for thinking about it!
Thank you for everything… I love you.
Hayati!!! I Love you oh so much! We became good friends as soon as we met! You hekka made me laugh all the time! Remember how we would sit in the back of the room and talk and appa would get mad at us? lol. And I was labeled the “chatterbox” as well! and OhmyA
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
My thoughts:
Love is a beautiful thing. Loving Allah first and foremost, Our beloved Prophet, My family and friends..and getting nothing but love in return is the best thing in this world. Having friends who are there when I'm need is a blessing. They are there not just to share my joy but I also find them beside me when I'm in grief. Haylie and Rani, i want to say, that I thank Allah Subhanahu wata'ala everyday for making us meet. Haylie- Isnt it funny how we used to see each other all the time at school but never really said anything to each other. At least nothing besides hi and bye. lmbo! I'm glad i met you haylie baylie bobblehead. we'll be nerds together until Allah Ta'ala decides otherwise. I promise you.
. Rani, it was the best day when i met you at masjid. Never thought we'd become so close, but Allah Ta'ala plans perfectly right? I ask Allah Ta'ala to grant you both the best in this life and in the hereafter. Ameen. Thank you for everything buddies. I love you two for the sake of Allah!
Rani and Bobblehead, Insha'Allah we will all help each other reach the goal we all share this year. As long as we have that desire right? The Hafitha system is getting there Masha'Allah. keep it up guys!
awww! My beautiful Ninja!
I love you!
Remember I told you that you looked at me funny when we first met? lol. I didn't think we would be such great friends either. But haan ji, Allah does plan perfectly.
I'm so happy that we met. I'm very fortunate to have a friend like you and I ask Allah to give you the best, you deserve it and much more…
We wouldn't have actually really met if it wasn't for Hayati. We became close only after she left for that month, remember? Well, as much as I missed Hayati in that long month, Allah does everything for a reason…He made us meet.
I admire you a lot. You're not just a good friend, you're an amazing person.
I always have fun with you, and the day you came to my house and we were watching baba Ali, OhmyAllah! It was the best! I had a great time!
I lub you!
And Yeah, Inshallah we'll be able to meet our goals.
I love the Hafitha System and I love you even more for thinking about it!
Thank you for everything…
I love you.
Awwwwwww Rani! You're the sweetest ever. ahhhh you're an awesome person too. Subhana'Allah. That's so true. IF haylie never left for that one month, may
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
And after we came off the roller coaster, you said, “That was the best two minutes of my life because of you!” lol! I was sitting there scared as a chicken and you were having the best time of your life? haha.
ROTFL!!! that's what friends are for, na?
ooooh – love this pic!! SO cute….
Awwwwwww Rani! You're the sweetest ever. ahhhh you're an awesome person too. Subhana'Allah. That's so true. IF haylie never left for that one month, maybe we wouldn't have became close friends. ha.
I love you too Habeebati. May Allah Ta'ala give u the best in this life and in the next
Did I tell you how much I love your duas? lol. They're the best, just like you.
I so miss you!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
And after we came off the roller coaster, you said, “That was the best two minutes of my life because of you!” lol! I was sitting there scared as a chicken and you were having the best time of your life? haha.
ROTFL!!! that's what friends are for, na?
ooooh – love this pic!! SO cute….
Yeah, that's what friends are for. (thanks hayati) I love that pic, it really is cute.
awww Rani…
I didnt knwo you guys were talking about me 'til i saw my name and i was like 'eh?' then I read back and aww…
that was hella funny! (hehe hella) ..when we went to the amusement park together. and remember the next day we called and was like ' it wasnt as scary as i thought it would be'…or something along those lines.
Its funny how you guys say ' if it wasnt for haylie leaving for that month we wouldnt have met'
ha I wanted to keep you for myself.. ha appa woould be like 'haylie's as quiet as a mouse before Rani comes…” ha
oh man, because there isnt a week without us seeing each other it feels like we've known each other for years and years.
we do have tons of fun together. yay us!
Not Afhgany or Pakistani, just straight up Yemeni.
Jihad (jihaz), Jembeeya, thats real Beladee
Ninja will be the only person to understand that (fully)..
that was hella funny! (hehe hella) ..when we went to the amusement park together. and remember the next day we called and was like ' it wasnt as scary as i thought it would be'…or something along those lines.
I didn't get to go =[ but glad u guys had funnnn.
ha I wanted to keep you for myself.. ha appa woould be like 'haylie's as quiet as a mouse before Rani comes…” ha
OMG I so remember Appa saying that
it was hilarious. But Rani keeps the whole class alive, (fobby accent) v lubju so much Raniiiii. =]
Not Afhgany or Pakistani, just straight up Yemeni.
Jihad (jihaz), Jembeeya, thats real Beladee
Ninja will be the only person to understand that (fully)..
ROFL as in Jembayya? Yemeni pride all zi way.
Beladee beladee beladal Yemen..something something hahaha.
Inni Uhibuki fillah
….Yeah im cool i say it that way, it sounds better too
” What our deepest self craves is not mere enjoyment, but some supreme purpose that will enlist all our powers and will give unity and direction to our life. We can never know the profoundest joy without conviction that our life is significant – not a meaningless episode. The loftiest aim of a human life is the ethical perfecting of mankind – the transfiguration of humanity.”
To know what you prefer instead of humbly saying Amen to what the world tells you you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Scottish author (1850 – 1894)
You guys don't understand how MUCH that quote is “me”…. it is so, so me. lol. And so is the picture in my signature… that could well have been me there…
U r8 dis does sound like u a lot…well a lot like Missy Boo from this forum lol
as for the pic, u actually got me squinting trying to figure out
cute pic though, reminds me of one my nephew had taken of me at the beach with my
hair being blown away ( like in the movies lmao ) …the background of the Durbans Glorious beach, *****ssssssiiiigggghhhhhhh******
home swcheeeeeet home
I do Love the quote…
awww Rani…I didnt knwo you guys were talking about me 'til i saw my name and i was like 'eh?' then I read back and aww…that was hella funny! (hehe hella) ..when we went to the amusement park together. and remember the next day we called and was like ' it wasnt as scary as i thought it would be'…or something along those lines.
lol. Yeah, I said it wasn't as scary as i thought it would be. I would do it again, actually. and I would have probably went on Medusa with you if we had enough time and u persuaded me enuf. lol. and yep, it was hekka fun, we should do it again! *excited* and this time we have to drag Ninja with us! lol.
oh oh! And that part was hekka funny when we were praying and everyone was staring at us! lol. and yeah, I didn't even hear the music when I was praying, Alhumdulillah.
Its funny how you guys say ' if it wasnt for haylie leaving for that month we wouldnt have met'
ha I wanted to keep you for myself.. ha appa woould be like 'haylie's as quiet as a mouse before Rani comes…” ha wanted to keep me for urself? lol. ur too funny. OhmyAllah! Appa completely labeled me as the chatterbox! I so do not talk that much! do I? lol. Well, maybe I do, but come on, I wasn't the only one talking, you were talking with me! lol. I never noticed you as quiet becuz you always talked hekka with me, but Appa kept saying ur quiet until i come. lol. She even wanted ot separate us! that would have been so not cool…
oh man, because there isnt a week without us seeing each other it feels like we've known each other for years and years.
we do have tons of fun together. yay us! there isn't a week without us seeing each other it feel like we've known each other for years? What the heck? lol. Do u mean that a week hadn't even passed after we met, but it felt like we knew each other for years and years? lol. Well, if so, yeah, I feel like I've known you since forever! lol. I love you tonz!
Not Afhgany or Pakistani, just straight up Yemeni.
Jihad (jihaz), Jembeeya, thats real Beladee
Ninja will be the only person to understand that (fully)..
hey hey, u translated for me, remember? lol. I love you too, hayati!
ha I wanted to keep you for myself.. ha appa woould be like 'haylie's as quiet as a mouse before Rani comes…” ha
OMG I so remember Appa saying that it was hilarious. But Rani keeps the whole class alive, (fobby accent) v lubju so much Raniiiii. =] </BLOCKQUOTE
Just some random ***sayings*** that really got under my skin, thought I should share a bit with u All…..
Have u ever noticed that the worst way to miss someoneis when they are right
Beside you and yet u can never hold them..when the moment u cant feel them under your finger tips, u miss them????????????
Have u ever wondered which hurts the most, saying something and wishing you had
Not, or saying nothing and wish u HAD???
Have u ever loved someone and they had absolutely no idea whatsoever?? Or loved yr best friend in the entire world – then u sit back and watch him/her love another????
Have u ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle????????
Had u ever decided not to become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what u already have with the person??
Don’t be afraid to tell someone you love them, if you do ..they may break your heart…
If you don’t …u may break theirs…
Now the question is…
Which is worse…..lmao….
pshkkkkkkkkkkkk – and we wonder why life is confusing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DI that actually made me cry cause its a question well all go through….and i actually took the chalenge and ended up where i am. But you know what i love this i really do.
Kavs i knowyou are right there with me crying so are you Didi
Scar face:
Have u ever noticed that the worst way to miss someoneis when they are right
Beside you and yet u can never hold them..when the moment u cant feel them under your finger tips, u miss them????????????
this is so beautiful… I put that as my MSN name…
honestly I didnt cry, it just made sense to me
dnt have no more tears, ( I think ) to cry…lol but am by yr side through this alwayz…
will be here to wipe away them tears and gve u the strength and love u deserve
Sweetz ***hugz**** U will be ok…Promise
Kavs, sent u that email, as in email through your email ..yahoo not a PM okies
luw u tooo sweetness…
Marine – dont cry hun! but if you are or you did – here's mah shoulder —- just waiting for you to cry on
although i dont even want 2 hear u crying! sometimes its good to cry though you know what…. b/c it rids your chest of so much crap & sometimes you feel so much better after crying
ali – luv – h ru? hope good! mah shoulder is here fr you too!
booji – h r u hun
so busy here trying To study — during spreak break — i know guyz dont laugh at my life! but yeah i got
to study coz i have mah exams when i go out back — love, Kav
ali – luv – h ru? hope good! mah shoulder is here fr you too!
so busy here trying To study — during spreak break —
i know guyz dont laugh at my life! but yeah i got
to study coz i have mah exams when i go out back — love, Kav
waaaat ?? wat da heck u talkin bout sweety…??
yr education is DAMN important, soooo yeah if anyone laffs coz u need to spend more time
getting the best grades, to hell with em….
u just go ahead hun…aaaand all the best…
meeeee is well thanks…hope ur better tooo??
thnks..luw…same here..shoulders and all nah lol
take it easy sweety and ***smile***
Scar face:
Have u ever noticed that the worst way to miss someoneis when they are right
Beside you and yet u can never hold them..when the moment u cant feel them under your finger tips, u miss them????????????
this is so beautiful… I put that as my MSN name…
Scar face:
waaaat ?? wat da heck u talkin bout sweety…??
yr education is DAMN important, soooo yeah if anyone laffs coz u need to spend more time
getting the best grades, to hell with em….
ali -! well thanks for that note…naww i was juz sayin that coz..im tellin yu guyz the truth n was hopin that you guyz dont think im like……..
u know…….. study forever have no fun dont go out type
although i kinda am..lol did i just reveal that?!
ne way love yeh
I knw u are….:-)
so wat if u are the study only type, do u really think thats sums bad??
coz it aint sweety..i knw it seems **UNCOOL** at times
u knw the saying..*beauty is in the eye of the beholder**
well to me** FUN ** can be described the same……..
Fun: hmmmm u dnt have to go out to parties or to dance clubs to have fun hey…
just remember this….***hugz***
hey di..naw i shundt say im the all studying type
rather i am definitely the person who doesnt like to go out and stuff type
naw..i guess hey…not an uncool thing coz..at least it'll get me a job if i study hard haha
For sure sweet Kav…
alritey mah schweet sista
huggies for yeh too
i so gats to force mah lil bum offa this computer chair right now n kick it to go sit it down at my desk n STUDY lol
lol…for once not much thoughts…
am content..just wondering about a few friends and constructing what I wanna say to them…
eish Life….
and am thinking:
love never dies a natural death, it dies because we dont know how to replenish
its source..
it dies of blindness and errors and BETRAYALS.
it dies of illness and wounds, it dies of weariness, of whithering of tarnishing
most of all LOVE sux…
but then everyone knows I think this …hahahaha
you will never know true happiness until u have truly loved, and u will never understand what pain really feels like
until you have lost it…ie LOVE…
[:'(] awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you're gonna make me tear now….that was so DEEP omG! I told you you talk like SO
poetic i shud learn from you! defnitely!
aww hun…is everything alright with you there….? i trust you to always keep up hope up b/c i believe you in whole heartedly
*warm hugs*
Scar face:
you will never know true happiness until u have truly loved, and u will never understand what pain really feels like
until you have lost it…ie LOVE…
thats true…
oh and I was reading the thread, and just now i decided to read your post on the first page. I always skipped it (sorry) because it was just toooooooo long. But idk, i read it right now, from the bottom up actually lol, and….wow….I like a few things you said in there…i wont bring up an old topic now, just wanted to let you know…
Hayati…it took me a min. to figure out who you were talking to…if it is boo that you were talking to. lmao.
silly woman
i was talking to the person i quoted.
silly woman
i was talking to the person i quoted.
oh really? wow! that must be quite an accomplishment for you!
starting stuff?
lets take it outside homie
wana take it outside? sure thang. this wont take long..
como es grosero!
so where do u wana go first? dinner or dance?
me no gusta bailar o cenar
conseguir una vida mi amigo!
u no gusta bailar? well me no gusta bailar either.
u no cenar? well me no cenar either.
i just know we need to take it outside
khara boy.
LOL Haylie…=P
uhm..u found no other word but khara? how about…umm..nvm ahahahaha =D
i love the word KHARA!
it sounds 'nice' to people who dont know what it means
like a little girl's name…
Would ya care to tell us what it means, then? Hehe!
but you'll think I'm gross.
i love the word KHARA!
it sounds 'nice' to people who dont know what it means
like a little girl's name…
Haylie hush yo mouf, little girl's name. ehh? okay votever.
i love the word KHARA!
it sounds 'nice' to people who dont know what it means
like a little girl's name…
Haylie hush yo mouf, little girl's name. ehh? okay votever.
it does!
not to you 'cause you know what it means.
you know what it means too. now hush yo mouf.
try something cooler sounding.
like dem names our parents give us of the most famous stupid ppl or slow from 38947389473589 yrs ago or w.e
I don't know what you just said
LOL me neither =p
haylie….wot does it mean ? lol
haylie….wot does it mean ? lol
AHAHHAHA…wouldnt you like to know
uhh sure why not?
[:'(] awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you're gonna make me tear now….that was so DEEP omG! I told you you talk like SO
poetic i shud learn from you! defnitely!
aww hun…is everything alright with you there….? i trust you to always keep up hope up b/c i believe you in whole heartedly
*warm hugs*
kavz…yup all is kewl with me…really..its extremely damn cold here….lol
**warmer hugz ***back to you luwie
Scar face:
you will never know true happiness until u have truly loved, and u will never understand what pain really feels like
until you have lost it…ie LOVE…
thats true…
oh and I was reading the thread, and just now i decided to read your post on the first page. I always skipped it (sorry) because it was just toooooooo long. But idk, i read it right now, from the bottom up actually lol, and….wow….I like a few things you said in there…i wont bring up an old topic now, just wanted to let you know…
lmao …have no idea wat u are talking bout sweety…really…u are just tooo much Haylie..
from da bottom up huh…hmmm dat must be my special ..err extra special talent …
good to see u like wateva it be…u were reading…
ok right now am wondering…just wondering..
how on earth can someone fall and die??
like just faint and then die…??
**drop dead** u knw dat saying r8
how can that be true???
HOW?? can sumone faint and then die…a few minutes later???
dats wats on my mind at the moment…thinking bout this…
Life is a joke…a big damn freak show
didi are you alright???? please tell me that you are! & where did you get these thoughts from !!
oh yeah, am good thanks Kavz..
well my cousin had passed on last week, I mean she just fainted and died ..sooo yeah
my thoughts were centred around her at the time…
oh my good god; i am so sorry to hear what happened didi
what was the situation behind this? was your cousin sick? or had background illnesses? oh my god
Let us just pray that she is in the abode of the lord & her soul will rest in peace
Scar face:
oh yeah, am good thanks Kavz..
well my cousin had passed on last week, I mean she just fainted and died ..sooo yeah
my thoughts were centred around her at the time…
Awww Inna Lillah…
I'm so sorry to hear that jaan.
May she rest in peace Inshallah.
tnx my dears…am sure she is in peace…
my thoughts for the moment:
am wondering if i am actually serving my **purpose** on earth
apart from wasting all the oxygen I breathe in …like seriously
am just tired…tired of life..of being here..of wasting away each precious gifted second
i either do sumthing thats GOING to make a difference or end it all..seriously..
i thought I will find a purpose, find myself, my true calling if I moved away from home
I feel the same…worse now in fact, apart from the blissfullness surrounded by not
having to witness the harshness of LIFE..of MY LIFE…
my thoughts…are all entwined ..
10 years ago, this was not the future I envisioned, not the future I dreamed offf..
how does this happen, how is it one can sooo blindly follow a different path form
I know its been my choice all this time.
My thoughts….:-( am just confused…I dont know which way to go…
I hate it when the forum duplicate my posts…
Living on Earth is expensive,
but it does include a free trip
Around the sun every year.
How long a minute is
depends on what side of the
bathroom door you're on.
Birthdays are good for you;
the more you have,
the longer you live.
Happiness comes through doors you
didn't even know you left open.
Ever notice that the people who are late
are often much jollier
than the people who have to wait for them?
Most of us go to our grave
with our music still inside of us.
If Shoprite-Checkers is lowering prices every day,
how come nothing is free yet?
You may be only one person in the world,
but you may also be the world to one person.
Some mistakes are too much fun
to only make once.
Don't cry because it's over;
smile because it happened.
We could learn a lot from crayons:
some are sharp, some are pretty,
some are dull, some have weird names,
and all are different colors….but
they all exist very nicely in the same box.
A truly happy person is one who
can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
and the best for last:
Working for God on earth does not pay much,
but His Retirement plan is out of this world.
Those are some nice thoughts Scarry =)
Scar face:
tnx my dears…am sure she is in peace…
my thoughts are centred around my career, my job, my work, my life hahaha
seeing as it takes most of my precious hours …I need sum serious re-thinking on this
is all of this even worth it..the daily madhouse..
do i truly love my job??
am i being truly TRUE to myself here
or am i simply being ignorant to my hearts desires
my thoughts …
Yumin darlin' how are you?
Ali darlin darlin darlin wud yeh try to cheer up …at leat just for me…. remember when you told me to just smell some flowers and look at tem and admire them just for you…
do this just for me because i care abt you and i want you to look at any fresh rose and stare at it with gleaming eyes and observe its beauty and smell the air and be thankful for it
thoughts being centered on career is an alright thing didi you are a working woman!!! you mean power..power i say!!!
love, being true to yourelf requires you yourself to think about lots of things
As for my feelings – well im trying to just make my self really happy —- just trying trying trying —- hey got to fake it until yah make it right ?! And besides, we cant cry every day … forever – right?
How do you think it feels to know that your parents really dont care or they dont show anything towards you … really it was worst on me before but now
i've realized that I should give apart of my heart to the one who finds some nicely thing within me
only a part of my heart though, most definitely not much – protection i say protection from pain – someting i can not bear
And i shalt say that althought i have forever been sinking in a huge and deep river i am resting somewhat comfortably on a piece of board and although i am freezing and its mad cold i am laughing hard
although i scorn myself at my reflection my imagination has been bursting lately with hopes of a change
i am drowning in big gobules of fear like particles yet there's some space in between of that that says they will increase in time and fear shall be decreased thereafter
ah this is what i am saying this is what it is
Hey luw
Firstly am a lil jealous coz am dying to watch dat surfer dude but simply dnt have the damn time….
Anywyz glad u enjoyed it except my dear, u and yr dude…need to watch ROMANTIC movies together…Jeeez…more lessons coming yr way.
Firstly, why are u crying huh??? U want me to come over there and thump u ..okies I meant HUG u ..hahaha
Stop it now…okies wait cry..but not sooo much that yr eyes luk like u’ve had a bottle of Vodka …haha
Hun ***hugz Kavs tightly*** dnt wanna let go….dnt be so hard on them, u know they are going through sum **patches** …from what u told me…
Besides, u are sooo darn lovable, hw can u even think yr folks dnt love u???
They do, its just the way they look at things/life etc differs from the way u do…
I can identify with yr statement, parents can sometimes concentrate sooo much on
Everything else that seems important ( which is in its own way ) and in the interim neglect to SHOW their kids the love and comfort they shud …dat doesn’t necessarily mean they care less, they simply don’t express themselves in the appropriate manner..
Pain, as in heartache is not something anyone should endure but it happens, sooo yeah do protect yr heart from it but not soo much so that u miss the beauty of loving another ….
And allowing them to reside within the beats of yr beautiful heart…use instinct hun, am sure u will know whom to trust and who u can let in….
The view must be awesome from that board of yrs hey…can I join u, hold yr hand, and just chill, taking in the sun as it protects us from that coldness…just chatting, laffing???
<span style="font-size:14pt;color:red;font-f
King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of a neighboring kingdom. The monarch could have killed him but was moved by Arthur's youth and ideals. So, the monarch offered him his freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult question. Arthur would have a year to figure out the answer and, if after a year, he still had no answer; he would be put to death.
The question? . . . What do women really want? Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query. But, since it was better than death, he accepted the monarch's proposition to have an answer by year's end.
He returned to his kingdom and began to poll everyone: the princess, the priests, the wise men and even the court jester. He spoke with every one, but no one could give him a satisfactory answer.
Many people advised him to consult the old witch, for only she would have the answer.
But the price would be high; as the witch was famous throughout the kingdom for the exorbitant prices she charged.
The last day of the year arrived and Arthur had no choice but to talk to the witch. She agreed to answer the question, but he would have to agree to her price first.
The old witch wanted to marry Sir Lancelot, the most noble of the Knights of the Round Table and Arthur's closest friend!
Young Arthur was horrified. She was hunchbacked and hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage, made obscene noises, etc. He had never encountered such a repugnant creature in all his life.
He refused to force his friend to marry her and endure such a terrible burden; but Lancelot, learning of the proposal, spoke with Arthur. He said nothing was too big of a sacrifice, compared to Arthur's life and the preservation of the Round Table.
Hence, a wedding was proclaimed and the witch answered Arthur's question thus:
What a woman really wants, she answered . . . is to be in charge of her own life.
Everyone in the kingdom instantly knew that the witch had uttered a great truth and that Arthur's life would be spared.
And so it was, the neighboring monarch granted Arthur his freedom and Lancelot and the witch had a wonderful wedding.
The honeymoon hour approached and Lancelot, steeling himself for a horrific experience, entered the bedroom. But, what a sight awaited him. The most beautiful woman he had ever seen lay before him on the bed. The astounded Lancelot asked what had happened
The beauty replied that since he had been so kind to her when she appeared as a witch, she would henceforth be her horrible, deformed self only half-the-time and the beautiful maiden the other half.
Which would he prefer? Beautiful during the day . . . or night?
Lancelot pondered the predicament. During the day, a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his castle, an old witch? Or, would he prefer having a hideous witch during the day, but by night, a beautiful woman for him to enjoy wondrous intimate moments?
What would YOU do?
What Lancelot chose is below. BUT . . . make YOUR choice before you scroll down below. OKAY?
Noble Lancelot said that he would allow HER to make the choice herself.
Upon hearing this, she announced that she would be beautiful all the time because he had respected her enough to let her be in charge of her own life.
Now . . . what is the moral to this story?
The moral is . . .
If you don't let a woman have her own way . . .
Things are going to get ugly!
let it get ugly then…
let it get ugly then…
lol. ooooooook
sumtimes in life, we tend to hurt the ones we truly love the most
without even realising that we are doing this …
sumtimes we are blinded by the fear of the *unknown* and off coz feelings that
cant be controlled…or maybe it can be controlled yet in that split second u see all the negatives and this builds up in such speed that it overwhelm the good??
in soo doing, we cause the one thing we do not want or have never thought we will accomplish, or the one crime we know we dont want to commit, we HURT the one we love…
A scar in the heart that cannot be erased, maybe time will allow it to heal
maybe not…
just a random thought, more like my feeling for this moment …
Sigh … things sound tough *hugs*
….yeah that happens…Alie
….yeah that happens…Alie
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh whatttt daa…?
sorry, but I just have to HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA at that!
very nice!
LMAO! oh ninja, you will never hear the end of this from me! *giggles*
Oreo ji – No more walls around your heart? Well, ninja is a ninja, she's got the skills to break walls.
lol, well said ranz
I wanna be in the middle of nowhere…well somewhere in Rural India…
Right now…wish I cud pack up and leave…
for sum reason my heart seems to be placed somewhere there
why do i have the same feeling?
except not in Rural India..I was thinking more of a ….i dunno, just not here.
If I had a dime for each time my feet were in one place and my heart was someplace else, I'd be thinking of a hostile-takeover bid for Arcelor-Mittal.
Rural India is not the place to be right now, what with Monsoon, not unless you are mad about storm-clouds that rain Felines, Canines and the whole freakin' animal kingdom. But, less than a stone's throw away (Erm a really small stone thrown by a very very strong person), is a place I believe God crafted with love. On top of this small hill are these huge boulders that overlook a valley where busy farmers bustle about raising pineapples among other things. I go there when I feel like my life is disintegrated. Clear blue skies, delicate wisps of journeying clouds, the faint aroma of ocean breeze bearing with it bits and pieces of muffled voices of the farmers below fussing over plant and soil…magically and mystically, all becomes well with the world.
Creation bears God's signature. Here…there…everywhere!
Creation bears God's signature. Here…there…everywhere!
right words. right time.
If I had a dime for each time my feet were in one place and my heart was someplace else, I'd be thinking of a hostile-takeover bid for Arcelor-Mittal.
Rural India is not the place to be right now, what with Monsoon, not unless you are mad about storm-clouds that rain Felines, Canines and the whole freakin' animal kingdom. But, less than a stone's throw away (Erm a really small stone thrown by a very very strong person), is a place I believe God crafted with love. On top of this small hill are these huge boulders that overlook a valley where busy farmers bustle about raising pineapples among other things. I go there when I feel like my life is disintegrated. Clear blue skies, delicate wisps of journeying clouds, the faint aroma of ocean breeze bearing with it bits and pieces of muffled voices of the farmers below fussing over plant and soil…magically and mystically, all becomes well with the world.
Creation bears God's signature. Here…there…everywhere!
How do I explain to you how much this sentence has calmed me, Senor? Your words are not just lying there on the computer screen, for the sake of being there, like a mess of clothes lying in the corner of a bathroom floor.. they are full of life, evoking thought and feeling in my mind, pulling my eyes into a beautiful walk with those funny-looking combination of straight lines and curves that we call letters, words and sentences.
(You are not secretly an author, are you?)
How do I explain to you how much this sentence has calmed me, Senor? Your words are not just lying there on the computer screen, for the sake of being there, like a mess of clothes lying in the corner of a bathroom floor.. they are full of life, evoking thought and feeling in my mind, pulling my eyes into a beautiful walk with those funny-looking combination of straight lines and curves that we call letters, words and sentences.
(You are not secretly an author, are you?)
LOL, boo. I've thought of that
me too! I've been a silent spectator Senor J. You have amazing writing skills! I wish I could write that sophisticatedly! I need to, if I'm to become an author some day! lol hopefully…!
Insha'Allah! You better read my books or else! lol
psht nig.gerita, imagine it with me…
imma pick up a book by you and it's gonna be called something like “What is love?” imma read the first sentence which will go something like “Love…comes in many many forms, love…” next action will be *slams book and throws on shelf*
i keeed i keed i laayaah, of course i'll read ur lame books
I'm not writing a dictionary! LOL. but if I was you'd be classed under LOSERFACE! and Yes, my dictionary would include the word loserface. You shud feel special loool.
*feels awesomely special* and apparently it would include the word “shud” as well.
damn right it would! oops I mean “wud”
My dictionary is not of the English language. Its gona be called Slangish. wat the heck i need sleep.
slangish is…
goooo sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
Lol I'm going, I'm going! Nightttttttt nighttttttttt my high on crack ninja! ILY!
NIGHTTT ILY323232342
…yeah u get the point
Boo: 'How do I explain to you how much this sentence has calmed me, Senor? Your words are not just lying there on the computer screen, for the sake of being there, like a mess of clothes lying in the corner of a bathroom floor.. they are full of life, evoking thought and feeling in my mind, pulling my eyes into a beautiful walk with those funny-looking combination of straight lines and curves that we call letters, words and sentences.(You are not secretly an author, are you?).'
Ninja: 'LOL, boo. I've thought of that'
U_P: 'me too! I've been a silent spectator Senor J. You have amazing writing skills! I wish I could write that sophisticatedly! I need to, if I'm to become an author some day! lol hopefully…!'
I always believed that sometimes what we say of others and unto others reveals more about us than it does about them, or at the least, as much it does about them. I see my belief mirrored in the kind words above. I write as I feel, and perhaps, if I feel too much, it is only because I have always had wonderful women as friends, who have nurtured in me the desire to see the invisible and sense the unspoken. I believe, that you all have more than what it takes to write beautifully, in fact, far more sententiously than me.
If I had a dime for each time my feet were in one place and my heart was someplace else, I'd be thinking of a hostile-takeover bid for Arcelor-Mittal.
Rural India is not the place to be right now, what with Monsoon, not unless you are mad about storm-clouds that rain Felines, Canines and the whole freakin' animal kingdom. But, less than a stone's throw away (Erm a really small stone thrown by a very very strong person), is a place I believe God crafted with love. On top of this small hill are these huge boulders that overlook a valley where busy farmers bustle about raising pineapples among other things. I go there when I feel like my life is disintegrated. Clear blue skies, delicate wisps of journeying clouds, the faint aroma of ocean breeze bearing with it bits and pieces of muffled voices of the farmers below fussing over plant and soil…magically and mystically, all becomes well with the world.
Creation bears God's signature. Here…there…everywhere!
Dats it..I don’t care about the weather..If I cud stay here in this feeeze then I could live in bliss anywhere else
Sooo am going to start packing, u do the same coz I need a guide..
Will send u the details of time..place etc …
Ur up for dat???
Yumz ur coming along with off coz
If yr heart is elsewhere its time to leave Mr..
letz gooo scarry….
A thought:
it amazes me how people who aren't even related to you can care wayyy more than your own blood…in fact, your own fam. can be against you and support you not…and certain friends for example are ready to go through everything with you…no matter how harsh…
letz gooo scarry….START PACKING ….JALDI
A thought:
it amazes me how people who aren't even related to you can care wayyy more than your own blood…in fact, your own fam. can be against you and support you not…and certain friends for example are ready to go through everything with you…no matter how harsh…
I love you too
are u feeling better?
urgh nope!! not better…will be ..
I am not his or hers or theirs
I am mine, me, self
Individuality at its essence
Why say u know me??
I don’t know u, just what u care to tell
Do u feel my pain, I yours??
Have been down to my particular hell??
Do u stir to my joys or struggle in the agony of my mind??
Then WHY do I seek u out??
Need to be close to you and all mankind??
Is it because I and u and all are one??
No division:
Father, mother, sister, son, lover neighbor, enemy, friend
Black, white and yellow, form the whole
Is this the individual???
oooh I like Thought provoking.
Here is another that warms my soul: It's Thomas Gray's 'Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard.' But, I'm sure you already know this.
The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,
The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea,
The ploughman homeward plods his weary way,
And leaves the world to darkness and to me.
Now fades the glimmering landscape on the sight,
And all the air a solemn stillness holds,
Save where the beetle wheels his droning flight,
And drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds:
Save that from yonder ivy-mantled tower
The moping owl does to the moon complain
Of such as, wandering near her secret bower,
Molest her ancient solitary reign.
Beneath those rugged elms, that yew-tree's shade,
Where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap,
Each in his narrow cell for ever laid,
The rude Forefathers of the hamlet sleep.
The breezy call of incense-breathing morn,
The swallow twittering from the straw-built shed,
The ***'s shrill clarion, or the echoing horn,
No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed.
For them no more the blazing hearth shall burn,
Or busy housewife ply her evening care:
No children run to lisp their sire's return,
Or climb his knees the envied kiss to share,
Oft did the harvest to their sickle yield,
Their furrow oft the stubborn glebe has broke;
How jocund did they drive their team afield!
How bow'd the woods beneath their sturdy stroke!
Let not Ambition mock their useful toil,
Their homely joys, and destiny obscure;
Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile
The short and simple annals of the Poor.
The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power,
And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave,
Awaits alike th' inevitable hour:-
The paths of glory lead but to the grave.
Nor you, ye Proud, impute to these the fault
If Memory o'er their tomb no trophies raise,
Where through the long-drawn aisle and fretted vault
The pealing anthem swells the note of praise.
Can storied urn or animated bust
Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath?
Can Honour's voice provoke the silent dust,
Or Flattery soothe the dull cold ear of Death?
Perhaps in this neglected spot is laid
Some heart once pregnant with celestial fire;
Hands, that the rod of empire might have sway'd,
Or waked to ecstasy the living lyre:
But Knowledge to their eyes her ample page,
Rich with the spoils of time, did ne'er unroll;
Chill Penury repress'd their noble rage,
And froze the genial current of the soul.
Full many a gem of purest ray serene
The dark unfathom'd caves of ocean bear:
Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
And waste its sweetness on the desert air.
Some village-Hampden, that with dauntless ***
The little tyrant of his fields withstood,
Some mute inglorious Milton here may rest,
Some Cromwell, guiltless of his country's blood.
Th' applause of list'ning senates to command,
The threats of pain and ruin to despise,
To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land,
And read their history in a nation's eyes,
Their lot forbad: nor circumscribed alone
Their growing virtues, but their crimes confined;
Forbad to wade through slaughter to a throne,
And shut the gates of mercy on mankind,
The struggling pangs of conscious truth to hide,
To quench the blushes of ingenuous shame,
Or heap the shrine of Luxury and Pride
With incense kindled at the Muse's flame.
Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife,
Their sober wishes never learn'd to stray;
Along the cool sequester'd vale of life
They kept the noiseless tenour of their way.
Yet e'en thes
oooh I like Thought provoking.
it is nah
A little story that should be read and hopefully makes as much sense to u as it did to me: Life is to be lived. No excuses. No reservations. No holding back.
An enchanting story about violinist Fritz Kreisler tells how he once came across a beautiful instrument he wanted to acquire. When he finally raised the money for the violin, he returned to buy it and learned that it had already been sold to a collector.
He went to the new owner's home in order to try to persuade him to sell the violin. But the collector said it was one of his prized possessions and he could not let it go. The disappointed Kreisler turned to leave, but then asked a favor. “May I play the instrument once more before it is consigned to silence?”
Permission was granted and the great musician began to play. The violin sang out a quality of music so beautiful that the collector himself could only listen in wonderment. “I have no right to keep that to myself,” he said after the musician finished. “The violin is yours, Mr. Kreisler. Take it into world, and let people hear it.”
William Arthur Ward said, “If you believe in prayer, pray; if you believe in serving, serve; if you believe in giving, give.” For you and I are exquisite violins — our music is meant to be heard.
I want to live my life that way — to take it into the world and live it fully. I'd rather burn out than rust out. I'd rather be used up than die not having done whatever I could…wherever I would.I'm not talking about wearing ourselves out on over-activity. Happiness is never found in excessive busyness. But it is found in investing our lives in others. Saying YES when asked for a hand. Volunteering some time for a worthwhile organization. Spending an hour with a lonely relative.
In the end, I know that my happiness will not have been about by my ability or my inability. It will have been about my availability. My life is meant to be lived.
Stress: that confusion created when ones mind overrides the body’s basic desire to choke the living shyte outa Sum a$$(&*^80 who deserves it
* looooong exhale* Aaaahh yes. Make it so!
Oye whose stresssin u NessLemme @ em …
*big grin* No worries, but thanks for the back.
It's just a speck of sand in the eye, nothing more. Sooner or later it gets washed away, yes?
(Hides the pail of water behind his back) Nessa, I can get the 'speck of sand' out faster than 'sooner…'
letz gooo scarry….
A thought:
it amazes me how people who aren't even related to you can care wayyy more than your own blood…in fact, your own fam. can be against you and support you not…and certain friends for example are ready to go through everything with you…no matter how harsh…
I love you, habeebi.
I love you too buddy
stay smiling…stay awesome!
I don't like how easily some people allow others to influence them and lead them to do things which may not be accepted by anyone, but just the mere fact that 'everyone does it' makes it “okay”. I believe that you should be your own leader, lead yourself according to the way you were raised and how you see things.. your own values, your perspective…you know what's right and what's wrong. It's great to be unique and people might see you as weird and psycho, but hey, they don't even know what they're doing anymore . Standing out is awesome. We all have brains so i think we should start using them, no? BE WHO YOU WANNA BE, NOT WHAT OTHERS WANT YOU TO BECOME!!!
Erm Ninja? Was there any twitching involved with the above post? Lol. But, well said. Too many people pleasers and approval addicts that we no longer know who people really are sometimes. So, unique (weird and psycho) huh? Lmao!
Ji, you seem very concerned of this twitching that is going on
What exactly did yummin say about…this twitching?
Oh no! We should not be talking about this. That is exactly how the twitching starts…and the stares. You should be talking to Rani ji. Apparently she knows, at least that's what Ninja says.
lmao…no twitching..no staring, im all cool now.
Life is one long want,
from the womb to the tomb
the mind is taken up with wants
milk from the ***, the grabbing for attention,
from crawlin to sprawlin in the form,
the rising wants in the teens,
when urges fog the mind
but make clear the kind
of want the body craves,
the want cries loud when the wedding bells becomes a distant chime
and you change partners in midstream, only
to find the boat so rocked
it washed away the creme of romance
brought over from the wants of youth.
life drifts on into age,
and still u want.
anuther man???anuther woman??
anuther fwend?? DEATH, the end???
sadly the mind does not age with the body;
we want until the final breath.
if only we cud learn to WAIT instead of want…..
Life is one long want,
from the womb to the tomb
if only we cud learn to WAIT instead of want…..
Great thoughts Scarry …
Alie, I agree with Ninja. You got me thinking for a long time.
hmmmmm care to share those thoughts Jalapeno?
gud to see **my** words/posts appreciated…i think??
I think i should just go in a coma for a few years….!
Hmm, that IS an odd thought (Imagine Chandler Bing saying it, because that is exactly how its supposed to sound).
it's not odd…me thinks.
or perhaps it may sound so…who cares. =P its a thought that went through my head =D
wow that really got me thinking thats why the saying is good that goes like this and i agree with it cause its all bout wants.
we want things that we don't need
with the money that we don't have
yet what do we do
we buy it anyways
cause the want is stronger then the need
When we are kids we get all that we want
parents don't care if we need then
we want it thats enough for them to work hard and get it for us
yes when we reach the age of 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55,
and our kids want thing they don't we think about it
do they really need it? NO but we get it anyways.
and also with us
we can barely afford to live in this world with hardness of money.
Yes we continue
Cuidado Mari mia!!! Ur maturity is beginning to show!
MArine, where did you get those words from
Its true………… all of these thoughts
Thanks you guys but its just something that came from the heartexcept from the part that says we want what we don't need
with the money we don't have
it my old bosses saying
Ness wow its really begining i'm so glad someone can see it lol
by the way a phsychic said that i'm getting married this year
u got that rite marine life…puke all u want. must be an amateur psychic
by the way a phsychic said that i'm getting married this year
For reals??? Maaaaaaaaaannnn, poor guy…
Marine are you serious about that psychic???! Omg..
Do you believe psychics ..? How do they tell you though..? What did they do? Look at your palm?
pyschics are ghey.
lol i don't believe it to much cause i'mnot going to get married but then you never know hehehehehe
that's the thing…
we never really know. true! we can plan all we want, we can go to psychics, work hard, set everything right…and then it goes differently. nd it's all for a reason. we can see it as unfair and wrong, but it's actually for the best.
… i dunno what i'm talking about sorry.
Ninja, that made perfect sense to me.
Wait wait, Marine: how did she read your future???? Did she just look at you?? Or she look at yr palm or something?
Well Marine… dont think about what thepsychic said > just do what you feel like doing.
A self-promoting psychic once offered to read my palm for a rupee and tell me my future. I told him that I would give him two rupees if he could tell me what happened yesterday. Funny, how they can 'see' your future, but cannot 'see' your past. Very convenient, since we cannot contest their narrative of our future. I am quite content that my future is in God's hands. Moreover, on most days I can barely deal with the 'past' and the 'present.' Who on God's green earth has the time to worry about tomorrow. Sheesh! People who live in the past barely enjoy their present and rarely enjoy their future. People who worry about their future squander many an opportunity in the present and then realize they've compromised the 'future' with which they had been so fixated.
the latter part of yr ramblings makes a lot of sense, common sense that most humans lack, good to see there are a few out there who
*practices* the art of thinking, being all philosophical, true to a certain extent in the above verse, tell me, did all of those words come off straight from your pretty head or did u steal this from somewhere??
Just checking..
*my thoughts:
are harmoniously centred around my love and family and life and people and friends and lost loved ones and just about everything, everyone and anything, my thoughts are reminiscing the photographic memories captured through many years of beautiful memories cherished through experience, experience that was granted in abundance to me..which is immensely appreciated…*
More to think about:
Some things are beyond planning.
And life doesn't always turn out as planned.
You don't plan for a broken heart.
You don't plan for a failed business venture.
You don't plan for an adulterous husband.
or a wife who wants you out of her life.
You don't plan for an autistic child.
You don't plan for spinsterhood.
You don't plan for a lump in your ***.
You plan to be young forever.
You plan to climb the corporate ladder.
You plan to be rich and powerful.
<span style="FONT-SIZE:13.5pt;COLOR:olive;FONT-FAM
beautiful thoughts =)
Didi – I agree with Ninja.
Ali I agree with your thoughts about Senor J last post up there. Im a person who says that everything will happen in the future. What he said may turn out to be so true. I better start living for the present and stop pushing everything off and saying its going to happen in the future and not now.
lol..hmm okay…
wat time is it there??
Dii ! Hiiii ! Its 8:35AM here now. There? My mom woke me up early so that my dad can teach me to drive…so Im back home now thank goodness.
Jeez dats a bit too early for a driving lesson hey..how r u??
Its approx 14.40pm here..
Good to see Ranz online at the same time in a lonnnng time
and yumz too off coz:)
Well, mom woke me up around 6:45am the reason being because Im a scared and shaky (new) driver : today was my 5th time driving anywhere and since today is Sunday: the traffic (really early) today especially is little>and then I dont have to get extremely jumpy everytime I see cars from the corner of my eyes!
Im alright – glad to be home here now and glad to see you, ninja and Rani online. 14:40 is 2:40 right? (just making sure)
hmm correct..well 3.00pm now
wow, congrats my dear, 5th lesson…at least u made it that far hey
sooo how does it feel..being the force behind such power?? ie driving?
5th lesson : driving is still scary to me and my dad has to keep telling me to go on to go on and drive after I see cars in the corner of my eyes. But I got better! The first 2 times I drove: it was at a park and my dad let me drive around in circles and everytime I saw a car I dont care how far away it was I'd go to a full stop, just sit there and stare into space like if something bad will happen if i only tip the gas. To think of it, thats kinda funny.. .or maybe not(where Im concerned)
How are you?
Kavz, WAAAAH?? me no understand, but dis kewl …
Its sooo quiet and peaceful, well exception to my music…salaaam namaste..lol
ranz, am well thanks, hope ur the same too??
Alright, lets make it short. Me driving = scary + shaky
Ah ! I feel like listening to Salaam from Umrao Jaan. That song is really nice I like it alot! Hey is it true that preity and saif KISSED in salaam namaste?
yup they sure did…
wats the weather like in Us this fine morning?
I'm glad you're feeling good. Me? I'm WONDERFUL!
I haven't felt this good in ages!
dats great to hear Ranz..Keep it going strong nah..dnt lose the feeling:-)
it feels soo gud to see u online, been a while huh?
awwww. Yeah, it has been a while since I could log on in peace.
I see that you are drawn to this place as is every member.
yoh?? u on abishels arms???? woaahhh and were is Aishwarya ???
kidding love…
drawn to this place?? nope …theres a reason behind every action…
but I do love u guys a lot and miss talking to everyone at once ..haha
You're not drawn to this place? i'm surprised…
Aishwarya who?
Abhishek is so darned se.xiful. *sigh*
lol u remind me of my fwend V…sooo ABISHEK craze she was that chicka
hmmm nope hun, the fascination of this place, never ceases to amaze me..but am not drawn to it ..not like I used to be when Nitz was around..Gosh that dude made me laff sooo much I thot I wud die laffing at his attempts to irritate/belittle people…
I do miss him and Cosmic ..and Mara too..
havent spoken to her in a while …
hmmm…why does it always have to be a guy that draws one to a certain place or feeling…lol
Send them all an email, na?
roflmao ohhhh rannnnzzz
sweety now Nitz will certainly believe all my love crazed postings for him hahahaa
no hun, its not the GUY(S) its the fight!!!!
Email??? lol…nope..but thanks for the suggestion…
and its the magical experience of relating to many people u havent seen yet share a
bond with..thats wat drew me to this place…
either way, the guys are part of it, na?
I know what you mean about the bond sharing…I love this place.
hmm yup the guys are a part of it…
I was in a * really low phase * when i joined this place last year..
just fighting with them helped me in many ways..hahaha
There are 4 things one cannot recover
last one made me sighhhhh
yet, we don't seem to take advantage of the time WE DO HAVE, right?!
Oohhhhhhhh my gosh, I look like a victim of abuse, physical abuseL
My hands are covered in burns resulting from my attempt to cook, clean the kitchen, load the washer, and
answer the fone…
hahaha I erhmmm was sprayed by heated cooking oil…..and I didn’t even scream out in pain..Now my hands look like I have a husband who loves decorating parts of my erhmm anatomy with the burning end (yeah I can’t remember what it’s called) of his cigar Am only writing about it coz I got this really loud exclamation from a colleague in the ladies room just a few minutes ago, she began whispering to me that I should be stronger and that she will keep me in her prayer..I just laughed soo loudly she probably thought I was nutz…nothing new though.. I couldn’t even respond to her..
First: Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee MARRIED????????? ( I FEEL FAINT AGAIN )
Second: Do I look like a woman who will ALLOW such treatment from ANY man??
Third: Am still trying to get over the first point….
Fourth: Am actually thinking seriously now about this.’
<p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN:0in 0in 0
Oh my didi! Are you alright?! Be careful !!
Oh man…they think you're being abused? lol..by a guy? you? ahahahhaaa.. i dont see thta happening .. *woman power* *high five man!*
you pregnant? lol and how did they come to such crazed conclusion? ? ?
btw… “decorating parts of my anatomy” reminds me of *ahem* a certain person and you *ahem* *chokes*
*with laughter*
You're not drawn to this place? i'm surprised…
Aishwarya who?
Abhishek is so darned se.xiful. *sigh*
Rani you didnt get over this yet? Aishwariya… *ahem* his wife
hmm yup the guys are a part of it…
I was in a * really low phase * when i joined this place last year..
just fighting with them helped me in many ways..hahaha
i dont know when what happened..happened..but..i met you here..really hating MEN ..and always saying bad stuff…
you've shown a large improvement
Confidence – Trust – Hope
Once all village people decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all people gathered and
only one boy came with an umbrella…. .. that's
Confidence.. ………
Trust should be like the feeling of a one year old baby when you throw him in the air, he
laughs…..because he knows you will catch him…….. that’s
Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to get up alive in the next morning
but still we have plans for the coming day……….that’s
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
AND FOR THE GRAND FINALE:<font face="Arial Narrow" color="#
hmm yup the guys are a part of it…
I was in a * really low phase * when i joined this place last year..
just fighting with them helped me in many ways..hahaha
i dont know when what happened..happened..but..i met you here..really hating MEN ..and always saying bad stuff…
you've shown a large improvement
waaaaahhh?? since when??????????
am STILL saying bad stuff…especially bout Men
I KNOW I sound like a man hater…but am not..am just very erhmmm NOT a man hater gosh!!!!
me luws em…**winks**
Oh my didi! Are you alright?! Be careful !!
Oh man…they think you're being abused?
lol..by a guy?
Rephrase…MY HUSBAND ..***FAINTS***
exactly …me?? am as amazed as u are
ahahahhaaa.. i dont see thta happening
it better not..am not really a physically voilent person..well am not voilent at all..but should any guy attempt any act of abuse on me….
well …theres gonna be WAR..
.. *woman power* *high five man!*
you pregnant?
oh yeah I forgot to mention that part to u guys, dat explains all the cravings I have
lol and how did they come to such crazed conclusion? ? ?
hmmm am not sure…everyone wants to see me married with kids u see..so am thinking its like a daliy prayer or sums..
hahaha ..no clue…its the way my lil community of people are…especially this neighbour …(sigh)
it was hillarious for me but u shud've heard my mum though, ready to kick a$$ on my behalf coz my name was
used in vain hahaha…lol.. me miss her
argh pettiness..
The life thoughts were so true! And the rearranged letters thing was amazing! Im stealing that and emailing it out!
Ahhhhhhhh everyone wants u to get married ?/ but do u want to get married? ..and what is this thing with kids ? ..that hot dude the other day made u melt when he was being so nice to the kids around … looks like its not other people dreams for u to get married and have kids..they are also yr own dreams? kids are heavenly no one should ever hurt them
The life thoughts were so true! And the rearranged letters thing was amazing! Im stealing that and emailing it out!
no prob:)
Ahhhhhhhh everyone wants u to get married ?/
my sarcasm madam …
but do u want to get married?
hmmmmmmm…maaaybeeee..am not sure…erhmmmm NO!! not interested
..and what is this thing with kids ? ..that hot dude the other day made u melt when he was being so nice to the kids around … looks like its not other people dreams for u to get married and have kids..they are also yr own dreams?
having /adopting KIDS yes!!!
kids are heavenly no one should ever hurt them
i agree
A friend is a tender shoulder
On which to softly cry
A well to pour your troubles down
And raise your spirits high
A friend is a hand to pull you up
From darkness and despair…
When all your other “so called” friends
Have helped to put you there
A true friend is an ally
Who can't be moved or bought
A voice to keep your name aliveu003cbr>When others have forgotu003cbr>u003cbr>But most of all a friend has a true heartu003cbr>For from the hearts of friendsu003cbr>There comes the greatest love of all!!!u003cbr>u003cbr>So think about all thisu003cbr>For every word is trueu003cbr>And once again answer please…u003cbr>How many friends have you??u003cbr>u003cbr>After much thought I answeredu003cbr>I really only have just oneu003cbr>”It's You!”u003cbr>u003cbr>u003cstrong>u003cspan styleu003d”font-family:Verdana”>A Friend Is Always Specialu003c/span>u003c/strong>u003c/font>u003c/font>u003cb>u003cbr>u003cstrong>u003cspan styleu003d”font-family:Verdana”>u003cfont faceu003d”comic sans ms” sizeu003d”4″>Because Friends Love you just because you'ren Youu003c/font>u003c/span>u003c/strong>u003c/b>u003cfont faceu003d”comic sans ms”>u003cfont sizeu003d”4″>!u003c/font>u003c/font>u003c/span>u003c/div> u003cdiv>u003cfont faceu003d”comic sans ms” coloru003d”#000000″ sizeu003d”4″> u003c/font>u003c/div> u003cdiv alignu003d”center”>u003cfont faceu003d”comic sans ms” sizeu003d”4″>u003c/font>u003c/div>u003c/font>u003c/font>u003c/font>u003c/span> u003cp> nnn u003chr sizeu003d”1″> 5, 50, 500, 5000 – Store N number of mails in your inbox. u003ca hrefu003d”http://in.rd.yahoo.com/tagline_mail_4/*http://help.yahoo.com/l/in/yahoo/mail/yahoomail/tools/tools-08.html/” targetu003d”_blank” onclicku003d”return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)”>Click here.u003c/a>u003c/p>n u003c/p>u003c/div> nn n u003cspan widthu003d”1″ styleu003d”color:white”>__._,_.___u003c/span>n n u003cdiv>n u003cspan>n u003ca hrefu003d”http://groups.yahoo.com/group/surat_tulips/message/5408;_ylcu003dX3oDMTM1Z2E2MjN2BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE2NDI3Mzg2BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwODM0Mzc5MQRtc2dJZAM1NDA4BHNlYwNmdHIEc2xrA3Z0cGMEc3RpbWUDMTE4ODkxMzYxMwR0cGNJZAM1NDA4″ targetu003d”_blank” onclicku003d”return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)”>n Messages in this topic u003c/a> (u003cspan>1u003c/span>)n u003c/span>n u003ca hrefu003d”http://groups.yahoo.com/group/surat_tulips/post;_ylcu003dX3oDMTJxdTYzbXNuBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE2NDI3Mzg2BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwODM0Mzc5MQRtc2dJZAM1NDA4BHNlYwNmdHIEc2xrA3JwbHkEc3RpbWUDMTE4ODkxMzYxMw–?actu003dreply&messageNumu003d5408″ targetu003d”_blank” onclicku003d”return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)”>n u003cspan>”,1]
A voice to keep your name alive
When others have forgot
But most of all a friend has a true heart
For from the hearts of friends
There comes the greatest love of all!!!
So think about all this
For every word is true
And once again answer please…
How many friends have you??
So from what im hearing.. you're dreaming of getting married.. having a wonderful wedding with a wonderful dude ..who is nice to yr children (and you if i may mention it) … but you 're not interested in marriage? … i think i got it..you need some more time hmm..well all i can say is take that time..really understand everything i wish time could just wait on us sometimes ..you know?
love you mwahssssssssss
So from what im hearing.. you're dreaming of getting married.. having a wonderful wedding with a wonderful dude .
.who is nice to yr children (and you if i may mention it) … but you 're not interested in marriage? … i think i got it..you need some more time hmm..well all i can say is take that time..really understand everything i wish time could just wait on us sometimes ..you know?
love you mwahssssssssss
Huney buney, pumkin pie, lets discuss this off the forum okay love??
Am too tired and pre-occupied with things to be thinking of marriage right nowJ
Love ya
Poor dude? Amen! Lmao!
Poor dude? Amen! Lmao!
my thoughts are centred around death..the inevitable plunge into whatever is on the other side..
Please don't die, Im watching the Bangladesh Vs. Windies match…well, it just ended. Windies are out. I haven't seen you yet. Darn chopper, pass by again sheesh.
Oh my…macabre much?
Nope, death isn’t macabre, it’s more a release
Like love, it sumtimes rushes in without notice
Then theres the rare occasion where it makes a call,
Books an appointment, then approaches..
its just a lil sums i thought to share with u all and i am sooo loving this font, it feels personal sorta:)
F ai th ma ke s a ll th in gs po <span style="FONT-SIZE:28pt;COLOR:green;FONT-FAMILY:'Script MT Bold
Aw diiii… very inspiring!
What up guys?!
Senor DUDE what up? *ahem*
The Euro. Interest rates. Inflation. The DOW (Yay!).
Huh????? Me lost man.. you gotta make it easy for the slow one
Hmm what about your heart rate? Aint that up too ? *ahem* alright… if you say no , i shall not object —> I dont see alisha here at the moment.
*RUNS AWAY mad fast* lol
** TRIPS***
darn lol
Baaaahahahahahahahahaha! Veeery good one Kava Daba! The heart rate joke, I mean.
*guffaw* And you trip no less! rotflmbobo! man oh man!
*laughs uncontrollably*
Hmm what about your heart rate? Aint that up too ?
duh, wud all dat realllllly moutherwatering food he cooks off coz his heart rate is goin banana's, i mean bonkers
*ahem* alright… if you say no , i shall not object —> I dont see alisha here at the moment.
woah back up a bit there darlin..meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee??? dats incest dear!!!
why wud anyone's heartrate go funny in my presence??
haveye seen the man blownin steam when Ness is around??? ..
just browse em other threads..dnt include me in dis
nasssteee biz of yers…
*RUNS AWAY mad fast* lol
u better be running..cuz when i catchye…u gonna be soooo sowrie
** TRIPS***
ooppssss **picks up kavs** sowrie jaan didnt mean to scareye lol
darn lol
I dnt think its funny at alll **thumbs crosssed at back**** lmao
Baaaahahahahahahahahaha! Veeery good one Kava Daba! The heart rate joke, I mean.
*guffaw* And you trip no less! rotflmbobo! man oh man!
sowrie to burst yr lil bubble of delights Ness & kavi..
the truth be told
Scarry has no magic to make anyone's heart beat do triples …its a sad fact…
…I feel pain, I feel nothing but!!!!
i feeel shallow
when will my heart shut
shut out shut out
these feelings of shame
of pain…
hmmmmm….makes me think!!
Doing more than is expected, to make another's life a little more bearable,
without uttering a single complaint
..is Compassion.
hmmmmm….makes me think!!
Doing more than is expected, to make another's life a little more bearable,
without uttering a single complaint
..is Compassion.
Oh my Gosh!! My friend Soms had just sent me an email informing me of the birth of her baby girl.
She names her FIONA, and the email was accompanied by
2 cute fotos of a month old fi ( my nic for her as @ this mo) omw..I almost fainted I cant believe this..
madam sends me an invite for her weddin in nov last year
off coz she is in Delhi ( i think ) lol, we have been friends since I was in High school hahaha and she is like 38 now I think …
off coz I was busy getting ready to move here and all my $$ was invested soo me cudnt go
now almost a year she shocks me with this amazing news …
gosh i wish I cud share baby fi's pics with u guys..she is sooo damn cute
lemme describe…
in the 1st pic..she has her mouth in the ohhh..lol an a cute sly smile..
2nd pic..she luks like she doesnt want to be captured on camera, a lil frown on her face, but still theres a slight smile
he eyes are gorgeous, blackest black, like lil coals and her nose is soo adorable I wanna run my fingers along it
her lips are soft and even this i wanna touch, to see her reaction
her hair is ..myy she has a lot of hair for a month old kid
and her cheeks ohmygod…i wanna kiss her, then just place my face on her an sort brush her face with mine..have u ever done that on a kids skin,,,my word, their skin is super soft and feels like silk
aaawwww am just soooo kush i cud cry but the rivers are dry today hahaha
love ..babies
of babie….like fi
“There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened. We all have a choice. You can decide which type of person you want to be.
Dare to Dream…
You may get a lot of negative
feedback from others,
and so much happens in life
to block the road you wish to travel.
But you must dream anyway
and cherish your dreams
as they come from your soul
and are the blueprint
of who you are.
What's more, they represent
the direction you should take on earth.
Let your heart set your goals
and remain dedicated to them.
another thought….
The constant shower of the sun's mane
will erase the remaining footprints on the thin ice.
Don't be afraid when you are deceived
for the world is already full of deception.
another thought….
The constant shower of the sun's mane
will erase the remaining footprints on the thin ice.
Don't be afraid when you are deceived
for the world is already full of deception
hmmmmm ….hmmmmm…hmmmmmmm
sigh!! hw can sooo few ppl create or change this world ??
my thought….how??
I try in lil ways..
If you are sitting next to someone who irritates you, follow these
1. Quietly and calmly open up your laptop case.
2. Remove your laptop.
3. Start up.
4. *Make sure* the guy who is annoying you, can see the screen.
5. Close your eyes.
6. Tilt your head up to the sky.
7. Move your lips as if praying.
8. Then hit this link
Alie!! Lmao… that is… lol!
I was chatting to my friend of GTalk… and I told him I was on the aeroplane and talking to him… lol, I was due to leave for a flight journey anyway so I pretended I was on the plane (when actually, I was still at home… lol) and said “Hi!” to him…. and he promptly asked me to check out the link… and laughed. Haha… crazy guy.
I wonder why most wars fought during the history of mankind have been in the name of religion?
And I wonder when was it the very last time that a war in the name of religion was fought?
Also wars based on religion, how many types / categories are there?
Excellent question forum name in reverse! I guess when folks feel that strongly about something, in this case, religion, they feel the need to 'infidel' anyone that does not subscribe to their neck of the woods and slaughter them in the name of whoever it is they offer their prayers to, which I seriously suspect are being received.
I have never killed literally or figuratively anyone for religion. However, I am quite willing to kill and be killed for coffee, cricket and as of the moment, a steaming hot Caramel Macchiato.
hmmmm raging wars in yr household…
I wonder why most wars fought during the history of mankind have been in the name of religion?
And I wonder when was it the very last time that a war in the name of religion was fought?
Also wars based on religion, how many types / categories are there?
Thank u E…I love u unconditionally Mama Ez…yr contribution an presen(t)ce in my life is appreciated in abundance….U may never get to see this decalration..but I KNW & believe u FEEL my love…
Perfecto Thought for the week….
**my personal feeling at this moment… ** a feeling of immense gratitude and love**
xxx xxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx
When you search for me, you will find me; when you search wholeheartedly for me, I shall let you find me” (Jer 29: 13)
Deep within us is a place where we have found God and God has found us. Once in a great while we come to this place within us and we realise it is the goal of our seeking. It feels like home. It is a place of safety and security, an ideal home where we can be ourselves and know that we are accepted for who we are.
Thomas Merton wrote that when we find our true self we find God, and when we find God we find our true self. Whenever we come to a greater truth about ourselves, we enter this ideal home. However, our hearts and minds are easily distracted by many other things, everyday realities such as work, maintaining a physical home, raising a family, shopping for life’s necessities. As much as we yearn to stay closely connected with this inner source we quickly lose our sense of it. Thus, we spend most of our lives seeking what we momentarily find and then lose it again.
Most of the time we search without really being aware of what is gnawing at us deep inside. We search for something called happiness. We long for a gift named peace. We search for meaning in our lives, for love, for understanding of ourselves and others, for an acceptance of the ups and downs of the human condition. We may not be consciously aware of our seeking. We may be living our lives day by day. The wonder is that while this searching goes on within us, there is also One who keeps seeking us out, calling to us, greatly desiring that we may find the home within.
The Beloved One is ever near. It is ironic that we search for God, when the Divine dwells deep within us, pervading our soul. The seeking and finding that we do is actually a discovery of a truth already present.
May you be blessed this week as you search for the truth within, for the One who dwells most intimately within you.
With my love and prayers
ps: beautiful indeed!!
'Freedom' is but another word for 'God.' It has been
difficult to find words in human language to describe
That Which God Is, but 'Freedom' is one of them.
Another word to describe God is…You.
You and God are One. Therefore you, too, are Free.
Free to make choices, free to select your reactions
and responses to life, free to be your authentic Self.**
-from cwg triogy
Just a thought…
A few weeks before school ended, we were talking about something in my political science class, I wasn't listening so I don't remember what it was about, but I heard the guy behind me say “If Jesus – if God will punish them, then why do we need a death sentence?” I don't remember exactly, but he said something close to that. And then, the guy (he's white) sitting to my right said “Jesus was Mexican!” And then, the guy sitting to my left (also white) said angrily “JESUS WAS WHITE!” And then the guy sitting to my right said (kinda in an “uh oh” way) “I was just kidding, man, I know he's white” And then they both high-fived each other and grinned.
I was disgusted. It was like a “We're so superior to nonwhites cuz we're white and God is white.”
I don't understand how people who aren't white can worship Jesus (PBUH) as God or the son of God. Doesn't it make them feel inferior? Why would God have a color? And if He did, why would He give that same color to certain people and not to others? It just doesn't make sense to me.
Exactly. This reminds me of when I was studying the Slavery period in my Gender, Race and Empire class while I was at university. Jesus (PBUH) in all literature I studied for this class was depicted as white. Even in accounts from Black narratives they accepted God as white. I learnt this was due to the assumed notion of whiteness and light being a form of purity, hence its connotations with God. The black slaves were made to feel inferior and religion was used as a tool to opress them further, as a white God was giving orders to a white master. It was horrific. I don't get this either… Why would God have a colour? We are all equal for Him, no matter what we look like!
Human beings are greedy people. Greedy in the sense that they put themselves first.
Even when we do things for the benefit of others, we can't deny that we get a kick out of knowing that we have made a difference to someone else's life.
I'm not saying that this is necessarily a bad thing, but a… thing. Y'know?
Today, I found out that an old childhood friend's sister passed away on the 4th of February… my first thought was of horror for what my friend must be going through, and my immediate second thought was the insane hell I would face if my sister were to pass away… *touchwood* she doesn't…
Death fascinates me… whenever we hear of a death that is not related to us by about a degree or two of separation, we always feel sorry and sad for what happened, but there is always a part of us that is grateful that it has not happened to us… thankful that we are not in their place.
I was thinking the other day about dying (haha, not seriously thinking about killing myself but yeah… you'll see what I mean…)… not as a means of venting out my depression or ending my life for other such reasons, but because I thought about how pointless life is. I mean, we go out, we have a good time… then the good times end and it's back to work, and then we go out again and so the cycle goes… and I just thought, “Why are we doing this? Why are we even living?”
I keep thinking there must be more to life than this, but then I realise that I know pathetically little about what is already there in this world. I don't know how the hell mountains form, or why there is so much chaos in the Middle East, or how the science that I see jumping around me every day works, or how the internet came about or what it is that's so fantastic about Shakespeare and Ghalib or whether Karan Johar is really gay or not or… hell, anything. And then I think, only when I can say I understand everything about life, can I begin to even think of death as an option… you can't try something til you've knocked it, as they say. I then think I have no right to complain about life because although I've seen and lived through what seems to me more than my own fair share of what people say “This is life”, it is just one person's viewpoint through part of one person's lifetime. And I have so much more about Life – as an entity of its own and as a breathing character within us – to learn, to be able to judge it either way and say it's pointless or point-full.
But then, I think, am I not a human being? Am I not allowed an opinion, regardless of my lack of education on the topic? Because – as my history teacher once told me – every voice has something to contribute… every thought and every opinion, will teach you that little bit more, will show you a fresh perspective you may never have thought of. And it's true – the very fact that I have an opinion (however 'wrong' or 'right' it is, and however 'educated' or 'uneducated' it may be…) shows that there is a reason why I have voiced out about this, it shows that there is something there causing me to think about this, and I find that so fascinating.
I then realised the trick is to not let your opinions get in the way of your learning. Yes, you can have an opinion, but be ready to challenge it, be ready to look at the other person's viewpoint, and not let your own ideas based on your own experiences cloud the other trains of thought you're riding on. I have done this myself on several occasions, and I am so grateful I have. Having an opinion is good in the sense that it keeps your mind thinking and ticking, but you also have to realise that other viewpoints are an opportunity for you to learn and grow. You have to realise that your opinion may change, as time and circumstances change.
am not even sure where to begin Boo.. thanks for the thought provoking thoughts u have here..as usual yr ability to snatch wats deep within is flawless..have always told u…
Pls write more…I love reading yr thoughts…especially at times when mine seem to tumble over each other at war to reach the outskirts of my paper/computer…wateva ..lol
I MISS U. Hope ur keeping well..take care and remain as intruiging as always..
I forgot what life is all about …
I forgot what it meant to cry …
I forgot that pretending to be happy
Doesn't make you happy …
And that pretending to be smart
Doesn't make you smart …
I forgot that you can't just forget the past
In fear of the future …
I forgot that you can't control
Falling in love .
And if you really do fall in love,
Then you can't make yourself fall
OUT of love ..
I learned that I can love ….
I learned that it's okay to mess up ..
And it's okay to ask for help .
And it's okay to feel like hell .
I learned it's okay to complain and whine
To all your friends for a whole day …
I've learnt that sometimes the things
You want most,
You just can't have.
I've learnt that the greatest thing
About life isn't the parties or the hook-ups …..
I've learnt that sometimes,
The things we want to forget,
Are the things that
We most need to talk about …
But basically,
I've just learnt that my family
And old friends ( AN NEW )
Are the most important people to me
In the entire world …
AND ..
Without them,
I wouldn't be who I am today ….
Dream as if u will live forever…
Live as if u will die today…
No matter if you do not believe in God, God believes in you !!!
Yuo can say: Gott , Allah, ilah, God. Is the same!!
Thats right sister!
Call God Jesus, God, Allah, Rama, Jehova or whichever name you may!
God is all one!!!
And I am sure that God is very upset that people are fighting over his different 'forms' and not realizing that
we are all one!
Di, I know all that came straight from that kind heart of yours.
Sending you an infinite amount of hugs… to get you through.
And, yes! Its PERFECTLY fine to 'complain and whine' to your friends about anything…anything at all
Its okay to feel like hell … and its an amazing feeling when you know that you can fight that hellish feeling away and be happier.
Love you
hmmm Youar friends are with you in the bad moments, this is ok!! But I will would like that they are with me when I am happy!
hmmm Youar friends are with you in the bad moments, this is ok!! But I will would like that they are with me when I am happy!
Your friends are not with you when you are happy? Por que?
because they make me sad, I am happy but They aren´t with me!!
Woowwww I love your spanish!!!
lol okay then why do you want them to be with you if you are happy they aren't with you? lolly
Lol gracias senorita!
That is very logical! Gracias, tienes razón!
tienes razón : You´r right!
loll de nada! it's a good thing you translated the second bit, i didn't know what razon meant! now i know, cuz its mike's super short show!
what is mike's super short show ???
lol sorry! It's a super short show that they show during commercials on the Disney channel…
lol sorry! It's a super short show that they show during commercials on the Disney channel…
Ohh I want to see DISNEY CHANNEL!! I hate my tv!!!
lol I don't even have the Disne Channel anymore. You could watch some shows on Youtube though!
ahhaha yes, God idea!!
ahhaha yes, God idea!!
its certainly not God's idea…its YOUR lousy idea.
Hhahahhahaahhahahah!!!! Oreo saab I had a thought yesterday…. you're Saif, and I'm Preity on the forum.. And GUESS who gets togetherrrrrrrrrrr in Kal Ho Na Ho…………….. *coochie coo*….
And I LOVE the way this forum hasn't found Mr. Sweet and Charming SRK yet… agar woh yahan hote, toh he would definitely have been our SRK…
Boo – now who is the slow one?
ahhaha yes, God idea!!
its certainly not God's idea…its YOUR lousy idea.
Actually, it was MY lousy idea.
My stomach hurts SO frikkin much…. NEVER eat dodgy, burnt food. Ever.
its certainly not God's idea…its YOUR lousy idea.
hahaha I wrote god idea hahahaha. Thanks Serio, you are sooooooo cute!!
But, I always will say: Rani is the bes, I love your idea!! It is A GOD IDEA!!
its certainly not God's idea…its YOUR lousy idea.
hahaha I wrote god idea hahahaha. Thanks Serio, you are sooooooo cute!!
OMG I thought the same exact thing when I read what he wrote! He is cute, isn't he? He's losing his touch! lmao
YES!! hE IS NOT A BAD GUY, he is so cute!! and He don´t hate me, he read everything that I write.
hE help me to learn english!!
I can´t wait for read his answer hahaha
LMAO! Si, yo soy acuerdo, Oreo es MUY lindo! LMAO! El es un muchacho muy helpful! LOL Don't mind my Spanglish (Spanish and English put together)!
Oye hoye, looks like Oreo ji has a new admirer.
LMAO! Si, yo soy acuerdo, Oreo es MUY lindo! LMAO! El es un muchacho muy helpful! LOL Don't mind my Spanglish (Spanish and English put together)!
Oye hoye, looks like Oreo ji has a new admirer.
Hahah yes I AM his fan!! ….. I like speaking spanglish haha, it is my favourite language.
…El es un muchacho bueno! . He will want to kill me!! haha
Helpful : útil, amable
When you want say: I am agree, you have to say: Si, yo estoy de acuerdo . But everybody will understand what you want to say!!
the wolf locked his eyes on his young prey…but the air doesn't smell right. he waits and waits…for that perfect moment…but theres too many distractions. the rabbit now wants to learn spanish from the fox and the fox is waiting for the wolf to appear. what a screwed up situation!
but nothing shall distract the wolf this time. nothing can safe the fox..the end is near…the time is now…revenge is sweet..
the wabbit better run too!
*completely lost look on face*
I knew the forum was a madhouse, but didn't realise we were mad animals too….
Lyn – Spanglish es muy fun!!! chismoso? Si si muchacho bueno! noooo kill only love you are his amor now
oooooh helpful is util! amable would be kind, si? Oreo es un muchacho muy util! mashaAllah loll
LOL I said yo soy acuerdo! LMAO okay, yo estoy de acuerdo! lol this is fun! gracias!
Oreo – The rabbit ain't going nowhere! After reading Twilight, I like wolves
Ohhhhhhh that's what it was?? A Twilight reference? I can somehow totally NOT imagine Oreo reading the Twilight series…..
But then again – as far as my limited knowledge of that stupid series goes – it does involve like…. eating humans and like… being evil…. and stuff.
BOOO YOU ARE SO SLOW! It wasn't a Twilight reference! I just usually find something twilighty about random or everyday stuff! LMAO And I don't think Oreo has touched the twilight books… although he should, some bits remind me of him.
it DOESNT involve eating humans. It involves eating animals
It DOESNT involve being evil. It involves finding the best in what you percieve to be evil. finding the best in yourself when u see urself as a monster and commiting to that good in you and not letting the “monster” take over
Imma smack you if you go on about how horrible it is when u haven't even read it! read it first and then call it horrible lol
but nothing shall distract the wolf this time. nothing can safe ( save)the fox..the end is near…the time is now…revenge is sweet..
the (wabbit ) rabbitbetter run too!
lol…wabbit sounds sooo cute…like a kid trying to pronounce names..
I love annoying my twin.
the wolf locked his eyes on his young prey…but the air doesn't smell right. he waits and waits…for that perfect moment…but theres too many distractions. the rabbit now wants to learn spanish from the fox and the fox is waiting for the wolf to appear. what a screwed up situation!
but nothing shall distract the wolf this time. nothing can safe the fox..the end is near…the time is now…revenge is sweet..
the wabbit better run too!
hahahaha I am enjoying!! haha
I love Twilight!! I read all the books!!
Lyn – Spanglish es muy fun!!! chismoso? Si si muchacho bueno! noooo kill only love you are his amor now
oooooh helpful is util! amable would be kind, si? Oreo es un muchacho muy util! mashaAllah loll
LOL I said yo soy acuerdo! LMAO okay, yo estoy de acuerdo! lol this is fun! gracias!
Oreo – The rabbit ain't going nowhere! After reading Twilight, I like wolves
The spanglish is very free!! hIS AMOR? haha yo no soy su amor!
If he is the wolf, And you are the rabbit…I want to be the vampire
, please!! I don´t like the wolves!!
…..Ohh I am remembering to EDWARD CULLEN
Fun: divertido, chistoso
Chismoso: gossipy
I love annoying my twin.
Your twin is going to kick your butt one day. Just you wait!
you're my kinda girl! I LOVE the twilight books! I'm sooo pissed now because I read all four and I read the 5th one from Edwards point of view and it SOOO GOOOOD! only it stops on like chapter 9 or something cuz SOME IDIOT had to go and put it online before Stephanie was done writing the book! ITS SOOO IRRITATING!
you know what they should do? Stephanie should finish writing all four books from Edwards point of view and they should make all four movies and then they should make a SERIES, like a show on tv of all the four books including every tiny detail in it! And then once they are done, they should contine it off with a show from where Stephanie left off at in the fourth book. AND she should continue writing it, but if she can't do that, they shoul dDEFINITELY make a show continuing it after where Bella and Edward left off at in the last book. I WOULD BE MUY HAPPY!
That would be so much fun…
Yes, eStoy de acuerdo contigo!! I love your idea!!! Edward is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and I don´t like Jacob, grrr I don´t like the wolves!!
wOWWW I wanna be a vampire!!! Edward please come with me!!!
oooooh helpful is util! amable would be kind, si? Oreo es un muchacho muy util! mashaAllah loll
LOL I said yo soy acuerdo! LMAO okay, yo estoy de acuerdo! lol this is fun! gracias!
The spanglish is very free!! hIS AMOR? haha yo no soy su amor!
If he is the wolf, And you are the rabbit…I want to be the vampire
, please!! I don´t like the wolves!!
…..Ohh I am remembering to EDWARD CULLEN
Fun: divertido, chistoso
Chismoso: gossipy
Si, amor HEY How come I don't get to be anything Twilighty? There were no rabbits in twilight! LMAO su means his? lol damn i forgot all my spanish!
LOL i said chismoso! I seriously thought that meant fun! LMAO there was this one word that would ALWAYS make me laugh for some reason and everytime anyone said it in class everyone would look at me and I'd start cracking up… but i forgot the word! LMAO why am i thinking of egotistical? i think it was that word in spanish… hmmm
spanglish es muy chistoso! LOL I was close, i said chismoso instead of chistoso
Yes, eStoy de acuerdo contigo!! I love your idea!!! Edward is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and I don´t like Jacob, grrr I don´t like the wolves!!
wOWWW I wanna be a vampire!!! Edward please come with me!!!
Jacob seriously annoyed the heck out of through out most of the book, but he was cute in his own way lolly the wolves got cuter towards the end, I LOVED SETH! THE LIL WOLF! HE WAS SOOOO ADORABLE! It was hilarious because I was going on about how cute he is and how he's sooo funny and adorable to my sister, he did this thing that i always do. LMAO hehe craaazy funny!
Vampires TOTALLY rock lolll i liked Zafrinaaaa! she was coool
how did all this turned into a useless twilight-edward-scissorshand convo??
no such thing as vampires campires..get a life!
Oreo you should read it. some of it reminds me of you.
If God does not exist, one loses nothing by believing in him anyway, while if He does exist, one stands to lose everything by not believing.
Ha. Trust me to come across this post today when I was browsing the archives…
I was reading about Pascal's Wager thing today (thanks to an xkcd comic, see below… I LOVE xkcd… *geek mode* ), and Oreo's post just reminded me of it again. Or maybe that's what he was talking about anyway…? :/
The alt text says: It's basically Pascal's Wager for the paranoid prankster… lmbo.
If God does not exist, one loses nothing by believing in him anyway, while if He does exist, one stands to lose everything by not believing.
Ha. Trust me to come across this post today when I was browsing the archives…
I was reading about Pascal's Wager thing today (thanks to an xkcd comic, see below… I LOVE xkcd… *geek mode* ), and Oreo's post just reminded me of it again. Or maybe that's what he was talking about anyway…? :/
The alt text says: It's basically Pascal's Wager for the paranoid prankster… lmbo.
Oreo : What you said… you said beautifully. It has alot of truth to it.
Boo: Funny comic hehehe
Thinking of u, love and everything else: How I feel, wat I want right now…
Being one of those grains of sand
I get blown all around the world
And what I make of it
Oh I don't know
What's the meaning of it
Oh I don't know
I've been around so many times
That the worlds turning in my mind
What do I think of it
Oh it's so so
What more can you be than the things they say you've been??
Say you love me all around the world
Stay and hug me all around the world
Be yours a boy or be mine a girl
Just say you love me
Just say you love me
I never ever realised
It's so easy to make you cry
But did I break a bit
Oh I hope no
Have you forgot about it
Oh I hope so
But you never ever wonder why
In every single pair of eyes
There is a hunger in it
Or it's soul dies
What more can you be than the things they say you've been
Say you love me all around the world
Stay and hug me all around the world
Be yours a boy or be mine a girl
Say you love me all around the world
Stay and hug me all around the world
Be yours a boy or be mine a girl
Just say you love me
Come on now darling, say you love me
Oh yeah, please please say you love me
Come on say you love me
I've learned that things change.. people change… and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up… It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories… Letting go doesn't mean giving up… it means accepting that some things weren't meant to be.
source: FB friends status
Shantaram-gregory david Roberts
I loved these extracts from his book… I simply adore this book …one of the best reads…ever
Sometimes we cry with everything except tears, in the end that’s all there is.
Love and its duty, sorrow and its truth. In the end, its all we have, to hold on tight until the dawn.
Love cannot be tested, honesty can be tested and loyalty, but there is no test for love. Love goes on forever once it begins,
Even if we come to hate the one we love. Love goes on forever because love is born in the part of us that does not die.
There is no right or wrong way of living this wondrous journey, but if we can live the best possible way we can, enjoying everything
Around us, being in THIS moment, constantly growing and learning, appreciating and loving, we would be richer for it.
I've learned that things change.. people change… and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up… It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories… Letting go doesn't mean giving up… it means accepting that some things weren't meant to be.
source: FB friends status
Interesting. Deep.
it is thought provoking..at least for me it is.. I love the facebook status updates this guy adds..
one day I remember scurrying around to write down wat he said to put up on my wall …lol
some silly, some romantic, some bizarre, some craze…
anyways.. my thoughts.. are eerily scatter(ish) and on the nostalgic side
God's Letter to a Woman
(This is a must read!!!!)
When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being.
When I created man, I formed him and breathed life into his nostrils.
But you, woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man, because your nostrils are too delicate.
I allowed a deep sleep to come over him
so I could patiently and perfectly fashion you.
Man was put to sleep so that he could not interfere with the creativity.
From one bone, I fashioned you.
I chose the bone that protects man's life.
I chose the rib, which protects his heart and lungs and supports him,
as you are meant to do.
Around this one bone, I shaped you....... I modeled you.
I created you perfectly and beautifully.
Your characteristics a
1 .If time doesn't wait for you, don't worry! Just remove the damn battery from the clock and Enjoy life!
2 . Expecting the world to treat u fairly coz u r a good person is like expecting the lion not to attack u coz u r a vegetarian . Think about it .
3 . Beauty isn't measured by outer appearance and what clothes we wear,but what we are inside. So, try going out naked tomorrow and see the Admiration!
4 . Don't walk as if you rule the world, walk as if you don't care who rules the world!
That's called Attitude . Keep on rocking!
5 . Every lady hopes that her daughter will marry a better man than she did and is convinced that her son will never find a wife as good as his father did!!!
6 . He was a good man . He never smoked, drank had no affair . When he died,the insurance company refused the claim . They said, he who never lived, cannot die!
7 . A man threw his wife in a pond of Crocodiles . He's now being harassed by the Animal Rights Activists for being cruel to the Crocodiles!
8 . So many options for suicide:
Poison, sleeping pills, hanging, jumping from a building, lying on train tracks, but we chose Marriage, slow but sure!
<img height
A few weeks ago a woman was killed in an auto
Accident. She was very well liked, so the office shut
Down for her funeral and it was on the news and so on.
On the day the workers came back to work, they found
This poem in their e-mail that the deceased woman had
Sent on Friday before she left for home.
If tomorrow starts without me,
And I'm not there to see,
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
All filled with tears for me;
I wish so much you wouldn't cry
The way you did today,
While thinking of the many things,
We didn't get to say.
I know how much you love me,
As much as I love you,
And each time that you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too;
But when tomorrow starts without me,
Please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name,
And took me by the hand,
And said my place was ready,
In heaven far above,
And that I'd have to leave behind
All those I dearly love.
But as I turned to walk away,
A tear fell from my eye,
For all my life, I'd always thought,
I didn't want to die.
I had so much to live for,
So much left yet to do,
It seemed almost impossible,
That I was leaving you.
I thought of all the yesterdays,
The good ones and the bad,
I thought of all that we shared,
And all the fun we had.
If I could relive yesterday,
Just even for a while,
I'd say good-bye and kiss you
And maybe see you smile.
But then I fully realized,
That this could never be,
For emptiness and memories,
Would take the place of me.
And when I thought of worldly things,
I might miss some tomorrow,
I thought of you, and when I did,
My heart was filled with sorrow.
But when I walked through heaven's gates,
I felt so much at home.
When God looked down and smiled at me,
>From His great golden throne,
He said, “This is eternity,
And all I've promised you.”
Today your life on earth is past,
But here life starts anew.
I promise no tomorrow,
But today will always last,
And since each day is the same way,
There's no longing for the past.
So when tomorrow starts without me,
Don't think we're far apart,
For every time you think of me,
I'm right here, in your heart “
A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Target. She must have
been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of
innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the
top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time
to flow down the spout. We all stood there under the awning and just
inside the door of the Target.
We waited, some patiently, others irritated because nature messed up
their hurried day. I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I got lost in
the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the
world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child came
pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day.
The little voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were
all caught in 'Mom let's run through the rain,' she said.
'What?' Mom asked.
'Lets run through the rain!' She repeated
'No, honey. We'll wait until it slows down a bit,' Mom replied.
This young child waited about another minute and repeated: 'Mom, let's
run through the rain,'
'We'll get soaked if we do,' Mom said.
'No, we won't, Mom.. That's not what you said this morning,' the young
girl said as she tugged at her Mom's arm.
This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get
'Don't you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer,
you said, 'If God can get us through this, he can get us through
The entire crowd stopped dead silent. I swear you couldn't hear
anything but the rain. We all stood silently. No one came or left in
the next few minutes.
Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say. Now some
would laugh it off and scold her for being silly. Some might even
ignore what was said. But this was a moment of affirmation in a young
child's life. A time when innocent trust can be nurtured so that it
will bloom into faith.
'Honey, you are absolutely right. Let's run through the rain. If GOD
let's us get wet, well maybe we just needed washing,' Mom said.
Then off they ran. We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they
darted past the cars and yes, through the puddles. They held their
shopping bags over their heads just in case. They got soaked. But they
were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the
way to their cars.
And yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed washing.
Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions, they
can take away your money, and they can take away your health. But no
one can ever take away your precious memories…..So, don't forget to
make time and take the opportunities to make memories everyday.
To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to
appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget
Take the time to live!!!
don't forget to run in the rain!
When u really want something
, Sometimes u have to swim a little ….Deeper….
You can't give up just because things don't come easy….
You have to overcome the obstacles and face your fears….
But in the end, it's all worth while!!!!
Life is full of ups and downs,
But if u believe in urself….
U will always come through with flying colors…..
Value Friendship, Love and Faith…
Never underestimate urself.
One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well.
The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.
Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.
He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him.
They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.
At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly.
Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.
A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well.
He was astonished at what he saw.
With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing.
He would shake it off and take a step up.
As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up.
Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!
Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt.
The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up.
Each of our troubles is a steppingstone.
We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up!
Shake it off and take a step up.
Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred – Forgive.
2. Free your mind from worries – Most never happens.
3. Live simply and appreciate what you have.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less from people but more from God.
its 93 days…. 90…. 3 whole days and nightssss….. I am lying here in total darkness, listening to an insect *think its a cricket* watching ths space on the ceiling… Am thinking…which is rare for me these days coz i busy myself with everything i could possibly find so that my mind doesnt have to deal with u going away… Am thinking… I dnt really care much for marriage anymore, it used to be a hidden desire to settle down with a partner who understands me and loves me more…i dnt want kids anymore, even though its been my outspoken wish to have at least a soccer team of em’ running around and keeping me busy, i dnt care for my job much, even though its the only thng keeping me from going insane right now, i dont care for love, even though its in my dna ..a part of who i am…l o v e…. Its wat i have lived for…i dnt care for much right now, nothing in fact… I dnt care for life, my life at this time, whats the use of me bothering when u are not here with me? I wish i could have repeat heart breaks and all the awful experiences possible than to have to go through this… I cant write much, everytime i think of putting my feelings down into words, i end upstaring at a blank page/screen for hours…i cant pray…much apart from asking for the safety of my loved ones…whats the use, god ignored my most sincere, heartfelt prayer wer u are concerned… U just left… I dont undrrstand anythng anymore… I dnt know what to say or how to be or even feel..the minute i let my gaurd down, i can feel myself on the verge of an explosion..hw do i do this ??? I need you?? Just u. Everything is an illusion….. Am sooooo tired… I find myself reaching out for the phone to call u coz dats wat i do …then it hits me, u wont answer my calls anymore.. U left? Why? I cant do this anymore… The fight is over.. I feel defeated.. I love u… I love u more than i love me,or anythng/one else…i begged u not to gooo…..i dnt understand anythng anymore…. I need u now..am so confused and hurt…i love u…..i dont knw how i have gone through 93 days without u….its eating me up…ur my only thought when i allow myself to think…….. I love u
@**scarface** wrote:
its 93 days…. 90…. 3 whole days and nightssss….. I am lying here in total darkness, listening to an insect *think its a cricket* watching ths space on the ceiling… Am thinking…which is rare for me these days coz i busy myself with everything i could possibly find so that my mind doesnt have to deal with u going away… Am thinking… I dnt really care much for marriage anymore, it used to be a hidden desire to settle down with a partner who understands me and loves me more…i dnt want kids anymore, even though its been my outspoken wish to have at least a soccer team of em’ running around and keeping me busy, i dnt care for my job much, even though its the only thng keeping me from going insane right now, i dont care for love, even though its in my dna ..a part of who i am…l o v e…. Its wat i have lived for…i dnt care for much right now, nothing in fact… I dnt care for life, my life at this time, whats the use of me bothering when u are not here with me? I wish i could have repeat heart breaks and all the awful experiences possible than to have to go through this… I cant write much, everytime i think of putting my feelings down into words, i end upstaring at a blank page/screen for hours…i cant pray…much apart from asking for the safety of my loved ones…whats the use, god ignored my most sincere, heartfelt prayer wer u are concerned… U just left… I dont undrrstand anythng anymore… I dnt know what to say or how to be or even feel..the minute i let my gaurd down, i can feel myself on the verge of an explosion..hw do i do this ??? I need you?? Just u. Everything is an illusion….. Am sooooo tired… I find myself reaching out for the phone to call u coz dats wat i do …then it hits me, u wont answer my calls anymore.. U left? Why? I cant do this anymore… The fight is over.. I feel defeated.. I love u… I love u more than i love me,or anythng/one else…i begged u not to gooo…..i dnt understand anythng anymore…. I need u now..am so confused and hurt…i love u…..i dont knw how i have gone through 93 days without u….its eating me up…ur my only thought when i allow myself to think…….. I love u
This one always comforts me Alie. I find the best way to keep someone with us at all times is to keep them in our very existence. The little things. The little actions or thoughts or words that are shared only between you and that person – no matter where they are. Keep their dignity shining in the way you live.
For you, a couple of quotes. The first one I have found comforting many, many a time. And I will always look back on it for comfort. The second one is a recent discovery, and it struck an immediate chord with me. Especially in thinking about this forum.
Once again I felt myself frozen by the sense of something irreparable. And I knew that I could not bear the thought of never hearing that laughter any more. For me, it was like a spring of fresh water in the desert.
“Little man,” I said, “I want to hear you laugh again.”
But he said to me:
“Tonight, it will be a year . . . My star, then, can be found right above the place where I came to the Earth, a year ago . . .”
“Little man,” I said, “tell me that it is only a bad dream–this affair of the snake, and the meeting-place, and the star . . .”
But he did not answer my plea. He said to me, instead:
“The thing that is important is the thing that is not seen . . .”
“Yes, I know . . .”
“It is just as it is with the flower. If you love a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night. All the stars are a-bloom with flowers . . .”
“Yes, I know . . .”
“It is just as it is with the water. Because of the pulley, and the rope, what you gave me to drink was like music. You remember–how good it was.”
“Yes, I know . . .”
“And at night you will look up at the stars. Where I live everything is so small that I cannot show you where my star is to be found. It is better, like that. My star will just be one of the stars, for you. And so you will love to watch all the stars in the heavens . . . they will all be your friends. And, besides, I am going to make you a present . . .”
He laughed again.
“Ah, little prince, dear little prince! I love to hear that laughter!”
“That is my present. Just that. It will be as it was when we drank the water . . .”
“What are you trying to say?”
“All men have the stars,” he answered, “but they are not the same things for different people. For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides. For others they are no more than little lights in the sky. For others, who are scholars, they are problems. For my businessman they were wealth. But all these stars are silent. You–you alone–will have the stars as no one else has them–“
“What are you trying to say?”
“In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night . . . You–only you–will have stars that can laugh!”
And he laughed again.
“And when your sorrow is comforted (time soothes all sorrows) you will be content that you have known me. You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me. And you will sometimes open your window, so, for that pleasure . . . And your friends will be properly astonished to see you laughing as you look up at the sky! Then you will say to them, ‘Yes, the stars always make me laugh!’ And they will think you are crazy. It will be a very shabby trick that I shall have played on you . . .”
And he laughed again.
“It will be as if, in place of the stars, I had given you a great number of little bells that knew how to laugh . . .”
And he laughed again.
— The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery. God, it is so painful to just read that… but it is true and so beautiful.
I pulled a bottle of whisky from my pack and cracked the seal. It was another ritual, another promise to a friend in New Zealand, a girl who’d asked me to have a drink and think of her if I managed to smuggle myself safely into India with my false passport. The little rituals – the smoke and the drink of whisky – were important to me. I was sure that I’d lost those friends, just as I’d lost my family, and every friend I’d ever known, when I’d escaped from prison. I was sure, somehow, that I would never see them again. I was alone in the world, with no hope of return, and my whole life was held in memories, talismans, and pledges of love.
— can you guess this one Shantaram, Gregory David Roberts. The moment I read this, I felt a strange connection to it. I guess that’s when I first knew I was going to love this book. But anyway, yes, I think you will appreciate the quote.
boo**smiles**…scratch that, Grins
this is like the 2nd time am responding to this post, for some reason, the forum isnt posting my posts…arrghhh
I read your reply around 4.am on sunday morn..thats because I just couldnt sleep
I mentioned to you in my first reply
its strange that u mention a quote in relation to stars, as thats what I had been doing, watching this star, it looked bigger, brighter, and seem to have a twinkle, I kept thinking, well hoping its ….
for me I just want to SEEE.. i need that, I need some way of knowing she is ok..
And at night you will look up at the stars. Where I live everything is so small that I cannot show you where my star is to be found. It is better, like that. My star will just be one of the stars, for you. And so you will love to watch all the stars in the heavens . . . they will all be your friends. And, besides, I am going to make you a present . . .”
breaks my heart…
Once again I felt myself frozen by the sense of something irreparable. And I knew that I could not bear the thought of never hearing that laughter any more.
Its a beautiful .. ok before i start dissecting the words to show u how much it means to me to read this..will stop
and did i say thank u?? coz am not sure why but this helps a lil…
I read the first sentence and instantly knew it was his words:)
the little things… are important.. I need to get a copy for myself and re-read this book, it brings more memories to me.. and yes I sure do appreciate it.. I remember writing a few of his words, quoting him and then saving it for future use:) ..then I thought, dammit if I dont stop now, will end up typing the entire /or almost, book off:)
@boo wrote:
@**scarface** wrote:
This one always comforts me Alie. I find the best way to keep someone with us at all times is to keep them in our very existence. The little things. The little actions or thoughts or words that are shared only between you and that person – no matter where they are. Keep their dignity shining in the way you live.
am trying hun, not easy when even remembering makes it hard to breathe..I knw what ur saying, but its simply difficult..
have always kept her dignity in the way I have lived, dont think I will stop, even though I sometimes want to just throw caution to the wind and behave otherwise…
man this sux big time
wannaaaa scream
***warm hug back ***
Scream, honey.
i cant
everytime I try to let a lil out, its feels like am about to burst and I cant breathe
Scarry, *hugs* <3
You’ll make it through. <3
The hobbit and her boys! Sigh!
I want to read this thread because it seems interesting and different from the other threads on this forum. But I am too tired from a long night of work, I cannot seem to focus on the words. Thanks for resurrecting this thread, will be checking it out soon